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Malthusianism 马尔萨斯人口论box office票房ecological compensation system 生态补偿系统The Divine Comedy神曲stock exchange index股市指数excessive consumption 超前消费subject of international law国际法主体cyberspace网络空间legitimate rights and interests合法权益ethnic minority areas少数民族地区the principles of international law国际法则long-term government bonds长期国债absolute translation绝对翻译stability and unity安定团结address both the symptoms and root cause标本兼治continuously enhance the creativity,rallying power and combat capability of the party不断增强党的创造力,凝聚力和战斗力eight d o’s and eight donˊts八个坚持,八个反对 hegemonism霸权主义 eight-point proposal八项主张 show high-profile采取高姿态 spread advance culture传播先进文化 advocate patriotism,collectivism and socialism倡导爱国主义,集体主义,社会主义思想 differential voting差额投票 competitive election 差额选举 poke one’s nose into someone’s businesses插杆子 vegetable basket program菜篮子工程 compensation for demolition拆迁补偿费 long-term coexistence mutual supervision treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe 长期共存,互相监督,肝胆相照,荣辱与共 long-term stability and prosperity长期稳定繁荣 respect and promote science崇尚科学 traditional threats to security 传统安全威胁 from sufficient living to comparatively well-off从小康到温饱 the army must be strict with itself从严治军 to create bright prospects创造美好前景 maintain prolonged stability长治久安 participation in and deliberation of state affairs参政议政 the party’s policy toward the freedom of religious belief 党的宗教信仰自由政策 responsibility system for improving the party’s work style and building clean government党风廉政建设责任制 weapons of mass destruction大规模性杀伤性武器 egalitarian practice of everyone taking food from the same big pot大锅饭 crack down on evil force打黑 the overall situation大环境 an overall renewal of the membership of an organization大换血 conduct reprisals打击报复 an independent foreign policy of peace独立自主的和平外交政策independence,completely equality,mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs独立自主,完全平等,互相尊重,互不干涉内部事务 break the deadlock打破僵局 break up of monopoly打破垄断 break the three Irons:iron armchair(life-time posts),iron rice bowl(life-time employment)and iron wages(guaranteed pay)打破“三铁” state policies and principles,overall atmosphere大气候 combat smuggling打私 Eastern Turkistan terrorist东突恐怖分子 Eastern Turkistan terrorist organization东突恐怖组织 East—West dialogue东西对话the policy of opening to the outside world对外开放政策 to resist corruptive influences 抵御腐败 the party exercise self-discipline and is strict with its members党要管党,从严治党 management of party membership党员管理工作 foundation is weak 底子薄 party and government organs党政机关 the basic theory,line and program of our party in the primary stage of socialism党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论,基本路线,基本纲领 corrupt elements腐败分子 combat and resist money worship,hedonism,ultra-egoism decadent ideas反对和抵制拜金主义,享乐主义,极端个人主义等腐朽思想 legal functions法定职能 fight corruption and build a clean government反腐倡廉 develop diverse forms of democracy丰富民主形式 to conform to the common interests of both sides符合双方的共同利益 quadruple翻两番legal aid法律援助 anti-dumping measures反倾销措施 anti-dumping investigations

反倾销调查 prosperity and affluence繁荣富裕disparate development发展不平衡awareness of law法制观念 legal awareness and understanding of the obligation of the citizens法制观念和公民意识 a country under the rule of law a state with an adequate legal system法治国家 law-based control法制化管理 concise简明扼要narrative poem叙事诗 nature impulse天然的冲动 extraneous无关的 lyric poem抒情诗 domestic life家庭生活 compulsive reader乐于读书的人 paperback平装车hardback精装车 extensive and profound博大精深 Confucianism儒家 Taoism道家the master’s hundred schools诸子百家 harmony without uniformity和而不同everybody is responsible for the rise or fall of the county天下兴亡,匹夫有责people are the foundation of the country民为邦本 people are more important than the monarch民贵君轻 don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do you 己所不欲勿施于人 the basic needs for food,clothing and shelter温饱 a well-off standard of living小康 conflict prevention预防冲突 human rights人权humbly谦卑地centennial Noble Peace Prize诺贝尔百年和平奖100周年纪念posthumously死后地 apartheid种族隔离 rarity珍品,稀有物 archways of triumph 凯旋门 pantheon胜利殿堂 UNICEF联合国儿童基金会 mission of peace和平的使命military observer军事观察员World Food Programme世界粮食计划署Your Excellency阁下 honorable guest贵宾 senior leader高层领导人 to host a banquet for设宴招待 on behalf of谨代表 at the gracious invitation of 承蒙···的盛情邀请 as an envoy of friendship of your people作为贵国人民的友好使者 to propose a toast提议祝酒 declare···open宣布···开幕 declare the closing of宣布···闭幕 It is such a delight to have friends corning from afar!