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A 1A bakery owner turns on his doughnut machine at 8:30AM.At 11:10AM the machine has

completed one third of the day’s job.At what time will the doughnut machine complete the


(A)1:50PM (B)3:00PM

(C)3:30PM (D)4:30PM (E)5:50PM 2What is the reciprocal of 1223




23Suppose that 23of 10bananas are worth as much as 8oranges.How many oranges are worth as much is 12

of 5bananas?(A)2(B)52(C)3(D)72

(E)44Which of the following is equal to the product 84.128.1612...4n 44n (20082004)

?(A)251(B)502(C)1004(D)2008(E)40165Suppose that

2x 3x


is an integer.Which of the following statements must be true about x ?

(A)It is negative.(B)It is even,but not necessarily a multiple of 3.

(C)It is a multiple of 3,but not necessarily even.

(D)It is a multiple of 6,but not necessarily a multiple of 12.

(E)It is a multiple of 12.6Heather compares the price of a new computer at two di?erent stores.Store A o?ers 15%o?

the sticker price followed by a $90rebate,and store B o?ers 25%o?the same sticker price

with no rebate.Heather saves $15by buying the computer at store A instead of store B.

What is the sticker price of the computer,in dollars?

(A)750(B)900(C)1000(D)1050(E)1500This ?le was downloaded from the AoPS ?MathLinks Math Olympiad Resources Page

Page 1http://www.mathlinks.ro/

20087While Steve and LeRoy are ?shing 1mile from shore,their boat springs a leak,and water

comes in at a constant rate of 10gallons per minute.The boat will sink if it takes in more

than 30gallons of water.Steve starts rowing toward the shore at a constant rate of 4miles

per hour while LeRoy bails water out of the boat.What is the slowest rate,in gallons per

minute,at which LeRoy can bail if they are to reach the shore without sinking?

(A)2(B)4(C)6(D)8(E)108What is the volume of a cube whose surface area is twice that of a cube with volume 1?(A)√2

(B)2(C)2√2(D)4(E)89Older television screens have an aspect ratio of 4:3.That is,the ratio of the width to the

height is 4:3.The aspect ratio of many movies is not 4:3,so they are sometimes shown on

a television screen by ’letterboxing’-darkening strips of equal height at the top and bottom

of the screen,as shown.Suppose a movie has an aspect ratio of 2:1and is shown on an older

television screen with a 27-inch diagonal.What is the height,in inches,of each darkened




(A)2(B)2.25(C)2.5(D)2.7(E)310Doug can paint a room in 5hours.Dave can paint the same room in 7hours.Doug and

Dave paint the room together and take a one-hour break for lunch.Let t be the total time,

in hours,required for them to complete the job working together,including lunch.Which of

the following equations is satis?ed by t ?(A) 1517 (t 1)1(B) 1517 t 11(C) 1517 t 1(D) 1517

(t 1)1(E)(57)t 111Three cubes are each formed from the pattern shown.They are then stacked on a table one

on top of another so that the 13visible numbers have the greatest possible sum.What is

that sum?


pen p =linewidth(1);draw(shift(-2,0)*unitsquare,p);label(quot;1quot;,(-1.5,0.5));draw(shift(-




200812A function f has domain [0,2]and range [0,1].(The notation [a,b ]denotes {x :a ≤x ≤b }.)

What are the domain and range,respectively,of the function g de?ned by g (x )1f (x 1)?

(A)[1,1],[1,0](B)[1,1],[0,1](C)[0,2],[1,0](D)[1,3],[1,0](E)[1,3],[0,1]13Points A and B lie ona circle centered at O ,and ∠AOB 60?.A second circle is internally

tangent to the ?rst and tangent to both OA and OB .What is the ratio of the area of the

smaller circle to that of the larger circle?

(A)116(B)19(C)18(D)16(E)1414What is the area of the region de?ned by the inequality |3x 18||2y 7|≤3?


(E)515Let k 2008222008.What is the units digit of k 22k ?

