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任务型阅读专项练习和答案 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读信息,为每段选择恰当的标题。 Here is a page from a magazine named Future. Read the following information about things that may happen in the future. ________⑴Cars will run on solar power(太阳能)or electricity and will be much cleaner. They will be much safer. For example, if you are too close to another car or if you are driving dangerously, your car will slow down by itself. ________⑵Because there won't be any spare land, new cities will have to be built in the sea. Some cities on water will have two levels. People will live on the upper level, and the lower level will be used for traffic, shops and factories. ________⑶Biotechnology will make food better and healthier. Plants that are not affected by insects or illnesses will be developed. The taste of fruits and vegetables will be better and food will be kept longer. ________⑷New technology will be used to make TVs that are only 5cm thick. They will have pictures that are as clear as photos. Electrical appliances will be quieter and will be controlled by computer. They will also use 50% less power. ________⑸Many new ways to cure illnesses will be successful by using products of genetic engineering (基因产品). Cures will be found for the flu and the common cold. However, some new illnesses will appear. 【解析】【分析】文章大意:介绍了未来社会在能源交通,城市建设,生物技术以及医药方面的一些变化。 A. Better and healthier food will be developed with the help of biotechnology. 在生物技术的帮助下,将开发出更好、更健康的食品。 B. TVs made by new technology are not only 5cm thick but also as clear as photos. 新技术生产的电视机不仅有5厘米厚,而且像照片一样清晰。 C. Cars will be much cleaner and safer if they run on solar power or electricity. 如果汽车使用太阳能或电力,将会更加清洁和安全。 D. Some new illnesses will appear though many new ways to cure illnesses will be successful. 一些新的疾病将会出现,尽管许多治疗疾病的新方法将会成功。 E. The future cities will be built in the sea because of less land. 未来的城市将建在海里,因为陆地较少。 (1)根据文中语句Cars will run on solar power(太阳能)or electricity and will be much cleaner. 提示可知,此段讲述的是新能源汽车的优点,故选C。


英语任务型阅读练习题含答案及解析 一、英语任务型阅读 1.从方框中选择恰当的句子补全短文,使文章内容完整、通顺。 Improving Listening Sills in the Classroom Listening is a skill that needs to be learned and used well to be able to succeed in any environment. In the classroom, great listening skills mean the difference between a successful student and one who struggles (挣扎) in school. Come to class rested. ________ When your body is well taken care of, your mental (精神的) focus will be much better. If you come to class sleepy or tired, it may be impossible for you to keep your eyes open and concentrate (集中) on what the teacher is saying. ________ Have everything you need at the start of the class. If you have homework, make sure you are ready to hand it in. Bring out your notebook and pen so you can start taking down notes Also, try to read your textbooks before coming into class. It will help you understand more easily what your teacher is talking about. ________ When you're in the front of the class, you'll have an easier time hearing what the teacher has to say you won't have a daydream when the teacher is near you. Take down notes. Write down what you hear in class. ________ It will also make you concentrate more on what is being said So you can properly take notes. Try to concentrate when you are in class so that you are able to get the key points during a lecture. ________ Once you learn techniques to help you with this skill, you should see an improvement in your listening. 【解析】【分析】主要讲了提高英语听力的技巧。 A. Be prepared.做好准备。 B. Sit near the teachers.坐在老师旁边。 C. Listening is a skill that is developed little by little.听力是一种逐渐发展起来的技能。 D. This makes it easier to remember what is being discussed.这使人们更容易记住正在讨论的内容。 E. Make sure you had a good night's sleep and had a good breakfast.确保你晚上睡得好,早餐吃得好。 (1)根据后句When your body is well taken care of, your mental (精神的)focus will be much better.当你的身体得到很好的照顾,你的精神集中会更好,可知前句讲得是睡好,故