有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 APEC亚太经济合作组织 PPI生产者价格指数 POS machines临时医院down-payment requirement首付款 bailout money救助资金 domestic abuse家庭暴力hone-appliances家电 quantitative easing定量宽松 Big Bang宇宙大爆发 House of Commons下议院 Cantonese Opera粤剧 product placement ads产品植入广告 deposit reserve requirement ratio存款准备金率 economic stimulus package经济刺激方案inclusive growth包容性增长 on—site visa 落地签证 the mafia 黑帮 sub-landlord 二房东 hidden rule 潜规则 stay-at-home children 留守儿童 virtuous cycle 良性循环non-party personage 无党派人士 half-mast 下半旗致哀 dereliction of duty 玩忽职守UNDP 联合国开发计划署 euro-bound market欧洲债券市场 the guardian卫报 Reuters 路透社 Christian science monitor 基督教科学箴言报 zero-sum game 零和博弈 savings portfolio 储蓄组合 CSR 企业社会责任 intentional homicide 故意杀人 criminal jurisprudence 刑法学 bring an indictment 带来的一种控诉 global sourcing 全球采购 the first-mover advantage 先发优势 healthcare interpreting 医疗口译 the sound and the fury 《喧哗与骚动》 ministry of civil affairs 民政部 ministry of water resources水利部 foreign trade arbitration committee 对外贸易仲裁委员会 general office of the state council 国务院办公室 all china federation of industry and commerce中华全国工商联 Guangdong university of foreign studies college senior translation 广外高翻学院 opening remarks 开场白 merger remarks 企业并购 rural migrant workers in cities 农民工industry-academy cooperation 产学合作be prepared for in times of safety 居安思危 production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy products 生产销售假冒的伪劣产品 public prosecutor 公诉人 the songs of chu 楚辞 subtitle translation 字幕翻译 ADSL asymmetrical digital subscriber line 网

络快车 APEC Asian- pacific economic cooperation 亚太经合组织 AQ adversity quotient 逆境指数 ATM automatic teller machine 自动取款机 BBS bulletin board system 电子公告板 BSS base station system基站系统 CARM Chinese association of rehabilitation medicine 中国康复医学会 CATV(cable Television)有线电视 CBD(Central Business District)中央商务区 CPPCC中国人民政治协商会议 UNESCO联合国教科文组织 ASEM (Asia-Europe meeting)亚欧会议 China-A Sean Expo SWOT analysis四点(优势,劣势,机会,威胁) Global sourcing全球采购 Information Asymmetry信息不对称Shanghai World Expo上海世博会 Innocent presumption无罪推定 The civil Law system 大陆法系 The Book of Rites《礼记》 Mencius孟子 Consecutive Interpreting交替传译 The House of Commons下议院 A Farewell to Arms永别了武器 NPC全国人民代表大会Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部exhibition economy会展经济Certified Public Accountant(CPA)注册会计师 board of directors董事会 China Securities Regulatory Commission中国证监会 ICAC(independent commission against Corruption)廉政公署temporary provisions 暂行规定presumption of guilt有罪推定translation of Buddhist scriptures佛经翻译Century-old shop百年老店Romance of the Three Kingdoms三国演义southern urban daily南方都市报Shih chi史记Master Sun’s Art of War 孙子兵法china banking regulatory commissim 中共银监会Canton Fair广交会zero tariff treatment零关费待遇civil suit 民事诉讼judiciary司法部world heritage committee 世界遗产委员会market positioning市场定位optimize the structure 优化结构vicious cycle 恶性循环beneficent cycle 良性循环corporatize large and medium—sized stated--owned enterprises对大中型国有企业进行公司制改革modern enterprise system 现代企业制度the joint stock system 股份制the joint stock cooperative system 股份合作制who holds the controlling shares 谁控股?Support association between strong enterprises so that they can take advantage of each other’s strengths 支持强强联合实现优势互补encourge mergers and standardize bankruptcy procedures 鼓励兼并规范破产an independent accounting unit 独立核算工业企业 a state-controlled share company 国家控股企业 a holding company控股公司separation and dissolution of a company 公司分离与解散a high-tech business incubator 创业园an enterprise incubator 创业孵化期conglomerration and merger of enterprises acquisitionns 联合兼并foster a good healthy company image 树立良好企业形象famous-brand products名牌产品给top quality articles精品competitive products拳头产品foreign exchange earning exports 创汇产品marketable products畅销货commodities in short supply紧缺产品goods in great demand紧俏货物unmarketzbal products滞销货overstocked commodities积压产品issue discount shopping coupons to promote sales发优惠券以促销high and new technology products with high added value 有高附加值的高新技术产品distributed control system 集散控制系统all saint’s day 万圣节civil values大众价值观clash with civilization文明的碰撞consumerist creed消费至上主义corporate culture企业文化country fair乡村博览会cross-cultural bridge跨文化桥梁cross-cultural communication跨文化交流cultural borrowing文化借用cultural complex文化情结cultural development文化建设cultural devolution文化退化cultural hegemony 文化霸权cultural identity文化认同cultural heritage文化遗产cultural impact文化影响cultural insight文化视角cultural lag文化落后cultural life 文化生活cultural pluralism文化多元化one country two systems一国两制one china one taiwan一中一台three direct links(mail air and shipping services and trade)两岸直接

