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命令缩写:ls:list(列出目录内容)cd:Change Directory(改变目录)

su:switch user 切换用户

rpm:redhat package manager 红帽子打包管理器

pwd:print work directory 打印当前目录显示出当前工作目录的绝对路径

ps: process status(进程状态,类似于windows的任务管理器) 常用参数:-auxf

ps -auxf显示进程状态

df: disk free 其功能是显示磁盘可用空间数目信息及空间结点信息。换句话说,就是报告在任何安装的设备或目录中,还剩多少自由的空间。

rpm:即RedHat Package Management,是RedHat的发明之一

rmdir:Remove Directory(删除目录)


cat: concatenate连锁 cat file1 file2>>file3把文件1和文件2的内容联合起来放到file3中insmod: install module,载入模块

ln -s : link -soft 创建一个软链接,相当于创建一个快捷方式

mkdir:Make Directory(创建目录


man: Manual

pwd:Print working directory

su:Swith user

cd:Change directory

ls:List files

ps:Process Status

mkdir:Make directory

rmdir:Remove directory

mkfs: Make file system

fsck:File system check

cat: Concatenate

uname: Unix name

df: Disk free

du: Disk usage

lsmod: List modules

mv: Move file

rm: Remove file

cp: Copy file

ln: Link files

fg: Foreground

bg: Background

chown: Change owner

chgrp: Change group

chmod: Change mode

umount: Unmount

tar:Tape archive

ldd:List dynamic dependencies

insmod:Install module

rmmod:Remove module

lsmod:List module

文件结尾的"rc"(如.bashrc、.xinitrc等):Resource configuration

Knnxxx / Snnxxx(位于rcx.d目录下):K(Kill);S(Service);nn(执行顺序号);xxx(服务标识)

.so(扩展名so):Shared object,dynamically linked library

.o(扩展名o):Object file,complied result of C/C++ source file

RPM:Red hat package manager

dpkg:Debian package manager

apt:Advanced package tool(Debian或基于Debian的发行版中提供)


2009年11月15日星期日下午 07:33

bin = BINaries

/dev = DEVices

/etc = ETCetera

/lib = LIBrary

/proc = PROCesses

/sbin = SuperuserBINaries

/tmp = TeMPorary

/usr = Unix Shared Resources

/var = VARiable

FIFO = First In, First Out

GRUB = GRand Unified Bootloader

IFS = Internal Field Seperators

LILO = LInuxLOader

MySQL = My是最初作者女儿的名字,SQL = Structured Query Language

PHP = Personal Home Page Tools = PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

PS = Prompt String

Perl = "Pratical Extraction and Report Language" = "Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister" Python 得名于电视剧Monty Python's Flying Circus

Tcl = Tool Command Language

Tk = ToolKit

VT = Video Terminal

YaST = Yet Another Setup Tool

apache = "a patchy" server

apt = Advanced Packaging Tool

ar = archiver

as = assembler

awk = "AhoWeiberger and Kernighan" 三个作者的姓的第一个字母

bash = Bourne Again SHell

bc = Basic (Better) Calculator

bg = BackGround

biff = 作者Heidi Stettner在U.C.Berkely养的一条狗,喜欢对邮递员汪汪叫。

cal = CALendar

cat = CATenate

cd = Change Directory

chgrp = CHangeGRouP

chmod = CHangeMODe

chown = CHangeOWNer

chsh = CHangeSHell

cmp = compare

cobra = Common Object Request Broker Architecture

comm = common

cp = CoPy

cpio = CoPy In and Out

cpp = C Pre Processor

cron = Chronos希腊文时间

cups = Common Unix Printing System cvs = Current Version System

daemon = Disk And Execution MONitor dc = Desk Calculator

dd = Disk Dump

df = Disk Free

diff = DIFFerence

dmesg = diagnostic message

du = Disk Usage

ed = editor

egrep = Extended GREP

elf = Extensible Linking Format

elm = ELectronic Mail

emacs = Editor MACroS

eval = EVALuate

ex = EXtended

exec = EXECute

fd = file descriptors

fg = ForeGround

fgrep = Fixed GREP

fmt = format

fsck = File System ChecK

fstab = FileSystemTABle

fvwm = F*** Virtual Window Manager gawk = GNU AWK

gpg = GNU Privacy Guard

groff = GNU troff

hal = Hardware Abstraction Layer

joe = Joe's Own Editor

ksh = KornSHell

lame = Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder

lex = LEXical analyser

lisp = LISt Processing = Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses ln = LiNk