(A)0(B)2(C)4(D)6(E)816The numbers log(a 3b 7),log(a 5b 12),and log(a 8b 15)are the ?rst three terms of an arithmetic

sequence,and the 12th term of the sequence is log b n .What is n ?

(A)40(B)56(C)76(D)112(E)14317Let a 1,a 2,...be a sequence of integers determined by the rule a n a n 1/2if a n 1is even and

a n 3a n 11if a n 1is odd.For how many positive integers a 1≤2008is it true that a 1is less than

each of a 2,a 3,and a 4?

(A)250(B)251(C)501(D)502(E)100418Triangle ABC ,with sides of length 5,6,and 7,has one vertex on the positive x -axis,one on

the positive y -axis,and one on the positive z -axis.Let O be the origin.What is the volume

of tetrahedron OABC ?(A)√85(B)√90(C)√95(D)10(E)√10519In the expansion of

1xx 2···x 27 1xx 2···x 14 2,

what is the coe?cient of x 28?

(A)195(B)196(C)224(D)378(E)40520Triangle ABC has AC 3,BC 4,and AB 5.Point D is on AB ,and CD bisects the right angle.

The inscribed circles of ADC and BCD have radii r a and r b ,respectively.What is r a /r b ?


(A)128 10√2 (B)356 10√2 (C)114 10√2 (D)556

10√2 (E)328 10√2 21A permutation (a 1,a 2,a 3,a 4,a 5)of (1,2,3,4,5)is heavy-tailed if a 1a 2

number of heavy-tailed permutations?

(A)36(B)40(C)44(D)48(E)5222A round table has radius 4.Six rectangular place mats are placed on the table.Each place

mat has width 1and length x as shown.They are positioned so that each mat has two corners

on the edge of the table,these two corners being end points of the same side of length x .

Further,the mats are positioned so that the inner corners each touch an inner corner of an

adjacent mat.What is x ?

[asy]unitsize(4mm);defaultpen(linewidth(.8)+fontsize(8));draw(Circle((0,0),4));path mat=(-



label(quot;36;x36;quot;,(-2.687,0),E);label(quot;36;136;quot;,(-3.187,1.5513),S);[/asy](A)2√5√3(B)3(C)3√7√32(D)2√3(E)52√3223The solutions of the equation z 44z 3i 6z 24zii 0are the vertices of a convex polygon in the

complex plane.What is the area of the polygon?

(A)25/8(B)23/4(C)2(D)25/4(E)23/224Triangle ABC has ∠C 60?and BC 4.Point D is the midpoint of BC .What is the largest

possible value of tan ∠BAD ?(A)√36(B)√33(C)√32√2(D)√34√23

(E)125A sequence (a 1,b 1),(a 2,b 2),(a 3,b 3),...of points in the coordinate plane satis?es (a n 1,b n 1)(√3a n b n ,√3b n a n )for n 1,2,3,....

Suppose that (a 100,b 100)(2,4).What is a 1b 1?

(A)minus 1


(B)minus 1299(C)0(D)1



B 1A basketball player made 5baskets during a game.Each basket was worth either 2or 3

points.How many di?erent numbers could represent the total points scored by the player?

(A)2(B)3(C)4(D)5(E)62A 4×4block of calendar dates is shown.The order of the numbers in the second row is to

be reversed.Then the order of the numbers in the fourth row is to be reversed.Finally,the

numbers on each diagonal are to be added.What will be the positive di?erence between the

two diagonal sums?





(A)2(B)4(C)6(D)8(E)103A semipro baseball league has teams with 21players each.League rules state that a player

must be paid at least $15,000,and that the total of all players’salaries for each team cannot

exceed $700,000.What is the maximum possiblle salary,in dollars,for a single player?

(A)270,000(B)385,000(C)400,000(D)430,000(E)700,0004On circle O ,points C and D are on the same side of diameter AB ,∠AOC 30?,and ∠DOB 45?.

