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寒假社会实践的活动总结(Summary of activities of social practice during winter


寒假社会实践的活动总结篇一(Summary of activities in social practice during winter vacation)

依照区教育局,大桥教育总支的工作要求,我校利用寒假组织全校师生开展了形式多样的节能减排社会实践活动,引导他们树立了节能减排观念、增强了环保意识、倡导低碳环保生活方式,用自己的实际行动为我市两型社会建设与和谐武汉构建贡献力量。(In accordance with the work requirements of the District Education Bureau and the Daqiao Education General Branch, our school used the winter vacation to organize the teachers and students of the school to carry out various energy-saving and emission-reduction social practice activities, guiding them to establish the concept of energy-saving and emission-reduction, enhancing the awareness of environmental protection, and advocating

low-carbon An environmentally friendly lifestyle, with our own practical actions, contribute to the construction of a

two-oriented society in our city and the construction of a harmonious Wuhan.)

(一)开展的重点活动((1) Key activities carried out)

1、“我为节能减排献一策”金点子征集活动。(1. "I offer a strategy for energy saving and emission reduction" golden ideas solicitation activity.)

以创新素质实践行活动为载体,学校在五六年级开展了“我为节能减排献一策”金点子征集活动。学生通过研究性学习、社会调查、社区服务等形式,记录参与了节能减排的经历,撰写以切实改善或解决身边、学校、所处地域资源能源问题、减少污染排放为内容的合理化建议,参与以节约资源能源、减少污染排放、循环利用为目的的科技小发明与小制作,在实践活动中培养学生节能减排环保意识,养成珍惜环境资源能源,爱护环境的良好行为习惯。(Taking innovative quality practice activities as the carrier, the school launched the "I offer a strategy for energy conservation and emission reduction" in the fifth and sixth grades to collect ideas. Students record their participation in energy conservation and emission reduction through research studies, social surveys, community services, etc., and write reasonable suggestions to effectively improve or solve resource and energy problems around them, schools, and regions, and reduce pollution emissions. Participate Scientific and technological small inventions and small productions for the purpose of saving resources and energy, reducing pollution emissions, and recycling, cultivate students' awareness of energy

conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection in practical activities, and develop good habits of cherishing environmental resources and energy and caring for the environment.)

2、“带环保回家,倡绿色生活”创意体验活动。(2. "Bring environmental protection home and promote green life" creative experience activities.)

为了广泛宣传节能理念,在全校开展了“带环保回家,倡绿色生活”创意体验活动。通过“我的低碳生活”、“爸爸妈妈听我说节能”等体验与创意活动,让学生把简洁、节能、文明的绿色生活理念带回家。引导学生了解个人及家庭能源使用方式对节能减排的意义和作用,树立了节能环保观念,关注生活中的节约方式,学习和寻找节能的窍门和方法,节约一滴水、一张纸、一粒米、一度电等点滴小事做起,小手拉大手带动家庭,辐射社会,用实际行动迎世博、庆新年。并在学校通过演讲的方式向广大师生传播节能减排理念。(In order to widely promote the concept of energy saving, the creative experience activities of "Bringing the Environment Home and Advocating Green Life" were carried out throughout the school. Through experience and creative activities such as "My

Low-Carbon Life" and "Mum and Dad listen to me about energy saving", students are allowed to bring home the concept of simple, energy-saving and civilized green life. Guide students

to understand the significance and effect of personal and family energy use on energy conservation and emission reduction, establish the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection, pay attention to the ways of saving in life, learn and find energy saving tips and methods, and save a drop of water, a piece of paper, and a grain Start with small things such as rice, one kilowatt-hour of electricity, small hands and big hands to drive the family, radiate society, and use practical actions to welcome the World Expo and celebrate the New Year. In the school, the concept of energy saving and emission reduction was disseminated to teachers and students through lectures.)

3、“学习用品循环用,爱心传递连你我”行动。(3. "Recycle school supplies, pass love and connect you and me" action.)

在全校开展了“学习用品循环用,爱心传递连你我”行动。高年级(学段)学生向低年级(学段)学生传递教科书、学习笔记等,引导学生在节约、环保使用学习用品的同时,培育团结友爱的道德素养和关爱他人的社会责任感。树立节约理念。(The whole school carried out the "recycling of school supplies, and love to pass on you and me" action. High grade (school section) students pass textbooks, study notes, etc. to low grade (school section) students to guide students to use school supplies in an eco-friendly and

environmentally friendly manner, while fostering a sense of solidarity and love and a sense of social responsibility to care for others. Establish a concept of conservation.)

