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WhydoIwanttobesinger?FirstlyIlikesingingverymuch.Ithinkmanyson gsareverybeautiful.WhenIsingthemIalwaysfeelhappy.ThenIthinksing ingsongscanmakeothershappy.

NowIamamiddleschoolstudent.Imustworkhardinschool.I'msurethatI canbeapopularsingerinthefuture.Doyouthinkso?



HaveyoueverheardaboutWarrenBuffet,thesecondrichestpersoninth eworld?Well,todayIamnotgoingtotalkabouthimbuthisthreekids.

Forsomeonewhoseparentissuchanextraordinarilysuccessfulinvestor, thethreekidseoutprettyordinaryguys.Whentheywereyoung,theyeac hreceived$10,000ayear.Iftheywantedtoborrowmoremoneyformthei

rfather,theyhavetosignawrittenagreement.Whengrowingup,howev er,theyallfoundtheirlovelyjobs-housewife,farmer,musician,insteado frelyingontheirwellofffather.

Itseemsthattheyareunluckytohaveafatherwhocriticizestheself-indul genceofsuper-rich.Butisitreallytrue?No,absolutelynot!Infact,theyare gratefultohimbecausetheyfoundtheirownpassionwhichsuitstheirtru etalent,andtheyareabletomakemoneyontheirown.

Sowhatcouldwelearnfromthem?Threewords:independence,respons ibility,passion.Indeedwearefortunatetobeprotectedbythewholefami ly,butthiscannotbethereasonforustobeeboomerangchildren.

Althoughwe,thegenerationof90shavebeenquestionedfromthedayw ewereborn:selfnessandweakness,indifferenceandrebellion,sensitivit yandpride,wearestillpressingonwithourcreed:Yeswecan.Atatimewh entheearthquakehappenedinWechuan,wewerepraisedbythewholep ublicbecauseofthebraveryanddeterminationweshowduringtheproce ssofrescuing.Yeswecan.WhentheWorldExpowasheldinShanghai,thes mileonvolunteers’facesimpressedmillionsofpeopleallaroundtheworl d.Yeswecan.Whenthetwokidsfellintotheriver,fifteenfreshmenofCha

安全生产 比赛演讲稿

2018年安全生产月主题比赛演讲稿 我们大家都知道,2018年的安全月主题是:生命至上,安全发展。今年是全国第17个安全生产月,关于安全,我们有太多想说的: 有人说,生命像烟花,绽放美妙,划过天际,兀自消逝;有人说,生命像蜡烛,点燃烛光,照亮心灵,蜡尽自灭;有人说,生命像流星,一瞬永恒,美好心愿,来匆匆去匆匆;有人说,生命是值得我们百般珍惜的无价之宝,生命是承载我们崇高精神的美丽躯壳,生命是我们这个世界丰富多彩、充满生机的不竭源泉;也有人说,生命是春天河边轻轻摆动的杨柳,生命是夏天火红石榴的绽放,生命是秋天飘飞的枫叶,生命是冬天塞北的瑞雪。人的生命只有一次,而这宝贵的一次,一但失去了就再也不会回来了,安全是最重要的,没有什么能比安全可贵了,生命只有在安全中才能永葆鲜活,如果鲜活的生命不慎或不幸在日常工作中与安全失之交臂,造成了生命的丢失或残缺,那么会给一个家庭带来多大的痛苦,给社会带来多大的负担。 当仅仅为了贪图舒适、在现场作业却不戴安全帽时,你可曾想到,安全已离你而去?当你谈笑风生、三五成群地行走在铁道上时,你可曾想到,危险正擦肩而过?当你心存侥幸、违章作业时,你可曾想到,死神已悄悄来临?当你漫不经心、麻痹大意时,你是否明白,生命将就此停止,灾难已经降临?此时,再多的泪水,再痛的哭号,再深的悔恨,都已无法挽回生命匆匆而去的脚步!灾难的发生只是短短的一瞬,可无法磨灭的伤痛却将伴随亲人朋友的一生! 如果,如果,如果……任何一个如果,都可以阻止这不幸的发生,都可以让我们一如平常地上班下班、平凡但却平静地生活着。可是,如果忽视任

