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08河北语法八 语法考点剖析

08河北语法八 语法考点剖析
08河北语法八 语法考点剖析





(1)already, yet, still


yet用来谈论某事是否已经发生,多用于疑问句和否定句中。在疑问句中,意为“已经”,在否定句中意为“还,尚”,通常放在句末;not yet可用于简略回答,意为“还没有”。


You have already told me that.你已经告诉过我那件事了。

I haven't asked him yet.我还没有问他。

Do you still have Julie's phone number?你还有朱莉的电话号码吗?



The rooms are all large enough to take a third bed.这些房间都很大,足够放下第三张床。

(3)much too, too much

much too“太……”,修饰形容词或副词;too much“太多……”,后接不可数名词。

There was too much noise in the next door.隔壁房间太吵了。

The dress is much too long for me.这裙子对我来说太长了。


1.(2018·北京延庆一模)—do you watch TV?

—Twice a week.

A.How often B.How long

C.How many D.How much

2.(2018·甘肃兰州5月模拟)The girl closed the door because her parents were sleeping.

A.loudly B.heavily

C.quietly D.hardly

3.(2018·湖北孝感陆市、云梦3月调研)—Could you tell me it takes to walk to the Disneyland?

—About 20 minutes.

A.how far B.hong long

C.how often D.how soon

4.(2018·河北唐山乐亭二模)They all looked at the teacher when he told them the good news.

A.sadly B.happily

C.carefully D.angrily

5.(2018·河北高碑店二模)—Are you going to Lucy's party this weekend? —not. I may have to look after my sister.

A.Certainly B.Especially

C.Properly D.Probably

6.(2018·湖南长沙二模改编)—Driving to work used to be popular.

—Well, but more and more people go to work by bike to avoid traffic. A.lately B.widely C.luckily D.exactly 7.(2018·天津南开二模)—I can see the words clearly on the blackboard without glasses.

—That's too bad. You'd better protect your eyes.

A.hardly B.really C.finally D.actually 8.(2018·贵州安顺)My cousin is heavy because he often eats

fast food.

A.too much; too many B.too many; too much

C.much too; too much D.too much; much too




It's raining hard.雨下得很大。


He runs as fast as his brother.他跑得和他的哥哥一样快。

(3)两者相比(A≠B),用“not as(so)+副词原形+as”表示。

He does not get up so early as you do.他没有你起得早。




She reads faster than me (I).她读得比我快。

(2)强调比较级的比较程度时,用“much/even/a lot/a little (bit)等+副词比较级+than”句型。

You can do even better than I if you try your best.如果你尽力,你会做得比我好。


The birds fly higher and higher.鸟儿们越飞越高。


The harder you study, the more knowledge you will get.你越努力学习,你获得的知识就越多。

(5)Which (Who)+动词+比较级,A or B?表示“A或B哪个更……些?”。Who gets up earlier, your mother or your father?你母亲和你父亲谁起得更早一些?



句型为“A+动词+(the)+副词最高级+of (in)...”。

She runs fastest of the three.她是三个人中跑得最快的。

(2)Which (Who)+动词+(the)+最高级,A,B or C?表示“三个以上的人或事物中哪一个最……”。

Which runs fastest, a car, a train or a plane?汽车、火车和飞机,哪一样最快?

1.(2018·湖南湘西土家族苗族自治州中考改编)Alice does her homework as as Peter.

A.carefully B.more careful

C.careful D.more carefully

2.(2019·预测)—What do you think of Wilson's speaking?

—No one does in our school.

A.good B.well

C.better D.best

3.(2018·河北唐山丰南二模)—Work gets done when people do it together, and the rewards are higher too.

—That's right. Many hands make light work.

