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running man20131006嘉宾朴信惠,金宇彬,崔振赫介绍

running man20131006嘉宾朴信惠,金宇彬,崔振赫介绍
running man20131006嘉宾朴信惠,金宇彬,崔振赫介绍

一runningman每期嘉宾131006E166期嘉宾朴信惠:韩国新生代女星,童星出道,出演过多部影视作品,目前就读于韩国中央大学戏剧电影系,代表作品有《原来是美男啊》(郑容和,张根硕,李弘基,UEE)《你为我着迷》(郑容和)《邻家花美男》(尹时允)《7号房的礼物》《天国的阶梯》《天国的树》等。更多runningman相关信息please focus on(runningman饭网)

二runningman每期嘉宾131006E166期嘉宾金宇彬:韩国新生代男演员,模特出身,是韩国的顶级模特之一。原名金贤中,2008年在Seoul Colletio\\\https://www.sodocs.net/doc/c516287193.html,登台走秀,成为专业的时尚男模。2012年加入SidusHQ公司,正式更名为金宇彬。2012年他在SBS电视剧《绅士的品格》中饰演喜欢女主角的叛逆学生金东侠而作为演员开始为人熟知。后在KBS电视剧《学校2013》中饰演面恶心善的转学生朴兴秀而迅速窜红。



Running man 游戏汇总 一、铃铛追击游戏队员分为任务队和追击队。任务队要完成一定的任务,同 时保护自己的名牌不被撕掉;追击队要在鞋上系着铃铛,同时追击任务队,撕掉任务队的名牌。 二、一杯茶的时间:两队通过抽签选择出不同的器皿,如耳屎勺,汤勺,瓢... (越夸越好),然后用该器皿向杯子里装一勺的材料(如咖啡粉、茶粉...),然后泡开,有时可再加入如一颗鸡蛋等作料,比哪队先喝完。 三、照相要求各队所有人想尽办法让自己的脸呆在不知何时会拍照的照相机 镜头前,有时照相机位置可移动,且照相环境可变(如在水中、舞台上),当照相机照下照片后,露脸多的队获胜。 四、记歌词播放一首歌曲,各队要仔细听,能完整、正确地唱出该歌曲的对 获胜。 五、测谎·测心率一队中选一个人连接上测谎仪,另一队人要想办法让那一 个人在规定时间说3个谎言,通过测谎仪来评定一队中选一个人连接上心率仪,另一队人使用各种手段(或揭短,激怒,使兴奋)让那一个人在规定时间心率达到最高,通过测谎仪来评定 六、卡拉OK每队在完成各种任务(如坐过山车、举重、压腿...)的情况下唱 歌,通过卡拉OK的评分来定输赢 七、画画传递猜词一队人按顺序排成一列,第一个人依据所给出的主题作 画,并传给第二个人(不能有语言交流),再由第二个人根据看到的画重新作画,并传给第三个人,以此类推,若最后一个人能猜对主题,则该队获胜

八、 1 VS n众人合伙要在一个实现安排好的假游戏中欺骗某一个人,既要达 到某种目的,如不能让被欺骗者在游戏中获胜、众人集体秘密变装.......又不能让其发现。若被揭露,则被欺骗者获胜。 九、眼神游戏大家都蹲下来,然后一个一个地站起来。1、报数每个人按顺序 说1、2、3、4...,那就不能同时站起来两个人,如果站起来两个人那就是这两个人输了,要互相观察彼此,看到没人站起来或是马上站起来抢先,因为没有提前串通,所以就很小心的看别人眼色行事,剩下最后一个没站起来的人就输了2、游戏外的人喊数,比如喊“3”,就要有3个人站起来,多站、少站都不行,如果出错就输了. 十、乒兵球识字把字写在乒乓球上,一队打乒乓球,另一队要在这过程中认 出球上的字 十一、倒水游戏队中选出一人蒙眼往杯中倒水,其余队员坐在椅子上,将杯子举在头顶上,最后水多的队获胜 十二、衣架接力赛 十三、369BIBO几个人按顺序数数,但当遇到含有3,6,9的数要用BIBO代替,否则输掉 十四、模拟恶劣天气限时播报三个人均给出播报词,但在另一地点只提供三套衣服,队员要在抢衣穿衣过程中记住词,并在人为制造的如,大风,大雨等恶劣情况下正确播报。 十五、来了两个人几个人按顺序蹲成一排,另一个人随意说数字,那几个人要按照顺序站起相应人数如甲乙丙丁四人,喊“1”,则甲站起来;接着喊2,则乙和丙站起;再喊2则丁和甲站起


