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TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】





. 二.根据所给汉语提示补全句子。(10分)

1. Tom’s ___________ (夹克衫) is old.

2. What’s your _________ (名字)

3. His ___________ (英语) is very good.

4. There’s a ____________ (被子) in the bed.

5. Please ____________ (拼写) “Please”. cup is ____________ (棕色的).

____________ (颜色) is the pen.

can ____________ (说,讲) it..

9. It’s ____________ (我的) ruler..

’s ____________ (名字) is Jack.

三. 写出下列字母的左邻右舍(注意字母的大小写,10分)

1. H

2. K

3. Q

4. V

5. x

6. g

7. j 8. m 9. q

四.将下列右栏答语前的字母序号填在左栏相应的问题前的括号内(5分) ( )1. Good afternoon . A.

I’m fine , thanks .

( )2. Spell it , please . B.

It’s yellow .

( )3. What’s this in English C. Good afternoon .

( )4. How are you D. R-U-

L-E-R .

( )5. What color is it E. It’s

a ruler .

五. 选择题把正确的答案序号填在题前的


()1.— Good morning.

---- ________.

A. Hello, Good

B. Good

morning C Good afternoon D.


( ) 2. ---- How are you

----- ________________.

A. Thank you

B. Sit down, please.


Fine D. Good morning

( )4. This is ruler . ruler is yellow .

A. the; a

B. a; A

C. A; the

D. a ; the

( ) 4. ----- What’s this in English

------ It’s __________ .

A.an orange

B. a orange


orange D. the orange

( ) 5. ---- Spell it , please!

----________ .


B. P—e –n, pen

C. It’s

pen D. OK

( ) 6. ----____________

---- It’s a ruler.

A. What’s this in English

B. How

are you

C. Good afternoon


( ) 7. --- is your pen --- It’s

green .

A. What’s; a

B. What color; a

C. What color ; /

D. What’s color;/

( ) 8. -What’s this

-________ a key.

A. He’s

B. This’s

C. It’s

D. That’s

( ) 9. --- What color is the ruler? ----- _____________.

A. It’s a ruler

B. It’s white

C. It’ a white

D. it’s white

( ) 10. ---- Please sit down. ----- _____________.

A. Hello

B. Thank you

C. Sit

down D. I’m fine

六. 互译下面的缩写(10分) 1. CD 2. kg

3. UN

4. (美国)全国篮球协会

5. 中共中央电视台

6. UFO

7. BBC

8.(铅笔芯)硬黑 . 七.从括号中选出适当的单词填空。(5分)

is (an ,a)orange. (is ,are)black and white. are (I, you)

is my (fine, good)friend. , (it ’s, it)a blue quilt.

八.右栏中的颜色前的字母序号填在左栏的相应事物前的括号内(5分) ( )1. tree (树) A. white

( )2. sky (天空) B. yellow ( )3. strawberry (草莓) C. blue

( )4. snow (雪) D. green ( )5. key E. red 九.根据所给单词及标点提示连词成句。(10分)

1.is, this, English, in what ?

2. map, is, it a .

3. color, is the, what, orange ?

4. red, this ,a ,pen ,is ?

5. thanks, OK, am ,I ?

十. 补全对话(一空一词,10分) A: morning, Eric. B: Hi, Cindy. A: are you?

B: I’m fine, . How are you?

A: OK. Thank you.

B: Oh , look (看) ! this in English

A: It’s a pen.

B: it, please.

A: P- E- N.

B: is it

A: black white.


