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SUBSET-SUM is NP-Complete

?The SUBSET-SUM problem:

–Instance: We are given a set S of positive integers, and a

target integer t.

–Question: does there exist a subset of S adding up to t?

?Example: {1, 3, 5, 17, 42, 391}, target 50

–The subset sum problem is a good problem to use when proving NP-

completeness for problems defined on sets of integers.

–We will show that 3-SAT

?So: We are given an arbitrary 3-SAT formula and we wish to

derive a set S of integers and a target integer t.

–Then we prove that 3-SAT is satisfiable iff a subset of S adds up to t.


3-SAT =


?Idea: we use “bit descriptions” that essentially

describe the construction of the 3-SAT formula.

–The integers in S will be derived from this description.

–As before, we assume that there are m Boolean variables and n clauses.

–Our description uses bit fields that represent different

aspects of the 3-SAT formula: it has two lines for each

logic variable:

?One line specifies which clauses use the true version of a


?Another line describes which clauses use the false version of

the variable.

–We will get the numbers for S by considering the rows to be integers.

–When adding the integers we do not want any

complicating carry-over into the next column so we consider the entries to be numbers in a higher base.?A base corresponding to a three bit integer would do (an octal number) but for simplicity, each number is considered to be a base-10 digit.

–The selection of the required subset from S will designate a subset of lines from the description. –This selection must be forced to choose either a T

i line or an F i line (not both) for each value of i .

?This means that the target integer t will start with m 1’s.–What about the sums of entries in the columns for the clauses?

?Looking at the description lines we see that the sum in a column could be 1, 2, or 3.

?We want the target number to have a specific value so we append more lines (integers) to the array to give the selection mechanism a chance to get a subset with a specific target sum.–We will show that this does not destroy our ability to do an

appropriate selection from the T i , F i rows.

?For every clause column, we need two more integers: one with a 1 and another with a 2 in that column and 0 everywhere else ?Make the target have a 4 in the digits for the clause columns.–Note: For any column, the nonzero digits in all integers add up to at most 6 (so our base-10 simplification will never see a carry-over).

–Going back to our example:()()134124u u u u u u ∨?∨?∧?∨∨?123412













Target :111144

u u u u c c T F T F T F T F S S S S ?Suppose the formula were satisfiable:

–We need to show that there is a subset of S with target sum t.–Choose integer from the T

i ,F i rows corresponding to true literals, giving sums of 1 in the literal-digit positions.–Using only the T

i ,F i rows, we get sums that are 1, 2, or 3 in the clause columns.–Choose appropriate “slack integers” (from the S1i and S2i rows to make those sums equal to 4).–The final sum matches the target in all digits, as required.

?Suppose a set of integers sum to the target:–We need to show that we can get a satisfying

assignment of the given 3-SAT formula.

–There must be exactly one integer (i.e. row) selected

from each pair of the T i,F i rows, or there is no way to get a 1 in the initial columns of the target.

–The selection thus defines the obvious assignment to

variables, but is it a satisfying assignment?

–For each clause, the “slack integers” in the chosen set can only add up to at most 3 in that clause column.

–There must be at least one 1 contributed from some

integer corresponding to the T i,F i rows.

–That corresponds to a true literal in that clause and the formula is satisfied.

?Finishing our Proof that SUBSET-SUM is NP-Complete:

–Since 3-SAT is NP-complete, we have just

demonstrated that SUBSET-SUM is NP-hard.

–But is it in NP? Yes, because:

?We have a certificate: the subset achieving the target sum.

?A verification algorithm would verify that the numbers

specify a subset and furthermore that they add up to the




SUBSET-SUM is NP-complete.

Coin-Changing is NP-Hard

?Prove by reduction from SUBSET-SUM.

–We want to prove:


–We are given an arbitrary instance of subset-sum:

?s 1, s 2,…, s n and a target t .

–We want to create a particular coin changing problem by specifying:

?the number of coin denominations, the value of each

denomination and a payout value S.

–Recall that each coin can be used more than once in the payout.

–Let M be equal to max{s 1, s 2,…, s n }.

–For every number s i create two coins C i and N i :

?We use a strategy that is similar to our previous proof, but most of the numbers in the array are in “base-2n” instead of base-10.?The first column is special and will work in base-2nM.

?Intuition:–Choosing coin C i means putting s i into the subset.

–Choosing coin N i means not putting s i into the subset.

–Our payout value S will be the target sum t .

–The column sums will be: t for the first column with 1 for all the others.


0...1 0

00...1 0


i n

i i i base nM base n base n base n

s s s C s N ????


?If there exists a subset with sum t then it is possible to pay

out the sum with


?If s i is chosen then take coin C i, otherwise take coin N i.

?So, the sum in the first column is t as required and all other

columns sum to 1.


?If it is possible to pay out the sum S with


?Since there are

adjacent column (consider the base of the entries).

?So from every pair C i, N i exactly one is chosen.

–This is the only possibility that will ensure that the column sums are

all ones after the first column.

?We construct a subset of the s1, s2,…,s n as follows: s i is

selected to be in the subset iff C i was chosen.

–We will get a first column sum of t.

–Since SUBSET-SUM is NP-complete and since we have just shown that SUBSET-SUM

–As a certificate we can use the set of coins paying out the sum.–For verification we could:

?Check to verify that the certificate contains only valid coins.

?Check that the number of coins is

?Check the sum.




?COIN-CHANGING is NP-complete.