介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译【三篇】 导读:本文介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 I love the motherland, love people, love mom and dad, love my hometown - shaoxing more! "The long no water, sweet shaoxing wine." Simple and honest in shaoxing people has created a generation of great men. Shaoxing is a of the famous historical and cultural city, bridge township, the winelands, of course, is also a tourist resort. I love my hometown river, its green let a person enchanted, like a green and clean water. And like a wall, every one in shaoxing, guarded day and night. It clear enough to let us see the fish in the water. I love the hometown of the shade, it's lush leaves open to all around, as if in to meet one another out-of-town visitors. Its branches grow again and again, as if in said to us: "you want to study well, like I grow higher and higher, the more to learn, the better!" I love my hometown, because it is in shaoxing people carried out the construction of the place is so beautiful. The


2010年 E01 100711 嘉宾:李孝利、黄静茵 昂贵队:刘在石、金钟国、宋仲基、李光洙、黄静茵(胜利)便宜队:池石镇、李孝利、HAHA、Gary 惩罚:HAHA:日日电梯员、池石镇:日日导向员 E02 100718 E03 100725 嘉宾:李天熙、具荷拉(Kara) 红队:刘在石、李光洙、宋智孝、Gary、HAHA 蓝队:池石镇、金钟国、具荷拉、宋仲基、李天熙(胜利)惩罚:给上班人员提供咖啡 E04 100801 E05 100808 嘉宾:Nichkhun(2PM)、Jessica(少女时代) 小孩队:宋仲基、金钟国、Gary、HAHA 、Jessica(胜利)大人队:刘在石、池石镇、Nichkun、李光洙、宋智孝 惩罚:打扫科学馆 E06 100815 嘉宾:se7en、孙丹菲、金申英 小孩队:宋仲基、金钟国、Gary、HAHA、金申英(胜利)大人队:刘在石、池石镇、se7en、孙丹菲、李光洙 惩罚:在脸上画画,然后坐公交车回家

E07 100822 嘉宾:赵权(2AM)、郑容和(C.N.Blue)、恩静(T-ara) 红队:金钟国、HAHA、Gary、宋仲基、恩静 蓝队:刘在石、池石镇、宋智孝、郑容和、赵权(胜利) 惩罚:在脸上画画,然后坐地铁回家 E08 100829 嘉宾:Victoria(fx)、李准(MBLAQ) 、朴俊奎 红队:金钟国、HAHA 、Gary、Victoria、朴俊奎(胜利) 蓝队:刘在石、池石镇、宋智孝、李光洙、李准 惩罚:穿热裤坐公交车回家 E09 100905 嘉宾:金秀路、申凤善、李弘基(FT-Island) 红队:金钟国、Gary 丶HAHA、李弘基、申凤善 蓝队:刘在石、池石镇、李光洙、宋智孝、金秀路(胜利)惩罚:穿热裤、戴头箍、拿气球 E10 100912 嘉宾:车太贤、尹世雅 红队:金钟国、Gary 、HAHA、宋仲基、尹世雅(胜利)蓝队:刘在石、池石镇、李光洙、宋智孝、车太贤 惩罚:穿紧身背心到弘大吃泡面 E11 100919 嘉宾:郑容和(C.N.Blue)、金济东


