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A party 教案

A party 教案
A party 教案

六下Unit5 A party

UnitCanyou come to my party 教案

U n i t9C a n y o u c o m e t o m y p a r t y? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:prepare, prepare for, exam, flu, available, another time, until, hang, hang out, catch 2) 能掌握以下句型: ①—Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? —Sure, I’d love to. ②—Can you go to the movies on Saturday? —I’m sorry, I’m not available. I have too much homework this weekend. ③That’s too bad. Maybe another time. ④Sure. Thanks for asking. ⑤Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday. 2) 能了解以下语法: 用情态动词can来表达邀请。 3)学会表达邀请,学会对邀请进行恰当的答复或拒绝。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会人际交往的基本常识,学会有礼貌地邀请别人以及回答别人的邀请的方式。理解“义务”涵义,学会承担自己应尽的义务,能够在班级以及社会生活中担当一定的责任。理解人与人之间的真情,学会珍惜朋友之间、师生之间的友情。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 运用所学提出邀请,接受邀请和拒绝邀请。 2) 正确使用can, might, must 等情态动词。 2. 教学难点: 1) 扎实掌握重点词汇和表示邀请的句型并能灵活运用。 2) 通过听力练习和小组合作,理解并能提出邀请并作肯定回答。

四年级英语上册Unit 8 At the shop 教案3 上教版三起

Module 3 Unit 8 教案3 一、教学重点 语音:o(dog,shop) 词汇:together 句型:I’d like a pair of big/small glasses. 日常用语:Can I help you? 二、教学栏目 Enjoy a story, Learn the sounds 三、教学目标 1. 通过阅读故事Panda’s glasses shop,帮助学生进一步巩固和运用所学句型。 2. 帮助学生学习元音字母o在闭音节中的发音。 3. 通过学习任务(Task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识。 四、教学步骤 Pre-task preparations 1.出示玩具小动物,如玩具狗、玩具猫等,问学生在哪里可以看到这些玩具。 T: Look! I have a toy dog and a toy cat. They’re lovely. Where can you see toys? S1: I can see toys in a toy shop. 把挂图贴在黑板上,指着玩具店图片,请个别学生上来模拟购物,进行对话。 S1: Hi. Welcome to my toy shop. Can I help you? S2: I’d like a toy car. How much is it? S1: It’s twelve yuan. S2: Here you are. S1: Thank you. 2.借助多媒体或挂图呈现各种商店,如toy shop,fruit shop等,与学生对话,引出glasses

shop。 T: (point to the toy shop) Look! What place is this? Ss: It’s a toy shop. T: What can you find in a toy shop? Ss: Toys !Dolls and robots. T: You have 50 yuan. What would you like in this shop? Ss: I’d like a toy train and a kite. T: I can’t see well. I’d like a pair of glasses. Where can I buy glasses? Ss: At a glasses shop. While-task procedures 1.出示Enjoy a story的挂图,介绍熊猫眼镜店,引出magic glasses(魔术眼镜),激发学生的阅读兴趣。 T: This is Panda’s glasses shop. What can you find in the glasses shop? Ss: Glasses. T: Yes. There are many glasses. (point to the big glasses in the picture) Some of them are big. (point to the small glasses in the picture)Some of them are small. (point to the magic glasses in the picture)These are magic glasses. What can they do? Let’s read the story and find out. 接着播放录音,让学生带着问题听录音,听完后回答问题。 1) Who has a glasses shop? (The panda.) 2) Who comes to the shop? (The mouse and the elephant.) 3) What do they want? (The mouse wants a pair of small glasses and the elephant wants a pair of' big glasses.) 4) What do the magic glasses do? (They make the elephant look small and the mouse look big.) 2.让学生阅读故事,完成True or false练习,通过练习帮助学生进一步了解故事大意。


