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Numerical Algebra



Chapter 1 Direct Methods ofr Solving Systems of Linear Equations



Chapter 2 Iterative Methods of Solving Systems of Linear Equations




Chapter 3 Solutions of Nonlinear Equation(s)



Chapter 4 Calculation of Eigenbalues and Eigenvectors of Matrices


英文合同合同常用词 第一节合同常用词(Usual Wording)(1) 当大量接触英文合同,就会发现英文合同中有些词或短语出现的频率非常高,往往影响或决定了对 合同的准确理解,下面就分门别类从常见实词和常见虚词两个方面进行具体介绍: 一、英文合同常用虚词(Usual Function Words) 1.Here/there/where+介词构成的古体词 基本规则:Here 代表this,there 代表that,where 代表which 或what 即here/there/where+介词=介词 +this/that/which or what Hereby: by means of; by reason of this.特此,由此,兹等意。 例句:The Buyer hereby orders from the Seller the undermentioned goods

subject to the following conditions:买方向卖方订购下列商品,条件如下: Herein:in this。此中,于此。 例句:The minimum royalty herein specified shall be paid by Party B to Party A. 在此规定的最低特许权 使用费应由乙方付给甲方。 Hereinafter: later in the same Contract. 以下,在下文。通常与to be referred to as, referred as, called 连 用。 例句:This Agreement is made and concluded on ______, (date)____(year), by and between _____(hereinafter called Party A) on the one hand and _____(hereinafter called Party B) on the other hand. 本协议书于____年___月___日由_____(以下简称甲方)为一方,与_____(以下简称乙方)为另一方 签订。


1.一双(条)…. 45.一个橘子 2.一双鞋子46.一只钢笔 3.一双袜子47.一只铅笔 4.一条长裤48.一只杯子 5.一条短裤49.什么颜色 6.一条裙子50.黑白相间 7.一套,一串,一副,一组51.请拼写它 8.一串钥匙52.我的名字 9.请求,恳求(给予)52.你的名字 10.我能帮你吗?53.他的名字 11.快点儿54.她的名字 12.劳驾,请原谅55。认识你很高兴 13.名字56.你好! 14.无疑,肯定57.我的朋友 15.早上好!58.在中国 16.下午好!59.两张漂亮的照片 17.晚上好!60.在第一张照片中 18.从……到……61.在下一张照片中 19.生日快乐!62.我的狗的名字 20.(表示祝愿)过得愉快!2 63.一张…的照片 21.给你64.失物招领处 22.(询问消息或提出建议)…怎么样?…好吗?2 23.你好吗?65.电脑游戏(机)

24.(购物时)…多少钱?66.玩电脑游戏 25.…多大年纪?…几岁了?67.玩游戏 26.学生卡,身份证68.和…玩游戏 27.用英语69.和…..玩….. 28.用汉语70.学校图书馆 29.姓氏2 71.给……打电话 30.中学,初中72.给……发电子邮件 31.飞机模型73.在沙发上 32.铅笔盒,文具盒74.在椅子下 33.再见75.在桌子下 34.磁带播放机76.打篮球 35.电话号码2 77.那听起来不错 36.为…而感谢你(们)78.通过电视,在电视上 37.思考,思索,考虑79.下课后 38.看电视80.晚饭后 39.别客气,不用谢81.然(随)后,在那之后 40.一把尺子81.同一所学校 41.一副地图82.去同一所学校上学 42.一件夹克衫83.体育明星 43.一把钥匙84.运动鞋 44.一床被子85.做运动 86.饮食习惯