介绍我的家乡英语作文5篇 家乡是生我养我的地方,家乡是见证我成长的地方,家乡是无论我们走多远都会惦念的地方。下面是小编为大家收集关于介绍我的家乡英语作文5篇,欢迎借鉴参考。 【篇一关于我的家乡英语作文】 Welcome to my hometown! My home town is a good place . It is near a hill. There are many big trees、beautiful flowers and nice food. There is a shopping mall in the centre of the town.There are many shops in the shopping mall.Such as: clothes shops 、shoe shops、sports shops and KFC.It also has a park.You can go walking there .You can see green trees and lakes ,too. There is little air pollution,because cars cant go into the centre of the town. Peple here are very friendly and helpful . I think my home town is a wonderful place to live. I love my home town! 【篇二My Hometown】 My hometown is Haimen. Its not very large, but its very beautiful. There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other


Running man 游戏大全 1、泥潭 抢裤子,穿上跑向终点 在泥池里推人出来,留在里面的人win。 泥潭赛跑or接力 2、撕名牌 铃铛追击 攻受交替 反射复活各种 1对3 每组成员选出自己的组王,与其他组的另3名成员去撕名牌,如被撕掉,比时间长短,如撕掉,则被撕掉的组直接out。 不知情下撕名牌。 撕名牌的同时完成任务 3、拍照 10秒钟照相,自己按快门,做规定动作。 环境可变,要求各种动作等等,最终出现在镜头里的队获胜。 4、指压板 跳绳or接力or比跳远的远度距离or互追各种完成任务的比赛 5、一杯茶时间tea time 先通过骰子或勺子确定饮品的量,比如鸡蛋,柠檬,咖啡等等,再选择加入调料(如糖等等)的勺子(汤勺,米勺,调羹,小勺子,挖耳勺等等),最后比赛接力喝完。先喝完win。 6、接力 跑步接力加各种障碍or任务 各种各种自己也可以think and create 7、趣味KTV 你懂得哈哈哈各种搞笑 8、一对多 在一个设计好的游戏中,众人欺骗一个人,到结束时不被揭露则win。 9、水池 飞椅系列(读绕口令答题完成任务各种) 跳水比高度总和or比远度总和。 人体保龄球 垫上推人 草垫冲刺加垫上推人 10、躲避球 情侣躲避球 保护女王 三队之间的躲避球 11、绳(可加上各种小任物,好玩,又有挑战) 可以加上找人(有限制如:国籍身高性别学校姓氏各种)跳大绳集体N人,跳N个win

双人跳绳跳多少个win,或集体加到一块跳N个win。 三人跳绳同双人,or 中间一人顶着装有水的杯子,跳N个,然后水要剩在线之上,则win。 大绳多角拔河三组or多组,敲锣or抢东西。 12、无穷花开 选一个人当鬼在鬼一句话说完后就回头大家就都不能动谁动了就会被抓然后和做鬼的人领着手直到有人到鬼的身后并在鬼没发现的情况下 打开他们领着的手然后鬼追大家跑被追上的就当下一个鬼如此循环 如果是“情侣”战的话,也就是背人,可以让鬼单脚跳追人。 各种情景设置 Running man 基本每一期都会有一个故事背景,感觉特别好! 各个历史各个国家电影故事各种very good! 如双重间谍、水枪、寻宝、前生今世、 澳门站:找箱子招钥匙挑战(找三个字母,组成一个词)蹦极223米,百步登天,空中漫步、找人(有限制)跳绳。 平时易实施的 1、两人扔一个球,转身后接着为win。 2、吃饼干or其他,在脸上或者杆上或者帽子上吊着。 3、衣服夹子夹脸拔河。 4、用手折断筷子。可以把筷子夹在中指上,食指和无名指下,拍桌子折断即可。 5、找人,让人和自己一起戴帽子(用线连着),然后对视10秒。 6、传递接力(薯条和圈) 7、碰鸡蛋幸运1个生鸡蛋和N个熟鸡蛋,挑鸡蛋用头打破,打到生鸡蛋的out。 8、竖鸡蛋竖易拉罐瓶 9、表演猜可变通,各种领域和方法,成语,电影,音乐,明星等等。(这个好玩)(表演的时候可以有限制,比如在蹦床上,双杠上等等) 10、将纸巾吹到篮子里。 11、喝完奶后把瓶子扔到垃圾桶里。 12、抢东西然后传递。 13、穿上脚蹼,三人接力绕过障碍,多少秒之内完成win。 金字塔前进(成跪姿) 14、看眼色游戏 一人报数,其余人按所报数字站起相应的人数,出错的out。 先蹲下,然后每个人按顺序报数并站起,最后一个报数或者同时报一个数的out。 15、 16、记歌词 播一首歌,小组能完整,准确唱出的win。 17、翻勺子 上面写上金银或者其他,或者勺子不同。然后比谁先翻错。


