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原始资料的题目/来源:Fundamentals of wireless communications by David Tse











章以及接下来的几章将研究一种利用多天线的新方法。我们将会看到在合适的信道衰落条件下,同时采用多幅发射天线和多幅接收天线可以提供用于通信的额外的空间维数并产生自由度增益,利用这些额外的自由度可以将若干数据流在空间上多路复用至MIMO信道中,从而带来容量的增加:采用n副发射天线和接受天线的这类MIMO 信道的容量正比于n。


将机会通信与MIMO技术提供的性能增益的本质进行比较和对比是非常的有远见的。机会通信技术主要提供功率增益,改功率增益在功率受限系统的低信噪比情况下相当明显,但在宽带受限系统的高信噪比情况下则很不明显。正如我们将看到的,MIMO 技术不仅能够提供功率增益,还可以提供自由度增益,因此,MIMO技术成为在高信噪比情况下大幅度增加容量的主要工具。





t 副发射天线和n









时不变信道可以表示为:y = Hx+w_







min :=min(n















7.2 MIMO信道的物理建模


7.2.1 视距SIMO信道
































8. MIMO:容量与多路复用结构


1 在高信噪比时,独立同分布瑞利快衰落信道的容量有n




min 为发射天线数n





2 在低信噪比时,容量近似为n

r SNRlog



3 在所有信噪比时,容量与n








t n







8.1 V-BLAST结构

首先考虑时不变信道y[m]=Hx[m]+w[m] m=1,2,…当发射机已知信道矩阵H时,有7.1.1节可知,最优策略是在H*H的特征矢量的方向上发射独立数据流,即在由矩阵V定义的坐标系统中发射,该坐标系统与信道有关。考虑到要处理发射机未知信道















1 如果Q=V并且通过注水分配的方式确定功率,则得到如图7-2所示的容量获取结构。

2 如果Q=I














t =1),并在该结构中设Q=I





副接收天线、信道矩阵为HQ 上界式。在一般情况下,可以将V-BLAST结构与包括n



8.2 快衰落MIMO信道

快衰落MIMO信道为y[m]=H[m]x[m]+w[m] m=1,2,…






7. MIMO I: spatial multiplexingand channel modeling

In this book, we have seen several different uses of multiple antennas in wireless communication. In Chapter 3, multiple antennas were used to provide diversity gain and increase the reliability of wireless links. Both receive and transmit diversity were considered. Moreover, receive antennas can also provide a power gain. In Chapter 5, we saw that with channel knowledge at the transmitter, multiple transmit antennas can also provide a power gain via transmit beamforming. In Chapter 6, multiple transmit antennas were used to induce channel variations, which can then be exploited by opportunistic communication techniques. The scheme can be interpreted as opportunistic beamforming and provides a power gain as well.

In this and the next few chapters, we will study a new way to use multiple antennas. We will see that under suitable channel fading conditions, having both multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas (i.e., a MIMO channel) provides an additional spatial dimension for communication and yields a degree-of- freedom gain. These additional degrees of freedom can be exploited by spatially multiplexing several data streams onto the MIMO channel, and lead to an increase in the capacity: the capacity of such a MIMO channel with n transmit and receive antennas is proportional to n.

Historically, it has been known for a while that a multiple access system with multiple antennas at the base-station allows several users to simultaneouslycommunicate with the base-station. The multiple antennas allow spatial separation of the signals from the different users. It was observed in the mid 1990s that a similar effect can occur for a point-to-point channel with multiple transmit and receive antennas, i.e., even when the transmit antennas are not geographically far apart. This holds provided that the scattering environment is rich enough to allow the receive antennas to separate out the signals from the different transmit antennas. We have already seen how channel fading can be exploited by opportunistic communication techniques. Here, we see yet another example where channel fading is beneficial to communication.

It is insightful to compare and contrast the nature of the performance gains offered by opportunistic communication and by MIMO techniques,Opportunistic communication techniques primarily provide a power gain.This power gain is very significant in the low

SNR regime where systems are power-limited but less so in the high SNR regime where they are bandwidthlimited. As we will see, MIMO techniques can provide both a power gain and a degree-of-freedom gain. Thus, MIMO techniques become the primary tool to increase capacity significantly in the high SNR regime.

