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The function of exaggeration is to highlight the essence of objects, strengthen authors’ sort of emotion, or emphasize the tone of writing, which through dramatizing the fact. In this way will the reading materials initiate readers association and even get vicarious pleasure.

Both alliteration and echoism are able to, apparently, increase the consonance of language by adding actual hearing of written or oral expression, which thus give people the sense of beauty.

Both alliteration and echoism are able to, apparently, add actual hearing

of written or oral expression,increase the consonance of language,and give people the sense of beauty.

Describing or sensationalizing one certain characteristic of something in metaphorical terms can make the objects more vivid and specific, leaving readers immense imaginary space. Also, using metaphor in articles can impress people with extraordinary literary grace, for it makes the articles more catching and easy understanding through simplifying abstractive principles.

Authors often arouse readers thinking or catch their attention using the method of questioning.

Rhetorical questioning is a way to strengthen the tone of the article and increase the convincingness in order to create impact on readers.


18种重要修辞手法 一、语义修辞 1明喻(simile)俗称直喻,是依据比喻和被比喻两种不同事物的相似关系而构成的修辞格。例如: 1.The snow was like a white blanket drawn over the field. 2.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. 认真观察以上各例,我们会发现它们的特点,由(as)... as, like等引导,这些引导词被称作比喻词(acknowledging word),它们是辨别明喻的最显著的特征,明喻较为直白,比喻物和被比喻物之间相似点较为明显,所以明喻是一种比较好判断的修辞手法。 2暗喻(metaphor)也称隐喻,是依据比喻和被比喻两种不同事物的相似或相关关系而构成的修辞格。例如: 1.His friend has become a thorn in his side.(他的朋友已变成眼中钉肉中刺。) 2.You are your mother’s glass.(你是你母亲的翻版。) 3.Hope is a good br eakfast, but it’s a bad supper. 由以上各例可知,暗喻没有引导词,这是明喻和暗喻在形式上的最大区别。换句话说,有为明喻,没有为暗喻。如:He has a heart of stone. He has a heart like stone.很显然,前句是暗喻,后句是明喻。暗喻时,比喻物和被比喻物之间的相似点较为含蓄,猛一看它们毫无关系,实际却有着某种内在联系。 谈到暗喻,有必要说说它的两种变体(variety):博喻(sustained metaphor)和延喻(extended metaphor),它们是英语比喻中的特殊类型。 (1)博喻连续使用多个喻体去比喻主体的方法就叫做博喻。比如: There again came out the second flash, with the spring of a serpe nt and the shout of a fiend, looked green as an emerald, and the reverber ation was stunning.(爆发了第二次闪电,她像蛇一样蜿蜒,如魔鬼般嘶叫,像翠玉般碧绿,轰隆隆震耳欲聋。) 这个例子中对闪电的比喻就用了三个喻体,spring of a serpen t(动态),shout of a fiend(声音),green as an emerald(颜色),它们从不同角度绘声绘色地把闪电呈现在读者面前。由此可见,多喻体的使用其优势是单一喻体所无法比拟的。它可以多角度、多侧面、多层次、多结构地表现主体。 (2)延喻据Longman Modern English Dictionary解释,延喻即make a n initial c omparison and then develop it, expanding the author’s id ea(作出初次比较再扩展,以延伸作者的意图)。请看下例: A photographer is a cod, which produces a million eggs in order that one may reach maturity. (摄影师像鳕鱼,产卵百万为的是长成一条。) 摄影师通常拍片成堆,难觅一成功之作,似鳕鱼产卵无数,长成者廖廖。故萧伯纳把摄影师先比作cod,再进一步用cod的习性比喻之,生动地道出了摄影师的艰辛。这里which后的从句就显示了延喻的功能。 与一般比喻相比延喻的使用更复杂。一般比喻只需抓住主、喻体之间的相似之处,延喻不仅要注意比喻本身,还要注意延伸部分是否与喻体保持了一致。也就是说,延伸部分应当是喻体的一部分,不能游离于其外。 延喻的构成分以下几种: ①由动词构成


