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assignment 1
assignment 1

Multiple Choices: Choose one correct answer from the four choices: 1. The English people and the English language were born from the union of __D______.

A. the Angles and the Saxons

B. Romans and the Norman French

C. Danes or Vikings and the Norman French

D. Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons

2. The first known settlers of Britain were ____A___.

A. the Iberians

B. the Beaker Folk

C. the Celts

D. the Romans

3. About 80,000 Scots speak Gaelic which is an ancient ___D______.

A. Scottish language

B. English language

C. Irish language

D. Celtic language

4. About three million people have migrated to Britain since World War II. They are mainly from the West Indies, India and _______D___.

A. Indonesia

B. Singapore

C. Hong Kong

D. Pakistan

5. Which part of Britain is always fighting? (D)

A. England

B. Scotland

C. Wales

D. Northem Ireland

6. The ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient ____A______.

A. Celts

B. Romans

C. Normans

D. Britons

7. In ___B__, a small group of Puritans sailed from __B___ in the Mayflower to be the first settlers in the North America.

A. 1620, London

B. 1620, Plymouth

C. 1720, London

D. 1720, Plymouth

8. During the 5th century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germanic ____D_____ invaded and conquered Britain.

A. Angles and Celts

B. Angles and Picts

C. Angles and Brythons

D. Angles and Saxons

9. The upper class in Britain consists of the following except ___D______.

A. peerage

B. gentry

C. landowners

D. professionals

10. “Britishness” can be reflected in t he following except ____D_____.

A. Union Jack

B. conservativeness

C. the Beatles

D. Thanksgiving Day

11. English Reformation was carried out by ____B___ to change the religion in England from Catholicism to Protestantism.

A. Edward VI

B. Henry VIII

C. Mary I

D. Elizabeth I

12. King John was forced by the barons to sign the _____D__ which restricted the King’s power.

A. Bill of Rights

B. Petition of Right

C. Provisions of Oxford

D. Great Charter

13. Simon de Montfort’s reform is considered to be the beginning of English ___A____.

A. parliament

B. cabinet

C. constitution

D. liberty

14. The Prime Minister is appointed by ____C_ and he or she always sits in __C___.

A. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of Commons

B. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of Lords

C. the Queen, the House of Commons

D. the Queen, the House of Lords

15. In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 can __A___ by law.

A. receive completely free education

B. receive partly free education

C. receive no free education if their families are rich

D. receive no free education at all

16. The 1851 London Great Exposition was held in the Crystal Palace which was designed by Queen ___C____’s husband Albert.

A. Mary

B. Elizabeth I

C. Victoria

D. Anne

17. The British Prime Minister who led the British to defeat Nazi Germany is ___A____.

A. Churchill

B. Chamberlain

C. MacDonald

D. Macmillan

18. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the ___B____ and the North Sea in the east.

A. east

B. south

C. west

D. north

19. The House of Commons is elected by universal suffrage and has about _____A______ Members of Parliament.

A. 650

B. 660

C. 670

D. 680

20. British Conservative Party was formerly called _____B__ Party in the 18th century.

A. Whig

B. Tory

C. Liberal

D. Nationalist

21. The United Kingdom is governed in the name of _______D____, by ___________.

A. the King; the Prime Minister

B. the Queen; the Prime Minister

C. the Prime Minister; His or Her Majesty’s Government

D. the Sovereign; His or Her Majesty’s Government

22. ___C_____ is the “supreme governor” of the Church of England.

A. The monarch

B. The Archbishop of York

C. The Archbishop of Canterbury

D. The Roman Pope

23. In Britain the citizens aged _______B_____ or over have the right to vote.

A. 16

B. 18

C. 21

D. 30

24. By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed _____A_______ by the Sovereign in the United Kingdom.

A. Prime Minister

B. Member of Parliament

C. Lord of Appeal

D. Speaker of the House

25. The Liberal Democratic Party is the combination of the Social Democratic Party and _______B______.

A. the Conservative Party

B. the Labour Party

C. the Liberal Party

D. the Green Party

26.The Anglo-French hostility which began in 1337 and ended in 1453 was known as ___B__.

A. the Wars of Roses

B. the Hundred Years’ War

C. Peasant Uprising

D. the Civil War

Under Margaret Thatcher Britain experienced __B____.

