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Module 1 Family 家庭

A kind brother 善良的哥哥

1. The boy was sent to take _________________ of things to his grandmother.

A. a box

B. a bag

C. a basket

2. The boy’s little brother was sent with him to help carry the load because it was


A. empty

B. heavy

C. light

3. Who didn’t know how the pole worked?

A. Tom.

B. Tom’s brother.

C. Grandmother.

4. Where will the basket be as heavy for the boy as it is for Tom?

A. Near his side.

B. Near Tom’s side.

C. In the middle of the pole.

5. After the elder boy slipped the basket quite near his own end of the pole,


A.his side was lighter

B.his side was heavier

C.both sides are the same

6. Had he tricked his brother, he would have been ____________.

A. unhappy

B. tired

C. sad

答案:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A

Tug-of-war 拉锯战

1.How many children are there in the family?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

2. What is the meaning of the phrase “had no idea” in Paragraph 1?

A. 没有主意

B. 不知道

C. 没有意义

3. ____________ pulled the young boy underwater.

A. The other children

B. His mother

C. An alligator

4. Who is faster according to Paragraph 2?

A. The alligator.

B. The boy’s mother.

C. The boy.

5. The tug-of-war was _______________.

A. between the son and the mother

B. between the son and the alligator

C. between the mother and the alligator

6. The boy showed _________when he told his story.

A. the scars on his leg

B. the scars on his head

C. the scars on the back of his hand

答案:1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. C

The seven sticks 七根木棍

1. What did the seven sons always do?

A. They always worked together.

B. They always helped each other.

C. They always quarrelled among themselves.

2. ___________ decided to cheat the sons.

A. The father

B. Some enemies

C. An old man

3. What were bound together one day?

A. The seven sticks.

B. The seven sons.

C. The seven enemies.

4. __________ of the seven sons could break the bundle of the seven sticks.

A. Each

B. None

C. Some

5. It is not _______ to break the sticks one by one after the old man untied the bundle.

A. hard

B. easy

C. possible

6. What will the sons do to make no one hurt them?

A. If they work together, they’ll make no one hurt them.

B. If they quarrel and fight, they’ll make no one hurt them.

C. If they work together and help each other, they’ll make no one hurt them.

答案:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. C

The good son 孝顺的儿子

1. Once the jeweller was famous _______________.

A. for the diamond

B. for his father

C. as a good man

2. The diamonds were to be put on ________.

A.a dress

B. an ephod

C. a common apron

3. What does the word “honest” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. 昂贵的

B. 令人满意的

C. 诚实的

4. Which is true according to Paragraph 3?

A. The leaders went away without the diamonds angrily.

B. The jeweller didn’t give the leaders the diamonds because he tried to get more

money from them.

C. The jeweller gave the leaders the diamonds when they offered him three times

what the diamonds were worth.

5. The jeweller went to the leaders and gave them the diamonds ___________.

A. a few weeks later

B. a few hours later

C. a few months later

6. What price did the jeweller accept finally?

A. The first price.

B. The second price.

C. The third price.

答案:1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A

Module 2 On the way to school 上学路上

Harry and Annie 哈里和安妮

1. Harry is Annie’s_________.

A. dad

B. friend

C. brother

2. If Harry and Annie go across the pond by themselves in winter, what might be their mother’s feeling?

A. Happy.

B. Excited.

C. Angry.

3. What does the word “melt” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. 融化

B. 蒸发

C. 流淌

4. How soon will the school bell ring?

A. In ten minutes.

B. In at least one hour.

C. In no more than one hour.

5. Where did the man work?

A. In the town.

B. In the school.

C. Near the pond.

6. Who saved Harry?

A. Annie.

B. The man.

C. Harry himself.

答案:1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. C

The truant 逃学生

1. If a student often plays truant, that means___________.

A. he often works very hard at school

B. he goes to school but never works hard

C. he doesn’t often go to school and play all day instead

2. After playing truant, James probably say “_____________” to his mother.

A. I worked very hard at school

B. I didn’t go to school today

C. I learnt nothing today because I didn’t go to school

3. Who gave James the money?

A. His mother.

B. His aunt.

C. His friends.

4. Why were they all thrown into the water?

A. Because there was a strong wind.

B. Because they wanted to swim in the water.

C. Because a large wave turned over the boat.

5. How did the men go out to the boys?

A. They row another boat.

B. They swam to the boys.

C. They took a plane.

6. What did James do after the accident?

A. He worked very hard at school and obeyed his parents.

B. He practised more in rowing with other boys.

C. He learnt how to swim with the help of his parents.

答案:1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A

A tale of two boys (Ⅰ) 两个男孩的故事(1)

1.Who met the old man first?


B. Two boys.

C. Hanson.

2.Why did the old man have to pull the cart by hand?

A. Because he had no horse.

B. Because he was very strong.

C. Because his cart was broken.

3.Who offered (主动提出) to help the old man?

A. Nobody.

B. John.

C. Hanson.

4.What does the word “tear” in Paragraph 7 mean?


B. 马车

C. 破洞

5.What was in the bag?

A.Some apples.

B. Some books.

C. The corn.

6.What would John probably do after helping the old man?

A.Go home.

B.Go to school.

C.Wait and help more people.

答案:1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B

A tale of two boys (Ⅱ) 两个男孩的故事(2)

1. Why did the teacher give John a black mark?

A. Because he didn’t finish his homework.

B. Because he got a bad mark in the exam.

C. Because he was late for school.

2. How could John be excused if he wanted?

A. By telling the teacher why he was late.

B. By telling the teacher a joke.

C. By boasting.

3. Where did Hanson see John for the first time that morning?

A. At school.

B. At the top of the hill.

C. At the bottom of the hill.

4. What did Hanson think of John?

A. Helpful.

B. Kind.

C. Foolish.

5. What is John’s rule?

A. To be honest and smart.

B. To be happy and clever.

C. To be kind and useful.

6. Who had done the right thing?

A. John.

B. Hanson.

C. The old man.

答案:1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. A

Module 3 Bird life 鸟类的生活

Bird friends 鸟类的朋友

1. Where did the man live?

A.On a farm.

B. In the countryside.

C. In a forest.

2. How many people are there in the man’s family?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

3. The birds thought the man was safe because the man _______________.

A. didn’t hurt them

B. greeted them kindly

C. prepared worms for them

4. What did the man usually do when he had no work to do?

A. He trained birds.

B. He sang praises to birds.

C. He dropped bread crumbs.

5. If the man stayed in bed longer, the birds would _______________.

A. take care of him

B. chirp on his window

C. wake him up on his bed

6. The story mainly tells us about ___________.

A. what kind of birds the man liked

B. the man’s family and their pet birds

C. how the man spent his life with birds

答案:1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 6.C

The kingbird 王霸鹟

1. The kingbird is smaller than _________.

A. a robin

B. a worm

C. a bug

2. When there are young birds, the kingbird sits __________ near them.

A. near a house

B. on the top of the tree

C. on the top of the house

3. The kingbird watches the nest in order to __________.

A. look after the baby birds

B. give baby birds food and drink

C. protect the baby birds and their mother away from other birds attacking

4. According to the passage, which of the following sentences is true?

A. The kingbird is big, brave and active.

B. The eagle likes playing with the kingbird.

C. The kingbird strikes the eagle with his bill.

5. What does the phrase “be rid of” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. 赶走

B. 嘲笑

C. 讨厌

6. How many kinds of birds are mentioned in the passage?

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

答案:1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C

The birds set free 放生小鸟

1. What did the boy sell?

A. A basket of bird food.

B. A number of big birds.

C. A number of small birds.

2. The man was _________ when he saw the birds for sale in a cage.

A. angry

B. sad

C. excited

3. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Each bird was fifty cents.