lpr = Line PRint

ls = list

lsof = LiSt Open Files

m4 = Macro processor Version 4

man = MANual pages

mawk = Mike Brennan's AWK

mc = Midnight Commander

mkfs = MaKeFileSystem

mknod = MaKeNODe

motd = Message of The Day

mozilla = MOsaicGodZILLa

mtab = Mount TABle

mv = MoVe

nano = Nano's ANOther editor

nawk = New AWK

nl = Number of Lines

nm = names

nohup = No HangUP

nroff = New ROFF

od = Octal Dump

passwd = PASSWorD

pg = pager

pico = PIne's message COmposition editor

pine = "Program for Internet News & Email" = "Pine is not Elm" ping = 拟声又 = Packet InterNet Grouper

pirntcap = PRINTerCAPability

popd = POP Directory

pr = pre

printf = PRINT Formatted

ps = Processes Status

pty = pseudo tty

pushd = PUSH Directory

pwd = Print Working Directory

rc = runcom = run command, rc还是plan9的shell

rev = REVerse

rm = ReMove

rn = Read News

roff = RunOFF

rpm = RPM Package Manager = RedHat Package Manager rsh, rlogin, rvim中的r = Remote

rxvt = ouR XVT

seamoneky = 我

sed = Stream EDitor

seq = SEQuence

shar = SHellARchive

slrn = S-Lang rn

ssh = Secure SHell

ssl = Secure Sockets Layer

stty = Set TTY

su = Substitute User

svn = SubVersioN

tar = Tape ARchive

tcsh = TENEX C shell

tee = T (T形水管接口)

telnet = TEminaL over Network

termcap = terminal capability

terminfo = terminal information

tex = τ?χνη的缩写,希腊文art

tr = traslate

troff = Typesetter new ROFF

tsort = Topological SORT

tty = TeleTypewriter

twm = Tom's Window Manager

tz = TimeZone

udev = Userspace DEV

ulimit = User's LIMIT

umask = User's MASK

uniq = UNIQue

vi = VIsual = Very Inconvenient

vim = Vi IMproved

wall = write all

wc = Word Count

wine = WINE Is Not an Emulator

xargs = eXtendedARGuments

xdm = X Display Manager

xlfd = X Logical Font Description

xmms = X Multimedia System

xrdb = X Resources DataBase

xwd = X Window Dump

yacc = yet another compiler compiler

Fish = the Friendly Interactive SHell

su = Switch User

MIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

ECMA = European Computer Manufacturers Association


参考文献中文刊名的英文缩写对照表 参考国际标准ISO4-1984《文献工作—期刊刊名缩写的国际规则》及国家标准GB7714-87《文后参考文献著录规则》,《植物营养与肥料学报》编辑部编制了本刊参考文献中常见中文刊名的英文缩写对照表,请作者投稿时参考。具体如下: 杂志中文名 杂志英译名缩写 安徽农学通报 Anhui Agric. Sci. Bull. 安徽农业大学学报 J. Anhui Agric. Univ. 安徽农业科学 J. Anhui Agric. Sci. 安全与环境学报 J. Saf. Environ. 北方果树 Northern Fruits 北京农学院学报 J. Beijing Agric. Coll. 北京农业科学 Beijing Agric. Sci. 草地学报 Acta Agrestia Sin. 草业科学 Pratac. Sci. 草业学报 Acta Pratac. Sin. 地理科学 Sci. Geogr. Sin. 地理科学进展 Prog. Geogr. 地理学报 Acta Geogr. Sin. 东北农业大学学报 J. Northeast Agric.Univ. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版) J.Fujian Agric. For. Univ. 福建农业科技 Fujian Agric. Sci.Tech. 福建农业学报 Fujian J. Agric.Sci. 福建热作科技 Fujian Sci. Tech. Trop. Crops 干旱地区农业研究 Agric. Res. Arid Areas 干旱区研究 Arid Zone Res. 甘肃农业大学学报 J. Gansu Agric.Univ. 甘肃农业科技 Gansu Agricl Sci.Tech. 耕作与栽培 Cult. Plant. 广东农业科学 Guangdong Agric. Sci. 广西农学报 J. Guangxi Agric. 广西农业科学 J. Guangxi Agric. Sci. 贵州农业科学 Guizhou Agric.Sci. 果树学报(果树科学) J. Fruit Sci.