A. economic recession

B. economic expansion

C. economic decline

D. economic depression

27. Which of the following is NOT true of Britain’s

agriculture? (D)

A. British farming is highly mechanized.

B. Agriculture in Britain is intensive.

C. British farming is very efficient.

D. Britain’s agriculture can produce enough food for its


28. British oil fields were discovered on the __D_____.

A. English Channel

B. Irish Sea

C. Norwegian Sea

D. North Sea

29. Which of the following is not included in the new industries in Britain?

A. Microprocessors. (D)

B. Computers.

C. Biotechnology.

D. Motor vehicles.

30.The National Health Service (NHS) was established in

the United Kingdom in ___C______.

A. 1946

B. 1947

C. 1948

D. 1949

31.England first became a sea power in the time of __B___.

A. Henry VII

B. Elizabeth I

C. Victoria

D. Henry VIII

32. In Britain, children up to the age of ____D__ can receive family allowances for children.

A. 11

B. 12

C. 15

D. 16

33. In Britain, pensions for the elderly, or retirement

benefits, begin for women at the age of ____C____.

A. 50

B. 55

C. 60

D. 65

34. In England the NHS is managed by the ____B____.

A. Department for Work and Pensions

B. Department of Health

C. Social Security Agency

D. Social Services Department

35. The National Health Service in Britain provides a full

range of medical services for __C_____.

A. employees

B. residents aged between 18-60

C. every resident

D. residents aged over 60

36. Social Security in the UK is the government’s most expensive program, costing __C___ of public funding.

A. 20%

B. 25%

C. 30%

D. 35%

37. The greatest dramatist of the English Renaissance was __A___.

A. Shakespeare

B. Milton

C. Chaucer

D. Bacon

38. ___A_____ is the largest of the Free Churches.

A. The Baptists

B. The Methodist Church

C. The Roman Catholic Church

D. The Church in Wales

39. Established Churches in Britain are ___B________.

A. Church of England and Church of Wales

B. Church of Wales and Church of Scotland

C. the Anglican Churches

D. Church of England and Church of Scotland

40.What is the national anthem of the United Kingdom? (C)

A. Rule Britannia

B.Men of Harlech

C. God Save the King (Queen)

D.Swing Low Sweet Chariot

41. The principal non-Christian communities in Britain are ____B___.

A. the Moslems

B. the Buddhists

C. the Hindus

D. the Jews

42. The Church of Scotland is a ____A____ church.

A. Methodist

B. Baptist

C. Presbyterian

D. Catholic

43. In Great Britain, the ______C_____ is uniquely related to the Crown.

A. Church of England

B. Church of Scotland

C. Church of Ireland

D. Church of Wales

44. What is the capital city of Northern Ireland? (D)

A. Edinburgh

B. Cardiff

C. London

D. Belfast

45. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the ______D_______ centuries.

A. 12th and 13th

B. 13th and 14th

C. 14th and 15th

D. 15th and 16th

46. The usual age for transfer from primary to secondary schools is

________A_____ in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

A. 14

B. 13

C. 12

D. 11

47. In Britain, private schools are often called ____D__.

A. comprehensive schools

B. grammar schools

C. secondary modern schools

D. independent schools

48. In Britain, higher education is usually defined as advanced courses of a standard higher than _____C___ or equivalent.

A. GCE O-Level

B. GCE A-Level

C. GCE AS-Level


49. In Britain, education at primary levels emphasizes the following EXCEPT ________A____.

A. reading

B. writing

C. arithmetic

D. science

50. Which Anglo-Saxon king is considered Britain’s first national hero? (B)

A. Alfred the Great

B. Henry the Eighth

C. William the Conqueror

D. Charles the Second

51. T he leading scientific society in Britain is ____D____.

Which of the following foods is a traditional British meal?

A. Noodles

B. Snails

C. Tapas

D. Fish and Chips

52. T he largest and the most important museum in Britain is ______C______.

A. the British Museum

B. the Victoria and Albert Museum

C. the Imperial War Museum

D. the National Gallery

53. Britain’s most popular pastime is ________A____.

A. reading newspaper

B. watching TV

C. playing football

D. horse racing

54. The Times is a ______B______ newspaper in Britain.

A. quality daily

B. popular daily

C. quality Sunday

D. mid-market daily

55. The Daily Mirror is a ____D_____ newspaper in Britain.

A. quality daily

B. popular daily

C. popular Sunday

D. mid-market daily

56. Football has its traditional home in _____B______.

A. England

B. Scotland

C. France

D. Italy

57. _________A____ is the most typical English sports.