B. The man let all the birds fly away.

C. The birds were singing and dancing in the cage.

4. How much money did the man pay the boy?

A. Fifty cents.

B. Five dollars.

C. Five yuan.

5. Why was the man in prison according to the passage?

A. Because he was a prisoner of war.

B. Because he killed the boy.

C. Because he stole the birds.

6.We can infer from the passage that_______.

A. the man liked the birds

B. the man hated the boy

C. the man loved freedom

答案:1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C

Who stole the bird’s nest? 谁偷走了鸟巢?

1. According to Paragraph 1, we know that the bird lost_______________.

A. five eggs

B. four eggs and a nice nest

C. some feathers

2. These are the animals that the bird asked EXCEPT___________.

A. the cow

B. the sheep

C. the pig

3. According to the last paragraph we know _________ stole the nest.

A. the little boy

B. the hen

C. the dog

4. From the passage, we learn that_________.

A. the dog gave the bird a wisp of hay

B. the sheep gave the bird hairs

C. the hen gave the bird a feather

5. The passage is mainly about_____________.

A. where the animals are

B. who stole the bird’s nest

C. the bird and the little boy

答案:1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B

Module 4 Healthy diet 健康饮食

Healthy school lunches 健康的学校午餐

1. Where do many children in England have lunch?

A. At home.

B. At restaurants.

C. At school.

2. How many people are there in the conversation?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

3. How often does Josh have chips before?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a week.

C. Every day.

4. Why are children in England given special lunches now?

A. To make children enjoy the food of school better.

B. To give children more chances to choose their favourite food.

C. To supply children with much healthy food at school.

5. Josh has ___________ for school lunch at last.

A. meatballs and steamed vegetables

B. a meat pie and a pizza

C. chips and pasta

6. How many kinds of fruits do English students have every week?

A. At least three.

B. At least four.

C. At least five.

答案:1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. A

Food journals help weight loss 食物日记帮你减重

1. Many people put on much more weight than they want to, because _____________.

A. they eat less

B. they seldom eat snack

C. they like eating unhealthy food

2. What does the word “diet” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. 运动


C. 减肥

3. If you write down everything you eat and drink in a day, how may you feel?

A. Excited.

B. Sad.

C. Surprised.

4. What can help people lose weight according to the passage?

A. Having a good sleep.

B. Doing enough exercise.

C. Writing down everything they eat and drink.

5. Without the journal, you might forget about the following things EXCEPT ___________.

A. the mid-afternoon banana

B. the soft drink at lunch

C. the time you sleep

6. Keeping the food journal will help _____________.

A. make you aware of how much food you eat

B. remind you how much exercise you do

C. show you that you are losing weight

答案:1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. A

What I like in my lunchbox 我想在午餐盒里放的食物

1. Mum was _________ when I showed an interest in choosing the food I eat.

A. sad

B. interested

C. glad

2. Which food does the writer like best?

A. Ice-cream.

B. Hamburger.

C. Sandwich.

3. What does the word “mess” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. 整齐的

B. 干净的

C. 混乱的

4. What does the word “they” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Noodles.

B. Packaged foods.

C. Her favourite healthy foods.

5. The writer has salad every day EXCEPT___________.

A. Thursday and Friday

B. Monday and Wednesday

C. Wednesday and Thursday

6. How often does the writer have burger?

A. Once a week.

B. Often.

C. Not more than once a week.

答案:1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C

Helping Mum cook 帮妈妈做饭

1. What is the writer’s favourite meal?

A. Fish and chips.

B. Hamburgers with gravy.

C. Soup with chicken, sweetcorn and noodles.

2. The writer learnt from her mother that it was important to have healthy food that has been cooked ___________.

A. at the restaurant

B. at home

C. at the cafeteria

3. What did the writer do first before she cooked her favourite meal?

A. Tie her hair back.

B. Slice the vegetables.

C. Wash her hands carefully.

4. Who switched on the stove?

A. The writer’s mum.

B. The writer’s dad.

C. The writer.

5. What do the writer’s family love to do when they have dinner together?

A. Watch TV together.

B. Talk to each other.

C. Play games happily.

6. What does the writer think of cooking?

A. Boring.

B. Tired.

C. Fun.

答案:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C

Module 5 Stories about dogs 狗狗的故事

Dog rescue (Ⅰ) 一只被救的小狗(1)

1. What did the boy’s mother ask him to do?

A. Go to school.

B. Go to the shops.

C. Go to a park.

2. What was the matter with the dog?

A. There was something wrong with its eyes.

B. There was something wrong with its head.

C. There was something wrong with one of its legs.

3. What would a bad boy do to the dog?

A. He would shout at it.

B. He would laugh at it.

C. He would throw stones at it.

4. Why did the boy let the dog follow him home?

A. Because the dog looked very lovely.

B. Because he wanted to make friends with the dog.

C. Because he is a good boy and he didn’t want to see the dog to be badly treated.

5. Who didn’t let the dog come into the house?

A. The boy.

B. The boy’s mother.

C. The boy’s brother.

6. What did the dog do after it was well again?

A. It ran away from the home.

B. It jumped up and bit the children.

C. It stayed with the family and showed its thankfulness to them.

答案:1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. C

Dog rescue (Ⅱ) 一只被救的小狗(2)

1. What did Elf do after the children went into the school?

A. It walked back to the house.

B. It went into the school too.

C. It waited them outside the school.

2. When Elf was looking after the chickens, _______________.

A. the chickens would be safe

B. the fox would hurt the chickens

C. the bad boys would throw stones at the chickens

3. What would the mother tell Elf to do when school was over?

A. Chase the bad boys away.

B. Bring the children home.

C. Help the children carry the bags.

4. Which is true according to Paragraph 3?

A. It took Elf some time to understand the mother’s words.

B. It was very easy for Elf to understand the mother’s words.

C. Elf could understand the mother’s words without any difficulties.

5. On a _______ day Elf would carry an umbrella to bring the children back from school.

A. rainy

B. windy

C. sunny

6. From the story we can learn that ___________.

A. the dog did a lot for the family

B. the dog’s sore leg never gets well

C. the bad boys won’t treat Elf badly any more

答案:1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A

Two special dogs 两只特别的狗

1. What did Neptune do every morning?

A. He went to the shops for bread.

B. He went for a walk with a basket in his mouth.

C. He went to the baker’s for bread with a basket in his mouth.

2. Neptune went to the baker’s every morning EXCEPT ____________.

A. Monday

B. Sunday

C. Saturday

3. What did Neptune do when another dog attacked the basket?

A. He gave the basket to the dog and ran away.

B. He fought with the dog and severely punished him.

C. He ran away with the basket as quickly as possible.

4. What did the two brothers do one day?

A. They went out for a walk.

B. They went out shooting wild ducks.

C. They went to have a picnic in a park.

5. Where did they put their hats?

A. They put them on the grass.

B. They put them under a big tree.

C. They put them near the river bank.

6. What did Neptune and Mars have in common?

A. They were both strong and liked playing.

B. They were both strong and brave.

C. They were both clever and helpful.

答案:1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. C

The dog with the lantern 提着灯笼的狗

1. What were the roads in the town like?

A. They were wide and clean.

B. They were in places full of holes.

C. They were wide and safe for persons to walk on them.

2. What did Carlo teach his dog to do?

A. He taught his dog to look for him at night.

B. He taught his dog to carry a basket for him at night.

C. He taught his dog to carry a lantern for him at night.

3. If Jock found a deep hole, what would he do?

A. He would stop and turn round to let his master know.

B. He would jump over the hole and walk straight away.

C. He would run away from the hole immediately.

4. Where did Carlo live?

A. He lived in the town.

B. He lived far from the town.

C. He lived about a mile from the town.

5. When would Carlo’s wife send Jock to him with the lantern?

A. When Carlo came back before dark.

B. When Carlo couldn’t come back before dark.

C. When Carlo couldn’t come back without a lantern.

6. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Jock knew where his master went in the town.