星期 星期一:MONDAY=MON 星期二:TUESDAY=TUS 星期三:WENSEDAY=WEN 星期四:THURSDAY=THUR 星期五:FRIDAY=FRI 星期六:SATURDAY=SAT 星期天:SUNDAY=SUN 月份 一月份=JAN 二月份=FEB 三月份=MAR 四月份=APR 五月份=MAY 六月份=JUN 七月份=JUL 八月份=AUG 九月份=SEP 十月份=OCT 十一月份=NOV 十二月份=DEC 常用词 4=FOR 到永远=FOREVER 2=TO RTN=RETURN(送回) BT=BLOOD TYPE(血型) PLS=PLEASE(请) BD=BIRTHDAY(生日) REWARD=酬谢 REWARD 4 RETURN=送回有酬谢ALLRG=过敏 军事术语 USMC=海军陆战队NAVY=海军 AF=AIR FORCE(空军) ARMY=陆军 宗教类 C=CHRISTIANISM(基督教) J=JUDAISM(犹太教) C=CATHOLICISM(天主教) B=BUDDHISM(佛教) I=ISLAM(伊斯兰教)NR=NO REFERENCE(没有宗教信仰) 星座 水瓶座:AQUARIUS(1月21日- 2月19日) 双鱼座:PISCES(2月20日- 3月20日) 白羊座:ARIES (3月21日- 4月20日) 金牛座:TAURUS(4月21日- 5月21日) 双子座:GEMINI(5月22日- 6月21日) 巨蟹座:CANCER(6月22日- 7月23日) 狮子座:LEO(7月24日- 8月23日)

处女座:VIRGO(8月24日- 9月23日) 天秤座:LIBRA (9月24日- 10月23日) 天蝎座:SCORPIUS(10月24日- 11月22日) 人马座:SAGITTARIUS(11月23日- 12月21日) 山羊座:CAPRICORNUS (12月22日- 1月20日) 1. 国际性或全美性: UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization)联合国教育科学文化组织(也叫国际文教组织) 例如:(The)UNESCO has made some contributions to the world.(UNESCO 对世界做出一些贡献) NATO(North Atlantic Treaty organization)北大西洋公约组织。 例如:Could(the)NATO members stick to their commitments?(NATO 的成员能坚守承担义务吗?) SALT(Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)战略武器限制公约 例如:Should every nation join(the)SALT?(每个国家都要加入SALT?) NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)美国航天太空总署 例句:The U.S. space programs depend on the performances of NASA.(美国的太空计画是靠NASA的表现而定。) (注:以上缩写字也被人们当做一个字看待) WHO(World Health organization)世界卫生组织 例句:Taiwan has been trying to become one of the WHO members.(台湾一直想办法成为WHO的成员之一) FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation)联邦调查局(负责美国境内) CIA(Central Intelligence Agency)中央情报局(负责国外) 例句:Over the past years, Dr. and Mrs. Lee have worked for both FBI and CIA.(过去多年来李博士夫妇都为FBI 和CIA 工作) FDA(Food and Drug Administration)美国食品药物管理局 例句:This new drug has to be approved by the FDA.(这新药要经FDA 批准) USDA(United States Department of Agriculture)美国农业部 例句:USDA supplies myriad of information on agriculture market.(有关农业市场,USDA 供应大量资料。) IRS(Internal Revenue Service)美国税务局


