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Ambush, a public limited company, is assessing the impact of implementing the revised IAS39 ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’. The directors realise that significant changes may occur in their accounting treatment of financial instruments and they understand that on initial recognition any financial asset or liability can be designated as one to be measured at fair value through profit or loss (the fair value option). However, there are certain issues that they wish to have explained and these are set out below.


(a)Outline in a report to the directors of Ambush the following information: (i)how financial assets and liabilities are measured and classified, briefly setting out the accounting method used for each category. (Hedging relationship can be ignored.)(10 marks)

The following report sets out the principal aspects of lAS 39 in the designated areas.

(i) Classification of financial instruments and their measurement

Financial assets and liabilities are initially measured at fair value which will normally be the fair value of the consideration given or received. Transaction costs are included in the initial carrying value of the instrument unless it is carried at ‘fair value through profit or loss’ When these costs are recognized in the income statement.

Financial assets should be classified into four categories:

(i) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

(ⅱ)loans and receivables

(ⅲ)held-to-maturity investments(HTM)

(ⅳ)available-for-sale financial assets(AFS)

The first category above has two sub categories which are ‘held for trading’ and those designated to this category at inception/initial recognition. This latter designation is irrevocable.

Financial liabilities have two categories: those at fair value through profit of loss, and ‘other’ liabilities. As with financial assets those liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss have two sub categories which are the same as those for financial assets.

Reclassifications between categories are uncommon and restricted under IAS 39 and are prohibited into and out of the fair value through profit or loss category. Reclassifications between AFS and HTM are possible but it is not possible from loans and receivables to AFS. The held to maturity category is limited in its application as if the company sells or reclassifies more than an immaterial amount of the portfolio, it is barred from using the category for at least two years.

Also all remaining HTM investments would be reclassified to AFS.

Subsequent measurement of financial assets and liabilities depends on the classification. The following table summarizes the position:

Financial Assets Measurement

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss fair value

Loans and receivables amortised cost

Held to maturity investments amortised cost

Available-for-sale financial assets fair value

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss fair value

Other financial liabilities amortised cost

Amortised cost is the cost of an asset or liability adjusted to achieve a constant effective interest rate over the life of the asset of liability.

It is not possible to compute amortised cost for instruments that do not have fixed or determinable payments, such as for equity instruments, and such instruments therefore cannot be classified into these categories.

A company must apply the effective interest rate method in the measurement of amortised cost. The effective interest rate method determines how much interest income or interest expense should be reported in profit and loss.

For financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, all changes in fair value are recognized in profit or loss when they occur. This includes unrealized holding gains and losses.

For available-for-sale financial assets, unrealized holding gains and losses are deferred in reserves until they are realized and losses are recognized in profit or loss.

Investments in unquoted equity instruments that cannot be reliably measured at fair value are subsequently measured at cost. Unrealized holding gains/losses are not normally recognized in profit/loss.






Trident, a public limited company, operates in the financial services sector and is planning to prepare its first financial statements under international Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as at 31 December 2005. The Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) used by Trident are very similar to IFRS but there are some differences which are set out below. The Group is currently preparing its local GAAP financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2004.

The company has two foreign subsidiaries, Spar and Mask, both public limited companies. Spar is 80% owned by Trident and prepared its first IFRS financial statement at 31 December 2003 in order to comply with local legislation. Trident acquired a 70% holding in Mask in 1999.Mask was consolidated from that date using purchase accounting practices that are similar but not the same as those used by IFRS. However the local rules relating to the financial statements of Mask as regards, for example, the concept of substance over form are totally different to IFRS. Mask has adopted the international accounting standards relating to financial

instruments in its own financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 because these standards had been incorporated into the local legislation.

Group policy is to amortise goodwill but some goodwill had been totally written off against retained earnings on the acquisition of certain subsidiaries. On the disposal or closure of the business to which the goodwill related, goodwill previously eliminated against retained earnings is charged to the income statement. The gains and losses on the translation of the financial statement of overseas subsidiaries have been charged to retained earnings for many years and not recycled to the income statement on the disposal of subsidiaries.

On 30 October 2004, the Group revalued its tangible non-current assets and incorporated these values into its financial statement. The company uses a straight line method to depreciate its tangible non-current assets. Further Trident had been developing computer software which was to be used as a financial modeling tool. The software cost had not been capitalised but charged to the income statement.

The Group has a separately administered defined benefit pension scheme. Contributions are charged to the income statement and the regular pension costs are attributed using the projected unit method. Variations in pension costs as a result of actuarial valuations are amortised over the average remaining service lives of employees. No actuarial gains and losses had been recognised in the financial statements.

Trident has several financial instruments in issue. It has preference share capital which was originally redeemable on 1 January 2001. However if the preference shareholders so wish the capital can be converted into ordinary shares of Trident at any time up to 31 December 2007 at which time the preference shares will be converted compulsorily. Additionally Trident enters into foreign exchange contracts to hedge existing monetary assets and liabilities, and hedges against the effects of changes in exchange rates in the net investment in overseas subsidiaries. Hedge accounting is currently not used by Trident.