早晨Bob见Cindy,互相问好,Bob 指着一个橘子问Cindy,橘子用英语怎么说,


___________________________________ _______________________________

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___________________________________ _______________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________ ___________________________________ _______________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________

人教版七年级数学下册 单元测试卷

第八章单元测试卷 班级 _______ 姓名 ________ 坐号 _______ 成绩 _______ 一填空题(每小题4分,共24分) 1.方程3x -1 y =0,8x+y=0,9x+xy=1,8x+y -2x=0,x2-x+1=0中,二元一次方程的个数是( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 2. 二元一次方程27x y +=的正整数解有( )个。 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 3.方程组13x y x y -=??+=?的解是( ) A、21x y =??=? B、12x y =-??=-? C、32x y =??=? D、12x y =??=? 4、已知方程组42ax by ax by -=??+=?,的解为21x y =??=?,,则23a b -的值为( ) A .4 B .6 C .6- D .4- 5、有一个两位数,它的十位数字与个位数字之和为6,这样的两位数的个数有( )个 A. 3 B. 5 C. 6 D. 无数个 6.(2017山东临沂)甲、乙二人做某种机械零件,已知甲每小时比乙多做6个,甲做90个所用时间与乙做60个所用时间相等,求甲、乙每小时各做零件多少个.如果设乙每小时做x 个,那么所列方程是( ) A .= B .= C .= D .= 二填空题(每小题4分,共16分) 1、由方程1 23 x y -=,得到用含x 的代数式表示y ,则y= 。

2.已知???=--=.5,3t y t x 则x 与y 的关系式为_________. 3. 如图1,宽为50 cm 的矩形图案由10个全等的小长方形拼成,其中一个小长方形的面积为 4、如果2x 2a-b -3y 3a+2b-11=10是一个二元一次方程,则ab=________. 5、用加减消元法解方程组?? ?=+-=+12413y x y x ,由①×2—②得 。 6.若???-==21y x 是关于x 、y 的方程1=-by ax 的一个解,且3-=+b a ,则b a 25-= 。 7.某校现有学生804人,与去年相比:男生增加10%,女生减少10%,学生总数增加0.5%,则现有男、女学生的人数分别为 . 8.某工厂第一季度生产甲、乙两种机器共450台,改进生产技术后,计划第二季度生产这两种机器共520台,其中甲种机器增产10%,乙种机器增产20%,该厂第一季度生产甲、乙两种机器的台数分别为______. 9.在关于x 1,x 2,x 3的方程组 ?????=+=+=+313232121a x x a x x a x x 中,已知321a a a >>,那么将x 1,x 2,x 3从大到小排起来应该 是 . 10. 若2(5212)3260x y x y +-++-=,则24____x y +=. 三、解答题 11.用适当方法解方程组:(每题4分) ⑴231,498.s t s t +=-??-=? ⑵4(1)3(1)2223 x y y x y --=--???+=?? ⑶11,233210.x y x y +?-=???+=? (4)530,43,2 1.x y z y z x z --=??+=??-=? 12.(本题5)用16元买了60分、80分两种邮票共22枚,60分与80分的邮票各买了多少枚? 图


七年级下册语文期末考试卷附参考答案 积累与运用(25分) 班级:姓名:分数: 一、按要求完成1—8题。(25分) 1、下面词语中加点字的注音全部正确的一项是()。(2分) A、菜畦.(wā)澎湃.(pài)嫉.(jì)妒回环曲.(qǔ)折 B、彷.(páng)徨磐.(pán)石蓦.(mù)然叱咤.(chà)风云 )骨 C、羸.(léi)弱斫.(zhuó)痕阴霾.(mái)寒风砭.(biān )恍.(huáng)惚抽搐.(chù)满目疮.(cāng)痍 D、眼睑.(jiǎn 2、没有错别字的一组词语是()。(2分) A、人声鼎沸荒草凄凄力挽狂澜五彩斑斓 B、妇孺皆知锲而不舍浑身解数挣脱羁绊 C、姗姗来迟迫不急待聊以自慰勇往直前 D、生意葱茏眼花瞭乱叽叽喳喳相得益彰 3、下面句子中加点词语的运用有错误的一项是()。(2分) A、由于燃料告罄..、食物耗尽,斯科特和他的队员们在南极探险的归途中悲壮覆没。 B、一个学年很快就过去了,我们该郑重其事 ....地考虑一下暑期的生活安排。 C、张山很聪明,这道题老师才一指点,他就心会神凝 ....了,一下子就得出了正确答案。 D、我们的球队已养精蓄锐 ....多时了,在本轮锦标赛中可以挑战上届的冠军了。 4、默写古诗文。(10分) (1)赵翼《论诗》全诗。 论诗 赵翼 _______________,______________。 _______________,______________。(2)_______________,思君不见下渝州。(李白《峨眉山月歌》)(3)《木兰诗》以质朴生动的语言塑造了木兰的美好形象,一句“_________,关山度若飞”就让巾帼英雄的飒爽英姿跃然纸上;一句“__________,对镜帖花黄”则细腻传神地表现了青年女子的爱美之心。 (4)“歌以咏志,诗以传情”,李白“_______________,何人不起故


