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国外客人邀请函范文一July 29, 20XX

xxx, ceo

xxx, vp sales

xxxxxxxx corporation


We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.

Yours truly,


vice president sales

国外客人邀请函范文二Dear sir/madam:

Im delighted that you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date].

As we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic... from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions.

Would you please tell me what kind of audiovisual

equipment youll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], Ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,







Dear Sir or Madam:

We are very pleased to invite Mr. *** come to our factory for visiting and business

negotiation. The business trip will start from 18th April XX . And because the long business cooperation in future between **对方公司名 and us, they will come to China for many times.

Please note, however, that we dont assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the

presence of ****** in China. All expenses of *****Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers.

We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip.

Yours sincerely,

General Manager signatur

July 29, XX


XXX, VP Sales

XXXXXXXX Corporation



外国人来华邀请函及办理流程篇一:外国人来华邀请函模板(中方公司提供) Name of your company: Place of your company: Tel: Invitation Dear Sir or Madam, We hereby confirm that will visit our company in Nantong from business cooperation. We hereby kindly hope you could issue him a proper Visa. Here are his personal dates:: Family name: First name: Date of birth: Place of birth: Nationality: Passport no Passport expiry Profession We herewith kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the required one-entry visa. We look forward

to welcoming Thank you very much! Very truly yours, Name Job title Company name (then signature and chop) 篇二:最新外国人来华邀请函办理指南及全套所需表格样本 一、申请邀请函的中国企业资格 1、在我省依法登记的法人企业(注册资金在50万元人民币以上)(以下简称邀请单位),可申办邀请与本单位有实质业务的外国人以商务(F字)签证入境。 2、注册资金不够的单位,必须出具与有申办资格单位的合同或担保函;没有出口权的单位,必须出具与有出口权单位的合作合同。注:以上期限以合同期限为准。 二、备案 初次申办商务(F字)签证通知表需提交的材料(一式两份) 1、如实填写:“邀请单位申办《被授权单位签证通知表》备案表” [附件:申请单位备案表.doc] 2、企业法人身份证复印件或护照复印件(签名、办公电话及手机号、加盖企业公章); 3、专办员(必须是邀请单位员工)身份证复印件(签名、办公电话及手机号、加盖企业


商务邀请函优秀范例精选五篇 商务邀请函优秀范例精选五篇(一) 尊敬的____: 教育部高等学校电子信息科学与工程类专业教学协作委员会20____年会议,定于4月5日-10日在贵阳市美丽的花溪景区召开,届时电子信息科学与工程类专业教学指导分委员会工作会议也将在贵阳花溪举行.本次会议由贵州大学承办.会议的主题是:围绕国家的十一五计划和国家的中长期发展规划,以科学发展观统领高等教育发展,进一步深化电子信息科学与工程类专业教育教学改革,为国家建设输送合格的高素质人才.有关会议详情请查询 本次会议将是全国电子信息科学与工程类专业的一次空前盛会.届时将有全国100余所高校的领导,专家,学者及实验室负责人约300余人参会.我们特邀请您参加本次会议宣传您的企业和产品. 为了加强各学校与各设备供应商,教学实验系统提供商之间的交流,本次会议特设展台展位,提供10-15分钟大会发言推介产品,可根据需要设产品专题讲座,为贵方提供一次交流,宣传展示产品机会. 会务费:600元,食宿自理。 会议举办方:____ 时间:____ 商务邀请函优秀范例精选五篇(二) 尊敬的会员及各相关企业: 为帮助深圳企业开拓国际市场,了解国外各行业的生产及市场

前沿信息,加强国际间的经贸交流合作,深圳市宝安区创意产业联合会受斯里兰卡国家商务部的邀请,将于20____年12月组织企业赴斯里兰卡进行商务考察及经贸洽谈活动。本次考察将安排大家听取斯里兰卡国家商务部官员介绍斯里兰卡情况,利用外资政策和招商合作项目,全面了解斯里兰卡投资环境,同时还将参观斯里兰卡的工厂、企业和综合贸易市场,实地了解斯里兰卡的变化和经济运行情况。考察活动期间还将参观斯里兰卡文化景点,更加丰富这次商务考察的内容和行程。 我们诚邀各行业协会、企业及相关单位积极参与。由于本次活动人数有限,请大家抓紧报名! 报名截止时间为:20____年____月__日。 商务邀请函优秀范例精选五篇(三) 尊敬的____ ,您好: 首先在此祝您新年行大运,生意兴隆。 非常感谢您长期以来对昌遂的支持与协助!昌遂科技自创办至今,承蒙诸位的大力支持与协助,昌遂科技才能慢慢的成长与茁壮。 在智能PDU的市场里,客户需要的不再只是单一品牌、单一的产品,而是需要更细化、更专业的产品组合与服务。昌遂科技,专业的智能PDU厂商,为了能让客户拥有更好及更专业的服务,一直致力于扩大运营规模,扩大品牌影响力,成为中国第一的智能PDU解决方案提供商,服务全国智能PDU客户。希望在未来的日子里与各位经销商更加紧密地合作来开拓中国智能PDU市场。因此,本公司定于