A.easily B.very easy

C.more easily D.easier



考点一1~5 ACBBD6~8 AAC

考点二1~3 ACC


高考语文文言文特殊句式 一、判断句 文言文判断句在主谓之间一般不用判断词“是”,“是”作判断词是后来的事,而往往以名词或名词性短语直接充当谓语,用以对主语进行判断,常见句式有如下几种: 1.……者,……也 ①楚左尹项伯者,项羽季父也。 ②廉颇者,赵之良将也。 ③今言“华”如“华实”之“华”者,盖音谬也。 ④吾所以为此者,以先国家之急而后私仇也。 ⑤噌吰者,周景王之无射也。 ⑥师者,所以传道授业解惑也。 ⑦今所谓慧空禅院者,褒之庐冢也。 ⑧离骚者,犹离忧也。 2.……,……也 ①操虽托名汉相,其实汉贼也。 ②和氏壁,天下所共传宝也。 ③严大国之威以修敬也。(为的是尊重〈你们〉大国的威严以表示敬意啊) ④徒慕君之高义也。 ⑤今杀相如,终不能得璧也。 ⑥忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身,自然之理也。 ⑦此世所以不传也。 ⑧是故燕虽小国而后亡,斯用兵之效也。 ⑨君子生非异也,善假于物也。 ⑩一人之心,千万人之心也。 3.……者,…… ①四人者,庐陵萧君圭君玉,长乐王回深父,余弟安国平父,安上纯父。 ②粟者,民之所种。 4.……者也 ①城北徐公,齐国之美丽者也。 ②秦自缪公以来二十余君,未尝有坚明约束者也(秦国从秦穆公以来共有二十多个君王,没有 一个是使信约明确而固定的。) ③莲,花之君子者也。 ④沛公之参乘樊哙者也。 ⑤晏子,齐之习辞者也。 ⑥非吾所谓传其道解其惑者也。 5.无标志判断句 ①刘备天下枭雄。 ②刘豫州王室之胄。 ③陈涉瓮牖绳枢之子。 ④秦,虎狼之国。 ⑤臣窃以为其人勇士。 ⑥臣本布衣,躬耕于南阳。 ⑦此亡秦之续耳。 ⑧六国破灭,非兵不利。

6.在文言文中有时为了加强判断的语气,往往在动词谓语前加副词“乃、必、亦、即、诚、皆、则”“为”等。 ①当立者乃公子扶苏。 ②我乃楚狂人,风歌笑孔丘。 ③以后典籍皆为板本。 ④予购三百盆,皆病梅。 ⑤梁文即楚将项燕。 ⑥即今之傫然在墓者。 ⑦此则岳阳楼之大观也。 ⑧为赵宦者令缪贤舍人。 ⑨六国破灭,非兵不利。 ⑩非挟太山以超北海之类也 ⑾中峨冠而多髯者为东坡。 ⑿如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉,何辞为? 7.“是”在文言文中,往往不作判断词用,而是指示代词。但在汉、魏以后,“是”作判断动词的逐渐增多,如: ①不是我窦娥罚下这等无头愿,委实的冤情不浅。 ②萍水相逢,尽是他乡之客。 ③不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。 ④汝是大家子,仕宦于台阁,慎勿为妇死,贵贱情何薄。 二、被动句 文言文中,被动句的主语是谓语动词所表示的行为被动者、受事者,而不是主动者、施事者。在古汉语中,被动句主要有两大类型:一是有标志的被动句,即借助一些被动词来表示;二是无标志的被动句,又叫意念被动句。 有标志的被动句大体上有以下几种形式: 1.表被动的“于”字句 ①五人者……激于义而死焉者也。 ②君子役于物,小人役于物。 ③故内惑于郑袖,外欺于张仪。 ④李氏子藩,年十七,不拘于时,学于余。 ⑤夫赵强而燕弱,而君幸于赵王。 ⑥或脱身以逃,不能容于远近。 2.表被动的“见”字句或“见……于……”结构 ①信而见疑,忠而被谤。 ②举世混浊而我独清,众人皆醉而我独醒,是以见放。 ③秦城恐不可得,徒见欺。 ④吾长见笑于大方之家。 ⑤臣诚恐见欺于王而负赵。 ⑥暴见于王。 ⑦昔者弥子瑕见爱于卫君。 ⑧人皆以见侮为辱。 辨析:①慈父见背 ②冀君实或见恕也。 (分析::“见”字在六朝时期经常用作指代性副词,这里的“见”不表被动,它是放在动


