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Spare time(业余时间),






read novels(读小说),

play football/basketball(踢足球/打篮球),

surf the internet(上网),

chat online(在线聊天),

play games(玩游戏),

collect stamps(集邮),

make e-friends(交网友),

climb mountains(爬山),

watch TV(看电视),

enjoy popular music(喜欢流行音乐),

be interested in(对…感兴趣),

develop an interest in(在…方面发展兴趣),

be fond of(喜欢…),

be keen on(喜欢…),

have love for(喜爱…),

have a taste in(对…有兴趣) 等。


Work(工作), be atwork(在工作), work hard(努力工作),produce(生产), worker(工人), laborforce(劳动力), labor(劳动),voluntary labor(义务劳动),serve thepeople(为人民服务),heart and soul(全心全意),physical labor(体力劳动), mental labor(脑力劳动), labor viewpoint(劳动观念), labor Day(劳动节), workday(工作日), means of labor(劳动方式),

honorable(光荣的), be devoted to(奉献于..), value(价值), earn money(赚钱) , personal interests(个人利益)等。


harmonious(和谐的), friendly(友好的), civilized(文明的), honest(真诚的), credible (诚信的), be public-spirited(有公德心的), balanced(平衡的), be in order(有序的), peaceful(和平的), live in harmony(生活和谐), sustainable development(可持续发展)等,help each ether(互助), care for each other(互相关心), have deep love for (热爱), be concernedwith (关心), build(创建), cherish(珍惜), take an active part in(积极参与), pay attentionto social moral(讲究社会公德), protect the environment(保护环境), save energy(节省能源)等。No pains, no gains.

不劳无获。… can beachieved by hard wok.

…可以通过劳动获得。It is difficult to find work in the presentsituation.

在当前形势下,很难找到工作。It is honorable to …是光荣的。

If everyone … for others and thesociety, our world will be …如果每个人为他人和社会做…,我们这个世界将会…。Every one should … anddevotes himself to building our motherland into a strong country.每个人应该…,为把我们祖国建设成为一个强壮的国家而奉献自己的力量。


employ(雇佣), lookfor(寻找), take in(吸纳), full-time(全职的), part-time(兼职的), well-paid(薪水高的), be paid by the hour(按小时发工资), requirement(要求), résum é(个人履历),schooling(受教育情况), subjects(课程), working experience(工作经历), qualification(合格证明), transcript (成绩单), health(健康状况), present

address(现在通讯地址)等,apply for(申请…),graduate from(毕业于), major in(以…为专业), degree(学位), scholarship(奖学金), good grades(良好的成绩), hobby(爱好), favorite(最喜欢的), be skilled in(在…方面熟练), be good at(擅长…), experienced(有经验的), confident(自信的), English and computer ability(英语和计算机能力),healthy(健康的)等。


Physical and mental condition(身体与精神状态), strong(强壮的), un/healthy(不健康/健康的), overweight/fat(肥胖的), thin(瘦的), near/short-sighted(近视的), mentally unhealthy(精神不健全的), normal(正常的), abnormal(不正常的),

energetic(精力旺盛的), unhealthy eating habit(不健康的饮食习惯), eatmuch junk food

(吃太多的垃圾食品)等,Stay/keephealthy/fit(保持健康), build up one’s body/ improve one’s'health(强身健体), enough sleep(充足的睡眠), take regular exercise(进行有规律的运动), roperdiet(合理的饮食), good living habits(良好的生活习惯), lose weight(减肥), remove heavy burdens(减轻负担), be good for/do good to(对…有益处), nutrition(营养), go on diet(节食), form a … eating habit(养成一个…的饮食习惯) Breathe in as much fresh air等。


Pollute(污染),Waste isscattering here and there.(到处撒满了废弃物),protect theenvironment(保护环境) ,send outsmoke and poisonous gases into the air(散发出烟和有毒气体),cutdown trees(砍伐树木), pour wastewater into the rivers(把废水注入河流),It is a shame to throwrubbish around. (乱扔垃圾是可耻的),form good habits to protectthe surroundings(养成良好的习惯来保护环境), take active measures toprotect rare animals(采取积极措施保护稀有动物), take good care of our forests(关心我们的森林),plantmore trees to improve the environment (多植来改善环境),Theterrible pollution have done great harm to us as well as to the surroundings. (可怕的污染已经给我们自己还有我们的环境带来了很大的危害。)


