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Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is larger than the USA and reaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earth. The distance from east to west is over 5,500 kilometres and the country covers six of the world's 24 time areas. 加拿大是世界上占地面积第2的国家。面积比美国大,并且领土的延伸接近地球赤道的4分之1。从东部到南部的距离超过5500千米。并且加拿大覆盖了世界上24个时区中的6个。 The population of Canada is about 29 million and the capital is Ottawa. There are two official languages, French and English. The first travellers arrived from England in 1497. Settlers from France reached Canada in 1534. For two centuries English and French settlers struggled against each other to control the country. Today, one province of Canada is French-speaking. The TV and radio programmes there are in French. There are French restaurants, and all the teaching in schools is done in French. 加拿大的人口总数约为2900万,首都为渥太华。其官方语言有2种,法语和英语。1497年,从英格兰来的首批移居者(拓荒者)来到了这儿,1534年,从法国来的移居者也到达此地。这来自两个国家的移居者为了成为这块土地的主宰者而互相征战。今天,加拿大有一个说发语的省,电视和收音机里节目都是用法语播放的。这儿有法国参观,所有的学校的教学都采用法语进行。 Canada has one third of the world's supply of fresh water. There are five great lakes in the south, and there are many others, especially in the north. Most of the electricity is produced by water. The country has a great deal of coal, oil and natural gas, and these are all exploited for energy. 加拿大拥有世界淡水资源的3分之1。在加拿大的南面有5大名湖。并且在其他地方,尤其是在北部,还有许多湖。加拿大主要是考水力发电。它拥有大量的煤,石油,天然气资源。这些都是完全可以作为能源来利用开发。 Much of the country is covered by forests, and wood is cut and sold all over the world. Canada is also the world's biggest producer of the kind of paper which is used for newspapers. Fishing is also very important for Canadians. Fish from the east and west coasts is sold to many other countries. 加拿大的大部分面积被森林覆盖,砍下来的木材被运往世界各地。加拿大还是世界上供应制作报纸所需纸张的最大的供应者。渔业在加拿大也是非常重要的。来自东部和西部海岸的鱼被销售往世界其他国家。




加拿大位于北美洲的北半部,总面积 997万平方公里,仅次于俄罗斯,是世界第二大国。人口2900多万,是世界上平均人口密度最低的国家之一,每3人占有一平方公里的土地。89%的土地没有永久性居民点。南部与美国为邻约5000





加拿大的气候各地不一,往往令预计天气较冷的访客诧异。全国绝大多数人口聚居在离美国边境 250公里以内的地区,而加拿大最南部的地区与美国加州北部处于同一纬度。因此,加拿大各大城市的气候多数与美国北部或北欧地区相似。加拿大的城镇提供舒适的生活设施,但是与其他国际性商业中心相比,生活费用确保持在很容易负担的水平上。



万公里、900 家航空公司和600个大型机场。






加拿大提供免费的中小学教育。小学教育注重教育学生以积极参与的态度去学习,入学条件简单,主要以学生居住地、年龄分配就读学校。对新移民子弟,学校也会安排ESL 英语课程。小学课程根据各省教育厅指示编排,学校对学生的学习成绩和学生的生活礼仪一样看重。希望培养出来的学生能均衡发展;加拿大的中学教育一般为 5-7年,只需修完30个学分,每学分上课110 小时,就能取得中学毕业证书。低年级课程科目相同,高年级课程有较大弹性,所学科目会有所不同。学校有学生顾问协助学生规划未来。学校还组织各种社团活动,让学生在各方面综合发展。加拿大的高等教育可分为社区学院、大学及研究所,外籍学生及新移民通常要先修语言课,大学课程通常为3-5年。分一般学士及荣誉学士









加拿大对全世界所有够条件的人打开大门,每年接受移民及难民超过20万,其中独立技术移民约占8 万人左右,大部分来自亚洲。华人移民加拿大已经有 100多年的历史,目前华人占全国人口5%,华人投资包括银行、房地产、酒店、百货商场、电子通讯、电子计算机等,华人就业机会甚佳,从事高级白领工作的人越来越多,华语成为英语、法语之后的第三大语言,华人的地位也越来越高。





Name : Canada (Canada) Independence Day : July 1 (1867) National Day : July 1 (1867) Flag : a horizontal rectangle, the length and width than 2:1. Flag-white square face, with a 11 Kok red maple leaves; For the two sides equal red vertical rectangle. White square on the vast land of Canada, Canada's large area of land in the snow period of 100 days or more, it is said by white; Two red vertical rectangle representing the Pacific and Atlantic, as Canada West north Pacific, east Atlantic; Red Maple Leaf on behalf of all the people of Canada, Canada known as a "Maple Leaf country" reputation, Maple trees States is the country that is Canada Maple Leaf national symbol. Emblem : 1921 enacted shield designs for the middle and lower face shield for one three films Maple Leaf; The four sets upper case are : three first Golden Lion, the Red Lion head upright, a harp and Sanduo lily, a symbol of Canada respectively in history with England, Scotland, Ireland and France linkages. Shield emblem on a one lion holding a red Maple Leaf is a national symbol of Canada, also said to the First World War Canadian victims condolences. For the top Golden Lion on the crown,

