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《比昂英语(原远航英语) 高中英语语法通霸 2012 版》序
与词汇、听力、阅读、写作相比,语法实际是最容易学的, (你可以问问英语成绩优秀的学生) 但许多同学学了许多年英语后,语法仍然是一塌糊涂。有的学生也下了很大决心想把语法学好, 但在努力了相当长的时间之后还是没有明显进步, 最终决定放弃。 有的老师在语法上投入了很多, 让学生做了很多题,也投入了大量时间来评讲,但学生的语法长进仍不大,最后“顿悟”了,说, “在语法上付出太多时间不值得。 ” 语法真的不重要吗?如果有人说语法不重要,那一定是违心的,因为谁都知道高考多考一分 多么重要,而学好语法不仅可以提高单选的得分,又可提高阅读、改错和作文的得分,增的又何 止十分八分?而切,单选题和作文上的得分一般是不会有什么变数的,而阅读题的得分还要看考 场发挥地如何。说在语法上付出时间不值得,实际上是在承认自己在语法学习上或教学上是失败 的。 为什么那么多人都学不好语法呢?一方面是因为现在盛行的教学理论在作怪。它把外语教学 和母语与第二语言的教学混为一起,过于强调语言的“习得” ,而完全忽视了传统的语法教学,导 致学生的语法基础较差。另一方面,因为没有合适的语法资料。教材上的语法讲解, “千呼万唤始 出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面” ,总是放不下架子,就是讲一点,其深度比考试的难度要低得多,根本靠 不住。书店里的语法资料,一类是语法大家们编的,旨在解释一些语法现象,本来就不是给高中 学生看的,有些知识学生看了没有用,有些知识学生根本看不懂。再一类就是一些名校编的资料, 先是笼统的语法讲解,再弄点题一凑就好了。讲的多,练的少,结果是学生前学后忘,印象不深。 学生平时做的语法题都过于靠高考,强调覆盖面,什么都有,一半题学生都不会做。老师就是讲, 也没时间系统地讲,学生一知半解,课后,又没有针对性很强的题进行巩固,学生还是学得稀里 糊涂。所以就造成了,学生题没少做,老师没少讲,学生语法还是没进步。高一时,语法单选题, 学生能对半错,学到了高考,还是对半错。 而《语法通霸》则可有效地解决上述问题。在编排上,该书有以下特点: 一、针对性强。在编写时,用的是“归纳”法。先下载近十几年的高考真题,再按语法专题 归类,然后,每个语法专题再按考点归类,归类时特别注意了学生学习过程中的难点和易混点, 最后再在需要的地方加上必要的

讲解,所以重难点突出,详略得当,针对性强。 二、讲练结合。对于每一个考点在简明讲解之后,都安排了适量的练习题。这些题都是精心 筛选出来的。主要是从其典型性、思维容量和所含语言点是否丰富,写作是否能用,里面是否含 有完形填空可能出的词等多个方面考虑,因此也有相当多的题是保留了十几年前的题而舍弃了近 几年的高考题。 三、题量科学。我们发现,针对每个考点的练习量如果过大的话,效果也不好。练习量少的 话,譬如两三个,我们就可以轻松自如的在脑中翻动、回味这些题,效果反而更好。因此,就忍 痛删去了许多来之不易的好题。 四、重视习题排序。有的同学说,如果把相似题排列在一起的话,学生容易猜到答案,而不 去思考。所以,今年再版时,开始时是把不同类型的题混在一起,但再看时,发觉做后效果反而 不好了。做后印象不深、规律在脑中不清晰。然后又把题按类型排列,相近的题列在一起。再看 一遍,感觉真好! 。学知识同向某个空间放东西一样,有条理了就好放也好记也好找,杂乱了就不 好放,用时也不容易找到。科学家对大脑的研究也表明,信息在脑中存放、排列是有规律的。 五、考点目录化。为了便于使用,本书编了详细的目录,分为“章”“讲”和“考点”三 、
Nothing is possible for a willing heart. (心之所愿,无所不成) A bold attempt is half success. (勇敢的尝试,是成功的一半)
比昂英语系列丛书 之 高中英语语法通霸
个级别。一位高三学生在留言中说, “每次做英语题的时候有问题,我就拿出你的《远航英语》一 翻,都出现在里面了,我真诚的感谢你用了大量的时间来给我们编辑这本书,谢谢你” 六、讲、练、考一体化。前面第一部分是考点精讲精练,后面第二部分是单元过关测试。过 关测试题基本上也都是高考题,覆盖面较大,既可以对前面所学知识进一步巩固,也可当作测试 题用。 七、语法、写作同步提高。这次改编,增加了“作文专项技能提升”这个部分,基础好的学 生,可以利用这部分的习题来提高自己的写作能力。 《语法通霸》的这种编排,使学生一看就懂,一做就会,从而解决了语法学习中费时低效的 问题。老师利用这本资料,可以使语法课不再空洞乏味。学生利用这本书,可以使语法学习变得 有趣高效,优生利用此书来巩固自己的学科优势,待优生利用此书来实现英语上的彻底逆转。 所以这本书从它诞生那天起,就深受师生欢迎。它帮助许多学生提高了英语成绩,成为许多 老师备课时必不可缺少的工具书。去年, 《语法通霸》的部分电子文档上传到网

上后,成为网上的 热门资料,有许多老师愿意出数百元来购买完整的电子文档以便自己上课用。书更是供不应求。 一位老师说,你的这本书已经成为我和学生必不可缺少的工具书, “ 我们每天每堂课都会带到教室, 如果学生在哪个方面不懂,我们就立即翻阅相关的题来做。“好多学生看着我用这本书,都恨不 ” 得自己也有一本。 ”还有老师说, “只要我教着学,我都会用你的书” (更多网友评论可以到 。 329950885 的 QQ 空间去查看或到淘宝宝贝详情中查看) 在使用这本书的方法上,我的看法是,与其看好多书,前做后忘,还不如反复看一本书。 “重 复是记忆之母” 。除了“查”和“做”之外,还有同学花费大量时间来“读”这本书,效果非常好。 真要读熟的话,高考语法肯定没问题。更重要的是, “读”可以更有好地来提高写作能力。我以前 在学习的过程中,曾把一本有关词汇记忆的单选题书读了九遍,后来摇摇头,感觉满脑子的英语 句子在晃荡,要写篇好的英语文章,可以说是“出口成章” 。 最后,祝愿各位同学学习进步,也祝愿各位同行及家长朋友身体健康、快乐常伴、工作顺利!
编者 2012 年 9 月
第二章 代词 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 第一部分 考点精讲精练 ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 第 1 讲 人称代词 ................................................................................................................................................................ 1 考点 1. 代词做同位语 .................................................................................................................................................... 1 考点 2. 用人称代词宾格代替主格的情况 .................................................................................................................... 1 第 2 讲 指示代词 ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 考点 1. This, that ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 考点 2. that 指代前面提到的名词,后总是伴随着限制性的后置修饰语 ................................................................ 2 第 3 讲 不定代

词 ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 考点 1. one 不可指代不可数名词 ................................................................................................................................. 2 考点 2. one 作同位语 ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 考点 3. one, it, ( the one, the ones)的区别 .................................................................................................................... 3 考点 4. each, every 表示“每一”时的区别 .................................................................................................................... 3 考点 5. any, either 表示“任何一个”时的区别 ............................................................................................................. 3 考点 6. neither, both 与 all;none,(both 与 all 表示部分否定) .............................................................................. 3 考点 7. none, no one, nobody 的区别 ........................................................................................................................... 4 考点 8. another, other, others, the other, the others,the rest.................................................................................... 4 考点 9. something, everything, nothing, anything ....................................................................................................... 5 考点 10. anyone , someone,和 everyone .................................................................................................................. 5 考点 11. everyone 与 every one ................................................................................................................................. 5 考点 12. everybody/something 等人称代词替代问题 ............................................................................................... 6 第 4 讲 反身代词 ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 第5讲 it 的其它用法 ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 考点 1. it 做形式主语或宾语, 代指后面的不定式或动名词或句子 .......................................................................... 7 考点 2. 用于表达天气、环境、时间、距离、季节等 ................................................................................................ 7 考点 3. 不知性别是婴儿常用 it .......................................................................................................................