(二)常规活动((2) Routine activities)

在假期初切实加强安全燃放烟花爆竹、交通安全、禁毒宣传、反邪教警示等专项教育。在整个寒假过程中,我校师生没有出现一起烟花爆竹、交通安全事故。(At the beginning of the holidays, we will effectively strengthen special education on the safe setting of fireworks, traffic safety, anti-drug propaganda, and

anti-cult warnings. During the entire winter vacation, no fireworks or traffic accidents occurred among teachers and students of our school.)

(三)工作总结((3) Work summary)

1、我校按照市委、市政府、区教育局统一部署,突出了节能减排这一主题,科学、合理开展了寒假社会实践活动。积极整合社会教育资源,发挥家庭、社区作用,不断丰富活动载体和形式,凸现师生自觉参与、自主教育、自我提高的活动特色。(1. In accordance with the unified deployment of the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government, and District Education Bureau, our school highlights the theme of energy saving and emission reduction, and scientifically and reasonably carried out social practice activities during winter vacation. Actively integrate social

education resources, give full play to the role of family and community, continuously enrich the carrier and form of activities, and highlight the characteristics of conscious participation of teachers and students, independent education, and self-improvement.)


冻工作和学生公共卫生、个人卫生指导及维护工作。切实加强了对寒假社会实践活动的组织领导,细化工作任务,明确工作责任,落实工作措施,使活动有组织、有计划、有条不紊地开展成功。(2. The idea of "safety first, life first" is firmly established, and the work of preventing cold and freezing, and student public health, personal hygiene guidance and maintenance work is highly valued. Effectively strengthened the organization and leadership of winter vacation social practice activities, refined work tasks, clarified work responsibilities, and implemented work measures, so that the activities were successfully carried out in an organized, planned and orderly manner.)


践活动以班级为单位,在教师、家长指导下开展。在活动中不断强化了节能观念,树立节能责任,增强了节能创新精神和实践能力。(3. Strengthen the process management of winter vacation activities, and do a good job in supervision and guidance.

Student social practice activities are carried out in the class as a unit under the guidance of teachers and parents. During the activities, the concept of energy conservation was continuously strengthened, the responsibility for energy conservation was established, and the spirit of energy conservation innovation and practical ability were enhanced.)寒假社会实践的活动总结篇二(Summary of activities in winter vacation social practice Part 2)

一、师生高度重视,活动内容安排扎实到位(1. Teachers and students attach great importance to it, and the arrangement of activities is in place)

为了保证寒假社会实践活动不流于形式,学校认真总结了过去开展社会实践活动的得与失,汲取了以往工作经验,在安排工作之前,组织教职工充认真学习了县教育局《关于我县中小学生开展寒假实践活动的通知》的文件精神及有关要求,让全体教职工充分认识开展寒假社会实践活动的重要意义。结合本校实际,将社会实践活动归结为9大主题。(In order to ensure that the winter vacation social practice activities are not just a formality, the school earnestly summarized the gains and losses of the past social practice activities, and learned past work experience. Before arranging the work, the school organized the faculty and staff to study the "About Our County" The spirit of the document and

related requirements of the "Notice for Primary and Secondary School Students to Carry out Winter Vacation Practice Activities" has allowed all faculty and staff to fully understand the importance of conducting winter vacation social practice activities. Combining the reality of the school, the social practice activities are summarized into 9 major themes.)一是积极参加“感恩”回报活动,利用假期在家中帮助父母做些力所能及的事,如冼衣、做饭、打扫卫生,用这种方式来表达对父母的养育之恩,从而懂得如何去感恩,养成感恩的习惯。(One is to actively participate in the "grateful" return activity, and use the holiday to help parents do things within their capacity at home, such as dressing, cooking, and cleaning. In this way, they can express their kindness to parents and know how to be thankful , Develop a habit of gratitude.)

二是在节假日向亲朋好友积极宣传“开车不饮酒,饮酒不开车”,坚决拒乘酒驾车。(The second is to actively publicize "don’t drink while driving, and don’t drive whil e drinking" to family and friends during holidays, and resolutely refuse to drink and drive.)

三是看一场好的电影、欣赏一次画展、参观一座博物馆,提高审美意识和艺术情趣。(The third is to watch a good movie, appreciate a painting exhibition, and visit a museum to improve aesthetic

awareness and artistic interest.)

四是坚持体育锻炼,选择一两项自己喜欢的体育运动,每天坚持锻炼。(The fourth is to insist on physical exercise, choose one or two sports that you like, and exercise every day.)