A. Football

B. Rugby

C. Cricket

D. Horse racing

58. O f the following four sports, ________A_____ has the longest history.

A. cricket

B. golf

C. football

D. rugby

59. The Beatles was a band formed by four boys from _____B____.

A. Manchester

B. Liverpool

C. London

D. Edinburgh

60.During which festival is it traditional to give and receive chocolate eggs? (C)

A. Christmas

B. Remembrance Day

C. Easter

D. New Year’s Day


第三章 线性分组码 习题 1.证明[n ,k ]线性分组码的最大距离为n -k +1。 2.设一个[7,4]码的生成矩阵为 1000111010010100100110 00111 0G ????? ?=?????? (1)求出该码的全部码矢; (2)求出该码的一致校验矩阵; (3)作出该码的标准阵译码表。 3.证明定理3.1.3。 4.一个[8,4]系统码,它的一致校验方程为: c 0=m 1+m 2+m 3c 1=m 0+m 1+m 2c 2=m 0+m 1+m 2c 3=m 0+m 2+m 3 式中,m 0,m 1,m 2,m 3是信息位,c 0,c 1,c 2,c 3是校验位。找出该码的G 和H ,并证明该码的最小距离为4。 5.构造第4题中码的对偶码。 6.设H 1是[n ,k ]线性分组码C 1的校验矩阵,且有奇数最小距离为d 。作一个新的码C 2,它的校 验矩阵为 12000111 1H H ?? ????? ?=???????? M L (1)证明C 2是一个(n +1,k )分组码; (2)证明C 2中每一码字的重量为偶数; (3)证明C 2码的最小重量为d +1。 7.设C 1是一个有最小距离为d 1的[n 1,k ]线性系统码,生成矩阵为G 1=[P 1I k ]。C 2是一个有最小距离为d 2的[n ,k ]线性系统码,它的生成矩阵G 2=[P 2I k ]。对满足下述一致校验矩阵 212T k n n k T p H I P I ???? ? ?=??????

的[n 1+n 2,k]线性码,证明它有最小距离至少为d 1+d 2。 8.设一个二进制[n ,k ]码C 的G 矩阵不含全零列,将C 的所有码字排成2k ×n 的阵。 证明: (a )阵中不含有全零列; (b )阵中的每一列由2k -1个零和2k -1个1组成; (c )在一特定分量上为0的所有码字构成C 的一个子空间,问该子空间的维数是多少? 9.令是所有二进制[n ,k ]线性系统码的集合。证明非零二进制n 重V 或者恰巧含于的 ΓΓ(1)()2k n k ??个码中,或者不在的任一码中。 Γ10.证明二进制[23,12,7]Golay 码和三进制的[11,6,5]Golay 码是完备码。 11.若d 是码C 的最小重量,且为偶数,(1)/2t d =????? 。证明有两个重量均为t +1的矢量必在C 码的同一陪集中。 12.求出d =3,至多只有3个校验元的二进制码的码长n ;和d =5,至多只有8个校验元的二进 制码的码长n 。 13.计算二进制[24,12,8]扩张Golay 码的覆盖半径,及[8,4]RM 码的覆盖半径。 14.证明定理3.9.3。 15.构造三个二进制的[10,3,5]LUEP 码,其分离矢量分别为(8,2,2),(7,4,4), (6,4,4)。写出它们标准形式的G 和系统码形式的G 。 16.证明定理3.10.3。 17.构造一个具有最高码率的k =10,t =2的2-EC/AUED 码。 18.证明定理3.10.6。


哈佛分析框架:财务战略分析新思维 2015-09-15中国管理会计网 管理会计微信号:china-cma 本文运用哈佛分析框架的基本原理,结合亚泰集团企业案例,通过分析其揭示其财务及经营状况并预测其发展前景。 财务分析一直以来在评价企业业绩过程中起到重要且不可替代作用,它通过对报表数据的各种变换计算,运用模型建立起一系列评价体系,从各个方面、各个角度分析企业经营成果并预测未来。利益相关者主要通过企业发布的财务报表来评价企业。因此,财务报表成为传统财务分析的根本。然而作为经济实体的主体——企业,并不是孤立存在的,它不仅受自身的经营及财务政策的影响,还受其所处的相关行业及宏观经济环境的影响。 有效地财务评价体系不仅应注重对企业财务数据的分析,而且应重视非财务信息。应将财务分析对象由财务报表扩展到与财务报表及企业经营相关的行业环境、政策环境、宏观经济环境等,站在战略的高度对企业进行评价。哈佛分析框架在一定程度上克服了传统财务分析的缺陷,鉴于此,本文利用哈佛分析框架对亚泰集团的行业状况和发展战略、会计质量、财务报表及发展前景进行了定性和定量的综合分析,这种分析方法有效地克服了传统财务报表分析的局限性,能够从整体上把握企业集团的整体经营状况,从而预测企业未来发展前景。 哈佛分析框架 哈佛分析框架由哈佛大学佩普(K.G.Palepu)、希利(P.M.Healy)和伯纳德(V.L.Bernard)三位学者提出,他们认为财务分析不应只分析报表数据,应该站在战略的高度,结合企业内外部环境并在科学预测的基础上为企业未来发展指明方向,哈佛分析框架主要包括企业战略分析、会计分析、财务分析及前景分析。