何一个如果,都会酿成血淋淋的事故!生命是如此宝贵,却又这般脆弱,葬送生命的是什么?是麻痹大意,是违章操作,是无视安全。 安全扞卫着我们的生命,是安全在维护我们生存的权利,是安全在为我们注入无限力量。遵章守纪,就是尊重生命,尊重自我;重视安全,是每一个人的义务,更是我们每个人的责任。让我们携起手来呵护着文明之花,让我们远离伤痛,珍爱彼此生命。 侥幸是危险的前奏,追悔是安全的惩罚!不要说工作中有人管你是和你过不去,它是满含善意的提醒和呵护;不要说准确的操作规程让你感到劳累而繁琐,它能使你远离事故的陷阱;不要说简单的警语是累赘的替身,它会时刻提醒你守望安全;不要说预防是无用的枷锁和沉重的负担,它是对付危险最有效的武器;不要说有了安全设施就万无一失,它仰赖的是我们对隐患的关注和警惕。习以为常的随意操作扼杀了无数宝贵的生命,而对安全的无知与漠然又在酿造着一幕幕人生的悲剧!安全,今天你重视了没有? 去生产现场,请戴好安全帽,那不过是举手之劳;去高空作业,请系好安全带,那也不过是举手之劳;生产指挥时,一定要再三确认;现场作业时,做到“三不伤害”;检修时,要挂停电牌,严格执行停送电制度;试车时,要认真检查设备状况,做好预警防范措施;上岗前,对危险因素及对策心中有数;交接班,对事故隐患和问题绝不放过;开车时,一定要系好安全带……血与泪的教训已敲响了安全的警钟!不要再用生命的躯体去抗击无情的危险,不要让心爱的岗位成为惨痛的记忆!安全,今天你遵守了没有? 如果说,生命是一叶在岁月长河中行驶的小舟,是一片在茫茫大海中远航的孤帆,那么,安全就是把握生命的轮盘,就是指引生命的灯塔。生命,


高中英语演讲稿 高中英语演讲稿1 Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,”Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.” Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. “Vanity, please help me!” “I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat,” Vanity answered. Sadness was close by so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go


英语演讲稿4分钟范文大全 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 英语演讲稿4分钟范文篇一We left, ushered in ignorance of our youth. Youth, let us wantonly, Chang ran his mind, as the freedom to savor the wind, feeling as the cloud itself, because youth has given us the pinnacle of life, we do not mature, we are no longer ignorant, we only have persistence. Life is the pursuit of the ideal, the ideal life is light, lost its lights, will lose the courage to live. Therefore, only by adhering to the lofty ideals of life, not only in the ocean of life lost. Tolstoy would be an ideal life into an ideal life, a phase of the ideal. The ideal of the year, a month, or even one hour a day, one minute. When you hear here, classmates, do you think of their own ideals? The flower of life is the spring of life, it is beautiful, but short-lived. As a college student should study hard in this period, to make progress, to find their own piece of the sky. The youth is the hope of the motherland, the future of the nation. Every man is the master of his own tomorrow. A philosopher said: "dream away a lot of road, or wake up


关于春节的英语演讲稿 Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China. Christmas cards become popular with students. People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts. A lot or TV and radio programs about Christmas are on. Meanwhile the Spring Festival is less appealing (有吸引力的)to youngsters. Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival. This worry is fairly unnecessary. Why ? One reason lies that Christmas only affects Christians,college students and joint-venture (合资企业)workers. Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic(带有异国情调的) festival. By contrast,the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family. I think,it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West,a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China. For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals. For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the