中英文合同中常用词词义的选择 英文合同中的词语是构成合同文本最基本的单位。对合同文本中的一些单词词义的正确选择,是翻译合同文书的前提和基础。如果选择的词义不确切,整篇译文就难以理解。在翻译合同文件时,会涉及到经济、法律、贸易、金融、技术等领域的专业词汇,这些词汇在不同的合同条款和上下文中的表达和词义有很大区别。即使在同一专业中的词义都有很大区别,因此我们必须仔细推敲,选择最确切的词义。例如:cover一词,作为动词讲一般都理解为“包括”,例如:The prices quoted in the brochure cover packing and are subject to 35%trade discount,可译为:“小册子所报的价格包括包装费在内,可有35%的商业折扣。”但以下的含有cover的句子,就不能将cover译成“包括”: (1) No doubt there must have been some reason for the delay in shipment. To cover this contingency we cabled you On Mar.29 that we were extending the letter of credit for two weeks.句中的cover应理解为“应付”,全句可译成: 无疑,一定有某种致使装船延误的原因。为应付这一意外事件,我方已于3月29日电告你方,将信用证延期两周。 (2) If Party A insists on ifs original quotation. Party B will have to cover its requirements elsewhere 句中的cover指“购进货物”,全句可译成: 如果甲方坚持原报价,则乙方只能从其他方面购进其需要的货物。 (3) In order to cover our order, we have arranged with the Bank of China, Dalian Branch, a credit for USD 55,000. 句中的cover在这里表示“偿付”,全句可译成: 为支付我方订货,我方已联系中国银行大连分行开立55,000美元的信用证。 (4) Party B shall cover the goods with particular average. 句中的cover在这里的含义为:to insure sth against loss,全句可译成: 乙方将对该货物投保水渍险。 英译汉是如此,汉译英时也应该注意同类的问题。请看下面的句子: 如在解释上有分歧,应以英文本为准。 该句中的“解释”在汉英词典上可以有多种选择,如:explanation,construe,exposition,interpretation,但该句中的“解释”是对依法成立的合同条款的正式性解释,应选择interpretation,全句可译成: In case Of any divergence Of interpretations, the English text shall prevail。 以上例子仅是选择词义的一个方面。本章将就合同翻译时经常碰到的词义处理问题,归纳为三个方面:同义词的选择,一词多义的问题,容易混淆的词的处理。现分述如下: 1. Choice of Synonyms同义词的选择 同义词在英语中为数不少,在合同英语中也时常出现,翻译时必须作出正确选择。否则,如


英文合同常用词汇和句型 1、开场白(合同的当事人背景介绍) 2、过渡条款 Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described herein-after, Party A and Party B agree as follows: 参考译文:因此,双方基于各自提供之对价订立本合同,并做如下约定: 注释和说明:”in consideration of premises and covenants”表示“在当事人提供的对价基础上”而非仅指“考虑到…”。读者应重点理解“premise”这个词。在一般场合下它是指与房屋相关的基础不动产或处所,但是在英文合同里边它却变成了“前提条件”。 3、结尾条款: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by duly authorized representatives of both parties on the date and year first written above. 参考译文:本合同由被正当授权之人,于本协议于上述记载之日期代表双方当事人订立,特此证明。 注释和说明: (1)“in witness whereof”的含义类似于中文合同中常见的“口说无凭,立此为证”。 (2)“execute”在英文合同中常解为“签署”,而非“执行”。 4、favor, “in favor of somebody”= ”in one’s favor”的意思主要有两种: 以某人为受益人、有利于某人 5、subject to sth. 1) 遵从、遵守: This letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision), international Chamber of commerce, Publication No.400. 2) 根据(法律、法规、合同) 3) 作动词用,意思是“服从于…”,“率属于…”,“使经受…” 4) 办理、存在。 5、Without prejudice to “在不损坏……”。 6、Any person who does... shall …表示任何做某人之人应。 7、For the purpose of “就……而言”。 8、Provided that 但是 9、Notwithstanding “即使,表示一种让步”。 10、in question “表示该” 11、including but not limited to “包括但不限于” 12、常理解为“有权利做某事” 1)have the right to do 2)be entitled to do 3)do sth. at one’s option or/ and discretion 4)have the authority to do 13、合同英语中“因为”的表达方法 1)owing to 2)attributable to 3)due to 4)in view of 5)by virtue of 14、notify sb. Of sth. in writing: 书面通知某人某事 15、in lieu of: 替代 16、关联企业: 1)affiliate: 广义上的具有法人人格的子公司,只要有参股关系即可,常翻译为“关联公司”