S A T语法备考策略:S A T语法真题答案及解析(一) 各位即将参加SAT的考生你们想要在短时间内提高自己对SAT语法的掌控吗?想要就在就来看看小编为大家准备的SAT语法真题答案及解析吧!只要大家在考前认真练习这个真题,就一定能够学到试题常见的语法。 【题一】Many common English words such as shampoo, pajamas and bungalow were first used on the Indian sub-continent and have its origins in the Hindi language. (A) Many common (B) such as (C) were first used (D) its origins (E) No error 【答案】D 解析:The error in this sentence occurs at (D), where there is a pronoun agreement error. The singular possessive pronoun "its" does not agree with the plural noun to which it refers, "words," and should, therefore, be replaced with the appropriate plural possessive pronoun, "their."(这个句子中的错误发生在(D),代名词一致性错误。单数使用的代词“its”与它所指的多数名词不一致,即“words”,因此应该用适当的复数所有格代词“它们”代替。) 【题二】New analyses of a fossil suggest winged insects having possibly emerged as early as 400 million years ago. (A) suggest winged insects having possibly (B) suggest that winged insects may have (C) suggesting that winged insects, they may have (D) that suggests winged insects as having possibly (E) that suggest winged insects to have possibly 【答案】B 解析:Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by replacing the awkward and wordy "suggest winged insects having possibly" with the more precise and idiomatic "suggest that winged


语法填空答题技巧及强化练习 【语法填空考点】 纯空格题:冠词:a,an,the 代词 介词:in,at,on,above,below,through,across,onto,into,over,after,before,as(做为)等 连词 起连接作用的副词:however,therefore,thus,besides , then,next,first,also,instead ,too,never,not 等 副词: 关系副词:where,when ,why 有提示题: 谓语动词的时态和语态(主谓一致) 表具体某次情况:to do 非谓语动词 作主语/宾语 表习惯/一般情况:doing 作目的/结果/形容词后的状语:to do(adj. enough to do,too...to do,only to do 等) 主动或正在进行:doing 作定语/状语/补语: 被动或完成:done 未发生:to do 形容词和副词及其对应的比较级、最高级和词类转换(词性转换、加否定或反 义的前/后缀)等。 【语法填空七字诀】 “全”:看完整句; “位”:确定空格所处的位置,分清在句子当中充当什么作用(词性为主); “考”:知道考什么; “形”:知道用什么形式(主被动,词性的变化,特别是不规则词形的变化和书写等); “断”:对于长难句,要学会断句(断成相对完整的小单位,使空格的位置明朗化); 指示代词:this,that,those,these 人称代词:I ,me,them,they,he,his 等 形容词性物主代词:your,my,his,its 等 名词性物主代词:mine,his,its,hers,yours,ours 等 反身代词:themselves,yourself,yourselves,himself,herself,itself,ourselves 等 不定代词:another,other,some,many,much, little,anything,somebody,no,such ,none 等 关系代词:who,whom,which,that,as 等 疑问代词:what,whatever,which,who 等 从属连词:since(既然,自从),because,as(因为),although,though,after,before,if ,whether,that 等 并列连词: but,not only...but also...;or,and,for (因为),so 等