solutions for assignment3

Chapter 3 Assignments P13.Consider a reliable data transfer protocol that uses only negative acknowledgments. Suppose the sender sends data infrequently. Would a NAK-only protocol be preferable to a protocol that uses ACKs? Why? Now suppose the sender has a lot of data to send and the end-to-end connection experiences few losses. In this second case, would a NAK-only protocol be preferable to a protocol that uses ACKs? Why? Answer: In a NAK only protocol, the loss of packet x is only detected by the receiver when packet x+1 is received. That is, the receivers receives x-1 and then x+1, only when x+1 is received does the receiver realize that x was missed. If there is a long delay between the transmission of x and the transmission of x+1, then it will be a long time until x can be recovered, under a NAK only protocol. On the other hand, if data is being sent often, then recovery under a NAK-only scheme could happen quickly. Moreover, if errors are infrequent, then NAKs are only occasionally sent (when needed), and ACK are never sent – a significant reduction in feedback in the NAK-only case over the ACK-only case. P23. We have said that an application may choose UDP for a transport protocol because UDP offers finer application control (than TCP) of what data is sent in a segment and when. a. Why does an application have more control of what data is sent in a segment? b. Why does an application have more control on when the segment is sent? Answer: a) Consider sending an application message over a transport protocol. With TCP, the application writes data to the connection send buffer and TCP will grab bytes without necessarily putting a single message in the TCP segment; TCP may put more or less than a singe message in a segment. UDP, on the other hand, encapsulates in a segment whatever the application gives it; so that, if the application gives UDP an application message, this message will be the payload of the UDP segment. Thus, with UDP, an application has more control of what data is sent in a segment. b) With TCP, due to flow control and congestion control, there may be significant delay from the time when an application writes data to its send buffer until when the data is given to the network layer. UDP does not have delays due to flow control and congestion control.


商务交际英语(二) Assignment ● You work in the Sales Department of an international company. Manuela Garcia, an important client, is visiting your company for a day. There are some changes to the itinerary you sent her last week. ● Write a letter of 120 - 140 words to Ms Garcia, using the original itinerary and your handwritten notes, informing her of the changes. Proposed itinerary for one-day visit of Manuela Garcia Wednesday 20 October 11.00 John Sallis to meet Ms Garcia at airport 11.30 Arrival at company John Sallis to give Ms Garcia an introductory tour of company 12.30 14.00 ( Carol Snape Tom McAllister Sue Smith Manuela Garcia ) 15.30 Coffee break 16.00 18.00 John Sallis to take Ms Garcia to the airport 19.30 英语老师:周俐 2012年10月17日(第七周) (作业于10月26日前上交给我)