72. deputy 英 ['depj?t?]美 ['d?pjuti] n. 代理人,代表 adj. 副的;代理的 I delegated my responsibilities to my deputy.我把职责委托给了我的代理人。 When he was ill,his duties devolved on his deputy.他生病期间他的工作移交给了他的副手。 73. kick off [足球]中线开球;[口](使)开始;[美,口]死;踢开 1.Kick off your shoes and find a game on TV.脱下鞋子打开电视找场比赛看吧。 2.They kick off their campaign against Paraguay tomorrow night. 他们脱掉他们明天晚上对阵巴拉圭。 74. gluttony英 ['gl?t(?)n?]暴食,暴饮暴食;贪食,贪吃 1.In love,as in gluttony,pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision. 在爱情中,如同暴饮暴食,快乐的关键在于毫厘不差的精准。 75. unique 英[ju?'ni?k]美 [j?'nik] adj. 独特的,稀罕的;[数] 唯一的,独一无二的 n. 独一无二的人或物 We all have unique skills and gifts.我们都拥有独特的技能和天赋。 In this case however,despite the name of the property,it need not and should notbe unique. 尽管该属性的名称如此,但在这种情况下,它不需要也不应该为唯一的。 76. pyramid英 ['p?r?m?d]美 ['p?r?m?d] n. 金字塔;角锥体 vi. 渐增;上涨;成金字塔状 vt. 使…渐增;使…上涨;使…成金字塔状 Imagine this as a pyramid and not a triangle.想象一下这是个金字塔,不说三角形。 We can reach the glorious summit of pyramid if we learn English in this way.我们按照这样的过程学习英语,就一定能达到金字塔光辉的顶端! 77. phenomenon [f?'n?m?n?]n. 现象,事件;奇迹;非凡的人 This phenomenon is not as outrageous as it seems. 这种现象并不像它看上去那样骇人。78. complement英 ['k?mpl?m(?)nt]美 ['kɑmpl?m?nt] n. 补语;余角;补足物 vt. 补足,补助 1.You do not want to duplicate efforts, though you may come to complement them. 虽然您可能会为其做补充,您不会想去做重复的工作。 79. bid [b?d] vt. 投标;出价;表示;吩咐 vi. 投标;吩咐 n. 出价;叫牌;努力争取 n. (Bid)人名;(俄)比


英文合同常用词、短语和句型 1.订立、变更合同 动词 Make a contract / Enter into / form / create / conclude / execute /covenant 名词 the making of / the conclusion of a contract / the entry into contract / the formation of / the creation of / the conclusion of / the execution of a contract / covenant This agreement/contract is made and entered into 8th of August, 2008 by and between Party A and Party B. 2.合同的终止、解除、撤销 terminate a contract 通常指合同在约定期满前终止履行,可双方同意而作出,也指一方因另一方违约而行使的一种救济权。美国“终止”指合同各方未违反合同约定而依法终止合同。 cancel a contact 因另一方违约而解除合同,其效力基本等同于terminate,不同是撤销方仍有权对整个合同或中未履行部分主张救济。 discharge a contract 合同当事人的合同关系已终止。 rescind a contract 免除当事人之间的合同义务,将当事人各自地位恢复到合同订立之前状态。 revoke a contract 即以取消或撤回的方式废止或宣布无效。出于行为人的意愿,即主动发出的行为。

1.常用虚词 shall, notwithstanding, as, foregoing, aforesaid, the said, aforementioned, above mentioned, according to, under, subject to, in accordance with, as per, as provided in, pursuant, under or in accordance with the agreement, as provided herein, as provided in hereof, include but not limited to, with prejudice, whereas, hereof, hereto, herein, hereby, hereinafter, hereunder, thereof,


英文合同常用词汇 第一节合同常用词(Usual Wording)(1) 当大量接触英文合同,就会发现英文合同中有些词或短语出现的频率非常高,往往影响或决定了对 合同的准确理解,下面就分门别类从常见实词和常见虚词两个方面进行具体介绍: 一、英文合同常用虚词(Usual Function Words) 1.Here/there/where+介词构成的古体词 基本规则:Here 代表this,there 代表that,where 代表which 或what 即here/there/where+介词=介词 +this/that/which or what Hereby: by means of; by reason of this.特此,由此,兹等意。 例句:The Buyer hereby orders from the Seller the undermentioned goods subject to the following conditions:买方向卖方订购下列商品,条件如下: Herein:in this。此中,于此。 例句:The minimum royalty herein specified shall be paid by Party B to Party A. 在此规定的最低特许权 使用费应由乙方付给甲方。 Hereinafter: later in the same Contract. 以下,在下文。通常与to be referred to as, referred as, called 连 用。 例句:This Agreement is made and concluded on ______, (date)____(year), by and between _____(hereinafter called Party A) on the one hand and _____(hereinafter called Party B) on the other hand. 本协议书于____年___月___日由_____(以下简称甲方)为一方,与_____(以下简称乙方)为另一方 签订。 Hereof:of this。关于此点,在本文件中。 Hereunder:under this. 本文件规定。 例句:Both parties agree to attempt to resolve all disputes between the parties with respect to the application or interpretation of any term hereof of transaction hereunder, through amicable negotiation.合