School rules and regulations(学校规章制度),obey(遵守), observe(遵守),

keep/observe discipline(遵守纪律), behavewell(表现良好),be neatly dressed(穿戴整洁), respect one’s

teachers and parents(尊敬师长), be on time(准时), keep the environment clean(保持环境干净),civilized(文明的) break the rules(违反规章制度), discipline(纪律), spit(吐痰), throw rubbish everywhere(乱扔垃圾), cheat inthe exam(考试作弊), get in line (插队),fight with sb.(与…打架), punishsb. for (因…处罚某人)等。The students are told not to break any of the rules of the school.

学校要求学生不要违反任何规章制度。The students are expected to …

学校期望学生…。It must be made clearthat the students should …


… is of no good to a friendly and harmonious society.

…对创建友好和谐的社会是毫无益处的。It is honorable to obey theprinciples and rules of our school.遵守学校的规章制度是光荣的。It isworthy of praise to ...

…是值得表扬的。It is shameful to …

…是可耻的。What we should do is that …



get to know sb.(认识某人),communicate with sb. (与某人交流) , know sb. really well(熟知某人), make friends with sb.(和某人交朋友), a strongpersonality (一个很强的个性), personal matters(隐私), friendship(友谊), friendly(友好的),

a close friend(一个亲密的朋友), trust each other (相互信任), precious(珍贵的), worthy(有价值的), understanding(通情达理的), share …with sb.(与…分享…), be loyal to(对…忠诚), keep in touch with sb. (与…保持联系), keep company with sb.(和…结交), stay best friends with sb. (和…保持很好的友谊)等。

A friend in need is a friendindeed.



好词: boring 乏味的 charming 可爱的confident自信的humorous 幽默的optimistic乐观的outstanding杰出的pessimistic悲观的pleasant令人愉快的proud骄傲的rude没礼貌的sociable 善于交际的

Spirited精神饱满的vigorous 强健的adventurous 冒险的generous 宽宏大量的gentle 文雅的lovely可爱的 nervous焦虑的quiet文静的romantic 浪漫的selfish自私的

Strong坚强的calm 镇定的cold冷酷的cool冷静的impatient 急躁的sweet和蔼的

Brave 勇敢的careful仔细的 careless 粗心的 good-hearted热心的 responsible 有责任心的

Diligent 勤奋的experienced有经验的forgetful健忘的hardw orking努力工作的ill-mannered举止粗鲁的imaginative富于想象力的knowledgeable 有知识的modest 谦虚的polite 有礼貌的 rude粗鲁的simple-minded头脑简单的


Nothing in the world is difficultfor one who sets his mind on it.


Never despair of success 不要丧失成功的信心

Optimism is the best way to dealwith disappointment.乐观是对失望的最好方法

Humor helps us bear our burdens,lessen our tension, overcome our frustration, relax ourselves and make lifeeasier.幽默有助于我们承受负担,减缓压力,战胜失败,放松自我,使生活更加轻松。

He has an instinct for art他有艺术天分。

He is simple and honest by nature他斌性纯朴。

He is a most agreeable fellow 他为人随和。

My elder brother is generous inhandling affairs.


He is very gentle towards hisneighbors.他对邻居很和气。

My father is kind-hearted我父亲心地和善。

She is modest and amiable toeveryone. 他待人谦和。

She is tender and kind她温存和蔼。

He is strong of will他意志坚强。

I felt at ease after hearing hiswords.


He is honest in business.他做生意很实在。

The jobless man did nothing butwait for his chance.


We should be realistic instead ofover ambitious.


The gentleman was well-educatedand elegant.这位先生受过良好的教育,气质高雅。

Everyone expressed their viewsfreely.


The child has no manners. 这孩子没规矩。

Her acting was very natural ,although it was the first time she appeared on the stage. 她虽然是初次演出,但是演得很自然。

Most of the students of the schoolare polite ,courteous and good-mannered.