全国人民代表大会National People's Congress (NPC) 主席团Presidium 常务委员会Standing Committee 办公厅General Office 秘书处Secretariat 代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee 提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee 民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee 法律委员会Law Committee 财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee 外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education,Science,Culture and Public Health Committee 内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs 特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution 2、中华人民共和国主席President of the People's Republic of China 3、中央军事委员会Central Military Commission 4、最高人民法院Supreme People's Court


1、OPC:over-speed protection control 超速保护控制系统; 2、DEH:digital electro-hydraulic(control system)数字电液调节系统;数字式电液控制系统; 3、MEH:feed water pump electro hydraulic (control system)给水泵汽轮机数字电液调节系统; 4、BP:by pass 旁路控制系统; 5、BP:booster pump 前置泵,增压泵; 6、ETS:emergency trip system 危机跳闸系统; 7、FSSS:furnace safeguard supervisory system 炉膛安全监控系统; 8、BMS:burner management system 燃烧器管理系统; Boiler master system 锅炉主燃料管理系统; 9、TSI:turbine supervisory instrument 汽轮机保护仪表,汽轮机监测仪表; 10、LVDT: 11、HP:high pressure cylinder 高压缸; 12、IP:inermediate pressure cylinder 中压缸; 13、LP:low pressure cylinder 低压缸; 14、KY:keyphaser 鉴相; 15、SE:speed 转速; 16、SP:shaft position 轴向位移; 17:ECC:eccentricity 偏心 18、DEHP:different expansion HP 高压缸差胀; 19:DELP:different expansion LP 低压缸差胀; 20、HEL:heat expansion left 高压缸左侧热膨胀; 21、HER:heat expansion right 高压缸右侧热膨胀; 22、BV:bearing vibration 轴瓦振动; 23、SV:shaft vibration direction*X X向轴振; 24、SV*Y:shaft vibration direction*Y Y向轴振; 25、PID:piping and instrumentation diagram 管道与仪表图,系统图; Proportional-integral-differential 比例-积分-微分(调节规律) 26、DAS:Date Acquisition System 数据采集系统; Digital Alarm System数字报警系统; 27、MCS:main control system 主控系统; Management commend system 管理命令控制系统; 28、SCS:sequence control system 顺序控制系统; 29、CCS:coordinated control system 协调控制系统; 30、CCR:central control room 集中控制室; 31、BTG:boiler-turbine-generator 锅炉-汽机-发电机 32、UCB:unit control board 机组控制盘; 33、T/C:Thermo—couple 热电偶 34、BOP:balance of plant 电厂配套设施; 35、AVR:Automatic Voltage Regulator电压自动调节器; 36、BFP:boiler feed pump 锅炉给水泵; 37、BMCR:Boiler Continuous Maximum Rating锅炉最大连续功率; 38、IDF:Induced Draught Fan引风机; 39、FDF:Forced Draught Fan送风机; 40、PAF:Primary Air Fan一次风机;


lamant_sarah 单片机英文缩写全称及中文名称 一、寄存器部分 SFR= special function register //特殊功能寄存器(片内RAM 80H~FFH) ACC= accumulate //累加器 PSW= programmer status word //程序状态字 SP= stack point //堆栈指针 DPL,DPH=DPTR(data point register //数据指针寄存器)的低8位和高8位IE =interrupt enable // 中断使能 IP= interrupt priority //中断优先级 PCON =power control //电源控制 SCON= serial control //串行口控制

SBUF= serial buffer //串行数据缓冲 TCON =timer control //定时器控制 TMOD= timer mode //定时器方式 PSW: CY= carry (psw.7) //进位(标志) AC= auxiliary carry (psw.6) //辅助进位 F0= (psw.5) //用户自定义标志位 RS1,RS0=register selection (psw.4,psw.3)//工作寄存器组选择位OV=overflow (psw.2) //溢出 P=parity (psw.0) //奇偶校验位