Based on the information above, draft a memorandum to the Directors of Trident setting out:

(a)the general principles behind IFES1 ‘First-time Adoption of international Financial Reporting Standards’.(5 marks)

(b) whether the measurement criteria in IFRS1 would be applied to the opening balances of Mask and Spar in the first IFRS group financial statements. (5 marks)


Memorandum to the Directors of Trident, a public limited company

Implications of IFRS1 ‘First time Ad option of International Financial Reporting Standards’

(a)The introduction of IFRS1 will have wide implications for any company which adopts IFRSs for the first time. The IFRS applies when a company adopts IFRSs for the first time by an explicit and unreserved statement of compliance with IFRSs.

The opening balance sheet for the purpose of IFRS1 and the date of transition will be as at 1 January 2004 as this is the beginning of the comparative period. As of that date the company will have to:

(ⅰ)Recognise and derecognise assets and liabilities as required by IFRSs (ⅱ)Reclassify items recognised under local GAAP as an asset, liability or equity that are treated differently under IFRSs

(ⅲ)Apply IFRSs in measuring all recognised assets and liabilities

(ⅳ)Recognise any adjustments required to move from previous GAAP to IFRS directly in retained earnings or an appropriate category of equity.

IFRS1 grants limited exemptions from these requirements. The IFRS requires retrospective action in some areas but also prohibits this where judgment would be required by management about past conditions after the outcome of the transaction is already known. The transitional provisions in IFRS generally do not apply and the latest version of the IFRS at the date of the first financial statements (31 December 2005) shall apply to its opening balance sheet (1 January 2004) and throughout all periods presented in its first financial statements. Thus Trident will have to prepare its opening balance sheet retrospectively, which may cause problems in terms of the collection of the information required as at 1 January 2004.

(b)An immediate question arises as to whether partial adoption of IFRS, as in the case of the subsidiary Mask, would constitute prior adoption of IFRS and, therefore, would not require the use of IFRS1. (IFRS1 applies to the first IFRS financial statements beginning after 1 January 2004.) However, because Mask only utilised IAS32 and IAS39 in its financial statements there would not have been an explicit and unreserved statement of compliance with IFRS and, therefore, Mask will be treated as a ‘first-time adopter’(FTA) and the assets and liabilities measured using IFRS1. Trident has become a first time adopter later than its subsidiary Spar. Spar has already applied the IFRS in force at 31 December 2003, and these balances will be included in the opening balance sheet of Trident at 1 January 2004 (after the normal consolidated adjustments). Thus there will be no need to adjust retrospectively the financial statements of Spar for the IFRS effective at 31 December 2005, and no need to apply IFRS1 to the opening balances of Spar at 1 January 2004.








Any excess of the cost of the acquisition over the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired as at the date of the exchange transaction should be described as goodwill and recognised as an asset.





The principle of recording the substance or economic reality of transactions rather than their legal form lies at the heart of the Framework for Preparation and Pres sentation of Financial Statements’(Framework) and several lnternational Accounting Standards. The development of this principle was partly in reaction to a minority of public interest companies entering into certain complex transactions. These transactions sometimes led to accusations that company directors were involved in ‘creative accounting’.


(a)(ⅰ)explain,with relevant examples, what is generally meant by the term ’creative accounting’; (5 marks)

(ⅱ)explain why it is important to record the substance rather than the legal form of transactions and describe the features that may indicate that the substance of a transaction is different from its legal form. (5 marks)


(a)(ⅰ)creative accounting is a term in general used to describe the practice of applying inappropriate accounting policies or entering into complex or ‘special purpose’ transactions with the objective of making a company’s financial statements appear to disclose a more favourable position, particularly in relation to the calculation of certain ‘key’ ratios,than would otherwise be the case. Most commentators believe creative accounting stops short of deliberate fraud, but is nonethless undesirable as it is intended to mislead users of financial statements.

Probably the most criticised area of creative accounting relates to off balance sheet financing. This occurs where a company has financial obligations that are not recorded on its balance sheet. There have been several examples of this in the past: - finance leases treated as operating leases

- borrowings (usually convertible loan stock)being classified as equity - secured loans being treated as ‘sales’(sale and repurchase agreementes)- the non-consolidation of ‘special purpose vehicles’(quasi subsidiaries)that have been used to raise finance

- offsetting liabillities against assets(certain types of accounts receivable factoring)

The other main area of creative accounting is that of increasing or smoothing profits, Examples of this are;

- the use of inappropriate provisions(this reduces profit in good years and increases them in poor years)

- not providing for liablilties, either at all or not in full, as they arise. This often related to environmental provisions, decommissioning costs and constructive obligations.

- restructuring costs not being charged to income (often related to a newly acquired subsidiary-the costs are effectively added to goodwill)It should be noted that recent international Accounting Standards have now prevented many of the above past abuses, however more recent examples of creative accounting are in use by some of the new lntermet Dolcom companies. Most of these companies do not (yet) make any profit so other performance criteria such as site ‘hits’, conversion rates (browsers tuming into buyers), bum periods (the length of time eash resources are expected to last) and even sales revenuse are massaged to give a mord favourable impression.

