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1. 越来越多的大学生使用信用卡

2. 使用信用卡的优点与弊端

3. 你的观点


On College Students Using Cards

With the development of financial industry , more and more college students use credit cards.

Credit cards can be very useful .Using credit cards is convenient because people needn’t take much cash with them when they are going shopping or dining out. And some students use credit card bills to record and check their spending so as to avoid unnecessary expenditure .

However, credit cards can be a curse. Using credit cards sometimes leads to overspending because the users cannot resist the lure of all kinds of purchases. What's more , the average interest of credit cards is as high as 20%, which may ultimately cause the users a lot of trouble.

As far as I am concerned , college students should be very cautious when they are using credit cards. After all, they are just too young to make reasonable financing plans.


1.近年来,各种传染病如甲流(H1N1 flu),禽流感(bird flu)等频频威胁着我





How to Prevent the Spread of Epidemics?

In recent years , various epidemics, such as SARS, the bird flu and the

H1N1 flu ,have appeared to threaten people’s lives. They have caused much trouble to our work and life. It’s high time that we made efforts to prevent their spread.

To prevent the spread of infectious diseases, local governments should try their best to let everyone know clearly how to lower the risks of being infected using all types of mass media .Every individual should also try to keep healthy and strong. He should exercise regularly ,take sufficient sleep, have nutritious food, and stay away from the crowd. He should also try to get rid of bad habits such as smoking and heavy drinking.

When people work together , I am sure that we can succeed in preventing the spread of epidemics.






Traveling Craze

In recent years ,traveling has become a new fad for many ordinary Chinese. Especially on National Day and Spring Festival holidays, numerous people throng

into the scenic spots around the country. Such phenomenon is defined as “Traveling Craze”.

Traveling craze can be attributed to the following reasons . First , as people’s living conditions have been improved greatly , many people can afford traveling . Second, the drive for better quality of life also makes traveling one of the leading entertainments among the average people.

But due to traveling craze , many problems crop up like the higher prices

for all traveling-related aspects, the over-crowded scenic spots and the lower

quality of services,etc.

From my point of view,people should fully understand the disadvantages behind traveling craze. Rational plans should be made before taking a trip.

Tips :

1 目前大学生网络道德问题日益严重




On improving students’ network morality

The problem of college students’ network morality is becoming more and more serious today, which does great harm to the development of their personality and mentality. Therefore it is important to improve their network morality.

There are some ways to improve students’ network morality. First , students should be taught to understand that their online activities bring not only self –expriences but also social responsibility. Second, rules should be made to control the network environment so that students will not be

exposed to various immoral information on the Internet . Finally ,technical means are required to supervise students’ online behavious so that any immoral behavior can be duly punished.

If the student understands the importance of keeping a high network morality,if the Internet environment is healthy, and if immoral network behavior is always duly punished,I am sure students’ network morality can be improved greatly.






My view on spam messages

Recently , spam messages jam our mobile phones every now and then and have caused us a lot of headaches.

There are several reasons for the flood of spam messages. First , with the expansion of cell phone users , the protection of their privacy has been weak. Spam message senders can have access to such private information at a very low cost. Second , spam messages prove a cheap amd easy way of advertising which is warmly embraced by advertisers.

Finally, legal methods to crack down spam messages are still lacking .

To settle this problem,rules should be made to better protect the privacy of mobile phone users and to restrict advertisers from sending

spam messages to mobile users without the users’ permission.


2005 年-2012 年六级作文真题及范文 2012 年6 月英语六级作文题 题目:The impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication 要求:commenting on "Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad" The impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication In contemporary society, our life is filled with a variety of anecdotes or stories, and the following is no exception: "Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad." Funny as it seems, this conversation can be naturally associated with the impacts of Internet on our life: In an era of Internet, the time for interpersonal communication is impaired by online chats or blogs. Apparently, the impacts of the Internet on interpersonal communication are diverse. For one thing, as a vital invention, Internet brings great convenience to our communication, eliminates the barrier of distance, and helps humans to keep in touch wherever and whenever. For another, it is Internet that does not enables family members, friends or classmates to communicate more in a face-to-face way. One case in point is that youngsters may spend hours chatting with acquaintances through QQ or MSN, but rarely do they talk with other face to face. Unfortunately, it we let this trend to continue as it is, the interpersonal relationship will, definitely, become alienated. To my understanding, it is advisable for people to communicate more with their families, friends and acquaintances in real life instead of merely through the Internet. Do bear in mind: Internet is just a tool. 2011 年12 月英语六级作文题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Way to Success by commenting on Abraham Lincoln s famous remark, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend, the first four sharpening the axe." You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. The Way to Success What is success? In fact, success is a positive feeling, it is a state of confidence after we achieve our ideals So all of us will try our best to get success."If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z..Hardworking is x; y is good methods and z is stop talking and get down to work."It is said by Einstein, who is used to be a winner of the Nobel Prize. According to this Wisdom, we known that if we want to do everything successful, we must follow these ways. When we begin to study, our parents and teachers always told us to study hard. Hardworking, which is an useful way to success, is necessary for us. Hardworking, which means we should try our best to do the things. Besides, if you want to get success, we not only need hardworking, but also have some useful methods. If you have some useful methods, you will feel that it is easier to achieve your goals. What ' s more, we must stop talking and get down to work. Success is base on the actions. Actions, may not let we get success. But if we not action, it can never be successful. Regardless of the dream is big or small, the goal is high or low, from now on, swing it into action. In my opinion, if you follow these important ways to do every things, you will get success at last. 2011 年6 月英语六级作文题 1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试 2.其目的各不相同