第三方支付介绍及国内第三方支付平台比较分析 摘要 第三方支付是我国电子商务支付领域发展的重要力量,在解决网络信用方面有重要保障作用。本文先介绍第三方支付系统流程、特点、功能,然后对目前国内四大支付平台的发展情况进行比较分析,可以从中看出第三方支付的发展规律及其存在的问题,从而才能够采取有效应对措施推动我国电子支付的健康有序的可持续发展。文章主要分为七个部分:第一部分,对第三方支付系统及发展现状的概述;第二、三、四部分,分别介绍第三方支付的交易流程、特点、功能及作用,第五部分通过对国内四大第三方支付平台的详细分析得出分析结论;第六部分,对国内第三方支付企业存在的问题进行了探讨及提出对我国第三方支付平台建设的对策建议;第七部分总结。 关键词:网上支付、第三方支付、分析 一、第三方支付概述及发展现状 (一)第三方支付概述 “第三方支付”是指一些和国内外银行签约、具备一定实力和信誉保障的第三方独立机构提供的交易支持平台。在通过第三方支付平台的电子商务交易中,买方选购商品后,使用第三方平台进行货款支付,由第三方通知卖家货款到达,进行发货;买方检验签收物品后,通过第三方支付平台确认收货,可以付款给卖家。第三方平台再将款项转至卖家账户。 第三方支付平台与国内知名物流企业紧密合作,使网络交易的安全性更加坚固,进一步防止了交易中可能出现的欺诈行为,提高了第三方支付平台的运作效率。第三方支付平台正好抓住互联网购物中消费者希望少花钱的心理,在用户交易过程中不收取任何费用,利用这种会员免费服务集聚了大量人气,提升了整体用户数量,为企业带来了更丰厚的收入。(二)国内第三方支付发展现状 下图1是艾瑞咨询对2013年第二季度国内支付市场份额的统计数据。2013Q2中国第三

Project 2 A party教案

Project 2 A party 一、教学目标: 1.运用第五至第八单元所学的语言知识,完成打电话邀请朋友参加时装派对的语言任务,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用5~8单元的单词和句型。 2. 以“A party”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3.绘制各种服装,综合运用第5-8单元所学的语言知识进行服装展示和介绍。 二、教学重点: 1.运用第五至第八单元所学的语言知识,完成打电话邀请朋友参加时装派对的语言任务,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用5~8单元的单词和句型。 2. 以“A party”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的能力。 三、教学难点: 1.以“A party”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 2.综合运用第5-8单元所学的语言知识进行服装展示和介绍。 四、教学道具: 服装卡片, PPT 五、课时安排: 第一课时 Review Unit5-6主要词句 第二课时 Review Unit7-8主要词句 第三课时 Review Unit5-8 对话内容 第四课时 Summary &《补充习题》 第五课时《课课练》

第一课时 (Review Unit5-6主要词句) 一、教学目标: 1.复习U5~6单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用5~6单元的单词和句型。 2.以”A party”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用U5~6单元词句进行交流。 二、教学重、难点: 1.复习5~6单元主要词句. 2.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用U5~6单元词句进行交流. 三、教具准备: 光盘、卡片 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warm up Greeting Play a game:看到图片或文字,大声说出来;看到炸弹,大声说“Bomb”。 Step 2 Presentation T:Look at the calendar(日历).It is June 1st. What day is it? S: It is Sunday. T: Yes.It is a holiday.Do you know it? S: 儿童节。 T:Great!It’s Children’s Day. Happy Children’s Day! T:Our friend Tim want to organize a party to celebrate the Children’s Day.Now he ask you for help.Here are four tasks. If you can fulfill a task,you can get a sun. Can you help him? S:Yes. T:Great! Let’s go! Step 3 Tasks Invite friends T:Look,Tim calls his friend Amy.Let’s read after them. (a.跟读录音,学习对话 b.教师领读 c.学生自读) (2)T:Now,it’s your turn.Are you ready? S:Yes.