.............. 7 考点 4. it 用以指身份不明的人 .................................................................................................................................... 7 考点 5. 强调句型 ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 考点 6. I like it when… .................................................................................................................................................. 7 考点 7. I can’t help it/ can help it/ can’t help doing/can’t help but do ...................................................................... 8 考点 8. make it 的用法 ................................................................................................................................................. 8 写作专练 1. 使用好代词,写正确优美句子(P10) .................................................................................................... 8 第二部分 专题过关测试 ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 第三部分 写作能力提升 ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 写作专练 1. 使用好代词,写出正确优美句子(参看 P 错误!未定义书签。 错误!未找到引用源。 ......... 10 )
Nothing is possible for a willing heart. (心之所愿,无所不成) A bold attempt is half success. (勇敢的尝试,是成功的一半)
比昂英语系列丛书 之 高中英语语法通霸
比昂英语(原远航英语)系列丛书之 《高中英语语法通霸 2012 版》 (适合 2013 高考)
第二章 代词 第一部分 考点精讲精练
英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分九种: 人称代词 物主代词 指示代词 反身代词 疑问代词 不定代词 关系代词 相互代词 连接代词 分为主格(如:I, you, he 等)和宾格(如:me, you, him) 。 分为形容词物主代词(如:my, his, your, )和名词性物主代词(如:mine, his, yours) 常见的有四个:this 这,that 那, these 这些, those 那些 如:myself 我自己,himself 他自己,themselves 他们自己 用在特殊疑问句中。 who, whom, whose, what, which。 Who is that boy? What do you like? 有: 如: 如:some 一些 many 许多 both 两个都, everything, everybody 等 引导定语从句。如:This is the boy who won the race. 指 each other 与 one another,意为“互相” 疑问代词在引导从句时,都称为连接代词,包括 who, whom, w

hose, what, which, whoever, whomever, whichever, whatever,一共九个。如: It is clear enough what she meant. 她是什么意思很清楚。 (引导主语从句) I don‘t care what they think. 他们怎么想我不管。 (引导宾语从句)
我 你 他 她 它 我 们 we 你 们 you 他们
考点2. 用人称代词宾格代替主格的情况
① 口语中作表语的人称代词一般用宾格,不用主格。 Who is it? It‘s me. ② 在比较句型中,as 和 than 后的主格可以用宾格代 替。 I am taller than she/her. He is as tall as she/her. ③ but, except 作―除了…‖时并且位于主语之后是,后 面可以跟主格也可跟宾格。 Nobody but/except he/him knew it. ④ 人称代词单独出现时,常用宾格。 Who runs faster, you or me? 3. --- Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard. ---- Why ____? John is sitting there doing nothing. A. him B. he C. I D. me 4. 【2009 山东】-----Poor Steve! I could hardly recognize him just now! ------_______________. He has changed so much. A. Never mind B. No problem C. Not at all D. Me neither
主 格 宾 格
如果代词和名词指代相同时,常用主格或宾格作同位 语,不用物主代词。 改错:Our Chinese people are friendly. 把 our 改为 we, 因为我们本身就是中国人。 1. ___ students are tired of doing so much homework.. We had better make it known to our teachers. A. Our B. We C. Us D. Ours 2. 【2007 湖南】To save class time, our teacher has ________ students do half of the exercise in class and complete the other half for homework. A. us B. we C. our D. ours
Nothing is possible for a willing heart. (心之所愿,无所不成) A bold attempt is half success. (勇敢的尝试,是成功的一半)
第2讲 指示代词
指示代词一般指:this, that, these 和 those 考点1. This, that this 常指后面要讲到的事物,有启下的作用;that 则 指前面讲到过的事物,有承上的作用。 I want to tell you this, the English party will be held on Saturday afternoon. He hurt his leg yesterday. That‘s why he didn‘t come 1. 【2007 浙江】—He got his first book published. It turned out to be a bestseller. —When was _____? —_____ was in 2000 when he was still in college. A. that; This B. this; It C. it; This D. that; It 2. 【2008 辽宁】—Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street? —Victoria Street? __ is where the Grand Theatre is. A. Such B. There C. That D. This 考点2. that 指代前面提到的名词,后总是伴随着限 制性的后置修饰语 that 可以代指可数名词也可代指不可数名词。 it 和 that 都替代"the+单数名词(可数或不可数)", 都是特指,但 it 指前面提到的"同一"事物,而 that 是 指前面提到的"同类"事物。如: ①【2001 全国】

The Parkers bought a new house but _____will need a lot of work before they can move in. A. they B. it C. one D. which ② 【1999 全国】 pleasures can equal______ of a cool Few drink on a hot day. A. some B. any C. that D. those 「分析」①选 B, 因为指的同一事物。②选 C 。that 替代 the pleasure,与前面提到的同属"快乐的事",但 却是不同的事。 如果前面名词是可数名词复数时,要用 those 而不用 that。 3. 【2005 江苏】 I'm moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than________ in the city. A. ones B. one C. that D. those 4. Our furniture is much cheaper than ______ you bought last year . A. one B. ones C. that D. those 5. 【2008 全国 I】 The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from ___ spoken in England. A. which B. what C. that D. the one 6. 【2009 全国 I】One of the most important questions they had to consider was of public health. A. what B. this C. that D. which 7. 【2009 江苏】Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with __ of their parents. A. those B. one C. both D. that 8. 【2012 浙江】Studying Wendy's menu , I found that many of the items are similar to ______ of McDonald's . A. those B. ones C. any D. all
第3讲 不定代词
没有明确指定代替任何 特定名词或形容词的 词叫做不定代词,常用的不定代词如下: all, any, another, both, each, every, either, every, few, little, many, much, no, none, neither, one, other, some 以 及 由 some, any, no, very 和 body, one, thing 构成的复合词 考点1. one 不可指代不可数名词 bought last year . A. one B. ones 考点2. one 作同位语 C. that D. those
3. 【2002 全国】Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,______ I will always treasure. A. that B. one C. it D. what 4. For Tim this was the beginning of a new life, ____ he thought he would never see. A. what B. that C. one D. it 5. ------ Can I help you? ------ I‘d like to buy a gift for my mother, ____ at a
1. 【2011 重庆】 ——Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like. ——What do you think of ______ over there? A. the one B. this C. it D. that 2. Our furniture is much cheaper than ______ you
proper price but of great use. A. that B. one C. anyone D. everything 考点3. one, it, ( the one, the ones)的区别
①把 every 改为 each, 因为路只有两条边,而 every 用于三者及三者以上。 ②把 Every 改为 Each,或在 Every 后加 one。 12. 【2012 上海】When he took his gloves off, I noticed that one had his name written inside. A. each B. every C. other D. another 考点5. any, either 表示“任何一个”时的区别
在指代时,one 可以替换为:a+名