新视野大学英语第三版第二册6-7单元词汇,短语 ,汉译英英译汉

Unit5 1. 2.A strong police force has been placed between the two (rival) groups in the village to prevent fighting and killing. 3. Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance, its potential role in (motivating) innovative acts cannot be ignored. 4. 5. Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21st century and their(fluctuating) birth rates have also posed problems. 6. 7. The president is in trouble and will have to work hard to (restore) his credibility after people discovered that he was not telling the truth. 8. To study a number of subjects in the humanities has been both enjoyable and (enlightening) , providing me with a new and different perspective on the world in which we live. 9. People are concerned about the environment issue because air and water pollution not only affects everyone's health but also makes it difficult for businesses to (profit) . 10. 1. 2. The support our volunteers provide to the community as well as society cannot 3. (be measured in) purely practical terms, and their continuing contribution is vital. Please don't forget the Tourist Guide, which should(come in handy) when you travel to different places in Asia and Europe for the next few weeks. 4.


中考常用词汇及短语大全 一) 连接词 (1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。(2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。 (3)表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhyle, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。 (4)表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。 (5)表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。 (6)表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。 (7)表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。(三)注意以下过渡词的用法 1、表示时间的 af first 起初 next 接下来 then 然后 after that 那以后 later 后来 soon 不久 soon/shortly after ……之后不久 finally 最后 in the end 最后 eventually 最终 at last 终于 lately 近来 recently 最近 since then 自从那时起 after that 那以后 in no time 不一会儿 after a while 一会儿 afterward 后来 to begin/start with=in the first place 首先、第一点 immediately 立即、马上


合同中常用词语解释 (2) (Explanations to Commonly-used words and Expressions in Contracts) (2) 1. “here+介词” (2) 2. “there+介词” (2) 3. “where+介词” (3) 4. Shall (3) 5. should (3) 6. notwithstanding (4) 7. subject to (4) 8. without prejudice to (4) 9. unless otherwise (5) 10. except otherwise (5) 11. in witness whereof (5) 12. Know all men by these presents that... . (5) 13. including but not limited to (6) 14. provide that (6) 15. undersigned (6) 16. at one’s sole discretion (6) 17. accordingly (7) 18. as the case may be (7) 19. to the extent that (7) 20. save (7) 21. less (7) 22. for the purpose of (7) 23. the same (8)

合同中常用词语解释 (Explanations to Commonly-used words and Expressions in Contracts) 不少人在阅读FIDIC合同条款时感到很吃力,其中一个重要原因是词语障碍。为了帮助读者解决这一困难,我们特意从红皮书中选择了一些这类的词汇和短语,对他们进行较为详细的讲解,以供参考。 1.“here+介词”所构成的合成词,如:hereafter(此后),hereby(特此,兹), herein(此中,于此),hereinafter(在下文中),hereof(关于这一点,在本文中),hereto (于此,至此),heretofore(在此之前,前此),hereupon(就在此刻),herewith(于此一道,随函附上)等。在这类合成词中,here相当于this,因此,hereafter = after this,hereto = to this,herewith = with this,余类推。请看下面例句: a)Example forms for the letter of Invitation and Instructions to Tenderers are reproduced hereafter, for use with any of the three Books. 下文复制了邀请函和投标人须知范例格式,供三本合同条件中的任何一本使 用。 b)Whereas Party B and Party A have entered into this Contract for the installation of Party A’s air-conditioning equipment, the Parties here to do hereby agree as follows. 鉴于乙 方与甲方订立合同,为甲方安装空调设备,双方达成如下协议。the Parties here to = the Parties to this contract:合同双方。 c)We enclose herewith a soft copy of this document. 随信附上本文件的软拷贝。Herewith = with this letter:随本信 2.“there+介词”所构成的合成词,如:thereafter(此后,其后,据此),thereby (因此,从而,由此;借此;在那附近),therefor(为此,因此,因之),therefrom(从哪里,从哪一点,从其中,从此),therein(在其中;在那件事情上,在哪一点上),thereinafter(在下文中,一下),thereof(其,其中;它的),thereon(在其上,就此),thereto(加于[协议]等之上,随附),thereunder(在其下;依照),thereupon(因此,关于此事;随即,随后),therewith(以此,与此;立刻,随即;同时,又)等。在这类合成词中,there相当于that,因此,thereafter = after that,thereto = to that,therewith = with that,余类推。请看下面例句: a)The Drawings shall remain in the sole custody of Engineer, but two copies there of shall be provided to the Contractor free of charge. 图纸应由工程师单独保管,但应免费为承包商提供两套图纸的复印件。Two copies thereof = two copies of the Drawings. b)The several documents forming the Contractor are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another, but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies the same shall be explained and adjusted by the Engineer who shall thereupon issue to the Contractor