在百度问答中留学论文宝老师发现,很多学生都会进行网上交流,比如学生会问到,留学论文宝在哪里?留学论文宝好不好?留学论文宝是不是跟网上说的一样好?我是澳洲的学生,某某学科的论文作业能不能辅导?很多这样的问题等到第二天再看的时候发现百度问题已经被接受过留学论文宝老师辅导的学生给刷屏了。感谢各位留学生对留学论文宝的信赖、支持和宣传。 既然还是有很多学生抱着怀疑得态度,那么留学论文宝老师就来介绍一下自己吧。留学论文宝是2009年成立在英国本地的一家正规论文辅导机构,在十多年的竞争中我们成功地走到了今天并且快速地发展着,直至今日,我们已经成功解决了超过30000留学生的论文课业负担。 留学论文宝的核心力量是辅导老师,作为专业的英文写作辅导老师都是从国外的知名大学毕业的研究生和博士生,因此我们的绝对优势在于: 1、辅导老师资质过硬,不仅师资力量雄厚,而且专业无敌,老师遍布各大高校,因此任何一个留学生都能找到对口的院校专业辅导老师,在英文表达上是绝对没有问题的,在写作技巧上也是非常娴熟的。 2、在辅导水平。在学历上可以分别是本科预科、本科、硕士预科、硕士,有关博士的我们可以提供专业的Proposal指导;在辅导学科上可以是文理科、工科、商科、医学、艺术等;在辅导范围上,可以是平常的期中期末作业、毕业生的Dissertation,留学文书(包括PS个人陈述、CV个人简历、Recommendation 推荐信、成绩单毕业证学位证等各种材料的翻译),还可以是学生的演讲稿、PPT 和调查问卷的制作等。 3、服务态度。辅导老师会根据学生提供的学校学历专业、论文要求、导师上课的课件和风格,学生掌握的知识程度,先列出一份写作大纲,学生满意后方动笔,最后在规定的时间内上交全稿。如果在中间过程学生有不满意的要及时提出来以便修正。最后的全稿会通过客服老师进行专业评估和使用专业的Turn it in检测系统检测抄袭率,保证在5%以下,有不少都是100%原创。所有学生的文章一律过关,还有不少取得了不错的分数呢! 在留学文书方面,留学论文宝老师因为都是出过国的,所以在对各大学的地理位置、办学特色,甚至对某一个具体知名的导师都是很熟悉的,再加上自己也制作过留学文书,因此事绝对没有问题的。凡是接受过留学论文宝辅导老师的文书制作服务的,都写出了非常满意的PS、CV和推荐信,最后也都拿到了自己梦想大学的offer,留学成功。 如果您想更多地了解留学论文宝,想知道Essay和Dissertation的写作方


经济学原理(双学位,2010年秋季学期) 作业3(第12-17章) 上交日期:2010年11月27日课上 第一部分:教材习题(注:括号内为第四版对应的题目号) 第12章,问题与应用,3,6,9,11 第13章,问题与应用,1,4(5),11(10),12(11) 第14章,问题与应用,1(2),4(5),6(7),12(11) (提示:第1题:考虑石油价格上升导致造船的边际成本上升相同的数量。) 第15章,问题与应用,1,6,11(13),13(14) 第16章,问题与应用,6(对应第四版第17 章第5题),7(第17章第7题) 第17章,问题与应用,1(16章3),3(16章4),6(16章6),8(16章9),10(16章11) 第二部分:补充英文题目 Supplemental Questions (Multiple-choice questions if marked with a-d, otherwise True/False questions.) 1. (Ch12) The deadweight loss associated with a tax on a commodity is generated by a. those consumers who still choose to consume the commodity, but pay a higher price that reflects the tax. b. those consumers who choose to not consume the commodity that is taxed. c. all citizens who are able to use services provided by government. d. those consumers who are unable to avoid paying the tax. 2.(Ch13) Adam Smith's example of the pin factory demonstrates that economies of scale result from specialization. (For Chapter 14) 1. The Wheeler Wheat Farm sells wheat to a grain broker in Seattle, Washington. Since the market for wheat is generally considered to be competitive, the Wheeler Farm a. does not choose the quantity of wheat to produce. b. does not have any fixed costs of production. c. is not able to earn an accounting profit. d. does not choose the price at which it sells its wheat. (For Chapter 15) 2.The De Beers Diamond company advertises heavily to promote the sale of all diamonds, not just its own. This is evidence that they have a monopoly position to some degree. (For Chapter 16) 3. A monopolistically competitive firm chooses its production level the same way as a(n) a. monopolist. b. oligopolist. c. perfectly competitive firm.


关于尽职调查的10000字深度长文解析(财务篇) 概述 尽职调查概念 1、概念 尽职调查又称谨慎性调查, 是指投资人在与目标企业达成初步合作意向后,经协商一致,投资人对目标企业一切与本次投资有关的事项进行现场调查、资料分析的一系列活动。 财务尽职调查即由财务专业人员针对目标企业与投资有关财务状况的审阅、分析、核查等专业调查。 2、种类 尽职调查的种类包括四类: ■法律尽职调查■财务尽职调查 ■业务尽职调查■·其他尽职调查 尽职调查的目的 尽职调查就是要搞清楚: 1、他是谁?即交易对手实际控制人的底细和管理团队 2、他在做什么?即产品或服务的类别和市场竞争力 3、他做得如何?即经营数据和财务数据收集,尤其是财务报表反映的财务状况、经营成果、现金流量及纵向、横向(同业)比较 4、别人如何看?包括银行同业和竞争对手的态度 5、我们如何做?在了解客户的基础上进行客户价值分析,用经验和获得的信息设计授信方案和控制措施,把交流变成可行的交易。 简言之,即做好股东背景和管控结构、行业和产品、经营和财务数据、同业态度的调查,提供我们的做法。