2020年译林版小学英语6Bunit 5 A party教案

Unit 5 A party (period 1) 一、教学内容 Story time 二、教学目标 1. 知识目标: ①能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: clown, appear, ②能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:What are you going to do…? Im going to …. 2. 能力目标: 通过课文重点知识点的学习,能理解课文内容,能自然流畅地给课文内容配音和表演。 三、教学重难点 1.正确掌握,灵活运用将来时句型表达于真实情景中。 2.能理解,正确朗读,表演Story time,并能用对话形式改编课文第一段。 四、教学准备 多媒体课件,图片。 五、教学过程 Step 1:Warming up Task1 Ask and answer: 1.Free talk: A:What date/ day is it? B:It’s on the first of May. A:What holiday is coming? B:Children’s Day is coming. A:When’s Children’s Day? B:It’s on the fi rst of June. What are you going to do on Children’s Day? I’m going to…… The students ask and answer one by one. 2. Today we are going to learn Unit 5 A party. Step 2: Story tome Task2Listen and match: 1. Listen to the foreword and answer: What are the ch ildren going to do on Children’s Day? 2.Listen to the foreword again and match on page 50,then answer with the sentences: Su Hai /Wang Bing / Yang Ling is going to bring……


Party Theme: Party Su orting materials: tapes, cards, the ghost’coat , the magician’s hat / bag/ stick , house models, prize… Teaching contents: prince , sheriff, ghost, clow Sentence : What ’s the weather like today ? Song: 《Party song》 Prince , sheriff, ghost, clown. one, two, there, four, five sit down. Prince , sheriff, ghost, clown. Five, six, seven, eight sit down. Teaching proce : 1.a.Greetings: Good morning ,everybody! Look outside . What ’s the weather like today ? Yes, it’s su y. When the su y I ’m very ha y . b.Warming up : Well, well … We are ha y now. Let’play a game. Ok? Up, up, up. Down, down, down . Left, left, left. Right, right, right. e a XX go go go ! (Go over there ,then teacher say :The mo ter is coming .Children must go back to their seats as quickly as they can .I f someone go back slowly , he will be eaten by the mo ter .) 2. Directio : (1)First teacher be prince /sheriff/ ghost/clown and do the action . Let them gue : who am I ? Then show them cards let them gue .(The teacher become a magician .) the magician use :Abracadabra, one , two , three…Oooh! show the card for the children. (2)Games: a: Shaking Show children. the magician’ bag and let them gue:what are they in the bag? Invite one child come to the front . the kid and teacher catch the bag and shake quickly. Then let he/she take out a card and say : prince /sheriff/ghost/clow b: Jumping Invite one boy/girl come to the front. The teacher say: I say the clown one time ,you jump to the clown one time.

最新译林牛津版小学英语六年级下册Unit 5 A party 公开课教学设计 1(1)

Unit 5 A party 教案1 教学目标: 1. 知识目标: 1)能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: clown, appear, put on, begin, 2)能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:What are you going to bring to the party? I’m going to bring some toys. Are we going to eat or play with the toys first? 3)了解西方国家的宴会礼仪。 4)掌握一般将来时的疑问句用法。 2. 能力目标: 通过课文重点语言知识点的学习,能理解课文内容,能自然流畅地给课文内容配音和表演。 教学重难点: 1.正确掌握,灵活运用将来时句型表达于真实情景中。 2.能理解,正确朗读,表演Story time,并能自编类似情景。 教学准备: 多媒体课件,课文录音。 教学过程: Step 1: warming up 1.Free talk: What date is it?

What holiday is coming? What are you going to do on May Day? Ss talks. 2. What am I going to do on May Day? Can you guess? 引导学生提问:Are you going to …? 3. Look at the pictures. What are they going to do? Ss answer: … is/ are going to …. Step 2: Presentation 1. 出示Mike/Liu Tao/ Su Hai/ WangBing图片 学生看动画回答问题 What are they children going to do? What holiday is it this Sunday? 2. What are the children going to bring to the party? Check the answer: … is going to bring … to the party. Checkout time p57页,Listen and number 1) 请学生看图说话 What are they going to do? They are going to… 2) Listen and number Step3: Practise 1. 完整的欣赏课文内容视频,模仿人物的语音语调, 尝试配音。 2. 自读课文 3. 小组内读课文