He would go abroad to make furtherstudies.他将出国深造。



Cross-country横跨全国的 enjoyable令人愉快的 exciting激动人心的 expensive昂贵的 happy 幸福的 memorable 难忘的 lovely 美好的 historic有历史意义

的 ideal理想的 mountainous 多山的 remote遥远的 romantic浪漫的 wild 荒凉的 wonderful美妙的 attractive吸引人的 dry干枯的 flat平坦的 frozen 冰冻

的 golden金色的 grassy 长满青草的 impressive难忘的 narrow狭窄的 rapid水流很急的 roaring咆哮的 rocky 多岩石的 stony 多石头的


He who travels far knows much.远行者见闻多。

Travelling can enrich yourknowledge. 旅游可以丰富你的知识。

Bored with their routine life ,they want to travel for a change人们厌倦了一成不变的生活,为了求变,人们选择去旅游。

A visit to Canada is likely to be an unforgettable experience.


It is a busy reason for tourism这是个旅游旺季。

Shanghai is a culture center.上海是个文化中心。

The place is a feast to the eye。这地方让人大饱眼福。

Today the lake is a year-roundparadise for the fishermen.现在这个湖是钓鱼者一年四季的天堂。

Xi’an is a place of historicinterest.西安是个具有历史意义的地方。

Beijing is a place rich inhistoric relics.北京是一个具有历史遗产的地方。

South China has green hills andclear waters and is full of beautifulscenery.



Travelling enriches your knowledge, it enables you to learn a lot that you cannot get from books. It helps you tosee backward with a broader mind.

Travelling also helps you to make new friends . wherever you go, you arebound to meet people . and the contact on this special occasion can often bringabout friendship more easily. Sometimes a kind help , or even a briefheart-to-heard chat , can earn you devoted and ever-lasting friends.

How ever ,travelling may cause some problems. The booking of tickets maybe an inconvenient matter. The over crowded bus or train may make youexhausted. And , what’

s more, travelling costs much time and money so it isclear that travelling has its advantages and disadvantages.


Awful 糟糕的 changeable变化无常的 clear晴朗的 cloudy多云的 cold寒冷的common常见的damp 潮湿的 dry干燥的 fine 晴朗的 foggy有雾的 frosty有霜冻的wonderful极佳的 hot 热的 ideal理想的 mild 温和的 cloudy多云的 pleasant晴朗的 rainy多雨的 snowy 下雪的 stormy 暴风雨的 sunny 阳光灿烂的 terrible 可怕

的 warm温暖的 wet多雨的 windy风大的


1The clear sky is as blue asthe calm sea. 晴空万里,天蓝得像平静的大海。

2..today it is fine. The sky iscloudlessly blue.今天是个碧空如洗的好天气。


Brief 短暂的,简明的,endless 无限的, limited 有限的,

Fleeting流逝的,long长的,short短的,early早的,late迟的,enough 足够的,convenient 方便的,inconvenient 不方便的,

Perfect极好的, proper恰当的,special 特别的,uncertain 不确定的,fresh 新鲜的,


Advanced 先进的agricultural 农业的civilized 文明的develop ed 发达的developing发展中的underdeveloped 不发达的industrial 工业的modern现代化的peaceful 爱好和平的powerful强大的prosperous繁荣的


energy resource 能源 limited有限的plenty of 大量的,充足的

Poor 贫乏的 be rich in 在…..方面很富有

We have a great need for energybecause of the rapid growth of our economy.


These rich energy resources arebeing used up rapidly.


Obviously, our country is rich innatural resources.


No matter how hard we try to saveenergy resources and how abundant they are, we will use them up sooner orlater. Therefore, we should use new energy resources, such as solar energy toreplace them .If so , we can solve the problem of energy shortage.




单词: legal 法律的、合法的,illegal 违法的、不合规定的,common公共的,

Progressive进步的,severe严厉的,equal 平等的,strengthen 加强、强化,

system制度、体制,obey 遵守,discipline规则、原则// economy 经济,advantage 优点、利益,adjustment (n.)调整,arrangement (n.) 安排, company 公司,contract 合同,control 控制,cost 成本,expenses费用,spending开支,data数据,investigate/ investigation 调查,industry/industrial工业/工业的,agriculture/agricultural农业/农业的,se rvice industry服务业,decision(n.) 决定、决策, policy政策,income 收益,收入 , with the arrival of globalization of economy随着经济全球化的来临


We should strengthen the legalsystem.


Everybody is supposed to be equalbefore the law.


