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一、朗读词语Read the words(20分,40×0.5)






二、朗读文章Read the texts(30分,2×15)



三、用所给结构描述图画Describe the pictures according to the given construction(20分4×5)

1. 有的……有的……

2. A 和B 一样/差不多 + 共同点

3. 处所词(Place ) + 有 + O

4. S + 把 + O + V + (到/在/给/成)


5.A + 比 + B + 差别 + 得多/多了/很多

四、回答问题Answer the questions(The teacher ask , you answer)(15分,3×5)

1. 你觉得中国有哪些地方和你们国家不一样?


2. 你经常在什么地方吃饭?为什么?


3. 你在旅行的时候,和别人说过话吗?你们聊了些什么?


五、介绍你最喜欢的食物Introduce your favorite food (15分)

要求:不少于3分钟。You should speak no less than 3 minutes.


Topics for Oral test 1. Which great leader do you admire most? What qualities did/does he/she have? bill gates 2. Which do you cherish more, your friendship with a good friend or your romantic relationship? obviously, friend is easy to make, but lover is kind of hard to seek for. Since relationship between friends might be not that close compared to romantic relationship, I will probably take it serious and cherish this sweet relationship. Also, I believe that my friends will support me and our relationship won’t be tense and freezing because of this. As the Chinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friends out of your mind. I partly agree this, and when I fall in love, especially at the very beginning, I think I will cherish it more than friendship. 3. What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job (even a part-time job)? I will first consider whether this company and the offered position is high potential. I think high potential is a quality that is vital for the company’s future development and its personnel’s self improvement. Every one need a room to promote and realize one’s self-value. Another factor I concern is—its location. I’d like to work and live in big cities because big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities can’t. 4. Whom do you usually turn to when in trouble, vour parents or your friends? They know me better than anyone else and their vision is wide, their thoughts are mature.


Optional Topics for Oral English Test 13.12 1.On Culture 1) What do you know about the American symbols? Give us some examples. The main sign of the United States of America's Statue of Liberty, Bobbi doll, uncle Sam,American Gothic and the Buffalo Nickel.For first one,the Statue of Liberty is France in 1876 presented to the United States 100 years of independence. Liberty Island Statue of Liberty is located in the United Statesnear the city of New York in the American state of New York, is an importanttourist attractions in the United States of America.For Uncle Sam,It was used to refer to the "American" or "the government of the United States," was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg, is one of the top five American symbol. Americans also "Uncle Sam" honest, hard-working, as well as the spirit of patriotism and national pride and their total quality.And"American Gothic" is a 1930 painting by Grant Wood.He asked his 62 year old dentist and his 30 year old sister as the charactermodels, and let them put on the nineteenth Century Vitoria times. Although in thetwo people are standing in a block, but in fact these two characters are done in different occasions. the Buffalo Nickel,is in 1911 the famous American artist James Earl Fraser design, 1913-1938 years into a coin production.The United States coins depict traditional main is a towering figure in the United States government, most of which is the famous presidents. 2) Give us at least 3 symbols of Chinese culture. 1:Beijing courtyard is the court house from the East, West, South, North surroundedthe house Wai together form. It is the main architectural form generations living in the oldpeople in Beijing.The typical characteristics of exterior courtyard rules, midline symmetry, and the usage is extremely flexible 2:Hanfu, also known as Chinese dressed, Han Chinese traditional dress, also known as the Chinese clothing, clothing


入门篇下第27课—基础篇第5课小测验(一)一、请按拼音填写以下生词: 二、根据图片中所给的动词,用把完成句子。 1.放 2.打扫

3.送 三、完成句子。 1.麻烦你把这些垃圾扔 2.小偷被警察 3.爱珍为了想唱好京剧, 4.原来小王的孩子病了,怪不得 5.他既不会英语,也 6.抽烟不但对自己的身体没有好处,而且 7.大卫最近很忙,玩儿的时间也 8.因为天气很热, 9.A:咱们明天去不去爬山? B:(如果/要是)10.A:听天气预报说,明天下大雨。 B:(哪也……) 四、请用“从来”或“一直”填空。 1.我的习惯是早上不吃饭。