合同的英语单词 合同是当事人或当事双方之间设立、变更、终止民事关系的协议。依法成立的合同,受法律保护。那么你知道合同的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 合同英语单词1: contract 合同英语单词2: agreement 合同英语单词3: paction 合同的英语例句: 他们有没有投标争取承包合同? Have they put in a bid for the contract? 根据你的合同,你每年有十五天的带薪假期。 According to your contract, you get 15 days paid holiday a year. 你的合同已经被终止。 Your contract has been terminated. 我们赢得了合同,但是却经过了多次不屈不挠的谈判才达到目的。 We won the contract but only through a lot of tough negotiating. 合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。

There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet. 合同还可分为简单合同和正式合同。 Another way of classifying contracts is into simple and formal contracts. 在可撤销合同中,合同一方有权废止合同。 A voidable contract is one that a party will be entitled to rescind. 按照普通法,未成年人签订的合同除有效合同外就是可撤销合同或无效合同。 At common law contracts made with a minor that are not valid will be voidable or void. 我们对合同各项条款全无异议,下周签合同如何? We have agreed on all terms in the contract. 他们在合同上赔了钱。 They lost on the contract. 你要求在合同中订上什么条款? What clause do you require in the contract? 我想方设法从他嘴里套出他们另一些合同的细节。 I tried to pump him for details of their other contracts. 她三番五次地违反合同条款。 She violated the terms of the contract repeatedly. 你和你的配偶都需要签这份合同。 You and your spouse both have to sign this contract.


汉译英常用句型和短语 1.It is said / reported / predicated (断定)/ believed / asserted (宣称)/ supposed / well-known / generally considered… that… 据… It must be admitted / pointed out… that… 预计中国打算在近期购买私车的人数将达到三百万。 It is predicted that the car purchasers in China will amount to 3 million in the near future. 到2008年第四季度,国民经济年均增长率预计将达到10%。 The annual average growth rate of national economy is estimated to reach 10% by the last quarter of 2008. 必须指出,这样的错误不能再犯。 It must be pointed out that mistakes of this kind should not be repeated. 看来这两个科学分支是相互依存,相互作用的 It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting. 已经证明,感应电压使电流的方向与产生电流的磁场力方向相反。 It has been proved that induced voltage causes a current