五是继续开展“读好书,写读后感”活动。(Fifth, continue to carry out the activity of "reading good books, writing after reading".)

六是通过网络书籍,进行一次中国传统文化礼仪学习,做一名“慈孝”学生,并刊出一份以“感恩、慈孝”为主题的手抄报。(The sixth is to study traditional Chinese culture etiquette through online books, be a "kind and filial" student, and publish a handwritten newspaper with the theme of "gratefulness, kindness and filial piety".)

七是学习普法等有关知识,并刊出一份以“学法、守法”为主题的手抄报。(The seventh is to learn about law popularization and other related knowledge, and publish a manuscript with the theme of "learning the law and observing the law".)

八是开展“感受家乡新变化”活动,去家乡标志性的、变化最有影响的地方游玩,写一篇游记记录下发现的变化,还可用镜头记录下来,期初在班级中搞一次影展。(The eighth is to carry out the "Feel the new changes in hometown" activity, go to the iconic and most influential places in the hometown to play, write a travel note

to record the changes found, and also use the camera to record it, and hold a film exhibition in the class at the beginning of the period.)

九是参加一次社会实践活动,在社区做一些义务劳动,做个“环保小卫士”,做一份以“绿色环保”为主题的手抄报。各班均能按时按要求完成任务,扎实开展了不同形式的寒假社会实践活动。(Ninth is to participate in a social practice activity, do some voluntary labor in the community, be a "little guard of environmental protection", and make a handwritten newspaper with the theme of "green environmental protection". Each class was able to complete tasks on time and as required, and carried out various social practice activities during winter vacation.)

二、活动内容丰富,形式灵活多样(2. The activities are rich in content and flexible in forms)

我校社会实践活动形式多样,有集体性的,也有单个开展活动的,通过查看活动反馈表和各班活动总结,反映出学校寒假社会实践活动内容比较丰富。一是要求四、五年级学生利用寒假利用网络等资源写一篇读后感、完成一幅手抄报。通过阅读书籍、收集资料写(画)出自己的感受,进一步使学生了解祖国的变化和遵守法律法规的重要性。这样大大拓展了学生的知识视野;二是开展各种体验活动,让学生通过亲身体验感悟做人道德;三是培养了学生的动手制作能力。(Our school's social practice activities are diverse in form,

collective, and individual activities. By checking the activity feedback form and the summary of activities in each class, it reflects that the school's winter vacation social practice activities are relatively rich. One is to require students in grades 4 and 5 to use the Internet and other resources during the winter vacation to write a post-reading post and complete a handwritten report. Through reading books, collecting information and writing (drawing) their own feelings, students can further understand the changes in the motherland and the importance of complying with laws and regulations. This greatly expands the students' knowledge horizon; the second is to carry out various experience activities, allowing students to understand the morality of life through personal experience; the third is to cultivate students' hands-on production ability.)

寒假社会实践的活动总结篇三(Summary of activities of social practice during winter vacation)

为了夯实此项工作,学校在寒假前给全校学生下发了活动安排,将活动内容、对象、形式,逐项落实到不同的班级。因此,在寒假期间学校有各年级都踊跃参加了不同形式的社会实践活动。综观我校寒假道德实践,主要反映在以下几个方面:(In order to consolidate this work, the school issued activity arrangements to the entire

school before the winter vacation, and implemented the content, objects, and forms of the activities to different classes. Therefore, during the winter vacation, all grades of the school actively participated in different forms of social practice activities. An overview of our school’s winter vacation moral practice is mainly reflected in the following aspects:)

一、师生高度重视,活动内容安排扎实到位(1. Teachers and students attach great importance to it, and the arrangement of activities is in place)

为了保证寒假社会实践活动不流于形式,学校认真总结了过去开展社会实践活动的得与失,汲取了以往工作经验,在安排工作之前,组织教职工充认真学习了海勃湾区教体局寒假道德实践有关要求,让全体教职工充分认识开展道德实践活动的重要意义。结合本校实际,将道德实践活动归结为大主题。一是积极参加“我为社区做贡献社区”活动;二是开展“我是文明劝导员”活动,教育宣传文明行为。三是继续开展“六个一”活动。包括:(In order to ensure that the winter vacation social practice activities are not just a formality, the school earnestly summarized the gains and losses of the past social practice activities, and learned from previous work experience. Before arranging the work, the school organized the faculty and staff to study the Haibowan District Education and Sports Bureau. Relevant requirements for moral practice during

winter vacation allow all faculty and staff to fully understand the importance of carrying out moral practice activities. Combining the reality of the school, the moral practice activities are summarized as a major theme. The first is to actively participate in the "I am contributing to the community" activities; the second is to carry out the "I am a civilized counselor" activities to educate and publicize civilized behavior. The third is to continue to carry out the "Six Ones" activities. include:)

1、写一篇文章。(1. Write an article.)