语法填空 命题特点 ⑴短文材料:课标卷I都是记叙文或夹叙夹议的文章,题材内容体现正能量。但2015年课标卷II是说明文。 ⑵短文长度:大约是200个词。 ⑶必考点是:连词、谓语动词、非谓语动词、词类转换。 ⑷常考点是:冠词、介词、代词、比较级。 ⑸常考固定搭配:全国课标卷和原广东卷考过的固定搭配有(黑体部分是要求考生填的词): 全国卷——At the same time(2015,课标II), It takes time to do sth. (课标I), refuse to do sth. (课标I), keep doing(课标II), next to(课标II) 广东卷——neither…nor… (2013), not…but… (2014), Why not do sth.? (2013), have a conversation (2011), a small amount of (2013), on sale (2009), at table (2009), at a price (2013), be tired from (2008), show respect for (2013), charge (…) for (2014) 备考指南 一是掌握基础语法:切实掌握每个项目中的基本用法,不淡化,但也不必深化。千万注意语法不要过细、过繁、过多、过难,不要将简单语法复杂化,而应想方设法使复杂的语法简单化,让语法变得更简、更易、更有趣。 二是熟悉考点语法:语法填空的考点与短文改错的考点基本相同,具体有以下十大考点: 考点1:名词 弄清数与格。即名词是否该用复数,是否要用所有格。 [例1]We were poor in those _______ (day). [分析]因day是可数名词,受those修饰,应用复数,故填days。 [例2]It’s about an _____ (hour) drive from here. [分析]句意是“离这里大约有一个小时的车程”,“一个小时的”用所有格,故填hour’s。 考点2:代词 ⑴指代对象(通常是前面出现的名词或整句),是人还是事物,是男还是女,是单数还是复数,是作主语还是作宾语。 [例1]The manager was about to leave when his secretary called ______ back. [分析]作called的宾语,应填代词;指代谁?指代The manager,是人; 由his可知, 这个经理是男的,是一个人,单数,且是作宾语,故填him。 ⑵如是物主代词(表示某人的),作主语、宾语或表语用名词性物主代词,在名词前作定语只能用形容词性物主代词。 [例2]Tom, a friend of ____ (I), is our monitor. [分析]指“我的朋友”中的一个,表示“我的朋友(my friend)”,相当于“一个形容词性物主代词+一个名词”的意义,用名词性物主代词,作介词of的宾语,故填mine。 ⑶反身代词反指谁,它通常作主语和宾语的同位语,这时应与主语或宾语一致;也可作某些动词或介词的宾语,这时需与主语一致。 [例3]The children amused _______ (they) by playing hide-and-seek games. [分析]缺宾语,应填代词;这些孩子拿谁取乐,应是“自娱自乐,游玩(amuse oneself)”,与主语The children一致,故填themselves。类似的短语还有enjoy oneself (玩得开心), teach oneself(自学), adapt oneself (适应), dress oneself(自己穿衣), devote oneself to(致力于), by oneself(单独地)等。


专题15 特殊句式——精讲深剖 一.单项选择 1.(2019天津高考)The professor warned tie students that on no account _____________ use mobile phones in his class. A. should they B. they should C. dare they D. they dare 【答案】A 【解析】考查部分倒装。句意:这位教授警告学生们,在他的课堂上,决不应该使用手机。on no account 决不,否定词放在句首,句子使用部分倒装,应该做should do,敢于做dare do,根据句意表示”应该“,故选A。 2. (2018北京高考)In any unsafe situation,simply the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need. A.press B.to press C.pressing D.pressed 【答案】A 【解析】考查祈使句。句意:在任何不安全的情况下,只要按下按钮,一个训练有素的代理人就会给你需要的帮助。根据句子结构可知,此处为祈使句,所以用动词原形。 3. (2018天津高考)It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house we saw Lily in the passenger seat. A.which B.that C.when D.where 【答案】选B。 【解析】考查强调句式。去掉题干的It was和空处后,这个句子语法结构依然完整,表示“只有当汽车停在我家房前的时候,我们才看到乘客座位上的莉莉”,因此这是一个强调句式,被强调的是“only+状语从句”,因此选B。