2.最近玛丽的心情不太好,她想家。 3.我会爱你到老。 4.上午他在给我打电话,可是我忘了带手机。5.你没吃过烤鸭,怎么知道它好吃不好吃?6.王老师没批评过学生,常常鼓励他们。 五、根据情景,请用“是……的”回答问题。 1.老师在问一个想继续学习的学生: 你是什么时候学的汉语? 你是在哪儿学的汉语? 你是什么时候来的北京? 2.一个学生买了新电脑,另一个学生问他关于电脑的问题:你的电脑是在哪买的? 你的电脑是什么时候买的? 你的电脑是谁给你买的? 六、根据所给词语,造句: 1.顺便、转: 2.差不多:

3.先…然后…: 4.一边…一边…: 5.动词+得了/不了: 6.偏偏: 七、用“才”和“就”补充下面的这段话: 大卫非常喜欢上汉语课,他觉得五十分钟的课很快过去了。马克不喜欢上汉语课,他总是说:“怎么还有五分钟下课?”大卫喜欢散步,他觉得走路去教室十分钟到了,可是马克不喜欢走路,他总是说:“走路太慢了,十分钟能到教室,还是骑自行车吧。”今天是玛丽的生日,下了课,大卫和马克去买生日礼物,他们根据中国朋友的介绍,很快买到了不错的礼物。 八、写作: 背景:周末你的朋友来北京,你邀请你的朋友去有名的饭馆儿吃饭。 场景:在饭馆儿 要求:80以上 提示:腻、酸甜苦辣咸、风味、地道、舒适、周到、味道、菜谱、动词+结果补语


12(2)《英语(二)》期中考试试卷 班别: 1271 姓名:学号:成绩: 一、写出下列名词变为形容词(每空0.5分,共5分) 如:rain(名词)→ rainy(形容词) wind cloud sleep hunger fox smoke noise luck sun fun 二、将下列英文翻译成中文(每空1.5分,共15分) be used to doing be used to do across the world in the world pay for sb. pay sb. beg for wish for in the way on the way 三、选择题(把正确答案填到表格内,每题2分,共30分) 1、Mr. Wang has lived here ________ three years. A、on B、 since C、for 2、Did you watch the competition ______ Class 3 and Class 5 yesterday. A、from B、to C、between 3、The old man had no child _________. A、in his own B、 of his own C、 for his own 4、You _________ make friends here. A、will soon B、 soon will C、 soon can 5、I wish I _________ his courage. A、have B、had C、shall have 6、The child was _________ to leave the house as a punishment(惩罚). A、remembered B、forbidden(禁止) C、 allowed 7、This is the key ___________ the back door of my house. A、for B、 to C、 of 8、We can’t have a picnic ________ the rain stops. A、unless B、if C、 when 9、We ________ food for the hungry children. A、provided B、 gave C、helped 10、She sings like an angel, dances beautifully. A、not only , but also B、Either , or C、Neither , nor 11、—Do you know how much this bicycle is ________ ? —Maybe 150 Yuan.. A、valuable B、 worthy C、 worth 12、No one agreed with him._________, his plan would fail again. A、However B、In general C、Needless to say 13、The woman has spent most of her savings clothes. A、on B、in C、at 14、Rising prices are bound to ______ another economic depression. A、create B、build C、share 15、Whether you can the lost dog is still unknown. A、look for B、search for C、find 四、将下面的句子根据要求转换成相应的强调句(每空3分,共12分) 原句:My father did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening. 强调主语: It was . 强调宾语: It was .