a symbol of Her Majesty the Queen is the Head of State of Canada. Holding the left shoulder the lion flag of the United Kingdom side, the right side of the original French Lily Dujiaoshou held United States. The Phoenix used cars on the Latin words "from sea to sea," said the Canadian location -- near the West Pacific, east Atlantic. Anthem :! Canada (July 1, 1980, the Canadian government officially declared the national anthem); God bless the Queen's (Royal carol) States trees : Maple, Canada known as a "Maple Leaf State" reputation. Physical Geography : an area of 9970610 square kilometres. Located in the northern half of North America (except Alaska Peninsula and Greenland outside the island, the whole northern half are Canadian territory). East Atlantic, West Atlantic Pacific, South American community, west zone. Northwest Alaska border with the United States, it Bafen Bay and Northeast Greenland across. Coastline of more than 240,000 kilometres. To the eastern hilly areas, the southern border with the United States of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence region, smooth terrain, multi-basin. For the western Cordillera mountain is the highest region of Canada, many peak at an altitude of 4,000 meters. North to the Arctic Islands, many of the low hills hill. Central to the plains region. Logan highest mountain peak, located in the western Rocky Mountains, to an altitude of 5,951 metres. Canada is the world's largest lake one of the countries. Population : 29.8 million (January 1996 Statistics Canada figure). Anglo residents of 42% French residents about 26.7%, other European descent 23%, indigenous Indian and a prominent person (Eskimos) 5%, other ethnic groups accounted for 1.5%. About one million Chinese people. The official language is English and French. Accounted for 47.3% of the population Catholic, Protestant Christianity, which accounts for 41.2%. Capital : Ottawa (Ottawa). Major cities : Toronto, Vancouver. Administrative divisions : 10 provinces and three Canadian regions. 10 provinces : Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba province, New Brunswick province, Newfoundland-Labrador province, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island province, Quebec, Saskatchewan province. Three areas : the north-west, the Yukon and Nunavut by special areas. With the provincial government and provincial elected provincial assemblies. Highlights : Canada word out Huron-Yi Luokui language, the Italian "villages, small rooms or houses." 1435 French explorer Kadiai We asked Indian name here, sheikh replied, "Canada", meaning nearby villages. Qiadiai mistaken means the whole region, since it will be called Canada. Another argument is that in 1500 the Portuguese explorer Keerteleier here, to see a living, they said Canada! Italy as "nothing here." Canada is the earliest residents of Indian and Arctic. 17 century, the British colonialists have invaded France, established colony. 1756-1763 period, the United Kingdom, France, Canada outbreak, "the seven-year war," France's defeat, ceded to the British colony. 1848 British North American colonies established

self-government. July 1, 1867 the British Parliament passed the "British

North America Act" will be Canadian provinces, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia into a federation, as a self-governing British earliest, said Canadian territory, 1870-1949, other provinces have joined the Federation. 1926 English Canada in international negotiations and international recognition of the sovereignty, independence was diplomatically. 1931 became member of the Commonwealth, the Parliament also agreed with the British Parliament equal legislative power. 1967 Quebec party who raised the issue of independence for Quebec, in 1976 the party won the election in the province. 1980 Quebec held a referendum on independence, the results are opponents, but the issue was not finally resolved. March 1982 by the British Upper House and the Lower House on the "Canadian Constitution Act" ,4 bill approved by the Queen in force, Canada has won all the powers of legislation and the amendments. Politics : Canada has not a complete constitution, mainly in different historical periods posed by the Constitution Act, including 1867 in the British Parliament adopted the "British North America Act", 1867 -1975, through constitutional amendment, and in 1982 the Canadian Parliament passed the "1982 Constitution Act." Under the Constitution, the Head of State to the Queen of Canada, the national office by the Governor on behalf of the Queen of the administrative authority. Ordered by the Prime Minister to the Governor, the Queen appointed. Federal Parliament is the highest authority and the legislature, by the Senate and House of Representatives, Senate and the House of Representatives passed the bill by the Governor signed into law. The Governor has the power to convene and dissolve Parliament. Government to the cabinet system, is the executing agency. By the majority of seats in the House of Representatives of political parties formed, the leaders of the Prime Minister, leading cabinet. Diplomacy : Canada to the maintenance of world peace and national security, promoting economic development, in a global context to promote democracy and respect for human rights, promotion of high cultural values under its foreign policy agenda. The United States is Canada's principal allies, the two countries have close relations with the United States and successive Governments have before foreign policy priority. Relations with China : October 13, 1970, Canada established diplomatic relations with China.

加拿大 Canada







Canada Country, North America.