2020初三英语阅读理解及答案 下面有一篇文章,希望同学们用10分钟将此题做完,然后对照讲解找到准确的答案。 Passage 1 If you look at the sky one night and see something moving and shining that you have never seen before, it might be a comet (彗星). A comet sometimes looks like a star. Like a planet, a comet has no light of its own. It shines from the sunlight it reflects (反射). Like the earth, a comet goes round the sun, but on a much longer path (轨道) than the earth travels. If a comet isn’t a sta r, what is it then? Some scientists think that a large part of a comet is water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few big pieces of rock. When sunshine melts (融化) the ice in the comet, great clouds of gas go trailing after it. These clouds, together with the dust, form a long tail. Many people perhaps have seen a comet. However no one knows how many comets there are. There may be millions of comets, but only a few come close enough for us to see. An Englishman named Edmund Halley, who lived from 1656 to 1742, found out a lot about the paths that comets take through the sky. Some comets move out of our sight and never come back. Others keep coming back at regular times. A big comet that keeps coming back was named after Halley because


《雪》阅读练习及答案 (二)阅读下面的文字,完成10—13题。(20分) 雪 彼得洛芙娜搬来一个月后,波塔波夫老人就去世了。这座房子里就剩下彼得洛芙娜和她的女儿瓦丽娅。 这座只有三个房间的小屋坐落在山上,小屋后面是一座凋零的花园。 离婚后的彼得洛芙娜离开莫斯科以后,在很长一段时间里都不习惯这座空旷的小城。可是回莫斯科已经不可能了。她在这座小城的军医院找了事做,受伤的心也就暂时安定下来了。渐渐地,她有点喜欢上这座小城了,喜欢上了这小城冬日里洁白、温柔的雪。她渐渐习惯了小屋里摆放着的那架走了调的钢琴,习惯了挂在墙上的那些业已发黄的照片。 她知道老人有一个儿子,如今正在黑海舰队上服役。桌上有一张他的照片。有时,她会拿起他的照片,端详一番,她总是隐约觉得似乎见过他,可是,是在哪里呢?是什么时候的事呢?水兵那双安详的眼睛仿佛在问:“喂,怎么样?难道您真的想不起来,我们是在哪里相会的吗?” 冬天到来之后,陆续有写给波塔波夫老头的信寄来。彼得洛芙娜把这些信都叠放在书桌上。有一天夜里,她醒了过来。窗外的白雪发出昏暗的光亮。她点燃桌上的蜡烛,小心地抽出一封信,拆开了信封,环顾了片刻,便读了起来。 “亲爱的老爷子,”她念道,“我从战场上下来已经在医院里躺了一个月了。伤不是很重。总的来说,伤快要养好啦。” “爸爸,我常常想起你,”她接着念下去,“我也常常想起我们家这座小屋,但这些离我似乎都非常遥远。我只要一闭上眼睛,立刻就会看到:我好像正在推开小门,走进花园。这是在冬天,白雪皑皑,可是通向那座旧亭子的小径被清扫得干干净净,钢琴当然已经修好啦,你把那些螺旋状的蜡烛插在了烛台上。钢琴上摆着的还是那些曲谱:《黑桃皇后》序曲和抒情曲《为了遥远的祖国的海岸……》。门上的铃还响吗?我走的时候还是没来得及把这修好。我难道还能再见到这一切吗?我明白,我在保卫的不仅是整个国家,也在保卫这个国家里的每一个角落,包括我们家的花园小屋。 “我出院后,会有一个很短的时间回家探亲。我还不能确定。不过最好别等。” 她思忖,或许就在这两天内,这个陌生人就会从前线回来。 一大早,彼得洛芙娜就吩咐瓦丽娅拿起木铲去清理通向山坡上那座亭子的小径。这座亭子已经非常破旧了。彼得洛芙娜修理好了门铃,她按了按门铃,门铃响了起来,声音很大。她显得格外精神,面色绯红,说话嗓门特别大。她从城里请来了一位老技师,他修好了钢琴,说这确是一架好钢琴。 老技师走了之后,彼得洛芙娜小心翼翼地从抽屉翻找出一包粗粗的螺旋状蜡烛。她把蜡烛插到了钢琴架上的烛台上。晚上,她点燃蜡烛,坐到钢琴前,顿时,整个房子都充满了音乐声。还在火车上,波塔波夫中尉就算好了,留给他待在父亲那儿的时间不超过一昼夜。火车是下午到达小城的。就在车站,中尉从认识的站长那儿了解到,父亲已经在一个月前去世了,如今在这座屋里住着的是一个带着女儿从莫斯科来的陌生的女歌唱家。站长建议中尉就别回家去了。 中尉沉默了一会,说了声“谢谢”,便走了出去。站长看着他的背影,摇了摇头。