B. Jock could always find his master immediately.

C. Jock could understand the order given by Carlo’s wife. 答案:1. B 2. C 3. A 4 . C 5. B 6. B

Module 6 Protecting animals 保护动物

The koala 考拉

1.Where can we find the koala?

A. In South Africa.

B. In North America.

C. In Australia.

2.What did he feel when he saw human beings?

A. Happy.

B. Scared.

C. Worried.

3.When was the baby koala all alone in the bush?

A. In the daytime.

B. In the morning.

C. At night.

4.Who was the baby koala looking for?

A. His mother.

B. His brother.

C. His father.

5.Where did the baby koala lie down?

A. He lay down on a tree.

B. He lay down on a stone near the stream.

C. He lay down at the foot of a big gum-tree.

6.What does the writer want to tell us according to the passage?

A. Koala.

B. Where the koala lives.

C. We should protect animals like koalas.

答案:1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6.C

Little Dick and the giant 小迪克和巨人

1. What kind of fellow was little Dick?

A. A happy one.

B. A sad one.

C. A bad one.

2. Why did little Dick stop?

A. Because he reached a river.

B. Because he was thirsty and wanted to drink.

C. Because he picked something up and wanted to use it to drink.

3. Where was he when he turned around in surprise?

A. In a cage.

B. In the tall giant’s hands.

C. In a small room of the old house.

4. What did Dick want to do when he found he was in a large bag?

A. He wanted to die.

B. He wanted to sleep.

C. He wanted to run away.

5. Why did Dick not sing as he used to do?

A. Because he was sad.

B. Because he was angry.

C. Because he was hungry.

6. According to the passage, the correct order is ____________.

a. He was put in a cage.

b. Dick was caught.

c. Dick was singing and whistling all day long.

d. He was put into a large bag.

e. He didn’t sing and died.

A. a-c-d-e-b

B. c-d-b-a-e

C. c-b-d-a-e

答案:1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C

Hummingbirds 蜂鸟

1. What does the top of the tiny head of hummingbird look like?

A. A beautiful hat.

B. A sparkling crown.

C. A bright star.

2. We call the bird hummingbird because they make a humming noise with their ____________.

A. wings

B. beak

C. feet

3. Where is the bird’s nest?

A. It’s on a tree.

B. It’s in the forest.

C. It’s attached to a small thin stick.

4. What is the bird’s nest made of?

A. It’s made of leaf.

B. It’s made of bark.

C. It’s made of small cotton fibres with soft bits of leaf and bark.

5. The hummingbird is a kind of bird with ____________ beak.

A. tiny

B. sharp

C. soft

6. If you reach the bird’s nest, the mother bird will____________.

A. sing to you

B. move its wings fast

C. dart at you and peck your eyes

答案:1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. C

The beaver 河狸

1. Where can we find the beaver?

A. Mostly in America.

B. Mostly in North America.

C. Mostly in South America.

2. What colour is the hair on its back?

A. Greyish brown.

B. Reddish brown.

C. Brown.

3. Where do the beaver build their huts?

A. In the rivers.

B. On the branches of trees.

C. On the banks of rivers or lakes.

4. What are the dams made of?

A. Mud, stones and trees.

B. Mud, stones and leaves.

C. Mud, stones and branches of trees.

5. They don’t get their huts finished before the start of winter because ________.

A. they don’t have enough time

B. they want to finish it before spring

C. they want the freezing cold air to make the huts tighter and stronger

6. Why did the man not kill the beavers?

A. Because they were lovely.

B. Because they were playing a game.

C. Because they reminded him of the little children he knew at home.

答案:1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C

Module 7 Honesty is the best policy 诚为上策

Henry, the shoeshine boy 擦鞋的小男孩亨利

1. How old was Henry’s sister?

A. About two.

B. About three.

C. About four.

2. Why did Henry want to help his mother?

A. Because he wanted to work.

B. Because he liked his sister very much.

C. Because his mother couldn’t earn enough money.

3. What did the man lose?

A. A dollar.

B. A pocketbook.

C. Boots.

4. What did Henry buy with the dollar?

A. Bread.

B. A box, brushes and some shoe polish.

C. Candies.

5. How much did Henry earn the first day?

A. Fifty cents.

B. A dollar.

C. Fifty dollars.

6. How did Henry’s mother feel when she got Henry’s money?

A. Sad.

B. Joyful.

C. Worried.

答案:1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B

The broken window (Ⅰ)破碎的玻璃窗(1)

1. What was George Ellet’s new year gift?

A. A hat.

B. Snowballs.

C. A bright silver dollar.

2. What did George want to buy?

A. Balls.

B. Fine things.

C. Something new.

3. What was the weather like when the boys were playing snowballs?

A. Snowy.

B. Sunny.

C. Windy.

4. Who broke the window?

A. George Ellet.

B. James Mason.

C. A man.

5. Why did George stop at the next corner?

A. Because he was very tired.

初中英语_The donkey in the lion's skin教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

The donkey in the lion’s skin(教学设计) 适学年级:八年级 文本出处:悦读联播(美文精选) 教学目标: 1. 运用快读、精读、跳读等阅读方法进行阅读训练,提高阅读能力。 2. 能够准确复述文本大意,明确故事寓意。 3. 能够体会寓言故事蕴含的道理,并运用到今后的生活中。 教学重难点: 根据关键词提示准确复述文本,并深刻理解寓言所含的寓意。 教学用具:多媒体、导学案 教学过程: Step1. Warm-up 1. Show a short video about Old Macdonald had a farm. 2. Lead-in. Look at a picture about a wolf in a lion’s skin, then lead in the topic with a picture of the donkey in the lion’s skin. (设计意图:视频儿歌用在课前活跃课堂气氛、缓解学生紧张情绪;用披着羊皮的狼导出主题披着狮皮的驴,使学生有所联想,为阅读文本做铺垫。) Step2. Pre-reading Show a page about word bank and reading strategy. (设计意图:对于八年级学生来说课文生词较多,word bank可以帮

助他们更好的理解文本;阅读策略可以更好的指导学生有效阅读。)Step3. Fast-reading Read the fable quickly and number sentences. (设计意图:快速阅读文本,使学生对这则寓言有初步了解,需要排序的五个句子代表着文章的五个部分,使学生明确文体结构,为之后的精读课文做铺垫) Step4. Careful-reading 1. Read para1 and match the noise with the beasts. 2. Read para2 and answer the questions. (1)What was the donkey like? (2)What did the donkey want to do? (3)How did the donkey do it? 3. Read para3 and answer the questions. (1). Why did the cows and sheep run away? (2) How did the donkey feel? 4. Read paras4-7 and answer the questions. (1) Did the donkey run away? (2) How did the fox do? (3) How did the fox know the donkey? (4)What do you think of the fox? 5. What can you learn from this fable? (Find out the moral of this fable.)(设计意图:学生通过了解驴的行为、牛羊的表现和狐狸的反应三个