SAT语法真题常见高频考点 下面天道小编为大家搜集整理了SAT语法真题常见高频考点,希望大家看完之后会对SAT语法考试备考有所帮助。 1.v+ing与 v+ed作状语时,应该与主语有关系,v+ing是主语发出,v+ed与主语构成被动关系,如出现错误被称为“悬垂结构”(以下即使是悬垂结构也是正确的:①副词+speaking②V.ing+介词(judging from/talking of)③V.ing+从句(supposing that+从句=if从句/granted that+从句=although从句/allowing,considering,given that+从句) 2.特殊同位结构:主句+逗号+抽象名词或者重复+定语从句或者其他形式修饰(该重复与SAT简洁原则不冲突,该结构一旦出现时,没有明显错误通常可以作为正确答案。) 3.SAT不接受which指代一个句子,不接受it指代整个句子。 4.SAT注重语言的简洁性,能用一个词或者词组表达时绝对不用一个从句(往往很多定语从句可以用形容词表达),能省略时尽量省略(定语从句常省略that/which/be),句意用词不要重复(each year=annual)。简洁表达目的是只用“to do”(如果原文中没有出现不定式,选项中含有不定式的可能是错误的。)。n+that is(are) adj―〉adj+n。 5.用“because从句”表达原因,而不是用“n+V.ing”的结构,表达复杂原因时,只用because表达最为简洁。Because不可以引导名词性从句(it is because)。For+句子同样也表示原因(for +n表示目的,for +doing表示用途)。 6.凡是SAT中的双重否定基本判定为错。(barely,hardly,scarcely,seldom,without,never,no,none) 7.表达“是否”只能使用whether,不能使用if和whether…or not(whether>if,whether>whether…or not)。 8.举例子时,一句话就用“for example”;不是句子时,一律使用“such as”,而不使用“like”。 9.动宾结构使用do so,不使用do it/them/that。 10.not any被no取代,that which被what取代,having been done被done取代。 11.对于“不是…而是…”rather than优于instead of. 12.SAT不考情态动词,IS选项中不包含原有的情态动词均排除。 13.only,first,often,at once,more,even需要尽量跟紧修饰对象。


最新高考英语考前冲刺语法填空短文改错精准训练历年语法填空真题20套Passage 1(2019课标全国I) The polar bear is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland. While they are rare north of 88°,there is evidence 1 they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada. It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been 2 (poor) studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide. Modem methods 3 tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s,and are expensive 4 (perform) consistently over a large area. In recent years some Inuit people in Nunayut 5 (report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a 6 (believe) that populations are increasing. Scientists have responded by 7 (note) that hungry bears may be congregating(聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion(错觉) that populations are 8 (high) than they actually are. Of 9 nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six 10 (be) stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ? 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ? 答案: 1 that 2 poorly 3 of/for 4 to perform 5 have reported


高考文言文特殊句式解析——定语后置 河北张运娇 现代汉语里,定语一般都放在中心词的前面,起修饰限制的作用。但在古代汉语里,为了突出和强调定语,有时也会把定语放在中心词之后,这种情况叫做“定语后置”。 分类与举例说明 一、“中心词+之+定语+者” ①马之千里者,一食或尽粟一石。 (《马说》日行千里的马,一顿有时能吃掉一石小米。) ②僧之富者不能至,而贫者至焉。 (《为学》)(富和尚不能到达,穷和尚却到了那里) ③石之铿然有声者,所在皆是也。 (《石钟山记》)(发出铿锵的声音的石头,到处的石头都是这样的)二、“中心词+定语+者” ①盖简桃核修狭者为之。 (《核舟记》)(这是挑选狭长形的桃核来雕刻的) ②有奇字素无备者,旋刻之。 (《活板》)(有些平时没有准备的生僻字,当即就把它刻出来) ③村中少年好事者,驯养一虫。 (《促织》)(村子里有个好事的年轻人,养着一只蟋蟀) ④且将军大势可以拒操者,长江也。 (《赤壁之战》)(况且将军您的可以用来抗拒曹操的有利形势,就是