MIMO communication is a rich subject, and its study will span the remaining chapters of the book. The focus of the present chapter is to investigate the properties of the physical environment which enable spatial multiplexing and show how these properties can be succinctly captured in a statistical MIMO channel model. We proceed as follows. Through a capacity analysis, we first identify key parameters that determine the multiplexing capability of a deterministic MIMO channel. We then go through a sequence of physical MIMO channels to assess their spatial multiplexing capabilities. Building on the insights from these examples, we argue that it is most natural to model the MIMO channel in the angular domain and discuss a statistical model based on that approach. Our approach here parallels that in Chapter 2, where we started with a few idealized examples of multipath wireless channels to gain insights into the underlying physical phenomena, and proceeded to statistical fading models, which are more appropriate for the design and performance analysis of communication schemes. We will in fact see a lot of parallelism in the specific channel modeling technique as well.

Our focus throughout is on flat fading MIMO channels. The extensions to frequency-selective MIMO channels are straightforward and are developed in the exercises.

7.1 Multiplexing capability of deterministic MIMO channels

A narrowband time-invariant wireless channel with n t transmit and nr receive antennas is described by an nr by nt deterministic matrix H. What are the key properties of H that determine how much spatial multiplexing it can support? We answer this question by looking at the capacity of the channel.

7.1.1 Capacity via singular value decomposition

The time-invariant channel is described by

y = Hx+w_ (7.1)

where x,y and w denote the transmitted signal,

received signal and white Gaussian noise respectively at a symbol time (the time index is dropped for simplicity). The channel matrix H is deterministic and assumed to be constant at all times and known to both the transmitter and the receiver. Here, hij is the channel gain from transmit antenna j to receive antenna i. There is a total power constraint, P, on the signals from the transmit antennas.

This is a vector Gaussian channel. The capacity can be computed by decomposing the vector channel into a set of parallel, independent scalar Gaussian sub-channels. From basic linear algebra, every linear transformation can be represented as a composition of three operations: a rotation operation, a scaling operation, and another rotation operation. In the notation of matrices, the matrix H has a singular value decomposition (SVD):

Where and are (rotation) unitary matrices1 and

is a rectangular matrix whose diagonal elements are non-negative real numbers and

whose off-diagonal elements are zero.2 The diagonal elements

are the ordered singular values of the matrix H, where nmin:=min(nt,nr). Since

the squared singular values _2i are the eigenvalues of the matrix HH* and also of H*H. Note that there are n min singular values. We can rewrite the SVD as

The SVD decomposition can be interpreted as two coordinate transformations: it says that if the input is expressed in terms of a coordinate system defined by the columns of V and the output is expressed in terms of a coordinate system defined by the columns of U, then the input/output relationship is very simple. Equation (7.8) is a representation of the original channel (7.1) with the input and output expressed in terms of these new coordinates.

We have already seen examples of Gaussian parallel channels in Chapter 5, when we talked about capacities of time-invariant frequency-selective channels and about

time-varying fading channels with full CSI. The time-invariant MIMO channel is yet another example. Here, the spatial dimension plays the same role as the time and frequency dimensions in those other problems. The capacity is by now familiar:

where P1*,…,P nmin*are the waterfilling power allocations:

with chosen to satisfy the total power constraint corresponds to an

eigenmode of the channel (also called an eigenchannel). Each eigenchannel can support a data stream; thus, the MIMO channel can support the spatial multiplexing of multiple streams. Figure 7.2 pictorially depicts the SVD-based architecture for reliable communication.

There is a clear analogy between this architecture and the OFDM system introduced in Chapter 3. In both cases, a transformation is applied to convert a matrix channel into a set of parallel independent sub-channels. In the OFDM setting, the matrix channel is given by the circulant matrix C in (3.139), defined by the ISI channel together with the cyclic prefix added onto the input symbols. The important difference between the ISI channel and the MIMO channel is that, for the former, the U and V matrices (DFTs) do not depend on the specific realization of the ISI channel, while for the latter, they do depend on the specific realization of the MIMO channel.

7.2 Physical modeling of MIMO channels

In this section, we would like to gain some insight on how the spatial multiplexing capability of MIMO channels depends on the physical environment. We do so by looking at a sequence of idealized examples and analyzing the rank and conditioning of their channel matrices. These deterministic examples will also suggest a natural approach to statistical modeling of MIMO channels, which we discuss in Section 7.3. To be concrete, we restrict ourselves to uniform linear antenna arrays, where the antennas are evenly spaced on a straight line. The details of the analysis depend on the specific array structure but the

concepts we want to convey do not.