Everyone must obey laws anddiscipline.


The motivation of producing fakeproducts is to make a great deal of money easily and it is illegal. 生产假冒产品的动机就是为了赚钱容易,这是违法的。

After arguing with him for anhour, we made a fair trade.


He owns a store.他拥有一家店铺。

Many products of poor quality canbe seen everywhere.




culture 文化 cultural 文化的, communicate with 与……交流, advanced 高级的,先进的 out-dated过时的modern 现代的aimless 目的不明确的 creative thinking 创造性思维 formal 正式的 informal 非正式的, passive education被动教育 practical 实用的实际的practical problems 实际问题, world-class university 世界一流大

学 side effect副作用, be infavor of 赞同, get further study 得到深造, follow the instructions of 听从…..的教导 excellent 优异的,limited 有限的,limitless 无限的,equip 装备,poorly-equipped设备差的,well-equipped 设备好的,respectable 受尊敬的 main 主要的,interesting 有趣的,attractive,有吸引力的,boring,乏味的,exciting令人兴奋的,令人激动的,encouraging鼓舞人心的,popular 流行的,受欢迎的,impressive 令人印象深刻的, difficult困难的,important重要的,ordinary普通的,valuable有价值的, vivid 生动的,strict严格的,traditional传统的,dull 单调的,separate单独的,special 特别的,regular正规的,be devoted to对…富有献身精神的,experienced 有经验的,learned 博学的,patient有耐心的,well-trained受过良好训练的,responsible有责任心的,irresponsible,没有责任心的,qualified合格的,careful 细心的,careless,粗心的,bright/ clever聪明的,gifted有才华的,talented有天赋的, thoughtful爱思考的,diligent勤奋的,enthusiastic热心的,deep深刻的,detailed 详细的,lifelong终身的,scientific科学的,serious严肃的,严重的,develop personal interests发展个人兴趣,competitive有竞争的,satisfying令人满意的,disappointing 令人失望的,study load学习负担,pass the exam 通过考试,top students优秀生,major in主修,do research on sth.对…研究

Education is the best way for anation to invest for the future.


With the arrival of the economic globalizationand knowledge economy, more and more people realized that the competition inthe future is mainly the talents' competition , therefore, education isbecoming more and more important.




Rich 富有的 poor 贫穷的 colorful 丰富多彩的 awful 糟糕的、不快的, busy 忙碌的,calm 安宁的, boring 乏味的,bitter 苦的、悲惨的,painful 痛苦的,fortunate/ unfortunate 幸运的、不幸的,memorable 难忘的,unforgettable 难忘的,

discouraging 令人沮丧的,puzzling 使人迷惑的,disgraceful不光彩的, dull枯燥乏味的, fascinating迷人的,奇妙的,novel 新奇的,unique独特的,thrilling充满刺激的, adventurous 冒险的 , friendless 没有朋友的,lonely 孤独的, meaningful 有意义的,meaningless 无意义的, noble 高尚的, peaceful 宁静的, purposeless无目的的, successful 成功的, stable稳定的,miserable悲惨的,costly 代价昂贵的,valuable 宝贵的,strange奇怪的,

artistic 艺术的, brilliant 出色的,辉煌的, creative 富有创造性的, dangerous 危险的,honorable 光荣的,horrible 可怕的, independent 独立的, professional 专业的,有特定的职业的,sensible明智的,

感情: changeful易变的 considerate 体贴的, foolish 愚蠢的,jealous 嫉妒的,brotherly 兄弟般的, fearful 胆怯的,pure纯洁的,violent狂暴的, romantic

/romantically 浪漫的/浪漫地,lifelon g终身的, sincere真挚的,exciting 兴奋的,precious珍贵的, cheerful 兴高采烈的,cheerless缺少欢乐的,comfortable舒服的,delightful令人快乐的, sad 悲伤的,pleasant令人愉快的


Ancient 古代的, classic 古典的, modern现代的,

realistic 现实主义的,abstract抽象的,romantic 烂漫主义的,浪漫的,amusing 逗人的,complicated复杂的,moving 感人的, instructive 有指导意义的/有教育意义的,shallow浮浅的,well-known著名的,well-written写得好的,fascinating迷人的,怪诞的,comic戏剧性的,tragic悲剧性的,vivid生动的,natural自然的,entertaining使人愉快的,有趣的,inspiring鼓舞人心的,popular流行的,harmonious 和谐的,graceful 优雅的,雅致的,emotional 感情充沛的,lively生气勃勃的,明快的,beautiful优美的,美妙的,sweet甜美的,shocking令人震惊的