Area: 3,849,674 sq mi (9,970,610 sq km). Population (2002 est.):

31,244,000. Capital: Ottawa. People of British and French descent constitute more than half the population; there are significant minorities of German, Italian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Dutch, American Indian, and Inuit (Eskimo) origin. Languages: English, French (both official). Religions: Roman Catholicism, Protestantism (United Church of Canada, Anglican Church of Canada). Currency: Canadian dollar. Canada may be divided into several physiographic regions. A large interior basin centred on Hudson Bay and covering nearly four-fifths of the country is composed of the Canadian Shield, the interior plains, and the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence lowlands. Rimming the basin are highland regions,

including the Arctic Archipelago. Mountain ranges include the Rocky, Coast, and Laurentian mountains. Canada's highest peak is Mount Logan in Yukon Territory. Five of Canada's rivers

the St. Lawrence, Mackenzie, Yukon, Fraser, and Nelson

rank among the world's 40 largest. In addition to Lakes Superior and Huron, both shared with the U.S., Canada's Great Bear and Great Slave lakes are among the world's 11 largest lakes. The country also includes several major islands, including Baffin, Ellesmere, Victoria, Newfoundland, and Melville, and many small ones. Its border with the U.S., the longest demilitarized border in the world, extends 3,987 miles (6,415 km). With a developed market economy that is export-directed and closely linked with that of the U.S., Canada is one of the world's most prosperous countries. It is a parliamentary state with two legislative houses; its chief of state is the British monarch, whose representative is Canada's governor-general, and the head of government is the prime minister. Originally inhabited by American Indians and Inuit, Canada was visited с AD 1000 by Scandinavian explorers, whose discovery is confirmed by archaeological evidence from Newfoundland. Fishing expeditions off Newfoundland by the English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese began as early as 1500. The French claim to Canada was made in 1534 when Jacques Cartier entered the Gulf of St. Lawrence. A small settlement was made in Nova Scotia (Arcadia) in 1605, and by 1608 Samuel de Champlain had reached Quebec. Fur trading was the impetus behind the early colonizing efforts. In response to French activity, the English in 1670 formed the Hudson's Bay Company. The British-French rivalry for the interior of upper North America lasted almost a century. The first French loss occurred in 1713 at the conclusion of Queen Anne's War (War of the Spanish Succession), when Nova Scotia and Newfoundland were ceded to the British. The Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) resulted in France's expulsion from continental North America in 1763. After the American Revolution Canada's population was augmented by loyalists fleeing the United States, and the increasing number arriving in Quebec led the British to divide the colony into Upper and Lower Canada in 1791. The British reunited the two provinces in 1841. Canadian expansionism resulted in the confederation movement of the mid 19th century, and in 1867 the Dominion of Canada, comprising Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario, came into existence. After confederation, Canada entered a period of westward expansion. The prosperity that accompanied Canada into the 20th century was marred by continuing conflict between the English and French communities. Through the Statute of Westminster (1931), Canada was recognized as an equal partner of Great Britain. With the Canada Act of 1982, the British gave Canada total control over its constitution and severed the remaining legal connections between the two countries. French Canadian unrest continued to be a major concern, with a movement growing for Quebec separatism in the late 20th century.

Referendums for more political autonomy for Quebec were rejected in 1992 and 1995, but the issue remained unresolved. In 1999 Canada formed the new territory of Nunavut

加拿大介绍Canada Introduction

Canada Introduction Canada has a population just less than 30 million people in a country twice the area of the United States. The heritage of Canada was French and English; however, significant immigration from Asia and Europe's non-French and English countries has broadened Canada's cultural richness. This cultural diversity is considered a national asset, and the Constitution Act prohibits discrimination against individual citizens on the basis of race, color, religion, or sex. The great majority of Canadians are Christian. Although the predominant language in Canada is English, there are at least three varieties of French that are recognized: Quebecois in Quebec, Franco-Manitoban throughout Manitoba and particularly in the St. Boniface area of Winnipeg, and Acadian. The Italian language is a strong third due to a great influx of Italian immigrants following W.W.II. Canada's three major cities are distinctively, even fiercely different from one another even though each is a commercially thriving metropolitan center. Montreal, established in the 17th century and the largest French city outside France, has a strong influence of French architecture and culture. It is a financial and manufacturing center


Canada 系别:外语系 专业:商务英语 组名:加拿大组

小组成员: 周蒙蒙梁菲菲郭秀秀常丹王瑞敏李影苏汝南崔露露孟婉 主讲人:孟婉崔露露王瑞敏 操作人:梁菲菲 分工: 孟婉李影苏汝南崔露露 The National Flag and Geography 周蒙蒙梁菲菲郭秀秀常丹王瑞敏College life and Multiculturalism