2018年铁路安全生产演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、评委和职工朋友: 我演讲的题目是:用激情撑起铁路安全一片天 今天,车站演讲比赛的主题是“安全生产依靠谁”?当看到这个题目时,我想每个人的心里都有一份答案。安全生产到底依靠谁,有些人会说,安全生产依靠上级的监管,依靠管理制度的完善,有些人会说,安全生产依靠安全第一的思想教育,依靠基础装备水平的不断提高。而我,作为铁路运输生产战线上的一名普通员工,我认为,安全生产就是依靠我们年轻一代对铁路事业为之奋斗的激情。激情是什么?激情是生命的一种存在形式,激情与生命同在。电视剧《激情燃烧的岁月》您也许看过,细细品味其中,您是否和我一样,从那漫漫硝烟、从那血与肉的拚杀、从那如火如荼的场面中,感受到一种激情,一种军人的激情,一种为国家、为民族、为事业燃烧不息的激情? 战争虽然离我们遥远,但那种为国家,为民族浴血奋战的激情却永远延续下去,它延续在和平年代里,延续在铁路发展中,延续在安全生产上。激情无处不在。一代代铁路人胸中无限澎湃的激情,伴随着我们行进在安全生产的漫漫历程中,走过春夏秋冬、走过酸甜苦辣、走向成长、走到今天。 今天,我们不禁要问,安全与激情到底有着怎样的联系?安全为什么依靠激情,我想说: 安全依靠激情,因为激情可以迸发责任感。责任是天,是铁路安全生产赖以生存的源源动力;责任是我,是我用无限激情时刻保持的高度警惕;责任是擎起的利刃,具有斩断一切事故根源的力量与锋芒。因为有责任,我们才足以从微小的细节中发现事故的隐患;因为有责任,我们才可以从不断变换的安全问题上积累进步的经验。 安全依靠激情,因为激情可以激发事业心。因为有激情,我们的心中才能不断升腾出追求事业的渴望,因为对事业的渴望,才让我们在平凡的岗位上安心工作,奉献到底。 安全依靠激情,因为激情可以历练高素质。只有高素质才能坚强我们的意志,只有高素质,才能让我们一次次在安全难题面前游刃有余。


2018英语教师演讲稿(4篇) in a twinkle of an eye, sixteen years has passed since i became an english teacher. looking back, i have experienced pleasure, success as well as confusion and sadness. but i think there is much to be grateful for. during the first two years in sz, i had a hard time in my teaching career. why do i say so? on one hand, i like the city because it is young, vital, beautiful and full of challenges. on the other hand, many students in the common classes are quite different from my former students. they didn't study hard at all. they were too indolent in class, talking, sleeping and doing anything that they like. it is a common sight for them not to do homework. they didn't care about their school marks. they just wanted to get much but paid little. what is more, they showed deaf ears to your advice or criticism for their mistakes or faults. when i wanted to point out their mistakes, i should weigh my words over and over not to hurt their feelings. i felt as if i lost my way in the sea. i even had such an idea: to give up the job as an english teacher.


英语演讲稿及翻译(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语演讲稿范文有翻译 英语演讲稿范文有翻译 dearstudents,ourwayoflifeisalwayssunny,blueskies,whichint heendthemostdazzlingrayofsunlight?itwassaidtobeexcellentacade micperformance,itwassaidtobegiventohelpothers......andithinkt hatourwayoflifeofthemostbrilliantsunshineshouldbereportedtobe longtothetemplemap,helpustogrowthankstoeveryone.yes,theinstit uteofthanksgivingisafeeling,theinstituteofthanksgiving,butals oacharacter. asteachersandourstudents,themostimportantgratitudeisascho ol.schoolstogiveusabiggrowthstageoflife:brightandspaciousclas srooms,newdesksandchairs,air-conditionedandwell- being,aswellasmulti- mediafacilities,hasprovideduswithanattractivelearningenvironm ent.readonebookbrightandcleanrooms,providesuswithknowledgeoft hemarinetour;flatbeautifulbigplayground,provideduswithagoodpl acefortheexercise,andpotteryroom,computerroom,danceroom,multi - purposehall,andsoon,noschoolisnotoutofdevotiontoourselflelove!


本文为word格式,下载后可编辑修改,也可直接使用三分钟五年级英语演讲稿带翻译 英语演讲比赛不仅能提高口语能力,还能锻炼自己的胆量,风林网络小编整理了“五年级一分钟英语演讲稿带翻译”仅供参考,希望能帮助到大家! 篇一:五年级一分钟英语演讲稿带翻译 Dear teachers and students: Good morning! My name is xx, is a primary school. 11 years old, the Ming Road Primary School in fifth grade reading. I have today and we talk about "my story with an xx school "----- since coming to the xx school, withxx, xx, and xx three teachers to learn English, I began to have a strong interest in English! My first English teacher was American, her name is xx, her tall, very young, very beautiful! Her eyes are blue. She taught me courage to speak English. I like her. But she returned to the xx. Where her father and mother, that is her home. My current English teacher is xx, he is also an xx, he is a male teacher, he's tall, very thin. I like his English class. We play in the classroom, play games, play in the process, I learned to speak English and foreign friends to speak. Another teacher she called xx, she is Chinese. Her big eyes, long hair. She is very beautiful! She told us very well! I know a lot of children here, they are in a different school. However, every Saturday, we are gathered here to listen to xx and xx lectures, play games together with xx, we all very happy together! Also learned a lot.xxvery big schools, where teachers from thexx, the xx, as well as xx. I like English! Because it's fun! When I grow up, I'm going to thexx, xx and xx travel, get to know people there. I also want to go to Harvard University to study! I have an uncle who read the book in Harvard, he is very good! He is now working inxx. Another uncle visited thexx, Bell Labs study, he was great! I want to be like them, learn, grow, and to use their knowledge to build our country! 亲爱的老师和同学们:上午好! 我叫xx,是一名小学生。今年11岁,在xx路小学读五年级。我今天和大家谈谈关于"我与xx学校的故事"-----自从来到了xx学校,跟xx,xx,和xx三位老师学英语后,我开始对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣!我的第一个英语老师是个美国人,她叫xx,她个子高高的,很年轻,很漂亮!她的眼睛是蓝色

