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Money Matters

Parents should help their children understand money. __1__ So you may start talking about money when your child shows an interest in buying things, candy or toys, for example.

1.The basic function of money

Begin explaining the basic function of money by showing how people trade money for goods or services. It is important to show your child how money is traded for the things he wants to have. If he wants to have a toy, give him the money and let him hand the money to the cashier(收银员). __2__ When your child grows a bit older and understands the basic function of money, you can start explaining more complex ways of using money.

2.Money lessons

Approach money lessons with openness and honesty. __3__ If you must say no to a child's request to spend money,explain,“You have enough toy trucks for now.”Or, if the request is for many different things, say.“You have to make a choice between this toy and that toy.”


Begin at the grocery store. Pick out two similar brands of a product—a name-brand butter and a generie (无商标产品), for example.You can show your child how to make choices between different brands of a product so that you can save money. __5__ If he chooses the cheaper brand, allow him to make another purchase with the money https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d213794327.html,ter,you may explain how the more expensive choice leaves less money for other purchases.

A.Wise decisions

B.The value of money

C.Permit the child to choose between them.

D.Tell your child why he can—or cannot—have certain things.

E.Ask yourself what things that cost money are most important to you.

F.Talk about how the money bought the thing after you leave the toy store.

G.The best time to teach a child anything about money is when he shows an interest.










Easy Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Everyone is forgetful, but as we age, we start to feel like our brains are slowing down a bit—and that can be a very annoying thing.__1__Read on for some techniques worth trying.


People who regularly made plans and looked forward to upcoming events had a 50 percent reduced chance of Alzheimer's disease (早老性痴呆症), according to a recent study.__3__Something as simple as setting a goal to have a weekly coffee date with a friend will do.There's evidence that people who have a purpose in life or who are working on long or short-term goals appear to do better.In other words, keep your brain looking forward.

2.Go for a walk.

Mildly raised glucose (葡萄糖) levels can harm the area of the brain that helps you form memories and physical activity can help get blood glucose down to normal levels.In fact,exercise produces chemicals that are good for your brain.__4__

3.Learn something new.

Take a Spanish class online, join a drawing club, or learn to play cards.A study found that mental stimulation (刺激) limits the weakening effects of aging on memory and the mind.But the best thing for your brain is when you learn something new and are physically active at the same time.__5__Or go dancing with your friends.

A.Focus on the future.

B.This can be especially harmful to the aged.

C.It should be something like learning gardening.

D.So take a few minutes each day t o do some reading.

E.But don't worry if your schedule isn't filled with life-changing events.

F.Luckily, research shows there is a lot you can do to avoid those moments.

G.In other words, when you take care of your body, you take care of your brain.










Public Speaking and Critical Thinking

What is critical thinking? To a certain degree, it's a matter of logic(逻辑), of being able to spot weaknesses in other people's arguments and to avoid them in your own. It also includes related skills such as distinguishing fact from opinion and assessing the soundness of evidence.

In the broad sense, critical thinking is focused, organized thinking—the ability to see clearly the relationships among ideas. __1__ The greatest thinkers, scientists, and inventors have often taken information that was readily available and put it together differently to produce new ideas. That, too, is critical thinking.

__2__ As the class goes on, for example, you will probably spend a good deal of time organizing your speeches. While this may seem like a purely mechanical (机械的) exercise, it is closely connected with critical thinking. If the structure of your speech is loose and confused, chances are that your thinking is also disordered and confused. If, on the other hand, the structure is clear, there is a good chance your thinking is too. Organizing a speech is not just a matter of arranging the ideas you already have. __3__ .

What is true of organization is true of many aspects of public speaking. __4__ As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will imporve your ability to think clearly and accurately. __5__ As you learn to listen critically to speeches in class, you will be better able to assess the ideas of speakers in a variety of situations.

If you take full advantage of your speech class, you will be able to develop your skills as a critical thinker in many circumstances. This is one reason public speaking has been regarded as a vital part of education since the days of ancient Greece.

A. Rather, it is an important part of shaping the ideas themselves.

B. This may seem like a lot of time, but the rewards are well worth it.

C. It may also help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech.

D. It has often been said that there are few new ideas in the world, only reorganized ideas.

E. If you are wondering what this has to do with your public speaking class, the answer is

quite a lot.

F. The skills you learn in your speech class can help you become a more effective thinker in a number of ways.

G. As you study the role of evidence and reasoning in speechmaking ,you will see how they can be used in other forms of communication as well.



2. E第三段讲的是在演讲课上,你学会如何组织你的演讲,故选E。

3. A联系上下句可知,组织演讲不是一个整理你早就有的观点的问题,而是形成观点本身的一个重要部分。

4. F你在演讲课上学到的技巧会帮助你成为一个更有效的思考者,下面几句都围绕这个话题展开。

5. G前后都是as引导的从句,故中间这句也应该是as引导的句子。



The First Americans

There was a time long ago when a land bridge connected Asia and North America. The first settlers in North America crossed this land bridge from what is now Siberia to Alaska. The people who made this initial crossing were probably following the animals they used for food.

Eventually, the oceans rose and the land bridge between the continents disappeared. The settlers, who I shall call the “First Americans”,could not return to their homeland. __1__ For the next few thousand years, the First Americans migrated south and east throughout North and South America. They made the journey all the way from Alaska to the southern tip of South America, a distance of more than 10, 000 miles. __2__

In the far north, above the Arctic Circle, the First Americans became hunters of the ocean. __3__ In the brief summer,they gathered berries and other plants. In the winter, they stayed in lodges much of the time preparing for the next summer. It was a hard life,but they learned to survive in these harsh conditions.

Farther south, in what is now Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico, the First Americans became cliff dwellers(悬崖居民). They began by living in caves that already existed in the cliffs.__4__ The dwellings they constructed in many ways resembled today's apartment buildings.