The national flag. The Maple Leaf The Canadian red and white maple leaf flag is officially called The National Flag of Canada. The Canadian flag shows a stylized red maple leaf with 11 points on a white background, with red borders down each side. The Canadian flag is twice as long as it is wide. The white square containing the red maple leaf is the same width as the flag. The red and white used in the National Flag of Canada were proclaimed the official colors of Canada in 1921 by King George V. Although the maple leaf did not have official status as an emblem of Canada until the proclamation of the national flag in 1965, it had historically been used as a Canadian symbol, and was used in 1860 in decorations for the visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada. The 11 points on the maple leaf have no special significance. Geography Canada is a country in North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area. Canada's common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world. Canada is a federation composed of ten provinces and three territories. In turn, these may be grouped into regions: Western Canada, Central Canada, Atlantic Canada, and Northern Canada (the latter made


世界上福利最好的国家——加拿大 加拿大-全球最适宜居住的国家 据联合国发表的报告,加拿大在就业水平、人均国民生产总值、收入、教育及卫生水平等综合指标在全球160多个国家中名列第一。 优美的自然环境和安全先进的生活方式 加拿大位于北美洲的北半部,总面积997万平方公里,仅次于俄罗斯,是世界第二大国。人口2900多万,是世界上平均人口密度最低的国家之一,每3人占有一平方公里的土地。89%的土地没有永久性居民点。南部与美国为邻约5000公里,石油、矿产、木材、海产、水利资源十分丰富。加拿大四季分明,西面受太平洋季风的影响,四季宜人春季郁金香花争艳,夏季阳光明媚,秋季枫叶层林尽染,冬季万里雪飘,极具风情。 加拿大是由十个省和两个地区组成的联邦国家。民族构成一英裔、法裔、荷兰裔、德裔、波兰裔和华裔。官方语言为英语和法语。 加拿大有26个人口超过10万的市区和3个人口超过100万的城市。其中不少是北美洲最安全、最清洁、风光最美的市中心区。加拿大城市的严重犯罪率不到美国城市的一半。更为人称道的是多个不同种族的人们在一个国际性的环境中和睦相处。政府和工业界致力保持空气和食品的清洁,共同努力维护健康的环境。加拿大的城市都有高素质的歌剧院、乐团和舞蹈团、美术馆、博物馆以及公共图书馆。加拿大城市有国际著名的芭蕾舞团、歌剧团和交响乐团。同时亦经常邀请世界各国最优秀的艺术家到访演出。加拿大政府对艺术的人均补助位于世界前列。加拿大的城市融合了欧洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲的各种文化。例如,温哥华是众多的亚裔人聚居之地;多伦多融合了欧、亚及其他文化;魁北克则为北美洲添上一份英、法双语的欧洲风味。 加拿大的气候各地不一,往往令预计天气较冷的访客诧异。全国绝大多数人口聚居在离美国边境250公里以内的地区,而加拿大最南部的地区与美国加州北部处于同一纬度。因此,加拿大各大城市的气候多数与美国北部或北欧地区相似。加拿大的城镇提供舒适的生活设施,但是与其他国际性商业中心相比,生活费用确保持在很容易负担的水平上。 名列世界前茅的经济和科技发展水平 加拿大是西方七国之一,工业生产自动化、电气化和现代化水平在世界各国中处于领先地位。农业生产专业化、商品化和现代化的程度也很高,加拿大在电话、微波、卫星、光纤通讯等方面拥有世界先进水平,在航天、微电子工业和生物技术方面亦具有相当水平。加拿大的交通很方便,拥有铁路10万公里、公路73万公里、900 家航空公司和600个大型机场。 理想的投资之地 加拿大是个贸易强国。受过良好教育的劳动力以及合理的生产成本,加上政府在政策的支持,国际人士对加拿大的商业投资环境充满信心。 加拿大在七大工业国中经济增长强劲,通货膨胀率长期低于2%。生活标准指数名列第三位。许多未来的主导行业已经对加拿大经济作出了显著贡献。这些行业包括:通讯设备、激光产品、环保技术、生物技术、制药、航天和电脑软件等高科技工业。 许多国际企业正越来越多地以加拿大作为研究与发展的中心。加拿大是世界最富裕的市场。从1994年1月1日生效的《北美自由贸易协定》让加拿大的企业得到了无可比拟的便利。充裕的原料、廉价的能源、低廉的商业楼宇、先进高效的