三通23million Taiwan compatriots两千三百万台湾同胞Two conferences(NPC AND CPPCC)两会人大政协three Represents三个代表the important thought of three represents 三个代表重要思想the eleventh five-year plan “十一五”计划the 15th central committee of the communist party of china (CPC)第十五届中央委员会17th party congress 十七大the third plenary session of the eleventh central committee十一届三中全会会Taiwan Independence台独bringing in and going out引进来和走出去patriotic democratic personages 爱国民主人士patriotic united front爱国统一战线patriotism爱国主义精神live and work in peace and contentment安居乐业an enterprising spirit 昂扬向上的精神状态our compatriots in the Macao SAR(special Admistrative Region)澳门特别行政区同胞a hundred flowers blossom百花齐放a hundred schools of thought contend 百家齐鸣the stability in border areas边疆稳定remote areas边远地区a magnificent upsurge波澜壮阔extensive and profound博大精深never degenerating不变质constantly better people’lives 不断提高人民生活水平unfair and irrational不公正不合理shackles of the outdated notions不合时宜的观念的束缚an inexhaustible motive force不竭动力invincible不可战胜的an irresistible trend of history不可阻挡的历史潮流not lose our bearings不迷失方向uneven不平衡 a tortuous course不平坦的道路not all-inclusive不全面的take resolute measures采取果断的措施participation in and deliberation of state affairs参政议政long-term coexistence长期共存long-term social stability and solidarity长期社会安定团结long-term peace and order长治久安honesty诚实守信fully mobilize and rally从分调动和凝聚take shape initially初步建立traditional threats to security传统安全威胁creativity cohesion and fighting capacity创造力凝聚力和战斗力system of resignation辞职制proceed from our nation conditions从我国国情出发promote common development促进共同发展promote all-round social progress促进社会全面进步the contemporary era当代masters of the country当家做主assuming heavy responsibilities 担当重任the wish to be the master of our country 当家做主的愿望congress of party representatives党代会backbone of the party党的骨干力量the party’basic theory line and program党的基本理论,路线和纲领party building党的建设party’progressiveness党的先进性the destiny of the party and state党和国家的前途和命运the cause of the party the primary productive force第一生产力E-government电子政务mobilize the initiative调动积极性equal political entities对等的政治实体UN security council联合国安理会OPEC石油输出国组织CPI 消费者价格指数International Herald Tribute国际先驱论坛报CFO首席财务官Associate press 联合通讯社common law system英美法系FIBA国际篮球联合会appeal court上诉法庭Liaision Interpretation陪同口译For Whom The Bell Tolls丧钟为谁而鸣capita venture 风险投资General Administration of Customs海关总署Ministry of Justice 司法部Red Cross Society of China中国红十字会TAC中国译协Universiable大运会Straits Exchange Fundation海峡交流基金会houses for low-income families经济适用房international practice国际惯例civil procedure民事诉讼planned /market economy计划/市场经济体制lack of basic living necessities温饱不足moderate prosperity总体小康uneven development between urban and rural areas and among different regions 城乡发展地区发真不平衡the overall size of china’economy中国经济整体规模social transformation社会转型structural and institutional obstacles体制机制性障碍the scientific thinking on development科学发展观put people’interests first以人为本sustainable path of development可持续发展的道路resources-conserving and

environment friendly society资源节约型和环境友好型社会save energy and reduce energy and resources consumption节能降耗reduce pollution discharge减排obligatory target约束性指标capitol 美国国会大厦commitment承诺steward管事管理recession经济衰退prosecute起诉corporate criminal企业犯罪No Child Left Behind Act《不让一个孩子掉队法案》clear skies legislation《洁净天空》法案multi-/single-candidate election差/等额选举(vice)chairman of the standing committee 常务委员会(副)委员长muti-party co-operation in exercising state power多党合作行使国家权力give full play to one’s patriotism从分发扬爱国主义精神high-handed policy高压政策national emblem flag anthem 国徽国旗国歌lawful/legitimate/legal rights and interests 合法权益uphold the sprite of advancing with times弘扬与时俱进的精神adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipation the mind and seeking truth from facts 