介绍我的家乡英语作文 我的家乡(My home town) Beijing is not only the city where I was born, but also the only place I've never been able to leave. 5 years ago, I moved from here to another city to begin my college life. The day I left beijing I felt as a fish out of water. beijing is the only place where I've walked past a schoolyard and pictured a future son or daughter of mine playing balls. I love this city. She’s small and quiet. Every day I live here, I could have the safety feeling which I got when my mother held me in her arms. I love this city. She is very beautiful and lovely. Everywhere you can see the flowers, grass and trees. The shops are full of all kinds of goods. When you walk in the street, you can feel the gentle wind touching your face and breathe the fresh air. I love this city. The climate here is very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoors activities. I love this city. She is where I have lived for fifteen years with my parents, my good friends, and my teachers who have supported me. She has almost all my memories. I love the night of beijing. People sit in the gardens of their houses or in the small restaurants, chatting, drinking and enjoying the delicious seafood which is abundant in our city.


Sanmenxia is my home town. Although it's small but beantiful.It is located near the Yellow River. Sanmenxia dam was China's first dam,and that's the reason why our city is called Sanmenxia.Every winter,swarms of swan will migrate to there.I love my home town. MY HOME TOWN San Men Xia is my home town. It is a small city but it's beantiful.Like every city, there are many roads, but the widest and busiest one is the road where my school is situated. It is the main road. All kinds of trades are carrying on there. The asphalt pavements are very clean. Cars run to and fro, and hawkers hawk along them all day long.The town has some banks, a post office, a police station and other government buildings. There are also several cinema halls, some amusement parks and a seaside resort.People houses are as a rule built of bricks, neat and strong. Most of them are either two-storeyed or three-storeyed buildings. New buildings are under construction. The town is growing steadily.My home town is geting more and more beautiful.I like my home town.In future,We will have more beautiful buildings with the effort of ours. Liaoning


一、铃铛追击游戏 队员分为任务队和追击队。 任务队要完成一定的任务,同时保护自己的名牌不被撕掉; 追击队要在鞋上系着铃铛,同时追击任务队,撕掉任务队的名牌。 二、一杯茶的时间: 两队通过抽签选择出不同的器皿,如耳屎勺,汤勺,瓢...(越夸张越好),然后用该器皿向杯子里装一勺的材料(如咖啡粉、茶粉...),然后泡开,有时可再加入如一颗鸡蛋等作料,比哪队先喝完。 三、照相 要求各队所有人想尽办法让自己的脸呆在不知何时会拍照的照相机镜头前,有时照相机位置可移动,且照相环境可变(如在水中、舞台上),当照相机照下照片后,露脸多的队获胜。 四、记歌词 播放一首歌曲,各队要仔细听,能完整、正确地唱出该歌曲的对获胜。 五、测谎·测心率 一队中选一个人连接上测谎仪,另一队人要想办法让那一个人在规定时间内说3个谎言,通过测谎仪来评定 一队中选一个人连接上心率仪,另一队人使用各种手段(或揭短,激怒,使兴奋)让那一个人在规定时间内心率达到最高,通过测谎仪来评定 六、卡拉OK 每队在完成各种任务(如坐过山车、举重、压腿...)的情况下唱歌,通过卡拉OK的评分来定输赢 七、画画传递猜词 一队人按顺序排成一列,第一个人依据所给出的主题作画,并传给第二个人(不能有语言交流),再由第二个人根据看到的画重新作画,并传给第三个人,以此类推,若最后一个人能猜对主题,则该队获胜