精品文档 高一英语第十一次课----- 必修三module3一、考点、热点回顾 (一)key words and phrases 1.experience vt.经历n(可数)经历n(不可数)经验 2.cause vt.引起,导致cause sb. to do sth.导致某人去做某事cause sb. trouble/problems 给某人带来麻烦/问题 cause n.起因,理由,事业-------指造成某事的直接原因,后常接of或to do reason n.原因,理由------指从逻辑推理上得出的原因,后常接for或定语从句。 3.bury vt.埋葬 bury oneself in =be buried in 专心于,埋头于bury one’s face in one’s hands 双手捂脸4.occur vi.发生-------指发生时,有计划无计划均可。脑海中出现某种想法。 happen vi.发生------指事先无计划偶然发生。碰巧作某事happen to do sth. take place 发生-------指事先安排,计划的事情。举行。 以上三词均无被动形式。 sth. Occurs sb. 某人想起=strike/hit eg: A good idea occurred to me . It occurs to sb. to do sth.某人想起It occurred to me to visit my teacher. It occurs to sb. that…某人想起It occurred to me that I should visit my teacher. 5.take off 去掉,脱掉,起飞,成功,休假,减去,移动 6.strike vt&n.(雷电,暴风雨等)袭击=hit,击打,碰撞,罢工,想起=occur to,打动 (1)The miners went on strike for higher pay. (2)Does this clock strike twelve? (3)A good idea struck me while I was walking along the river. (4)He hit me ,so I struck him back. (5)A huge forest fire broke out after the lighting struck. (6)I am still struck by the native beauty of the lake. 7.ruin vt.毁坏,破坏,使堕落n.毁灭,崩溃,废墟in ruins 变成一片废墟 8.warn vt.警告,告诫,提醒注意warn sb. of/about sth.提醒某人注意某事 warn sb. not to do sth.= warn sb.against doing sth. 提醒某人不要做某事 give a warning 发出警告without warning 毫无预警 9.in all 总共,总计 above all 最重要的是after all 毕竟at all 确实,根本first of all首all of a sudden突然all in all从各方面考虑all along一直,始终 10.possibility n.可能性,可能发生的事 There is a/no possibility that… 有(不)可能There is a/no possibility of doing sth.有(没有)的可能 possible adj.可能的It is possible (for sb.)to do sth. It is possible that……. 11.set fire to =set….on fire 放火(焚烧)……. on fire着火(状态)catch fire 着火(动作)put out a fire扑灭火 12.put out 扑灭(火),伸出,出版 put off推迟put up张贴,建造put away放好,收好put on 穿上,上演put forward 提出 1.拿起;拾起;搭载;学会;收听2.平均 3.有史以来4.到……时为止 5.结束;告终6.扑灭 7.放火烧…… 8.总共 9.带来损害10.使某人无家可归 pick up on average of all time by the time end up put out set fire to in all do/cause damage make sb. homeless

6B Unit5 A party 教案

6B Unit5 A party 一、单元教材分析: 本单元的话题是儿童节聚会,通过本单元的学习,让学生掌握将来时be going to 的一般疑问句Are you going to…? 并能把与将来时的相关日常交际用语、词汇和语言结构有机地结合起来,在一定的情景下谈论即将发生的事情。同时,让学生了解参加聚会要做的一些准备工作,并注意一些社交礼仪。为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的句型和词汇,教师在教学过程中可尽量创设生动活泼并较为真实的情景引导学生理解和运用新新话题和新知识。 二、单元教学目标: 知识目标 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词clown, appear, put on, begin, end 2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇snacks, toys, fruit, drinks, balloons, gift, 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型What are you going to bring to the party? I’m going to bring some toys. Are you going to eat or play with the toys first? Let’s have some fun first! 4. 能理解,听懂,发音准确,语调适当的读好歌谣(Sound time),知道ow组合在单词中的发音。 5.了解西方聚会礼仪。 技能目标 1)能熟练运用Are you going to…?展开话题询问和回答。 2)能在合理的情境中运用一般将来时的句型进行正确的表达。 3)能理解,正确朗读,表演Storytime和Cartoon time中的故事。 情感目标 通过本单元的学习,引导学生熟练运用一般将来时描述聚会打算,了解怎样安排聚会,知道西方的聚会礼仪。n 三、单元教学重点: 1.能掌握本单元的四会单词、句型。 2.灵活运用一般将来时构成的一般将来时句型,并能在真实情景中正确表达。 3. 能理解,正确朗读小诗,知道ow的字母读音 4. 能表演Story time和Cartoon time中的故事,并能模拟类似场景。 四、单元教学难点: 掌握、灵活运用一般将来时构成的一般将来时句型,并能在真实情景中正确表达。能表演Story time和Cartoon time中的故事,并能模拟类似场景。 五、单元课时安排: 第一课时:Story time 第二课时:Grammar time, Fun time, Culture time 第三课时:Sound time,Cartoon time 第四课时:Checkout time ,Ticking time 第五课时:复习,完成《补充习题》