1.What part does money play in happiness? .Money is not everying,but without money,everying is nothing.sometime,钱起着重要作用2.Do you believe that the ordinary person is happy or unhappy? Why? 谈谈你的幸福经历吧? Happiness in everyone's eyes are different,Someone who have a lot of friends, will be happy,but Someone who have a lot of friends, will be happy too, .happiness is a state of mind.As long as one thinks he is content and satisfied,he is happy.(你们说得都对,每个人都有不同的观点。一些富有的人,他们认为他们是幸福的;一些有很多朋友的人,他们也感到很开心。幸福是一种感觉,只要人认为他是充实和满足的,他就是幸福的) 你有哪些不快乐的经历 不开心的事情就是这些年一直没有成为党员I have not become Party members for a long time,which is the most make me sad 3.In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic (for example, honesty, intelligence, and a sense of humor) that a person can have to be successful in life? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer. Faith without doubt …,.anyone who want to succsee,to a great degree,depend on ambition 4.Do you think it’s necessary for a person to have ambition? Why or why not? Ambition without doubt …,.anyone who want to succsee,to a great degree,depend on ambition 5.Hardship is always a bad thing. Do you agree or disagree? And why?


College English Oral English Test 2015-2016学年度第二学期2015级普本、专升本期末 口语试题 注:学生通过抽签选定试题。每人准备1-2分钟。 Items 1-8 are from College English Integrated Course 2 (大学英语综合教程第二册) 1. What are the differences between Chinese and American learning ways? Which one do you prefer, why? Chinese learning way is show children exactly what to do or how to do, and teaching by holding children’s hand. American learning way is making children learn to think by himself, to solve problems on his own and even to discover new problems, for which creative solutions are wanted. It’s value originality and independence more than the Chinese do. In my perspective, I prefer tradition Chinese learning way. There are two reasons for it. First, children can come back for more and happier. He can know the solution immediately and learn effetely. Second, I was taught by this tradition Chinese way, and I think my learning ability is well now. 2. How do you comment on Karl Green's way of life? Give your reasons.Karl Green lives in a modest apartment, wears suitable cloth and has a dependable 1999 car. Though he is not rich, his life is colorful. First, he has a very healthy living condition, he exercises every day and feels vigorous and spirited. His “can do” attitude makes him healthy. Second, he has a very colorful mantle world. He writes poetry and shares it with friends. And he has many friends in the same hobbies. Third, he is devoting himself to charity. He rings the bell for the people who need help. He helps a lot of people and feels connect. He is psychological satisfaction. 3. What do you think causes the generation gap, and how to solve this problem? Several reasons can account for this common phenomenon. Firstly, the gap between p arents and teenagers is a little big. That’s to say, parents are mutual and old-fashioned while teenagers are quite active,passive and in style. Therefore, it’s normal that parent s and teenagers are both very hard to find the common language. Second, the most important reason is that parents and teenagers are usually not trying to under stand each other. Just like Heidi’s father get with on his children.Thirdly, the children want to be more independent, but the parents still want to take children under their wings. I think we should build a bridge between parents and children. The can have a family meeting and exchange each side’s opinion, communicating and to have an agreement.Parents can also observe their children’s behavior in order to understand their children’s personality and reduce the quarrels between them.In conclusion, to have a close relationship between parents and children, it is rather important for each


《汉语口语习惯用语》教材课后答案第1—10课(参考) (2010-10-27 22:49:40) 转载▼ 标签: 教育 《汉语口语习惯用语教程》 练习答案 第一课我自己的钱爱怎么花就怎么花 一、(1)一年到头(2)耳旁风(3)手痒痒(4)喝西北风(5)不就得 了(6)又来了(7)没面子(8)你看你 二、(1)怎么也得一个小时(2)怎么也得三米 (3)你看人家某某某学习多努力啊(4)你看人家某某某还帮爱人做饭呢(5)累得什么似的(6)说的比唱的还好听,谁信你啊(7)不定在不在家 呢(8)他爱高兴不高兴 (9)他爱同意不同意,我决定的事决不改变 (10)我已经说了很多次了,他就是听不进去 (11)左一个电话,右一个电话(12)不定什么时候回来呢 第二课这次考试又考砸了 一、(1)C (2)E (3)B (4)A (5) D (6) F (7) G (8) H 二、(1)往心里去(2)走下坡路(3)小菜一碟儿(4)抬不起头来(5)说白了(6)没戏(7)钻牛角尖(8)过不去(9)一把好手(10)露一手 三、(1)得了吧(2)我只不过跟她开玩笑罢了 (3)只不过小毛病罢了(4)他不是当老师那块料 (5)他是做生意那块料(6)亏你还是个记者 (7)亏你还是个大学生(8)别跟自己过不去 (9)照爬不误(10)整个一个电脑盲(机盲) 第三课这60块钱就打水漂了 一、(1)这把年纪(2)派不上用场(3)二话没说(4)划不来(5)不像 话(6)打水漂(7)放马后炮(8)说的一套,做的一套(9)想一出是一 出(10)留一手