What is the ratio of the area of the smaller sector COD to the area of the circle?


pair C =3*dir (30);pair D =3*dir (135);pair A =3*dir (0);pair B =3*dir(180);pair O =

(0,0);draw (Circle ((0,0),3));label (quot;36;C36;quot;,C,NE);label (quot;36;D36;quot;,D,

NW);label (quot;36;B36;quot;,B,W);label (quot;36;A36;quot;,A,E);label (quot;36;O36;quot;,

O,S);label (quot;36;45?36;quot ;,(?0.3,0.1),W NW );label (quot ;36;30?36;quot ;,(0.5,0.1),ENE );draw (A ??B );draw (O ??D );draw (O ??C );[/asy ]

(A)29(B)14(C)518(D)724(E)3105A class collects $50to buy ?owers for a classmate who is in the hospital.Roses cost $3each,and carnations cost $2each.No other ?owers are to be used.How many di?erent bouquets could be purchased for exactly $50?


20086Postman Pete has a pedometer to count his steps.The pedometer records up to 99999steps,then ?ips over to 00000on the next step.Pete plans to determine his mileage for a year.On January 1Pete sets the pedometer to 00000.During the year,the pedometer ?ips from 99999to 00000forty-four times.On December 31the pedometer reads 50000.Pete takes 1800steps per mile.Which of the following is closest to the number of miles Pete walked during the year?


(B)3000(C)3500(D)4000(E)45007For real numbers a and b ,de?ne a $b (ab )2.What is (xy )2$(yx )2?(A)0(B)x 2y 2(C)2x 2(D)2y 2(E)4xy 8Points B and C lie on AD .The length of AB is 4times the length of BD ,and the length of AC is 9times the length of CD .The length of BC is what fraction of the length of AD ?

(A)136(B)113(C)110(D)536(E)159Points A and B are on a circle of radius 5and AB 6.Point C is the midpoint of the minor arc AB .What is the length of the line segment AC ?


(C)√14(D)√15(E)410Bricklayer Brenda would take 9hours to build a chimney alone,and bricklayer Brandon would take

10hours to build it alone.When they work together they talk a lot,and their combined output is decreased by 10bricks per hour.Working together,they build the chimney in 5hours.How many bricks are in the chimney?

(A)500(B)900(C)950(D)1000(E)190011A cone-shaped mountain has its base on the ocean ?oor and has a height of 8000feet.The top 18of the volume of the mountain is above water.What is the depth of the ocean at the base of the

mountain,in feet?(A)4000(B)2000(4√2)

(C)6000(D)6400(E)700012For each positive integer n ,the mean of the ?rst n terms of a sequence is n .What is the 2008th

term of the sequence?

(A)2008(B)4015(C)4016(D)4,030,056(E)4,032,06413Vertex E of equilateral ABE is in the interior of unit square ABCD .Let R be the region consisting of all points inside ABCD and outside ABE whose distance from AD is between 13and 23.What is the area of R ?(A)125√372(B)125√336(C)√318(D)3√39(E)√312

200814A circle has a radius of log 10(a 2)and a circumference of log 10(b 4).What is log a b ?


(C)π(D)2π(E)102π15On each side of a unit square,an equilateral triangle of side length 1is constructed.On each new

side of each equilateral triangle,another equilateral triangle of side length 1is constructed.The interiors of the square and the 12triangles have no points in common.Let R be the region formed by the union of the square and all the triangles,and S be the smallest convex polygon that contains R .What is the area of the region that is inside S but outside R ?(A)14(B)√24

(C)1(D)√3(E)2√316A rectangular ?oor measures a by b feet,where a and b are positive integers with b >a .An artist

paints a rectangle on the ?oor with the sides of the rectangle parallel to the sides of the ?oor.The unpainted part of the ?oor forms a border of width 1foot around the painted rectangle and occupies half of the area of the entire ?oor.How many possibilities are there for the ordered pair (a,b )?