教你如何去写SAT作文 在SAT写作考试中,考生想要写出一篇完美的文章是很不容易的,那我们应该在备考时怎样去屑SAT作文呢?下面三立小编为你带来教你如何去写SAT 作文,让你学到技巧,减少分数的丢失,希望对你有所帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线教育,专业老师为你在线解答相关疑问。 DIRECTIONS The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can read and comprehend a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage. In your essay, you should demonstrate that you have read the passage carefully, present a clear and logical analysis, and use language precisely. 第一段提出了明确要求: 1. read the passage carefully 认真阅读文章; 2. present a clear and logical analysis 分析清楚有逻辑性; 3. use language precisely 言简意赅。 第一段也说明了写作立场:you …read…a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage。对别人的文章进行阅读分析,而不是表达自己的情感或者观点。 Your essay must be written on the lines provided in your answer booklet; except for the Planning Page of the answer booklet, you will receive no other paper on which to write. You will have enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins, and keep your handwriting


其他常用修辞手法及基础知识 【修辞手法】 1、排比排比运用三个或三个以上的结构相同或相似,意思密切相关,语气一致的句子或词组,排成一串。这样的句子可以加强语言的气势,表达强烈的感情,增强语言的感染力。 2、夸张对描写的事物有意识地加以夸大或缩小,以突出事物的特征,表达作者的感情,引起读者的联想,加深印象。 3、设问为了引起读者的注意或思考,先自行提出问题,再自己进行回答。即自问自答。 4、反问将明确的意思用问句的形式表达出来,即只问不答,问中有答。 【考题突破】 1、共产党像太阳。(什么修辞手法) 2、马跑得越快,离楚国不是越远吗?(什么修辞手法) 3、是谁准确、及时地按住了大海的脉搏,使它紧随祖国前进的步伐一齐跳?是他们,战斗在海洋台站的海洋工作者。(什么修辞手法) 4、五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。(什么修辞手法) 5、我们的干部要关心每一个战士,一切革命队伍的人都要互相关心、互相爱护、互相帮助。 一、分析下列句子中分别使用什么修辞手法,填在括号内。 1、豆大点的人也想造反。() 2、一年之计,莫如树谷:十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。() 3、这件事怎能不是你的错呢?() 4、危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰。() 二、按要求写句子。 5、寒风吹到脸上很痛。(改为夸张句) ________________________________________________ 7、躺在草地上,望着变幻莫测的云朵打扮着蓝色的天幕,一会儿飘来了;一会儿跑

来了;一会儿。(排比句) 8、考场上静得很。(改为夸张句) ________________________________________________ 三、说说下面句子使用了哪几种修辞手法,在括号里写出一到两种。 1、一串串宝石般的水珠飞腾着,飞腾着,落进深潭。() 2、听了这感人的故事后,你不觉得我们的战士是可爱的吗?() 3、别看小草的身躯是那样的柔弱,却有着惊人的生命力。狂风暴雨休想催垮它;洪水干旱不能灭绝它;即使是车轮将它碾得粉身碎骨,不用多久,它又会从地下挺直身躯,开始新的生活。() 4、蒲公英妈妈为孩子们准备了降落伞,把自己的娃娃送到四面八方。() 5、渐渐的,天边的鱼肚白变成了淡色,好像人们喝了一点酒,脸上呈现出红晕一样。() 四、判断,是夸张句的在括号里划“√”,不是的在括号里划“×”。 1、桂了花开,十里飘香。() 2、春雨贵如油。() 3、公共汽车里挤得连根针也插不下。() 4、田野里,小虫为他演奏。() 5、冬风生气地吹掉了老鸦的住宅。() 五、照样子,写句子。 例1、空旷的花园里,烧焦的树垂头丧气地弯着腰。 例2、鸬鹚像等待命令的士兵,整齐地排列在船舷上。 例3、危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰。 六、判断下列句子是否用了修辞手法,如果运用了,在括号里注明类型;没有运用则在括号里划“×”。 1、如果我们出了什么事,你们可不要忘了小夜莺。() 2、人群在欢跃,小草也从地下伸出头来向人们微笑。() 3、旷野里一片黑暗,天地交融在一起,什么也看不见。() 4、我好像在哪儿见过你。() 5、不劳动,连棵花也养不活,这难道不是真理吗?() 6、他是在介绍白杨吗?不是的,他是在表白自己。() 7、清清的溪水,照着蓝天的影子、照着彩霞的影子、照着山上松树林的影子、照着行人来往的影子。() 8、飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。() 【阅读训练】 我的小弟弟 我有个弟弟,已经6岁了,胆子特别小,独自一个人在屋子里呆着都不敢。记得有一次