__5__ They built a system of dams and canals so they could store and use water almost any time of the year. They were so successful that they could raise fruits and vegetables that were not

found naturally in the desert.

In Mexico and South America, the First Americans founded civilizations that were among the greatest in the world. They built huge pyramids, lived in fabulous cities, and made great advances in science and mathematics long before the Europeans arrived.

A. They also discovered foods like corn and potatoes.[来源:Z&xx&https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d213794327.html,]

B. Along the way,they established many different civilizations.

C. The First Americans of the Southwest learned to irrigate the desert.

D. They would have to survive in the New World they had discovered.

E. They built boats of animal skins and hunted or fished for their food.

F. People living near each other tended to share similar environments and customs.

G. They discovered how to add to the caves by building structures of wood and stone.










Our Fears Can Change the Reality of the Situation

At times,our worries and anxieties can defeat us. In addition, our worries can change our understanding of what is reality and what is not. Here is a brief list of techniques that you can use to help gain a better viewpoint on things during your anxious moments.

__1__ A person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get their mind off the problem. A person could get some fresh air,listen to some music,or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things.

Remember that our fearful thoughts are made to seem worse and can make the problem worse.__2__ When unexpectedly having thoughts that make you fearful or anxious, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense.

Be smart in how you deal with your fears and anxieties. Do not try to deal with everything all at once. When facing a current or upcoming task that makes your anxious, break the task into a series of smaller steps. __3__

Remember that all the worrying in the world will not change anything. Most of what we worry about never comes true. __4__ Everything else you can leave in the hands of God.

It is not easy to deal with all of our fears and worries. When your fears and anxieties have the best of you, try to calm down and then get the facts of the situation. The key is to take it slow. All you can do is do your best each day, hope for the best, and when something does happen, take it easy. __5__

A. Take it one step at a time and things will work out.

B. When feeling anxious, stop what you are doing and try to do something relaxing.

C. This will give you the confidence to manage your anxiety.

D. Instead of worrying about something that probably won't happen, concentrate on what you are able to do.

E. The next time you feel depressed,review your list and think about the good things that you have in your life.[来源:学科网ZXXK]

F. A good way to manage your worry is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking.

G. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.









(2011·东城练习二) When I walked into the house after school, the first thing I noticed was a box with items I recognized from my dad's office. When he told me that he was laid off, I thought he was joking. Then I noticed his seriousness and realized he was telling the truth. My father has always been a hard worker. He has prided himself on his career. __1__ I guess I had taken his work for granted.

__2__ For starters, he was home all the time. It meant my bed had to be made, my room cleaned up, and my homework done right after school. I would come home every day to find him at the computer searching for jobs. __3__ He seemed down, though he tried to be optimistic. He asked my brother and me to spend less. I gave up my spending money,which wasn't much. I also found a part-time job.

__4__ He explained that he never wanted to be laid off again, so he was going to start his own business. Day by day, I watched him build it. One evening I asked if he needed help. “Only if it doesn't affect school, ”he said. I showed up at his office the next afternoon, and most afternoons after that for two months.

__5__ The terrible experience for our family taught me how to deal with difficulties. Now I know that through creative problem-solving, I can always find Plan B. I can ask for help and take risks. What I have learned from my dad's understanding of business and his work ethic(信条) are two of the most important lessons I will ever learn. And they will be my principles for success.

A. Providing for our family has been his joy.

B. I made every effort to solve his problems.

C. I began to notice how losing his job had affected him.

D. My father's unemployment created many changes in our lives.

E. After months of searching, my dad decided to go in a totally different direction.

F. His courage and determination helped him to become successful in his new career.

G. I always knew he was a hard worker,but watching him in action influenced me a lot.









Why Cats Scratch Things

It has long been assumed that when cats scratch objects with their front paws(爪子) they are sharpening their claws. __1__ Research on cat behavior suggests that the major reason for this behavior is communication. By scratching up the bark of a tree or the leg of your favorite chair, the cat is letting other cats or people know where she is and what she is up to.

Cats tend to pick a small number of noticeable objects in their environments to scratch such as trees, fence posts repeatedly. __2__ The scratched surface leaves a highly visible mark that can be easily seen by other cats. In addition, cats have special glands(腺) in their paws so that when they make scratching movements they leave scent(气味) that other cats can smell. The fact that cats leave scent marks by making scratching movements may be the reason that cats will continue to scratch objects even after they have been declawed. __3__

We don't know exactly what cats are communicating with their scratchin g. Both males and females do it. It is done inside and outside the home and even by cats living with no other cats around. __4__ Cats don't scratch up your furniture to bother you or just to be destructive, but for specific reasons, one of which is communicating. Cats also scratch to extend their bodies, during play,and possibly as a greeting or to relieve dissatisfaction when prevented from doing other things they want to do.

__5__ It is easier to prevent problem scratching rather than trying to change your cat's preference for the arm of your sofa after it has become a built up habit. Thus, the goal is to establish acceptable scratching habits by getting your cat to prefer a scratching post rather than the arm of your sofa.

A. It turns out that this is only a secondary reason.

B. This is why the tree next door looks so scratched up.[来源:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d213794327.html,]

C. Cats use other parts of their bodies to communicate as well.

D. Small pieces of bark have accumulated on the ground underneath.

E. Scratching can result in considerable damage,owner dissatisfaction.

F. Declawed cats may still be leaving scent marks on objects they scratch.

G. It could be a defensive warning or just a marker that announces its existence.









(2011·东北三省四市联考) __1__ People use money to buy food,furniture,books, bicycles and hundreds of other things they need or want. When they work ,they usually get paid in money.

Most of the money today is made of metal or paper. __2__ One of the first kinds of money was shells.

Shells were not the only things used as money. In China,cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands,rice was used as money for a long time. Elephant tusks,monkey tails and salt were used as money in parts of Africa.