加拿大各省概况介绍 一.不列颠哥伦比亚省(british columbia) 不列颠哥伦比亚,英文:british columbia,简称b.c,是加拿大一级行政区划之一,位于加拿大最西部。不列颠哥伦比亚省西面靠太平洋,首府位于温哥华岛(vancouver island)的维多利亚(victoria),该省最大城市是温哥华。该省面积944,735平方公里,是加拿大面积第三大的省。沿海地带由于西风和太平洋暖风的影响,气候较为温和,冬季潮湿,夏季较热。内陆地带降雨量较小,气温变化大,甚至出现半干旱状态。北部的冬季漫长而且寒冷,夏季较短暂而且凉爽,降雨量中等。 官方语言:无明文规定,实际上英语 首府:维多利亚 最大城市:温哥华 人口总计(2006年):4,113,485 (第3位) 人口密度:4.45人/平方公里 主要城市 首府:维多利亚市(victoria)。气候温和,全年平均每日有6小时日照,最冷的日子也很少低于摄氏零度。小岛极富风情,生活闲适。 温哥华(vancouver):背山面海,气候温和,四季如春,有花园城之美誉,是加拿大的主要游览胜地。 二.艾伯塔省(alberta) 艾伯塔省是加拿大最富裕的省份之一,是加拿大能源大省,石油、天然气、油砂、煤炭等藏量丰厚;农业资源丰富,是加拿大主要粮食及饲料产地;高科技发达,电讯、软件、遥感、纳米科技、生命科学以至畜牧、育种等研究及成就举世闻名;加拿大的国家纳米开发中心就是设在埃德蒙顿市的艾伯塔大学里面。 艾省的专上教育系统由二十五所学院组成,其中包括四间大学和两所理工学院,令省内有一半的就业人口拥有大学学位或专上教育文凭。无论是艾省政府还是省内的教育机构,都非常重视加强与中国方面的合作。 官方语言:英语(法律规定部份服务要使用法语) 首府:埃德蒙頓 最大城市:卡尔加里


1.Territorial area of 10 million square kilometers, ranking second in the world. 2.Canada is known as "Maple Leaf country" in the world, it is typical of the Anglo-French bilingual country.(地理位置) 3.Ottawa is Canada's capital, a city of verdant spring, chunks of grass everywhere on opening the colorful tulip flowers, thus Ottawa, also known as the "Tulip City."(渥太华) 4.Toronto is a city full of art, cultural expression and creativity of the city. 5.The height of summer, the streets of Toronto, graceful music can be heard from the street festival and the Jazz Festival, the Greek Food Festival is that you experience the Mediterranean style, while bites a good opportunity.(多伦多) 6.Victorian architecture and modern bars of the old building row upon row of soil mixed suspect, cross-phase shade. Sculptures dotted, lined lined, flower beds everywhere, green, such as blankets.(大学) 7.Motto As a tree through the ages. (Velut arbor ?vo)(校训) 8.Vancouver filmmaker developed, known as Hollywood North said.


加拿大简介 一、概况 加拿大位于北美洲北半球,东邻大西洋,西濒太平洋,面积为997万平方公里。从东到西,加拿大横跨六个时区。人口为3,200万。 加拿大有五大地理区,分别是东部大西洋区、中部区、草原区、西海岸地区和北部区。加拿大是世界上海岸线最长的国家,南部与美国就接壤,国境线长达8892公里,北部隔海与俄罗斯相忘。 加拿大的森林覆盖面积为占全国总面积的44﹪,仅次与俄罗斯和巴西,居世界第三位。 加拿大有丰富的矿藏,是世界上除美国和俄罗斯以外最大的产矿国之一。 加拿大的景色多种多样,因为除了没有热带丛林和一望无际的沙漠之外,它拥有各种不同气候的地区。在北边,北极区的岛屿离北极不到800公里。 加拿大的三千万人口大多居住在气候温和,距离南部边界几百公里以内的狭长领土内,尤其是与美国接壤的大湖区和圣劳伦斯地区,地势平坦、土地肥沃、物产丰富,气候温和,加之交通便利,环境优美,大部分人口集中于此,是加拿大人口最稠密、工农业最集中的地区。

加拿大是世界七大工业国之一,是英联邦成员国,它有世界上最完善的医疗保健、免费教育和失业退休保险等福利体制,是公认的理想定居地,也一直是接受移民最多的国家之一。加拿大地广人稀,加拿大人的平均寿命77.4 岁,国民享有高水平的居住及教育环境,政府对民众照顾周全,制度之健全堪称世界之冠。 二、主要城市 渥太华 渥太华是加拿大的首都,是联邦政府的所在地,国会大厦的绿铜屋顶、市内的和平塔和著名的郁金香花园,被国人视为自己国家的象征。渥太华是政府的所在地,同时也是高科技中心。 渥太华座落在渥太华河岸-安大略省与魁北克省的分界处,是全国英法双语制最普及的城市。河的两岸有很多传统的经营行业,如林木业、水利发电等。渥太华的商业活动亦相当蓬勃,多家财务金融机构的总部都设在渥太华。 渥太华也是加拿大旅游业重镇,有各种各样的博物馆,如加拿大国立美术馆、国立航空博物馆、加拿大文化博物馆、自然博物馆等,构成了渥太华的又一人文景观。