二、(1)闹了半天你不是亲眼所见啊(2)闹了半天是你踢坏的啊 (3)王府井能好到哪儿去(4)够可以的,这么冷的天只穿这么点儿(5)够可以的,怎么来这里也不跟我们打声招呼 (6)你也是,怎么老迟到(7)这不都工作好几年了 (8)可他一口咬定不是他拿的(9)我看就不用白费口舌了 (10)说到底咱们眼高手低啊 第四课你可真是个马大哈 一、(1)好说歹说(2)马大哈(3)闹别扭(4)一口气(5)赔不 是(6)不在话下(7)说了算(8)时不常(9)在气头上(10)说话不算数(11)到头来(12)一个劲儿 二、(1)想到哪儿去了,我刚回家 (2)只当是来旅游了 (3)只当我是胡说八道(4)该玩还是玩 (5)该唱还是唱(6)忙得不能再忙了 (7)忙得不能再忙了(8)可也是,应该再劝劝 (9)可也是,我应该注意说话方法(10)倒落了个一身不是 (11)还别说,进步还真不少(12)还别说,你妈妈的技术真扎实 第五课这事让我伤透了脑筋 二、(1)一来二去(2)伤脑筋(3)说不出口(4)脸红脖子粗(5)睁一只眼闭一只眼(6)看不下去(7)一而再,再而三(8)闹意见(9)那 个(10)吃苦头(11)捅娄子(12)掏腰包 三、(1)动不动就发脾气(2)动不动就撒娇 (3)这样的人没有市场(4)有碰钉子了 (5)肯定得碰钉子(6)这也没什么大不了的 (7)我和他们可说不到一块儿去(8)千万别这么说,咱俩是谁跟谁啊(9)真是难到家了(10)您就睁一只眼闭一只眼吧(11)谁让我这么倒霉呢 (12)可他们怎么这么不注意,让我说也不是,不说也不是 第六课有的路口都乱成一锅粥了 一、(1)有年头(2)看着办(3)二把刀(4)一锅粥(5)手头儿 紧(6)硬着头皮(7)不是地方(8)大老粗(9)多了去了(10)里三层外三层(11)鼻子不是鼻子脸不是脸(12)顶呱呱 二、(1)要多好有多好(2)要多精彩有多精彩(3)话说回来,他也够忙的(4)可话说回来,不打不成器啊(5)我就先买现卖呗(6)可不敢找不自在(7)花在刀刃上(8)就看着办吧