7.2.1Line-of-sight SIMO channel

The simplest SIMO channel has a single line-of-sight (Figure 7.3(a)). Here, there is only free space without any reflectors or scatterers, and only a direct signal path between each

antenna pair. The antenna separation is where is the carrier wavelength and is the normalized receive antenna separation, normalized to the unit of the carrier

wavelength. The dimension of the antenna array is much smaller than the distance between the transmitter and the receiver.

The continuous-time impulse response between the transmit antenna and the ith receive antenna is given by

where di is the distance between the transmit antenna and ith receive antenna, c is the

speed of light and a is the attenuation of the path, which we assume to be the same for all antenna pairs. Assuming di/c 1/W, where W is the transmission bandwidth, the baseband channel gain is given by (2.34) and (2.27):

where fc is the carrier frequency. The SIMO channel can be written as y = h x+w where x is the transmitted symbol, w is the noise and y is the received vector. The vector of channel gains h=[h1,…h nt]t is sometimes called the signal direction or the spatial signature induced on the receive antenna array by the transmitted signal.

Since the distance between the transmitter and the receiver is much larger than the size of the receive antenna array, the paths from the transmit antenna to each of the receive antennas are, to a first-order, parallel and

where d is the distance from the transmit antenna to the first receive antenna and _ is the angle of incidence of the line-of-sight onto the receive antenna array. (You are asked to

verify this in Exercise 7.1.) The quantity is the displacement of receive antenna i from receive antenna1 in the direction of the line-of-sight. The quantity

is often called the directional cosine with respect to the receive antenna array. The spatial signature h=[h1,…h nt]t is therefore given by

i.e., the signals received at consecutive antennas differ in phase by due to the relative delay. For notational convenience, we define

as the unit spatial signature in the directional cosine .

The optimal receiver simply projects the noisy received signal onto the signal direction, i.e., maximal ratio combining or receive beamforming (cf. Section 5.3.1). It adjusts for the different delays so that the received signals at the antennas can be combined constructively, yielding an nr-fold power gain. The resulting capacity is

The SIMO channel thus provides a power gain but no degree-of-freedom gain.

In the context of a line-of-sight channel, the receive antenna array is sometimes called a phased-array antenna.

8. MIMO II: capacity and multiplexing architectures

In this chapter, we will look at the capacity of MIMO fading channels and discuss transceiver architectures that extract the promised multiplexing gains from the channel. We particularly focus on the scenario when the transmitter does not know the channel realization. In the fast fading MIMO channel, we show the following:

? At high SNR, the capacity of the i.i.d. Rayleigh fast fading channel scales like n min logSNRb/s/Hz. where n min is the minimum of the number of transmit antennas n t and the number of receive antennas nr . This is a degree-of-freedom gain.

? At low SNR, the capacity is approximately n r SNR log2 e bits/s/Hz. This is a receive beamforming power gain.

? At all SNR, the capacity scales linearly with n min. This is due to a combination of a

power gain and a degree-of-freedom gain.

Furthermore, there is a transmit beamforming gain together with an opportunistic communication gain if the transmitter can track the channel as well.

Over a deterministic time-invariant MIMO channel, the capacity-achieving transceiver architecture is simple (cf. Section 7.1.1): independent data streams are multiplexed in an appropriate coordinate system (cf. Figure 7.2). The receiver transforms the received vector into another appropriate coordinate system to separately decode the different data streams. Without knowledge of the channel at the transmitter the choice of the coordinate system in which the independent data streams are multiplexed has to be fixed a priori. In conjunction with joint decoding, we will see that this transmitter architecture achieves the capacity of the fast fading channel. This architecture is also called V-BLAST1 in the literature.

In Section 8.3, we discuss receiver architectures that are simpler than joint ML decoding of the independent streams. While there are several receiver architectures that can support the full degrees of freedom of the channel, a particular architecture, the MMSE-SIC, which uses a combination of minimum mean square estimation (MMSE) and successive interference cancellation (SIC), achieves capacity.

The performance of the slow fading MIMO channel is characterized through the outage probability and the corresponding outage capacity. At low SNR, the outage capacity can be achieved, to a first order, by using one transmit antenna at a time, achieving a full diversity gain of nt nr and a power gain of nr . The outage capacity at high SNR, on the other hand, benefits from a degree-of-freedom gain as well; this is more difficult to characterize succinctly and its analysis is relegated until Chapter 9.