(A)1(B)2(C)3(D)4(E)517Let A ,B ,and C be three distinct points on the graph of yx 2such that line AB is parallel to

the x -axis and ABC is a right triangle with area 2008.What is the sum of the digits of the y -coordinate of C ?

(A)16(B)17(C)18(D)19(E)2018A pyramid has a square base ABCD and vertex E .The area of square ABCD is 196,and the

areas of ABE and CDE are 105and 91,respectively.What is the volume of the pyramid?(A)392(B)196√6(C)392√2(D)392√3(E)78419A function f is de?ned by f (z )(4i )z 2αzγfor all complex numbers z ,where αand γare complex

numbers and i 21.Suppose that f (1)and f (i )are both real.What is the smallest possible value of |α||γ|(A)1(B)√(C)2(D)2√(E)420Michael walks at the rate of 5feet per second on a long straight path.Trash pails are located every

200feet along the path.A garbage truck travels at 10feet per second in the same direction as Michael and stops for 30seconds at each pail.As Michael passes a pail,he notices the truck ahead of him just leaving the next pail.How many times will Michael and the truck meet?


200821Two circles of radius 1are to be constructed as follows.The center of circle A is chosen uniformly

and at random from the line segment joining (0,0)and (2,0).The center of circle B is chosen uniformly and at random,and independently of the ?rst choice,from the line segment joining (0,1)to (2,1).What is the probability that circles A and B intersect?(A)2√24(B)3√328(C)2√212(D)2√34(E)4√33422A parking lot has 16spaces in a row.Twelve cars arrive,each of which requires one parking space,

and their drivers chose spaces at random from among the available spaces.Auntie Em then arrives in her SUV,which requires 2adjacent spaces.What is the probability that she is able to park?

(A)1120(B)47(C)81140(D)35(E)172823The sum of the base-10logarithms of the divisors of 10n is 792.What is n ?

(A)11(B)12(C)13(D)14(E)1524Let A 0(0,0).Distinct points A 1,A 2,...lie on the x -axis,and distinct points B 1,B 2,...lie on the

graph of y √x .For every positive integer n ,A n 1B n A n is an equilateral triangle.What is the least n for which the length A 0A n ≥100?

(A)13(B)15(C)17(D)19(E)2125Let ABCD be a trapezoid with AB CD ,AB 11,BC 5,CD 19,and DA 7.Bisectors of ∠A and

∠D meet at P ,and bisectors of ∠B and ∠C meet at Q .What is the area of hexagon ABQCDP ?(A)28√3(B)30√3(C)32√3(D)35√3(E)36√3


2011AMC10美国数学竞赛A卷时间:2021.03.03 创作:欧阳学 1. A cell phone plan costs $20 each month, plus 5¢per text message sent, plus 10¢ for each minute used over 30 hours. In January Michelle sent 100 text messages and talked for 30.5 hours. How much did she have to pay? (A) $24.00(B) $24.50(C) $25.50(D) $28.00(E) $30.00 2. A small bottle of shampoo can hold 35 milliliters of shampoo, Whereas a large bottle can hold 500 milliliters of shampoo. Jasmine wants to buy the minimum number of small bottles necessary to completely fill a large bottle. How many bottles must she buy? (A) 11(B) 12(C) 13(D) 14(E) 15 3. Suppose [a b] denotes the average of a and b, and {a b c} denotes the average of a, b, and c. What is {{1 1 0} [0 1] 0}? (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 4. Let X and Y be the following sums of arithmetic sequences: X= 10 + 12 + 14 + …+ 100. Y= 12 + 14 + 16 + …+ 102. What is the value of ?