最新中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解试题(及答案)

最新中考英语英语任务型阅读理解试题(及答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读下面的5段语言材料,请找出与前面四段相对应的标题,并完成问题。 (1)找出与前面四段相对应的标题 ________ Your best chance of success is by doing what you really want to do. Ask yourself, "If money were not so important, what kind of work would I do for free?" Then just do what you like to do. ________ Think about what you are going to do. You have to start somewhere and it may be quite a real beginning, whether you are beginning in business or you're dreaming to be a star, you have to star at the bottom. ________ Great ambition is necessary. An English student called Richard Brason opened a student magazine when he was only 16 years old. But he didn't stop here. He also opened a record business with many shops, and now his company has planes, trains and cars. ________ The only people who succeed without hard work are lottery winners. You need a "can do" attitude and you must work step by step, which will help you get what you really want. You are on the right way to win the success. Follow the leaders. If you always say someone is successful, it doesn't mean anything to you. Learn from those who have already succeeded in something, especially where they do the same as you want to do. A. A middle school student. B. A new hand in the company. C. A housewife. D. A baby. 【答案】(1)D;B;A;C (2)B 【解析】【分析】 A. Think big.立大志。 B. Start small.从小事做起。 C. Be prepared do work hard.准备努力工作。 D. Find the work you love.找到你喜欢的工作。 (1)根据Your best chance of success is by doing what you really want to do. Ask yourself, "If money were not so important, what kind of work would I do for free?" Then just do what you like to do. 你成功的最好的机会是做你真的想做的事情。问问自己,“如果钱不是特别重要,哪类工作你想免费做?然后只要做你喜欢做的事情。可知此处是要找自己喜欢的工作。故选D。 (2)根据 Think about what you are going to do. You have to start somewhere and it


阅读下文理解? 别让委屈再版? ————陈之藩 ①记得在小学的?时候.每星期有作文?课。国文教师除了?在作文卷上有?批语外,还把全班的作?文排好了名次?,当堂唱名发还?。如名次排在后?面,显得非常难堪?,于是大家对作?文都很努力。我本来就喜欢?作文,再加上努力,所以作文发还?时,常是名字在前?几名之中。 ②一次作文,题目是“北风”还是“春风”我已记不清了?,作完后自己很?得意。当时觉得下星?期发还时,我一定是在前?几名之中。没有想到,不仅前几名没?有我,甚至中间也没?有,而是排在最后?一个。我根本不明白?是怎么回事了?。 ③下了课,去问国文老师??老师说:“这不像你这个?小学生作的,一定是抄自什?么杂志上的。”我惊讶得不得?了。我说:“确实是我作的?。”老师说:“你不可能作这?么好。你是抄的。你如果说你不?是抄的,拿出证明来!”我反抗也无从?反抗起,委屈地哭了一?场。 ④小时候的多少?事情,现在儿乎都忘?了,唯独这次所受?的委屈,总是记得清清?楚楚。 ⑤事情竟然无独?有偶,我在大学三年?级时,又出现了一次?类似的事。那是考交流电?路的课,有一道最低还?是最高劝率的?问题,教授所讲过的?是用微积分求?最大或最小的?方法。我在考试时,嫌那个方法麻?烦,竟异想天开?用几何作圆,利用切线的关?系,找出答案来。那一次考试,我又是很得意?,却没有想列这?一题竟然得了?零分。——教授说我不会?微积分;而这个几何方?法呢,一定是从别处?抄来的。于是我在小学?所受的委屈再?版了一次。 ⑥时光流水似的?逝去,我在美国当了?教授,又遇到一次类?似的事,不过我扮演的?不是学生,而是教师的角?色。 ⑦有一个美国学?生提交一篇学?期论文。当作期末考试?。我翻来覆去地?看他这篇论文?,发现不仅风格?清新,而且创新满纸?,令人不能相信?是一个大学生?所作。 ⑧我很自然地怀?疑他是从什么?地方抄来的。问题就这么极?端:如果是抄来的?,只有给不及格?;如果不是抄来?的,那就太好了。我到图书馆查?了两天最新到?的期刊,看看有无类似?的东西却不得?要领。于是请教一位?同事,问他该怎么办?。 ⑨我这位同事对?我提出的问题?,倒显得有些惊?异。他说:“如果你不能查?出你的学生是?抄来的,你就不能说他?是抄来的。你的学生并没?有义务去证明?他不是抄来的?,这是罗马法的?精神。文明与野蛮的?分际,就在这么细微?的差别上。我觉得这是常?识,你却觉得这是?个问题,好奇怪!”我不禁一怔:幸亏同事提醒?,否则,那种委屈又会?再版。