尽职调查框架 财务顾问尽职调查的关注要点 1、业务 (1)行业/企业的业务模型、盈利模式 (2)标的企业的竞争优势 (3)协同效应,以及未来潜在的整合成本和整合风险 【Tips】 ?在做企业尽职调查时,可以以估值模型为线索进行调查; ?不要忽视目标公司董事会会议记录以及决策等法律文件,里面会包含公司业务的信息,特别是公司战略。 2、财务 (1)历史数据的真实性、可靠性 (2)预测财务数据偏于保守?偏于乐观?预测的依据是什么? (3)是否有表外负债? (4)内控制度的健全性(审计师的内控审计报告) (5)税务问题(除公司自身税务情况外,还需关注收购方案所涉及的税务问题)【Tips】 在做财务尽职调查时,需与审计师充分沟通,并且与业务尽职调查紧密联系。 3、法律 (1)公司自身的法律情况:重大诉讼和法律纠纷、房产土地的权属问题等 (2)交易所涉及的法律问题:股权结构(类别股权安排,优先股东、期权等问 题)、行业监管规定、交易涉及的其他监管规则等。 【Tips】 法律尽职调查可以分为两部分,一部分是公司本身的法律情况,需要依赖律师去尽职调查,投行需要关注未来的风险所在;另一部分是交易所涉及的法律问题,此部分投行要充分组织和积极参与讨论,具体的工作可以以律师为主。 4、人力资源 (1)管理层聘用和留任问题 (2)工会问题 (3)离退、内退人员负担及养老金问题 【Tips】 人事的问题对于收购后的成功整合非常重要,不容忽视;投行需要起牵头作用,具体的工作由适当的中介机构承担。 5、其他 (1)是否有历史遗留问题?比如一厂多制等


I.Read the following passages and sum up its point + support 1. Benefits of Writing the Traditional Essay掌握常见短文写作的好处 Writing a traditional essay offers at least three benefits. First of all, mastering the traditional essay will help make you a better writer. For other courses, you'll often do papers that will be variations on the essay form-for example, examination essays, reports, and research papers. The basic structure of the traditional essay, with its emphasis on a clear point and well-organized, logical support, will help with almost every kind of writing that you have to do. Second, the discipline of writing an essay will strengthen your skills as a reader and listener. As a reader, you'll become more critically aware of other writers' ideas and the evidence they provide (or fail to provide) to support those idea;. Essay writing will also help you become a better speaker. You'll be more prepared to develop the three basic parts of an effective speech一an appealing introduction, a solidly developed body, and a well-rounded conclusion一because of your experience writing three-part essays. Most important, essay writing will make you a stronger thinker. Writing a solidly reasoned traditional essay requires mental discipline and close attention to a set of logical rules. Creating an essay in which there is an overall thesis statement and in which each of three supporting paragraphs begins with a topic sentence is more challenging than writing a free-form or expressive paper. Such an essay obliges you to carefully sort out, think through, and organize your ideas You'll learn to discover and express just what your ideas are and to develop those ideas in a logical, reasoned way. Traditional essay writing, in short, will train your mind to think clearly, and that ability will prove to be of value in every phase of your life. 2. Writing as a Skill写作是一种技能 A sure way to wreck your chances of learning how to write competently is to believe that writing is a "natural gift" rather than a learned skill. People with such an attitude think that they are the only ones for whom writing is unbearably difficult. They feel that everyone else finds writing easy or at least tolerable. Such people typically say, "I'm not any good at writing" or "English was not one of my go od subjects” They imply that they simply do not have a talent for writing. While others do. The result of this attitude is that people try to avoid writing, and when they do write, they don't try their best. Their attitude becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: Their writing fails chiefly because they have brainwashed themselves into thinking that they don't have the "natural talent" needed to write. Unless their attitude changes, they probably will not learn how to write effectively. A realistic attitude about writing must build on the idea that writing is a skill. It is a skill like driving, typing, or cooking. and, like any skill, it can be learned. If you have the determination to learn, this book will give you the extensive practice needed to develop your writing skills. Many people find it difficult to do the intense, active thinking that clear writing demands. (Perhaps television has made us all so passive that the active thinking necessary in both writing and reading now seems harder than ever.) It is frightening to sit down before a blank sheet of paper and know that an hour later, nothing on it may be worth keeping. It is frustrating to discover how much of a challenge it is to transfer thoughts and feelings from one's head onto a sheet of paper. It is upsetting to find that an apparently simple subject often turns out to be complicated. But writing is not an automatic process: We will not get something for nothing and we should not expect to. For