初中阅读理解技巧之修辞方式 烘托本是中国画的一种技法,用水墨或色彩在物象的轮廓外面渲染衬托,使物象明显突出。 修辞方式 ("对偶""比喻""拟人""借代""夸张""排比""反复""象征"寄寓寄托) 1、烘托:本是中国画中的一种技法,用水墨或色彩在物象的轮廓上渲染衬托,使物象明显突出。用于诗歌创作,指从侧面着意描写,作为陪衬,使所需要的事物鲜明突出。可以是人烘托人,如《秦罗敷》中借“行者”“少年”等的反应来烘托秦罗敷惊人的美貌,也可以是物烘托物,如“蝉噪林愈静,鸟鸣山更幽”、“僧敲月下 门”“月出惊山鸟”等以闹衬静。更多的是物烘托人,如《琵琶行》中三次写江中之月,分别烘托了琵琶声的美妙动听、引人入胜和人物凄凉、孤独、悲伤的心情。 2、联想和想象:多为浪漫主义诗人所采用。如李白常把现实与梦境、仙境,自然界与人类社会打成一片,他的《梦游天姥吟留别》以飞越的神思结构全诗,诗人的想象犹如天马行空,所描绘的梦境、仙境,恰是他所向往追求的光明美好的理想世界。“小时不识月,呼着白玉盘”“我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郞西”“我歌月徘徊,我舞影混乱”都是奇思遐想与自然天真相结合的神来之笔。 3、用典:即在诗歌中援引史实,使用典故。古诗很讲究用典,这既可使诗歌语言精炼,又可增添内容的丰富性,增添表达的生动性和含蓄性,可收到言简意丰、耐人寻味的效果,增强作品的表现力和感染力。如辛弃疾《永遇乐?京口北固亭怀古》中胜利地运用了五个典

故:孙权、刘裕、刘义隆等,诗人借助这些历史事实,含蓄自然而又充分地表达了自己的思想感情。 4、比喻象征:本是一种把一事物比成另一本质不同的事物的修辞手法,运用在诗歌当中,也称比兴。诗词当中经常运用这一手法以达到形象生动和化实为虚的艺术效果。如唐朝朱庆余《近试上张水部》巧借新妇拜见公婆前的忐忑不安而又充满但愿的心理,写自己应试前紧张而又但愿得到赏识的心态。贺知章《咏柳》:“碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。”早春新叶萌发,诗人在一阵惊喜中忽发奇想,是春姑娘用她那双灵巧的手,摆弄那富有灵性的剪刀,裁出那片片细叶的吧!比喻使描写化实为虚,形象更生动了,情感更浓郁了。如果通篇贯穿着这类比兴的意象,则是象征。如李白常借雄奇不平凡的事物,如大鹏、天马、雄剑及高山大河,来寄托他的理想,象征他的才能;喜欢选取高洁美好的事物如明月、凤凰、松柏、美人等,来象征报的人品节操;又常选取遭摧残、受拘羁的人物事件来比喻他的经历和处境。 5、夸张:即故意地对事物进行夸大或缩小的描写,借以表达诗人异乎寻常的情感。合理的夸张虽不符合事理,却符合情理。在浪漫主义诗歌中,夸张的手法随处可见。如“天台一万八千丈,对此欲倒东南倾。”(李白《梦游天姥吟留别》)“白发三千丈,缘愁似个 长”(李白《秋浦歌》)。又如“三杯吐然诺,五岳倒为轻”(李白《侠客行》)以五岳为轻来夸张侠客然诺之重;“轻言托朋友,面对九凝峰。”(李白《箜篌谣》)用山峰来夸张朋友之间的隔膜与猜疑。古诗词中还常用对比、借代、互文(如王昌龄《出塞》“秦时明月汉时关”、白居易《琵琶行》“主人下马客在船”)、双关、比拟等用法,特点、作用类似于一般文章中运用的辞格,此不再赘述。另外,古诗中常见的一些“艺术辩证”的手法,也要注意。如描述事物或景物