任务型阅读试题及答案 百度文库

一、高中英语任务型阅读 1.任务型阅读 It is now mandatory(强制) for drivers or passengers to wear seatbelts while in a car in all states. In addition, it is also mandatory for kids of be in some kind of specialized car seat. Given the strict requirements in other vehicles, why don't buses have seatbelts? The main answer, at least for school buses, is that seatbelts do not make school buses safer. Overall, traveling on school buses is the safest way to travel—40 times safer than riding in a car—with only a handful of deaths occurring to passengers on school buses every year. The seats on the school bus are placed very close to each other and have high backs that are thickly padded. As a result, in an accident the students would be propelled forward a very short distance into a padded seatback that in a way is like an airbag. In addition, the fact that people sit high off the ground on school buses also makes it safer to travel on them. While school buses feature high backed seats and elevated seating locations, the same cannot be said of city buses. However, from a practical angle, there's little need to require seatbelts on city buses. Although the design of the modern low—floor city bus is less safe than the design of school buses, the fact that city buses rarely travel at speeds greater than 35 miles per hour means that any collision is likely to be small, Also, given that most trips on city buses are short and that many trips have standing passengers, the presence of seatbelts will make even less of a difference. Another answer why buses do not have seatbelts is cost. It is estimated that adding seatbelts to buses would add between $8,000 and $15,000 to the cost of each bus. In addition, seatbelts would take up room currently used as seats, meaning that each bus would have fewer seating places. The additional room in the bus taken up by seatbelts would mean that bus fleets would have to increase by as much as 15% just to carry the same number of people. Such an increase would be especially difficult in cities that experience overcrowding on their vehicles. Regardless of whether their passengers have seatbelts, all buses provide seatbelts for drivers and most bus companies make their drivers wear seatbelts in order not to be influenced by a collision.