世界上福利最好的国家——加拿大加拿大 -全球最适宜居住的国家据联合国发表的报告,加拿大在就业水平、人均国民生产总值、收入、教育及卫生水平等综合指标在全球 160 多个国家中名列第一。 优美的自然环境和安全先进的生活方式加拿大位于北美洲的北半部,总面积 997 万平方公里,仅次于俄罗斯,是世界第二大国。人口 2900 多万,是世界上平均人口密度最低的国家之一,每 3 人占有一平方公里的土地。 89% 的土地没有永久性居民点。南部与美国为邻约5000 公里,石油、矿产、木材、海产、水利资源十分丰富。加拿大四季分明,西面受太平洋季风的影响,四季宜人春季郁金香花争艳,夏季阳光明媚,秋季枫叶层林尽染,冬季万里雪飘,极具风情。 加拿大是由十个省和两个地区组成的联邦国家。民族构成一英裔、法裔、荷兰裔、德裔、波兰裔和华裔。官方语言为英语和法语。 加拿大有 26 个人口超过 10 万的市区和 3 个人口超过 100 万的城市。其中不少是北美洲最安全、最清洁、风光最美的市中心区。加拿大城市的严重犯罪率不到美国城市的一半。更为人称道的是多个不同种族的人们在一个国际性的环境中和睦相处。政府和工业界致力保持空气和食品的清洁,共同努力维护健康的环境。加拿大的城市都有高素质的歌剧院、乐团和舞蹈团、美术馆、博物馆以及公共图书馆。加拿大城市有国际著名的芭蕾舞团、歌剧团和交响乐团。同时亦经常邀请世界各国最优秀的艺术家到访演出。加拿大政府对艺术的人均补助位于世界前列。加拿大的城市融合了欧洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲的各种文化。例如,温哥华是众多的亚裔人聚居之地;多伦多融合了欧、亚及其他文化;魁北克则为北美洲添上一份英、法双语的欧洲风味。加拿大的气候各地不一,往往令预计天气较冷的访客诧异。全国绝大多数人口聚居在离美国边境 250 公里以内的地区,而加拿大最南部的地区与美国加州北部处于同一纬度。因此,加拿大各大城市的气候多数与美国北部或北欧地区相似。加拿大的城镇提供舒适的生活设施,但是与其他国际性商业中心相比,生活费用确保持在很容易负担的水平上。 名列世界前茅的经济和科技发展水平加拿大是西方七国之一,工业生产自动化、电气化和现代化水平在世界各国中处于领先地位。农业生产专业化、商品化和现代化的程度也很高,加拿大在电话、微波、卫星、光纤通讯等方面拥有世界先进水平,在航天、微电子工业和生物技术方面亦具有相当水平。加拿大的交通很方便,拥有铁路10 万公里、公路 73 万公里、 900 家航空公司和 600 个大型机场。 理想的投资之地加拿大是个贸易强国。受过良好教育的劳动力以及合理的生产成本,加上政府在政策的支持,国际人士对加拿大的商业投资环境充满信心。 加拿大在七大工业国中经济增长强劲,通货膨胀率长期低于 2% 。生活标准指数名列第三位。许多未来的主导行业已经对加拿大经济作出了显著贡献。这些行业包括:通讯设备、激光产品、环保技术、生物技术、制药、航天和电脑软件等高科技工业。许多国际企业正越来越多地以加拿大作为研究与发展的中心。加拿大是世界最富裕的市场。从 1994 年1月 1日生效的《北美自由贸易协定》让加拿大的企业得到了无可比拟的便利。充裕的原料、廉价的能源、低廉的商业楼宇、先进高效的基础设施、政府的少干预和为支援中小企业、技术与研究开发计划制定的优惠政策,使加拿大成为世界少有的理想投资地。 完备的教育体系加拿大提供免费的中小学教育。小学教育注重教育学生以积极参与的态度去学习,入学条件简单,主要以学生居住地、年龄分配就读学校。对新移民子弟,学校也会安排 ESL 英语课程。小学课程根据各省教育厅指示编排,学校对学生的学习成绩和学生的生活礼仪一样看重。希望培养出来的学生能均衡发展;加拿大的中


Canada Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area. Canada's common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world. Canada occupies a major northern portion of North America, sharing the land borders with the contiguous United States to the south and the U.S. state of Alaska to the northwest, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west; to the north lies the Arctic Ocean. By total area (including its waters), Canada is the second-largest country in the world, after Russia. By land area, Canada ranks fourth.


