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[DRC0003] Port has a type which is inconsistent with other ports on the net TMCL--〉Net TMCL两端的端口类型冲突,修改一下type就好

DRC0008: Two nets in the same schematic have the same name, but there is no off-page connector--〉 you label a port or off-page connector with a name that is used by a power symbol or power pin on the schematic. It would be best to replace the port with a power symbol to transfer power through the design. If you have verified that there are no connectivity problems when running the netlist, you can ignore this warning.

[DRC0004] Possible pin type conflict U13,Y Output Connected to Bidirectional Port--〉经常会有的错误,修改pin type

[DRC0007] Net has no driving source A01-PC凡是画总线使用网络标号都有该错误,希望能讨教画总线的方法)--〉估计你的总线网络标号有问题

WARNING: [DRC0006] Net has fewer than two connections A01--〉这个错误不应该,net只有一头连接,另一头干什么用的?8 L, Y3 _. k0 F0
ERROR: [DRC0026] This reference has already been assigned to a different package type. U1--〉检查U1各个部分part reference还有封装有没有不同的' x/ L1 x
ERROR: [DRC0027] Other parts in this package have different values or PCB footprints. U1--〉检查U1各个部分part reference还有封装有没有不同的
ERROR: [DRC0029] Bus has no name and therefore defines no signals. N08158--〉同样是BUS 的命名有问题,找周润景的书看一下,虽然那书不怎么样,不过Orcad讲的还算可以5

如果在原理图中Ctrl+F找不到出现DRC错误的Net,或出现DRC错误的Net的坐标超出图纸范围,则应把原理图的Page Size放大,有可能是因为当初画图时某些器件忘记删掉就直接调整图纸大小了。。。确实很低级的错误

Checking for Unconnected Nets
: p1 E1 T) |/ X! BWARNING [DRC0006] Net has fewer than two connections $D_HI: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1
WARNING [DRC0006] Net has fewer than two connections $D_LO: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1
引申:推荐使用Offpage connecter作页面连接,电源或者电平使用power符号_
还有一个问题就是老是出现如下的warnings,attached(net has no driving source)是图片PCB论坛;
WARNING [DRC0007] Net has no driving source U3,GND: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (58.42, 50.80)
{====>74LS04非门的电源和地引脚你都没有连接,在原理图上看部出那两个引脚,但是实际上是存在的,所以要作连接,否则这个非门也没有用阿(没有供电);edit part就可以看到电源引脚

Same Pin Number connected to more than one net.
High Speed RAM/U3/4 Nets: 'RA1' and 'RD7_2204'.

No matching off-page connector

Type of pin above does not match the pin type of corresponding port below