词, 而 it 指特定 的某一个,相当于 the+名词 6. 【2000 全国】-Why don't we take a little break? -Didn't we just have ________ ? A. it B. that C. one D. this 7. 【2011 福建】We have various summer camps for your holidays, you can choose ____ based on your own interests. A. either B. each C. one D. it 8. 【1992 全国】 Zhang gave the textbooks to all the Mr. pupils except _______ who had already taken them. A. the ones B. ones C. some D. the others 9. 【2005 江西】 Cars do cause us some health problems —in fact far more serious ____ than mobile phones do. A.one B.ones C.it D.those 10. 【2005 浙江】 We‘ve been looking at the houses but haven‘t found _________ we like yet. A. one B.ones C.it D.them 11. 【2007 陕西】—There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow ? —No, I‘d rather buy in the bookstore. A .it; one B. one; one C. one; it D. it; it 考点4. each, every 表示“每一”时的区别
① any 表示―任何‖的意思, 用于三者及三者以上。 Any child can do that.(定语) You may take any of them.(宾语) ② either 是―两者中任何一个‖的意思, 可修饰或代替 单数可数名词。 如: Here are two pens. You may take either of them. (宾语) ③ 有时,either 可以与 each 相互换。 There are many trees on either/each side of the road. 13. 【2008 全国】 —Which of the two computer games did you prefer? —Actually I didn‘t like _____. A. both of them B. either of them C. none of them D. neither of them 14. 【2008 上海】 Do you want tea or coffee? ____, I really don‘t mind. A. none B. neither C. either D. or 15. 【2009 陕西】Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn‘t answer_____ of them. A. other B.any C.none D.some 16. 【2010 重庆】 had lost his temper and his health in He the war and never found _______ of them again. A. neither B. either C. each D. all 考点6. neither, both 与 all;none,(both 与 all 表示 部分否定) ① both 用于否定句,表示部分否定;表示完全否定 时,用 neither。如: Both of us are not teachers.我们俩并不都是教师。 Neither of us is a teacher. 我们俩都不是教师。 ② all 用于否定句,表示部分否定,完全否定用 none。如: Not all the ants go out for food.(or: All the ants don‘t go out for food.) 并不是所有的蚂蚁都出去寻找食物。 None of the money is mine.这钱一分也不是我的。 ③ 另外,neither 是―两者中没有一个‖的意思,可以 做形容词,修饰或代替单数可数名词,它所修饰 的名词用单数形式,后面的谓语也用单数形式。 如 Neither boy knows French. 17. 【1998 全国】 —Can you come on Monday or
① 从数量上: 用于两个或两个以上的人或物,而 each every 用于三个或三个以上的人或物。也就是说, 只有两个时,必须用 each, 三个及三个以上时,用 each 和

every 都行。) Each/Every student has a computer. ② 从意义上:each 侧重于个体,强调―每一个‖, 而 every 侧重于整体,强调 ―全部‖。 Each student has a computer. 每个学生都有台电 脑。 Every student has a computer. 所以的学生都有台 电脑 ③ 从词性上:every 只能作形容词,而 each 可做代词 和形容词和副词。 Each boy has eaten one apple. (each 为形容词) Each of them has eaten one apple. (each 为代词) They each have eaten one apple. (each 为代词,作 同位语) They have eaten one apple each. (each 为副词) 改错: ①There are many tall trees on every side of the road. ②Every of the students in our class has a dictionary. 改为:
Nothing is possible for a willing heart. (心之所愿,无所不成) A bold attempt is half success. (勇敢的尝试,是成功的一半)
Tuesday ? —I‘m afraid ____day is possible. A. either B. neither C. some
A. None B. No one C. Nothing D. Not many D. any 23. –Who was in the building when the fire broke out? –____. A. None B. No one C. Not any one D. Not anybody. 24. 【2008 浙江】–I‘d like some more cheese. –Sorry, there‘s ______ left. A. some B. none C. a little D. few 25. 【2009 上海】–Wow! You‘ve got so many clothes. --But _____ of them are in fashion now. A. all B. both C. neither D. none 26. 【2012 江西】My brother would like to buy a good watch but was available from that shop. A.nothing B.none C.no one D.neither 27. ------ Did you have any trouble with the customers? ------ ____ to speak of. A. None B. Neither C. Nothing D. No 考点8. another, other, others, the other, the others, the rest ① ―the other +名词复数‖ (或用 the others) 表示―其余 的全部……‖;―other + 复数名词(或用 others)泛 指―其他的(别的)人或物‖(并不有意强调全部)。 如: Five of the pencils are red, the others (the other pens) are yellow. Some are singing, and others are dancing. (others 泛指 其余的,指其余的绝大部分。暗示可能有极少数既 没唱歌也没跳舞。如果用 the others 则只剩余的全 部,表示其余的无一例外都在跳舞。) some…, some…, some…, others…,意为―一些…… 一些……一些‖。 ② the other 强调剩下的这一个,此时只有一个;常出 现在 one…the other 中, 用于两者之间。如:He got two books; one is a textbook, the other is a novel. 也可用于其它表示―只剩下这一个‖的情况。如: There were three boys in the classroom. One is Tom, another is John, and the other is Ken. another 修饰或代替单数可数名词,用于―三个或三 个以上‖,指代剩下的两个或两个以上中的一个。 This coat is too dark. Please show me another.(宾语, 外衣总数为为三件及三件以上。 除去这个外衣之外, 剩下的起码有两件; 如果只剩一件的话, 就要用 the o

ther。) one … another/a second… a third…the other…常用 语列举,意为―一个……一个……一个……一个‖用 于三者或三者以上的排列。 ③ another 还可表示―再,又‖。(参看: P 错误!未 定义书签。 many more + 名词, much more + 名词, 与 another) ④ the rest 既可代替可数名词,也可代替不可数名词, 而 another, other, others, the other(s)只能代替可数名 词。 ⑤ else 只能放在复合不定代词或者疑问词后。如:
18. 【2006 浙江】If you can‘t decide which of the two books to borrow, why don‘t you take ______? I won‘t read them this week. A. all B. any C. either D. both 19. ____ of them do not drink wine. A bottle will be enough. A. No B. None C. All D. Every one 20. 【2012 全国新课标】Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but_ of them wants to, because they have work to do. A. either B. any C. neither D. none 21. 【2012 重庆】—John, when shall we meet again, Thursday or Friday? —___________.I‘ll be off to London then. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None 考点7. none, no one, nobody 的区别
① no one, nobody 只指人, nothing 指没有什么事物, none 兼指人和物。 ② 用作主语时,no one 、nobody 后的谓语动词一般 用单数, 按传统语法,两者之后均不能接 of 短 语。none 代替不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用 单数形式;代替可数名词作主语时,谓语动词可 用单数也可用复数形式。None 后可跟 of 短语。 如:No one (Nobody) knows. 谁也不知道。 No one (Nobody) likes it. 没人喜欢它。 ③ none 往往暗示有一定的范围 (这种范围通常就表 现在其后的 of 短语上) ,着眼于数量概念,"特 指的人或物一个也没有,一点儿也没有"。而 no one 或 nobody 则不暗示这种范围,即指―谁都没 有。 体会下面的两组对话: A:Did any of your friends come to see you? 你的 朋友当中有谁来看过你吗? B:None. 一个也没来。 A: anyone come to see you? 有人来看过你吗? Did B:No one (Nobody). 谁也没来 ④ 在回答 how many 或 how much 的提问时,通常 用 none,而在回答 who 的提问时,通常用 no one 或 nobody。体会: A:How many English books have you read? 你读 过多少本英文书? B:None. 一本也没读。 A:How much money did you give her? 你给了她 多少钱? B:None. 一分也没给。 A:Who went to see the film? 谁去看电影了? B:No one 【Nobody】. 谁也没去。 22. ------ How many elephants did you see? ------ ____.
Did you see anybody else? 你还看见别的人吗? Who else was at the party? 聚会上还有谁 ⑥ each other, one another(相互), 按传统语法,each other 指两者;而