Although it achieves the capacity of the fast fading channel, the V-BLAST architecture is strictly suboptimal for the slow fading channel. In fact, it does not even achieve the full diversity gain promised by the MIMO channel. To see this, consider transmitting independent data streams directly over the transmit antennas. In this case, the diversity of each data stream is limited to just the receive diversity. To extract the full diversity from the channel, one needs to code across the transmit antennas. A modified architecture, D-BLAST2, which combines transmit antenna coding with MMSE-SIC, not only extracts the full diversity from the channel but its performance also comes close to the outage


8.1 The V-BLAST architecture

We start with the time-invariant channel (cf. (7.1))

y[m]=Hx[m]+w[m] m=1,2,…

When the channel matrix H is known to the transmitter, we have seen in

Section 7.1.1 that the optimal strategy is to transmit independent streams in the directions of the eigenvectors of H*H, i.e., in the coordinate system defined by the matrix V, where H is the singular value decomposition of H. This coordinate system is channel-dependent. With an eye towards dealing with the case of fading channels where the channel matrix is unknown to the transmitter, we generalize this to the architecture in Figure 8.1, where the independent data streams, n t of them, are multiplexed in some arbitrary coordinate system given by a unitary matrix Q, not necessarily dependent on the channel matrix H. This is the V-BLAST architecture. The data streams are decoded jointly. The k th data stream is allocated a power P t (such that the sum of the powers, P1 +···+P nt , is equal to P, the total transmit power constraint) and is encoded using a capacity-achieving Gaussian code with rate R k. The total rate is

As special cases:

? If Q = V and the powers are given by the waterfilling allocations, then we have the capacity-achieving architecture in Figure 7.2.

? If Q = I nr , then independent data streams are sent on the different transmit antennas. Using a sphere-packing argument analogous to the ones used in Chapter 5, we will argue an upper bound on the highest reliable rate of communication:

Here K x is the covariance matrix of the transmitted signal x and is a function of the multiplexing coordinate system and the power allocations:

Considering communication over a block of time symbols of length N, the received vector, of length n r N, lies with high probability in an ellipsoid of volume proportional to

This formula is a direct generalization of the corresponding volume formula (5.50) for the parallel channel, and is justified in Exercise 8.2. Since we have to allow for non-overlapping noise spheres around each codeword to ensure reliable communication, the maximum number of codewords that can be packed is the ratio

We can now conclude the upper bound on the rate of reliable communication in (8.2).

Is this upper bound actually achievable by the V-BLAST architecture? Observe that independent data streams are multiplexed in V-BLAST; perhaps coding across the streams is required to achieve the upper bound (8.2)? To get some insight on this question, consider the special case of a MISO channel (n r= 1) and set Q = I rt in the architecture, i.e., independent streams on each of the transmit antennas. This is precisely an uplink channel, as considered in Section 6.1, drawing an analogy between the transmit antennas and the users. We know from the development there that the sum capacity of this uplink channel is

This is precisely the upper bound (8.2) in this special case. Thus, the V-BLAST architecture, with independent data streams, is sufficient to achieve the upper bound (8.2). In the general case, an analogy can be drawn between the V-BLAST architecture and an uplink channel with nr receive antennas and channel matrix HQ; just as in the single receive antenna case, the upper bound (8.2) is the sum capacity of this uplink channel and therefore

achievable using the V-BLAST architecture. This uplink channel is considered in greater detail in Chapter 10 and its information theoretic analysis is in Appendix B.9.

8.2 Fast fading MIMO channel

The fast fading MIMO channel is

y[m]=H[m]x[m]+w[m] m=1,2,…

Where {H[m]} is a random fading process. To properly define a notion of capacity (achieved by averaging of the channel fading over time), we make the technical assumption (as in the earlier chapters) that {H[m]} is a stationary and ergodic process. As a normalization, let us suppose that E[|h ij|2=1. As in our earlier study, we consider coherent communication: the receiver tracks the channel fading process exactly. We first start with the situation when the transmitter has only a statistical characterization of the fading channel. Finally, we look at the case when the transmitter also perfectly tracks the fading channel (full CSI); this situation is very similar to that of the time-invariant MIMO channel.