The first metal coins were made in C hina. They were round and had a square hole in the centre. __3__

Different countries have used different metals and designs for their money. __4__ Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money. Later some countries began to make coins of gold and silver.

But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. __5__ The first paper money looked more like a note from one person to another than the paper money used today.

Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.

A. The first coins in England were made of tin(锡).

B. But people used to use all kinds of things as money.

C. No one knows for certain when people began to use money.

D. People strung(串连) them together and carried them from place to place.

E. Money, as we know,is all made of paper.

F. They began to use paper money.

G. Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services.





3.D。依据行文逻辑,上下文间为递进关系。该空前有a square hole...,D项中有strug(串连)them together...,这是对前后内容的有效、合理的承接。

4.A。依据行文逻辑,上下文间为顺承关系。空前有Different countries...,空后有Sweden and Russia...,因此只有A项...in England与之相吻合,故选A。

5.F。依据行文逻辑,上下文间为因果关系。空前谈及中国人最先制造出金属货币,又因为贵重金属作为货币带来的不便而想出了一个改进的方法;空后紧接着引出纸币,故只有F项“They began to use paper money.”可以前后照应。



A survey conducted last week by China Youth Daily and Sina. com showed about 70 percent of 3,990 interviewees believe wealthy Chinese do not have a good reputation and are not worthy of respect. “Rich people on the mainland invest too little in charity and gain too much,” a student from Beijing Sports University said. __1__ They are a sense of social responsibility, self-discipline and a caring heart.

The number of people who make at least $50,000 a year increases by 15 percent a year according to the China Economic Times. __2__

The question how the rich became rich was on the top of the list from the interviewees surveyed. A post-graduate student at the Communication University of China said,“__3__” This opinion has been widely acknowledged by most interviewees.

__4__ Many voters thought better of rich people from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and western countries, rather than the mainland. Hong Kong property tycoon (大亨)Li Ka-shing was most highly regarded, followed by Bill Gates, mainland property tycoon Wang Shi and basketball player Yao Ming.

A professor from Renmin University of China called on the heads of Chinese companies to think and inve st in a long-term way.“___5__”the professor added.

A.Even so, the survey also found wealthy people keeping the law, and having a sense of social responsibility and a caring heart,are respected.

B. Skilled communication is not the necessary quality for the rich to get social respect.

C. The survey suggests the rich,to become popular and respected,need three things.

D. Their social responsibility is not only in charity, but in being a tie connecting the company with the government and the public.

E. What's more,some wealthy people were found dishonest sometimes.

F. Our country now has 1.5 million rich people.

G. Some rich people are thought to have made their wealth through illegal means, such as bribery(受贿).




3.G。由本段第一句话“富人怎样变富……”以及下句的This opinion可知答案。



5.D。由句意以及D中的关键词their(指上文的the heads of Chinese compaines)可知答案。



A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an appointment. The unpunctual man, on the other hand, never does what he has to do at the right time. __1__

There's a proverb which says,“Time flies never to be recalled.” This is true. __2__. The unpunctual man is for ever wasting his most valuable possessions as well as others'. The unpunctual person is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters, or return calls or keep appointments. __3__ He knows that he can get through his huge amount of work only if he faithfully keeps every appointment and deals with every piece of work when it has to be attended to.

__4__ If a person is invited to dinner and arrives later than the appointed time, he keeps all the other guests waiting for him. Usually this will be regarded as rude both to the host and the other guests.

Unpunctuality, moreover,is very harmful when it comes to one's duty. Imagine how it would be if those who are put in charge of important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time. __5__

A. They appear to be busy but never get well paid.

B. He is always in a hurry and ends up losing time.

C. Maybe nobody minds being kept waiting at a dinner party.

D. A lost thing may be found again, but lost time can never be regained.

E. But the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful of his time.

F. A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by others.

G. Failure to be punctual in keeping one's appointment is a sign of disrespect towards others.










(2011·太原基础知识测试) Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so,however. __1__ Here's how:

Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First arrange your time for eating,sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. __2__ A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems,but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.

Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space,which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or televisions. When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

Make good use of your time in class. __3__ Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. __4__ If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you'll remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests. __5__ They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't be overly worried.

There are other methods that might help you with your studying. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

A. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned.

B. Don't forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.

C. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.

D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to.

F. Remember to take notes of what the teacher says in class.

G. This will help you understand the next class.



1.E。Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to.在此起承接上句引领下句的作用。

2.B。从上文在介绍如何安排时间,即首先安排吃饭、睡觉和穿衣打扮等的时间,其次留出定期学习的恰当时间,按照常识和行文逻辑Don't forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.(别忘了留出足够的娱乐时间)就顺理成章了。

3.C。结合设空处前后句的内容可知,设空处的句子应该既是对段落主题句的解释又是对下文内容的概述,而Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.正好满足了这一要求。

4.G。This will help you understand the next class.既是对上句话的总结,也和下文内容衔接。[来源:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d213794327.html,]

5.A。The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned.既是对段落首句的诠释,也和下句密切衔接,融为一体。


(2011·河南示范高中适应性测试) What do you, the trees,and a bird have in common? __1__ All living things must have water to survive,whether they get it from a water fountain,a rain cloud,or a little bottle attached to the side of a bird cage.

__2__ Water makes up more than half of your body weight and a person can't survive for more than a few days without it. Why? Your body has lots of important jobs and it needs water to do many of them. For instance, your blood, which contains a lot of water, carries oxygen to all the cells of your body. Without oxygen, those tiny cells would die and your body would stop working.

Water is also in lymph, a fluid (流体) that is part of your immune system (免疫系统), which helps you fight off illness. __3__ Water is needed for digestive juices, urine, and poop. And you can bet that water makes up most of sweat.

In addition to being an important part of the fluids in your body, each cell depends on water to function normally.