英语作文素材 作文是英语学习中很重要的一环,今天为大家整理了一些作文素材,希望对大家有帮助. Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. In my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to school. As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose there's a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to dial for help immediately. There're also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them when we're tired of our studies. In my opinion, it's not wrong to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way. Today , I'll talk about going online. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can


龙文教育学科导学案 教师:刘琳学生:日期: 星期:时段:课题 学习目标 学习重点 学习方法 学习内容与过程 H haircut n.理发;发型,发式 hammer n.锤子vt.锤击 handkerchief n.手帕 handle n.柄,把手vt.处理 happiness n.幸福;满足 harbour n.港 hard-working adj. 勤劳 hardship n.艰难,困苦 harm n.伤害,损害vt.损害 harmony n.协调,和谐 harvest n.收获,收成vt.收割 headmaster n. 英国中小学校长,男舍监 hesitate vi.犹豫,踌躇 highway n.公路,大路 hire vt.雇用 honey n.蜜,蜂蜜,甜,甜蜜 hopeless a.没有希望的,绝望的 horrible a. 可怕的,极可憎的,极可厌的 host n.主人,东道主 housewife n.家庭主妇 humour v. 纵容,迁就 hunger n.饥饿,渴望 hunt n.vt.打猎,搜寻

六、对“自我表现与谦虚”的看法 For my part, good communication, including presenting one’s achievements and advantages properly to others, can lead to success. In modern society, blowing one’s own trumpet(喇叭) can help others know what a person is good at, which may be an example for them to follow. So what counts most is that one’s confidence must be true of one’s real case. To Chinese people, modesty is a virtue, but being too modest may sometimes cause others to think you are good at nothing. Moreover, modesty doesn’t necessarily mean hiding one’s own strong points or keeping silent. One must learn to sell himself at the right time and enjoy his proud moments. Therefore, blowing one’s trumpet and modesty, in my opinion, can be combined and balanced. 七、态度决定一切的启示 Different attitudes lead to different results. Take Xiao Hua for example, He’s my classmate. He always puts his heart into study, so he has become a top student in our class. With his diligence and concentration, he’s bound to succeed in the entrance examination. However, Xiao Li never cares about his study and turns a deaf ear to the teachers’ advice. As a result, he falls far behind others in his study. 八、对…行为的看法 As for me, Marry is really great because she’s ready to do…that seems very small. Maybe what she is doing is very common in others’ eyes but it will play an important role in our daily life. 九、目标的重要性(看法) I was greatly inspired by such a story as it makes me realize the power of a goal in shaping one’s success and gives me strength to pursue my goal despite the hardships I’m to go through. In my opinion, goals are important in our life. To begin with, as goals often enables us to be positive to ups and downs in our life. Moreover, bearing goals in mind, we’re le ss likely to be distracted from our way to success. Finally, as goals are what we’re longing for, they thus can motivate us to strive for greater achievements, making our life more fulfilling(令人满意的). 十、对考验的感受 From the story I’ve learned that the trials of life are of great importance in our growth. As the saying goes,“No cross, no crown(不经历风雨怎么见彩虹).” Only by facing and overcoming difficulties in our life can we grow up happily and healthily.

高中英语作文素材 一次野生训练 A Wilderness Survival Program

一次野生训练(A Wilderness Survival Program) Saturday May 4, 2002 Cl oudy Li Ming and I took part in a wilderness survival progr am yeste rday,which has become an u nforgettable experience. Yesterday mo rning we wore strong and comfortable shoes, carried backpacks with the necessities in them and went to the mountain. We climbed a hill. On the top we saw a direction mark, which told us where to go. Down the hill, we came to a river. There were no b oats b ut we had to cross it. Luckily, both of us had learned how to swim. But we shouldn't make our things in the backpacks wet. Seeing a p iece of board, I got an idea. We put our backpacks o n the board and swam in the water pushing the board. When getting to the other bank, with the compass we found north in which direction we walked half an hour. Finally, we arrived at the campsite. We set up a tent and made a bonfire. The two of us spent t he night in the forest. We learne d to use knowledge gained in classroom training to solve problems. It was quite an ex perience for both of us, which I'll never forget for the rest of m y life.