General information: Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean. Canada is the world's second-largest country by total area, and its common border with the United States is the longest land border in the world. It is a bilingual nation with both English and French as official languages. The national flag of Canada,also known as the Maple Leaf,is a red flag with a white square in its centre, featuring a stylized 11-pointed red maple leaf. History: Indeed, Canada is so beautifully diverse that it makes it that little bit easier to comprehend why so many people fought for possession of it. During the 17th century, the Anglo-French war over Canada ended with the capitulation of the French Canadian capital, Québec, to the besieging forces of the English General Wolfe. The Americans made a number of efforts to seize control of Britain’s Canadian territories after British defeat in the American War of Independence, but failed, and the two countries thereafter evolved along different historical paths. In 1791, Canada was divided between regions occupied by the English-speaking and the longer-established French-speaking community, but the arrangement did not work and was replaced by a unified system. Climate: Winters can be harsh in many regions of the country, particularly in the interior and Prairie provinces, which experience a continental climate. In noncoastal regions, snow can cover the ground almost six months of the year (more in the north). Coastal British Columbia enjoys a temperate climate, with a mild and rainy winter. Cities: Canada is a federation of 10 provinces—Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia—and three territories—Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Territory. Canada's capital is Ottawa and its largest city is Toronto. Other important cities include Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Hamilton, and Quebec. Ottawa, Canada's Capital, sits on the border between the provinces of Ontario and Quebec in central Canada. It's the fourth-largest urban area in Canada. Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario. It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. As Canada's economic capital, Toronto is considered an alpha world city by the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) study group and is one of the top financial centres in the world. Toronto's leading economic sectors include finance, business services, telecommunications, aerospace, transportation, media, arts, film, television


加拿大简介 加拿大-全球最适宜居住的国家 据联合国发表的报告,加拿大在就业水平、人均国民生产总值、收入、教育及卫生水平等综合指标在全球160多个国家中名列第一。 优美的自然环境和安全先进的生活方式 加拿大位于北美洲的北半部,总面积997万平方公里,仅次于俄罗斯,是世界第二大国。人口2900多万,是世界上平均人口密度最低的国家之一,每3人占有一平方公里的土地。89%的土地没有永久性居民点。南部与美国为邻约5000公里,石油、矿产、木材、海产、水利资源十分丰富。加拿大四季分明,西面受太平洋季风的影响,四季宜人春季郁金香花争艳,夏季阳光明媚,秋季枫叶层林尽染,冬季万里雪飘,极具风情。 加拿大是由十个省和两个地区组成的联邦国家。民族构成一英裔、法裔、荷兰裔、德裔、波兰裔和华裔。官方语言为英语和法语。 加拿大有26个人口超过10万的市区和3个人口超过100万的城市。其中不少是北美洲最安全、最清洁、风光最美的市中心区。加拿大城市的严重犯罪率不到美国城市的一半。更为人称道的是多个不同种族的人们在一个国际性的环境中和睦相处。政府和工业界致力保持空气和食品的清洁,共同努力维护健康的环境。加拿大的城市都有高素质的歌剧院、乐团和舞蹈团、美术馆、博物馆以及公共图书馆。加拿大城市有国际著名的芭蕾舞团、歌剧团和交响乐团。同时亦经常邀请世界各国最优秀的艺术家到访演出。加拿大政府对艺术的人均补助位于世界前列。加拿大的城市融合了欧洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲的各种文化。例如,温哥华是众多的亚裔人聚居之地;多伦多融合了欧、亚及其他文化;魁北克则为北美洲添上一份英、法双语的欧洲风味。 加拿大的气候各地不一,往往令预计天气较冷的访客诧异。全国绝大多数人口聚居在离美国边境250公里以内的地区,而加拿大最南部的地区与美国加州北部处于同一纬度。因此,加拿大各大城市的气候多数与美国北部或北欧地区相似。加拿大的城镇提供舒适的生活设施,但是与其他国际性商业中心相比,生活费用确保持在很容易负担的水平上。 名列世界前茅的经济和科技发展水平 加拿大是西方七国之一,工业生产自动化、电气化和现代化水平在世界各国中处于领先地位。农业生产专业化、商品化和现代化的程度也很高,加拿大在电话、微波、卫星、光纤通讯等方面拥有世界先进水平,在航天、微电子工业和生物技术方面亦具有相当水平。加拿大的交通很方便,拥有铁路10万公里、公路73万公里、900 家航空公司和600个大型机场。 理想的投资之地 加拿大是个贸易强国。受过良好教育的劳动力以及合理的生产成本,加上政府在政策的支持,国际人士对加拿大的商业投资环境充满信心。 加拿大在七大工业国中经济增长强劲,通货膨胀率长期低于2%。生活标准指数名列第三位。许多未来的主导行业已经对加拿大经济作出了显著贡献。这些行业包括:通讯设备、激光产品、环保技术、生物技术、制药、航天和电脑软件等高科技工业。 许多国际企业正越来越多地以加拿大作为研究与发展的中心。加拿大是世界最富裕的市场。从1994年1月1日生效的《北美自由贸易协定》让加拿大的企业得到了无可比拟的便利。充裕的原料、廉价的能源、低廉的商业楼宇、先进高效的