Invitation Letter (来华签证邀请函格式模板)

Shenzhen Aidelong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd Address : 4/F,Bld B8 Xiufeng Industrial City,Buji,Longgang Dist.,Shenzhen,China Tel: 86-755-6124 6288 Ext.8003 Fax: 86-755-6124 6289 INVITATION LETTER Mohammed Ahmed Date : 1th November 2012 Director Prime Computer 95/1, New Elephant Road Zinnat Mansion (Ground floor) Dhaka – 1205, Bangladesh Phone : 880-2-8631654 Mobile : 8801819-454032 Passport no.: xxxxxxx We have great pleasure and honor to invite you to visit SHENZHEN AIDELONG ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY Co., LTD in Shenzhen (China). Your visit will take place during the period from 20th November 2012 to 5th December 2012, although we warmly suggest you to apply for a single entries visa since further visits to our facilities will be required in the future. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact with me. Thank you very much for your consideration! We look forward to seeing you in Shenzhen China soon. Sincerely yours Jack Chen Sales Manager SHENZHEN AIDELONG ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY Co., LTD.


为国外客户办签证时用的邀请函 The Mode: New Roman">QIFENG HYDRAULIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Add: Chen Tel: 86-0769-******** Fax: 86-0769-******** Date: 06th October 2021 INVITATION LETTER To: The Chinese Embassy in Indonesia Dear Sir or Madam: Tel: 86-0769-******** Fax: 86-0769-******** Date: 06th October 2021 Dear Sir or Madam : It’s our great honor to invite you to visit XXX Company located at address in **, 2021. This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail. QiFeng Hydraulic Technology CO.,LTD Company, as a professional manufacturer of shoes machinery in China, has been great progressing in promoting and selling your products. 电话:86-769-85058028 传真:86-769-85893189 日期:2021-10-6 您好, 很高兴我们能够邀请到***先生、夫人来我们工厂参观进行商务洽谈,商务行程是从**开始到**结束。因为此次来访有可能建立我们将来的友好商务合作,所以他们的来访将会是多次。


办护照邀请函格式范文_邀请函 办护照邀请函格式范文篇一:办护照国外邀请函 致XXXXXXXXXXX公司: 我公司诚邀贵公司XXXXX一行XX人到我公司旗下,位于XXXX国家工程项目生产运营进行实地考察。时间为XXX年11月xx日至XXX日。此行考察人员的来回国际机票、老挝当地交通和住宿等费用由您单位自己负责。以下为参与此次考擦的人员名单以及个人信息:如有任何疑问,欢迎随时跟我们联系。 XXX XXXX年XX月XX日 办护照邀请函格式范文篇二:国外客户邀请函 Date: 20xx/08/28 Dear Sirs, IT IS OUR GREAT HONOR TO INVITE Mr. XXX AND Mr. XXX TO VISIT US FROM OCTOBER 23 TO NOVEMBER 4,20xx. DETAILS OF TRAVELLERS: NAME: XXX NATIONALITY: ESPANA PASSPORT NO:XXX NAME: XXX NATIONALITY: ESPANA PASSPORT NO: XXX THIS VISIT WILL PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR US TO MAKE A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF OUR MARKETING ISSUES AND TO COMMUNICATE OUR FUTURE BUSINESS COOPERATION IN DETAIL. PLEASE BE SO KIND TO RENDER HELP IN VISA ISSUE. BEST REGARDS 办护照邀请函格式范文篇三:邀请函 本人XXX(护照号码或者如果他已入籍就填写他的ID)邀请我的朋友XXX(身份证号码;民族;性别;出生日期,身份证上的地址)和他的母亲xxx(身份证号码;民族;性别;出生日期,身份证上的地址)于XXX年5月(这个时间的填写一定要比你们前往市局提交申请表晚)来xx国旅行。 签名:日期: 分享让人快乐,欢迎下载使用