2018年部队安全管理演讲稿-精选word文档 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议请及时联系,本司将予以删除== 本文为word格式,下载后方便编辑修改,也可以直接使用== 部队安全管理演讲稿 安全就是生命,没有生命就没有一切。那么大家知道部队安全管理演讲稿怎么写吗?以下是羽利小编为您整理的“部队安全管理演讲稿”,供您参考,更多详细内容请点击()查看。 部队安全管理演讲稿 曾经有人问,世界上最美丽的花朵是什么?有人说是玫瑰,有人说是牡丹,有人说是杜鹃,有人说是水仙。但我说,最美丽的花朵是我们那怒放的生命之花。和生命相比,所有的鲜花都显得那么苍白,是生命创造了无数的奇迹,是生命丰富了人间,是生命生动了世界。 安全,是一个永恒的主题。 那么,安全是什么呢? 安全就是生命。生存是每个人最基本的权力,没有生命就没有一切。对每个人来说,生命只有一次,谁都没有权利去践踏。我们需要珍爱生命,为了家庭,为了自己。 安全就是效益。企业的效益来自安全,企业的生存离不开安全。事实证明,只有抓安全,才能取得效益。安全是我们工作的态度,是寻求利益的原则,是我们每个人奋斗在此的一切。没有安全,我们的生命就无从保障;没有安全,我们的队伍就无法稳定;没有安全,我们的生产就无从着手;没有安全,我们的企业效益从何谈起。安全生产既是人们生命健康的保障,也是企业生存与发展的基础,更是社会稳定和经济发展的前提。 安全就是幸福。有人说有权就有幸福,也有人说有钱就有幸福,我说,对于一个人来讲,平安就是幸福,平平安安是幸福的基础,而失去安全的保障也就毫无幸福可言。 安全靠什么? 安全靠的是责任心。在我们工作和生活中的每时每刻,安全隐患都象凶残的野兽般盯着我们麻痹的神经。“珍爱生命,安全第一”这八个大字,我们每个人都


本文为word格式,下载后可编辑修改,也可直接使用 关于成功英语演讲稿 我们每个人对于成功的定义是各不相同的!而到达成功的方法只有一个,那就是先得学会付出常人所不能付出的东西!下面是风林网络的小编为大家精心整理的“关于成功英语演讲稿”,供大家阅读!希望能够帮助到大家!更多精彩内容请持续关注风林网络! 关于成功英语演讲稿【一】 Success is everyone wants, whether it was or the cause of education. Give people the joy of success. How can we succeed? The great inventor Thomas Edison said, genius is 99 percent on 1 percent of the hard work and inspiration. Success must be hard work. If you sleep, is unlikely to succeed. Edison invented the light bulb durable, he has done many thousands of experiments, but still no way to enable the ability to live in high-temperature filament. Next to it was said: "Bah! Can not find even a. You have made so many experiments, and can not find, do not white and effort, and doing anything else now!" He said: "I must ability to find a live high-temperature materials, he must find out. "work pays off, he finally invented a durable light bulb, so that the well-being of people around the world to be known as the 20th century, one of the greatest inventions. We need to learn the spirit of his, if he was not unremitting efforts, it is impossible to invent the light bulb durability, we can see the need for the conditions of success, as long as required to meet the conditions for success, success easy. Seize the opportunity is one of the conditions for success. For example it! Bill Gates, the world's richest university, a keen awareness of the emerging computer industry in this huge business opportunities, he dropped out from Harvard University, and with their friends opened a computer company called Microsoft, when his friends Friends are opposed to what he has done, but Bill Gates said, time will prove that I am right to do so. Now, computers in all walks of life in a wide range of applications, to the