2012级英语期中考试 时间:100分钟满分:100分 0分) 1、There are only two ________ assistants in that ________ shop. A、man;shoe B、men;shoe C、men;shoes D、man;shoes 2、You may use________ computer . I’ll use________. A、mine;her B、my;hers C、my;her D、mine;hers 3. She is quite familiar with the movie because she_____ it twice. A. has been B. saw C. will see D. was seeing 4. She does not like his style, so she didn’t ______ his invitation. A. receive B. accept C. see D. respect 5. In recent years, many schools have been set up in the countryside in China, even in some _____ rural areas. A. remote B. far C. developed D. beautiful 6、The football math wasn’t exciting at all,so________ people liked it. A、a little B、few C、little D、a few 7、He never told us why he was late for the last meeting,________? A、had he B、didn’t he C、wasn’t he D、did he 8、Would you mind________ how to use the printer? A、to tell B、to have told C、telling D、being told 9、The price of the coat is too________ for me. A、expensive B、small C、high D、big 10、The number of college students ________ every year. A、rise B、rises C、raise D、raises 11、—Hi, Bob! What’s your favorite food? — ______. A. Rice B. No C. OK D. Thank you 12、— Hello, may I trouble you for a second? — ______ A、Sure, what’s wro ng B、It is six o’clock C、I don’t have watch D、I’m sorry 13. Children usually enjoy watching _____ because of their lovely pictures. A. actions B. dramas C. cartoons D. operas 14. The USA is a(n) ______ country. A. English-speaking B. English-spoken


10 涉外护理 科目《口语》期末考试题 I. Words (1′×10) 1.学期 ______ 2.持续 ___ 3.到达______ 4.紧张的______ 5.讲座,演讲____ 6.勇敢的______ 7.报纸________ 8.学费________ 9.fit _________10.repeat II.Phrases(2′×15) 1.点名______ 2.毕业_______ 3.口语_____________ 4.主修_______ 5.取得进步______ 6.attend lectures_______ 7.课后_______ 8.就寝________ 9.文科生________ 10.优等生______ 11.give up_______ 12. after class_______ 13. class schedule_______ 14. to go to bed_______ 15.got it _______ III.Choose the best answer. (1′×15) ( )1.—Let me int roduce myself. I’m Rose. —______. A.What a pleasure B.It’s my pleasure C.Nice to meet you D. What a long way it is ( )2. —Can I give you a lift ?(顺便搭车) —_____.I prefer to walk on such a lovely day . A.Thank you B.No.Thanks C.It’s very kind of you D.No,you can’t ( )3. —Charlie sends his best wishes.—______. A.That’s Nice of him B.Oh.he is too polite C.It’s kind kf him to say so D.You are really kind to me ( )4. —Would you like another cup of coffee?—I’ve had enough.______. A.Thank you any way B.Thank you very much C.Thank you all the same D.Thank you in a way ( )5. —I’m going to Dalian on holidays this afternoon.—_____. A.See you tomorrow B.You’re welcome C.Good journey D.It’s n o matter ( )6. —Let’s go to the park —_____.Let’s go . A.No,thank you B.Sorry C.Is it possible D.Why not ( )7. —______.—Thank you.I certainly will.


I H C Q U C G I A H à N I TRNG I HC NGOI NG CNG HòA X HI CH NGHA VIT NAM c lp – T do – Hnh phúc THI DIN T NóI TING TRUNG Dành cho kì thi vào CLC 2016 一、 朗读文章(30分) 家到学校要走一个小时,所以今天起得很早。六点半就在汽车站等车,一 直到七点才来车,车里人很多,我没有地方坐,一直站到西直门,又换375路车,这辆车开得很慢,到学校的时候,同学们已经上课了。 二、 回答问题(70分) 请谈谈你周末是怎么样安排的。 I HC QUC GIA Hà NI TRNG I HC NGOI NG CNG HòA X HI CH NGHA VIT NAM c lp – T do – Hnh phúc THI DIN T NóI TING TRUNG Dành cho kì thi vào CLC 2016 一、 朗读文章(30分) 很快。明年他就可以打比赛了。儿子学习打篮球以后,每天很忙,上午他在学校上课,下午去体育学校练球,每天都坚持。 二、 回答问题(70分) 请谈谈你将来的打算。 I HC QUC GIA Hà NI TRNG I HC NGOI NG CNG HòA X HI CH NGHA VIT NAM c lp – T do – Hnh phúc THI DIN T NóI TING TRUNG Dành cho kì thi vào CLC 2016 一、 朗读文章(30分) 报名了,下午我就去报了名,我是第31个,太极拳班下星期一早上七点开始上课,我觉得七点上课太早了。可是中国人常说,早上锻炼身体好。我是学生身体好以后,学习一定会好的。好吧,七点上课没问题。 二、 回答问题(70分) 请介绍你们的家庭。 I HC QUC GIA Hà NI TRNG I HC NGOI NG CNG HòA X HI CH NGHA VIT NAM c lp – T do – Hnh phúc THI DIN T NóI TING TRUNG Dành cho kì thi vào CLC 2016 一、 朗读文章(30分)