七年级数学上册全册单元测试卷测试卷(含答案解析) 一、初一数学上学期期末试卷解答题压轴题精选(难) 1.已知 (本题中的角均大于且小于 ) (1)如图1,在内部作,若,求的度数; (2)如图2,在内部作,在内,在内,且,,,求的度数; (3)射线从的位置出发绕点顺时针以每秒的速度旋转,时间为秒( 且 ).射线平分,射线平分,射线平分 .若,则 ________秒. 【答案】(1)解:∵∠AOD+∠BOC=∠AOC+∠COD+∠BOD+∠COD=∠AOB+∠COD 又∵∠AOD+∠BOC=160°且∠AOB=120° ∴ (2)解:, 设,则, 则,

(3) s或15s或30s或45s 【解析】【解答】(2)解:当OI在直线OA的上方时, 有∠MON=∠MOI+∠NOI= (∠AOI+∠BOI))= ∠AOB= ×120°=60°, ∠PON= ×60°=30°, ∵∠MOI=3∠POI, ∴3t=3(30-3t)或3t=3(3t-30), 解得t= 或15; 当OI在直线AO的下方时,

∠MON═(360°-∠AOB)═ ×240°=120°, ∵∠MOI=3∠POI, ∴180°-3t=3(60°- )或180°-3t=3( -60°), 解得t=30或45, 综上所述,满足条件的t的值为 s或15s或30s或45s 【分析】(1)利用角的和差进行计算便可;(2)设,则,,通过角的和差列出方程解答便可;(3)分情况讨论,确定∠MON在不同情况下的定值,再根据角的和差确定t的不同方程进行解答便可. 2.结合数轴与绝对值的知识回答下列问题: (1)探究: ①数轴上表示5和2的两点之间的距离是多少. ②数轴上表示﹣2和﹣6的两点之间的距离是多少. ③数轴上表示﹣4和3的两点之间的距离是多少. (2)归纳: 一般的,数轴上表示数m和数n的两点之间的距离等于|m﹣n|. 应用: ①如果表示数a和3的两点之间的距离是7,则可记为:|a﹣3|=7,求a的值. ②若数轴上表示数a的点位于﹣4与3之间,求|a+4|+|a﹣3|的值. ③当a取何值时,|a+4|+|a﹣1|+|a﹣3|的值最小,最小值是多少?请说明理由. (3)拓展:某一直线沿街有2014户居民(相邻两户居民间隔相同):A1, A2, A3,A4, A5,…A2014,某餐饮公司想为这2014户居民提供早餐,决定在路旁建立一个快餐店P,点P选在什么线段上,才能使这2014户居民到点P的距离总和最小. 【答案】(1)解:①数轴上表示5和2的两点之间的距离是3.