__4__ Any fluid you drink will contain water, but water and milk are the best choices. Lots of foods contain water, too. __5__ You could probably tell that if you've ever bitten into a peach or pear and felt the juices dripping down your chin ! Vegetables, too, contain a lot of water—think of biting into a fat tomato from the garden.

A. You need water to digest your food and get rid of waste,too.

B. You all need water.

C. Without water,your body would stop working properly.

D. How much is enough?

E. Your body doesn't get water only from drinking water.

F. When you drink is also important.

G. Fruit contains quite a bit of water.











I was playing at my cousin house.Since his family was rich than mine, he had more toys than I did. There was one on particular I'd always wanted. I put into my pocket when he wasn't looking.

I guessed, even at that age, I would never be able to enjoy to playing with the toy or faced my cousin again; I would always know I'd done something wrong. Late on, my aunt drove me home. When she dropped me off, I pulled out the toy slow and gave it back. She knows what had happened, but she thanked me and ever mentioned it again.


I was playing at my cousin

cousin's house.Since his family was rich


than mine, he had more toys

than I did. There was one on

in particular I'd always wanted. I put ∧


into my pocket when he

wasn't looking. I guessed, even at that age, I would never be able to enjoy to playing with the toy

or faced

face my cousin again; I would always know I'd done something wrong. Late


on, my aunt

drove me home. When she dropped me off, I pulled out the toy slow


and gave it back. She

knows knew what had happened, but she thanked me and ever


mentioned it again.



My summer travel started terribly. I was at the Shanghai Railway Station buy a ticket to Hang Zhou. I was going to visit a friend here and after that I would go to Xiamen for long holiday. I bought my ticket but turned around to pick up my bag from the floor and then I realized that someone had stolen it. Luckily I had all my money on my pocket, but the only clothes I had was those I had on. It felt very strange to travel without any luggages. When I finally arrived at my friend he lent to me lots of clothes. I feel very happy that I could change my clothes at last.


My summer travel started terribly. I was at the Shanghai Railway Station buy


a ticket to

Hang Zhou. I was going to visit a friend here

there and after that I would go to Xiamen for∧



holiday. I bought my ticket but


turned around to pick up my bag from the floor and then I

realized that someone had stolen it. Luckily I had all my money on


my pocket, but the only

clothes I had was

were those I had on. It felt very strange to travel without any luggages


. When I

finally arrived at my friend

friend's he lent to me lots of clothes. I feel


very happy that I could change

my clothes at last.


(2011·辽宁卷) In early January this year,the rate of UFO reports were steady,around three per weeks.When,however,on Monday,January 16,a science fiction film about visitors to outer space was shown on television,there was the immediate increase in reports of sigthings from all parts of the States.The commanding officer,Wayne Tyler,who directly responsible for the study of all such reports,decided to making his findings known.They wrote an article,which said that all UFO reports could be explained for quite naturally by aircraft movements.Follow this exlanation,there was a rapid drop in the number of reported sightings,because the rate remained above the previous level.


In early January this year,the rate of UFO reports were


steady,around three per

weeks week .When,however,on Monday,January 16,a science fiction film about visitors to



space was shown on television,there was the


immediate increase in reports of sigthings from all

parts of the States.The commanding officer,Wayne Tyler,who∧


directly responsible for the

study of all such reports,decided to making

make his findings known.They


wrote an article,which

said that all UFO reports could be explained for quite naturally by aircraft movements.Follow

Following this exlanation,there was a rapid drop in the number of reported sightings,because


the rate remained above the previous level.


(2011·陕西卷) Last Sunday morning, when I was having a walk in the park near my home, I came across a crew make a new film with one of my favourite actor. I didn't have my camera with me at that time, but I rushed back home to get. Unfortunately, by the time I got back, they have finished the scene and the actor couldn't be seen everywhere. I was really disappointing and about to leave when he walked out a building. He was right there in the front of me! I couldn't believe my luck—not only did I had my photo taken with him, but he signed his name on my shirt!


Last Sunday morning, when I was having a walk in the park near my home, I came across a

crew make

making a new film with one of my favourite actor


. I didn't have my camera with me at that

time, but so/and I rushed back home to get ∧it . Unfortunately, by the time I got back, they have had finished the scene and the actor couldn't be seen everywhere anywhere . I was really disappointing disappointed

and about to leave when he walked out ∧of

a building. He was right there in the front of me! I couldn't believe my luck —not only did I had have

my photo taken with him, but he signed his name on my shirt!



We all have a strong desire to succeed. For some the desire is great than that of the average people. In fact, everyone wants to be successful so very few are willing to pay the price of hard working. Success is an attitude and has no really secrets. It all start with your belief system. Your belief system starts with what you feel about yourself. You must at first believe in yourself. On your journey to success, you will find that there are no shortcuts. You will never be able to completely master every detail of your life. Attempt to do so will only lead to disappointment. Besides, it's necessary of you to have clear goals. You'd better put your goals on paper where they are visible so that they can help to monitor your progress.


We all have a strong desire to succeed. For some the desire is great greater

than that of the average people. In fact, everyone wants to be successful so but

very few are willing to pay the price of hard working work . Success is an attitude and has no really real secrets. It all start starts

with your belief system. Your belief system starts with what how

you feel about yourself. You mustat first believe in yourself. On your journey to success, you will find that there are no shortcuts. You will never be able to completely master every detail of your life. Attempt Attempting

to do so will only lead to disappointment. Besides, it's necessary of for you to have clear goals. You'd better put ∧down

或 your goals ∧down

on paper where they are visible so that they can help to monitor your progress. (二)


It was snowing heavily Monday morning. Li Hua was at the bus stop, waited for Bus No.601 to go to school. After the while, the bus came and she got on it. There are many passengers in the bus. Some were talking but some were looking out of the windows. Suddenly the bus stopped. The driver turned around and said, “Sorry. The bus has been broken down. Please get off and help push the bus.” When we heard this, Li Hua and the other passenger got off the bus. They worked hardly together, pushing the bus slowly backward. Soon the bus was running again. All the passengers were smiling and the sun was shining.