国外客户邀请函范文_邀请函 篇一:国外客户邀请函格式范文 INVITATION Date: 2012/08/28 Dear Sirs, IT IS OUR GREAT HONOR TO INVITE Mr. XXX AND Mr. XXX TO VISIT US FROM OCTOBER 23 TO NOVEMBER 4,2012. DETAILS OF TRAVELLERS: NAME: XXX NATIONALITY: ESPANA PASSPORT NO:XXX NAME: XXX NATIONALITY: ESPANA PASSPORT NO: XXX THIS VISIT WILL PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR US TO MAKE A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF OUR MARKETING ISSUES AND TO COMMUNICATE OUR FUTURE BUSINESS COOPERATION IN DETAIL. PLEASE BE SO KIND TO RENDER HELP IN VISA ISSUE. BEST REGARDS 篇二:国外客户邀请函格式范文 Company name INNVITATION LETTER 1. From: Company full name: Address: TEL: MOBILE: 2. To: Customer copany name Representative name TEL: 3. Subject: Dear Mr(MISS), Being specialized in the trade of ……, we express our desire to trade with you in this line. On the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods We are glad to invite you to interview our company and inspect the machine. Please inform us of your itinerary so as to facilitate our arrangements in advance. Please feel free to ask any question if there is anything you are particularly interested in. Looking forward to your visit. Faithfully, YOUR NAME 篇三:国外客户邀请函格式范文


给国外客户的邀请函5篇 邀请函又叫邀请信,邀请函分为两种:一种是个人信函,例如邀请某人共进晚餐、参加宴会、观看电影、出席典礼等。另一种邀请函是事务信函,一般是邀请参加会议、学术活动等等。以下是本人整理的关于给国外客户的邀请函,欢迎大家参阅。 篇一:给国外客户的邀请函 Dear Sir, We would like to send (your customer name) to visit your country and negotiate cooperate of our companys goods business with enterprises including (the company you want to visit) within (the day you issue the document) will be staying (how long you want to stay in destination) days. IF you can approve their VISA should be high appreciate! The number of passport: Best wishes! (General Manager Name) (Company name) (Company stamp and signature) 篇二:给国外客户的邀请函 Dear Honorable Consul, My name is XXX{邀请人姓名}, and I reside at {址}. My full details are stated below. I am a citizen of china. I am requesting that you issue a visitor visa to 被邀请人全名{姓名}, in order to


国外客户邀请函 I n v i t a t i o n L e t t e r Modified by JEEP on December 26th, 2020.

INVITATION LETTER 18th September 2017 Chinese Embassy RE: Business invitation for MOS MICHAEL For the attention of the visa officer We hereby officially invite MOS MICHAEL operator of Sis Agency to visit our company in China, for further business discussion and business cooperation from 19 Sep. 2017 to 26 Sep. 2017. Passport details are as follow: Name: MOS MICHAEL Nationality: USA Passport No.: 4 Date of issue: 23 Date of Expiry: 22 Sep. 2021 Purpose of visit: Business cooperation Duration of visit: 19 Sep. 2017 to 26 Sep. 2017 All expenses arose by him in China (accommodation fee, air/land transportation ticket fee, life insurance fee, etc.) are to be borne by himself. As business cooperation needs frequent talks and visits, we are so much appreciated if your esteemed embassy could issue visa to the above mentioned person at sight of this letter. Yours faithfully, Champlion-Sales Manager Tel: 86-6 SIX ONE THREE AEROSPACE CO.,LTD.


公司给老外办邀请函模板 ok3w_ads(“s004”); ok3w_ads(“s005”); 篇一:给外国客户写的邀请函模板(签证用) 公司抬头纸 INVITATION LETTER xxxx使馆名称 xxxx使馆地址 Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite xxxxx(人名)come to our company for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from xxx(日期)to xxx(日期). And because the long business co-operation in future between xxx(公司名)and us, they will come to China for many times. Xxx(人名)is currently employed by xxx(公司), holding the position of xxx(职务). Xxx(公司)confirms full financial responsibility for the visit. Xxx personal information as follow: 1. Full Name:

2. Date of Birth : 3. Gender: 4. Citizenship: 5. Passport Number: 6. Passport Expiration: Xxx travelling schedule is as follow: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx We here with kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the required visa for multiple entries. We look forward to welcoming xxxx(人名)in China. Thank you very much! Very truly yours, Name: Job title: Company name: Date: 篇二:发给老外的商务邀请函 商务邀请函 Business Invitation Letter ****国际发展有限公司:


国外客户邀请函格式 Very truly yours, Name: Job title: Company name: Date: The Mode: New Roman">QIFENG HYDRAULIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Add: ChenWu Industry,Houjie Town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province, China Web: Email: qifeng@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d65957067.html, Tel: 86-0769-******** Fax: 86-0769-******** Date: 06th October 2020 INVITATION LETTER To: The Chinese Embassy in Indonesia Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite Mr. ***come to our factory for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from ***to *** . And because the long business co-operation in future between **对方公司名and us, they will come to China for many times. Please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial

responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in China. All expenses of *****'Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. His personal details below: Name: Date of birth: Citizenship: Passport: We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. Yours sincerely, General Manager signatur 时间*** To clients: QIFENG HYDRAULIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Add: ChenWu Industry,Houjie Town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province, China Web: Email: qifeng@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d65957067.html, Tel: 86-0769-******** Fax: 86-0769-******** Date: 06th October 2020 Dear Sir or Madam : It’s our great honor to invite you to visit XXX Company located at


公司抬头纸 INVITATION LETTER xxxx使馆名称 xxxx使馆地址 Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite xxxxx(人名)come to our company for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from xxx(日期)to xxx(日期). And because the long business co-operation in future between xxx(公司名)and us, they will come to China for many times. Xxx(人名)is currently employed by xxx(公司), holding the position of xxx(职务). Xxx(公司)confirms full financial responsibility for the visit. Xxx personal information as follow: 1. Full Name: 2. Date of Birth : 3. Gender: 4. Citizenship: 5. Passport Number: 6. Passport Expiration: Xxx travelling schedule is as follow: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx We here with kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the required visa for multiple entries. We look forward to welcoming xxxx(人名)in China. Thank you very much! Very truly yours, Name: Job title: Company name: Date:


公司客户邀请函 导读:公司客户邀请函范文1 尊贵的_______先生/女士: __________大会是__________领域以及__________行业的一次 盛会,也是一个中立和开放的交流与合作平台,它将引领软件人对中国软件产业作更多、更深入的思辨,积极推进国家信息化建设和软件产业化发展。 公司客户邀请函范文2 本届大会的主题是“______________________________”,将围绕软件工程、信息系统、行业动态、人才培养等方面进行深入广泛的交流。会议将为来自国内外高等院校、科研院所、企事单位的专家、教授、学者、工程师提供一个代表国内软件行业产、学、研最高水平的信息交流平台,分享有关方面的成果与经验,探讨相关领域所面临的问题与动态。 本届大会将于___年__月__日至_日在杭州举行。鉴于您在相关领域的研究与成果,大会组委会特邀请您来交流、探讨。如果您有演讲的题目请于__月__日前将您的演讲题目和详细摘要通过电子邮件发 给我们,没有演讲题目和详细摘要的我们将难以安排会议发言,敬请谅解。 另外,我们联系了酒店安排住宿(准四星),__月__日将在所在酒店设立接待处,如有需求请将您的行程和住宿要求等情况填写在附表

中,于__月__日前通过电子邮件返馈回组委会。 为了与全国高校管理学院从事信息化教学的老师们针对上述问题共享我们的经验,北大光华管理学院和将神州数码管理系统有限公司在11月9日召开“高校如何培养企业需要的信息化人才”的大型研讨会。在这次会议上,我们希望通过此次大会提供一个高校教师之间、高校和企业之间充分交流的场所,使来自全国各高校的`教师在教学方法、课程建设、实验教学等方面进行深入的探讨,探索校企优势互补及资源共享的途径,并通过聆听企业的心声来获知社会对人才需求的特点。使高校与企业悉知各自所应扮演的角色,从而为中国社会信息化的发展和普及做出应有的贡献 特此邀请,真诚地期待您的光临! 【公司客户邀请函范文】 1.公司客户年会邀请函范文 2.公司客户答谢会的邀请函范文 3.公司客户答谢会邀请函范例 4.公司客户答谢会邀请函 5.公司客户联谊会的邀请函 6.公司客户欢迎词 7.联通公司客户经理工作总结范文 8.公司客户经理年终总结范文 9.公司客户答谢词


国外客户邀请函 I n v i t i o n L e t t e r HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