英语演讲稿范文精选 英语演讲稿范文精选 英语演讲稿范文精选1 Business breakfasts are mon, and can start as early as 7: 00 a.m. On weekends, many people partake in “brunch”,a bination of lunch and breakfast beginning anywhere from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Moreover, business meetings are somet imes held over “brunch.” Business meetings are frequently held over lunch, which begins at 12:00 noon and sometimes lasts until 2:00 p.m. Lunch is usually a lighter meal, since work continues directly afterward. Additionally, an alcoholic beverage such as wine or beer is sometimes ordered. If you are invited out for a business meal, the host will usually pay. If you are invited out, but your host does not offer to pay, you should be prepared to pay for your own meal. When eating out, the cost is sometimes shared with friends or colleagues, a practice often referred to as


2018安全生产演讲稿三篇 导读:本文2018安全生产演讲稿三篇,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 篇一各位领导,各位同事,大家××好: 今天我的演讲题目是:提高安全意识,优化现场环境。这个题目说明安全生产对于我们的重要性,分析目前所有的安全事故,绝大多数是由违章造成的,也就是一切事故的根源出现在我们的思想上、安全意识不足、现场管理不严、凡事掉以轻心。所以,我也想借着这个机会,向大家呼吁珍爱生命,提高安全意识。 “高高兴兴上班来,平平安安回家去”,是我们每天上班时恪守的信念,所以我们必须时刻牢记安全信条,时刻牢记家人的牵挂:高高兴兴,平平安安。现实生活中,大大小小的安全事故屡见不鲜,8.23就是很好的例子,一线作业现场更是事故的高发点,那些惨烈的文字、图片和那些永远倒下的年轻生命,都为我们敲响了安全的警钟。所以,提高安全意识,不仅仅是珍爱生命的表现,更是一种责任的体现。 为了家人,为了自己,为了企业,我们到底应该靠什么来保护我们自身的安全?我想从三个方面来说: 第一,安全要靠责任心。各分厂,班组把每周二定为安全活动日,并坚持每月通过会议形式总结和分析本单位安全形势,查找漏洞,总结教训。严格要求每位员工做到四不伤害,让每一个人时刻把安全二字挂在心中,提高安全意识,认识到这是对家人,对自己,对企业的

一种责任。所以,你的尽职尽责就是对他人生命的负责。 第二,安全要靠优化现场环境。乍一看,似乎现场环境与事故并无多大关系,实则关系重大。我们是否严格按照章程操作?物料摆放是否合乎规定?安全设施是否完善?安全通道是否畅通?我们的防范意识是否够强?……所有的不经意都有可能引发重大的安全事故。今年6月3日吉林火灾一百多人丧生火海,其现场惨不忍睹,到处狼藉一片。可以想象的到,火灾发生时必然是哭喊声,求救声,哀嚎声,声声震碎人心。然而这一切都淹没在熊熊的烈火中。亲人们因痛哭而晕倒在火灾现场,多少幸福的家庭瞬间崩塌?嗷嗷待哺的娇儿,老泪纵横的双亲,嘶声裂肺的爱人,谁人能承受这场灾难所带来的后果?然而,我们却可以发现这场火灾,很大程度上就是因为现场环境存在很大问题,比如安全设备不完善,安全通道不通畅等等。所以,希望每一个人在工作中都要认真做好每一点每一滴,务求尽善尽美。该有的安全意识,该有的安全设施,该有的安全教育,该有的安全规范等等,都是我们生命安全的保护伞,因为对工作的负责就是对自己生命安全的负责!维护我们的工作环境就是在保护我们自己的生命安全。 第三,安全要靠不断的安全投入。安全第一,预防为主!关于安全生产方面的投入要不断贴近实际要求。在如今企业不断加强控制生产降低成本的同时,关于劳动保护和安全防护设备的投入绝对不能因此降低。作为生产的第一线,更是需要不断加大和完善作业现场的安全投入。毕竟,在安全生产方面投入的预防成本相比一旦发生安全事