人教版九年级英语Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 全单元教案

Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 本单元围绕情感的话题,通过学习让学生能够表达自己的感受。Section A通过谈论不同事物对情绪的影响,要求学生学习与情感有关的词汇,并通过听说读写逐步掌握make作使役动词的语言结构,学习掌握表达情绪和感受的形容词和动词,学习make+sb.+do sth.

和make+sb.+adj.的结构并能够正确运用这些结构表达人的情绪等相关内容。教学重点一是要帮助学生建立使役动词(make,let,have)之后要跟省略to的动词不定式的意识;二是在make+sb.+adj.这个结构中,学生要理解这里的adj.有两种形式——形容词和动词过去分词充当的形容词。学生容易受汉语的影响出错,要帮助学生分析原因,在不断纠正中形成相关的语言意识,正确运用这一结构,做到熟能生巧。Section B是Section A内容的继续和延伸。在话题上,从事物对人情感产生影响的简单叙述,转向描述人们对某种情感所持有的观念;在语言上,除了进一步综合训练和掌握单元语言内容外,正确、得体地运用相关形容词描绘情感,表达情感变化是本部分的重点;在语言技能上,由简单技能训练转向侧重听说读写的综合性训练。Section B有两个重点:一是让学生形成梳理、寻找并积累成语或习语的意识和习惯;二是要求学生能够根据阅读课文的逻辑框架描写自己的个人经历。学生要学会按一定的逻辑结构去写,注意这个结构中的各个环节的衔接和写作内容的完整一致,要充分利用阅读课文的示范性作用,模仿练习。

The First Period—Section A(1a-2d) Teaching Important Points【教学重点】 Key words & phrases: drive,friendship would rather,drive sb.crazy/mad,the more…the more…,be friends with sb.,leave out Key sentences: 1.Sad movies make me cry. 2.I'd rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I'm eating. 3.But that music makes me sleepy. 4.The more I get to know Julie,the more I realize that we have a lot in common. 5.That can make our friendship stronger. Key structure: make+sb.+do sth.;make+sb.+adj. e.g.They just make him want to cry. I've made Alice mad. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 ★The structure “make+sb.+do sth.”in listening and speaking. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 A tape recorder,pictures,CAI or multimedia courseware. Teaching Steps【教学过程】 ★Step 1Leading in【新课导入】 1.Greeting 2.Discussing Talk about things in the Spring Festival holidays.Lead the students to describe their feelings with proper adjectives. T:Did you see your friends/relatives back to your hometown?How did you feel at that time?Can you describe the dinner/party? Review the words:happy,excited,… 3.Practice with more students. ★Step 2Cooperative inquiry【合作探究】 1.Finish the task in 1a ①Show some pictures about their own experience.Then use adjectives to describe them with proper feelings on the face. e.g.This long meeting made me bored and want to sleep.… ②Show the pictures of the two restaurants in 1a.Ask students to describe https://www.sodocs.net/doc/de14559698.html,e:loud

外研社 新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit3(3)

外研社新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit3教案3 授课时间 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 课次14 学时数 2 授课形式 (请打√) 纯理论□纯实践□理实一体化□习题课□其他□授课题目Unit3 Business Meals. Listening and Speaking & Writing 教学目的Ss master how to ask and give advice in English. Ss learn how to write an invitation in English 教学重点 1. The useful expressions about asking and giving advice in English. 2. How to write an invitation in English 教学难点 1. How to ask and give advice in English. 2. How to write an invitation in English 使用的教 具/多媒体 /仪器/仪 表/设备等 Textbook; PPT;CD 教学方法Case teaching; Pair work 参考资料English for Careers (Book1)