IE: EA=Enable All Interrupt //CPU开/关中断控制位ET=Enable Timer //定时器溢出中断允许位 ES=Enable Serial Port //串行口中断允许位 EX=Enable External //外部中断的中断允许位 IP: PS=Priority Serial //串口优先级 PT=Priority Timer //定时器优先级 PX=Priority External //外部中断优先级


1 C&F(cost&freight)成本加运费价 2 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇 3 D/P(document against payment)付款交单 4 D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单 5 C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证 6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制 7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱 8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等 9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元 10 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打 11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等 12 WT(weight)重量 13 G.W.(gross weight)毛重 14 N.W.(net weight)净重 15 C/D (customs declaration)报关单 16 EA(each)每个,各 17 W (with)具有 18 w/o(without)没有 19 FAC(facsimile)传真 20 IMP(import)进口 21 EXP(export)出口 22 MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的 23 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度 24 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的 25 M/V(merchant vessel)商船 26 S.S(steamship)船运 27 MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨 28 DOC (document)文件、单据 29 INT(international)国际的 30 P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表 31 INV (invoice)发票 32 PCT (percent)百分比 33 REF (reference)参考、查价 34 EMS (express mail special)特快传递 35 STL.(style)式样、款式、类型 36 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传 37 RMB(renminbi)人民币 38 S/M (shipping marks)装船标记 39 PR或PRC(price) 价格 40 PUR (purchase)购买、购货 41 S/C(sales contract)销售确认书 42 L/C (letter of credit)信用证 43 B/L (bill of lading)提单 44 FOB (free on board)离岸价


首先,是我和我的小伙伴们: 中国心血管杂志 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine Chin J Cardiovasc Med 中国神经免疫学和神经病学杂志 Chinese Journal of Neuroimmunology and Neurology Chin J Neuroimmunol Neurol 中华老年医学杂志 Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Chin J Geriatr A 癌症 Chinese Journal of Cancer Chin J Cancer 癌变·畸变·突变 Carcinogenesis, Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis Carcinog Teratogenesis Mutagen 癌症康复 Cancer Rehabilitation Cancer Rehabil 安徽医学 Anhui Medical Journal Anhui Med J 安徽中医药大学学报 Journal of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine J Anhui Univ Chin Med B 蚌埠医学院学报 Journal of Bengbu Medical College J Bengbu Med Coll 包头医学 Journal of Baotou Medicine J Baotou Med

北京医学 Beijing Medical Journal Beijing Med J 北京中医药 Beijing Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Beijing J Tradit Chin Med 北京中医药大学学报 Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine J Beijing Univ Tradit Chin Med 北京大学学报(医学版) Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) J Peking Univ Health Sci 北京生物医学工程 Beijing Biomedical Engineering Beijing Biomed Eng 标记免疫分析与临床 Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine Labeled Immunoassays & Clin Med 病毒学报 Chinese Journal of Virology Chin J Virol C 长春中医药大学学报 Journal of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine J Changchun Univ Tradit Chin Med 重庆医学 Chongqing Medicine Chongqing Med J 成都中医药大学学报 Journal of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine J Chengdu Univ Tradit Chin Med D 第一军医大学分校学报 Journal of Branch Campus of the First Military Medical University