(ⅱ)One of the primary characteristics of financial statements is reliability i.e. they must faithfully represent the transactions and other events that have occurred. It can be possible for the eccnomic substance of a transaction (effectively its commercial intention) to be different from its strict legal position or ‘form’. Th us financial statements can only give a faithful representation of a company’s performance if the substance of its transactions is reported. It is worth stressing that there will be very few transactions where their substance is different from their legal form, but for those where it is, they are usually very important. This is because they are material in terms of their size or incidence, or because they may be intended to mislead.


























fair and true view

Common features which may indicate that the substance of a transaction (or series of connected transactions ) is different from its legal form are:

- where the ownership of an asset does not rest with the party that

is expected to experience the risks and reward relating to it (i,e., equivalent to control of the asset ).


一个人如果有事物的所有权,那么风险由他来承担,收益也是由他来承担。如果所有权在A 公司,但B 公司承担了它的风险和收益,那么资产其实是由B 来控制。

- where a transaction is linked with other related transactions , it is necessary to assess the substance of the series of connected transactions as a whole.

- the use of options within contracts ,it may be that options are either almost certain to be (or not to be ) exercised.

In such cases these are not really options at all and should be ignored in determining commercial substance.

- where assets are sold at values that differ from their fair values (either above or below fair values ).

Many complex transactions often contain several of the above features.

Determining the true substance of transactions can be a difficult and sometimes subjective procedure.











IAS 37 ‘Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent Assets’ was issued in 1998. The standard sets out the principles of accounting for these items and clarifies when provisions should and should not be made. Prior to its issue, the inappropriate use of provisions had been an area where companies had been accused of manipulating the financial statements and of creative accounting.


(a)Describe the nature of provisions and the accounting requirements for them contained in IAS37. (6 marks)

(b)Explain why there is a need for an accounting standard in this area. Illustrate your answer with three practical examples of how the standard addresses controversial Issues. (6 marks)


provision 50%

contingent liability 5%

(a)IAS 37‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’only deals with those provisions that are regarded as liabilities. The term provision is also generally used to describe those amounts set aside to write down the value of assets such as depreciation charges and provisions for diminution in value (e.g. provision to write down the value of damaged or slow moving inventory). The definition of a provision is the Standard is quite simple; provisions are liabilities of uncertain timing or amount. If there is reasonable certainty over these two aspects the liability is a creditor. There is clearly an overlap between provisions and contingencies. Because of the ‘uncertainty’aspects of the definition, it can be argued that to some extent all provisions have an element of contingency. The IASB distinguishes between the two by stating that a contingency is not recognized as a liability if it is either only possible and therefore yet to be confirmed as a liability, or where there is a liability but it cannot be measured with sufficient reliability. The IASB notes the latter should be rare.

The IASB intends that only those liabilities that meet the characteristics of a liability in its Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial

Statements should be reported in the balance sheet.

IAS 37 summarises the above by requiring provisions to satisfy all of the following three recognition criteria:

- there is present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of past event;

- it is probable that a transfer of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation;

- the obligation can be estimated reliably.

A provision is triggered by an obligating event. This must have already occurred, future events cannot create current liabilities. The first of the criteria refers to legal or constructive obligations. A legal obligation is straightforward and uncontroversial, but constructive obligations are a relatively new concept. These arise where a company creates an expectation that it will meet certain obligations that it is not legally bound to meet. These may arise due to a published statement or even by a pattern of past practice. In reality constructive obligations are usually because the alternative action is unattractive or may damage the reputation of the company. The most commonly quoted example of such is a commitment to pay for environmental damage caused by the company, even where there is no legal obligation to do so.

To summarise: a company must provide for a liability where the three defining criteria of a provision are met, but conversely a company cannot provide for a liability where they are not met. The latter part of the above may seem obvious, but it is an area where there has been some past abuse of provisioning as is referred to in (b).

(b)The main need for an accounting standard in this area is to clarify and regulate when provisions should and should not be made. Many controversial areas including the possible abuse of provisioning are based on contravening aspects of the above definitions. One of the most controversial examples of provisioning is in relation to future operating losses. The attraction of providing for this type of expense/loss is that once the provision has been made, the future costs are then charged to the provision such that they bypass the income statement (of the period when they occur). When assessing the company’s future prospects. If this type of provision were to be incorporated as a liability as part of a subsidiary’s net assets at the date of acquisition, the provision itself would not be charged to the income statement. IAS 37 now prevents this practice as future costs and operating losses (unless they are for an onerous contract) do not constitute past events.

Another important change initiated by IAS 37 is the way in which environmental provisions must be treated. Practice in this area has differed considerably. Some companies did not provide for such costs and those that did often accrued for them on an annual basis. If say a company expected environmental site restoration cost of $1 million per annum for 10 years (ignoring discounting). Somewhat controversially this practice is no longer possible. IAS 37requires that if the environmental costs are a liability (legal or constructive), then the whole of the costs must be provided for immediately. That has led to large liabilities

appearing in some companies’ balance sheets.

A third example of bad practice is the use of ‘big bath’provisions and over provisioning. In its simplest form this occurs where a company makes a large provision, often for non-specific future expenses, or as part of an overall restructuring package. If the provision is deliberately overprovided, then its later release will improve future profits. Alternatively the company could charge to the provision a different cost than the one it was originally created for. IAS 37 addresses this practice in two ways: by not allowing provisions to be created if they do not meet the definition of an obligation; and specifically preventing a provision and a new one would be created with appropriate disclosures. Whilst this treatment does not affect overall profits, it does enhance transparency.