one another 指三者或三者以上。 但在现代英语中,两者常可互换。如: You should help each other [one another]. 你们应该互相帮助。 We know each other‘s [one another‘s] weak points. 我们都彼此了解对方的缺点。 ⑦ one after another(一个接一个), 如:I'm not surprised he's feeling ill - he was eating one ice-cream after another! ⑧ ―any other +单数名词‖(别的 / 其他的任何一个) Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. ⑨ one way or another 以 某 种 方 式 ; 无 论 如 何 。 Everyone at the party was related ( in ) one way or another. These bills have to be paid one way or another. 28. 【2011 陕西】-Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen, dear? - ____ one? A. Other B. Every C. Another D. More 29. 【2000 全国】If you want to change for a double room you‘ll have to pay_____$ 15. A. another B. other C. more D. each 30. 【2010 安徽】You are the team star! Working with ________is really your cup of tea. A. both B. either C. others D. the other 31. 【2009 重庆】Over the past 20 years, the Internet helped change our world in _____way or another for the better. A. any B. one C. every D. either 32. 【2010 全国 1】I'll spend half of my holiday practicing English and ________ half learning drawing. A. another B. the other C. other‘s D. other. 33. 【2005 上海】No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of___. A. others B. the other C. either D. another 34. I have done much of the work. Could you please finish ________ in two days? A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the others 考点9. something, everything, nothing, anything
他自以为了不起,实际他一文不名。 ② something 还可表示“重要的事物”。 These paintings were really something. 这些画确实出色。 I think you may have something there. 我认为在那方面你可能是有道理的。 ③ something of a(an)+n 表示―可以说是一个……‖ 的意思。 Dr. James is a scholar and something of a philosopher. 詹姆斯博士是个学者,也可以说是个不错的哲学 家。 联系: He isn‘t much of a cook 35. 【2008 山东】 Make sure you‘ve got the passports and tickets and _____ before you leave. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 36. 【2007 重庆】Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly _______ left in the house. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something 37. ____ of us can do everything, but all of us can do ____. A. None, something B. Some, everything C. Few, something D. Few, nothing 38. 【2011 湖南】I know that _____ would ever discourage him; he would never give up wanting to be a director. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 39. 【2011 四川】 There is _____ in his words. We should have a try. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 考点10. anyone , someone,和 everyone 40. 【2005 全国 1】We haven‘t enough b

ooks for ___; some of you will have to share . A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody 41. 【2005 湖北】First , it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from _____. A. everyone else B.the other C.someone else D.the rest 42. 【2005 安徽】I don‘t think we‘ve met before. You‘re taking me for ______. A. some other B. someone else C. other person D. one other 43. 【2007 上海】The mayor has offered a reward of $ 5000 to ___ who can capture the tiger alive or dead. A. both B. others C. anyone 考点11. everyone 与 every one everyone 是一个词,只用来指人,等于 everybody,在
① something 意为―重要的人物‖, 相当于 somebody。 She thinks she‘s something since she won the beauty contest. 选美比赛得了奖,她就自以为了不起了。 She acts as if she were something since she won the prize. 自从获奖以来她就表现得自命不凡了。 联系:He thinks he is somebody but he is nobody.
Nothing is possible for a willing heart. (心之所愿,无所不成) A bold attempt is half success. (勇敢的尝试,是成功的一半)
它后面不能跟介词 of; every one 是两个词,既可用来 指人,也可用来指物,等于 each one,后面可跟介词 of。请看以下例句: ① Everyone of the children likes this game.(误) 每个孩子都喜欢这个游戏。 Every one of the children likes this game.(正) ② Everyone/Everybody in our class is interested in learning English. 我们班上每个人都爱学英语。(Everyone 用作主 语) ③ Not everyone(everybody) in the USA is rich.在美国 并不是人人都富裕。(everyone 用作主语) 【链接】everyday 日常的,every day 每天 He recites everyday English every day. 他每天被日常英语。 44. _____ likes being praised. _____ of them especially likes being praised. A. Everyone, Every one B. Every one, Everyone C. Everyone, Everyone D. Every one, Every one
考点12. everybody/something 等人称代词替代问题 anyone/ anybody/somebody/everybody ① 指个体时,谓语动词用单数: Has anyone a dictionary he can lend me? . Everyone in our class goes in for sports. ② 指―全部、无一例外‖时,anyone/anybody 在附加 问句中,则其主语用复数代词表示此意:Anybody can enter for the race, can‘t they? Everyone in our class goes in for sports, don’t they? ③ 在口语中,特别是对话中,为避免明确指出所指 对象的性别, Everybody was wearing their shorts. I told everyone to run as fast as they can. something, everything 谓语动词用单数 (包括在 反意问句的陈述和疑问部分中) : Everything has gone wrong today, hasn’t it ?
第4讲 反身代词
反身代词指:myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 表示单数的反身代词以 self 结尾;表示复数的反身代 词以 selves 结尾; 第一

人称和第二人称前面用的是物主代词;第三人称 前面用的是代词宾格。 反身代词有两种用法:反射,强调 ①反射: 反身代词指代主语,与指代的名词或代词形成互指 关系。反身代词和人称代词作宾语时具有不同的含 义。如: He saw himself in the mirror. 他在镜子里看见了他自己。 (himself ,he 为同一人) He saw him in the mirror. 他在镜子里看见了他。 (him 显然指另外一人) 因此当宾语和主语指代同一人时,要用反身代词, 不能用人称代词。 We enjoyed ourselves very much last night. 我们昨晚玩得很开心。 Please help yourself to some fish. 请你随便吃点鱼。 I could not dress (myself) up at that time. 那个时候我不能打扮我自己。 She seated herself by the window. 她拣了窗边的一个座位坐下来。 I like to travel by myself. I am not myself today. 我今天不舒服。 She was beside herself with grief. 她悲伤过度,神经失常了。 Behave yourself, children.孩子们,规矩点。 The girl fell off her bike and hurt herself. 女孩从自行车上摔下来,受了伤。 ②强调:常做同位语 I myself heard him say so yesterday. 我昨天亲自听他这么说的。 She did it herself. (=She herself did it. ) 她自己做的。 The story itself is not interesting. 故事本身并不令人感到有趣 1. 【2010 上海】If our parents do everything for us children, we won't learn to depend on _________. A. themselves B. them C. us D. ourselves 2. 【2006 福建】.---Who called me this morning when I was not in? ----A man calling ______ Robert. A. his B. himself C .his D.不填 3. 【2007 上海春】Treat to a glass of wine to help you relax at the end of the day. A.one B.oneself C.you D.yourself 4. 【2008 江西】Isn‘t it amazing how the human body heals ____ after an injury? A. himself B. him C. itself D. it 5. 【2008 湖南】 Our neighbors gave _____ a baby bird yesterday that hurt ______ when it fell from its nest.
A. us, it C. ourselves, itself
B. us, itself D. ourselves, it
overcoat for her. A. them B. her C. itself D. herself
6. 【2011 安徽】Surprisingly, Susan‘s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made_____ almost an
第5讲 it 的其它用法
考点1. it 做形式主语或宾语, 代指后面的不定式或 动名词或句子 1. 【2010 全国 2】 doctor thought ________ would The be good for you to have a holiday. A. this B. that C. one D. it 2. Why don‘t you bring ____ to his attention that now students are bearing too heavy learning load? A. it B. this C. that D. what 3. You may depend on _______ that he will turn up in time. A. it B. me C. which D. them 4. 【2011 山东】The two girls are so alike that strangers find ___ difficult to tell one fro