英语四级真题 [英语四六级考试作文]

英语四级真题[英语四六级考试作文] 2019年6月大学英语六级真题及答案解析完整版(卷三)Part I Writing Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of team spirit and communication in the workplace. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. One of the problems both people and corporation face today is self-isolation and information loss, and many feel there is a great need for team spirit and communication. I believe that working together and communicating with each other offer the best solution to the world’s pressing matters. Firstly, team spirit and communication help to deal with information loss. A group share information by working together and communication. Among all the touching facts relating to this topic, the most impressive one is Bill Gates and Allen. Without teamwork and communication, how could it be possible for Microsoft corporation to achieve success? Second, team spirit and communication are beneficial to staff who do not have opportunity to speak all day long staring at the PC. Working with others gives them a chance to speak and prevent their speaking skills from deteriorate. More importantly, team spirit and communication help to create an amicable working atmosphere. By consulting problems with others, the moderate and friendly atmosphere is thus created. Overall, team spirit and communication is beneficial in that they eliminate barriers to information loss, and improve the relationship between colleagues as well as the working atmosphere. Team spirit and communication are therefore an essential measure, the effects of which will be felt far and wide. 【解析】本篇作文属于话题类作文,要求我们就团队精神及沟通在工作中的重要性写一篇作文。像这类话题类作文,我们可以在第一段引出这个话题,并表明自己的态度。然后在第二段具体论证团队精神和沟通在工作中的重要性,我们可以分一下领域,比如工作相关的问题本身,员工个人能力,工作氛围等,来论证团队合作和沟通对工作的重要性,最后在第三段进行总结,并把第二段中论证的三个优点整理并简要提及即可。 2019年6月大学英语六级真题及答案解析完整版(卷二)Part I Writing 1、【题干】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships. You can cite examples to illustr ate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【答案】Everyone in the world cannot live without interacting with other people. I argue that mutual understanding and respect are indispensable to maintain genuine interpersonal relationship. As competition in all fields grows increasingly fierce, nobody can achieve success in his life without the assistance of his partners. Take basketball hero Jordan for an instance, he can slam the dunk smartly because of contribution and assistance of his teammates. If people work separately, they will only suffer from frail minds and limited resources. It is a happy thing to understand and respect others in interpersonal relationships. Mutual understanding and respect can make people popular among others; mutual understanding and respect can bring hearts full of love; mutual understanding and respect can make people wise and benevolent. Without mutual understanding or respect, people cannot get along well with others. Let us try our best to be people who can understand and respect others for understanding and respecting others is making ourselves understood and respected. 2019年6月大学英语六级真题及答案完整版(卷一)Part I


雅思7分大作文范文批改和解析 距离雅思写作7分你大概还有3个步骤要走,是的,不是谁都可以轻轻松松活动雅思高分的。今天给大家带来了雅思7分大作范文批改和解析,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 雅思7分大作范文批改和解析 雅思写作提高第一步:结构(5.0 - 5.5) 问题:出国留学的优点(the advantages of disadvantages of study abroad) 同学:One reason for those who decide to go overseas to get a higher degree is that they believe they can get better education in certain fields. That is to say, different universities in different countries have their specialized courses and rich resources can be provided according to their needs and requirements. Another reason is that they can learn a foreign language in a more efficient way. There is no denying that living in an all-round English environment and being affected by local culture make people quick learners. 解析:出国留学和高学历完全是两回事(出去读初中和高中都算出国);出国就是better education,在国内就不是better? 出