Note: other examples would be acceptable.










第一讲会计英语的常用术语 1.account n..账,账目a/c;账户 e.g.T-account: T型账户;account payable应付账款receivable 应收账款); 2.Accounting concepts 会计的基本前提 1)accounting entity 会计主体;entity 实体,主体 2)going concern 持续经营 3)accounting period 会计分期 financial year/ fiscal year 会计年度(financial adj.财务的,金融的;fiscal adj.财政的)4)money measurement货币计量 *权责发生制accrual basis. accrual n.本身是应计未付的意思, accrue v.应计未付,应计未收, e.g.accrued liabilities,应计未付负债 3.Quality of accounting information 会计信息质量要求 (1)可靠性reliability (2)相关性relevance (3)可理解性understandability (4)可比性comparability (5)实质重于形式substance over form (6)重要性materiality (7)谨慎性prudence (8)及时性timeliness 4.Elements of accounting会计要素 1)Assets: 资产 – current assets 流动资产 cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物(bank deposit) inventory存货receivable应收账款prepaid expense 预付费用 – non-current assets 固定资产 property (land and building)不动产, plant 厂房, equipment 设备(PPE) e.g.The total assets owned by Wilson company on December 31, 2006 was US$1,500,000. 2)Liabilities: 负债 funds provided by the creditors. creditor债权人,赊销方 – current liabilities 当期负债 non-current liabilities 长期负债 total liabilities account payable应付账款loan贷款advance from customers 预收款 bond债券(由政府发行, government bond /treasury bond政府债券,国库券)debenture债券(由有限公司发行) 3)Owners’ equity: 所有者权益(Net assets) funds provided by the investors. Investor 投资者 – paid in capital (contributed capital)实收资本 – shares /capital stock (u.s.)股票 retained earnings 留存收益


Suggested Solution Chapter 1 3. 4.

5. (b) net income = 9,260-7,470=1,790 (c) net income = 1,790+2,500=4,290

Chapter 2 1. a.To increase Notes Payable -CR b.To decrease Accounts Receivable-CR c.To increase Owner, Capital -CR d.To decrease Unearned Fees -DR e.To decrease Prepaid Insurance -CR f.To decrease Cash - CR g.To increase Utilities Expense -DR h.To increase Fees Earned -CR i.To increase Store Equipment -DR j.To increase Owner, Withdrawal -DR 2. a. Cash 1,800 Accounts payable ................................................... 1,800 b. Revenue ................................................................... 4,500 Accounts receivable ...................................... 4,500 c. Owner’s withdrawals ................................................ 1,500 Salaries Expense ............................................ 1,500 d. Accounts Receivable (750) Revenue (750) 3. Prepare adjusting journal entries at December 31, the end of the year. Advertising expense 600 Prepaid advertising 600 Insurance expense (2160/12*2) 360 Prepaid insurance 360


常用会计英语词汇 基本词汇 A (1)account 账户,报表 A (2)accounting postulate 会计假设 A (3)accounting valuation 会计计价 A (4)accountability concept 经营责任概念 A (5)accountancy 会计职业 A (6)accountant 会计师 A (7)accounting 会计 A (8)agency cost 代理成本 A (9)accounting bases 会计基础 A (10)accounting manual 会计手册 A (11)accounting period 会计期间 A (12)accounting policies 会计方针 A (13)accounting rate of return 会计报酬率 A (14)accounting reference date 会计参照日 A (15)accounting reference period 会计参照期间 A (16)accrual concept 应计概念 A (17)accrual expenses 应计费用 A (18)acid test ratio 速动比率(酸性测试比率) A (19)acquisition 收购 A (20)acquisition accounting 收购会计 A (21)adjusting events 调整事项 A (22)administrative expenses 行政管理费 A (23)amortization 摊销 A (24)analytical review 分析性复核 A (25)annual equivalent cost 年度等量成本法 A (26)annual report and accounts 年度报告和报表 A (27)appraisal cost 检验成本 A (28)appropriation account 盈余分配账户 A (29)articles of association 公司章程细则 A (30)assets 资产 A (31)assets cover 资产担保 A (32)asset value per share 每股资产价值 A (33)associated company 联营公司 A (34)attainable standard 可达标准 A (35)attributable profit 可归属利润 A (36)audit 审计 A (37)audit report 审计报告 A (38)auditing standards 审计准则 A (39)authorized share capital 额定股本 A (40)available hours 可用小时 A (41)avoidable costs 可避免成本 B (42)back-to-back loan 易币贷款 B (43)backflush accounting 倒退成本计算B (44)bad debts 坏帐 B (45)bad debts ratio 坏帐比率 B (46)bank charges 银行手续费 B (47)bank overdraft 银行透支 B (48)bank reconciliation 银行存款调节表 B (49)bank statement 银行对账单 B (50)bankruptcy 破产 B (51)basis of apportionment 分摊基础 B (52)batch 批量 B (53)batch costing 分批成本计算 B (54)beta factor B (市场)风险因素B B (55)bill 账单 B (56)bill of exchange 汇票 B (57)bill of lading 提单 B (58)bill of materials 用料预计单 B (59)bill payable 应付票据 B (60)bill receivable 应收票据 B (61)bin card 存货记录卡 B (62)bonus 红利 B (63)book-keeping 薄记 B (64)Boston classification 波士顿分类 B (65)breakeven chart 保本图 B (66)breakeven point 保本点 B (67)breaking-down time 复位时间 B (68)budget 预算 B (69)budget center 预算中心 B (70)budget cost allowance 预算成本折让 B (71)budget manual 预算手册 B (72)budget period 预算期间 B (73)budgetary control 预算控制 B (74)budgeted capacity 预算生产能力 B (75)business center 经营中心 B (76)business entity 营业个体 B (77)business unit 经营单位 B (78)by-product 副产品 C (79)called-up share capital 催缴股本 C (80)capacity 生产能力 C (81)capacity ratios 生产能力比率 C (82)capital 资本 C (83)capital assets pricing model 资本资产计价模式C (84)capital commitment 承诺资本 C (85)capital employed 已运用的资本 C (86)capital expenditure 资本支出 C (87)capital expenditure authorization 资本支出核准C (88)capital expenditure control 资本支出控制 C (89)capital expenditure proposal 资本支出申请