2011AMC10美国数学竞赛A卷 1. A cell phone plan costs $20 each month, plus 5¢ per text message sent, plus 10¢ for each minute used over 30 hours. In January Michelle sent 100 text messages and talked for 30.5 hours. How much did she have to pay? (A) $24.00 (B) $24.50 (C) $25.50 (D) $28.00 (E) $30.00 2. A small bottle of shampoo can hold 35 milliliters of shampoo, Whereas a large bottle can hold 500 milliliters of shampoo. Jasmine wants to buy the minimum number of small bottles necessary to completely fill a large bottle. How many bottles must she buy? (A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14 (E) 15 3. Suppose [a b] denotes the average of a and b, and {a b c} denotes the average of a, b, and c. What is {{1 1 0} [0 1] 0}? (A) 2 9(B)5 18 (C)1 3 (D) 7 18 (E) 2 3 4. Let X and Y be the following sums of arithmetic sequences: X= 10 + 12 + 14 + …+ 100. Y= 12 + 14 + 16 + …+ 102. What is the value of Y X ?

2018年美国数学竞赛 AMC 试题

2018 AIME I Problems Problem 1 Let be the number of ordered pairs of integers with and such that the polynomial can be factored into the product of two (not necessarily distinct) linear factors with integer coefficients. Find the remainder when is divided by . Problem 2 The number can be written in base as , can be written in base as , and can be written in base as , where . Find the base- representation of . Problem 3 Kathy has red cards and green cards. She shuffles the cards and lays out of the cards in a row in a random order. She will be happy if and only if all the red cards laid out are adjacent and all the green cards laid out are adjacent. For example, card orders RRGGG, GGGGR, or RRRRR will make Kathy happy, but RRRGR will not. The probability that Kathy will be happy is , where and are relatively prime positive integers. Find . Problem 4 In and . Point lies strictly between and on and point lies strictly between and on so that . Then can be expressed in the form , where and are relatively prime positive integers. Find . Problem 5 For each ordered pair of real numbers satisfying there is a real number such that

2019AMC 8(美国数学竞赛)题目

2019 AMC 8 Problems Problem 1 Ike and Mike go into a sandwich shop with a total of to spend. Sandwiches cost each and soft drinks cost each. Ike and Mike plan to buy as many sandwiches as they can and use the remaining money to buy soft drinks. Counting both soft drinks and sandwiches, how many items will they buy? Problem 2 Three identical rectangles are put together to form rectangle , as shown in the figure below. Given that the length of the shorter side of each of the smaller rectangles is feet, what is the area in square feet of rectangle ?

Problem 3 Which of the following is the correct order of the fractions , , and , from least to greatest? Problem 4 Quadrilateral is a rhombus with perimeter meters. The length of diagonal is meters. What is the area in square meters of rhombus ? Problem 5 A tortoise challenges a hare to a race. The hare eagerly agrees and quickly runs ahead, leaving the slow-moving tortoise behind. Confident that he will win, the hare stops to take a nap. Meanwhile, the tortoise walks at a slow steady pace for the entire race. The hare awakes and runs to the finish line, only to find the tortoise already there. Which of the following graphs matches the description of the race, showing the distance traveled by the two animals over time from start to finish?


2003 AMC 10B 1、Which of the following is the same as 2、Al gets the disease algebritis and must take one green pill and one pink pill each day for two weeks. A green pill costs more than a pink pill, and Al’s pills cost a total of for the two weeks. How much does one green pill cost 3、The sum of 5 consecutive even integers is less than the sum of the rst consecutive odd counting numbers. What is the smallest of the even integers 4、Rose fills each of the rectangular regions of her rectangular flower bed with a different type of flower. The lengths, in feet, of the rectangular regions in her flower bed are as shown in the gure. She plants one flower per square foot in each region. Asters cost 1 each, begonias each, cannas 2 each, dahlias each, and Easter lilies 3 each. What is the least possible cost, in dollars, for her garden 5、Moe uses a mower to cut his rectangular -foot by -foot lawn. The swath he cuts is inches wide, but he overlaps each cut by inches to make sure that no grass is missed. He walks at the rate of feet per

2020年度美国数学竞赛AMC12 A卷(带答案)

AMC2020 A Problem 1 Carlos took of a whole pie. Maria took one third of the remainder. What portion of the whole pie was left? Problem 2 The acronym AMC is shown in the rectangular grid below with grid lines spaced unit apart. In units, what is the sum of the lengths of the line segments that form the acronym AMC Problem 3 A driver travels for hours at miles per hour, during which her car gets miles per gallon of gasoline. She is paid per mile, and her only expense is gasoline at per gallon. What is her net rate of pay, in dollars per hour, after this expense?