INVITATION LETTER 18th September 2017 Chinese Embassy RE: Business invitation for MOS MICHAEL For the attention of the visa officer We hereby officially invite MOS MICHAEL operator of Sis Agency to visit our company in China, for further business discussion and business cooperation from 19 Sep. 2017 to 26 Sep. 2017. Passport details are as follow: Name: MOS MICHAEL Nationality: USA Passport No.: 4 Date of issue: 23 Sep.2011 Date of Expiry: 22 Sep. 2021 Purpose of visit: Business cooperation Duration of visit: 19 Sep. 2017 to 26 Sep. 2017

All expenses arose by him in China (accommodation fee, air/land transportation ticket fee, life insurance fee, etc.) are to be borne by himself. As business cooperation needs frequent talks and visits, we are so much appreciated if your esteemed embassy could issue visa to the above mentioned person at sight of this letter. Yours faithfully, Champlion-Sales Manager Tel: 86-0379-******** SIX ONE THREE AEROSPACE CO.,LTD.


给国外客户的邀请函范文 虽说当前手机发布会邀请函五花八门,手机、保险箱、照相机、陨石挂件奇葩时出,但设计成国家签证式样的你见过么? 8月21日,360手机官方发布微博,宣布此前在网络上传得沸沸扬扬的360手机新品名为Vizaa,将于8月31日在北京朝阳区酒仙桥北路751D·PARK发布。同时发出十张邀请函。有趣的是,这十张邀请函的背面均被设计成不同的国家签证式样,正面则附带了相应国家的名胜图片,因此部分网友猜测,此次将要发布的手机新品,或许不只是一款普通产品那么简单,它很可能同时承载着360手机自此开拓海外市场的重任。 这部分网友认为,Vizza名称不符合360手机以往惯用的以Q、F、N等字母为开头的命名规则,直接启用了一个新名称,意味着这一产品或隶属于360手机一个全新系列。此前为统一品牌,细化产品定位,360手机曾将旗下产品分成Q、N、F三大系列,以定位不同的国内市场。此次360手机在三大系列之外,推出一款名为Vizza的全新机型。 360手机在邀请函中提到,“你收到的不是一张普通的邀请函,还有可能是两张国际往返机票”,同时相关内容表明,360手机此次将与京东旅行展开合作,用户凭邀请函参加发布会,将有机会抽

取出guo游机票和酒店大奖,大家一起去体验“非同凡想”的风景,邀请函设计成签证式样,只是这种有可能去国外胜景一游的具象体现。 据了解,360手机诞生于xx年8月,在手机领域素有“价格屠夫”之称。今年京东618大促活动期间,凭借旗下两大机型——N5和N5s在解决用户用机痛点、创新和性价比方面的优异表现,360手机超越魅族、vivo和OPPO等老将耆帅,杀入国产手机品牌销量前四行列,成为名符其实的后起名将。 8月31日将要发布的360手机Vizza,或是此前 ___网站上显示的内部代号为1711-A01的360手机新品,信息显示,该机型或搭载高通435八核处理器,5.5英寸1080P全高清屏,4GB+32GB运存,同时采用了前置500万像素+后置1300万像素摄像头组合,3940mAh 锂电池,运行基于Android7.1.1的360 OS操作系统。 鉴于目前市面在售的搭载了同样处理器和运存容量的红米4X和荣耀畅享7 Plus,售价分别为1099元和1699元,而红米4使用的5英寸720P屏要明显低于Vizza所使用的1080P 5.5英寸,大约可推测出,360手机Vizza的价格或在1099元-1199元之间。



BESTREGARDS xxxxxxxI/ECOMPANY,LTD.给国外客户的英文邀请函二DearSirMadam Ref-ChinaMultipleEntryVisaforMr.XXXXXX XXXXXXXMfy.Co.,Ltd.(XX)wishestosupportMr.XXXXholderofXXXX(填护照上的国家 名)PassportNoXXXXX,toapplyforaChinaVisa,toattendDesignReviewMeetings,toi nspectPrototypesandProductionLotsatXXsProductionFacilitiesinXXXXGuangDon gProvince. HewillrefineandapproveFixtureDesignspluscarryouttheInspectiononPre-ProductionSamplesandpostproductionitems,fortheirFixtureSupplyProgram.Thu sherequirestogetaMultipleEntryVisatoenablehimtotravelconvenientlytoChina duringthewholeprocess. ThefactoryaddressinChinais XXXXXCityXXXXXXXMfy.Co.,Ltd. 这里写工厂英文地址) Thisisanurgentcase,asMr.XXXXXisrequiredtovisitthefactoryon23rdOctober200 8,toensureproductioncanproceed.Shouldyouhaveanyqueriesorrequireanyadditi onalinformationpleasedonothesitatetocontactusatthecontactsbelow. Yourassistanceinthismatterisgreatlyappreciated. Yourstruly, XXXX


