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assist sb. to do sth.

assist (sb.) with sth.

eg:We all assisted in mending the roof. 我们都帮忙修屋顶。

This programme assists the young to find a job easily.这个节目帮助年轻人容易找到工作。

【拓展】assistant n. 表示“助手,助理”;

assistance n. 表示“协助,援助”,

常用短语:be of assistance= help sb. 帮助某人

eg:He became an assistant cook after he graduated from the technological school. 从技术学校毕业后他成了厨师助理。

Can I be of any assistance to you? 我可以帮助你吗?


Here are some good sources of information to ____ you in making the best choice.

A. provide

B. supply

C. assist

D. support


assist in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事;provide 提供,常用provide sb. with sth;supply 供应,常用s upply sb. with sth;support 维持,养活。

5、acquire vt. to get sth. by your own efforts, ability or behavior表示“获得,取得;学得”。

Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. (P26)

acquire a(good) knowledge of得到……知识,精通

eg:We must study hard to acquire a good knowledge of English.


Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not in born. 抽烟喝酒往往是一种后来习得的嗜好,并不是生来就有的。

【拓展】acquisition n. 获得;(语言)习得;获得物

eg:The teacher is interested in theories of child language acquisition.



Some people go back for their education to _______ another degree to impress the society. A.require B. acquire C. accept D. present


6、have a nose for 善于觉察/对……很敏感


have an eye for 对……有鉴赏能力

have an ear for对……有欣赏能力(听觉灵敏)

have a gift/talent for对……有天赋


⑴As a reporter,Mary has a ______ for a story.

⑵Through the competition,the leader of the group can pick out some singers having a ____ _____ for music.

⑶Being trained for many years,all the students have a good___ for different kinds of music.

⑷As a good artist,she has a/an _____ for colour.

7、inform v. formally or officially tell someone about something or give them information. 通


They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story. (P27)


inform against/ on sb. 告发某人,检举某人

inform sb.of sth.把某事告诉某人

eg:He informed me of your decision.他把你的决定告诉了我。

He informed on his brother though he felt sorry for him.虽然他为哥哥感到抱歉,还是检举了他。【拓展】information n. 信息

注意:information 一般是不可数名词。

【随时练】The leaflet(传单) _________ customers about the end-of-summer sales.

A. protects

B. informs

C. inquires

D. acquires


protect 保护;inquire 打听,询问;acquire 获得。句意:宣传单告知顾客夏末大减价的事。

8、accuse vt. to say that someone has done sth. wrong or committed a crime, 表示“控告;指


Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? (P27)

【点拨】accuse常用短语:accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某罪

eg:The police accused him of murder. 警方指控他谋杀。

I don’ t want to accuse my best friend of te lling lies. 我不想指责我最好的朋友撒谎。

【拓展】accusation n. 表示“指控,指责”

eg:The Minister denied the accusation that she had behaved dishonestly. 那位部长否认她表现不诚实的指责。

Several accusations were made against the government.这个政府遭几项指控。

【随时练】Tom ______ his boss of having broken his words.

A. blamed

B. accused

C. charged

D. scolded

【答案与解析】B。考查accuse sb. of sth. 表示“控告某人某事”;blame sb. on sth. 表示“责备某人某事”;charge sb. for sth. “ 控告某人某事”;scold sb. for sth. “因为某事而批评某人”。注意不同的介词搭配。

疑难补充:get the wrong end of the stick 表示“用完全错误的方式理解某种状况”。

如:You have got the wrong end of the stick. He isn’t her boyfriend at all. 你错误理解此事了。他根本不是她的男朋友。

9、case n. a legal matter that will be decided in a court,or an example or instance of sth.,

or a situation involving a particular person or thing 表示“案件,官司;事例,情况”,还表示“盒子,箱子,事实”等,

Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? (P27)

eg:The case against Mr. White is said to be heard tomorrow.据说指控怀特先生的案子明天审理。

He took a case full of clothes with him.他带着个装满衣服的箱子。