英语万能作文(模板型) Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that.... 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。 As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes. 然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法) As society develops, people are attaching much importance to.... 随着社会的发展,人们开始关注............ People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。 As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it. 关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。


2020高考英语作文素材积累 2020高考英语作文素材篇二 我的母亲My Mother My motheris an ordinary teacher. She always puts her students before everything. She isnothing different from other people at the first sight. But later you will findthat she is so responsible. In my mind, she is very great. On weekends, shealways prepare the class at home. Sometimes she even ask the students to cometo our house for remediation for free. All her students like her. Sometimes I almostenvy her students. Luckily, my mother also very care about me. she puts all hertime on our family and her students, leaving nothing for herself. She is sogreat, and I proud of her; and I love her. 我的妈妈是一个普通的老师。她总是把她的学生放在最重要的位置。乍一看,她和别的人没有什么不一样的。但后来你会发现她是如此有责任心。在我的心目中,她是很伟大的。周末的时候她总是在家里备课。有时候她甚至叫学生到我们家来免费补课。她的学生都很喜欢她。有时候我都差点要嫉妒她的学生了。幸好我慢慢还是很关心我的。她把她所有的时间都花在我们家和她的学生身上,却不给自己留一丁点时间。她是如此的伟大,我为她感到骄傲;我爱她。 2020高考英语作文素材篇三 Is Watching TV a Good Thing(看电视是一件好事情吗)

2020年高考英语作文高分素材训练:4.3 人与自然

主题三人与自然 话题十世界与环境 熟记50个高频单词 ·Group 1· 1. atmosphere n. 大气, 气氛 2. challenge n. 挑战(性) challenging adj. 具有挑战性的 3. circumstance n. 情况, 形势, 环境 4. consequence n. 结果, 后果 5. conservation n. 保存;(自然资源的)保护, 管理 6. create vt. 创造;造成 creature n. 生物, 动物 7. damage n. &vt. 毁坏, 损害 8. decline v. 减少, 下降, 衰退, 谢绝 9. decorate vt. 装饰……, 修饰……decoration n. 装饰, 修饰 10. decrease v. 减少, 减小, 降低 ·Group 2· 1. deliberately adv. 故意, 蓄意, 存心 2. disappearance n. 消失

3. destroy vt. 破坏, 毁坏 4. disappoint vt. 使失望disappointment n. 失望;沮丧 5. effort n. 努力, 艰难的尝试 6. environment n. 环境 7. expectation n. 预料;期望 8. extinction n. 灭绝 9. forbid vt. 禁止, 不许 10. harmony n. 和谐 ·Group 3· 1. influence n. 影响 2. material n. 原料, 材料 3. natural adj. 自然的 nature n. 自然, 性质, 种类 4. noisy adj. 喧闹的, 嘈杂的 5. overlook vt. 忽略;眺望 6. permission n. 允许, 许可, 同意permit vt. 许可, 允许;n. 许可证 7. pollute vt. 污染 pollution n. 污染 8. preserve vt. 保护, 保留, 保存 9. prevent vt. 防止, 预防


高考英语作文素材 开头句型 1.As far as ...is concerned 就……而言比如说:就我而言As far as I’m concerned 2 It can be said with certainty that... +从句可以肯定地说...... 3.As the proverb says,正如谚语所说的,可以用来引用名言名句 4 .It has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到,... 5 .It's generally recognized that... 它普遍认为... 6 .It's likely that ... 这可能是因为... 7 .It's hardly that... 这是很难的...... 8 There's no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认 9 .Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比这更重要的是… 10 .what's far more important is that... 更重要的是… 引言句型 1. Some people think that ….To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below. 有些人认为…坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。 2. I believe the title statement is valid because…. 我认为这个论点是正确的,因为… 3. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that ….我无法完全同意….这一观点的说法… 4. Along with the development of…, more and more….随着……的发展,越来越多… 5 It is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized that….它通常是认为… 6. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter.就我