It was snowing heavily ∧

on Monday morning. Li Hua was at the bus stop, waited


for Bus

No.601 to go to school. After the

a while, the bus came and she got on it. There are



passengers in the bus. Some were talking but


some were looking out of the windows. Suddenly the bus stopped. The driver turned around and said, “Sorry. The bus has been broken down. Please

get off and help push the bus.” Wh en we

they heard this, Li Hua and the other passenger


got off

the bus. They worked hardly

hard together, pushing the bus slowly backward


. Soon the bus was

running again. All the passengers were smiling and the sun was shining.


(2011·河南省五市第二次联考) My friend Tony and I always walk home together after school. Last Friday on our way to home, we heard a loud shout behind us. When we looked around to see what had happened, we found a woman lied on the ground, bleeding. We soon realized that she had knocked down by the car in front of him. We hurried to help her, and a man came over and tried to prevent us from getting closer to the wounded woman. We got very angrily with the man. How could he stopped us from helping a dying woman? The man asked us to turn around and we were surprised to see a man who were carrying a video camera on his shoulders. In fact, they were just shooting a film!How an interesting experience!


My friend Tony and I always walk home together after school. Last Friday on our way to home, we heard a loud shout behind us. When we looked around to see what had happened, we

found a woman lied

lying on the ground, bleeding. We soon realized that she had ∧


knocked down

by the car in front of him

her . We hurried to help her, and


a man came over and tried to

prevent us from getting closer to the wounded woman. We got very angrily


with the man. How

could he stopped


us from helping a dying woman? The man asked us to turn around and we

were surprised to see a man who were

was carrying a video camera on his shoulders


. In fact,

they were just shooting a film!How


an interesting experience!


(2011·郑州第三次质检) Dear Mr. Li,

I'm very sorry to have missed the first two lesson this m orning. I got up early as usually in the morning, but when I was ready to leave I find my bicycle's front tyre(轮胎)flat. I wanted to take bus or taxi to school, and I didn't have any money with me. I had to look for a place along the street to get my bicycle repairing. Unluckily, there were not any bicycle repair shops were open in the early morning. So I had to walk to school, carrying my bicycle all the way. That's how I was

late for school.

Please don't worry with my lessons, Mr. Li. I will make up for it and turn to teachers for help if necessary.


Wang Hui


Dear Mr. Li,

I'm very sorry to have missed the first two lesson

lessons this morning. I got up early as usually


in the morning, but when I was ready to leave I find


my bicycle's front tyre(轮胎)flat. I wanted

to take ∧

a bus or taxi to school, and


I didn't have any money with me. I had to look for a

place along the street to get my bicycle repairing


. Unluckily, there were not any bicycle repair

shops ∧


were open in the earl y morning. So I had to walk to school, carrying my

bicycle all the way. That's how


I was late for school.

Please don't worry with

about/over my lessons, Mr. Li. I will make up for it


and turn to

teachers for help if necessary.


Wang Hui


(2011·太原二模) Dear editor,

I'm a student of Yucai Middle School. In primary school there is nothing wrong with my eyes. But later because more and more lessons I couldn't see as clear as before. Sometimes I even couldn't see that the teacher wrote on the blackboard. In order to make things worse, my parents bought me a pair of glasses when I was in a second year of junior school. It was uncomfortable to wear glass. Final, I decided to wear contact lenses(隐形眼镜).They make me to look more beautiful and I have trouble in wearing them. Please tell me what I should do.


Wang Lin 答案:

Dear editor,

I'm a student of Yucai Middle School. In primary school there is


nothing wrong with my

eyes. But later because ∧

of more and more lessons I couldn't see as clear


as before.

Sometimes I even couldn't see that

what the teacher wrote on the blackboard. In order∧


to make

things worse, my parents bought me a pair of glasses when I was in a


second year of junior

school. It was uncomfortable to wear glass

glasses . Final


, I decided to wear contact lenses(隐形眼

镜).They make me to look more beautiful and


I have trouble in wearing them. Please tell me

what I should do.


Wang Lin



I firmly believe that everyone in the world loves his mother. So am I. My mother is an ordinary teacher. She always works hardly, just as other mothers do every day. In fact, she isn't good health. She had been suffering from arthritis (关节炎) for many years. In spite of this, he never stops working or gives up hope. I still remember the day that my mother accepted a card of congratulations for Teachers' Day from her director. The card was read “Thank you for your hard works; Happy Teachers' Day to you!” At that moment, I was so moving that tears came to my eyes. I am proud of my mother.


I firmly believe that everyone in the world loves his mother. So am


I. My mother is an

ordinary teacher. She always works hardly


, just as other mothers do every day. In fact, she


in good health. She had


been suffering from arthritis (关节炎) for many years. In spite

of this, he

she never stops working or gives up hope. I still remember the day that


my mother



a card of congratulations for Teachers' Day from her director. The card was read

“Thank you for your hard works


; Happy Teachers' Day to you!” At that moment, I was so



that tears came to my eyes. I am proud of my mother.


(2011·抚顺市六校联合体二模) Behind my apartment, there was used to be a dirty and messy corner.Bits of plastic bags hanged on the trees.Broken bottles were left laying here and there.There was a damaging car in the center.The whole corner gave away an unpleasant smell.One year ago, we decided to turn it in a beautiful park.Since then, great changes have been taken place in that corner.All the rubbish have been cleared away.Flowers and young trees have planted all over.Now birds come here to sing, children come here to play, and adults come here to enjoy our peaceful life.It has taken on a new look.