A Acc. Chem. Res. Accounts of Chemical Research ACH - Models Chem. ACH - Models in Chemistry ACI Mater. J. ACI Materials Journal ACS Symp. Ser. ACS Symposium Series Acta Biochim. Pol. Acta Biochimica Polonica Acta Biotechnol. Acta Biotechnologica Acta Chem. Scand. Acta Chemica Scandinavica Acta Chim. Sinica Acta Chimica Sinica Acta Cienc. Indica, Chem. Acta Cienceia Indica Chemistry Acta Cienc. Indica, Phys. Acta Ciencia Indica Phyics Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: Found. Crystallogr. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B: Struct. Sci Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications Acta Crystallogr., Sect D: Biol. Crystallogr. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online Acta Hydroch. Hydrob. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica Acta Mater. Acta Materialia Acta Metall. Acta Metallurgica Acta Phys. Pol., A Acta Physica Polonica A Acta Phys. Pol., B Acta Physica Polonica B Acta Polym. Acta Polymerica Acta Polytech. Scand., Chem. Technol. Ser Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica - Chemical Technology Series Adhes. Age Adhesives Age Adsorpt. Sci. Technol. Adsorption Science and Technology Adv. Appl. Microbiol. Advances in Applied Microbiology Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phy. Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics Adv. Biochem. Eng./Biotechnol. Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. Biochem. Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry Adv. Chem. Phys. Advances in Chemical Physics Adv. Chem. Ser. Advances in Chemistry Series Adv. Chromatogr. Advances in Chromatography Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science Adv. Compos. Mater Advanced Composite Materials Adv. Cryog. Eng. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Adv. Eng. Mater. Advanced Engineering Materials Adv. Enzyme Regul. Advances in Enzyme Regulation Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas Mol. Biol. Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology Adv. Filtr. Sep. Technol. Advances in Filtration and Separation Technology


整理如下:(一部份) 阿库拉 ACURA 阿尔法 ALFA 阿斯顿 ASTON 奥迪 AUDI 本特利 BENTLEY 宝马 BMW 布加蒂 BUGATTI 别克 BUICK 凯迪拉克 CADILLCA




罗尔斯罗伊斯Rolls-Royce 桑塔纳Santana BENZ 奔驰 BMW 宝马 FERRARI 法拉利 FORD 福特 CADILLAC 凯迪拉克TOYOTA 丰田 ROLLS-ROYCE 劳斯莱斯PORSCHE 保时捷 GM 通用VOLKSWAGEN 大众LINCOLN 林肯


全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress (NPC) 主席团 Presidium 常务委员会 Standing Committee 办公厅General Office 秘书处Secretariat 代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee 提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee 民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee 法律委员会Law Committee 财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee 外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee 内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs 特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution 2、中华人民共和国主席 President of the People's Republic of China 3、中央军事委员会 Central Military Commission 4、最高人民法院 Supreme People's Court 5、最高人民检察院 Supreme People's Procuratorate 6、国务院State Council (1)国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs 国防部Ministry of National Defence 国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission



3GPP常用英文缩写全称大全 3G是3GPP的简写形式,3GPP在英文里的全称是:the 3rd Generation Partner Project 中文的全称是:第三代合作伙伴计划,是领先的3G技术规范机构,旨在研究制定并推广基于演进的GSM核心网络的3G标准,它负责WCDMA标准的制定,R4标准是其中较为成熟的一个版 本。 3GPP: 3GP是一种3G流媒体的视频编码格式,是目前手机中最为常见的一种视频格式。简单的说,该格式是“第三代合作伙伴项目”(3GPP)制定的一种多媒体标准,使用户能使用手机享受高质量 的视频、音频等多媒体内容。 3GPP常用英文缩写全称大全 3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project AAL ATM Adaptation Layer AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer of type 2 AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer of type 5 A&C Authentication and Ciphering ACFE Access Control Function Entity AI Acquisition Indication AICH Acquisition Indication Channel ALCAP Access Link Control Application Part AM Acknowledged Mode (of RLC) AMR Adaptive Multi Rate (Transcoder) AN Access Network AOA Angle Of Arrival AP Application Process APDU Application Protocol Data Unit APId Access Point Identifier APN Access Point Name APS Automatic Protection Switching ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Business ARQ Automatic Repeat Request ASAP Alarm Severity Assignment Profile ATC ATM Transfer Capability ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode AUG Administrative Unit Group AU-n Administrative Unit n with n being 4 or 3 AUTN Authentication Token AWGN Added White Gaussian Noise BCCH Broadcast Control Channel BCH Broadcast Channel BER Bit Error Rate