invitation date: 2012/08/28 dear sirs, it is our great honor to invite mr. xxx and mr. xxx to visit us from october 23 to november 4,2012. details of travellers: name: xxx nationality: espana passport no:xxx name: xxx nationality: espana passport no: xxx best regards篇二:给外国客户写的邀请函模板(签证用) 公司抬头纸 invitation letter xxxx使馆名称 xxxx使馆地址 dear sir or madam: xxx(人名) is currently employed by xxx(公司), holding the position of xxx (职务). xxx(公司) confirms full financial responsibility for the visit. xxx personal information as follow: 1. full name: 2. date of birth : 3. gender: 4. citizenship: 5. passport number: 6. passport expiration: xxx travelling schedule is as follow: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx very truly yours, name: job title: date:篇三:英文邀请函格式汇总(为国外客户办签证时用) the mode: new roman>qifeng hydraulic technology co., ltd add: chenwu industry,houjie town,dongguan city,guangdong province, china web: tel: 86-0769-******** fax: 86-0769-******** date: 06th october 2010 invitation letter to: the chinese embassy in indonesia dear sir or madam:


国外客人的邀请函范文三篇 全球化是全球范围内大多数国家不得不面对和进入的大趋势,与国外客户多交流是应对的好方式。那么你知道国外客人的邀请函是怎么写的吗?下面了国外客人的邀请函,供你参考。 july 29, 20xx xxx, ceo xxx, vp sales xxxxxxxx corporation (address) we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me. yours truly, xxx

vice president sales Dear sir/madam: I'm delighted that you have aepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]. As we agreed, you'll be speaking on the topic... from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions. Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you'll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I'll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need. Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, [name]


国外工作邀请函样本5篇 尊敬的____ ,您好: 首先在此祝您新年行大运,生意兴隆。 非常感谢您长期以来对昌遂的支持与协助!昌遂科技自创办至今,承蒙诸位的大力支持与协助,昌遂科技才能慢慢的成长与茁壮。 在智能PDU的市场里,客户需要的不再只是单一品牌、单一的产品,而是需要更细化、更专业的产品组合与服务。昌遂科技,专业的智能PDU厂商,为了能让客户拥有更好及更专业的服务,一直致力于扩大运营规模,扩大品牌影响力,成为中国第一的智能PDU解决方案提供商,服务全国智能PDU客户。希望在未来的日子里与各位经销商更加紧密地合作来开拓中国智能PDU市场。因此,本公司定于20____年____月____、____、____日举行昌遂科技20____“拓土开疆驰骋未来”主题经销商大会,真诚邀请各位经销商的莅临指导,您的参与是敝司无上之光荣。 未来的市场,一定是品牌的市场。只有拥有强有力的品牌,才能有长足的利润支持企业长远发展;只有强有力的品牌,才能获得广大智能PDU客户的认同,在众多厂商脱颖而出;只有强有力的品牌才能给各位经销商朋友带来更多的利益。而昌遂,正拥有着成为智能

PDU领域强力品牌的潜质。昌遂的事业正处于强势上扬期,昌遂的企业文化有爱更包容,昌遂的产品品质优良更专业。在此次经销商会议上,我们将进一步阐述昌遂公司企业文化,分析的市场优势及发展历程和前景、目前市场面临的新形势,昌遂竟争力及昌遂的商业模式,同时举办新产品发表会。 昌遂的目标是智能PDU领域的领头羊,恳请尊敬的经销商提供您宝贵的专业建议,希望您能与昌遂共同成长,合作双赢! 单位: 时间: 尊敬的先生/女士 中华慈善总会等国内多家公益民间机构与国际联合劝募协会、美中贸易全国委员会共同发起的"跨国公司与公益事业高级论坛"(以下简称论坛)将于20xx年11月9-11日在北京隆重举行。 此次论坛由高级论坛和公益项目展示会两部分组成。高级论坛主要包括:中国公益事业的现状、机遇和挑战;跨国公司/企业在现代公益事业中的作用、责任和地位;跨国公司和公益机构之间的合作关