Behind my apartment, there was used to be a dirty and messy corner.Bits of plastic bags


hung on the trees.Broken bottles were left laying


here and there.There was a damaging


car in the center.The whole corner gave away


an unpleasant smell.One year ago, we decided to

turn it in


a beautiful park.Since then, great changes have been taken place in that corner.All

the rubbish have

has been cleared away.Flowers and young trees have∧


planted all over.Now

birds come here to sing, children come here to play, and adults come here to enjoy our

their peaceful life.It has taken on a new look.


(2011·宁波效实中学模拟) March 22nd, Tuesday Cloudy[来源:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d213794327.html,]

I watch TV until nearly 12 o'clock, so I could not go over my lessons. This morning I got up very late that I had to hurry to school without breakfast. Yet I was late for the first class. When I entered the classroom, the maths teacher also had to stop explaining an important problem, and all the eyes fixed upon me. My face turned red. Something even bad happened on me in the English class. The teacher asked me to recite the text, but I could speak nothing but sorry, because I did not spend any times preparing my lessons. The teacher looked at me coldly. I stood at my bench, not dare to raise my head. What a terrible day I had! I will never do something like this again.


March 22nd, Tuesday Cloudy

I watch


TV until nearly 12 o'clock, so I could not go over my lessons. This morning I got

up very


late that I had to hurry to school without breakfast. Yet I was late for the first class. When I entered the classroom, the maths teacher also had to stop explaining an important problem,

and all the eyes∧

were fixed upon me. My face turned red. Something even bad


happened on


me in the English class. The teacher asked me to recite the text, but I could speak


nothing but

sorry, because I did not spend any times


preparing my lessons. The teacher looked at me coldly.

I stood at my bench, not dare


to raise my head. What a terrible day I had! I will never do



like this again.


(2011·开化中学热身卷) Mike called his wife to tell him that he had got two film tickets. He asked her to go and meet him outside the theatre. Mike's wife is very glad because they hadn't seen a film for quite long time. She met her husband at the entrance of the cinema. Mike took out his wallet to get the ticket, so they were not there. He then tried his pockets, but the tickets were not there, too. Mike looked very worrying. “What's the matter?”asked his wife. “Well,”Mike explained, “I remember that I did with them. I put them on the desk and forgot to pick them up before leaving for the office!”



1. Three friends and I was driving on a highway. While we were going at least 50 miles per hour, we passed over a car. It had broken down, stopped on the side of the road. My friend slows down, and pulled behind the other car. He got out of the car immediate and before I knew it he was helping the other person push the car down the road to a spot where wasn’t so close to the passing cars. From the way they were pushing the car, it looked as if my friend was pushing them all by himself. I thought my friend help a complete stranger like this was a great thing, but I won’t forget his good nature or character. 2. Dear Brad, I’m very glad to hear from you. In your last letter you ask about the post-80s in China. Actually I am the boy who belongs to this group. Comparing with our parents, life for us is getting much hard. The job market is tough and the house is expensively to afford. Now many girls prefer to marry with a man who owns a house an d a car. Therefore, I don’t think love built on house and cars is true love, and I doubt how long it will last. As a matter of fact, though situations are tough today, a lot of we post-80s are making great efforts live a good life. I believe we will have a nice future. Li Hua 3. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Some of us are having problems about our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries. I fully understand why we are comfortable about it, but it is no need to feel too sadly. Our parents are checking in our bags or diaries to make sure we’re not getting into troubles. They have probably heard of some horrible stories about other kids and thinking we might do the same. Or perhaps they just want to connect with us and are doing it all wrong. My suggestion is: Tell them we want them to trust us as many as we’d like to trust them. If you don’t think you can talk to them, write them a letter and leave it lie around --- they are bound to read it. Thank you! 4. We spend two weeks in London last year. We went there in the autumn .We think it is the best season to visit England. The weather is usually good but there aren’t too many tourists in October. We stayed in a small h otel in the West End .It was convenient as we did most of our traveling by foot. We went to look at the places where all tourists see. We saw Buckingham Palace and the National Gallery. We went to shopping in Oxford Street and spent too many money .What we liked most, though, was going to theatre. We don’t have the chance to see so wonderful plays at home .A lot of people say English food is very badly. We didn’t think so. It’s true that most of the restaurants are French or Italian or Chinese, but we had some very good meal.


高三英语短文改错专项训练(每日一篇) (1) Last Sunday I saw the worst storm in years. It came sudden and went on for over three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air was hotter, and all is quiet. Then a strong wind started to blow into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out the open window. As I ran out to catch them, big drop of rain began to fall. When I came back into house, it was raining harder and harder. I tried very hard to close the window. Then I heard a loudly crashing(碰撞的)sound from the back of the house. When I ran out to find that a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the back room. (2) I have been planning to join in our college basketball team next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can with other people who likes to play. They are teaching me the most important rules and technologies of the game, and I am getting the better all the time. We have a neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. One of my neighbors is helping rest of us improved our skills. Tonight we are playing against one of the best teams in the city, and I think we can beat them if we won't make any mistakes. (3) Fang Tong is 34 years old, an actor, director and teacher of Beijing Opera Theater. Most of his students are from other part of China and have come to Beijing at a very young age of sixteen or seventeen. He hopes create an environment for his students that it is much more relaxing than the one he used to study in. He thought that an actor should relax himself when performing. Yet his students deep respect him and he never needs to raise his voice in order to be hearing. For his opinion, actors should go on even when they feel they have made a mistake in their performances because the moment is already gone but people can never be back to it. . . So art is always changing and

2018高考英语短文改错常见错误讲解与选练题( 含答案)