英语常见单词和短语 1.常见的蔬菜(vegetable):pepper ['pep?]胡椒 hot pepper辣椒 tomato[t?'ma?t?u] 番茄,西红柿 cucumber ['kju?k?mb?]黄瓜eggplant['egplɑ?nt] 茄子 potato[p?'teit?u ]马铃薯 carrot ['k?r?t] 胡萝卜pumpkin ['p?m(p)kin] 南瓜cabbage [k?bid?] 圆白菜,卷心菜 melon ['mel?n] 香瓜,甜瓜mushroom ['m??ru?m] 蘑菇 pea 豌豆 bamboo [b?m'bu:] 竹笋 (竹子) 2.常见的动物(animals) 狮—lion ['la??n] 豹——leopard ['lep?d] 熊猫—panda ['p?nd?] 老虎——tiger ['ta?g?] 狼—wolf [wulf] 公牛—bull [b?l] 母牛—cow[kau] 绵羊-----sheep [?i?p] (单复同行) 羊羔——lamb [l?m] 熊—bear [be?] 骆驼—camel['k?m(?)l] 鹿——deer [d??] 大象elephant ['el?f(?)nt] 狐狸——fox [f?ks] 长颈鹿-giraffe [d??'rɑ:f]马——horse [h??s] 猪——pig [p?g]] 狗——dog [d?g] 猴子—monkey ['m??k?] 蝙蝠——bat [b?t]] 猫——cat [k?t] 袋鼠—kangaroo [,k??g?'ru? ]松鼠-squirrel ['skw?r(?)l] 兔子——rabbit ['r?b?t] 老鼠-rat/mouse [ma?s](mice)海豚—dolphin ['d?lf?n]鲸——whale [we?l] 海豹——seal [si?l] 乌龟—tortoise ['t?:t?s] 鱼——fish [f??] 蛙——frog [fr?g] 蛇——snake [sne?k] 公鸡——cock [k?k] 母鸡——hen [hen] 小鸡——chick [t??k] 鸭子duck [d?k] 鹅——goose [gu?s] 蜘蛛-spider [spaid?] 蚂蚁ant[?nt] 蜜蜂bee [bi?] 蝴蝶butterfly['b?t?fla?] 蜻蜓dragonfly ['dr?g(?)nfla?] 老鹰eagle['i?g(?)l] 猫头鹰owl [a?l] 乌鸦crow[kr??] 鸽子dove[d?v] 鸟bird[b??d] 燕子swallow['sw?l??]] 麻雀sparrow['sp?r??] 企鹅penguin ['pe?gw?n] 蚊子mosquito[m?'ski?t??] 4.常见国家(countries) 中国-China['t?ain?] 美国-USA(American) 英国(England)(UK) theUnited Kingdom['ki?d?m] 日本-Japan[d??'p?n] 意大利-Italy['it?li] 法国-France[frɑ:ns] 西班牙-Spain[spein] 葡萄牙-Portugal['p?tjuɡ?l] 德国-Germany['d??:m?n] 澳大 利亚-Australia[?'stre?l??] 新西兰-New Zealand['zil?nd] 新加坡-Singapore[s??g?'p?:] 泰国-Thailand['tai l?nd] 印度-India['?nd??] 韩国-South Korea[k?'r??] 马来西亚-Malaysia[m?le???] 菲律宾-the Philippines[fili'pi:nz] 古巴Cuba['kjub?] 5.各种常见的颜色(colors) blue[blu:]蓝色 green[gri:n]绿色 purple['p?:p(?)l]紫色 yellow['jel??]黄色 red[red]红色 pink[p??k]粉红色 brown[bra?n] 褐色;棕色 white[wa?t] 白色 gray [gre?] 灰色 6.运动项目(sports events) Swimming['sw?m??] 游泳 Diving['daivi?] 跳水 Athletics[?θ'letiks]田径 high jump[d??mp] 跳高 long jump 跳远 javelin['d??vin] 标枪 marathon['m?r?θ?n] 马拉松 Badminton['b?dmint(?)n] 羽 毛球 Baseball['beisb?:l] 棒球 Basketball['bɑ:skitb?:l] 篮球 Football['futb?:l] 足球 Table Tennis 乒乓球 Tennis['tenis] 网球 Volleyball['v?lib?:l] 排球 Cycling['saikli?](自行车) 7.单位名称(units) 1.Hospital['h?spit(?)l] 医院 2.post office 邮局 3. police station 警察局 4.school 学校 5. Bank[b??k] 银行 6.court[k?:t] 法院 7. government['g?v(?)n,m(?)nt] 政府 8. supermaket 超市 10.kindergarten ['k?nd?,gɑ:t(?)n] 幼儿园 11. hotel[h??'tel] 宾馆 12. company['k?mp(?)n?] 公司 13. bus station['ste??(?)n] 汽 车站局 14.restaurant['restr?nt] 饭店 15.factory['f?kt?ri] 工厂 8.人体各部位(parts of body) head[hed]头


法人资格corporate capacity 法人的权利能力legal capacity of juristic person 监护人:guardian 附带的条件incident 必然因果关系positive causal relationship 补充规定supplementary provision 补救办法remedial measures 个体工商户:individual businesses 法人的责任能力capacity for responsibility of juristic person 工商行政管理机关:the administrative agency for industry and commerce 公民基本义务fundamental duties of citizens 合同规定contract provisions/stipulations 合同有效期contract life 负全部责任bear all responsibilities; in all charge 负有连带义务的每个债务人:each of the joint debtors 合同正本originals of the contract 核准登记的经营范围:within the range approved and registered 居民委员会:the neighborhood committee 履行监护职责:fulfill duty of guardianship 比较法学派school of comparative jurisprudence 比较刑法comparative penal law 比较刑法学comparative penal jurisprudence 超出法律权限的extralegal 超过权限exceed authority; beyond jurisdiction 成文法written law 传统法律观念traditional ideas of law 纯粹法学pure theory of law 平等主体:civil subjects with equal status 企业法人被撤销:the dissolution of an enterprise as legal person 企业法人分立、合并:the division and merger of an enterprise as legal person