Problem 4 How many -digit positive integers (that is, integers between and , inclusive) having only even digits are divisible by Problem 5 The integers from to inclusive, can be arranged to form a -by- square in which the sum of the numbers in each row, the sum of the numbers in each column, and the sum of the numbers along each of the main diagonals are all the same. What is the value of this common sum? Problem 6 In the plane figure shown below, of the unit squares have been shaded. What is the least number of additional unit squares that must be shaded so that the resulting figure has two lines of symmetry


2. is the value of friends ate at a restaurant and agreed to share the bill equally. Because Judi forgot her money, each of her seven friends paid an extra $ to cover her portion of the total bill. What was the total bill is in the grade and weighs 106 pounds. His quadruplet sisters are tiny babies and weigh 5, 5, 6, and 8 pounds. Which is greater, the average (mean) weight of these five children or the median weight, and by how many pounds number in each box below is the product of the numbers in the two boxes that touch it in the row above. For example, . What is the missing number in the top row

and his mom stopped at a railroad crossing to let a train pass. As the train began to pass, Trey counted 6 cars in the first 10 seconds. It took the train 2 minutes and 45 seconds to clear the crossing at a constant speed. Which of the following was the most likely number of cars in the train fair coin is tossed 3 times. What is the probability of at least two consecutive heads Incredible Hulk can double the distance he jumps with each succeeding jump. If his first jump is 1 meter, the second jump is 2 meters, the third jump is 4 meters, and so on, then on which jump will he first be able to jump more than 1 kilometer is the ratio of the least common multiple of 180 and 594 to the greatest common factor of 180 and 594 11. Ted's grandfather used his treadmill on 3 days this week. He went 2 miles each day. On Monday he jogged at a speed of 5 miles per hour. He walked at the rate of 3 miles per hour on Wednesday and at 4 miles per hour on Friday. If Grandfather had always walked at 4 miles per hour, he would have spent less time on the treadmill. How many minutes less 12. At the 2013 Winnebago County Fair a vendor is offering a "fair special" on sandals. If you buy one pair of sandals at the regular price of $50, you get a second pair at a 40% discount, and a third pair at half the regular price. Javier took advantage of the "fair special" to buy three pairs of sandals. What percentage of the $150 regular price did he save


2002 AMC 12A Problems Problem 1 Compute the sum of all the roots of Problem 2 Cindy was asked by her teacher to subtract 3 from a certain number and then divide the result by 9. Instead, she subtracted 9 and then divided the result by 3, giving an answer of 43. What would her answer have been had she worked the problem correctly? Problem 3 According to the standard convention for exponentiation, If the order in which the exponentiations are performed is changed, how many other values are possible? Problem 4 Find the degree measure of an angle whose complement is 25% of its supplement. Problem 5

Each of the small circles in the figure has radius one. The innermost circle is tangent to the six circles that surround it, and each of those circles is tangent to the large circle and to its small-circle neighbors. Find the area of the shaded region. Problem 6 For how many positive integers does there exist at least one positive integer n such that ? infinitely many Problem 7 A arc of circle A is equal in length to a arc of circle B. What is the ratio of circle A's area and circle B's area? Problem 8 Betsy designed a flag using blue triangles, small white squares, and a red center square, as shown. Let be the total area of the blue triangles, the total area of the white squares, and the area of the red square. Which of the following is correct?