八、 1 VS n 众人合伙要在一个实现安排好的假游戏中欺骗某一个人,既要达到某种目的,如不能让被欺骗者在游戏中获胜、众人集体秘密变装.......又不能让其发现。若被揭露,则被欺骗者获胜。 九、眼神游戏 大家都蹲下来,然后一个一个地站起来。 1、报数每个人按顺序说1、 2、 3、4...,那就不能同时站起来两个人,如果站起来两 个人那就是这两个人输了,要互相观察彼此,看到没人站起来或是马上站起来抢先,因为没有提前串通,所以就很小心的看别人眼色行事,剩下最后一个没站起来的人就输了 2、游戏外的人喊数,比如喊“3”,就要有3个人站起来,多站、少站都不行,如果出 错就输了. 十、乒兵球识字 把字写在乒乓球上,一队打乒乓球,另一队要在这过程中认出球上的字 十一、倒水游戏 队中选出一人蒙眼往杯中倒水,其余队员坐在椅子上,将杯子举在头顶上,最后水多的队获胜 十二、衣架接力赛 十三、369BIBO 几个人按顺序数数,但当遇到含有3,6,9的数要用BIBO代替,否则输掉 十四、模拟恶劣天气限时播报 三个人均给出播报词,但在另一地点只提供三套衣服,队员要在抢衣穿衣过程中记住词,并在人为制造的如,大风,大雨等恶劣情况下正确播报。 十五、来了两个人 几个人按顺序蹲成一排,另一个人随意说数字,那几个人要按照顺序站起相应人数 如甲乙丙丁四人, 喊“1”,则甲站起来;接着喊2,则乙和丙站起;再喊2则丁和甲站起 十六、集体跳大绳敲锣


My Hometown No matter where I am, I find it hard to resist the tempting call of my hometown. Situated at the northern tip of Anhui province, my hometown, Dangshan county, is the junction of four provinces. They are respectively in Anhui, Jiangsu, Shandong and Henan. My hometown is the northern gate of Anhui province, located in the southern end of the Huanghuai plain, and also a bridgehead for the Eurasia continental bridge. Dangshan has a long history. During the warring states period, it is called Dang city. With the migration of history, in 1950, with the establishment of people’s government, it would not have been the size of the now. Profit from rich natural humanities landscape, my hometown have been gave birth to the large number of historical figures, such as Zhuwen, who is the Ming emperor, famous military Xuexian, famous painter Qibaishi, and so on. At the same time, many people are attracted by the unique scenery in my hometown; one of the most distinguished is Libai. Today, my hometown has also a lot of very beautiful scenery, the most famous is the beautiful Yellow River old river way. This beautiful scenic area is the best place for a holiday in summer. Mention my hometown, have to mention is a pear. The pear in my hometown is well-known throughout the country. Here has the world’s largest pear flower sea. There is a poem that as if the vernal breeze had come back overnight, adorning thousands of pear trees with white blossoms, exception is the pear flower here. I love my hometown. She is where I have lived for 18 years with my patents, my good friends, and my teachers who have supported me. She has almost all my memories. No matter where I would go I will never forget her. Yes, everything that it gave me could be given by other places, but my love won’t be changed, because it is my hometown.