Canada If one has to use two words to describe Canada, they might be “large” and “diverse”. With a total land area of 9,976,140 square kilometers, Canada is the second largest country in the world, just behind Russia. A nation “from sea to sea”, it is bordered by three oceans: the Pacific to the west, the Arctic to the north, and the Atlantic to the east! To the south, it is bordered by the United States, and together the two share the longest undefended border in the world. Across the country, the landscape changes variously from rolling plains and mountains to the cold tundra of the north. Geographically, Canada can be divided into five major regions: the Pacific Region, the Prairie Provinces, Central Canada, the Atlantic Province and the North. As for the history, a book named A Short History of Canada said that “Canadians believe that their history is short, boring, and irrelevant. They are wrong on all counts. The choices Canadians can make today have been shaped by history……In each generation, Canadians have had to learn how to live with each other in this big, rich land. It has never been easy. For those who ignore history, it is doubly difficult.”Compared to some other countries, Canada is young. But to include an account of the history of this young nation in just a few pages is a daunting task. Listed here are some major events happened in Canadian history. Hopefully they will shed some light on understanding Canada as a nation and Canadians as a people. Archaeologists believe the earliest inhabitants of Canada come from Asia by way of the Bering Strait more than 10,000 years ago. The native peoples lived in harmony with nature before the Europeans arrived. With the development of trading, the Europeans settled there and in the 1860s, as the colonies expanded and trade increased, a possible union of all the British North American colonies was discussed. The idea of Confederation, a union of the colonies under a central government, was propose at a conference at Charlottetown. On July 1,1867, the four colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Canadian were united under the British North America Act as the Dominion of Canada. Today, July1 is celebrated as Canada’s National Day. Later they built the transcontinental railway. The completion of the railway was a very important event in Canadian history. It eventually brought almost a million settlers, including those from Britain, the United States and Europe. As Canada gradually gained economic power, the World War I broke out in 1914. Canada played an important role in it to provide the western Allies with wartime supplies. Canada also suffered greatly in the Great Depression and it was the efforts undertaken to aid the allies in World War II that helped save Canada from the Depression. World War II had a profound impact on Canadian history that it helped Canada to fully recover from the Depression and the increasing the process of industrialization. In addition, the war had facilitated Canada in developing complete armed services of army, air force and navy. In general, in the 20 years after 1950, Canada experienced continuous economic growth and prosperity.


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Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is larger than the USA and reaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earth. The distance from east to west is over 5,500 kilometres and the country covers six of the world's 24 time areas. 加拿大是世界上占地面积第2的国家。面积比美国大,并且领土的延伸接近地球赤道的4分之1。从东部到南部的距离超过5500千米。并且加拿大覆盖了世界上24个时区中的6个。 The population of Canada is about 29 million and the capital is Ottawa. There are two official languages, French and English. The first travellers arrived from England in 1497. Settlers from France reached Canada in 1534. For two centuries English and French settlers struggled against each other to control the country. Today, one province of Canada is French-speaking. The TV and radio programmes there are in French. There are French restaurants, and all the teaching in schools is done in French. 加拿大的人口总数约为2900万,首都为渥太华。其官方语言有2种,法语和英语。1497年,从英格兰来的首批移居者(拓荒者)来到了这儿,1534年,从法国来的移居者也到达此地。这来自两个国家的移居者为了成为这块土地的主宰者而互相征战。今天,加拿大有一个说发语的省,电视和收音机里节目都是用法语播放的。这儿有法国参观,所有的学校的教学都采用法语进行。 Canada has one third of the world's supply of fresh water. There are five great lakes in the south, and there are many others, especially in the north. Most of the electricity is produced by water. The country has a great deal of coal, oil and natural gas, and these are all exploited for energy. 加拿大拥有世界淡水资源的3分之1。在加拿大的南面有5大名湖。并且在其他地方,尤其是在北部,还有许多湖。加拿大主要是考水力发电。它拥有大量的煤,石油,天然气资源。这些都是完全可以作为能源来利用开发。 Much of the country is covered by forests, and wood is cut and sold all over the world. Canada is also the world's biggest producer of the kind of paper which is used for newspapers. Fishing is also very important for Canadians. Fish from the east and west coasts is sold to many other countries. 加拿大的大部分面积被森林覆盖,砍下来的木材被运往世界各地。加拿大还是世界上供应制作报纸所需纸张的最大的供应者。渔业在加拿大也是非常重要的。来自东部和西部海岸的鱼被销售往世界其他国家。 加拿大-全球最适宜居住的国家 据联合国发表的报告,加拿大在就业水平、人均国民生产总值、收入、教育及卫生水平等综合指标在全球160多个国家中名列第一。 优美的自然环境和安全先进的生活方式 加拿大位于北美洲的北半部,总面积 997万平方公里,仅次于俄罗斯,是世界第二大国。人口2900多万,是世界上平均人口密度最低的国家之一,每3人占有一平方公里的土地。89%的土地没有永久性居民点。南部与美国为邻约5000 公里,石油、矿产、木材、海产、水利资源十分丰富。加拿大四季分明,西面受太平洋季风的影响,四季宜人春季郁金香花争艳,夏季阳光明媚,秋季枫叶层林尽染,冬季万里雪飘,极具风情。 加拿大是由十个省和两个地区组成的联邦国家。民族构成一英裔、法裔、荷兰裔、