SAT“新奇”修辞手法之understatement 在SAT常考的修辞方法中,除了metaphor,analogy,personification这些我们中国考生比较熟悉的修辞手法之外,还有一些很常见的但是却有些令大家摸不着头脑的修辞方法。我们总结了若干这样“新奇”的修辞手法,推出SAT“新奇”修辞手法系列,帮助大家攻克写作手法的难关。 understatement低调陈述 首先我们要解释的问题是:什么叫understatement? understatement是指“a statement that is not strong enough to express facts or feelings with full force(语气不够强,不足以表达事实或感情的陈述)。A Dictionary of Literary Terms所给的解释是:A figure of speech which contains an understatement of emphasis, and therefore the opposite of hyperbole,often used in everyday speech and usually with laconic or ironic intentions.也就是说,这种修辞格是故意使用有节制的措辞来陈述事实,故意轻描淡写,借低调与弱化语言形式来表示强调。它是与hyperbole(夸张)相对的一种修辞格。 那么understatement想要达到怎样的效果?作者为什么要使用understatement呢?通过以上的定义我们也可以看出来作者使用understatement是想用一种低调与弱化的语言来表达一种强调的效果。虽然是“化大为小”,但是作者要表达的还是强调的意思。我们可以通过几个例子来理解:Last week I saw a woman flayed, and you will hardly believe how much it altered her person for the worse.上星期我看见一个女人被剥了皮,你几乎不会相信这把她变得多不好看。 作者用altered一词,轻描淡写地陈述了剥女人皮这一毛骨悚然的事件。I know he is honest, and I wish I could add he were capable. 我知道他是诚实的,我还希望我能说他是能干的。此句也是用虚拟语气来体现understatement,I could add he were capable其实是在说“但他不够能干”。 至今SAT阅读考试中共考了三次understatement,其中两次使用了“pretty decent”(还不错的、还可以的),可以说“pretty decent”是understatement 的标志。 比如其中一次使用“pretty decent”是在OG9section9讨论音乐免费下载好不好的一组双篇中,“I take further comfort in the fact that the human species managed to produce pretty decent creative work during the 5,000 years that preceded 1710, when the Statute of Anne, the world’s first


OG6 Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below The old saying, “be careful what you wish for”, may be an appropriate warning. The drive to achieve a particular goal can dangerously narrow one’s perspective and encourage the fantasy that success in one endeavor will solve all of life’s difficulties. In fact, success can sometimes have unexpected consequences. Those who propel themselves toward the achievement of one goal often find that their lives are worse once “success” is achieved than they were before. Assignment: Can success be disastrous? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. 题目翻译: 那句古老的谚语“当心你所期盼的东西”不失为一句恰当的警示。实现特定目标的动机能够危险地使一个人的观念变得狭隘,并且助长这样一种幻想:一次努力后的成功能够解决生活中的所有问题。事实上,成功有时候会带来无法预料的后果。那些为着实现某一目标而奋斗的人常常发现,“成功”实现后他们的生活变得比过去更糟了。 命题:成功可以是灾难性的吗? The power of success can be disastrous when placed in the wrong hands. Naturally, there are those who will always choose to manipulate conditions to succeed in their own endeavors, not taking into consideration the lives of those around them. On the other hand, there may be those who do