高考英语短文改错常见错误讲解与选练题 短文改错常见错误讲解 1. 谓语动词的错误是历年考试的重点和热点,常见动词错误类型有: ①一般现在时与一般过去时错用; ②and前后动词时态不一致; ③主谓不一致; ④缺少动词,特别是be动词; ⑤第三人称单数形式错用; ⑥主动语态和被动语态错用。 2. 名词的常见错误:单复数名词错用,可数名词与不可数名词错用。 3. 冠词错误:误用a和an(根据单词的第一个音素来判定);误用a/an和the(固定搭配,或泛指、特指;多冠词或少冠词) 4. 形容词和副词错误:系动词(am/is/are/was/were/become/go)和感官性动词(smell/feel)后用形容词;词性的误用(形容词修饰名词;副词修饰动词和形容词)。 5. 代词错误:代词的主格和宾格(I/me; he/him; she/her; we/us; they/them)错误;反身代词(myself/yourself/himself/herself/themselves/ourselves)使用错误;代词的单数和复数使用错误;代词指代错误;多代词或少代词。 6. 非谓语动词的常见错误:不定式、动名词作主语、宾语时;and连接的不定式或动名词前后不一致;介词后用动名词形式作宾语;某些动词后要求接动名词或不定式。 7. 介词错误:词组中的介词误用;介词意思理解偏差;介词的多用或少用。

实战选编题 A [2017·全国卷Ⅲ] 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 When I look at this picture of myself, I realize of how fast time flies. I had grown not only physically, and also mentally in the past few years. About one month after this photo was took, I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music club. Around me in picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time: car magazines and musical instruments. I enjoyed studying difference kinds of cars and planes,playing pop music,and collecting the late music albums. This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days. [参考答案]


中考英语七选五试题 1. Ali is from a Middle Eastern country. He now stays in the USA. He smokes a lot of cigarettes every day. He has smoked for nine years. Ali says, “ I tried to quit (放弃) smoking in my hometown, but it was impossible. My parents smoke. My brothers smoke. All my friends smoke. At parties and at meetings, almost all the men smoke. Here in the United States, not as many people smoke. ____1____ ” Many smokers are like Ali: they want to stop smoking. ____2____ They know it can cause cancer and heart disease. But it is difficult for them to give up smoking because cigarettes have a drug in them. The drug is nicotine. People who smoke a lot need nicotine. ____3____ The nicotine makes him sick. In a few days, the smoker’s body is used to the nicotine, and he feels fine. Later, the smoker needs nicotine to keep feeling fine. Without nicotine, he feels bad. ____4____ Many people who quit will soon smoke again. At a party or at work they will decide to smoke “just one” cigarette. Then they will smoke a nother cigarette, and another. Soon they become smokers again. ____5____ (240) A. It is very hard to quit smoking. B. It will be easier to change the smoking habit here. C. Thus nicotine makes smokers addicted to cigarettes. D. The smokers know that smoking is bad for their health. E. When a person first begins to smoke, he usually feels terrible. F. Maybe there is only one easy way to quit smoking: never start. G. But it is said that medicine is needed to stop them from smoking. 2.辽宁I was ten when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier(收银台)in her general store. 1 I quickly learned the importance of treating customers politely and saying “thank you.” At first I was paid in candy. 2 I worked every day after school, and during the summer and on weekends and holidays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. My father helped me set up a bank account. 3 By the time I was 12, my grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics(化妆品). I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye. Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as “ What color do you think I should wear?” I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup(化妆)ideas. 4 The job taught me a valuable lesson: to be a successful salesperson, you didn’t need to be a Rocket scientist—you needed to be a great listener. __5___ Except they are no longer women purchasing cosmetics from me; instead, they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see designed and developed.


短文改错专题 一.改错题型特点: 高考短文改错是知识和能力的综合测试题型。主要考查考生在语篇中综合运用英语知识的准确性及词、句、篇和语法的综合水平。高考短文改错设置的考点灵活多变,知识层次多,覆盖面广,包括词法、句法、行文逻辑以及语篇结构等,是一种在较高层次上考查考生对英语知识的掌握和语言综合运用能力的测试题型。 二.短文改错常见考点设置: 考点1:名词 命题特点: 本来用复数,却用单数;本来用单数,却用复数。 记住常考的几个不可数名词:news, work(工作), advice, fun, progress, information, luck, weather, music, health, change(零钱),baggage(行李), luggage(行李),furniture, jewellery, equipment等 改正方法: (1)根据名词前的修饰限定成份(2)根据上下文的逻辑关系. 1. She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success. 2. After class we become stranger at once. 3. They want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I’ll get marks in all my subject. 4. On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. 5. There are advantage for students to work while studying at school. 6. Now we can get millions of informations from the Internet. 7. He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests. 8. She is one of the most intelligent girl in our class. 9. I looked at his other hands. 10. Most of them are peasant and some often go fishing in the sea. 11. We have made great progresses with Mr. Liu teaching us. 12. Head teacher Guy Holloway said the new rules should help students get higher grade. 13. He was tall, with broad shoulder and a beard that turned from black toward gray over the years. 14. He’s getting married next month and decides to buy some furnitures. 考点2:代词 命题特点:1.男女性代词用反;2.单数指代复数;3.代词词性用错;4.缺少人称代词。 改正方法: 根据上下文的逻辑关系以及人称代词的数和格的一致问题。 15. Rose is such a kind girl that we all like him very much. 16. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. 17. I have a good friend who’s name is Liu Mei. 18. It was about noon when we arrived at the foot of the mountain. The three of them were very excited. 19. Soon I began to enjoy talking to myself as I was learning to express me in simple English. 20. My story book is much more interesting than her. 21. One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. 22. Some students may also save up for our college or future use. 23. Do you think necessary for you to learn Japanese well? 24. I dressed me quickly and hurried out the house. 25. You’d better keep that he said in mind. 26. He has three children, two of them are teachers. 27. The population of China is much larger than it of the USA.