长江) ⑤求人可使报秦者,未得。 (《廉颇蔺相如列传》)(想找一个可以出使秦国向秦国回复的人,也没有找到) ⑥太子及宾客知其事者,皆白衣冠以送之。 (《荆轲刺秦王》)(太子丹和知道这件事的门客,都穿了白衣,戴上白帽,给荆轲送行。 三、“中心词+之+定语” ①居庙堂之高,则忧其民;处江湖之远,则忧其君。 (《岳阳楼记》)(处在高高的朝廷,就忧虑老百姓的疾苦;退隐在偏远的江湖[即民间],就担忧他的国君。) ②蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强。 (《劝学》)(蚯蚓没有锋利的爪牙,健强的筋骨) ③人又谁能以身之察察,受物之汶汶者乎! (《屈原列传》)(高尚的人谁又能让自己清洁的身子,蒙受污浊的外物[污染]呢!) 四、“中心词+定语” 从弟子女十人所,皆衣缯单衣,立大巫后。” (《西门豹治邺》跟随着十来个女徒弟/跟随的女徒弟有十来个……)五、“中心词+而+定语+者”的结构。 ①缙绅而能不易其志者,四海之大,有几人与? (《五人墓碑记》)(能够不改变自己志向的官员,普天之下,有几个


SAT语法考试主考单词强化训练 SAT语法考试主考单词强化训练!小马过河SAT频道小编为大家整理了SAT语法考试主考单词强化训练的详细内容,希望能为广大考生提供帮助。小马过河全国免费电话咨询:400-0123-267! 主考单词强化训练 1. Although Henry was not in general a sentimental man, occasionally he would feel a touch of ___ for the old days and would contemplate making a brief excursion to Boston to revisit his childhood friends. exasperation chagrin nostalgia lethargy anxiety sentimental的情景: 林黛玉型的 2. The consumer advocate claimed that while drug manufactures____ the supposed advantages of their propriety brands, generic versions of the same medications are often equally____. (A) tout, efficacious (B)research, innocuous (C) market, prohibitive (D)laud, counterproductive (E) extract, prescriptive tout: 俗话说,卖布的有”布拖”,卖袜子的有”袜拖”,我就是那”饭拖” 通过这道题,可以看到中美在tout(拖,套)这点上是没分歧的. 3. (1)The soap opera regularly dwells on the___ aspects of life; just last week two characters died. morbid presumptuous


高考英语语法填空真题及 答案 The document was prepared on January 2, 2021

历年高考语法填空真题 1. (2017全国Ⅰ)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界)61 a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side 62 (effect) such as overweight and heart disease—the very thing the medical community was trying to fight. Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are required 63 (process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt 64 (remove) from food, the food tastes as if is missing something. As 65 result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. Even 66 (bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food 67 (be) full of fat and salt; by 68 (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet. Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food. However, be 69 (care) not to go to extremes. Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, 70 is not good for the health. 2. (2017全国Ⅱ)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 In 1863 the first underground passenger railway in the world opened in London. It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible __61__(crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and __________62__ work. It took three years to complete and was built using an interesting method. This included digging up the road, ____63___(lay) the track and then building a strong roof over___64___ top. When all those had been done, the road surface was replaced. Steam engines ___65__(use) to pull the carriages and it must have been___66__(fair)unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise. However, the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within six months, more than 25,000 people were using___67__ every day. Later, engineers ____68___(manage) to construct railways in a system of deep tunnels (隧道), which became known to the tube. This development was only possible with the ___69___ (introduce) of electric-powered engines and lifts. The central London Railway was one of the most ___70___(success) of these new lines, and was opened in 1900. It had white-painted tunnels and bright red carriages, and proved extremely popular with the public.