人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案(一) Unit 1单元测试题Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. —Can Amy play ________ drums?—Yes. And she can play ________ chess, too. A. a; the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. a;不填 ( )17. Li Jing often helps me ________ my geography. A. at B. in C. of D. with ( )18. —Mike, what’s your favorite subject, math ________ science?—Math. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( )19. My cousin ________ very well. Look! Here are some of his pictures. A. sings B. dances C. swims D. draws ( )20. Mom, I need you ________ me a pencil box. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. to buying ( )21. Helen likes the ________ Where are we going, Dad? very much. A. show B. test C. trip D. festival ( )22. Linda’s brother can’t ________ “apple”, but he ________ “banana” easily. A. spell; spells B. spell; spell C. spells; spells D. spells; spell ( )23. —Can you sing this song?—________. It’s difficult for me. A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I can D. No, I can’t ( )24. —________?—He can do kung fu. A. What does Eric like B. Can Eric do kung fu C. What can Eric do D. Does Eric like kung fu ( )25. —Peter will join the art club. ________?—I’ll join the English club. A. How are you B. What about you C. Can I help you D. How’s your day Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Hello, everyone! Do you 26 SOS student club? Yes? I’m a member (成员) of the 27 . Now let me tell you something about it.


七年级下学期期末试卷(数学) (时间:120分钟 满分:120分) 亲爱的同学,这份试卷将再次记录你的自信、沉着、智慧和收获. 请认真审题,看清要求,仔细答题,要相题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 六附加题 得 分 一、认真填一填(每题3分,共30分) 1、剧院里5排2号可以用(5,2)表示,则(7,4)表示 。 2、不等式-4x ≥-12的正整数解为 3、要使4 x 有意义,则x 的取值范围是 。 4、为了使一扇旧木门不变形,木工师傅在木门的背面加钉了一根木条这样做的道理是_______________________ 5、如图,一面小红旗其中∠A=60°, ∠B=30°,则∠BCD= 。 6、等腰三角形一边等于5,另一边等于8,则周长是_________ 7、如图所示,请你添加一个条件....使得AD ∥BC , E 。 8、若一个数的立方根就是它本身,则这个数是 。 9、点P (-2,1)向上平移2个单位后的点的坐标为 。 10、某校去年有学生1000名,今年比去年增加4.4%,其中寄宿学生增加了6%,走读学生减少了2%。问该校去年有寄宿学生与走读学生各多少名?设去年有寄宿学生x 名,走读学生y 名,则可列出方程组为 。 二、细心选一选(每题3分,共30分) 11、下列说法正确的是( ) A 、同位角相等 B 、在同一平面内,如果a ⊥b ,b ⊥c ,则a ⊥c 。 C 、相等的角是对顶角 D 、在同一平面内,如果a ∥b,b ∥c ,则a ∥c 。 12、观察下面图案,在A 、B 、C 、D 四幅图案中,能通过图案(1)的平移得到的是( ) 13、有下列说法: (1)无理数就是开方开不尽的数; (2)无理数是无限不循环小数; (3)无理数包括正无理数、零、负无理数; (4)无理数都可以用数轴上的点来表示。 其中正确的说法的个数是( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 14、若多边形的边数由3增加到n 时,其外角和的度数 ( ) A 增加 B 减少 C 不变 D 变为(n-2)180o 15、某人到瓷砖店去买一种多边形形状的瓷砖,用来铺设无缝地板,他购买的瓷砖形状不可能是( ) A 、等边三角形 B 、正方形 C 、正八边形 D 、正六边形 A D (1) A B C D B A C D (第5题图) B (第7题图)


七年级上册数学全册单元试卷测试卷附答案 一、初一数学上学期期末试卷解答题压轴题精选(难) 1.已知长方形纸片ABCD,点E,F,G分别在边AB,DA,BC上,将三角形AEF沿EF翻折,点A落在点处,将三角形EBG沿EG翻折,点B落在点处. (1)点E,,共线时,如图,求的度数; (2)点E,,不共线时,如图,设,,请分别写出、满足的数量关系式,并说明理由. 【答案】(1)解:如图中,由翻折得: , (2)解:如图,结论: . 理由:如图中,由翻折得: , 如图,结论:, 理由: , , . 【解析】【分析】(1)根据翻折不变性得:,由此即可解决问题.(2)根据翻折不变性得到:,根据分别列等式可得图和的结论即可. 2.如图在数轴上A点表示数a,B点表示数b,AB表示A点和B点之间的距离,且a、b满足|2a+4|+|b-6|=0 (1)求A,B两点之间的距离;

