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1 《I-94表》填写指导


01. Family Name: WANG(你的姓)

02. First (Given) Name: XIAOMING(你的名)

03. Birth Date (Day/Mo/Yr): 28 06 63(你的出生“日/月/年”)

04. Country of Citizenship: CHINA(你的国籍)

05. Sex (Male or Female): MALE(你的性别,男填MALE,女填FEMALE)

06. Passport Number: G1*******(你的护照号码)

07. Airline and Flight Number: NW012(你的航班号)

08. Country Where You Live: CHINA(你的居住国家)

09. City Where You Boarded: SHANGHAI(你登机的城市,不是转机的城市)

10. City Where Visa Was Issued: SHANGHAI(签证签发城市)

11. Date Issued (Day/Mo/Yr): 06 12 05(签发日期“日/月/年”)

12. Address While in the United States (Number and Street): 2829 CHURCH STREET(在美国的街道地址)

13. City and State: PINE PLAINS NEWYORK(在美国的城市、州名)

14. Family Name: WANG(你的姓)

15. First (Given) Name: XIAOMING(你的名)

16. Birth Date (Day/Mo/Yr): 28 06 63(你的出生“日/月/年”)

17. Country of Citizenship: CHINA(你的国籍)

2 《海关申请表》填写指导


01. Family Name: WANG(你的姓)

First (Given): XIAOMING(你的名)

Middle: (不填)

02. Birth date: Day 28 Month 06 Year 63(你的出生“日/月/年”)

03. Number of Family Members Traveling With You: NONE(随行的家庭成员人数)

04. (a) US Street Adress (hotel name/destination): 2829 CHURCH STREET(在美国的街道地址)

(b) City: PINE PLAINS(城市名)

(c) State: NEW YORK(州名)

05. Passport issued by (Country): CHINA(护照签发国家)

06. Passport Number: G1*******(你的护照号码)

07. Country of Residence: CHINA(你的居住国)

08. Countries visited on this trip prior to US arrival: NONE(本次旅行抵美前曾去往的国家)

09. Airline/Flight No. or Vessel Name: NW012(航空公司/航班号或船只名称)

10. The primary purpose of this trip is business: No√(本次旅行的主要目的是公务)

11. I am (We are) bringing (我(我们)携有)

(a) fruits, vegetables, plants, seeds, food, insects: No√(水果、蔬菜、食品、昆虫)

(b) meats, animals, animal/wildlife products: No√(肉类、动物、动物/野生物制品)

(c) disease agents, cell cultures, snails: No√(疾病携带物、细胞培养物、蜗牛)

(d) soil or have been on a farm/ranch/pasture: No√(土壤,或曾去过农场/牧场/草场)

12. I have (We have) been in close proximity of (such as touching or handling) livestock: No√(我(我们)曾近距离接触(例如触摸或搬运)家畜)

13. I am (We are) carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10,000 US or foreign equivalent: No√(我(我们)携带的货币或金融票据超过10,000美元或与其等值的外币)

14. I have (We have) commercial merchandise: No√(我们携有商业货物)

15. Residents...: (不填)(美国居民……)

Visitors -- the total value of all articles that will remain in the US, including commercial merchandise is: (不填)(访客——将留在美国境内的所有物品(包括商业货物)的总价值为)

Read the instructions on the back of this form. Space is provided to list all the items you must declare. (一般情况下不填)(请阅读背面的申报说明。请在背面指定位置列出须申报的物品。)

I HAVE READ THE IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM AND HAVE MADE A TRUTHFUL DECLARATION. (本人已阅读此表背面的“重要信息”,并已作如实申报。)(Signature 签字) Wang Xiaoming(签上你的姓名) Date: 21 01 2006


US Residents.... (美国居民……)

Visitors (Non-Residents) -- declare the value of all articles that will remain in the United States. (访客(非居民)——请申报所有将留在美国境内的物品的价值。)

Declare all articles on this declaration form and show the value in US dollars. For gifts, please indicate the retail value. (请用此申报表申报所有物品,申报价值以美元表示。礼物请按零售价值申报。)

Duty -- CBP officers will determine duty. US residents are normally entitled to a duty-free exemption of $800 on items accompanying them. Visitors (non-residents) are normally entitled to an exemption of $100. Duty will be assessed at the the current rate on the first $1,000 above the exemption. (关税——关税由海关人员确定。美国居民携带的物品通常有800美元的免税额度。访客(非居民)一般有100美元的免税额度。超出免税额度的头1,000美元将按当前税率课征关税。)

Controlled substances, obscene articles, and toxic substances are generally prohibited entry. Agriculture products are restricted entry. (管制物质、淫秽物品和有毒物质一般禁止入境。农业产品限制入境。)

Thank You, and Welcome to the United States. (谢谢,欢迎您来到美国。)