常用会计类英语词汇汇总基本词汇 A(1)account账户,报表 A(2)accountingpostulate会计假设 A(3)accountingvaluation会计计价 A(4)accountabilityconcept经营责任概念 A(5)accountancy会计职业 A(6)accountant会计师 A(7)accounting会计 A(8)agencycost代理成本 A(9)accountingbases会计基础 A(10)accountingmanual会计手册 A(11)accountingperiod会计期间 A(12)accountingpolicies会计方针 A(13)accountingrateofreturn会计报酬率 A(14)accountingreferencedate会计参照日 A(15)accountingreferenceperiod会计参照期间 A(16)accrualconcept应计概念 A(17)accrualexpenses应计费用 A(18)acidtestratio速动比率(酸性测试比率) A(19)acquisition收购 A(20)acquisitionaccounting收购会计 A(21)adjustingevents调整事项 A(22)administrativeexpenses行政管理费 A(23)amortization摊销 A(24)analyticalreview分析性复核 A(25)annualequivalentcost年度等量成本法 A(26)annualreportandaccounts年度报告和报表 A(27)appraisalcost检验成本 A(28)appropriationaccount盈余分配账户 A(29)articlesofassociation公司章程细则 A(30)assets资产 A(31)assetscover资产担保 A(32)assetvaluepershare每股资产价值 A(33)associatedcompany联营公司 A(34)attainablestandard可达标准 A(35)attributableprofit可归属利润 A(36)audit审计 A(37)auditreport审计报告 A(38)auditingstandards审计准则 A(39)authorizedsharecapital额定股本 A(40)availablehours可用小时 A(41)avoidablecosts可避免成本 B(42)back-to-backloan易币贷款


常用会计分录和会计词汇中英文对照表 一、短期借款: 1、借入短期借款: 借:银行存款 贷:短期借款 2、按月计提利息: 借:财务费用 贷:应付利息 3、季末支付银行存款利息: 借:财务费用 应付利息 贷:银行存 款 4、到期偿还短期借款本金: 借:短期借款 贷:银行存款 二、应付票据: 1、开出应付票据: 借:材料采购/库存商品 应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)贷:应付票据 银行承兑汇票手续费: 借:财务费用

2、应付票据到期支付票款: 借:应付票据 贷:银行存款 3、转销无力支付的银行承兑汇票票款: 借:应付票据 贷:短期借款 三、应付账款: 1、发生应付账款: 借:材料采购/库存商品/在途物资/生产成本/管理费用/制造费用 应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额) 贷:应付账款 2、偿还应付账款: 借:应付账款 贷:银行存款/应付票据 3、因在折扣期内付款获得的现金折扣偿付应付账款时冲减财务费用:借:应付账款 财务费用 贷:银行存款 4、转销确实无法支付的应付账款: 借:应付账款 贷:营业外收入——其他 四、预收账款: 1、收到预收账款: 借:银行存款

2、收到剩余货款: 借:预收账款 贷:主营业务收入 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 借:银行存款 贷:预收账款 3、预收账款不多的企业,将预收款项记入“应收账款”贷方收到预付款项: 借:银行存款 贷:应收账款 收到剩余货款: 借:应收账款 贷:主营业务收入 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 借:银行存款 贷:应收账款 五、应付职工薪酬: 1、确认职工薪酬: (1)货币性职工薪酬: 借:生产成本——基本生产车间成本(产品生产人员工资)制造费用(车间管理人员工资) 劳务成本(生产部门人员工资) 管理费用(管理人员工资) 销售费用(销售人员工资)


会计英语词汇大汇总,要背熟哦!2018-01-06会计说 会计说汇集财会行业的最新政策,实操干货>> 作为一名合格的财务工作人员,除了专业技能,英语也是大家要注意提升的方面哦~kavin老师为大家整理汇总了会计英语词汇,赶快收藏对照查看哦~ accountantgenaral 会计主任 account balancde 结平的帐户 account bill 帐单 account books 帐 account classification 帐户分类 account current 往来帐 account form of balance sheet 帐户式资产负债表 account form of profit and loss statement 帐户式损益表 account payable 应付帐款 account receivable 应收帐款 account of payments 支出表 account of receipts 收入表 account title 帐户名称,会计科目 accounting year 或financial year 会计年度 accounts payable ledger 应付款分类帐 Accounting period(会计期间)are related tospecific time periods ,typically one year(通常是一年) 资产负债表:balance sheet 可以不大写b 利润表:income statements (or statements of income) 利润分配表:retained earnings 现金流量表:cash flows 市场部Marketing 销售部Sales Department (也有其它讲法,如宝洁公司销售部叫客户生意发展部CBD) 客户服务Customer Service ,例如客服员叫CSR,R for representative 人事部Human Resource 行政部Admin.