(2)若在数轴上存在一点C,且AC=2BC,求C点表示的数; (3)若在原点O处放一个挡板,一个小球甲从点A处以1个单位/秒的速度向左运动;同时另一小球乙从点B处以2个单位/秒的速度也向左运动,在碰到挡板后(忽略球的大小,可看作一点)以原来的速度向相反的方向运动:设运动的时间为(秒). ①分别表示甲、乙两小球到原点的距离(用t表示); ②求甲、乙两小球到原点的距离相等时经历的时间 【答案】(1)解:因为, 所以2a+4=0,b-6=0, 所以a=?2,b=6; 所以AB的距离=|b?a|=8; (2)解:设数轴上点C表示的数为c. 因为AC=2BC, 所以|c?a|=2|c?b|,即|c+2|=2|c?6|. 因为AC=2BC>BC, 所以点C不可能在BA的延长线上,则C点可能在线段AB上和线段AB的延长线上. ①当C点在线段AB上时,则有?26, 得c+2=2(c?6),解得c=14. 故当AC=2BC时,c= 或c=14; (3)解:①因为甲球运动的路程为:1×t=t,OA=2, 所以甲球与原点的距离为:t+2; 乙球到原点的距离分两种情况: (Ⅰ)当0?t?3时,乙球从点B处开始向左运动,一直到原点O, 因为OB=6,乙球运动的路程为:2×t=2t, 所以乙球到原点的距离为:6?2t; (Ⅱ)当t>3时,乙球从原点O处开始一直向右运动, 此时乙球到原点的距离为:2t?6; ②当03时,得t+2=2t?6, 解得t=8. 故当t= 秒或t=8秒时,甲乙两小球到原点的距离相等.


最新人教版七年级英语上册单元测试题全套带答案 Unit 1 单元测试题 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 16. This is _______ ruler. _______ ruler is yellow. A. a; A B. the; A C. the; The D. a; The ( ) 17. —Hi, Alan! What’s _______ name?—Hi, Jim! He is Mike. A. your B. Her C. his D. my ( ) 18. _______ is Mary. _______ cup is blue. A. She; She B. She; Her C. Her; Her D. Her; She ( ) 19. —_______ you Paul? —No, I _______ not. A. Are; am B. Is; am C. Are; is D. Is; is ( ) 20. I am Tom Green. Green is my _______ name. A. first B. middle C. last D. school ( ) 21. —Spell your name, please. —_______. A. He isn’t Bob B. B-O-B C. I’m Bob D. N-A-M-E ( ) 22. —What’s five and two?—_______. A. Six B. Seven C. Eight D. Nine ( ) 23. —What’s Frank’s ID card number?—_______ is 609522. A. He B. This C. That D. It ( ) 24. —Is she Ms. Miller? —_______. She is Ms. Smith. A. Yes, she is B. Yes, he is C. No, she isn’t D. No, he isn’t ( ) 25. —What’s her name?—_______. A. It’s fine B. It’s red C. She’s Jane D. She’s 9 Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Hello! I’m Bob 26 . I’m 12. I’m 27 student (学生). I’m 28 No. 5 Middle School. My telephone number is 980-4653. Alice 29 my good friend. 30 last name is Green. She is a student, 31 . She’s 13. She 32 in my school. She is in No. 12 Middle