黄佳佳 131504012 13广告韩版runningman的独特魅力及我喜欢它的原因《Running Man》是韩国SBS电视台周末娱乐节目,节目致力于打造一个不同于过去real variety的新型态娱乐节目。每期由7位固定成员及不同嘉宾参演。对应每期节目不同的主题,分为不同的队伍进行比赛,最后获胜一方将获得称号或奖品。游戏中创造的撕名牌等环节收获无数好评,也使得许多综艺节目竞相模仿,其中在中国影响最深的就是邓超、Angelababy、郑恺、李晨、王祖蓝、陈赫以及包贝尔出演的《奔跑吧,兄弟》都已更新至第二季,其独特的魅力使得它在全亚洲都有极高的人气。《running man》是韩国sbs电视台于2010年推出的全新游戏类综艺节目,由刘在石、金钟国、哈哈、池石镇、李光洙、GARY、宋智孝等7位高知名度的艺人主持。节目定位幽默风趣,积极向上。刚开播的时候,游戏类型大多比较简单,其中防守游戏是节目的核心,嘉宾阵容以演艺界和歌谣界为主,选取的场所多数是国内一些标志性的建筑物和旅游景点。自11年开始,场所开始逐渐向海外拓展,泰国之旅是开启RM海外市场的第一步,随后北京、香港、澳门逐一成为节目的取景点。2012年开始,游戏形式开始实行突破,以完整故事背景的游戏模式让人眼前一亮,更多电影元素,文化元素开始融入游戏中,嘉宾的选择也不再仅限于演艺界,2012之后的RM,无论在内容上、形式上还是嘉宾选择上都趋于多样化,源源不断的探索和创新也成就了如今RM有着至高的人气。 总结其独特而成功的魅力原因有以下几点: 一、巧妙的人员组合 RM共有七位固定主持(数据以现在为准,中间数次人员微调动除外),一女六男,分别来自歌谣界、演艺界和综艺界,以韩国号称综艺两座大山的刘在石为头形成了一支多才多艺,各具特色的主持队伍。不难看出,在相貌的筛选上,男主持人大部分只是中等甚至中等偏下,其中几位在街上完全是路人甲乙,在视觉上并非盛宴。因此常常可以听见主持人相互之间也会拿平庸的长相说笑甚至自嘲,在这过程中主持人在言语间和语调上处理得恰大好处不但不会引起道德层面的冲突,反而给节目的增添了更多幽默色彩。唯一的女主持宋智孝的确是美女,这很好地抓住了男性心理特征,而宋智孝的定位本身也不是搞笑,从现在的头衔“ACE懵智”就能看出,宋智孝所要塑造的是一位美貌与



Ganzhou, the second largest city in Jiangxi, also known as Gannan, is located in the south part of Jiangxi Province, covering an area of 39,400 square kilometers, with jurisdiction over 1 district, 2 county-level cities and 15 counties. It borders Hunan Province to the west, Guangdong to the south, and Fujian to the east, as well as Ji'an and Fuzhou city in Jiangxi to the north. Ganzhou is a very beautiful city with sound environment and pleasant climate. It is especially famous for its forestation and mountainous areas. More than 83% of Ganzhou, is characterized by many mountains.In spring, Ganzhou is covered with green and filled with hope. In summer, the trees are thriving; the flowers are in full bloom. Walking under the shadows with dear family members must be a wonderful experience. In autumn, it is cool and the breeze touches your face gently. It is also time for harvest. In winter, the climate here is cold. It doesn’t snow often. But here in Ganzhou, winter has its special charm. Ganzhou is also rich in different kinds of resources, such as agricultural resources, land resources, timber resources, abundant water resources, valuable animal resources, rare


介绍家乡的英语范文用英文介绍一下我的家乡逐句翻好,希望能帮到你我的家乡,是一个美丽的小城.My hometown is a small beatiful country.那里有我很多美好的回忆.there remains a lot of my delighted memory.我在那生活了12年.I lived there for 12 years.我很喜欢我的家乡.I love my hometown very much.那里有美丽的山水,纯朴的人们.繁华的大街,宁静的小道.there are beautiful moutains and rivers, kind people, crowd streets and peaceful path. 虽然已经不住在那了,但是每年我都会回去看看.那都没有自己的家乡好.这就是我的家乡.Though I'm not living there, I e back to my hometown for a visit every year.Nowhere is better than my hometown.This is my hometown. 答案补充 My hometown is a small town in the south of China which is sorrounded by clean water and green mountains .You can see trees and flowers everywhere.The air there is very fresh .It 's warm in winter and cool in summer ,which is very suitable for living .It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. But it has not always been like that. In the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. For