大学英语六级写作常考类型 一、解释现象型 解释现象型作文一般要求考生根据考试提纲引出某种现象,然后分析现象产生的原因,阐述其影响,并给出合理的建议。此类作文在历年真题中所占比例较大,是练习的重点之一。 1. 写作提纲 (1) 描述现象 (2) 阐述现象产生的原因,给出支持者或反对者的观点 (3) 提出建议或总结观点 2. 历年考题 2020.12 My View on University Ranking 2009.12 Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art Classes? 2008.06 Will E-books Replace Traditional Books? 2007.12 The Digital Age 2006.12(新) The Importance of Reading Classics2006.12The Celebration of WesternFestivals 3. 模拟演练 The Influence of Computer on the Movie Industry (1) 电脑和互联网给电影产业带来多种影响 (2) 阐释各种影响及原因 (3) 我的看法

专家支招 这是一个解释现象型的题目,探讨了电脑和互联网对于电影产业 的影响,写作时理应围绕提纲实行构思:① 第一段简要说明这个现象,第二段阐释各种影响及其原因,第三段提出自己的看法。② 写作时注 意语言做到准确流畅,能够适当应用复合句,使文章衔接更加自然。 名师点评 The Influence of Computer on the Movie Industry The movie industry is quite different from what it was before. It has become ① even moreso with the aid of computers. Computers and the Internet have made many influences on themovie industry. ② These, however, come down to the following aspects. First, the development of computer graphics has enabled the movies to have more terrific ③visual effects. The digital technology can create vivid images ④ out of thin air. And the 3Dpicture is another breakthrough of visual enjoyment. Second, the development of personalcomputers and the Internet has made it easier to download piratical movies, thus the box officeof movies will be impacted. However, it can also help promote movies by the wide spread offilm reviews and comments. In my opinion, the further development of computer and the Internet may make morechanges to the movie industry. There may be more technologies to bring us ⑤ multi-dimensional enjoyments. Maybe one day we can have totally immersive impressions of movieswith the help of computer. Analysis


历年六级作文题目汇总 1995年1月全国大学英语六级作文题 1. 现在有些不良的商业广告 2. 这些广告的副作用和危害性 3. 我对这些广告的态度 My view on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements 1995年6月全国大学英语六级作文题 1. 有人认为放鞭炮是好事,为什么? 2. 有人认为放鞭炮是坏事,为什么? 3. 我的看法. 1996年1月全国大学英语六级作文题 1. 有人认为没有必要参加大学英语六级考试(简称CET-6)。 2. 我参加CET-6考试的理由。 Why I Take the College English Test Band 6 1996年6月全国大学英语六级作文题 1. 以下图为依据描述发展中国家的期望寿命(life expectancy)和婴儿死亡率(infant mortality)的变

化情况。 2. 说明引起变化的各种原因。 Health Gains in Developing Countries 1997年1月全国大学英语六级作文题 1. 为什么说“欲速则不达” 2. 试举例说明 Haste Makes Waste 1997年6月全国大学英语六级作文题 1.有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为 ... 2.有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为... 3.我的看法 1998年1月全国大学英语六级作文题 1. 假冒伪劣商品的危害。 2. 怎样杜绝假冒伪劣商品。 My View on Fake Commodities 1998年6月全国大学英语六级作文题 1. 有些人认为某些数字会带来好运。 2. 我认为数字和运气无关,...... Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? 1999年1月全国大学英语六级作文题 1. 别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们说”不” 2. 为什么有些人在该说”不”的时候不说”不”


2019年12月英语六级作文真题解析 ※ 我们先来看一下第一个自然段,因为叫做文字提纲的作文,对于 这种作文一定开门见山,直奔引出主题,在我们的课堂上我给大家讲 过非常高级的句子,这里是简奥斯汀的句子,叫做It is a truth universally acknowledged that creativity matters in our daily life称之为总来说之。直接给放到这个位置上,当然这道题讲的是一 个好的事,它的意义,所以在这我们在作文当中,应该在第一段的时候,直接点名创新很重要。所以我们来看一下,大家在作文的时候, 是否出现老师在课堂上给大家讲的动词叫做matters来替换形容词important这样的同义词。所以我们想说,创新很重要。 但是老师也讲过,在我们写作文第一段的时候,一句话比较单薄,所以我们在第二句话的时候,稍稍把这种抽象性的哲理何道里解释一下。所以我们能够说创新。在这里我们有一个动词叫means,创新意味着什么,创新意味着新鲜的事物。 下面实行第二自然段的讲解。第二个自然段一定要把握清楚“有 理有据”,在这个地方当中我们不能否认创新的意义,为什么有这句 话呢?因为整个文章的第二自然段,内容是比较多的,所以希望同学们 在写作文的时候,第二自然的段的第一句话,应该是能够概括文章中 心思想的句子,当然这句话是我们上课当中的模板的套话。 第二自然段层次一定要清晰,所以用了firstly, secondly这样 的过渡的逻辑关系的过渡词。我们在写作文的时候,要把握住高级的 句型,比如说be beneficial to,还有be conductive to,对什么是 也知道性的意义的。这个地方称之为叫做宏观的一个模板的使用,但 是在这请同学们一定要把握清楚。当分析这类话题的时候,我们通常 分析的方向应该有两个,一个叫做微观的意义,一个叫做宏观的意义。 这是关于内容的分析。


Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Foreign languages have increasingly gained popularity among students these years, given that the world is shrinking and each country now has a more frequent contact with the outside world. Many people[c1]argue that children should begin learning a foreign language at elementary school, instead of waiting until [c2] they enter secondary school. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, despite the fact that parents do not want to put too much pressure on their children, they also do not want them to lose at the starting line. This means, if the kids start to learn a foreign language early, their parents are relieved from the thought that their kids will have to catch up later on, which is true to some extent. On the other hand, it is scientifically proved that children tend to learn a language faster before the age of 12. As far as I know, my friends who started to learn English when they were six or seven now have a much more satisfactory English level than those who started at12 or 13. So it is wise to have foreign language course in primary school curriculum. Additionally, learning a foreign language at an earlier age can lay children a solid foundation for future studying.Rather than just learning a language itself, children learn a lot more about the learning methods. As a result, when they enter secondary school, they can explore more languages and enrich their knowledge by extensive readings.


历年英语六级作文题及范文(xxXX) xx年1月六级题及范文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a position on the topic: A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus You should write at least 120 words, and base your position on the outline given in Chinese below: 假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。 January 12th, xx Dear Mr. President, 范文: January 12th, xx Dear Mr. President,

I’m very lucky to attend this world-famous university, but I’m afraid I’m not content with the canteen service on campus. Firstly, the quality of the dishes should be improved. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of delicious dishes, but all the year round, they are the same. More and more students are plaining about eating the same food each day. So I think the most urgent problem is variety. Secondly, the price is a bit too high. Many of us hope that the canteen can provide us with not only delicious but also cheaper food. Finally, the environment is so noisy that we can’t enjoy our meals in good mood. I suggest that there be some soft music to help us relax. These suggestions are not just of my own, but also of may other students. We hope our respectable president will pay attention to our suggestions.


2016年12月英语六级真题写作解析及范文 【真题再现】 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on innovation. Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 The importance of innovation is self-evident. Innovation has accelerated the development of the world; innovation has liberated human labor from monotonous jobs; innovation has made us see this world in different angles. Evidently, if there were no innovation, there would be no scientific and technological progress. In short, innovation has made our life more colorful and more enjoyable.


英语六级作文题目 篇一:大学英语六级作文题目 提纲式作文:现象阐述型、解决问题型、观点对比型 图表类作文 应用文 现象阐述型 2011年6月六级真题作文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Certificate Craze. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书 2.其目的各不相同 3.在我看来 2010年12月六级真题作文 1、当今社会,高校排名很流行 2、个人看法不同 3、我自己的观点 08年12月六级真题作文 How to Improve Students’ Mental Health 1.大学生心理健康很重要 2.为此,可以…

3.我们自己应该… 2008年6月六级真题作文 Will E-books Replace Traditional Books? 1. 随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多 2. 有人认为电子图书会取代传统图书,理由是…… 3. 我的看法 2007年12月六级真题作文 1、如今数字化产品得到越来越广泛的使用,例如 2、数字化产品的使用对人工作、学习、生活产生的影响 解决问题型 2010年6月六级真题作文 Due Attention Should Be Given To the Study of Chinese 1 近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象; 2 出现这种现象的原因和后果; 3 针对这种现象,我认为…… 2006年12月六级真题作文 1.阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要 2.现在愿意阅读经典的人越来越少,原因是…… 3.我们大学生应该怎么做 2005年6月六级真题作文


2014年12月 2014年12月英语六级作文题目及范文解析汇总 目录 2014年12月英语六级作文真题 (2) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题:学历歧视 (2) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题:学习无捷径 (3) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题:科技与学习 (4) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题及范文 (4) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文:学历歧视 (4) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文1:学历歧视 (4) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文2:学历歧视 (6) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文:学习无捷径 (7) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文1:学习无捷径 (7) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文2:学习无捷径 (8) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文3:学习无捷径 (9) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文:科技与学习 (10) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文1:科技与学习 (10) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文2:科技与学习 (11) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文3:科技与学习 (13) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题解析 (13) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题解析:情理之外意料之中 (13) 2014年12月英语六级作文真题解析 (16)