七年级下册英语单元测试卷(Unit1-2) Class Name Ⅰ. 用所给首字母完成单词(10分) ()you want to go shopping, you can go to the s________. ()you want to read or borrow some books, you can go to the l______.()is the capital city of A ()you are h______, you can have some eggs . ()you are tired, you can go to the g_______ to take a walk. ()’s too late now. There is no bus here. You can take a t________ instead.()! Your classroom is so d_______. Please clean them. ()you want to go to Beijing by plane, you must go to the a________ first.()is not a pay phone in the n_________. ()l do you speak I speak English. II.根据括号内的汉语完成句子。(10分) 1. Thereisabank (在…对面) the park. 2.Excuse me, is there a restaurant in (在附近地区) ?3.Someanimals (喜欢吃)leaves(叶子). 4.Are (有一些) oranges onthetableIwantone? 5.Where does his pen pals (来自) Canada. 6.My_________________(最喜欢的科目)ismath. 7.______ _(谢谢)yourletterandphotos. 8. My parents live (在加拿大) 9. You can (坐出租车) there if you don’t want to wal k. 10. Please (写信给)出me soon。 III.用所给动词的正确时态填空。(10分) 1.We (have)nineclasseseveryday. 2.They (donot)playsocceronFriday. 3.Mybrother (eat)breakfastathome. 4.Whattime yourbrother (go)toschool She (go)toschoolat8:00am.. (do)homeworkatschool. 6. He can (swim). 7.Let’s(speak) French. 8.Do they enjoy _______ (watch)TV? 9.I______(go)Beijinglastsummer. 10. I want (learn )Japanese. Can you teach me Ⅳ.补全对话,每空一词(10分) A: 1______ me. Is there a 2_________ office near here I want to post a letter. B: Yes. Just go 3________ and 4________ right. It’s down the Central Street 5_______ the left. A: By the way(顺便问一下), 6________ is the bookstore B: The bookstore It’s 7________ Eighth Ave nue. It’s 8______ to the supermarket. A: 9_______ you very much. B: You are 10____________. 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. V.句型转换(10分) 1. There is a bank near here. (改成一般疑问句)I bank near here lives on Center Street. (对划线部分提问) Where Jim you tell me how to get to your house(同义句) Can you tell me _____ ______to your house there any new parks (作否定回答) No, __________ __________. comes from the USA. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ he come from VI选择填空。(30分) ( ) _________ in the bottle(瓶子). ’t some milk B. is any milk C. is some milksD. isn’t any milk ( ) is a good child. He never goes to the _________. A. park B. video arcade C. bridge D. highway ( ) 3. The hotel is _______ the market and the bank. A. both B. in C. next to D. between