'12354 101 修辞手法在阅读理解中的运用、修辞手法知识 1、修辞手法的准确判断:

2、如何解答修辞手法作用类型题。 看过电视剧《虎妈猫爸》,注意剧名,“虎妈”、“猫爸”,妈妈真的是老虎吗?爸爸真的是猫吗?当然不是。这里用了比喻手法。 一、阅读文章片段,回答问题。 ①有一天与朋友聊天,我说,就是在文化大革命中当红卫兵,我也没打过人。我还说,我这一辈子,从没打过人?? ②你突然插嘴说:妈妈,你经常打一个人,那就是我?? ③那一瞬屋里很静很静。那一天我继续同客人谈了很多的话,但所有的话都心不在焉。孩子,你那固执的一问,仿佛爬山虎无数细小的卷须,攀满我的整个心灵』对你纯正无瑕的眼睛,我要承认:在这个世界上,我只打过一个人。不是偶然,而是经常,不是轻描淡写,而是刻骨铭心。这个人就是你。 1、第③段画线的句子运用了什么修辞方法,作用如何?(3分) 我最喜欢的是看黑槐树开花。黑槐树幵不出惊世骇俗的艳绝丽绝之花,它的花很小、很白,一蓬蓬,一穗穗,那么小心,那么内敛,那么自得,默默地开着自己的花。不争艳,不媚俗,只开自己心喜之花,只做自己的白衣仙子。然后,会结英子,名曰槐角,字连墩,清清爽爽幵花,利利落落做树,可以与他人无关,确实与他人无关 1、从修辞角度,赏析段落中的划线句子

A 一、判断下列句子所使用的修辞手法。 1、不劳动,连棵花也不养不活,这难道不是真理吗?() 2、这地方的火烧云变化极多,一会儿红通通的,一会儿金灿灿的,一会半 紫半黄。() 3、火车怎么才能爬上这样的陡坡呢?詹天佑顺着山势,设计了一种“人” 字形线路。() 4、落光了叶子的柳树上挂满了毛茸茸、亮晶晶的银条儿。() 5、农民们都说:“看见这样鲜绿的苗,就嗅出白馒头的香味来了。() 6、啄木鸟在给树治病。() 7、啄木鸟像医生一样给树治病。() B 我就是那个时候看到那一只孤独的小鸟的。在田边的电线杆上,在细细 的电线上,它安静地站在那里,黑色的羽毛,像剪刀一样的双尾 “燕子!”我心中像触电一样地呆住了。可不是吗?这不就是燕子吗?这不就是我从来没有见过的燕子吗?这不就是书里说的、外婆歌里唱的那一只燕子吗? 1、从修辞手法的角度赏析划线句子的表达效果。


英语常用修辞 1.Simile 明喻 明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性。或者说是以两种具有相同特征的事物和现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体之间的相似关系,两者都在对比中出现。标志词常用like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等. It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. 例如: 1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. 2>.I wandered lonely as c cloud. 3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale. 4>.This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see. 这头象和任何人见到的一样像一条蛇。 5>.He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit. 他看上去好像刚从我的童话故事书中走出来,像幽灵一样从我身旁走过去。 6>.It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something. 它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么东西似的。 7>.Carlos Lehder was to cocaine transportation what Henry Ford was to cars. 2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻 隐喻是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成。这种比喻不通过比喻词进行,而是直接将用事物当作乙事物来描写,甲乙两事物之间的联系和相似之处是暗含的。It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. For example, the world is a stage. 例如: 1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. 2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 3>.German guns and German planes rained down bombs, shells and bullets... 德国人的枪炮和飞机将炸弹、炮弹和子弹像暴雨一样倾泻下来。 4>.The diamond department was the heart and center of the store. 钻石部是商店的心脏和核心。 5>.All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. 6>.Money is a bottomless sea, in which honor, conscience, and truth may be drowned. 7>.Time is a river, of which memory is the water. Oh my friend, what I scoop up from the river is all yearning of you.