m the other. A. it B. them C. her D. that 5. 【2011 天津】We feel ______ our duty to make our country a better place. A. it B. this C. that D. one 6. — I don‘t know whether I should go abroad or not, Mum. — I leave _______ to your own judgment whether you should do it. A. that B. it C. this D. what 7. 【2007 全国 II】___ felt funny watching myself on TV. A. One B. This C. It D. That 8. 【2012 陕西】No matter where he is, he makes _____a rule to go for a walk before breakfast. A. him B this C. that D. it 9. Will you see to ____ that the luggage is brought back? A. me B. yourself C. it D. them 考点2. 用于表达天气、环境、时间、距离、季节等 考点3. 不知性别是婴儿常用 it
11. Mary is expecting another baby and hopes ____ will be a boy. A. he B. that C. it D. there 考点4. it 用以指身份不明的人
it 用以指身份不明的人。若指身份明确的人,则不宜 用 it。试比较: ① Mr. Smith is at the door. ___ wants to see you. ② Someone is at the door. ___ must be Mr. Smith. A. He B. It C. This D. That 答案:①He ②B 12. ------ Who‘s that? ------ ____ Professor Li. A. Its B. It‘s C. He‘s
D. This‘s
13. ------ Who knocked on the door? -----I‘ve no idea. I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didn‘t ask who _______ was. A. he B. that C. she D. it 考点5. 强调句型
14. ------ Who is making so much noise in the garden? ------ ____ the children. A. It is B. They are C. That is D. There are 15. Who was ____ that called him ―comrade‖? A. her B. that C. it D. one 考点6. I like it when…
在通常情况下,like 是及物动词,其后应有宾语 (句中 it 即为其宾语) 句中的 when 从句不是宾语 。 从句,而是时间状语从句,其中的 when 的意思是 ―当……的时候‖。其实,也有的词典将 I don‘t like it when (if) … 作为一个句型来处理。 能这样用的动词不多,主要的有 enjoy, like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, appreciate 等表示喜好的动词。 She won‘t like it if you arrive late. 她不喜欢你迟到。 He hates it when people use his bike. 他讨厌别人用他的自行车。 16. --Have you got used to your school life here? --Yes, but I don‘t like __ when we have to do exercises on cold winter morning A. that B. it C. those D. this
① It‘s half an hour‘s walk from here to our school.(指距离) ② It?s nice and warm here. (指天气、气候) ③ But it's two o'clock now, and it's time for us to go to school. (指时间) 10. They live on a busy main road. ____ must be very noisy. A. There B. It C. That D. They
Nothing is possible for a willing heart. (心之所愿,无所不成) A bold attempt is half success. (勇敢的尝试,是成功的一半)
17. I dislike _______ when others laugh at me in public or think poorly of me behind. A. that B. those C. it D. them 18. I‘d prefer ___ if I didn‘t have to get up early on Sundays. A. that B. s


高中英语语法总结大全之代词 人称代词的用法 1)人称代词的主格在句子中作主语或主语补语,例如: John waited a while but eventually he went home. 约翰等了一会儿,最后他回家了。 John hoped the passenger would be Mary and indeed it was she. 约翰希望那位乘客是玛丽,还真是她。 说明:在复合句中,如果主句和从句主语相同,代词主语要用在从句中,名词主语用在主句中,例如: When he arrived, John went straight to the bank. 约翰一到就直接去银行了。 2)人称代词的宾格在句子中作宾语或介词宾语,但在口语中也能作主语补语,第一人称在省略句中,还可以作主语,例如: I saw her with them, at least, I thought it was her. 我看到她和他们在一起,至少我认为是她。(her做宾语,them做介词宾语,her作主语补语) a. -- Who broke the vase?--谁打碎了花瓶? b. -- Me.--我。(me作主语补语= It's me.) 说明:在上面两例句中,her和me分别作主语补语。现代英语中多用宾格,在正式文体中这里应为she和I。 人称代词之主、宾格的替换 1) 宾格代替主格 a.在简短对话中,当人称代词单独使用或在not 后,多用宾语。 ---- I like English.--我喜欢英语。 ---- Me too.--我也喜欢。 ---- Have more wine?--再来点酒喝吗? ---- Not me.--我可不要了。 b.在表示比较的非正式的文体中,常用宾格代替主格。但如果比较状语的谓语保留,则主语只能用主格。 He is taller than I/me. He is taller than I am. 2) 主格代替宾格 a. 在介词but,except 后,有时可用主格代替宾格。 b. 在电话用语中常用主格。 ---- I wish to speak to Mary. --我想和玛丽通话。 ---- This is she. --我就是玛丽。 注意:在动词be 或to be 后的人称代词视其前面的名词或代词而定。 I thought it was she. 我以为是她。(主格----主格) I thought it to be her.(宾格----宾格) I was taken to be she.我被当成了她。(主格----主格) They took me to be her.他们把我当成了她。(宾格----宾格)


高考英语语法专题复习 三、代词 知识要点: 代词是代替名词、名词短语或句子的词。代词可分为人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、不定代词、疑问代词、相互代词、连接代词、关系代词等九类。 一、人称代词 人称代词在句中可以用作主语(用主格,如I, you, he, she, it, we, they, 等)和宾语(用宾格,如me, you, him, her, it, us, them等): 人称代词的用法: 注:(1)在电话中或It is/was...that/who...强调句型中被强调部分做主语时,用主格: ---Is that Mr. Li? ---Yes. This is he. It’s I who did it. 这是我干的。 (2)单独使用的人称代词通常用宾格: “I’m tired.” “Me too.” “我累了。”“我也累了。”“Who wants this?” “Me.” “谁要这个?”“我要。” (3)有时用主格或宾格会导致意思的变化: I like you better than he. 我比他更喜欢你。为I like you better than he likes you. I like you better than him. 我喜欢你胜过喜欢他。为I like you better than I like him. (4)人称代词的排列顺序:单数人称代词通常按“二三一”排列,即you, he and I; 复数人称代词通常按“一二三”排列,即 we, you and they:You, he and I are of the same age. 你,他和我都是同一年龄。 We , you and they are all good citizens. 我们,你们和他们都是好公民。 但若用于承担责任或错误等场合,则可把第一人称 I 置于其他人称代词之前: Tom and I hope to go there. 汤姆和我想去那儿。I and Tom are to blame. 我和汤姆该受批评。 但是,you and I 是固定结构,语序通常不宜颠倒。 (5)人称代词后跟名词同位语。有些人称代词后有时可跟同位语: These small desks are for us students. 这些小课桌是给我们学生的。 We girls often go to the movies together. 我们女孩子常一起去看电影。 He asked you boys to be quiet. 他要你们男孩子安静些。 二、物主代词 物主代词分形容词性物主代词(my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their)和名词性物主代词(mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs)。形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,置于名词前,作定语;名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,在句中作主语、宾语、表语、连用of作定语:His son is taller than hers. 他的儿子比她的儿子高。 Ours is a great country. 我们的国家是一个伟大的国家 Her son is a friend of ours. 她的儿子是我们的朋友。 This is your pen. Mine is in the box. 这是你的铅笔,我的在铅笔盒里。 注:(1) a friend of mine (ours, yours, hers, his, theirs)结构 (2) 物主代词与own 连用。表强调。也可用of one’s own置于名词后作定语: Mind your own business. 别管闲事。