2020年高考英语作文高分素材训练:2.2 高考读后续写高分技巧

2. 高考读后续写高分技巧 (2018·浙江高考) 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。 It was summer, and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before. He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West. We took a plane to Albuquerque, a big city in the state of New Mexico. We reached Albuquerque in the late afternoon. Uncle Paul, my dad’s friend, picked us up from the airport and drove us up to his farm in Pecos. His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guest room of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby. Very early in the morning, Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast. “The day starts at dawn on my farm, ” he said. After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens, while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze(吃草). I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses. They looked really cool. In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride,

英语作文 素材

连接词: 表示并列、递进:similarly additionally 表示让步、转折:however nevertheless(不过) 表示因果:consequently 表示举例:especially 表示概括:generally Facing difficulties: 1. There are always ups and downs in our life. 2. I need some cheering-up, not only from others but from somewhere deep down inside my heart as well, so that I can start all over again. 3. I managed not to look down on myself. 4. I cheered myself up and tried to learn a lesson from this failure. 5. It is through self-cheering-up that I learn to look at everything from the positive side and become more optimistic. 6. Being more confident means taking up challenges and establishing a better self. 7. If I’m strongly willing to make progress, with hard work and effective methods, eventually I will succeed. Traditional culture: 1. It’s a traditional Chinese skill, but now fewer and fewer people are practicing it. 2. It remains a big concern that many traditional skills are disappearing, and I’ve decided to start from now on to learn one of them. 3. I realize the importance of protecting our traditional culture. 哲理: 1. Sometimes we only want speed, but miss the wonderful sights. 2. The energetic people around me motivated me and encouraged me to cover the whole distance. 3. I saw a large number of ants carrying fruit and leaves which were a lot bigger and heavier than themselves. Their perseverance(毅力) and unity(团结) touched me. 4. I have made up my mind to spare no effort to spread my love across the world. 5. I think it necessary to give most of the lucky money back to parents, for they are giving others lucky money while I’m receiving others’. 6. We will improve our money management skills once the lucky money is put in our charge. 描写: 1. When Obama’s delivering his speech, you can always feel his passion(激情)- it’s not about the volume of his voice, but about his facial expressions, body language, the exact words he has chosen ,etc. (i) speeches have long encouraged me to try harder to become a wonderful public speaker like him. 2. My mother taught me the beauty of life and taught me how to tell right from wrong when I was young. When I am down due to my failures, she teaches me not to give up and to work harder. When I am confused about my future, she gives me useful advice and encourages me to pursue(追求) my dreams. 3. I’ll trust my parents all the way, as they trust me. 4. I’ll never forget her confident smile, which blew away any uncertainty. ①Focus on what teacher says in class achieve academic success Improve my grades overcome difficulties Absorb more knowledge cultivate my talent Save every single minute ②Balance their work and rest make full use of time Be more energetic a variety of problems, such as anxiety ③improper behaviors(不文明行为) ④she dedicates herself to taking care of my family


最新中考英语作文写作素材积累及必背范文大全 专题1 一、专题知识梳理 “主题阐述型”作文是未来中考的趋势 纵观最近两年的中考和一模二模等大考中的作文题目,不难发现“主题阐述型作文”正无越来越受到出题人的青睐。无论对于复习临考的初三生还是其他年级的同学,了解趋势,未雨绸缪,早作准备,有的放矢,才是 征服“作文”这一最中考英语考试最高峰的王道吧。 所谓“主题阐述型”作文,学生需要结合题目中给出的具体情景或数据来展开写作。学生在写作时既不能泛泛 而谈,也不能举出不相干的事例。这样的作文一般写作思路是: 1首段先将题目中的情景简要总结并引出自己的观点; 2中间段要给出详细展开自己观点,同时要辅以契合的数据,事实等作为论据; 3尾段呼应开头点题。 因此这样的作文都是夹叙夹议类的文章,可以一箭双雕考察学生两种体裁写作能力。更重要的是和具体情景 的结合,也需要现场功力,绝非靠机械式地套用模板可行,这样也更好地考察学生真实的写作功底。 所以平时我们应该如何准备呢? 1 建立自己的素材库。平时各种话题写过的作文(作文话题分类另见博文),牛人的范文,参考书上经典,其 中的优美词句,典型事例等等用心记下来,且一定要用笔记录。自己动手写才能走心,才能内化成自己的东 西。 2 关注周围的世界。很多主题阐释性的作文都是和实事挂钩的,如果你平时就做个有心人,关注周遭的世 界,了解一些基本概念的英文,如雾霾(haze/ smog),智能手机(smartphone),失联客机(disappeared airliner)… 在考场上就能更从容,不至于现场词穷,甚至看不懂题目。 3 养成在头脑中构建语段的习惯。看到一个新闻或现象,不要当成事不关己的窗外事,试着去评论或思考一 下,哪怕听听智者的言论,也能受到启发。很多时候,大家写文章,徒有文字的堆砌,也用了很多从句,但 绕来绕去就是一个肤浅的意思,归根还是没有更深的思考和总结。当然中考的作文话题不会太大,不指望一