财务会计英文专业词汇 a payment or serious payments 一次或多次付款abatement 扣减 absolute and unconditional payments 绝对和无条件付款 accelerated payment 加速支付 acceptance date 接受日 acceptance 接受 accession 加入 accessories 附属设备 accountability 承担责任的程度 accounting benefits 会计利益 accounting period 会计期间 accounting policies 会计政策 accounting principle 会计准则 accounting treatment 会计处理 accounts receivables 应收账款 accounts 账项 accredited investors 经备案的投资人accumulated allowance 累计准备金acknowledgement requirement 对承认的要求acquisition of assets 资产的取得 acquisitions 兼并 Act on Product Liability (德国)生产责任法action 诉讼 actual ownership 事实上的所有权 additional filings 补充备案 additional margin 附加利差 additional risk附加风险 additions (设备的)附件 adjusted tax basis 已调整税基 adjustment of yield 对收益的调整administrative fee管理费 Administrative Law(美国)行政法 advance notice 事先通知 advance 放款 adverse tax consequences 不利的税收后果advertising 做广告 affiliated group 联合团体 affiliate 附属机构 African Leasing Association 非洲租赁协会after-tax rate 税后利率 aggregate rents 合计租金 aggregate risk 合计风险 agreement concerning rights of explore natural resources 涉及自然资源开发权的协议agreement 协议 alliances 联盟 allocation of finance income 财务收益分配allowance for losses on receivables 应收款损失备抵金 alternative uses 改换用途地使用 amenability to foreign investment 外国投资的易受控制程度 amendment 修改 amortization of deferred loan fees and related consideration 递延的贷款费和相关的报酬的摊销amortization schedule 摊销进度表 amortize 摊销 amount of recourse 求偿金额 amount of usage 使用量 AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) (美国)可替代最低税 analogous to类推为 annual budget appropriation 年度预算拨款appendix (契约性文件的)附件 applicable law 适用法律 applicable securities laws适用的证券法律applicable tax life 适用的应纳税寿命 appraisal 评估 appraisers 评估人员 appreciation 溢价 appropriation provisions 拨款条例 appropriation 侵占 approval authority 核准权 approval 核准 approximation近似 arbitrary and artificially high value (承租人违约出租人收回租赁物时法官判决的)任意的和人为抬高的价值 arbitration 仲裁 arm's length transaction 公平交易


第一章会计总论 本章讨论不同的使用者对会计信息的需求,介绍不同实体对会计职业的影响、会计职业道德及职业行为准则。本章也将对公认会计准则以及一些相关概念和原则进行解释。 本章将介绍会计等式:资产=负债+所有者权益,并逐一定义会计等式中的每个要素,举例分析不同业务对会计等式的影响。同时,本章还将简单介绍并列示财务报表。 学习目标: 1.了解会计信息系统 2.应用公认会计准则 3.了解财务报表 4.运用会计要素 5.运用会计等式 6.理解了解会计及其环境 会计是一个信息系统 我们通常把会计描述为一个信息系统。作为一个信息系统,会计计量经济活动,将信息编制成财务报表,并将财务报表传达给决策者。会计的范围包括:确认经济事项,进行计量、记录、汇总,并把信息报告给使用者。会计所涵盖的范围要大于簿记。图表1-1是信息在会计系统内的流转图。簿记是对交易和事件的记录,只是会计的一部分。会计还包括对会计信息的分析和阐述,以帮助财务报表的外部和内部的使用者制定各项经济决策。 决策制定经济业务财务报告 图表1-1 会计信息流转 会计信息使用者主要是投资者和债权人,政府,工会和普通公众也会使用会计信息。 1.1组织形式 企业有三种组织形式: 个人独资企业是指由一个自然人投资拥有的企业组织。个人独资企业是一个会计实体,但并不是法律实体。个人独资企业的所有者对企业的债务承担无限责任,这也是个人独资企业的一个主要缺点。 合伙企业与个人独资企业的区别只是在于它有两个或两个以上的所有者。合伙企业的所有者被称为合伙人。现实商业活动中有许多不同类型的合伙企业。 公司是依据当地法律注册成立的单独实体;公司的所有者被称为股东。股东不对公司的债务负责。有限责任是公司这种组织形式的一个显著优点。公司的所有权被分为股份。股票股份可以在所有者之间转让。 1.2编报财务报表的框架 由于各个国家的法律和经济环境不同,各国有不同的会计模式。在一个国家可行的会计实务在另一个国家并不一定可行。由于各国的会计模式不同,所以我们需要制定一个互相协调的会计标准:用全球通用的会计语言来传达相关的且可靠的会计信息。 为满足上述需求,国际会计准则委员会(IASC)于1973年成立,并致力于国际公认的会计准则的制定。2001年4月1日,根据题为《关于重塑国际会计准则委员会未来的建议》的报告中的提议,国际会计准则委员会(IASC)改组为国际会计准则理事会(IASB)。 除了1989年发布的国际会计准则外,国际会计准则委员会还发布了财务报表编报的框架,并将其作为建立会计准则的概念基础。 框架主要包括以下内容: 1.财务报表的目的及基础假设; 2.财务报表的质量特征; 3.财务报表的要素; 4.资本和资本保全概念. 图表1-2概括地介绍了一些重要的会计原则。 图表1-2