AMC 美国数学竞赛 2001 AMC 10 试题及答案解析

USA AMC 10 2001 1 The median of the list is . What is the mean? 2 A number is more than the product of its reciprocal and its additive inverse. In which interval does the number lie? 3 The sum of two numbers is . Suppose 3 is added to each number and then each of the resulting numbers is doubled. What is the sum of the final two numbers? 4 What is the maximum number of possible points of intersection of a circle and a triangle? 5 How many of the twelve pentominoes pictured below have at least one line of symettry?

6 Let and denote the product and the sum, respectively, of the digits of the integer . For example, and . Suppose is a two-digit number such that . What is the units digit of ? 7 When the decimal point of a certain positive decimal number is moved four places to the right, the new number is four times the reciprocal of the original number. What is the original number? 8 Wanda, Darren, Beatrice, and Chi are tutors in the school math lab. Their schedule is as follows: Darren works every third school day, Wanda works every fourth school day, Beatrice works every sixth school day, and Chi works every seventh school day. Today they are all working in the math lab. In how many school days from today will


美国数学竞赛amc8的常用数学英语单词 数学 mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE)被除数 dividend 除数 divisor 商 quotient 等于 equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于 is greater than 小于 is lesser than 大于等于 is equal or greater than 小于等于 is equal or lesser than 运算符 operator 数字 digit 数 number 自然数 natural number 公理 axiom 定理 theorem 计算 calculation 运算 operation 证明 prove 假设 hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题 proposition 算术 arithmetic 加 plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.)

被加数 augend, summand 加数 addend 和 sum 减 minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.) 被减数 minuend 减数 subtrahend 差 remainder 乘 times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.)被乘数 multiplicand, faciend 乘数 multiplicator 积 product 除 divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.) 整数 integer 小数 decimal 小数点 decimal point 分数 fraction 分子 numerator 分母 denominator 比 ratio 正 positive

AMC12美国数学竞赛 2012-2014

AMC12 2014A Problem 1 What is Solution At the theater children get in for half price. The price for adult tickets and child tickets is . How much would adult tickets and child tickets cost? Solution Walking down Jane Street, Ralph passed four houses in a row, each painted a different color. He passed the orange house before the red house, and he passed the blue house before the yellow house. The blue house was not next to the yellow house. How many orderings of the colored houses are possible? Solution Suppose that cows give gallons of milk in days. At this rate, how many gallons of milk will cows give in days? Solution

On an algebra quiz, of the students scored points, scored points, scored points, and the rest scored points. What is the difference between the mean and median score of the students' scores on this quiz? Solution The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by reversing its digits is times the sum of the digits of either number. What is the sum of the two digit number and its reverse? Solution The first three terms of a geometric progression are , , and . What is the fourth term? Solution A customer who intends to purchase an appliance has three coupons, only one of which may be used: Coupon 1: off the listed price if the listed price is at least Coupon 2: dollars off the listed price if the listed price is at least Coupon 3: off the amount by which the listed price exceeds For which of the following listed prices will coupon offer a greater price reduction than either coupon or coupon ?