高三英语作文练习素材 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎借鉴参考阅读下载,侵删。您的努力学习和创新是为了更美好的未来! 高三英语作文练习素材1 当我们独立了When We Are Independent When I was very small, I was so envious about the adults, because they could do whatever they wanted and did not have to depend on their parents. For me, I did not have money and my parents limited my pocket money, so I couldn’t spend the money to buy whatever I wanted. It seems to me that being an adult is my only wish. Some day, I learned from the movie that being an adult was not that as perfect as I thought. In the movie, the man struggled to earn money to pay his bills, what’s more, he had to stay away from his family. Loneliness was always around him. To be independent means we can live our own way and make our own decision. We have more freedom. But at the same time, it also means more annoyance. So why just we enjoy this moment. 在我很小的时候,我很羡慕成年人,因为他们可以做任何他们想做的,不必依赖他们的父母。对我来说,我没有钱,我的父母限制我的零花钱,所以我无法花钱去买所有我想要的。似乎成为一个成年人是我唯一的愿望。有一天,我从这部电影中了解到,作为一个成年人也没有我想象中的那么完美。在电影中,那个人努力挣钱来支付他的账单,更重要的是,他不得不远离他的家人。寂寞总是是围绕着他。独立意味着我们可以有自己的方式生活,做自己的决定。我们有的自由。但与此同时,这也意味着的烦恼。所以为什么不享受这一刻呢。 高三英语作文练习素材2 分数和能力Score and Ability In China, the students have to take part in many exams, they need to get the high mark, so that they can enter the better school and have more chances to get to the college. Chinese education pays special attention to the score, it occupies important position, it seems that score decides the students’ future.In my opinion, score doesn’t mean everything, the


英语作文素材 Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. In my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to school. As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose there's a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to dial for help immediately. There're also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them when we're tired of our studies. In my opinion, it's not wrong to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way. Today , I'll talk about going online. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn English . We can read some good newspapers and magazines. It can make us clever in playing computer games. I can send e-mails to our friends quickly. It can help us keep in touch with people from all over the world. But some students spend too much time in playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. As a result, they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don't study well any more. I think we mustn't go online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. All of us want to be healthy. First,we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don't feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once. English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. How to make friends It’s hard to make friends if you stay alone all the time. It’s easier to make friends when you


中考英语作文素材积累 谚语: 1.时间机会 Time flies. 光阴似箭。时光易逝。 Time is money. 时间就是金钱一寸光阴一寸金。 Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月无情。时不待人。 Time cures all things. 时间能治愈一切。 Time works wonders. 时间可以创造奇迹。 Time works great changes. 时间可以使万物发生巨变。 Times change. 时代在变。 One today is worth two tomorrows. 一个今天胜似两个明天。 2.工作学习 Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 凡是值得做的事情,就值得做好。 In for a penny, in for a pound. 事情既已开头,就要坚持到底。 Never do things by halves. 做事切忌半途而废。 Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。 No pains, no gain s. 不劳则无获。 Diligence is the mother of good fortune. 勤勉是好运之母。 Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋带来好运。 Industry is fortune’s right, and frugality her left. 勤奋是幸运的右手,节俭是幸运的左手。 A [One] man is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 In doing we learn. 边干边学。在实践中学习。 We learn not at school, but in life. 人生是在生活中学习,而非在学校中学习。There is no end to learning. There is no satiety in study. 学无止境。学海无涯。 3.事业成功 Success belongs to the persevering. 成功属于坚持不懈的人。