SAT作文历年作文真题汇总 1.OG2ed.P119-Is there always another explanation or another point of view? 2.OG2ed.P189-Is deception ever justified? 3.OG Practice Test4:Do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better? 4.OG Practice Test5:Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money,fame,or power? 5.OG Practice Test6:Can success be disastrous? 6.OG Practice Test7:Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves? 7.OG Practice Test8:Is the world changing for the better?

8.OG Practice Test9:Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? 9.OG Practice Test10:Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it? 10.OC1:Is the way something seems to be not always the same as it actually is? 11.OC2:Are bad choices and good choices equally likely to have negative consequences? 12.OC3:Do people learn who they are only when they are forced into action? 13.OC4:Are people’s lives the result of the choices they make? 14.OC5:Do closed doors make us creative?


`12354 101 修辞手法在阅读理解中的运用 一、修辞手法知识

1、修辞手法的准确判断; 2、如何解答修辞手法作用类型题。 看过电视剧《虎妈猫爸》,注意剧名,“虎妈”、“猫爸”,妈妈真的是老虎吗?爸爸真的是猫吗?当然不是。这里用了比喻手法。

一、阅读文章片段,回答问题。 ①有一天与朋友聊天,我说,就是在文化大革命中当红卫兵,我也没打过人。我还说,我这一辈子,从没打过人…… ②你突然插嘴说:妈妈,你经常打一个人,那就是我…… ③那一瞬屋里很静很静。那一天我继续同客人谈了很多的话,但所有的话都心不在焉。孩子,你那固执的一问,仿佛爬山虎无数细小的卷须,攀满我的整个心灵。面对你纯正无瑕的眼睛,我要承认:在这个世界上,我只打过一个人。不是偶然,而是经常,不是轻描淡写,而是刻骨铭心。这个人就是你。 1、第③段画线的句子运用了什么修辞方法,作用如何?(3分) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 我最喜欢的是看黑槐树开花。黑槐树开不出惊世骇俗的艳绝丽绝之花,它的花很小、很白,一蓬蓬,一穗穗,那么小心,那么内敛,那么自得,默默地开着自己的花。不争艳,不媚俗,只开自己心喜之花,只做自己的白衣仙子。然后,会结英子,名曰槐角,字连墩,清清爽爽开花,利利落落做树,可以与他人无关,确实与他人无关。 1、从修辞角度,赏析段落中的划线句子。 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


SAT写作中修辞手法的引用 SAT写作技巧中修辞方法的引用,往往可以让同学们的作文在最后一搏中锦上添花,博取高分。为此文都国际教育小编和大家一起分享SAT写作技巧,希望对大家的SAT写作有所提高。 修辞一:Simile 明喻 Simile用于比较两个不相似的事物,前后两部分用like或者as连接。如,你像王思聪一样有钱。You are as rich as Sicong Wang. 功能:Simile的主要功能是吸引读者的注意力,鼓励他们用联想的能力对作者要传达的思想进行理解。如果我说你有钱,很难让人理解你到底多么有钱,如果拿国民老公来明喻就清晰多了。 举例:The village of Holcomb stands on the high wheat plains of western Kansas, a lonesome area that other Kansans call “out there.” Some seventy miles east of the Colorado border, the countryside, with its hard blue skies and desert-clear air, has an atmosphere that is rather more Far Western than Middle West. The local accent is barbed with a prairie twang, a ranch-hand nasalness, and the men, many of them, wear narrow frontier trousers, Stetsons, and high-heeled boots with pointed toes. The land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive; horses, herds of cattle, a white cluster of grain elevators rising as gracefully as Greek temples are visible long before a traveler reaches them. 分析:With the simile, “a white cluster of grain elevators rising as gracefully as Greek temples,” he almost points toward a happy, prosperous side of the town for the first and perhaps only time in this passage. Not long after this sentence, however, the author describes the streets as “unnamed, unshaded, unpaved,” returning to his description of the village as desolate and empty, so destroyed that it is almost primitive. 修辞二:Metaphor 隐喻 Metaphor与Simile最大的区别是不存在“像”这个词,通常的形式是“甲是乙”。如,你是我的小苹果。 功能:Metaphor和simile的功能大致相同,均为吸引读者注意力,帮助读者更好的理解文章。 修辞三:Personification 拟人