2、参加一次(种)健康有益的群众文化活动。(2. Participate in a healthy and beneficial mass cultural activity.)

3、做一件感恩父母的事。(3. Do something to be grateful for your parents.)

4、每一天干一件家务活。(4. Do one housework every day.)

5、读一本好书。(5. Read a good book.)

6、开展一次科技创新活动。各班均能按时按要求完成任务,扎实开展了不同形式的道德实践活动。(6. Carry out a scientific and technological innovation activity. All classes were able to complete tasks on time and as required, and carried out various forms of moral practice activities.)

二、活动内容丰富,形式灵活多样(2. The activities are rich in

content and flexible in forms)

我校社会实践活动形式多样,有集体性的,也有单个开展活动的,通过查看活动记录单和各班活动总结,反映出学校寒假道德实践活动内容比较丰富。一是要求五、六年级学生利用寒假收集一些国内外的大事,并做好记录。通过看新闻写出自己的感受,进一步是学生了解祖国的变化和党对人民群众生活的关注。这样大大拓展了学生的知识视野;二是开展各种体验活动,让学生通过亲身体验感悟做人道德;三将过年期间的压岁钱做好收支记录,让学生了解钱是怎样花出去的,从而懂得节约。四是为了培养学生的动手能力,要求三、四年级的的学生用身边的废旧物品制作一些小制作。(The social practice activities of our school are diverse, collective, and also individual activities. By checking the activity record sheet and the summary of the activities of each class, it reflects that the school's winter vacation moral practice activities are relatively rich. The first is to require students in grades 5 and 6 to use the winter vacation to collect important events at home and abroad and make records. By reading the news and writing about their own feelings, students further understand the changes in the motherland and the party's attention to the lives of the people. This greatly expands the students’ knowledge horizon; the second is to carry out a variety of experience activities, so that students can understand the

morality of life through personal experience; third, to make a record of the income and expenditure of the New Year’s money during the Chinese New Year, so that students can understand how the money is spent, so as to understand saving. Fourth, in order to cultivate students' hands-on ability, students in the third and fourth grades are required to make some small crafts from the waste objects around them.)

三、活动效果非常明显,社会整体反响较好(3. The effect of the activity is very obvious, and the overall response from the society is good)

在今年寒假社会实践活动中,从活动记录单反馈的信息可以看出,广大群众对道德实践活动都非常满意,满意率达100%,对我校今后的教育教学工作也提出了中肯的建议。全体学生能严格依照新颁《守则》、《规范》要求自己,文明守纪、礼貌大方,约束自己的行为。在寒假期间我小学生没有出现任何违法违纪事件,无一例不安全事故发生,学生能高高兴兴回家,平平安安返校。由于我校能够充分利用校外德育资源,对学生进行良好的道德教育,因此,今春开学学校仅用一天时间就报到就绪,并于2月28日教学秩序步入正轨。学生的不良行为习惯也较以前有所减少,这足以说明开展道德实践活动是非常可行的。(In this year’s winter vacation social practice activities, it can be seen from the information feedback from the activity record sheet that the majority of the people are

very satisfied with the moral practice activities, with a satisfaction rate of 100%. They also put forward pertinent suggestions for the future education and teaching work of our school. All students can strictly follow the newly promulgated "Code" and "Code" to require themselves, be civilized, disciplined, courteous and generous, and restrain their behavior. During the winter vacation, my primary school students did not have any violations of laws or disciplines, and no unsafe incidents occurred. The students can go home happily and return to school in peace. Since our school is able to make full use of off-campus moral education resources to provide good moral education to students, it took only one day to register for school starting this spring, and the teaching order will be on track on February 28. Students’ bad behaviors and habits have also been reduced compared to before, which is enough to show that it is very feasible to carry out moral practice activities.)


合格接班人而努力。(In short, the school uses holidays to carry out moral practice activities without losing the opportunity, which effectively suppresses the students' vice habit of letting go. Although the winter vacation has ended, in the future education and teaching process, as always, we will continue to take moral practice activities as an important connotation to strengthen the ideological and moral construction of minors. Grasp the good situation of

co-management together, and work hard to train students to become qualified successors to the cause of socialism.)