一、企业财务会计报表封面 FINANCIAL REPORT COVER 报表所属期间之期末时间点 Period Ended 所属月份 Reporting Period 报出日期 Submit Date 记账本位币币种 Local Reporting Currency 审核人 Verifier 填表人 Preparer 二、资产负债表 Balance Sheet 资产 Assets 流动资产 Current Assets 货币资金 Bank and Cash 短期投资 Current Investment 一年内到期委托贷款 Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减:一年内到期委托贷款减值准备 Less: Impairment for Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减:短期投资跌价准备 Less: Impairment for current investment 短期投资净额 Net bal of current investment 应收票据 Notes receivable 应收股利 Dividend receivable 应收利息 Interest receivable 应收账款 Account receivable 减:应收账款坏账准备 Less: Bad debt provision for Account receivable 应收账款净额 Net bal of Account receivable 其他应收款 Other receivable 减:其他应收款坏账准备 Less: Bad debt provision for Other receivable 其他应收款净额 Net bal of Other receivable 预付账款 Prepayment 应收补贴款 Subsidy receivable 存货 Inventory 减:存货跌价准备 Less: Provision for Inventory 存货净额 Net bal of Inventory 已完工尚未结算款 Amount due from customer for contract work 待摊费用 Deferred Expense 一年内到期的长期债权投资 Long-term debt investment due within one year 一年内到期的应收融资租赁款 Finance lease receivables due within


会计英语的常用术语 1.accounting n.会计;会计学 account n..账,账目a/c;账户 e.g.T-account: T型账户;account payable应付账款receivable 应收账款);accountant n.会计人员,会计师CPA (certified public accountant)注册会计师 2.Accounting concepts 会计的基本前提 1)accounting entity 会计主体;entity 实体,主体 2)going concern 持续经营 3)accounting period 会计分期 financial year/ fiscal year 会计年度(financial adj.财务的,金融的;fiscal adj.财政的)4)money measurement货币计量 人民币RMB¥美元US$ 英镑£法国法郎FFr *权责发生制accrual basis. accrual n.本身是应计未付的意思, accrue v.应计未付,应计未收, e.g.accrued liabilities,应计未付负债 3.Quality of accounting information 会计信息质量要求 (1)可靠性reliability (2)相关性relevance (3)可理解性understandability (4)可比性comparability (5)实质重于形式substance over form (6)重要性materiality (7)谨慎性prudence (8)及时性timeliness 4.Elements of accounting会计要素 1)Assets: 资产 –current assets 流动资产 cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物(bank deposit) inventory存货receivable应收账款prepaid expense 预付费用 –non-current assets 固定资产 property (land and building)不动产, plant 厂房, equipment 设备(PPE) e.g.The total assets owned by Wilson company on December 31, 2006 was US$1,500,000. 2)Liabilities: 负债 funds provided by the creditors. creditor债权人,赊销方 –current liabilities 当期负债 non-current liabilities 长期负债 total liabilities account payable应付账款loan贷款advance from customers 预收款 bond债券(由政府发行, government bond /treasury bond政府债券,国库券)debenture债券(由有限公司发行) 3)Owners’equity: 所有者权益(Net assets) funds provided by the investors. Investor 投资者


1.Words and phrases CEO Chief Executive Officer首席执行官; CFO Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官; COO Chief operating officer首席运营官; CFA 特许金融分析师(Chartered Financial Analyst); CICPA 中国注册会计师协会(The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants); MBA 管理硕士Master of Business Administration; IPO(unseasoned issue)Initial Public Offerings 首次公开募股; SEC 美国证券交易委员会Securities and Exchange Commission; NYSE New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所; GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 公认会计准则 EBIT earnings before interest and taxes 息税前利润; EBT earnings before tax税前收益; EPS Earnings Per Share 每股利润;

ROE Rate of Return on Equity权益报酬率; NCF net cash flow 现金净流量; NPV net present value 净现值; IRR Internal Rate of Return 内部收益率FVIFA future value interest factors of annuity年金终值系数; PVIFA present value interest factors of annuity年金现值系数; YTM Yield to Maturity 到期收益率; CAPM capital asset pricing model资本资产定价模型; WACC weighted average cost of capital加权平均资本成本; EOQ Economic Order Quantity 经济订购量; JIT system just in time 实时生产系统 2.Translation Overview of each topic 1商业公司每天都在做决策。几乎所有的商业决策有财务的含义。因此,财务对每个人都重要。我们通过对财务管理的意义和财务经理角色的讨论开始我们财务管理的学习。下面我们讨论决策的三