R u n n i n g m a n游戏汇总1、铃铛追击游戏 队员分为任务队和追击队。 任务队要完成一定的任务,同时保护自己的名牌不被撕掉; 追击队要在鞋上系着铃铛,同时追击任务队,撕掉任务队的名牌。 2、一杯茶的时间: 两队通过抽签选择出不同的器皿,如耳屎勺,汤勺,瓢...(越夸张越好),然后用该器皿向杯子里装一勺的材料(如咖啡粉、茶粉...),然后泡开,有时可再加入如一颗鸡蛋等作料,比哪队先喝完。 3、照相 要求各队所有人想尽办法让自己的脸呆在不知何时会拍照的照相机镜头前,有时照相机位置可移动,且照相环境可变(如在水中、舞台上),当照相机照下照片后,露脸多的队获胜。 4、记歌词 播放一首歌曲,各队要仔细听,能完整、正确地唱出该歌曲的对获胜。 5、测谎·测心率 一队中选一个人连接上测谎仪,另一队人要想办法让那一个人在规定时间内说3个谎言,通过测谎仪来评定 一队中选一个人连接上心率仪,另一队人使用各种手段(或揭短,激怒,使兴奋)让那一个人在规定时间内心率达到最高,通过测谎仪来评定 6、卡拉OK 每队在完成各种任务(如坐过山车、举重、压腿...)的情况下唱歌,通过卡拉OK的评分来定输赢 7、画画传递猜词 一队人按顺序排成一列,第一个人依据所给出的主题作画,并传给第二个人(不能有语言交流),再由第二个人根据看到的画重新作画,并传给第三个人,以此类推,若最后一个人能猜对主题,则该队获胜 8、1VSn 众人合伙要在一个实现安排好的假游戏中欺骗某一个人,既要达到某种目的,如不能让被欺骗者在游戏中获胜、众人集体秘密变装.......又不能让其发现。若被揭露,则被欺骗者获胜。 9、眼神游戏 大家都蹲下来,然后一个一个地站起来。 1、报数每个人按顺序说1、 2、 3、4...,那就不能同时站起来两个人,如果站起来两个人那就是这两个人输了,要互相观察彼此,看到没人站起来或是马上站起来抢先,因为没有提前串通,所以就很小心的看别人眼色行事,剩下最后一个没站起来的人就输了 2、游戏外的人喊数,比如喊“3”,就要有3个人站起来,多站、少站都不行,如果出错就输了.


Let's take a look at this video clip. Today, I want to introduce an entertainment program- that names ·RUNNING MAN· to you. Premiere of ·RUNNING MAN· is in 2010. They have been together for four years. Running man has seven members. They all have their own characteristics. And I like every one of them. This is Song Zhixiao. She is the only girl in ·RUNNING MAN· . So they protect her like the way to protect a Princess. Another member, Gary and she are lovers on Monday.

His name is Li Guangzhu. He is responsible for funny in the group. Anyone of them can bully him in the game. But he is my favorite. Members of running man do thier best in the game. They put down thier dignities and use a variety of ways to win. In four years, they establish a deep friendship and share the joys and sorrows. Let's bless them. I hope running man can get more love from world-wide audience.