Last week my parents and I took a two-days trip to Emei Mountain in Sichuan. As every one knows, it’s famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. The weather was fine. It was about noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain. The three of them were very excited. As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories. On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. The time passes quickly. Evening came down. We spent the night in a hotel at the top of the mountain. The food was expensive and the service was good. I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow. (二) Many teachers worry about the effects of television with young people. According to studies, many children spend more time watching television than they spend in school. Because so much viewing, children may not be develop the habit of read and the ability to enjoy themselves. No one worries much about the radio program young people listen to, although radios can be very noise. Teachers also wonder about the effects of television commercials. On one year the average child will see 25,000 television commercials, all planned and written by grown-ups to make children to want things that they don't real need. (三) I’m the captain o f our school team so with my fellow players we’ve won sever al games. There will an important game next month. But one of the best player in our team told me just then that he wouldn’t play basketball once more. His parents asked him to spend in more time preparing for the college entrance examination. I feel sorry to him. But his parents think go to college is more important than playing sports and college was the only place for a smart boy like his son. So my friend had no choice. He wanted to make their parents happy. (四) When I first learned to write English, I ran into many difficulties . The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English. My teacher advised me to keep my diary. I followed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to express me in simple English .One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher .She liked it very much and reads it to the class .All said the story was a good one. Their word were a great encouragement to me. (五) Dear Ralph, I’m a newcomer here of a small town. I would describe myself as shy and quietly. Before my classmates, it seems always difficult for me to do things as well them. I'm sure they will laugh to me and see me as a fool. So I feel happy every day. Besides, I have few friends. I don't know that they don't like to talk with me. Sometimes, we talked to each other very well in class, but after class we become stranger at once. I am trying to improve the situation since it doesn’t seem to work. Can you tell me about what I should do? Yours, Xiao Wei


英语高考短文改错精选和答案详解(25篇) 高考短文改错精选及答案详解(25篇) 1. Friendship is importance. Everyone needs friendship. In all 76. our lives we can't live without friendship just like we can't 77. live without air and water. Friendship makes us getting on 78. well with one another to go ahead under different kind of 79. difficulties in front of us. But real friendship is easy to 80. come by, True friendship must be sincerely and be based 81. on understand each other but not on benefits of each 82. other. A good friend can always be a good teacher to us. 83. By his advice we are persuading to go the right way. Therefore 84. more friends we have, the better we can improve ourselves. 85. 2. Not all people like to work and everyone likes to play. All over 91. _______ the world men and woman , boys and girls enjoy sports . Since 92. _______ long ago , many adults and children called their friends together 93. _______ to spend hours , even days play games . One of the reasons why people 94. _______ like to play is that sports help them to live happily . In other words, 95. _______ they help to keep people strongly and feeling good . When people are 96. _______


初中英语七选五习题练习 (一) Children have gentle minds. To find the best way to teach children to share and ca re is easy. Kids are naturally attracted to animals. 1 Also we can show them the cow eating grass on a farm. Making them have a look at the animals that are dying out and rare pictures from newspapers is another exciting way to make them love animals. The effects of pollution are difficult for them to understand. 2 There are great pictures of animals like cute rabbits and gorillas. 3 Tell them they are our friends, so we can’t hurt them. Take them to the conservation park and show them a monkey or a rare bird. Show them the types of penguins. Teach your children that animals can feel pain but cannot express themselves like us. 4 If you have pets at home, let them accompany your children deal with them well. One could call an ambulance for injured dogs or nurse a sick animal back to health. Taking a nature walk is liked by kids and also the best way to get along with the family. Kids love to see some newborn dogs and the mother nursing them. 5 . A Emotions are well understood by children and they may have the same feeling. B Children all like small animals, but they don’t consider them as their friends. C Teach them never to throw stones to hit animals. D This can make children know how to care others. E One could teach them to be kind to ants and show them how they carry food to save for the rainy day. F Parents should protect the environment first. G Therefore one could tell them that the environment should be (kept ) clean. (二) Feel the Meaning of Life Imagine life as a game, in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them: Work, Family, Health, Friends, Spirit. And you’re keeping all of these in the air. 1 . If you drop it, it will bounce back. 2 . If you drop one of these, they will be marked, damaged or even broken. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life. 3 . It is because we are different that each of us is special. Don’t set your goals by what other people consider important. Only you know what is best for you. Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Stick to them as you would cling to your life, for without them, life is meaningless. Never give up when you still have something to give. 4 . 5 .The quickest way to receive love is to give; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; and the best way to keep love is to give it wings. Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you've been, but also where you are going. A.Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life. B.Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. C.Don’t weaken your worth by comparing yourself with others. D.you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. E.Don't shut love out of your life by saying it’s impossible to find. F.You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. G.But the other four balls are made of glass. (三) How to keep healthy? It's easy for us to catch a cold in winter and spring because the


2018高考英语专题---短文改错 压轴题高分策略之错词 一、考点规律分析 短文改错中,错词所占比重最高,常占整篇短文改错10题中的的6个小题左右。错词的情况也最为复杂,常见的有:动词错误;名词错误;连词错误;冠词错误;形容词和副词错误;代词错误;非谓语动词常见错误;介词错误;习惯用法错误以及逻辑上的错误等。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。 1. 动词的常见错误 ①一般现在时与一般过去时错用; ② and前后动词时态不一致; ③主谓不一致; ④缺少动词,特别是be动词; ⑤第三人称单数形式错用; ⑥主动语态和被动语态错用。 They did not want me to do any work at home; they want me to devote all my time to my studies.聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。 【答案】did改为do As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories. 残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。 【答案】visiting改为visited 【思路分析】 通读全句可知,句子的整个时态为一般过去时,有三个并列的谓语动词,分别为fed,visiting和told。很明显,并列连词and前后的动词时态应该保持一致,所以应该把visiting改为visited。酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。 One evening she told me that something happened when her parents was out.彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。