2013-2014学年第二学期 期末考试试卷 年级 13级大专 专业 各专业 层次 各层次 科目 英语阅读欣赏 I. Multiple Choice (30 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 1. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” This humorous speech is from___ B _______. A. Jane Austen ’s Emma B. Jane Austen ’s Pride and Prejudice C. Charles Dickins ’ The Great Expectation D. Charlotte Bronte ’s Jane Eyre The most 2. The important contribution of __ B ____ is that he not only started the modern poetry, but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature. A. William Blake B. William Wordsworth C. G. G. Byron D. John Keats 3. In the Victorian Period __ B ____ became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought. A. poetry B. novel C. prose D. drama 4. Thomas Hardy’s _ A _____ view of life predominates most of his works and earns him a reputation as a ________ writer. A. pessimistic, naturalistic B. pessimistic, humorous C. romantic, realist D. determinist, stylistic 5. “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? ... And if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. ” The quoted lines are most probably taken from ___ C _____. A. Great Expectations B. Wuthering Heights C. Jane Eyre D. Pride and Prejudice 6. Jane Austen’ s first novel __A ______ tells a story about two sisters and their love affairs. A. Sense and Sensibility B. Pride and Prejudice C. Northanger Abbey D. Mansfield Park


口语练习 一、声母发音方法 b双唇不送气清塞音;p双唇送气清塞音 m双唇鼻音;f唇齿清擦音;d舌尖中不送气清塞音;t舌尖中送气清塞音;n舌尖中鼻音;l舌尖中边音;g舌面后不送气清塞音;k舌面后送气清塞音;h舌面后清塞音;j舌面前不送气清塞擦音;q舌面前送气清塞擦音;x舌面前清擦音;zh舌尖后不送气清塞擦音;ch舌尖后送气清塞擦音;sh舌尖后清擦音;r 舌尖后浊擦音;z舌尖前不送气清塞擦音;c舌尖前送气清塞擦音;s舌尖前清擦音。 二、声母发音辨正及发音训练 1.送气音和不送气音 在普通话声母中,塞音(b,p;d,t;g,k)和塞擦音(j,q;zh,ch;z,c)有送气和不送气之分。送气音比不送气音的气流要强而持久。 2.唇齿音f的发音训练 学习普通话f声母发音要注意的是:上唇不要参与发音,发音时舌根不要抬高。除音节fu、fo外,双唇不要拢圆,发音时自然展开。 3.舌面后音h的发音训练 训练的时候,可以采用前面音节作同部位引导的方式进行,如前面音节声母是g、k或韵尾是ng的。 4.唇齿音f与舌面后音h(hu-)的区分 这两个声母都是清擦音,区别在于发音部位不同,发f音的时候,舌面后不要抬高,同时唇形不要拢圆。发h音的时候则要避免唇齿部位的接触。方言中除了闽方言没有f声母外,其他方言主要是h声母字混入f声母字。 f-h(hu-)对比的音节有8对(方言中把huai读作fai,普通话没有这个音节)。 5.舌尖中音n的发音训练 纠正的方法是:首先掌握n的发音要领,即舌尖抵住上齿龈,同时舌的两侧跟上颚的两侧形成弧形闭合;软腭下降,气流只能从鼻孔透出;声带振动。然后使用前面带n韵尾的音节组合进行导引训练。 6.边音l的发音训练 在n、l不分的方言区,发l音时带有严重的鼻音化色彩,其原因主要是软腭提升不够,有气息从鼻腔残漏。纠正的方法是:首先掌握l的发音要领,即舌尖抵住上齿龈,但舌的前部下凹,舌的两侧跟上颚两侧保持适度的距离;软腭上升,封闭鼻腔通路声带振动;气流从舌的两侧跟两颊的侧形成的间隙通过,从口腔里透出。然后使用a、ga、ka等可以促使软腭提升的音节进行组合引导训练。 7.鼻音n和边音l的区分 n—l对比的音节有22对。lou、lia、lun、nen没有对比的音节。