教学基本内容及设计Unit 1. Listening and Speaking & Writing I.Listening and Speaking(45’) Task 1 Peter is meeting a guest at the airport. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear. Task 2 Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Task 3 John works in Season Hotel. He is receiving a phone call. Listen to the conversation and fill in the hotel reservation form below. Task 4 Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write key words to support your answers. L-Task 4 Task 5 Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear. III. Speaking Ask Ss to role play the conversations they hear or work in pairs to practice asking and giving advice with the help of the useful expressions listed in Task 6. II. Writing: Invitation (45’) Task 1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below. 1. On what occasions do people send and receive invitations? Suggested answer: On many occasions people will send and receive invitations, such as a celebration, a banquet, a reception, a party, a dinner, a concert or just a football match. 2. What information is usually included in an invitation? Suggested answer: An invitation usually includes the event, date, time and place. If necessary, indicate the appropriate dress, or ask for a response by a specific date. Task 2 Read the invitations below and complete the following statements. The dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stevenson will be held at Grand Hotel. 2. Sarah invites her friends to celebrate her birthday. 3. “RSVP” means“please reply” (French abbreviation for “please reply”) 4. Bob invites Lisa to a concert.


六年级单元测试 班级___________ 姓名____________ 一、英汉互译。 1.这周日_____________________ 2.举办聚会__________________ 3.买一些零食_________________ 4.玩得开心___________________ 5.和....玩___________________ 6.look out of__________________ 7.a few minutes late_____________ 8.tell a story___________________ 9 .some balloons______________ 10.Children’s Day_________________ 11 有一些好习惯12 hit the windows hard _____________________ 13 一个健康的饮食__________________14 bring a few sausages ____________________ 15把老虎吵醒______________________ 16 too many vegetables ____________________ 17 当心小汽车_________________ 18 put our toys and clothes in order_________________ 19 穿过斑马线_________________ 20 drive on the left side of the road__________________ 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Mike wants_________(play) basketball first. 2.Tomorrow is sunny.We___________________(have)a picnic in the park. 3.Here _______(be)some juice for you. 4.Wang Bing___________(not brush)his teeth last night. 5.Our classroom is on the________(one)floor. 6.He is going to ________(buy)some cola. 7._________(be)your family going to watch a film this Sunday?. 8.I’m_________(look)for my new kite. 9.We mustn’t_________(drink)in class. 10.The children ________(be)going to draw some birds. 11. He brings some water (quick) and pours it into the hole. 12. Can I have some_______(mango) juice ? Sure, here you are. 13.The boy was not _______ (excited) at the party. 14. Helen _______ (catch) a big fish last Sunday morning. 15. The boy (fly) a kite in the park tomorrow afternoon. 16.The film usually _________(begin) at eight in the evening.

6B Unit5 A party词组语法

6B Unit5 A party词组语法 英译中 1. read about Amy and John 2. Are they good habits or bad habits? 3. say good morning to his teachers 4. He is sometimes late for school. 5. What makes a good student? 6. How can you be a good student? 7. in groups 8. make a poster about this 9. Children’s Day 10. this Sunday 11. be going to have a party at Mike’s house 12. buy some snacks and drinks 13. bring some fruit from home 14. play with her friends at the party 15. What is he going to do for the party? 16. on Sunday morning 17. bring their things to Mike’s house 18. A clown appears. 19. Here are some balloons for you. 20. The party begins. 21. Are we going to eat or play with the toys first? 22. Let’s have some fun first. 23. What are the children going to bring to the party、 24. The party is on Children’s Day. 25. buy some fruit from the supermarket 26. go to the party with his friends 27. There are six children at the party. 28. play with some toys at the party 29. When are we going to have the party? 30. Where are we going to have the party? 31. Room 622, Building 3, No. 900 Happy Street 32. look out of the window at the lovely snow 33. Does anybody know why we have snow? 34. When you go to a Western party 35. take a gift 36. arrive too early 37. a few minutes late 38. Bobby’s class 39. have a party soon 40. play the piano 41. tell a story 42. put on a play 43. I’m going to be the king. 44. wear his new clothes 45. read the notes about a party 46. answer Mike’s questions 47. think of some party games 48. When’s the party going to begin? 49. When’s it going to end? 50. bring to the party 51. know about parties