坚持解放思想实事求是的思想路线to build socialist democracy with Chinese characteristic 建设有中国特色的社会主义民主streamline government organs精简机构absolute monarchy 君主专制制度democratic politics /supervision民主政治民主监督the national people’congress全国人民代表大会deputies to the national people’s congress and local people’s congress at various levels全国人民代表大会和地方各人民大表大会的代表the provincial/municipal/county people’s congress省/市/县人民代表大会the people’s congress of autonomous regions自治区人民代表大会the constitution of people’s republic of china 中华人民共和国宪法separation of enterprise from administration政企分开long period of order and stability长治久安planned managed 计划管理human resources management人力资源管理total quality control 全面质量管理duality theory 对偶理论incentive mechanism激励机制on-the-job training岗位培训chief financial officer财务总监chief operation officer运营总监process management过程管理NAFTA北美自由贸易区management philosophy管理理念linear programming 线性规划know-how training基础技术培训enterprise ethics企业道德chief information officer咨询总监certified business executive高级商务师certified public accountant注册会计师foreman工长architect建筑师dean of school/faculty学院院长dean of general affairs总务长associate professor副教授assistant助教visiting professor客座教授honorary professor名誉教授principal of secondary school 中学校长associate editor-in-chief副总编辑senior editor高级编辑alleviation减轻marketable适合在市场出售的capsize倒闭external demand外部需求ambience格调withdraw撤回deviate背离renaissance文艺复兴nimble敏捷的planned market economy计划市场经济体制lack of basic living necessities温饱不足exclusive sales agency度假营销代理instalment payment 分期付款claim for compensation索赔compensation trade补偿贸易market access市场准入business integrity商业信誉business license营业执照business mission 企业代表团favorable price优惠价have a controlling interest拥有控股权subsidiary company子公司up to sample达到样品需求customs clearance出口结关exchange quota system外汇限额制度market requlation市场管理exceptional price 特价net price净价transferable l/c可转让信用证document against acceptanceD/A承兑交单down payment 定金breach of contract违约barter trade易物贸易process according to buyer’s samples来样加工foreign exchange reserve外汇储备business is business公事公办business manner商业习惯make a counter-offer还价shake on 5 dollars暂定5元parent company母公司sample of no value无价样品fair average quality大路货customs detention海关扣留

export quote出口限额ceiling price最高价gross price毛价document against payment 付款交单drawn at sight见票即付date processing数据分析staff department参谋部门operations department营业部To establish /suspend/sever diplomatic relation建立/中断/断绝外交关系hinterland腹地people’s livelihood民生awareness of law法制观念splitting activities分裂活动the general public群众people’s congresses人大the standing committees 人大常委会common law普通法treason 叛国罪felony重刑罪misdemeanor非重刑罪轻罪misfeasance失当行为delinquency失职行为violation违反行为adultery通奸罪affray滋扰殴斗罪nuisance 滋扰公害罪battery殴打他人罪intimidation恐吓罪blackmail勒索罪extortionist胁迫罪bribery贿赂bugger肛交罪sodomy鸡奸罪defamation诽谤罪embezzlement侵占罪false accounting造假账罪fraud欺诈罪gambling赌博罪indecent exposure威胁暴露最money laundry 洗黑钱罪personation假冒冒充罪sex-harassment性骚扰罪theft盗窃罪trespassing侵入行为擅入罪breach of contract合同的违约tort/wrong 侵权personal injure个人伤害statement of defence答辩书counterclaim反告书strike out application撤销申请statement of claim申索书pleadings 诉讼interrogatories质询law suit 诉讼duplicate of a document副本sealed contract盖印合同to lease转让to file a demurrer抗辩signed and delivered盖印使契约生效signature签名legal document法律文本document authoring one to act许可证书employer雇主file pleadings申辩agency代理权alibi不在犯罪现场bail保释权defendant被告guarantee担保guarantor保证人judicial notice司法认知landlord业主letters patent专利证书plaintiff原生surrender交出alleged被指控的人case 案件cause of action诉讼原因damages赔偿金inferior court下级法院superior court高级法院ADSL asymmetrical digital subscriber line网络快车CARM Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine中国康复医学会CA TV cable television有线电视CBD Central Business District中央商务区CD-ROM Compact Disk -Reed Only Memory只读存储器CID Central information district中央信息区CA Certified public accountant注册会计师CPU Central Processing unit微处理器EV A Economic Value Added经济增加值GDP Gross Domestic Product国内生产总值GNP Gross National Product国民生产总值GPS Global position system全球定位系统HDCD High Definition Compact Disc高清晰的CD HDTV high definition television高清晰数字电视HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol超文本传输协议OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer原始设备制造商PNIR permanent normal trade relationship永久正常贸易关系SC security council安理会patent agency专利代理patentee 专利权人arbitration仲裁