2012——2013 学年第二学期 狮山 校区 12级 体专,数控1,,2,3,酒馆2,电商 班 英语 科目 期末 试卷 选考等级 分数 注 意 事 项 1.请首先按要求在试卷的标封处填写您的专业、班级、姓名和学号。 2.请仔细阅读各题区的回答要求,完成相应题区的作答,并在规定的位置填写答案。 。 第一部分:公共题区 说明:A 、B 、C 级的同学均须完成本题区所有题目 一. 请选择划线单词的正确意思。 (20*1) 1. Shall we go skiing next week? A. 爬山 B. 野餐 C. 滑雪 D. 游泳 2. What an wonderful speech! A. 有趣的 B. 令人兴奋的 C. 感兴趣的 D. 精彩的 3. She is a career woman. A. 事业 B. 家庭 C. 已婚 D. 家务 4. It is a typical example. A. 生动的 B. 日常的 C. 典型的 D. 难忘的 5. The old lady slipped on the floor. A. 拍打 B. 行走 C. 滑到 D. 爬行 6. Do you do anything special last week? A. 特别的 B. 一般的 C. 感人的 D. 轻松的 7. I went to the gym and played volleyball. A. 网吧 B. 体育馆 C. 游戏 D. 电影院 8. I preferred comedy. A. 喜剧 B. 动作电影 C. 悲剧 D.恐怖电影 9. It is a moving film. A. 枯燥的 B. 有趣的 C. 恐怖的 D. 动人的 10. I can speak fluent English. A. 友好的 B. 流利的 C. 有创造力的 D. 自信的 11. Do you think you are qualified for the job? A. 能胜任的 B. 质量好的 C. 方便的 D. 合适的 12. A. 交流 B.简历 C.经验 D. 广告 13. He is very creative. A. 有经验的 B. 友好的 C. 有活力的 D. 有创造力的 14. You should come back as soon as possible. A. 可能 B. 尽快 C. 典型 D. 精彩 15. The transportation in big cities is not convenient. A. 情况 B. 交通 C. 贷款 D. 入口 16. Did you take the the light rail? A. 轻轨 B. 渡船 C.飞机 D. 公交 17. There were terrible traffic jams in rush hours. A. 交通堵塞 B. 酱 C. 交通 D.工具 18. She looks pale as if she were ill. A. 破旧的 B. 苍白的 C. 可怜的 D. 美丽的 19. I skipped the main point. A. 发现 B. 忽略 C. 强调 D. 证明 20. She stayed up reading until midnight. A. 熬夜 B. 休息 C. 坚持 D. 忍受 二. 语法选择。(15*1) 21. Did you________ fishing last Sunday? A.go B.went C.gone D.going 22. I enjoy_________ to music in my spare time. A.to listen B.listening C.listen D.listened 23. The boy _________ the film two days ago. A.see B.saw C.has seen D.seeing 24. -_______ was your holiday? -It was great. A. What B.How C.When D. Who 25. He spends his free time___________ books. A.read B.to read C.reading D.read 26. What type of music______ she ______ best? A.does;like B.does;likes C.is;like D.is;likes 27. Shanghai is one of _____________in China. A.the largest city https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e64810448.html,rgest cities https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e64810448.html,rgest city D.the largest cities 28. She has gone to Shanghai ________last month. A.at B.for C.in D.since 29. Have you_______any part-time job? A.done B.did C.did D.to do 30. We have already___________ the book. 学号__________ 班级_______________ 姓名________________