1.Topic: Global Business Situation and Opportunity Analysis 2.Essay or Report格式: 3.Outline(请说说您的想法和要求,以免写出来不是您想要的内容): An opportunity analysis is used to leverage the marketing strategy and action plan. It is the first part of any marketing plan. The market opportunity identified through this situation and opportunity analysis will become the stated objective of the Global Marketing Plan (Assessment no. 4). Instructions: Choose a business that you find interesting and narrow it to one product or product line. Conduct an analysis of the current internal and external situation of the product/ product line. Internal should include: ? A brief summary of the company structure and its overall capabilities and resources ? Current products/ product line ? Current market/s, including customer behaviour issues, demand and trends, plus sales information (if available) ? Distribution and Supply External should include: ? Competitive environment- a global perspective but stay on the product offering ? Industry situation in particular global markets ? Consider the economic, technological, political, socio-cultural and natural imperatives Conduct a SWOT analysis. Synthesize and summarize the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats associated with the product/ product line Carefully evaluate the strategic fit of the market opportunity to the company’s capabilities Select one market opportunity that you believe is worth pursuing and justify. This is the stated objective of Global Marketing Strategy Plan (Assessment no. 4) Conclusion


财务分析深度解析(推荐收藏) 在企业运营中,财务数据是企业经营状况的“显示器”,看似繁冗复杂的数据中能分析出企业的经营的成效和面临的潜在风险。 1、销售业绩持续增长,却伴随着资金的越来越紧张,该如何进行协调? 2、账面上的闲散流动资本,是该进行投资还是为日常经营做防患准备? 3、业绩虽然提升了,可是成本也大幅度增加了,耗费是否有效? 4、财务意见得不到业务部门的认同,差距在哪里? 对于财务人员来说,如何高效地整理和分析财务数据,并利用有效的分析结果帮助企业自我定位,规避潜在风险,是新时代对财务管理者的进阶要求。本课程帮助提升财务人员、管理人员的财务分析能力,拓展财务人员分析思路,准确定位企业问题和风险,为企业健康发展保驾护航。下面为大家分享了财务分析的深度解析,值得广大同行收藏。 在企业运营中,财务数据是企业经营状况的“显示器”,看似繁冗复杂的数据中能分析出企业的经营的成效和面临的潜在风险。 1、销售业绩持续增长,却伴随着资金的越来越紧张,该如何进行协调? 2、账面上的闲散流动资本,是该进行投资还是为日常经营做防患准备? 3、业绩虽然提升了,可是成本也大幅度增加了,耗费是否有效? 4、财务意见得不到业务部门的认同,差距在哪里? 对于财务人员来说,如何高效地整理和分析财务数据,并利用有效的分析结果帮助企业自我定位,规避潜在风险,是新时代对财务管理者的进阶要求。本课程帮助提升财务人员、管理人员的财务分析能力,拓展财务人员

分析思路,准确定位企业问题和风险,为企业健康发展保驾护航。下面为大家分享了财务分析的深度解析,值得广大同行收藏。 一、框架 分析路径 商业模式、竞争优势及财务分析 财务派和模式派——两种视角