高中英语语法总结(完整版;高中必看!) 专题一:定语从句 一、关系代词引导的定语从句 1、that 指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 which指物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语(作宾语时可以省略) who指人在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 whom指人在从句中作宾语 whose指人或物在从句中作定语 as指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 but指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 注意:指物时,whose+名词=the+名词+of which或of which+the+名词2、as 的用法 (1)常用于下列结构:such…as; so…as;the same…as; as…as 注意:the same…as 表示同一类,不同一个 the same…that 表示同一个

(2)as与which的区别 a、位置不同 as可放在主句后,主句前或主句中间;which只能放在主句后。 b、as起连接作用,表达说话人的观点、看法,并指出主句内容的根据或出处,意为“正如,正像”。 Which相当于并列句,可以用and this来代替,意为“这一点,这件事’”。 注意:as常用于下列结构:as we know/ as is known to all, as we all can see, as has been said before/above, as might be excepted, as is often the case, 一般不能用which代替as。 c、在从句中作主语时,which既可作系动词be的主语也可作实义动词的主语,而as只可作系动词be的主语。 二、只用that不用which的情况 1、.先行词为all , much, everything, nothing , something ,anything, nothing, none, the one等不定代词时 2、先行词被only, any, few, little, no , all, just , very ,right等修饰时. 3、当先行词是最高级或被形容词最高级修饰时。


高中英语语法知识——代词 英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为九种: 人称代词分为主格(如:I, you, he等)和宾格(如:me, you, him) 物主代词分为形容性物主代词(如:my, his, your)和名词性物主代词(如:mine, his, yours) 指示代词常见的有四个:this这,that那, these这些, those那些 反身代词如:myself我自己,himself他自己,themselves他们自己 疑问代词用在特殊疑问句中。有:who, whom, whose, what, which。如:Who is that boy? What do you like? 不定代词如:some一些, many许多, both两个都, everything, everybody等 关系代词引导定语从句。如:This is the boy who won the race. 相互代词指each other 与one another,意为“互相” 连接代词疑问代词在引导从句时,都称为连接代词,包括who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever,whomever, whichever, whatever,一共九个。如: It is clear enough what she meant. 她是什么意思很清楚。(引导主语从句) I don’t care what they think. 他们怎么想我不管。(引导宾语从句)

第1讲人称代词 第2讲指示代词 人称代词分为主格和宾格。 考点1. 代词作同位语 如果代词和名词指代相同时,常用主格或宾格作同位语,不用物主代词。改错:Our Chinese people are friendly. 把our改为we, 因为我们本身就是中国人。 考点2. 用人称代词宾格代替主格的情况 ①口语中作表语的人称代词一般用宾格,不用主格。—Who is it? —It’s me. ②在比较句型中,as和than后的主格可以用宾格代替。I am taller than she/her.He is as tall as she/her. ③ but, except作“除了……”解并且位于主语之后时,后面可以跟主格也可跟宾格。Nobody but/except he/him knew it. ④人称代词单独出现时,常用宾格。Who runs faster, you or me? 考点3. this, that that则指前面讲到过的事物,有承上的作用, this常指后面要讲到的事物,有启下的作用。I want to tell you this: the English party will be held on Saturday afternoon.He hurt his leg yesterday. That’s why he didn’t come.


第三讲代词 代词主要分为以下几类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词,指示代词, 疑问代词, 不定代词。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的作用。 1、人称代词 (1)在比较级的句子中than、as后用主格、宾格都可以。如:He is taller than me(I).但在下列句中有区别。(2)两个以上的人称代词并列,其次序排列原则: 在并列主语中,“I”总是放在最后,排列顺序为:二三一(人称)。宾格me也一样。 You ,she and I will be in charge of the case. Mr.Zhang asked Li Hua and me to help him. (3)she可以代表国家、船只、大地、月亮等。 The “Titanic”was the largest, wasn’t she? (4) it 指代baby Look at that baby. It's lovely. (5)It 作形式主语 It is wrong to build a chemical factory here. 2.物主代词 (1)one’s own…=...of one’s own句式的转换。do sth. on one's own= do sth by oneself (2)某些固定结构中常用定冠词代替物主代词。 如:take sb. by the arm 3.反身代词 (1)反身代词的语法功能:宾语、表语、主语或宾语的同位语。

(2)反身代词和某些动词连有,构成固定短语。 enjoy oneself, feel oneself, make oneself at home, make oneself understood adapt oneself to seat oneself devote oneself to sth 4.指示代词(this, that , these, those, such, ) (1)为了避免重复,常用that或those代替前面已提过的名词。 The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Nanjing. The ears of a rabbit are longer than those of a fox. (2)such和same的用法。 (i). such指“这样的”人或事,在句中作主语。 Such was the story. Such was Einstein, a simple man of great achievement. (ii) such 修饰名词,做定语 I didn't expect to meet such great trouble in the work. 这家店出售手套,帽子和运动鞋之类的东西。______________________. We have never seen such a tall building..=so tall a building 5、疑问代词(who,whom,which,what,whose) (1)疑问代词与介词的连用 To whom did he give the message? 你为谁买的蓝西装?________________________ 6、不定代词 (1)some与any (都有代词的名词和形容词用法),anyone, anybody i)一般用法:some、any可与单、复数可数名词及不可数名词连有。some一般用于肯定句,any多用于疑问、否定或条件句。 He has some Chinese paintings. Do you have any questions to ask?


高中英语语法---代词 代词分为九类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词、指示代词\疑问代词、连接代词、不定代词、关系代词。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的作用。 1、人称代词 (1)人称代词作主语用主格,作宾语、表语用宾格,但应注意以下情况: 在比较级的句子中than、as后用主格、宾格都可以。如:He is taller than me但在下列句中有区别。 I like Jack as much as her.=I like both Jack and her. I like Jack as much as she.=I like Jack and she likes him, too. (2)两个以上的人称代词并列,其次序排列原则: ①在并列主语中,“I”总是放在最后,排列顺序为:二三一(人称)。宾格me也一 样。 You ,she and I will be in charge of the case. Mr.Zhang asked Li Hua and me to help him. ②第三人称,男女两性并用,男先女后。 He and she still don’t agree to the pl an. (3)几个人称代词的特殊用法。 ①we/you(口语)常用来泛指一般人。 ②she可以代表国家、船只、大地、月亮等。 The “Titanic”was the largest, wasn’t she? 2.物主代词 (1)名词和形容词性物主代词各自的语法功能。 (2)one’s own…=...of one’s own句式的转换。 3.反身代词 (1)反身代词的语法功能:宾语、表语、主语或宾语的同位语。 (2)反身代词和某些动词连有,构成固定短语。 enjoy oneself, feel oneself, make oneself at home, make oneself understood (3)反身代词还可用于某些成语中。 for oneself为自己或独立地,of oneself自然地,自动地by oneself独自地,in oneself 本身性质,beside oneself喜怒哀愁至极 This problem gets a chapter to itself.这个问题占了一章(独有)。 Just between ourselves, I don’t think much of him.私下地说我并不怎么看重他。 They were discussing about it among themselves.(相互共同) Left to himself he began to write.别人走后只留下他,他写了起来。 4.相互代词(each other, one another) 相互代词无人称、数和格的区别,在句中作宾语。其所有格分别为each other’s 、one another’s ,作定语。一般来说,each other指两者之间,one another指三者或三者以上之间,但现在区分已不明显。 5.指示代词(this, that , these, those, such, same) 指示代词具有形容词和代词两种词性,在句子中可以作定语、主语、宾语或表语等。