机械图纸英语翻译 以下是我在工作中常用的 ALL WELDS CONTINUOUS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 未注焊缝均为连续焊 ALL WELDS 3mm FILLET UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED 未注焊角高3mm. ALL UNSPECIFIED RADI - R3 未注圆角R3 REMOVE ALL BURRS AND SHARP EDGES 棱角倒钝 CHANNEL 槽钢 RSA 708 角钢70X70X8 M30X1.5 pitch M30X1.5的锥螺纹 Tackweld 点焊 OD 1/4" outside dimension 1/4"的缩写外径直1/4" 75 CRS 尺寸为75 材质为冷轧钢板 410 OPENING REF 410 开口参考尺寸 40 REF 尺寸为40,参考值 2.5" BSP 2.5” 圆锥管螺纹 2.5" BSPT HEXAGON 2.5” 六角圆锥管螺纹(即对丝) 30x2.5 FLAT BAR 30X2.5 扁钢 TYP 2 POSNS 2处 11 TOTAL COILS APROX.9 WORKING COILS APROX.RIGHT HAND WOUND ONLY,END COILS SQUARE TO TOUCH. 总圈数约11圈;工作圈数约9圈;右旋;弹簧的端部磨平以便于接触.(此为弹簧技术说明) FEMALE: 内扣(母扣) MALE: 外扣(公扣) 偏心轴eccentric shaft 销轴PIN 开口销COTTER PIN 螺杆screw 紧定螺钉SET SCREW 圆螺母ROUND NUT 内六角螺钉SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 六角螺钉HEX HD SETSCREW 六角螺栓HEX HD BOLT 挡圈closing ring 弹性挡圈circlip 轴承隔套distance sleeve of axletree 轴承axletree 深沟球轴承DEEP GROOVE BALL BEARING 无扣长non-buckle longth 弹簧SPRING 吊环螺钉LIFTING EYE BOLT 开槽盘头螺钉SLOTTED PAN HEAD SCREW 圆锥滚子轴承TAPERED ROLLER BEARING 推力球轴承THRUST BALL BEARING


首先,是我和我的小伙伴们:xx心血管杂志 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine Chin J Cardiovasc Med xx神经免疫学和神经病学杂志 Chinese Journal of Neuroimmunology and Neurology Chin J Neuroimmunol Neurol 中华老年医学杂志 Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Chin J Geriatr A 癌症 Chinese Journal of Cancer Chin J Cancer 癌变·畸变·突变 Carcinogenesis, Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis Carcinog Teratogenesis Mutagen 癌症xx Cancer Rehabilitation Cancer Rehabil xx医学

Anhui Medical Journal Anhui Med J xx中医药大学学报 Journal of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine J Anhui Univ Chin Med B xx医学院学报 Journal of Bengbu Medical College J Bengbu Med Coll 包头医学 Journal of Baotou Medicine J Baotou Med xx医学 Beijing Medical Journal Beijing Med J xx中医药 Beijing Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Beijing J Tradit Chin Med 北京中医药大学学报 Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine J Beijing Univ Tradit Chin Med