人教版七年级上册语文 第一单元测试题 一、积累与运用题(20分,每小题2分) 1、下列加点字的读音和书写完全正确的一项是( ) A.分歧(qí) 瘫痪(tān huàn) 树杈(chà) 熬(áo)夜 B.粼粼(línlín ) 诀别(júe) 姊妹(zí) 荫蔽(yīn bì) C.一霎(chà)时犄(qǐ)角沐(mù)浴脸颊(xiá) D.锤(chuí)打菡(hàn)萏徘徊(huí) 絮絮(xù)叨叨 2、下列词语没有错别字的一项是( ) A.内疚歧斜匿笑形影不离 B.分岐憔悴攥着不可抗拒 C.脸颊荡漾祷告各得其所 D.决别繁衍烂漫自做主张 3、下列句子没有语病的一项是( ) A. 会不会用心观察,能不能重视积累,是能否提高写作水平的关键。 B. 他的语文成绩不仅在全校很突出,而且在我班也名列前茅。 C. 父亲已经走了,但那番语重心长的话语时时在我的心头回响。 D. 通过开展“每月少开一天车”的活动,可以使泰安的空气更加清新。 4、下列句子的标点符号使用正确的一项是( ) A. 我们在田野散步:我,我的母亲,我的妻子和儿子。 B. 后来发生了分歧:母亲要走大路,大路平顺。我的儿子要走小路,小路有意思。 C. “听说北海的花儿都开了,我推着你去走走” 。她总是这么说。 D. “哎呀,烦不烦,几步路,有什么好准备的?” 5、对下列句子的描写方法判断错误的一项是( ) A、我想:他要说了,我即刻便受了宽恕,我的心从此也宽松了吧。(语言描写) B、我即刻伸手抓断了蝴蝶的一支翅骨,又将风轮掷在地下踏扁了。(动作描写)

C、奶奶突然说:“算了吧,这样多不好。”(语言描写) D、月亮出来了,冷冷的,我不禁打了个寒战。路上一点声音也没有。(环境描写) 6、当你遇到下列情况时,你认为说法较委婉得体的一项是( ) A. 当同桌向你请教问题时,你说:“好吧,咱们一起来研究研究。” B. 当你乘车被人踩了脚时,你说:“喂,怎么回事,没长眼啊!” C. 你参加演讲比赛得了一等奖,同学们夸你,你说:“过奖啦,我有天赋嘛!” D. 同学苗苗被自行车撞伤,你打电话给他妈妈通报情况时说:“阿姨,不好啦,苗苗出车祸了!” 7、下列文句的空缺处,依次填入的词语恰当的一组是( ) (1)母亲( )地点点头,便去拿外套。 (2)看看三轮车远去,也绝没有想到那竟是永远的( ) (3)学习上,我们如果不讲究方法,只是一味地死记硬背,结果只可能是( ) A.信服诀别事倍功半 B.佩服诀别事半功倍 C.信服永别事倍功半 D.佩服永别事半功倍 8、根据释义,写出相应的成语(填写序号) A.各得其所 B.自作主张 C.絮絮叨叨 D.不可抗拒 (1)每个人或事物都得到了合适的安顿。( ) (2)说话啰嗦,来回反复地说。( ) (3)任何力量都不能阻挡。( ) (4)做事不与别人商量,擅自处置。( ) 9、下列句子与上文衔接最恰当的一项是( ) 我蹲下来,背起了母亲,妻子也蹲下来,背起了儿子。我的母亲虽然高大,然而很瘦,自然不算重;,自然也轻。但我和妻子都是慢慢地,稳稳地,走得很仔细,好像我背上的同她背上的加起来,就是整个世界。 A.儿子毕竟幼小,虽然很胖 B.儿子毕竟很胖,即使幼小 C.儿子尽管很胖,毕竟幼小 D.儿子虽然很胖,毕竟幼小 10、下面说法不正确的一项是( ) A.《散步》的作者是莫怀戚,写了一家人一起散步的故事,是对中华传统美德中“孝敬”“慈爱”观念的形象诠释。 B.《秋天的怀念》选自《史铁生作品集》。那个秋天,母亲病故了,“我”终于懂得了母亲未说完的遗言,领悟出“好好儿活”这句话的意义和分量。 C.《羚羊木雕》作者张之路,文章主要反映了爸爸妈妈对子女的冷酷无情。


【精品】人教版七年级语文上册现代文阅读练习题及解析 一、部编语文七年级上册现代文阅读练习 1.阅读选文,回答问题 握一把月光 高林瑜 ①因子,清池荡漾。月光像盛开的花朵落在肩上。白天聚拢在心中的那些困顿杂芜,变得轻如柳影。 ②月光银粉般朗润轻泻,澄澈清凉,在心田上,舒展着,荡漾着——没有喧哗和浓艳,也没有炫目和缤纷。清灵寂然,透着股禅味儿。它圈了或缺了,都是生命的美质,是一种精神涅槃。月光是孤独的,不炽热,不局促。宁和静慢,给人神圣和安宁。这样的时刻,最适宜一个人去寻找自己,抚慰自己,去看一看,想一想自己。 ③月,散着澄黄的光,走在残缺的路上。月,是天之心。它的圆润与鲜亮其实永远不会缺的。缺的,是人自己的心。而我眼中的这轮月,不是缺了,只是一点黑暗与荒凉暂时遮蔽了它罢了。哪怕数日后,它彻底被黑暗湮没。它依旧是圆的。无须伤恨、怨叹、忧愤。我曾见过被风暴裹挟的无垠稻田。风在狂翻,所有稻穗,竟齐齐隐入风暴的方向,起伏,旋舞。当阳光再次照耀,所有的稻穗又昂起头,蓬蓬勃勃。有时屈就,就是抗争:就是用沉重的付出,去隐忍。是啊,月,为下一次圆润,也必须承受渐渐深入的残缺和幽暗。 ④月光,是一种淡淡的甜,轻浥心尘。我突然想起一些历史的月光。那枚赤壁的月,使苏子领悟乾坤风云,超然世外:那片春江花月,使王若虚丰获旷古的哲理;那轮松间明月,使王维坚守一生的恬淡;那朵菊篱月辉,使陶渊明隐去忧....这月,一清至骨,让人想起“真水无香,真人无名”这几个 ⑤月光,是洁净幸福的花朵,让人在迷醉中领悟人生:生命如月,当圖时就圆,当缺时就缺吧。它或亏或盈,或黑或明,质本圆满。月亦如人,或乐或忱,或梦或醒,心清自安。世间百态,纷纭莫测,不完美。绿意是给春天的,饱满是给夏天的,安详是给秋天的,清寂是给冬天的。而什么,是我们自己的?我曾想。 ⑥月光,是我的乡愁。常让我心存怀恋。【A】那月的光影。像一片扬花的麦子。像一垅吐须的玉米,像一畦莱蔬吧。让我想起村口的石碾、井台,屋后的杏树、槐树,篱边的一簇簇芒花。还有月光深处,油灯下纺棉花的母亲,手持燃烟的艾篙驱逐老屋蚊蝇的父亲。也让我想起,哥哥们带着我,和一群群乡民铺开凉席,睡在麦场的月光里,睡在麦秸浓浓的芬芳里。萤火虫鸣,柔綿轻荡;庄稼与花朵的味道妖娆。在江南快二十年了,如此明媚的月光,我再也没体味到。只是在思乡之夜,这童年的月光,就会在心口燃烧,发疼。 ⑦月光,给我丰沛的熏陶。把无数渴望还给了我,引领我走进一种精神。当心情残伤时,我常面对它,用明净的月色隐没自己,在幽静的深处给自己疗伤。我知道:那是我心灵的月亮,亏了或缺了。我无须怨叹悲伤什么,只能等待下一次心的复圆。 ⑧当秋果上露珠发亮时,月光就挽着玉米高粱谷穗的手变黄。【B】收割后,原野、泥土开始憨睡,月光与风雪中的油菜冬麦便静静过冬。这是四季轮回。那人呢? ⑨五十载,月光是我静夜的粮食,用思想的泥土涵养我。它是我的故乡,我的田园:是我的根与归途;它,是我生命的果。它让我明了:人生不一定非得用沉重或苦难去雕饰,也可以用清灵的幸福去点綴。我们弥补不了所有人生的残缺,但我们可以盈握一捧生命的月光,