高中英语语法 - 代词专项练习题

高中英语代词练习题 1. By the way, who will teach ___pop music next term? A. us B. Our C. ours D. we 2. Both Pingping and Beibei have done ___homework. A. his B. Her C. their D. both’s 3. Everybody is here, ___? A. isn’t everybo dy B. isn’t it C. isn’t he D. aren’t they 4. It was ___ who wrote those words on the blackboard. A. he B. Him C. himself D. his 5. He wants nothing but a house of ____. A. his own B. Himself c. his father D. his own house 6. Can you express ___ in English? A. yourself B. You C. yours D.yours’ 7. One of them hasn’t got ___ lessons prepared. A. her B. Its C. one’s D. his 8. You don’t look quite ___ today. What’s the matt er with you? A. you B. Your C. your own D. yourself 9. Though ___ is a long way from here, we’ll do our best to reach there in time. A. there B. it C. its D. itself 10. We don’t consider ___ necessary for them to move into that house. A. that B. This C. it D. them 11. ___ is a great and glorious country. A. Our B. Ours C. Its D. Our’s 12. He parents are going on a study trip with a friend of ___. A. them B. Their C. themselves D. theirs 13. I’m sorry to say ___ of your answers are correct. A. none B. Neither C. both D. any 14. --- Who is that knocking at the door? ----_____ must be the milkman. A. He B. She C. It D. The man 15. ___ agree to your plan. A. Anyone of us B. No one of us C. None of us D. Someone of us 16. The books here are not so well written as ___ on the shelf. A. that B. Those C. ones D. them 17. My father is a farmer, but ___ is yours? A. who B. How C. which D. what 18. ___ do you think of my composition? A. How B. What C. Which D. Why 19. ___ of you would like to get me the bike? A. Which B. What C. Whom D. Whomever 20. Please write on the paper ___ line. A. each other B. every other C. all other D. this and that 21. Would you lend me ___ of your money, please? A. any B. many C. some D. a lot of 22. Sorry, but I have only ___ ink left over. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few 23. ___ who come from the countryside, please fill out the form. A. All B. Anyone C. These D. Those 24. She went for a swim in the pool yesterday and I’ll do ___ this afternoon. A. it B. such C. same D. the same 25. There’re tall buildings on ___ side of the street. A. either B. both C. every D. any 26. ___ must do ___ best to serve the people. A. One…his B. One…her C. One…one D. Ones…ones’ 27. He has quite a lot of interesting magazines but I have ___. A. no B. none C. no one D. neither 28. ___ are fond of collecting stamps. A. Both the children B. Both of children


语法填空----代词专项 2020年高考 Data about the moon’s composition could help China decide whether 70 (it) plans for a future lunar (月球的) base are practical. 代词的考查: 提示词为主格代词,考1 空,考查方向: 宾格代词、形容词性物主代词、反身代词和名词性物主代词之间的转化 代词的各种形式” 规律总结 1.It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty (960—1279) was very anxious to help ___(he) rice crop grow up quickly. 2. It is not much use learning by heart long lists of words and (they) meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. 3. The teacher punished her for ___(she) being late for class. 1. They brought bread and gloves with___ (they), and stopped to greet beggars and offer (they) some of the warm food. 2.She then told me it was because she loved __ _(I) and you hug people when you love them.So she opened her arms wide and timidly I opened _____(I) and we hugged. 3. I patiently walked to the library, took my seat and did some deep breathing to help relax ______(I). 4. Your postcards have more color than ___ (he). 5. At yesterday’s party, he enjoyed _______(he) very much.


七、疑问代词 1.疑问代词的用法。疑问代词(who, whom, whose, which, what等)在句中可用作主语、表语、宾语、定语等: Who is your English teacher? 你们的英语老师是谁? Whose is this umbrella? 这伞是谁的? Whose umbrella is this? 这是谁的伞? What question did he ask? 他问了什么问题? Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? 茶和咖啡,你喜欢那样? 注:who 和 whom 只用作主语、宾语和表语,不用作定语,what, which, whose 则既可用作主语、宾语和表语,也可用作定语。 2.两组疑问代词的用法比较 (1) who 与 whom:前者为主格,用作主语,后者为宾格,用作宾格: Who spoke at the meeting? 谁在会上发言了? Whom are you talking about? 你们在谈论谁? 但是,当用作宾语的 whom 位于句首时,通常可用who 代之: Who(m) is the letter from? 这信是谁寄来的? 若是紧跟在介词之后用作宾语,则只能用 whom。 (2) what, which 与 who: ①若后接名词(即用作限定词),只用which和what,不能用who: Which / What train did you come on? 你是坐哪次火车来的? What和 which 的区别是:当选择的范围较小或比较明确时,多用 which;当选择的范围较较大或不明确时,多用 what: Which color do you like, red, black or white? 红色、黑色和白色,你喜欢哪种? What color is your car? 你的汽车是什么颜色的? 但是,若指人,即使选择的范围不明确,也多用 which: Which [What] writers do you like? 你喜欢哪些作家? ②若其后不接名词(即用作代词),三者均可用,which和what的用法区别可参见上面的分析。至于who,它一般只用来指人(用作代词的 which 不用于指人),不管选择范围大还是小、明确还是不明确均可用: Who won –– Tom or Mike? 谁赢了,是汤姆还是迈克? Who is your favorite poet? 你最喜欢的诗人是谁? 当选择范围比较明确且用作宾语时,who也可用which或which one代之: Who [Which /Which one] do you like better, your father or your mother? 你更喜欢谁,父亲还是母亲? ③由于what和who的选择范围可以很大或不明确,所以其后可以跟 else,表示其他的人(或事物),但却通常不跟表示特定范围的of 短语;而 which 的选择范围相对比较小或明确,所以其后一般不接 else,却常与表特定范围的of短语连用: Who (What) else did you see there? 你在那儿还看到了别人的什么人(什么东西)?


高中英语语法练习-代词 一、基础练习 1.—— Which of the two dictionaries will you borrow ? ——I’ll borrow _____ , for the different uses. A.all B.both C.either D.neither 2._____ of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret. A.Each B.Any C.No one D.None 3.We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because _____ of us had _____ money on us. A.all ;no B.any ;no C.none ;any D.no one ;any 4.They were all very tired ,but _____ of them would stop to take a rest. A.neither B.none C.some D.any 5.There is a No.2 trolleybus and a No.24 bus ;_____ will take you there. A.both B.either C.all D.any 6.As we were asleep ,_____ of us heard the sound. A.both B.none C.either D.any 7.—— Which of the five may I use ? —— Oh , ____. A.any one B.anyone C.anything D.nothing 8.——Are the two answers correct ? ——No ,_____ correct. A.no one is B.both are not C.neither is D.either is not 9.I asked him for some oil ,but he hadn’t_____. A.any B.some C.no D.anything 10.You have three English dictionaries ,but I have only two _____. A.ones B.不填 C.the one D.the ones 11.I have a colour TV set.I want to sell ____. A.one B.the one C.that D.it 12.This film is not so good as _____ we saw last week. A.that B.it C.the one D.one 13._____ of us must go there and help him out. A.One or other B.One by one C.One or the other D.One or another