BMCR:锅炉最大连续蒸发量Boiler maximum continue rate BECR:锅炉最经济连续蒸发量 THA:turbine heat acceptance 汽机热耗验收工况,一般都是设计背压下,额定功率工况TRL:turbine rated load 汽机额定负载工况,考察夏季高背压下,额定功率下,补水率3% VWO:valve wide open 汽机阀门全开工况,设计背压下,105%THA 流量下出力最大工况 TMCR:turbine maximum continue rate 汽机最大连续出力工况,与BMCR 相对应,设计背压下,额定流量下的出力,与TRL 流量相同工况 THA:汽轮机热耗率验收工况,TRL:铭牌功率,VWO:调节阀全开工况 AMS:asset management system 设备管理系统说明:为西屋公司OV ATION 系统的一个软件包,实现对智能变送器、智能执行器的诊断、调校、故障预测、定期校验管理等功能,采用该系统能节省大量的设备调试时间及维护量。 DCS:distributed control system 分散控制系统说明:对生产过程进行数据采集、控制、保护、监视等。 DEH:digital electro-hydraulic control system 数字式电液调节系统说明:采用微机系统对汽轮机进行转速、功率调节及实现超速保护等。 MEH:micro-electro-hydraulic control system 小汽机数字电液调节系统说明:针对给水泵小汽轮机采用的数字控制系统,实现转速及给水流量的控制。 ETS:emergency trip system 汽轮机危急跳闸系统; 说明:对汽轮机出现异常情况时,发出指令卸去安全油压,全关主汽门,保护汽轮机。 METS:micro emergency trip system 小汽轮机危急跳闸系统说明:对给水泵的小汽轮机出现异常情况时,发出指令卸去安全油压,全关主汽门,保护小汽轮机。 MIS:management information system 管理信息系统说明:为企业的生产经营和决策提供信息,包括生产、计划、物资、财务、销售、人事、档案等子系统。 SIS:supervisory information system 厂级监控信息系统说明:机组的经济性诊断、厂级的经济性分析、厂级负荷分配等" BOP:balance of plant 辅助控制网说明:将水、煤、灰等辅助系统的控制系统通过网络连接起来,实现集中监控。 TDM:turbine diagnostic management system 汽轮机诊断管理系统说明:实现在线连续监测汽轮发电机组运行过程中的振动及各种工艺参数,并自动存储有价值的数据,提供


报关单上常出现的英文单词缩写 一.单证(Documents) 进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1。金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票) 2.商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等)3。用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等) declaration form报关单ν Three steps—declaration, examination of goods andν release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。 the person in chargeν of the declaration invoice发票ν ocean bill of lading提单ν airν waybill空运提单 packing list或packing specification(装箱单)ν shippingν order(装货单) letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)ν insurance policy(保险单)ν salesν confirmation售货确认书 contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, totalνamount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)


BMCR:锅炉最大连续蒸发量 Boiler maximum continue rate BECR:锅炉最经济连续蒸发量 THA:turbine heat acceptance 汽机热耗验收工况,一般都是设计背压下,额定功率工况 TRL:turbine rated load 汽机额定负载工况,考察夏季高背压下,额定功率下,补水率 3% VWO:valve wide open 汽机阀门全开工况,设计背压下,105%THA 流量下出力最大工况 TMCR:turbine maximum continue rate 汽机最大连续出力工况,与 BMCR 相对应,设计背压下,额定流量下的出力,与 TRL 流量相同工况 THA:汽轮机热耗率验收工况, TRL:铭牌功率, VWO:调节阀全开工况 AMS:asset management system 设备管理系统说明:为西屋公司 OVATION 系统的一个软件包,实现对智能变送器、智能执行器的诊断、调校、故障预测、定期校验管理等功能,采用该系统能节省大量的设备调试时间及维护量。 DCS:distributed control system 分散控制系统说明:对生产过程进行数据采集、控制、保护、监视等。 DEH:digital electro-hydraulic control system 数字式电液调节系统说明:采用微机系统对汽轮机进行转速、功率调节及实现超速保护等。 MEH: micro-electro-hydraulic control system 小汽机数字电液调节系统说明:针对给水泵小汽轮机采用的数字控制系统,实现转速及给水流量的控制。 ETS: emergency trip system 汽轮机危急跳闸系统; 说明:对汽轮机出现异常情况时,发出指令卸去安全油压,全关主汽门,保护汽轮机。 METS:micro emergency trip system 小汽轮机危急跳闸系统说明:对给水泵的小汽轮机出现异常情况时,发出指令卸去安全油压,全关主汽门,保护小汽轮机。MIS:management information system 管理信息系统说明:为企业的生产经营和决策提供信息,包括生产、计划、物资、财务、销售、人事、档案等子系统。 SIS: supervisory information system 厂级监控信息系统说明:机组的经济性诊断、厂级的经济性分析、厂级负荷分配等" BOP:balance of plant 辅助控制网说明:将水、煤、灰等辅助系统的控制系统通过网络连接起来,实现集中监控。