七年级上册Unit 1单元测试 ( ) 1. A. late B. have C. grade D. age ( ) 2. A. e-dog B. evening C. everyone D. these ( ) 3. A. nice B. slim C. like D. fine ( ) 4. A. over B. hobby C. hello D. home ( ) 5. A. cute B. computer C. student D. put ( ) 6. A. dancing B. Amy C. glasses D. master ( ) 7. A. here B. wear C. pair D. there ( ) 8. A. cook B. looks C. food D. football ( ) 9. A. thank B. uncle C. English D. and ( ) 10. A. teacher B. school C. watch D. French 三、词汇运用(10分): 1.Can you write down those new student s’ ___________ (name)? 2.The boy with ___________ (glass) learns English very hard. 3.Han Mei has ___________ (dance) lessons at weekends. 4.He is one of the members in the ___________ (read) Club in our school. 5.Many people go to the ___________ (swim) pool in summer. 6.The ___________ (主人) are playing with their dogs on the grass. 7.___________ (人人) likes to learn English very much in our class. 8.The little baby is so ___________ (可爱). We all love him. 9.The pretty girl in a white dress is tall and ___________ (苗条). 10.What are your ___________ (爱好)? 四、单项选择(15分): ( ) 1. The Blacks usually go for ________ walk after ________ dinner. A. a; the B. the; / C. /; a D. a; / ( ) 2. That man is very old. His son must ________ him well. A. look at B. look like C. look after D. look for ( ) 3. It’s 5:00 . It’s time ________ supper. A. to B. at C. in D. for ( ) 4. ________ carefully! Can you ________ anything? A. Look, see B. Look at; see C. See; see D. See; look ( ) 5. Excuse me! How can you ________ the word ________ Chinese? A. tell; in B. say; in C. say; with D. speak; with ( ) 6. His father is talking ________ the teacher ________ his son’s English. A. with; with B. about; about C. with; about D. about; with ( ) 7. Are you a member ________ the Music Club? A. of B. at C. for D. in ( ) 8. ––________ Susan ________ from the UK? –– Yes, she ________. A. Is; come; is B. Does; come; does C. Is; comes; does D. Does; /; does ( ) 9. Who ________ a football player? A. want to B. wants to C. want to be D. wants to be ( ) 10. He is a ________ football player. He does ________ in playing football. A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good ( ) 11. Millie with his parents ________ in Beijing. A. are living B. live C. lives D. is live ( ) 12. If you meet your friends at 7 ., you can say ________. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night ( )13. Do you want ________ e-dog or ________ useful e-book as your birthday present? A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an ( ) 14. Would you like ________ some soft music? A. listening B. listening to C. to listen to D. to listen ( ) 15. –– What does the lady look like? ––________. A. She’s fine and well B. She’s really a good lady C. She’s tall and thin D. She likes wearing red 五、动词填空(10分): 1.Would you like ___________ (play) games with me, Sandy? 2.When ___________ Amy often ___________ (wash) her clothes? https://www.sodocs.net/doc/c92663400.html,lie, ___________ (not read) in the sun. It’s bad for your eyes. 4.On Sundays, Simon usually ___________ (fly) kites with his friends in the park. 5.My father ___________ (not do) any shopping with my mother at the weekend. 6.Let’s ___________ (play) tennis after school. 7.Jack’s cousin and he ___________ (not be) good at sports. 8.Each of us ___________ (like) our English teacher very much. 9.Do you enjoy ___________ (chat) on the phone with your friends? 10.–– Who ___________ (finish) the homework very early in the evening? –– Millie does. 六、完成句子(10分): 1.那个年轻的母亲不知道如何悉心照顾她的宝宝。 2.The young mother doesn’t know _________ ________ _________ _________ her baby well. 3.那个长着一头乌黑长发的女孩是我的表妹。 4.The girl ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ is my cousin. 5.我想放学后去买东西。 6.I want to do ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________. 7.李明和张华不是我的同班同学,他们是七年级七班的。 8.Li Ming and Zhang Hua ________ ________ ________. They’re in ________7, ________ 7. 9.Sandy擅长体育运动吗? 10.___________ Sandy ___________ at ___________? 七、完形填空(10分):


新目标七年级下单元测 试题 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

贵溪市实验中学初中部新目标七年级下Unit 5单元测试题 时间:90分钟 满分:120分 命题人:David 20 一、听力部分(20分) I.听对话,选择相应的图片 ,将其标号填入题下横线内。读两遍。(5分) J. 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D E II .听对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答案,读两遍。(5分) ( )’s the book about ___________. A. Reading B. Cooking C. Swimming ( ) is Jackson doing now He is doing___________. A. his homework B. boring C. nothing much ( ) Lily ’s sister watching TV now She is___________. A. No, she isn ’t B. Yes, she is C. I don ’t know ( )9. What is Selina ’s daughter doing ___________. A. walking B. shopping C. playing ( )10. What ’s the girl doing She is________. A. going to the movies B. playing computer games C. writing to her new friend III. 听两段对话,听第一段对话回答第11-12小题。听第二段对话回答第13-15小题每段对话读两遍。(5分) ( )11. Who answers the phone ___________. A. Tina B. Mark C. Jack ( )12. What ’s Tina doing She is __________. A. shopping B. visiting her uncle C. having a party ( ) is Paul doing He ’s _________. A. writing B. watching TV C. reading ( )14. What is Paul ’s mother doing She ’s_________. A. cleaning the house B. cooking C. drawing ( )’s Linda doing She ’s__________. ……………………………学校………………………………………班级…………………………