《高中英语演讲稿》 高中英语演讲稿精选(一): 我有一个梦想 I have a dream Every one has his own dream。When I was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own 。But now ,when I am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot。 I have got quite different experience from other girls。While they were playing toys at home,while they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story 。I was running in the hard rain,jumping in the heavy snow,pitching in the strong wind。Nothing could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete。Yeah ,of course ,I'm an athlete,I'm so proud of that all the time 。 When I was 10 years old ,I became a shot-put athlete。The training was really hard ,I couldn't bear the heavy shot in my hands 。But I always believe that god only help those who help themselves。During those hard days,I find I was growing more quickly than others of the same age。To be an athlete is my most correct choice。But,I quit my team after entering high school because of a silly excuse。I really didn't want to stop my sports career anyway。 Today I say to you my friends that even though I must face the difficulties of yesterday ,today and tomorrow 。I still have a dream 。It is a dream deeply rooted in my soul。 I have a dream that one day ,I can run,jump and pitch just like I used to be。 I have a dream that one day , I can go back to my dream sports and join the national team。 I have a dream that one day ,I can stand on the highest place at the olympic games。With all the cameras pointing at me。I will tell everyone that I'm so proud to be a Chinese athlete! This is my hope 。This is the faith that I continue my steps with!!! With this faith ,I will live though the strong wind and heavy rain ,never give up !


优秀英语演讲稿范文(精选5篇) 优秀英语演讲稿范文(精选5篇) 演讲稿要求内容充实,条理清楚,重点突出。在发展不断提速的社会中,需要使用演讲稿的事情愈发增多,那么一般演讲稿是怎么写的呢?以下是小编收集整理的优秀英语演讲稿范文(精选5篇),欢迎大家分享。 英语演讲稿1 Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! My name is Li Bingke, from class four O five. Today, I am very happy to be here. My topic is “Our School”.My dear friends, welcome to our school! My school is very beautiful! It has a big playground. We can play and do some sports there. Near the playground, there is a garden. Many trees and flowers are there. So the air is very clean and we can hear birds singing in the trees. It is so wonderful. Our teaching buildings are around the garden and look like our teachers’arms to welcome us. We can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor and read story-books in the library on the second floor. My classroom is on the third floor. It is clean and bright. We like to study in it. The computer room is on the fifth floor. We can sing and dance in the music room on the sixth floor. What a lot of fun! We can have lunch in the canteen near Defang Teaching Building. In our school, our teachers work hard and help us with our lessons. We study hard and listen to teachers carefully. After class, our teachers play with us and we feel very happy. Our school is so nice and our teachers are so kind. We all love them. Dear friends, do you like them? Thats all. Thanks!


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除介绍春节的英文演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿春节 thenewyearholidayshouldbelonger however,thenewyearholidayistooshortfortheworkingpeo ple,accordingtotheregulationsofthestate,thereareonl y7daysfederalholidaysfortheworkingpeople.severalyea rslater,allofusshouldparticipateinwork,sothisproble miscloselyrelatedtoeachofus. firstly,dothewordsspringfestivalremindsyouofsomethi ngwhichhappeneveryyear,anditistoocrowdedandmakespeo pleexhausted?ithinksomeofyoucangettheanswer.itisthe springtransportation.goinghomeforspringfestivalisat raditionalcustomofchinesepeople,butmillionsofpeople stravelsbringagreatpressureontraffic,especiallyinsu chashorttime.

7daysholiday,4daysontheway.buttheresourcesofthetick etsareverylimited,sothepeoplewhocanbuytheticketsare welloff,otherswhoarenotluckyenoughtogettheticketqui cklyshouldspendthenewyearinastrangeland.secondly,in fact,shortvacationofthespringfestivalhasbroughtalot ofseriousproblems.whentheofficialannouncedtheplanof thenewyearholiday,xinlang,afamousmediadidasurveyont hesatisfactiondegreeofit,morethan70%ofthepeopleared issatisfiedwiththeplan.mostofthemwantedmoretimeforr elaxed,ortheywouldhavelesspassionfortheirworkinthen extyear.anetizencalledteemosaidhealwaysfeltangrywhe neveryyearhesaidgoodbyetohisfamilyandcamebacktowork. so,wecanexpect,ifthenewyearholidaycanbelongerforthe workingpeople,maybeitwillmakethereunionoffamiliesmo reconvenientandletpeoplecelebratethespringfestivalw ithagoodmood.also,theproblemswementionedabovecouldb esolved.thankyou!篇二:最新英语春节演讲稿范例参考最新英语春节演讲稿范例参考 猴年第一天,一心一意送你祝福:祝你事业发达第一,平安健康第一,婚姻美满第一,家庭和谐第一,赚钱发财第