常用会计类英语词汇汇总基本词汇 A (1)account 账户,报表 A (2)accounting postulate 会计假设 A (3)accounting valuation 会计计价 A (4)accountability concept 经营责任概念 A (5)accountancy 会计职业 A (6)accountant 会计师 A (7)accounting 会计 A (8)agency cost 代理成本 A (9)accounting bases 会计基础 A (10)accounting manual 会计手册 A (11)accounting period 会计期间 A (12)accounting policies 会计方针 A (13)accounting rate of return 会计报酬率 A (14)accounting reference date 会计参照日 A (15)accounting reference period 会计参照期间A (16)accrual concept 应计概念 A (17)accrual expenses 应计费用 A (18)acid test ratio 速动比率(酸性测试比率) A (19)acquisition 收购 A (20)acquisition accounting 收购会计 A (21)adjusting events 调整事项 A (22)administrative expenses 行政管理费 A (23)amortization 摊销 A (24)analytical review 分析性复核 A (25)annual equivalent cost 年度等量成本法 A (26)annual report and accounts 年度报告和报表A (27)appraisal cost 检验成本 A (28)appropriation account 盈余分配账户 A (29)articles of association 公司章程细则 A (30)assets 资产 A (31)assets cover 资产担保 A (32)asset value per share 每股资产价值 A (33)associated company 联营公司 A (34)attainable standard 可达标准 A (35)attributable profit 可归属利润 A (36)audit 审计 A (37)audit report 审计报告 A (38)auditing standards 审计准则 A (39)authorized share capital 额定股本 A (40)available hours 可用小时 A (41)avoidable costs 可避免成本 B (42)back-to-back loan 易币贷款


?accounting 会计、会计学 ?account 账户 ?account for / as 核算 ?certified public accountant / CPA 注册会计师?chief financial officer 财务总监?budgeting 预算 ?auditing 审计 ?agency 机构 ?fair value 公允价值 ?historical cost 历史成本?replacement cost 重置成本?reimbursement 偿还、补偿?executive 行政部门、行政人员?measure 计量 ?tax returns 纳税申报表 ?tax exempt 免税 ?director 懂事长 ?board of director 董事会 ?ethics of accounting 会计职业道德?integrity 诚信 ?competence 能力 ?business transaction 经济交易?account payee 转账支票?accounting data 会计数据、信息?accounting equation 会计等式?account title 会计科目 ?assets 资产 ?liabilities 负债 ?owners’ equity 所有者权益 ?revenue 收入 ?income 收益

?gains 利得 ?abnormal loss 非常损失 ?bookkeeping 账簿、簿记 ?double-entry system 复式记账法 ?tax bearer 纳税人 ?custom duties 关税 ?consumption tax 消费税 ?service fees earned 服务性收入 ?value added tax / VAT 增值税?enterprise income tax 企业所得税?individual income tax 个人所得税?withdrawal / withdrew 提款、撤资?balance 余额 ?mortgage 抵押 ?incur 产生、招致 ?apportion 分配、分摊 ?accounting cycle会计循环、会计周期?entry分录、记录 ?trial balance试算平衡?worksheet 工作草表、工作底稿?post reference / post .ref过账依据、过账参考?debit 借、借方 ?credit 贷、贷方、信用 ?summary/ explanation 摘要?insurance 保险 ?premium policy 保险单 ?current assets 流动资产 ?long-term assets 长期资产 ?property 财产、物资 ?cash / currency 货币资金、现金


常用会计英语词汇基本词汇 A (3)accounting valuation 会计计价 A (4)accountability concept 经营责任概念 A (8)agency cost 代理成本 A (10)accounting manual 会计手册 A (12)accounting policies 会计方针 A (13)accounting rate of return 会计报酬率 A (14)accounting reference date 会计参照日 A (15)accounting reference period 会计参照期间 A (18)acid test ratio 速动比率(酸性测试比率) A (19)acquisition 收购 A (21)adjusting events 调整事项 A (22)administrative expenses 行政管理费 A (24)analytical review 分析性复核 A (25)annual equivalent cost 年度等量成本法 A (27)appraisal cost 检验成本 A (28)appropriation account 盈余分配账户 A (31)assets cover 资产担保 A (32)asset value per share 每股资产价值 A (33)associated company 联营公司 A (34)attainable standard 可达标准 A (35)attributable profit 可归属利润 A (39)authorized share capital 额定股本 A (41)avoidable costs 可避免成本 B (42)back-to-back loan 易币贷款 B (43)backflush accounting 倒退成本计算 B (47)bank overdraft 银行透支 B (48)bank reconciliation 银行存款调节表 B (49)bank statement 银行对账单 B (51)basis of apportionment 分摊基础 B (53)batch costing 分批成本计算 B (54)beta factor B (市场)风险因素B B (55)bill 账单 B (56)bill of exchange 汇票 B (57)bill of lading 提单 B (58)bill of materials 用料预计单 B (61)bin card 存货记录卡 B (63)book-keeping 薄记 B (64)Boston classification 波士顿分类 B (65)breakeven chart 保本图 B (66)breakeven point 保本点 B (67)breaking-down time 复位时间 B (70)budget cost allowance 预算成本折让 B (71)budget manual 预算手册