600字的中学生美文摘抄 网络文化是一种开放、自由的文化,给美文的概念也赋予了更多的开放自由的元素,好散文是美文,好诗歌是美文,好小说是美文,好论文是美文,一条写得好的手机短信,或一段能让人会心而笑的笑话也是美文,用通俗的讲法,写的好的文章,就是美文。600字的中学生美文摘抄,我们来看看。 600字的中学生美文摘抄1. 情不知所起,一往而深: 每当尘埃的积累,注定我们的命运,不会是镶嵌在黑夜里的璀璨,漫长而永久,思念把希望覆盖上荒凉,把荒凉吟唱出悲伤,擦亮后变得透明,禅房断魂,芳草萋萋,双莺双咛,千种风情浮水淑,古道长亭,桃花折,鸳鸯散。 每次独去漫步,在这乍暖还寒季节,雾气凝重,依稀能看见湖面透出的光,寂灭的,苍凉的。突然想起那个夕阳深处的你,眸子映成琉璃的颜色,那般纯粹和绝望,尔后与你瞬间交汇的目光,就已是沧海桑田。迷离的夜晚,萤火虫在花间飞舞,闪耀如星光,眼泪潸然落下,为那一路风尘我跟随你身后的日子。 我时光翩翩起舞,无涯的荒野里,盈盈如画也只是卑微的开出花来,清寒细雨,为君沉醉,桃花乱落如红雨,一蓑烟雨茫茫醉荡,尘缘相误,你依旧是你,独我面目全非,忘记来时的路,怎能回归。张爱玲说,流泪,是因为寂寞,孤独的游子,无关风月,一样刻骨。那我们,几载年华,携手而过,而今,独留我演绎寂寞,伴着余留的烟

香,散落天涯追往事。 岁月流逝,经年弥漫,烟雨缥缈,季节荒芜,庭院深深空几许,依依梦里寻何处,春江慕残,惆怅依旧,凭阑意,图一醉,不闻慰藉,只见镜里朱颜瘦,终不悔。凤凰,非竹实不食,非梧桐不栖,非醴泉不饮,梧、桐本为雌雄双株,梧为雄,桐为雌,相依相伴,至死不渝,故为,凤栖梧,我非凤,今生无缘与你结连理,回首天涯归梦,几魂飞西浦,月明人静漏声稀,千丝万缕相萦系。 一点清愁,凄哀入骨,杏花疏影里,吹笛到天明,夜长人奈何,只盼君一顾。文君语,朱弦断,明镜缺,朝露晞,芳时歇,白头吟,伤离别,努力加餐勿念妾,锦水汤汤,与君长诀,只惜我心里的黑洞,在你身边从未出现过,身在情长在,怎好诀绝… 600字的中学生美文摘抄2. 为你碾尽一池墨香: 花开的一瞬不是为着相逢,而是为着不曾错过的欣喜。为着这一刻,所以忍受分离,且不惧这分离是天各一方还是终将遥遥无期。因着这无期在心中有期,所以甘愿等待,因着这等待而凋谢了多少季花期,所以满头青丝鬓白,岁月萧萧落地。 我深情的文字里有你在吟唱着我的离愁我的无可奈何,没有你的日子,我像伏尔加河的纤夫步步维艰。岁月看你我在对岸苦苦煎熬,然后寸寸老去。文字堆积起来的情感在流年中慢慢憔悴,被光阴的箭射穿一盏又一盏挂着希望的心灯,莫非你我终要成为过客? 再读给你的文字,心中有疼痛在悸动,常在叩问自己,应该将你放于何处,又将自己放在哪里?文字因谁而美丽?文字为谁而哭泣?


七年级语文上册选择题训练题(一) 1、下列加点的字注音不正确的一组( A ) A、瞬.间(shùn)嶙.峋(líng )lín B、眩.目(xuàn)纳罕.(hǎn) C、小憩.(qì)擎.天(qíng )C、撼.地(hàn )鹤唳.(lì) 2、下列加点的字注音不全都准确的一组(A ) A、脊.梁(jǐ)猝.然(zǘ)cù B、洗濯.(zhuó)寂寥.(liáo) C、玷.污(diàn)点缀.(zhuì) D、姊.妹(zǐ)蹂躏.(lìn) 3、下列加点的字注音全都正确的一组( C ) A、蓑.衣(suō)酝酿.(liàng)肥硕.(shuò) B、应和.(hè)薄.烟(bó)báo廖.阔(liáo ) C、着.落(zhuó)澄.清(chéng)枯涸.(hé) D、栀.子(zhī)唱和.(hé)hè清冽.(liè) 4、下列词语书写全都正确的一项是(C) A、豁然开朗至礼(理)名言愚昧无知 B、亲疏远近慈善事业军备竟(竞)赛 C、生命伦理和睦相处战争暴行 D、炯然不同铭记心中头晕目炫(眩) 5、下列无错别字的一组词语(C ) A、绝处逢生繁弦急管玲珑剔透擎天憾(撼)地 B、回味无穷坚忍(韧)不拨问心无愧肃然起敬 C、理所当然专心至志天灾人祸庞然大物 D、多愁善感温故知新见贤思全抖擞精神 6、下列词语中加点字注音全都正确的一项是( B ) A、丫杈.(chà)瑟.缩(sè)宽恕.(sù)苦心孤诣.(yì) B、虐.杀(nüè) 怦怦 ..(lín) ..(pēng) 拆.散(chāi ) 水波粼粼 C、嫩.芽(nèn) 匿.笑(nì) 沐浴 ..(mùyù) 促膝.谈心(qī) D、牛棚.(pēng) 委.屈(wěi) 信.服(xǐng) 惊魂.未定(hún) 7、下列各组词语中加点字注音全部正确的一组是(C) A、骸.骨(hái)冰雹.(báo)静谧.(yì)mì峰峦.(luán) B、点缀.(zhuì)轻盈.(yíng)yín 诀.别(jué)飞甍.(móng)méng C、连亘.(gèn)篝.火(gōu)高垣.(yuán)睥睨 ..(pìnì) D、窟隆.(lóng)弥.(mí)漫葱茏 ..(chōnglóng)喙.(zhuó)huì啄木鸟 8、下边加点字注音全对的一项是 ( D ) A、孪.生(luán)赏赐.(cì)御聘.(pìng)pìn B、鲛.人(jiāo)女娲.(wō)wā附和.(hè) C、愚蠢.(chǔn)酥.软(sū)供给(gěi)jǐ D、澄.澈(chéng)炫.耀(xuàn )莽莽榛榛 ..(zhēn) 9、找出下列词语中没有的错别字一项(A) A、葱茏莴苣海市蜃楼一愁莫展 B、迷(弥)漫喧嚣高垣睥睨化为乌有 C、崩塌喑yīn哑历历在目直接宵(霄)汉 D、篡夺倏shū忽黯然漂(缥)缈丝丝缕缕 10.下列词语中无错别字的一项( D ) A、堆积杂物满不在乎久经逝去行(形)影不离 B、苦心孤诣莫明(名)其妙历历在目子虚乌有 C、高级栽(裁)缝恍然大悟理直气状(壮)纷纷白雪 D、千姿万态德高望重具体而微蜂围蝶阵 11.下列词语中加点字解释全部正确的一项是( B ) A、俄而 ..(不久,一会儿)相委.而去(丢下、舍弃)期.行(日期)约定 B、熬.过(忍受)委屈 ..(受到不应有的指责或待遇,心里难过)家君 ..(谦辞,对人称自己的父亲) C、公欣然 ..曰(高兴的样子)至.爱(极、十分)无端.(端详)缘由 D、匿笑 ..(偷偷地笑)乃.至(于是,就)瑟缩.(蜷曲) 12、按所给多音字的读音组词有误的是(A ) A、称(chèn)称心据(jù)拮据jū B、煞(shà)煞白难(nàn)劫难 C、曲(qū)曲折间(jiàn)间隔 D、冠(guān)衣冠挑(tiǎo)挑拨 13、为下面词语中加黑字选择注音完全正确的一项(A ) 准备着着火了没着了着落

初中英语_I wish my teacher knew教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

Teaching Plan Teaching Steps: Step1. Lead in: Watch the pictures. Step2. Talk freely: When you have difficulties, do you keep them in side or ask others for help? Step3: Before reading: Look at the title and the picture carefully and find the main idea. Reading tip: When you read a passage, read the title and look at the picture first Step4: While reading: (1) Fast reading (a)Answer two questions: Who thought up a plan? What is the name of the plan? (b)Number the passage (1-13) (c)Divide it into 3 parts: before the plan, while the plan, after the plan (2) Carefull reading: (a) Read Part1 and answer the questions.