代词 一、本周内容概述 1.代词的作用 严格地讲,代词是代替名词的,在句子中起名词的作用,可用作:1)主语 例如: This is our new home. 这是我们的新家。 Who is on the phone? 谁在打电话? 2)宾语 例如: Take good care of yourself. 多多保重。 We should help each other. 我们应互相帮助。 3)表语 例如: That’s not mine. 那不是我的。 Who is it? —It’s me. 谁呀?—是我。 4)同位语 例如: We both live in the dormitory. 我们两人都住宿舍。 He ate them all. 他把它们全吃了。 5)呼语 例如: Be patient, everybody. 大家都耐心点。 2.代词的分类 代词通常可分为以下八类: 1)人称代词(I, you, he , we等) 2)物主代词(our, your, their, his等) 3)反身代词(myself, ourselves, yourself, itself等) 4)相互代词(each other, one another) 5)指示代词(this, that, these, those等) 6)疑问代词(who, what, which, whose等) 7)关系代词(who, that, which, whose等) 8)不定代词(both, all, some, any等) 二、重点知识归纳及讲解 (一)人称代词

1.人称代词的单数、复数和主格、宾格 数 格 人称单数复数 主格宾语主格宾格 第一人称I 我me we 我们us 第二人称you 你you you 你们you 第三人称he 他 she 她 it 它him her it 他们 they 她们 它们them 2.人称代词的用法 1)人称代词的主格在句子中充当主语 例如: I am studying English now. 我现在正在学英语。 We love our country. 我们热爱我们的国家。 如果有几个人称代词并列充当主语,它们的顺序是: 单数形式you, he and I 复数形式we, you and they 2)人称代词的宾语在句子中充当宾语、介词宾语或表语。 例如: Can you help us? 你能帮助我们吗? We are waiting for them. 我们正在等他们。 Who is there? It’s me. 是谁呀?是我。 (二)物主代词 物主代词用来表示人和物之间的所有关系,这类代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种,并有不同的人称和单复数之分。 2.形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的主要用法区别 1)形容词性物主代词不能独立使用,只作定语,用来修饰后面的名词。 例如: My parents are both doctors. 我的父母都是医生。 We saw a film yesterday. Its name was Speed. 我们昨天看了一场电影,片名是《生死时速》。 2)名词性物主代词应独立使用,后面不跟名词,相当于形容词性物主代词+名词,它们在


高中英语代词练习题 1.Both Pingping and Beibei have done ___homework. A. his B. Her C. their D. both’s 2.Everybody is here, ___? A. isn’t everybo dy B. isn’t it C. isn’t he D. aren’t they 3.He wants nothing but a house of ____. A. his own B. Himself c. his father D. his own house 4.Can you express ___ in English? A. yourself B. You C. yours D.yours’ 5.One of them hasn’t got ___ lessons prepared. A. her B. Its C. one’s D. his 6.We don’t conside r ___ necessary for them to move into that house. A. that B. This C. it D. them 7.___ is a great and glorious country. A. Our B. Ours C. Its D. Our’s 8.He parents are going on a study trip with a friend of ___. A. them B. Their C. themselves D. theirs 9.I’m sorry to say ___ of your answers are correct. A. none B. Neither C. both D. any 10.--- Who is that knocking at the door? ----_____ must be the milkman. A. He B. She C. It D. The man 11. ___ agree to your plan.

高中英语语法:代词之人称代词 (2)

《高中英语语法大全》第02章代词 一、概说 代词是代替名词及起名词作用的短语或句子的词。代词可分为人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、相互代词、疑问代词、连接代词、关系代词、不定代词等九类。 二、人称代词 1.人称代词的用法。人称代词在句中可以用作主语(用主格,如I, you, he, she, we, they, 等)和宾语(用宾格,如me, you, him, her, us, them等): He loves her, but she hates him. 他爱她,但她却讨厌他。 注:(1)在口语中,当人称代词用作表语、用于than, as 之后或用于强调句中被强调时,可以用宾语: “Who is it?” “It’s me.” “是谁呀?”“是我。” He sings better than me. 他比我唱得好。 He is as tall as her. 他和她一样高。 It’s me who did it.这是我干的。 但是,若than, as 后的人称代词后跟有动词,则必须用主格: He sings better than I do. / He is as tall as she is. (2)单独使用的人称代词通常用宾格: “I’m tired.” “Me too.” “我累了。”“我也累了。” “Who wants this?” “Me.” “谁要这个?”“我要。” (3)有时用主格或宾格会导致意思的变化: I like you better than he. 我比他更喜欢你。为I like you better than he likes you.之略。 I like you better than him. 我喜欢你胜过喜欢他。为I like you better than he likes him.之略。 2.人称代词的排序: (1)人称代词的排列顺序为:单数人称代词通常按“二三一”排列,即you, he and I;复数人称代词通常按“一二三”排列,即 we, you and they: You, he and I are of the same age. 你,他和我都是同一年龄。 We , you and they are all good citizens. 我们,你们和他们都是好公民。 但若是用于承担责任或错误等场合,则可把第一人称 I 置于其他人称代词之前: I and Tom are to blame. 我和汤姆该受批评。 比较:Tom and I hope to go there. 汤姆和我想去那儿。 但是,you and I 是固定结构,语序通常不宜颠倒。 (2)在通常情况下,人称代词在句子中出现在它所代替的名词之后,即先出现名词,再出现相应的代词。但是,在书面语中,有时也可出现代词,后出现代词所代替的名词:As soon as it had hopped off, the plane picked up speed. 飞机刚一起飞,就加了速。(比较:As soon as the plane had hopped off, it picked up speed.) 3.人称代词后跟名词同位语。有些人称代词后有时可跟同位语:


第二集语法填空核心考点考点突破 ——代词——高考考查的重点 【考向聚焦】 在句中用来代替名词、名词短语或句子的词称为代词。代词可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语或定语等。近3年来,高考重点考查不定代词,所考题量占所考代词总量的50%左右,其次是it的用法和替代词。试题的设计注重语境设置,要求考生将句子意思和句子结构联系起来选出正确的代词。因此,做题时要在熟练掌握各类代词基本用法的基础上,特别注意句意和句子结构的结合,只靠死背语法是很难奏效的。 对应学生用书P5 用适当的代词填空 1.(2013?辽宁,29)To her joy,Della earned first the trust of her students and then ________ of her colleagues. 解析句意:Della先赢得了学生的信任,然后赢得了同事的信任。此处用于替代不可数名词trust,故用that。如果代替可数复数名词用those或the ones。 答案that 2.(2013?江西,23)________ can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn't love it. 解析句意:如果他不喜欢的话,不可能会有人40年擅长一件事情。nobody意为“没有人”。 答案Nobody 3.(2013?山东,21)I've lived in New York and Chicago,but don't like ________ of them very much. 解析句意:我在纽约和芝加哥都居住过,但这两个地方我都不喜欢。短语not...either=neither(两者都不)。 答案either 4.(2013?陕西,22)Although Rosemary had suffered from a serious illness for years,she lost ________ of her enthusiasm for life. 解析句意:虽然Rosemary这些年患上了一种严重的疾病,但是她并没丧失对生活的热情。根据语境可知用否定词。 答案none 5.(2013?天津,12)At our factory there are a few machines similar to ________ described in this magazine. 解析考查用于比较对象替代的代词。句意:在我们工厂有一些与这份杂志中描述相似的机器。those替代可数名词复数。 答案those 6.(2013?四川,2)The traffic on the main street has a longer green signal than ________ on the small ones. 解析考查比较对象的替代。通常可以用that替代不可数名词,此处the traffic 为不可数名词,故用that来替代。 答案that 7.(2013?新课标Ⅱ,14)It's an either—or situation—we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can't do ________. 解析句意:这是一个只能二选一的处境——我们可以在今年买一辆新车,或者