Introduce your family: In my family, there are three members, my father, my mother, and my brother。parents are workers, my father works very hard, and he is always fully occupied, so most of the housework is done by my mother, of course, while I am at home, I would help her. I love my parents and they love me, too. When I make a success, they are more excited than me, and support me to do better. Even though I failed, instead of blaming, they always share sorrow with me, and encourage me not to give up. During my preparation for graduate examination, the support from my family is always my momentum. Parents’ love is unselfish, I am deeply affected, so I will do all what I can to repay them. Introduce your hometown My hometown is ZhuMaDian, a city in HeNan Province. It is famous for Tangxi glaive and Chaya mountain and so on。Each year, many people come here for tour and investment。 Introduce your reason for preparing the postgraduate exam During the past years, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills, but gradually, I realize it is not enough. In my opinion, further study is actually urgent for me to realize and finally achieve self-value. Life is precious, it is necessary to catch any opportunity for self-development, especially in the competitive modern society. Therefore, I prefer to go on for further education. Why do you choose to study in our department Guizhou University is one of the most famous in our country, it provides people with enough room to get further enrichment。 About your future plans: There may be many things to learn if I were enrolled into my ideal research field. I hope I can participation of some relevant projects of my major, for this reason, I will get more experience in practice. And what’s more, I expect to continue my study for doctorate degree, if it is possible. In a word, I am looking forward to making up a solid foundation for future profession which is based on three years of study here. Do you have any hobbies I like reading books, playing football, traveling, and so on. "What is your greatest strength "I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done。I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is。


R u n n i n g m a n游戏汇总 一、铃铛追击游戏 二、队员分为任务队和追击队。 三、任务队要完成一定的任务,同时保护自己的名牌不被撕掉; 四、追击队要在鞋上系着铃铛,同时追击任务队,撕掉任务队的名牌。 五、一杯茶的时间: 六、两队通过抽签选择出不同的器皿,如耳屎勺,汤勺,瓢...(越夸张越好),然后用该器皿向杯子里 装一勺的材料(如咖啡粉、茶粉...),然后泡开,有时可再加入如一颗鸡蛋等作料,比哪队先喝完。 七、照相 八、要求各队所有人想尽办法让自己的脸呆在不知何时会拍照的照相机镜头前,有时照相机位置可移 动,且照相环境可变(如在水中、舞台上),当照相机照下照片后,露脸多的队获胜。 九、记歌词 十、播放一首歌曲,各队要仔细听,能完整、正确地唱出该歌曲的对获胜。 十一、测谎·测心率 十二、一队中选一个人连接上测谎仪,另一队人要想办法让那一个人在规定时间内说3个谎言,通过测谎仪来评定 十三、一队中选一个人连接上心率仪,另一队人使用各种手段(或揭短,激怒,使兴奋)让那一个人在规定时间内心率达到最高,通过测谎仪来评定 十四、卡拉OK 十五、每队在完成各种任务(如坐过山车、举重、压腿...)的情况下唱歌,通过卡拉OK的评分来定输赢 十六、画画传递猜词 十七、一队人按顺序排成一列,第一个人依据所给出的主题作画,并传给第二个人(不能有语言交流),再由第二个人根据看到的画重新作画,并传给第三个人,以此类推,若最后一个人能猜对主题,则该队获胜 十八、 1 VS n 十九、众人合伙要在一个实现安排好的假游戏中欺骗某一个人,既要达到某种目的,如不能让被欺骗者在游戏中获胜、众人集体秘密变装.......又不能让其发现。若被揭露,则被欺骗者获胜。 二十、眼神游戏 二十一、大家都蹲下来,然后一个一个地站起来。 二十二、1、报数每个人按顺序说1、2、3、4...,那就不能同时站起来两个人,如果站起来两个人那就是这两个人输了,要互相观察彼此,看到没人站起来或是马上站起来抢先,因为没有提前串通,所以就很小心的看别人眼色行事,剩下最后一个没站起来的人就输了 二十三、2、游戏外的人喊数,比如喊“3”,就要有3个人站起来,多站、少站都不行,如果出错就输了. 二十四、乒兵球识字 二十五、把字写在乒乓球上,一队打乒乓球,另一队要在这过程中认出球上的字 二十六、倒水游戏 二十七、队中选出一人蒙眼往杯中倒水,其余队员坐在椅子上,将杯子举在头顶上,最后水多的队获胜 二十八、衣架接力赛 二十九、369BIBO 三十、几个人按顺序数数,但当遇到含有3,6,9的数要用BIBO代替,否则输掉 三十一、模拟恶劣天气限时播报