阅读下面的文字,完成各题。 海边的雪 张炜 风肆无忌惮地吼叫着,绞拧着地上的雪。天就要黑下来了。他们一刻也没有多站,就返身回铺子里了。 金豹重新坐到炉台跟前,烘着手说:“这样的鬼天气只能喝酒。唉唉,到底是老了,没有血气了,简直碰不得风雪。” “这场雪不知还停不停。等几天你看吧,满海都漂着冰矾。”老刚还在专心听着风雪的吼叫声。 “唉,老了,老了。”金豹把一双黑黑的手掌放在炉口上,像烤咸鱼一样,反反正正地翻动着。“就像雪一样,欢欢喜喜落下来,早晚要化的。” 老刚点点头,“像雪一样。” 金豹望着铺门上那块黑乎乎的玻璃:“还是地上好,雪花打着旋儿从天上下来,积起老厚,让人踏,日头照,化成了水。它就这么过完一辈子。” “人也一样。真不容易啊!”老刚的声音有些发颤,他的眼睛直盯住跳动的灯火,眼角上有什么东西在闪亮。金豹慢慢地吸一支烟,把没有喝完的半瓶酒重新插到沙子里去。 两个老人挨在一起,闭着眼睛各自想心事。老刚想他的儿子——这时已经背上猎枪和金豹的儿子回家了。 老刚躺下了。金豹自己却睡不着了。他侧身吸着烟,静静地听外边的声音。海浪声大得可怕,他知道拍到岸上的浪头卷起来,这时正恶狠狠地将靠岸的雪砣子吞进去。他惯于在骇人的海浪声里甜睡。 可是今晚却睡不着了。仿佛在这个雪夜里,有什么令人恐惧的东西正向他慢慢逼近过来。他怎么也睡不着。他披上破棉袄钻出了铺子。 刚一出门,一股旋转的雪柱就把他打倒了,头被撞得有些懵。金豹望着四周,真不敢相信自己的眼睛。他突然想起了白天搬动的舢板,加固的锚绳也不保险哪!他像被什么蜇了似地喊着老刚,翻身回铺子去了。 凭借雪粉的滑润,他们将几个舢板又推离岸边好几丈远。彼此都看不见,只听见粗粗的喘息声。他们不敢去推稍远一些的小船,怕摸不回铺子。 他们的手脚冻得没有了知觉,终于不敢耽搁,开始摸索着回铺子了。金豹不断喊着老刚,听不到回应,就伸手去摸他、拉他。有一次脸碰到他的鼻子,看到他用手将耳朵拢住,好像

中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解训练经典题目(含答案)100

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解训练经典题目(含答案)100 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 What do you do when you begin to read an English newspaper? You'd better know what sections there are. Usually, there is international news, business, science and technology, entertainment or lifestyle, sports and cartoons. You can choose your favourite section to read carefully. That you come to the article itself. If you don't have time to read the whole article, the headline(标题) and photo give you a general idea of the story. Different kinds of articles A news article includes body text and a photo with a short piece of text under it. It usually puts the most important information at the very beginning. If you don't have much time to read the story, just have a look at the first paragraph. A feature article is an in-depth(深人的) report on an event or a person. It usually has an interesting opening. You get to know the idea of the article as you read. Another kind of article is an opinion article. Usually, some famous people give their own opinions about an important issue in a fun way. Opinion article is different from news stories that are all facts. Be a critical(批判性的) reader There are advertisements in newspapers. They can provide useful information about products, places, food or jobs. Remember that people make advertisements to sell you things. You don't have to do everything advertisements tell you to do. You should be critical enough to judge which advertisements are useful and which are not. (1)How can you catch the general idea of an article in a short time? (不超过6个词) (2)Where is the most important information in a news article? (不超过4个词) (3)How many kinds of articles does the writer talk about in the passage?(不超过1个词) (4)What is the passage mainly about? (不超过6个词) (5)What do you usually do as a critical reader? (请自拟—句话作答) 【答案】(1)By reading the headline and photo. (2)In the first paragraph. (3)Three. /3. (4)Tips for reading an English newspaper. (5)I only read the information which is useful to me. /I just read the advertisements I am interested in, /I don't do everything advertisements tell me to do. /... 【解析】【分析】主要讲了开始读英语报纸时做什么。 (1)根据If you don't have time to read the whole article, the headline(标题) and photo give you a general idea of the story.可知如果你没有时间阅读整篇文章,标题(照片)和照片给你一个故事的总体思路。故填By reading the headline and photo.。 (2)根据If you don't have much time to read the story, just have a look at the first paragraph.