Job School W hy di d she t hi nk up t he pl an? W hat di d st udent s need t o do f or t hi s K yl e Schw art z act i vi t y? (b)Read Para4 and answer the question: How did the students love the plan? (c)Read Para5-7and match (d)Read Para 9 answer the questions: Are the students happy? Why? (e) Read Para11-13 and match


中学生美文摘抄100字大全 又到草黄时节。遍野的绿色斑驳着消失,只有那干枯的浅黄渐次布满了人的视线,是生命终结时最柔韧的余唱。 喜欢看落叶掉到枯草上的情景,红的叶片,黄的草茎,很鲜明的美丽,看着它们,会想起夕阳一轮西下,缓缓下坠时那种有些凄凉的辉煌,会想起石阶上风烛残年的白发老人携手而行,从容安然的那一抹温馨,那一些些的感动。 寒冬的第一场风雪后,它们会在地面消失,重新回到大地母亲的怀抱里安息。等待,漫长的等待之后,第一声春风轻柔的呼唤,就会将它们的子孙全部叫醒。 喜欢看草绿江南岸的亮丽,萧索的冬季在它们的浅笑声中逃遁,是怎样柔嫩的一茎茎新绿哦,在石缝里,泥土上,勇敢地挺直它们的细腰,在乍暖还寒的冷风凄雨里,一寸寸地成长,一点点把堤坡,大地湮染,蓝天轻风下编织出让人振奋的春衣。 萋萋芳草,踏之何忍,用手去轻轻地触摸吧,仿佛婴儿皮肤般细腻,一丝丝在手掌心滑过,若干纤小的生命韵律从手传递到心,不由人不在心中感叹:如此细弱的植物竟然有这样顽强的生命,硬生生率先回应春风,引来了桃红柳绿,蜂飞蝶舞,春光明媚。

喜欢看盛夏里的草长莺飞,小草在炽热的阳光爱抚下,将生命里所有的美丽一起释放,无边无际的绿色原野,把各色怒放的花朵衬托得鲜艳欲滴,蓝天在视野里也变低了,似乎弯了腰屈尊来与小草亲近。 这个时间里的小草是最硕大最柔软的新床,诱惑着我们把自己的身躯无比舒坦地交给她们,没有了焦虑,没有了烦恼,在青草的簇拥下,做一个最轻松的美梦。 闭了双目,阳光下喧腾的青草芳香就包围了我们的嗅觉。是怎么样温馨而又好闻的一种清香啊,没有各色花香的浓烈,没有名牌香水的清雅,就是稻子成熟时的那种香味,是牛羊奶里的那个香气,是大自然的原香,是大地的味道,是自家母亲怀抱的味道。美文摘抄 是啊,小草,你原就是牛马羊们的主要食物,通过它们,你变身为洁白的乳汁,鲜美的肉食,温暖的毛皮,奔腾的力量,托起了一个个民族和国家。


七年级语文上学期期中考试试题 (考试时间:90分钟分数120分) 姓名-------------------------成绩---------------------- 一、积累与运用(26分) 1.阅读下面文段,按要求作答。(4分) 位于感德镇莲花山麓下的“龙通土楼”造型独特,规模hóng()大,结构奇巧。土楼的建筑形式,体现了世界上仅有的用泥土建造的建筑艺术形式,体现了龙通人征服自然过程中()的创造,kān()称建筑奇葩。土楼的建造有着一段美丽传奇的故事——“土楼妈”,“三年未梳头”和“查某仔贼”是土楼妈的“标签”。土楼是大家庭、小社会和谐相处的(),我们要把祖先留下的这份珍贵的遗产运用好、守护好、传承好。而今,古香古色的土楼吸引着不少都市人前往参观,已成为旅游景点。 (1)根据拼音写出汉字。(2分) hóng ()大kān ()称 (2)文段中两横线处应填写的词语是()。(1分) A.别有用心典范B.别出心裁典范C.别具匠心典型 (3)文段中画线句是个病句,请将修改后的句子写在下面横线上。(1分) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2下列加点字注音与书写都正确的一项是()(2分) A、尴尬(gān)开拓(tòu) 停滞(zhì) 晃然大悟(huǎng) B、感慨(kǎi) 绽开(zhàn) 威慑(shè) 花团锦簇(cù) C、纠纷(jīu) 黑痣(zhì) 贮蓄(zhù) 小心翼翼(yì) D、屋檐(zhān) 沐浴(mù) 竹篱(lí) 宽宏大量(hóng) 3. 选出无错别字的一项:()(2分) A 分歧铺垫惭愧各得其所 B 诀别渔塘应和水波粼粼 C 瘫痪捶打脸颊翻来腹去 D 严历挨凑澄清形影不离 4.下列加横线成语运用正确的一项是()(2分) A、为了全村致富,村干部整天上蹿下跳,忙得不亦乐乎。 B、通过模拟考试,他发现了语文学习的蛛丝马迹。 C、小张同学匠心独运,勤学苦练,很快学会了骑自行车。 D、大家都要积极参加学校组织的献爱心活动,切不可袖手旁观。 5.下列句子没有语病的一句是( ) (2分) A.妈妈今天到市场买了番茄、辣椒、玉米、马铃薯等很多蔬菜。 B.光头强这个动漫形象对我并不陌生。 C.我的家乡是个风景优美的地方。 D.我国有世界上所没有的万里长城。 6、依次填入下列句子横线上的词语,恰当的一项是( )(2份) ,飘逸着沁脾的清香;,散发着浓烈的祝福;,这有细细品尝,才能体味着淡淡的苦涩中所蕴含的真谛。①生命是酒②生命是咖啡③生命是茶A.③②①B.①②③C.②①③D.③①② 7、学校准备在草坪、阅览室等地方立上告示牌,请你帮忙设计两条告示语。(2分) (1)爱护绿茵草场。 告示牌:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2)保持阅览室的安静。 告示牌:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

人教版七年级 语文上册名著默写练习题含答案(Word版)