A abbreviation 简写符号;简写 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute value 绝对值 accuracy 准确度 acute angle 锐角 acute-angled triangle 锐角三角形 add 加 addition 加法 addition formula 加法公式 addition law 加法定律 addition law(of probability)(概率)加法定律additive property 可加性 adjacent angle 邻角 adjacent side 邻边 algebra 代数 algebraic 代数的 algebraic equation 代数方程 algebraic expression 代数式 algebraic fraction 代数分式;代数分数式algebraic inequality 代数不等式 algebraic operation 代数运算 alternate angle (交)错角 alternate segment 交错弓形 altitude 高;高度;顶垂线;高线 ambiguous case 两义情况;二义情况 amount 本利和;总数 analysis 分析;解析 analytic geometry 解析几何 angle 角 angle at the centre 圆心角 angle at the circumference 圆周角 angle between a line and a plane 直与平面的交角 angle between two planes 两平面的交角 angle bisection 角平分 angle bisector 角平分线 ;分角线 angle in the alternate segment 交错弓形的圆周角angle in the same segment 同弓形内的圆周角angle of depression 俯角 angle of elevation 仰角 angle of greatest slope 最大斜率的角 angle of inclination 倾斜角angle of intersection 相交角;交角 angle of rotation 旋转角 angle of the sector 扇形角 angle sum of a triangle 三角形内角和 angles at a point 同顶角 annum(X% per annum) 年(年利率X%) anti-clockwise direction 逆时针方向;返时针方向anti-logarithm 逆对数;反对数 anti-symmetric 反对称 apex 顶点 approach 接近;趋近 approximate value 近似值 approximation 近似;略计;逼近 Arabic system 阿刺伯数字系统 arbitrary 任意 arbitrary constant 任意常数 arc 弧 arc length 弧长 arc-cosine function 反余弦函数 arc-sin function 反正弦函数 arc-tangent function 反正切函数 area 面积 arithmetic 算术 arithmetic mean 算术平均;等差中顶;算术中顶arithmetic progression 算术级数;等差级数arithmetic sequence 等差序列 arithmetic series 等差级数 arm 边 arrow 前号 ascending order 递升序 ascending powers of X X 的升幂 associative law 结合律 assumed mean 假定平均数 assumption 假定;假设 average 平均;平均数;平均值 average speed 平均速率 axiom 公理 axis 轴 axis of parabola 拋物线的轴 axis of symmetry 对称轴

AMC 美国数学竞赛试题 详解 英文版

2013 AMC8 Problems 1. Danica wants to arrange her model cars in rows with exactly 6 cars in each row. She now has 23 model cars. What is the smallest number of additional cars she must buy in order to be able to arrange all her cars this way? 2. A sign at the fish market says, "50% off, today only: half-pound packages for just $3 per package." What is the regular price for a full pound of fish, in dollars? What is the value of ? 3. 4. Eight friends ate at a restaurant and agreed to share the bill equally. Because Judi forgot her money, each of her seven friends paid an extra $2.50 to cover her portion of the total bill. What was the total bill? 5. Hammie is in the grade and weighs 106 pounds. His quadruplet sisters are tiny babies and weigh 5, 5, 6, and 8 pounds. Which is greater, the average (mean) weight of these five children or the median weight, and by how many pounds?


A M C美国数学竞赛 A M C B试题及答案解析 The latest revision on November 22, 2020

2003 AMC 10B 1、Which of the following is the same as 2、Al gets the disease algebritis and must take one green pill and one pink pill each day for two weeks. A green pill costs more than a pink pill, and Al’s pills cost a total of for the two weeks. How much does one green pill cost 3、The sum of 5 consecutive even integers is less than the sum of the rst consecutive odd counting numbers. What is the smallest of the even integers 4、Rose fills each of the rectangular regions of her rectangular flower bed with a different type of flower. The lengths, in feet, of the rectangular regions in her flower bed are as shown in the gure. She plants one flower per square foot in each region. Asters cost 1 each, begonias each, cannas 2 each, dahlias each, and Easter lilies 3 each. What is the least possible cost, in dollars, for her garden 5、Moe uses a mower to cut his rectangular -foot by -foot lawn. The swath he cuts is inches wide, but he overlaps each cut by inches to make sure that no grass is missed. He walks at the rate of feet per hour while pushing the mower. Which of the following is closest to the number of hours it will take Moe to mow his lawn

2004 AMC12A(美国数学竞赛)

Alicia earns dollars per hour, of which is deducted to pay local taxes. How many cents per hour of Alicia's wages are used to pay local taxes? Solution On the AMC 12, each correct answer is worth points, each incorrect answer is worth points, and each problem left unanswered is worth points. If Charlyn leaves of the problems unanswered, how many of the remaining problems must she answer correctly in order to score at least ? Solution For how many ordered pairs of positive integers is ? Solution Bertha has daughters and no sons. Some of her daughters have daughters, and the rest have none. Bertha has a total of daughters and granddaughters, and no great-granddaughters. How many of Bertha's daughters and grand-daughters have no children? Solution