2014年12月英语六级作文真题及范文 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文:学历歧视 2014年12月英语六级作文真题范文1:学历歧视 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss what qualities an employer should look for in job applicant. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Task:Some people think getting old is entirely bad. However, others think that life of the elderly in modern world is much easier than in the past. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 思路解析: 2016年雅思收官之战的作文来了一道新题,问当今社会老年人的生活是不是很 糟糕?说是新题,因为本题以前从未原题出现过,但关于年龄的话题却不缺少。 比如2010年7月10日“年轻人是否适合担任政府要职”,2012年3月10日“老 龄化现象的原因及解决方法”,2012年3月31日“年轻人和老年人谁的价值更 高?”,2013年6月8日“政府是否应该对老年人养老提供财政支持?”,2015 年1月1日“年轻人当领导,行不行?”,2015年4月11日“老年人与年轻人 争夺工作职位,怎么办?”等等。 本题需要论证的对立观点是:年老很糟糕 vs. 当今社会年老没有那么糟糕。那 么,变老有哪些坏处呢?首先,当然是身体条件没有以前好了,甚至可能出现多 种疾病(物质层面);其次,不工作了,与人的联系少了,心里可能会感觉孤单, 甚至感觉没有价值了(精神层面);最后,变老后对社会的依赖程度更高,给社会 增加了压力(社会层面)。那么,这些问题在当今社会是不是得到了解决呢?首先, 医疗条件的改善有助于保持老年人的身体状况;互联网的出现有助于缓解老年人 的心理孤单问题;物质水平的提高也降低了老年人给社会造成的压力。如此观之, 现代社会老年人的生活的确容易多了,但我的观点是:外部条件只是改善老年人 生活的一个方面,最重要的还是老年人自己要积极调整心态,努力适应退休后的 生活,从而过一个更幸福更祥和的晚年。 Sample answer: Getting old is a natural process that nobody really likes. When you reach a certain age, your physical conditions will inevitably deteriorate, and you may suffer from various kinds of diseases. When you retire, you will feel isolated because your previous work contacts may be all gone, then you may feel useless to the world. Furthermore, when you get too old, you’ ll have to rely heavily on the support from others, either physically or emotionally, and your life will become a great pressure to your family and the whole society as well. For all these bad things about getting old, many people argue that the life of the elderly today is much easier than in the past. In the first place, medical advances nowadays have made it possible for the old people to stay sound and healthy for quite a long while even after they retire. Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart attack which might have


2011年12月英语六级作文范文 The Way to Success First essay—stream of thought type The Way to Success "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." And here comes our question, what is the way to success? A strong will and great efforts are the most essential two keys to the door of success. Why do people fail to achieve their goal? The reason is that most of them give up halfway due to their lack of a strong will once they encounter any difficulty. A man of a strong will always sticks to his cause no matter how tough it might be. Would Thomas Edison be such a great man in history if he had done nothing but possessing a strong will? We are all familiar with his story that he had tried one thousand kinds of materials before he finally made his great bulb light up. Without hard effort, Edison might have been a nobody. Without efforts, no one can succeed. To sum up, a strong will and great efforts can help one open up the way to success. Where there is a will with efforts, there is a way. 【作文解析】 本次六级考试作文题为The way to success,与本次四级考试作文Nothing succeeds without a strong will遥相呼应,大同小异,都是在讨论成功这一话题。 此次六级考试作文的话题依然是老生常谈,即通往成功的道路,相信很多考生对此并不陌生,背过范文的同学写起来肯定也是得心应手。 该范文段落结构清晰,阐释说理也足以让人信服,是一篇不错的作文。 开篇作者通过引用爱迪生关于天才的一句名言来引出问题,吸引读者注意,引起读者的思考。紧随其后,作者就开门见山地亮出了自己的观点:只有坚强的意志和不懈的努力才能打开成功的大门。 第二段,作者同样以一个问题来引领全段,引发思考。然后通过对比不成功和最终成功的人的不同表现,来阐释坚强的意志对获得成功的重要作用。 第三段,作者进一步阐释“仅有坚强的意志,没有实在的努力,也能成功吗?”同样是先发问,然后举了爱迪生的事例,来证明答案是否定的。举名人的例子,而非个人的实例来作为文章的论据才更