七年级下学期数学期末考试测试题 一、选择题(每小题3分,共48分) 1、下列计算正确的是( ) A. 2 2 a a a ?= B. 2 a a a += C. 6 3 2 a a a ÷= D. () 2 36a a = 2、如果一个三角形两边上的高的交点在三角形的内部,那么这个三角形是( ) A. 锐角三角形 B.直角三角形 C.钝角三角形 D.任意角三角形 3、方程2(3)2(3)8x x x x -+-=-的解为( ) A. 2x = B. 2x =- C .4x = D. 4x =- 4、已知2,1x y =??=?是二元一次方程组7, 1 ax by ax by +=??-=?的解,则a b -的值为 A .-1 B .1 C .2 D .3 5.若x+y=7 xy= -11,则x 2 +y 2的值是( ) A .49 B .27 C .38 D .71 6.若4x 2 +axy +25y 2是一个完全平方式,则a= ( ) A .20 B .-20 C .±20 D .±10 7、小芳家房屋装修时,选中了一种漂亮的正八边形地砖.建材店老板告诉她,只用一种八边形地砖是不能密铺地面的,便向她推荐了几种形状的地砖.你认为要使地面密铺,她应选择另一种形状的地砖是( ) 8、如图,AB ∥CD ,∠A =60°,∠C =25°,则∠E 等于( ) A. 60° B. 25° C. 35° D. 45° 9、如果等腰三角形两边长是6cm 和3cm,那么它的周长是( ) A.9cm B.12cm C.15cm 或12cm D.15cm 10、如图,BC AD ⊥,DE ∥AB , 则∠B 和∠1的关系是( ) A.相等B.互补 C.互余D.不能确定 11、如图,l ∥m ,等腰直角三角形ABC 的直角顶点C 在直线m 上,若∠β=20°,则∠α的度数为( ) A. 25° B. 30° C. 20° D. 35° 12、次数学活动课上,小聪将一副三角板按图中方式叠放, 则∠α等于( ) A.30° B.45° C.60° D.75° 13、下列各组数中不可能组成三角形的是( ) A 5,12,13 B 5,7,12 C 3,4,5 D 101,102,103 14、直角三角形两锐角的角平分线所成的角的度数为( ) A 45° B 135° C 45°或135° D 以上答案都不对 第8题 M A B C D E 60° 30° 45° α (第12题图) β α m B A 第11题图E D C B A 1 10题图


新版七年级英语上册Unit 9 My favourite subject is science.单 元测试及答案 笔试部分 I、单项填空(20) ( )1. What country is the east of China ? A. England B. Australia C. The U.S. D. Canada . ( )2. The Capital of Canana is _______. A. Toranto B. Ottawa C. Washington, D.C. D. London ( )3. When is Fool’s Day? A. It is April first. B. It’s June second C. It’s December third .D. It’s May fourth ( )4. The first day of a week is ____. A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. January ( )5. Canada’s flag is _______. A. red B. Red and white C. yellow and white D. black and yellow . ( )6 .---What’s favourite sport? ---He likes “Hikers”.A.he B.him C. his D.Jim ( )7. .---I don’t have English novels. Can you lend to me? ---Sure. A.any;some B.some;any C.some;some D.any;any ( )8. .---Do you often go to the shop Sunday morning? ---No, we . A.on;don’t B.on;do C.at;don’t D.at;do ( )9. --- is it today? ---It’s Monday. A.When B.What time C.What D.What day ( )10. ---When he have P.E? ---He it on Wendesday. A.does;have B.does;has C.is;is have D.is;has ( )11. My mother’s favourite is red. A.friend B.teacher C.subject D.color ( )12. The girl doesn’t like science,becsause it’s ______ . A.boring B.relaxing C.interesting D.fun ( )13. He doesn’t h istory because it’s no fun. A.want to learn B.want learn C.want learning D.to want to learn ( )14.Can you ________the chess? A play B. fly C. throw D. bring ( )15.There is some _________ on the table. A. rice B. cake C. apple D. oranges ( )16.-What’s the ________, please? -It’s five o’clock. A. class B. number C. time D. times ( ).17.It’s time ________ bed A. go B. an C. the D.to go to ( )18.Can they play _________ basketball? A. a B. an C. the D.不填 ( )19. —— ( II、完形填空(30) Dear Annie,