Assignment: 1.河道、瓦房和石桥组合成了位于上海西侧的周庄,这是淀山湖畔一个风景如画的水乡小 镇。 Zhouzhuang is a small canal town located on the west of Shanghai. The combinations of waterways, tiled houses and stone bridges make up a picturesque view for the shore of Dianshan Lake. A web of waterways, tiled houses and stone bridges holds together Zhouzhuang, a small canal town located on the picturesque shores of the Dianshan Lake, west of shanghai 2.西湖周围有公园、茶馆、旅店,还有清新的空气、秀丽的景致、宁静的气氛、绿树成荫 的街道和拱形的石桥,构成了人们心目中的“中国风景”。 Around West Lake, there are parks, teahouses and hotels. With the fresh air, the inviting views, the pleasant shade and the arched bridges, the elegant environment make it a Chinese Scenery in everyone’s mind. Around the west lake, the air is clear, the landscape green and tranquil, and the avenues of willows and arched stone bridges conform to everyone’s idea of what Chinese scenery should look like. 3.绍兴的鉴湖,湖水清澈,风景秀丽,故又名镜湖。 Because of its clear water and inviting views, the Jianhu in Shaoxing is also known as Mirror Lake. The Jianhu Lake in Shaoxing is also known as Mirror Lake for its crystal clear water and picturesque landscape around. 4.这里不仅民族风情浓郁,同时还是一片具有生命灵气的宝地,草原辽阔,山水环绕。梅 里雪山主峰卡格博,屹立于迪庆西北,海拔6740米,是迪庆的最高点,也是云南第一峰,终年雪冠冰氅,云缠雾罩。 Having a strong flavor of local ethnic color, the prefecture boasts a scenic landscape with surrounding mountains and winding rivers and streams. As the dominant peak of Meili Mountain, the Kagebo Peak is outstanding at the northwest of Diqing with the height of 6740 meters above the sea level . Being covered by snow and surrounded by mist all year, it is known as the first peak of Y unnan province, Radiating with the local ethnic colors of ethnic minorities, the Prefecture boasts a scenic landscapes with surrounding mountains and winding rivers and streams. The Kagebo Peak---the dominant peak of the Meili Mountain range in the northwest of Diqing---stands aloft 6740 meters above the sea level, the highest peak in Diqing and in Yunnan province as well, was covered by snow and shrouded by mist all the year round.


财务分析的主要方法及关注要点(含最全财务分析模型图) 信贷 百家号09-0523:53 2017-09-05信贷信贷 文章来源:投行爱尽调 本篇文章,我们将以三张财务报表为依据,简单的为大家分享一些财务报表及财务分析的框架和关注要点。 一般来说,财务分析的方法主要有四种:比较分析、比率分析、因素分析、趋势分析。 1.比较分析:是为了说明财务信息之间的数量关系与数量差异,为进一步的分析指明方向。这种比较可以是将实际与计划相比,可以是本期与上期相比,也可以是与同行业的其他企业相比; 2.趋势分析:是为了揭示财务状况和经营成果的变化及其原因、性质,帮助预测未来。用于进行趋势分析的数据既可以是绝对值,也可以是比率或百分比数据; 3.因素分析:是为了分析几个相关因素对某一财务指标的影响程度,一般要借助于差异分析的方法; 4.比率分析:是通过对财务比率的分析,了解企业的财务状况和经营成果,往往要借助于比较分析和趋势分析方法。 一、对公司价值实现的简要说明

1、对公司价值的理解:从总资产与净资产角度的阐述 企业资产的多少并不代表企业价值,企业的资产由两部分构成:属于股东的资产(在资产负债表上表现为股东权益)和向债权人借入的资产(在资产负债表上表现为负债)。企业的价值肯定不能用总资产的多少来进行衡量,因为向债权人借入的资产是要偿还的。如果总资产越多,企业价值越大,公司只要多举债,这一目标就能实现。 剔除掉负债因素,公司的价值能否用净资产(股东权益)的多少来衡量呢?这需要考察公司资产的质量。实际上公司资产质量是有差异的,有的资产质量很高,如现金、银行存款、短期投资等;有的资产的质量就要差一些,如应收账款、长期投资、固定资产等;有的资产质量很低,被谑称“垃圾资产”,如无形资产、长期待摊费用、递延税款等。正因为资产的质量存在高低之分,净资产同样不能代表公司的价值。 实际上,公司的价值取决其未来现金流净量的折现,只有公司投入的资本回报超过资本成本时,才会创造价值。对这句话通俗的解析就是要实现公司的价值,有两点至关重要,其一,公司要有利润;其二,利润应切实转变为现金流入企业。 2、公司价值实现的表现形式:净利润和净资产的增加 在具体形态上,公司的价值增加大都表现为净资产和净利润的增加。上文中我们谈到不能用净资产来衡量公司价值的高低,这里又说公司的价值增加大都表现为净资产和净利润的增加,二者是否矛盾呢?回答是否定的,原因在于净资产和净利润与公司价值是现象与本质的关系,现象不能代表本质,但本质能解释说明现象。 股东权益最大化与企业价值最大化是目前学术界争议较大的话题。我们不在于对二者的区别与联系进行分析,在企业理财实务中,以股东权益最大化作为目标或许更便于理解和操作。在一定程度上,公司的利润、公司的价值以及股东权益(净资产)是完全正相关的。 二、对资产负债表构成的简要分析 1、资产负债表的理解 第一,总资产=负债+股东权益,总资产大不一定意味企业实力就强;