人教版七年级语文上册名著默写练习题含答案(Word版) 一、部编语文七年级上册名著默写练习 1.古诗文名句默写。 推开古诗文的大门,经典名句如山中珍奇,吸引我们再次回味:想起李白与王昌龄的友谊“①________,随君直到夜郎西。”想起王湾远行在外的那只帆船“潮平两岸阔,②________。”想起马致远笔下饱含的思乡之苦“夕阳西下,③________。”想起世事无常,繁华落幕“④________,落花时节又逢君。”想起受降城上听见凄凉幽怨的笛声,诉尽思乡之情⑤________,⑥________。想起孔子向我们告知,学和思是不可分割的:⑦________,⑧________。 【答案】我寄愁心与明月;风正一帆悬;断肠人在天涯;正是江南好风景;不知何处吹芦管;一夜征人尽望乡;学而不思则罔;思而不学则殆 【解析】【分析】根据平时对古诗文的积累答题,注意“悬、涯、罔、殆”容易写错。 故答案为:我寄愁心与明月;风正一帆悬;断肠人在天涯;正是江南好风景;不知何处吹芦管;一夜征人尽望乡;学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆 【点评】本题考查古诗文的背诵和默写。答题时应注意,记忆型默写题,要求学生直接默写出指定的文句。这类题目要求考生日常加强背诵识记,尤其是不仅能背诵,还要能默写。理解性默写则要求考生通过反复诵读,在理解句意的基础上理解文意,难度要大一些。注意不要出现错别字。 2.古诗词默写 (1)水何澹澹,________。(《观沧海》曹操) (2)________,思君不见下渝州。(《峨眉山月歌》李白) (3)不知何处吹芦管,________。(《夜上受降城闻笛》李益) (4)正是江南好风景,________。(《江南逢李龟年》杜甫) (5)王湾的《次北固山下》中直抒胸臆,表达思乡之情的两句诗是:________,________。 (6)李白在《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》中,展现奇特想象,运用拟人手法表达对友人的同情与关怀的诗句是:________,________。 (7)请写出带有“雨”字的连续两句古诗词:________,________。 【答案】(1)山岛竦峙 (2)夜发清溪向三峡 (3)一夜征人尽望乡 (4)落花时节又逢君 (5)乡书何处达;归雁洛阳边 (6)我寄愁心与明月;随君直到夜郎西 (7)天街小雨润如酥;草色遥看近却无 【解析】【分析】默写常见的名句名篇。首先要选准诗句,生僻字平时要多写几遍。这类试题是通过书写的方式考背诵,关键是不能错字、别字、形似字。近几年总出理解性默写(情景描写)题目,这种题目的难度比根据上下文默写要难,首先要根据诗歌内容选准诗



悦读联播(共5课) 练习 班级: 姓名:

悦读联播第四篇I LOVE HORSE-RIDING! I’m Sue. I’m 14 and I live in England. My father works in a horse-riding school. I’ve been riding since I was six. I go horse-riding every Saturday. Now I can ride quite well. I spend all Saturday at the riding school. I help to get the horses ready. I help the new students. I feed the horses and give them water when the lessons are over. I also brush them and clean all the equipment. I do this because I like it. I also get to ride for free! When you start riding a horse, it’s very difficult! The first thing you learn is how to get onto a horse. Then you have to learn how to move up and downat the same time as the horse. If you don’t do this, it is very uncomfortable for you and the horse! At first you learn to walk the horse around. Then you learn to go faster. When your teacher thinks you are good enough, you learn to jump. Not everyone wants to learn to jump. Some people just want to learn to ride for the exercise. But I like jumping. It is exciting! WORD BANK


悦读联播(共5课) 练习 班级: 姓名:

悦读联播第四篇I LOVE HORSE-RIDING! I’m Sue. I’m 14 and I live in England. My father works in a horse-riding school. I’ve been riding since I was six. I go horse-riding every Saturday. Now I can ride quite well. I spend all Saturday at the riding school. I help to get the horses ready. I help the new students. I feed the horses and give them water when the lessons are over. I also brush them and clean all the equipment. I do this because I like it. I also get to ride for free! When you start riding a horse, it’s very difficult! The first thing you learn is how to get onto a horse. Then you have to learn how to move up and downat the same time as the horse. If you don’t do this, it is very uncomfortable for you and the horse! At first you learn to walk the horse around. Then you learn to go faster. When your teacher thinks you are good enough, you learn to jump. Not everyone wants to learn to jump. Some people just want to learn to ride for the exercise. But I like jumping. It is exciting! WORD BANK


初中美文摘抄 600 字 篇一:中学生美文摘抄大全 名篇中的经典 中学生美文摘抄大全 名篇中的经典 是的,我很重要。我们每一个人都应该有勇气这样说。我们的地位可能很卑微,我们的 身份可能很渺小,但这丝毫不意味着我们不重要。重要并不是伟大的同义词,它是心灵对生命 的允诺。——毕淑敏,《我很重要》 我送你 4 句话。其一,这世界上没有失败,只有暂时没成功。其二,改变世界之前,需 要改变的是你自己。其三,改变从决定开始,决定在行动之前。其四,是自己的决心,而不是 环境在决定你的命运。你不妨先改变自己的习惯,试着用友善的心态去面对周围的一切,你会 有意想不到的快乐。”——《知识窗》马国福 一个人要想使自己的人生有所造就,就必须懂得在关键时刻把自己带到人生的悬崖,给 自己一片悬崖其实就是给自己一片蔚蓝的天空啊。——《知音》王新文 没有坚冰,谁去认可红梅的烂漫?没有白雪,谁去判定青松的高洁?没有严寒,谁去仰 视乔木耸立?——《感悟春天》朱国良 不管是落花有意,还是流水无情,都是表现了时间之易逝的自然迹象,但是精神上的青 春,意志里的春色,进取中的春光,则当常驻于有志人和奋斗者的岁月年华里!——《感悟春 天》朱国良 阅读文学作品,是一种文化的积累,一种知识的积累,一种智慧的积累,一种感情的积 累。大量地阅读优秀的文学作品,不仅能增长人的知识,也能丰富人的感情。如果对文学一无 所知,而想成为有文化有修养的现代文明人,那是不可想像的。——赵丽宏《致文学》成功的 花,人们只惊羡她现时的明艳!然而当初她的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。 ——冰心《繁星· 春水》 春天像刚落地的娃娃,从头到脚都是新的,它生长着。春天像小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑 着走着。春天像健壮的青年,有铁一般的胳膊和腰脚,领着我们上前去。——朱自清《春》 人最宝贵的是生命, 生命每个人只有一次。 人的一生应当这样度过: 当回忆往事的时候, 他不会因为虚度年华而悔恨,也不会因为碌碌无 为而羞愧;在临死的时候,他能够说:“我的整个生命和全部精力,都已献给了世界上最 壮丽的事业——为人类的解放而斗争。”——奥斯特洛夫斯基《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 我在朦胧中, 眼前展开一片海边碧绿的沙地来, 上面深蓝的天空中挂着一轮金黄的圆月。 我想:希望本是无所谓有,无所谓无的。这正如地上的路;其实地上本没有路,走的人多了, 也便成了路。——鲁迅《故乡》 每个人降生到这个世界上来,一定有一个对于他最合宜的位置。一个位置对于自己是否 最合宜,标准不是看社会上有多少人争夺它,眼红它,而应该去问自己的生命和灵魂,看它们 是否真正感到快乐。——周国平《最合宜的位置》


拉萨市2011年初中七年级上册语文学科 试题库试题 亲爱的同学们,祝贺你们顺利地度过了升入初中以来的第一个学期。在这个学期里,你的语文学得怎么样呢? 通过“旅行”,你是否发现了语文学习的广阔天地?今天,让我们一起检查一下旅行的收获吧!希望你们能在完成下面题目的同时尽情地展示自己的才能,并预祝你们取得优异的成绩! 一、基础知识积累与应用(共20分) 1、下列各项中加点字的读音完全正确的一项是()(2分) A、绽.开(zhàn)伫.立(chù)沉浸.(qìn)迸.溅(bèng) B、朗润.(rùn)酝酿.(niàng)鸟巢.(cháo)黄晕.(yùn) C、澄.清(chéng)慈.善(cí)看.护(kān)薄.雪(bó) D、梦寐.(mèi)称.职(chèn)赏赐.(cì)嫩.芽(rùn) 2、下列短语没有错别字的一项是()(2分) A、更胜一筹变化无常海枯石烂返老还童 B、德高望重闲情逸致豪不犹豫遥遥在望 C、轻飞曼舞恍然大悟各得其所千恣百态 D、苦心孤指随声附和骇人听闻神通广大 3、下列加点词语解释有误的一项是()(2分)A、历历在目 ....(清晰地出现在眼前)花枝招展 ..(迎风摆动) B、繁花 ..嫩叶(花开得非常美丽)水波粼粼 ..(水势浩大的样子) C、获益匪.浅(不)猝然 ..长逝(突然去世) D、黯然缥缈 ..(隐隐约约,若有若无)宛转 ..(形容圆润柔媚) 4、下列各项中没有语病的一项是()(2分) A、艰苦的环境更能激发有理想的人奋发向上。 B、通过大家的努力,提高了学习成绩。 C、墙壁非常雪白。 D、他穿上帽子出去了。 5、下列各项中文学常识叙述有误的一项是()(2分) A、曹操,字孟德,东汉末年的政治家、军事家、诗人。他的诗以慷慨悲壮见称。 B、老舍,原名舒庆春,字舍予,著名作家。代表作有戏剧《茶馆》,小说《骆驼祥子》。 C、《论语》是春秋时期的思想家、教育家孔子所著的一部书,是儒家的经典著作之一。 D、《天净沙秋思》是一首元代散曲。“天净沙”是曲牌名,“秋思”是曲子的题目。 6、下列各项中修辞手法判断有误的一项是()(2分)