英语专业四级考试词汇语法真题及解析 (1)

2016年英语专业四级考试词汇语法真题 参考答案与解析 11. How can I concentrate if you _________ continually ______ me with silly questions? A. have… interrupted B. are… interrupted C. had… interrupting D. were… interrupting 选A。虽然我觉得更应该说you are continually interrupting me with silly questions。不过这里用现在完成时表示的是一个动作发生过成为过去经历,有可能多次发生,也就是打断一次、两次、三次等等不断重复到现在。 12. Among the four sentences below, Sentence ___ expresses the highest degree of possibility? A. It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. B. It might take a long time to find a solution to the problem. C. It could take a long time to find a solution to the problem. D. It should take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 选D。四个里把握度最高的是should,其次是may,最后是might和could。 13. She is a better speaker than _____ in the class. A. any boy B. the other boys C. other any girl D. all the girls 选A。主语是she,女的,所以不能选B。C的正确说法是any other girl。 14. Nobody heard him sing, ______? A. did one B. did he C. didn’t they D. did they 选B。根据专四语法出题依据的书《新编英语语法教程》(章振邦)317页,nobody这种附加疑问句,书面语里用he。口语里偶见they。实际上,现代英语里为了避免有语言歧视(为什么只有he,没有she),很多人都避免只用he,而多改为they。 15. I can’t put up with ________. A. that friend of you B. that friend of yours C. the friend of you D. the friend of yours 选B。根据专四语法出题依据的书《新编英语语法教程》(章振邦)57-58页,这种双重属格结构所修饰的名词可带a, any, some等表示非确定特指的限定词,但通常不带定冠词。比如a daughter of Mrs. Green’s, any/some daughters of Mrs/ Green’s。 16. There has been an increasing number of _______ in primary schools in the past few years. A. man teacher B. men teacher C. man teachers D. men teachers 选D。合成名词复数,man/woman这种,两种都要变成复数,比如women drivers。 17. This is one of the issues that deserve _____. A. being mentioned


历年高考语法填空真题 1. (2017全国Ⅰ)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界)61 a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side 62 (effect) such as overweight and heart disease—the very thing the medical community was trying to fight. Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are required 63 (process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt 64 (remove) from food, the food tastes as if is missing something. As 65 result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. Even 66 (bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food 67 (be) full of fat and salt; by 68 (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet. Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food. However, be 69 (care) not to go to extremes. Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, 70 is not good for the health. 2. (2017全国Ⅱ)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 In 1863 the first underground passenger railway in the world opened in London. It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible __61__(crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and __________62__ work. It took three years to complete and was built using an interesting method. This included digging up the road, ____63___(lay) the track and then building a strong roof over___64___ top. When all those had been done, the road surface was replaced. Steam engines ___65__(use) to pull the carriages and it must have been___66__(fair)unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise. However, the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within six months, more than 25,000 people were using___67__ every day. Later, engineers ____68___(manage) to construct railways in a system of deep tunnels (隧道), which became known to the tube. This development was only possible with the ___69___ (introduce) of electric-powered engines and lifts. The central London Railway was one of the most ___70___(success) of these new lines, and was opened in 1900. It had white-painted tunnels and bright red carriages, and proved extremely popular with the public. 3. (2017全国Ⅲ)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 She looks like any other schoolgirl, fresh-faced and full of life. Sarah Thomas is looking forward to challenge of her new A-level course .But unlike school friends ,16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term 61 ________ (rest). Instead, she is earning $6500 a day as 62 __________ model in New Y ork. Sarah 63 __________ (tell) that she could be Britain?s new supermodel earning a million dollars in the new year. Her father Peter 44,wants her to give up school to model fulltime But Sarah, 64 _______ has taken part in shows along with top models wants 65_________ (prove) that she has brains as well as beauty. She is determined to carry on with her 66_________ (educate). She has turned down several 67_______ (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies After school she plans to take a year off to model full time before going to university to get a degree 68___________ engineering or architecture. Sarah says, "My dad thinks I should take the offer now. But at the moment, school 69 ___________ (come) first. I don't want to get too absorbed in modeling. It is 70 _________ (certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal. I don't want to have nothing else to fall back on when I can't model my more." 4. (2016全国Ⅰ)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