小学三年级语文下册阅读理解训练题及答案 鸟从南方飞来,于是,小岛上挤满了各种各样的鸟。一眼望去,岛上密密麻麻的鸟窝一个挨着一个,数也数不清。窝里窝外,到处是玉白色、青绿色、淡灰色的各种鸟蛋。一个月后,各种各样的毛茸茸的小鸟陆陆续续地破壳而出。这是鸟岛上最热闹的季节。 1.这段话中共有()句话。第二句写()多,第三句写()多,第四句写()多,第五句写()多。 这段话是围绕第( )句话写的。 2.文中有些词语是表示多的意思,我能写出三个()、()、()。 3、第一句话和后面几句话之间是()关系。 “煮书” 爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅,上面写着“煮书”两个苍劲有力的大字,我感到很奇怪:书只能读,怎么可以煮呢? 一天,爷爷刚刚写完一篇文章,正坐在藤椅上品茶。我指着条幅问爷爷:“书怎么可以煮呢?书放锅里煮,不是要煮坏了吗?” 爷爷笑了说书是精神食粮嘛既是食粮怎么不可以煮呢煮熟了吃下去才好消化吸收嘛 爷爷看见我疑惑不解的样子,便接着说:“你知道唐代诗人杜甫吧?他小时候读书,就能反复诵读品味,非把书读透不可。其实,这就是‘煮书’。这样,他做起诗来就感到得心应手了。所以他说:‘读书破万卷,下笔如有神’。我们学习语文,对那些好的文章也应该这么‘煮’,否则,就很难把语文学好。” “爷爷,你看我该怎么‘煮书’呢?” “你可以从‘煮’语文书入手嘛。语文课文都是范文,每天清晨起来,放声读上几遍,仔细品味一番,多有意思!这样煮下去,你不仅能体会到文章的情感,还可以牢记妙词佳句……好处可多啦。肚子里的词儿多了,今后说话和写文章还会犯愁吗?” 爷爷的话使我豁然开朗,“煮书”还真有道理哩! 1.从短文中找出与下面意思相近的词语,写在括号里。 A.指心里不明白,不相信。() B.形容运用自如,心里怎么想,手就能怎么做。() C.形容开阔或通达,一下子就明白了。()


一、高中英语任务型阅读 1.Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. Life on a Ship We three children were very excited when we walked up the gangway (舷梯) of the British flagship China Star and saw officers, crew and staff rushing around. A Chinese housekeeper led the way and helped Uncle Jean and Aunt Reine with our luggage. Victor, Claudine and I lagged behind. The housekeeper was tall and thin and towered over everyone. ________ As we followed him down a narrow corridor towards our cabins, Victor whispered to me, "One thing about having no hair at all on your head, you always look neat!" Though I was still feeling nervous and tongue-tied because it had only been three days since Aunt Reine took me out of St. Joseph's, I laughed out loud. That was the effect Victor had on people. ________ "Boys to the right and girls to the left," said Uncle Jean. Our two cabins were directly opposite each other. Inside, everything was neat, bare and clean. While Aunt Reine, Claudine and I were unpacking, there was a knock on the door. Victor stood there, wearing a bright-red and orange life-jacket. "Why are you wearing that?" Claudine protested. "Our ship hasn't even sailed yet!" "In case the China Star starts going down. Then you'll really be sorry you're not wearing one yourself. Here! Let me show you something!" ________ Our cabin was below deck. Outside we could see nothing but deep dark water. Claudine became alarmed. "Mama, how often does a ship sink?" she asked. Before Aunt Reine had time to reply, Victor quipped with a straight face, "Only once!" Aunt Reine and I could not help laughing in spite of ourselves. But then Victor did something my brothers would never have done. He took off his life-jacket, slipped it on his sister and showed her how to adjust the straps. ________ At night, our housekeeper brought in a tiny roll-out bed because there were three of us. A. Once Victor hid in a lifeboat for half an hour while we searched everywhere. B. His head was completely hairless, and he was obviously unsteady. C. He and Claudine made me feel at ease as soon as I met them. D. There were only two narrow twin beds in our cabin, each covered with dark blue sheets. E. He parted the curtain and looked out of the round window of the ship. F. He jumped out as we passed below him, scaring and delighting us at the same time. 【答案】 B;C;E;D 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,叙述了作者和另外两个小伙伴登上名为"China Star"的船之后的所见所闻以及个人感受。 (1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ The housekeeper was tall and thin and towered over everyone.”是对管家外表的介绍:又高又瘦;以及空后"One thing about having no hair at all on your head"可知,管家(the housekeeper)没有头发。故该句承接前文,依然要介绍管家的外貌,还要提到没头发这一点,故选B。 (2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ Though I was still feeling nervous and tongue-tied because it had only been three days since Aunt Reine took me out of St.