Module 1 Family 家庭 A kind brother 善良的哥哥 1. The boy was sent to take _________________ of things to his grandmother. A. a box B. a bag C. a basket 2. The boy’s little brother was sent with him to help carry the load because it was ___________. A. empty B. heavy C. light 3. Who didn’t know how the pole worked? A. Tom. B. Tom’s brother. C. Grandmother. 4. Where will the basket be as heavy for the boy as it is for Tom? A. Near his side. B. Near Tom’s side. C. In the middle of the pole. 5. After the elder boy slipped the basket quite near his own end of the pole, ________________. A.his side was lighter B.his side was heavier C.both sides are the same 6. Had he tricked his brother, he would have been ____________. A. unhappy B. tired C. sad 答案:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A Tug-of-war 拉锯战 1.How many children are there in the family? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 2. What is the meaning of the phrase “had no idea” in Paragraph 1? A. 没有主意 B. 不知道 C. 没有意义 3. ____________ pulled the young boy underwater. A. The other children B. His mother C. An alligator 4. Who is faster according to Paragraph 2?


小学生好文章摘抄大全 导读:本文小学生好文章摘抄大全,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 小学生好文章摘抄大全 我家的四只鼠 口育腾教育文学社董莉瞻 我家有四只“鼠”,每只鼠都特别有趣,你瞧—— 爸爸是“上班鼠”,因为他每天都起得很早去上班,很晚才回来,很辛苦,所以我们叫他“上班鼠”。 妈妈是“唱歌鼠”,最近不知怎么了,妈妈每天都唱《荷塘月色》这首歌,所以我和弟弟叫她“唱歌鼠”。 弟弟是“电脑鼠”,他每天起床后必做的一件事就是玩电脑。今天早上起来,我看见弟弟又在玩电脑,所以我和妈妈叫他“电脑鼠”。 我是“画画鼠”,因为我整天都在房间里画个不停,我最喜欢画卡通人物,比如美人鱼和白雪公主之类的,所以妈妈和爸爸叫我“画画鼠”。 这就是我家的四只“鼠”。 (指导教师郭丹) “是雪山吗?”我大声地叫起来。爸爸点了点头。 到了黄昏的时候,我们离玉龙山更近了。我坐在临窗的位置,望着被夕阳照耀着的玉龙雪山,它巍峨肃穆,不太明亮的暗壑像鸟道,

亮亮的地方像银台,那上面白云弥漫,像仙人在飞舞;再往旁边看,那儿像一扇天门,有紫气升腾,而那条玉龙一样的山脊隐现在无边的雾海之中…… 啊,那不是神话传说中的仙界吗?我要是生出一双翅膀就好了。我要飞到那里,和仙人及玉龙一起玩耍。 美丽的玉龙雪山,是我心中的仙山,回家后好长时间都我忘不了它。长大以后,我一定要走遍祖国所有的名山。 (摘自育腾教育文学社郑雍龙《玉龙雪山,我心中的仙山》,指导教师:刘璐) 上课时间到了,我放了一段音乐当上课铃,并催促妈妈:“该上英语课了!” 只见妈妈慢腾腾地从厨房挪了过来,我有些生气地嚷道:“迟到了,要扣分!” 妈妈很无奈地说:“你开始并没有说要扣分呀!”我严厉地说:“谁都知道上课不许迟到!”妈妈连忙说:“行,行,下不为例。”我把英语课上学到的单词和对话内容给妈妈讲了一遍。妈妈好像听得不太明白,我费了一番口舌才让她弄明白,她才露出了满意的笑容。 “放学”后,妈妈夸我的课讲得很好,她从中学到了不少知识,收获很大,以后要我多给她上课,我感到既高兴又自豪。可我又觉得嗓子发干,浑身无力,看来当老师真的很不容易,我们当学生的平时上课真应当认真听讲,好好珍惜老9币的辛勤劳动。 (摘自育腾教育文学社陈乐平《我给妈妈当老师》,指导教师:


人教版七年级语文上册语文基础知识练 习题汇总 一、字词积累 炫耀称职妥当滑稽呈报陛下精致头衔爵士骇人听闻 随声附和缥缈定然珍奇闲游笼罩疏星女娲澄澈幽光灵敏绵延神通广大莽莽榛榛嬉戏哞哞潺潺眨巴红润孪生痒酥酥踉踉跄跄庇护虚荣较量凯歌塞翁失马,焉知非福 二、了解 1.安徒生及其童话代表作 2.郭沫若及其主要作品 3.童话及其特点 4.“寓言四则”作者及出处 5.中外寓言的不同点 三、理解分析 1.皇帝的新装分析故事情节层次,理解文章主旨 找出语言、行动、心理描写的句子,概括人物性格特点 为什么大家都不敢说真话?骗局揭穿后,为什么皇帝大臣仍然装模做样的把戏演下去? 2.郭沫若诗两首了解联想和想象的作用、区别 理解两首诗的主题思想 背诵这两首诗,并描述诗中的想象世界 3.女娲造人复述课文,找出作者想象再造的地方

找出语言、动作、神态描写的句子,概括女娲形象特点 4.盲孩子和他的影子朗读课文,感受语言 理清文章情节发展步骤 理解文章主题思想(主旨) 5.寓言四则口头复述这四则寓言 了解这四则寓言的寓意 第五单元 一、字词积累 风筝堕落丫杈寂寞憔悴肃杀诀别荡漾嫌恶笑柄可鄙 什物惊惶瑟缩傲然虐杀宽恕恍然大悟苦心孤诣抹攥 逮怦怦树杈寒颤信服嫩芽霎时拆散委屈水波粼粼嗅 各得其所摩衍叠摇摆匿笑花瓣沐浴祷告妄弃倘若 惊讶无端至爱笑嘻嘻俄而欣然 二、了解 1.鲁迅及其作品 2.泰戈尔及其作品 3.冰心及其作品 4.刘义庆及《世说新语》 5.散文特点 三、理解分析 1.风筝理解文中重点词句,感受一个伟大作家的心灵,

及对教育和家庭的忏悔。 理解文章最后一段的深刻含义 2.羚羊木雕找出心理描写的语句,分析文中人物的矛盾冲突 讨论文章的主题思想,思考怎样正确处理此类事情? 3.散步有感情的朗读课文,找出文中细节描写并体会作者表达的亲情 品味最后一句,理解其深刻含义 4.诗两首有感情的朗读课文,感受主题。并背诵 理解:《金色花》篇末含蓄的诗句,《纸船》中“爱”“悲哀”的含义 5.世说新语两则背诵。字、词、句的理解及课文的翻译 学习古今异义的词语;区别“君、家君、尊君” 分析人物性格特点 散文:1.形散神聚。选材广泛,形式自由,但主题是集中的。 选材上,可写景状物,可议论抒情;写法上千变万化,有清晰的线索和明确的主题 2.洗练的语言。它以洗练、准确、优美,富于魅力的语言打动读者。 3.强烈的感情色彩和诗一般的意境。即使是平实的叙