sat写作经典例子:Chris Gardner

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/dd15465867.html, SAT写作经典例子:Chris Gardner 下面为大家整理的是关于SAT写作经典例子:Chris Gardner,主要介绍了一位一直想要成为一名股票经纪人的父亲的故事,其实就是电影《幸福来敲门》的原型。大家在备考成功,选择之类的SAT写作题目的时候,可以选择恰当的切入点进行描述。 Chris Gardner Chris Gardner has become famous for his miraculous life journey from a vagrant to a reputed Wall Street stockbroker within dozens of years. Born in a poor fatherless family in 1950s, he tried multiple ways to strive for a living by himself. He ever wandered along streets with his toddler son, and got put into jail, but he never quit his dream of being a stockbroker. One of his words goes like this: “In the darkest moments of your life, the one who can help you is only yourself.” With an awareness of the significance of tenacity and diligence, Gardner finally got a chance to be trained in a brokerage in spite that he did not have any college diploma or experience. When he passed examinations and earned a license as a stockbroker, he was exhilarated. He just knew that a promising future was awaiting him. After he embarked on the track of stockbroking, things went much more smoothly. In 1987 he launched his own brokerage firm in Chicago and soon developed into a millionaire. Recently besides managing his firm and playing the role of a good father, he is devoting to philanthropic undertakings in South Africa, hoping to help the poor to live better. 克里斯?加德纳 克里斯?加德纳因他的传奇人生而出名,在几十年间他从一个流浪汉摇身一变变为一位著名的华尔街股票经纪人。在二十世纪五十年代,他出生于一个穷苦家庭,从小没有父亲,只能靠自己试图用各种方式养活自己。他带着自己的儿子流浪街头,也曾踉跄入狱,但他始终没有放弃心中的梦——成为一名股票经纪人。 他常说这么一句话:“在你生命中最黑暗的时刻,能帮到你的唯有你自己而已。”加德纳深知坚强和勤奋的重要性,虽然他没有任何大学文凭,也没有任何和股票经纪相关的工作经验,但是他的不懈努力最终为他赢得了一次在经纪公司培训的机会。当他通过考试并拿到经纪执照的时候,他简直乐坏了。他坚信未来是充满希望的,而他正在走向未来! 自从他开始从事股票经纪,一切都顺理成章了。在1987年他在芝加哥开设了自己的股票经纪公司,并迅速一跃成为百万富翁。最近他除了管理公司和当个好爸爸之外,也竭尽所能地投入南非的慈善事业中,他希望能够帮助南非的穷人们,让他们活得更好。


修辞手法在阅读理解中 的运用 标准化管理部编码-[99968T-6889628-J68568-1689N]

`12354 101 修辞手法在阅读理解中的运用 1、修辞手法的准确判断; 2、如何解答修辞手法作用类型题。 看过电视剧《虎妈猫爸》,注意剧名,“虎妈”、“猫爸”,妈妈真的是老虎吗?爸爸真的是猫吗?当然不是。这里用了比喻手法。 一、阅读文章片段,回答问题。 ①有一天与朋友聊天,我说,就是在文化大革命中当红卫兵,我也没打过人。我还说,我这一辈子,从没打过人??

②你突然插嘴说:妈妈,你经常打一个人,那就是我?? ③那一瞬屋里很静很静。那一天我继续同客人谈了很多的话,但所有的话都心不在焉。孩子,你那固执的一问,仿佛爬山虎无数细小的卷须,攀满我的整个心灵。面对你纯正无瑕的眼睛,我要承认:在这个世界上,我只打过一个人。不是偶然,而是经常,不是轻描淡写,而是刻骨铭心。这个人就是你。 1、第③段画线的句子运用了什么修辞方法,作用如何?(3分) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______ 我最喜欢的是看黑槐树开花。黑槐树开不出惊世骇俗的艳绝丽绝之花,它的花很小、很白,一蓬蓬,一穗穗,那么小心,那么内敛,那么自得,默默地开着自己的花。不争艳,不媚俗,只开自己心喜之花,只做自己的白衣仙子。然后,会结英子,名曰槐角,字连墩,清清爽爽开花,利利落落做树,可以与他人无关,确实与他人无关。 1、从修辞角度,赏析段落中的划线句子。 _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________ A 一、判断下列句子所使用的修辞手法。 1、不劳动,连棵花也不养不活,这难道不是真理吗?() 2、这地方的火烧云变化极多,一会儿红通通的,一会儿金灿灿的,一会半紫半黄。() 3、火车怎么才能爬上这样的陡坡呢?詹天佑顺着山势,设计了一种“人”字形线路。() 4、落光了叶子的柳树上挂满了毛茸茸、亮晶晶的银条儿。() 5、农民们都说:“看见这样鲜绿的苗,就嗅出白馒头的香味来了。() 6、啄木鸟在给树治病。() 7、啄木鸟像医生一样给树治病。() B 我就是那个时候看到那一只孤独的小鸟的。在田边的电线杆上,在细细的电线上,它安静地站在那里,黑色的羽毛,像剪刀一样的双尾。 “燕子!”我心中像触电一样地呆住了。可不是吗?这不就是燕子吗?这不就是我从来没有见过的燕子吗?这不就是书里说的、外婆歌里唱的那一只燕子吗? 1、从修辞手法的角度赏析划线句子的表达效果。 _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________ C 目之所及,只有路边影影憧憧的古树,只有不远处岩岩叠叠的山石,只有石壁上遒劲古朴的石刻。至于远处的山峰,则全部迷于苍茫的雾中,我只能对着游览图上

SAT写作 修辞手法总结

SAT Essay Glossary The SAT Essay will ask you how an author uses evidence, reasoning, and stylistic or persuasive elements to craft an argument. How can you quickly determine which of these elements the writer is using, and exactly what they are? This glossary will help you get started! Ethos/Pathos/Logos Back in the day, Aristotle identified three primary forms of persuasion: Appeals to Ethics (Ethos), Appeals to Emotion (Pathos), and Appeals to Logic (Logos). Appeals to Ethos are intended to establish a person's professional credibility or qualifications to make a particular argument. Through a claim to knowledge and relevant experience, this method of persuasion emphasizes the ethical or moral character and stature of the person who is providing information. If the speaker or writer wants to provide extra credibility, they can bring in a trusted source to bolster their argument. Examples of Ethos: ?Now, since I am a preacher by calling, I suppose it is not surprising that I have seven major reasons for bringing Vietnam into the field of my moral vision.” - Martin Luther King, Jr. ?“I’ve lived in this apartment community for over 20 years and have loved my time here. I’ve never once made a complaint . . . until now.” ?“With two terms as Governor of Missouri under his belt and a decades-long senate career, Mr. Gonzalez is eminently qualified to become President.” ?“As a whale watcher, I see firsthand on a daily basis just how important our local ecosystems are to the survival of marine life.”
