当前位置:搜档网 › 甄嬛传之滴血认亲英语剧本(原创)




ALL: here comes the king. (皇上驾到) oh, my daring.(皇上万福金安) 皇上:Hareme(后宫) does not have a peaceful day, where does the peace come from?

皇后:we disturb your tranquil life, please forgive us!

皇上:go ahead, what is going on? Such a mess!

祺贵人:(走上前)I want to inform against consort XI(熹贵妃) has a secret relationship with 温实初 and has a bad influence on the Hareme. 皇上:(打了其贵妃一巴掌)bitch, who tell you the gossip?

祺贵人:I guarantee in my life! What I have said are really true.

皇上: well, just listen to the holding. if there is a far off the mark(如有虚言), go to hell.

祺贵人:I have evident to prove that consort XI(熹贵妃) and 温实初 have

a vague(暧昧的) relationship. After she leave the palace, they are

always together in the room with doors and windows closed without others!

皇后:my king,温实初 always visit consort XI(熹贵妃),does you ask him to do that? If is that ,this is reasonable.

槿汐:my king ,allow me to say a just(公正的) word sincerely, they are do blameless.

皇上:you, have,or not?

熹贵妃:I am not ,

皇上:well, I believe in you!

皇后:for the sake of her innocence, you have better investigate thoroughly!

祺贵人:consort XI(熹贵妃) has been pregnant before going back to the palace. so how do we know it is our prince?

皇后:that is true ,and she has a premature birth(早产),we have no idea where are the two children from ,we doubt whether the children are our bloodline.

皇上:a cat cause her premature birth, who can predict it? What is more, consort XI(熹贵妃) is weak.

祺贵人:it is totally deceive the public! She comes back with the baby is puzzled!

温实初:you mean that the two children are not our king’s kids!

This involves our whole nation ,how dare you guess unreasonable! My king , you can not just hear her words!

皇后:the baby is your son, you have high expectations on him, it involves generations after generations, we have to be careful!

皇上: so, how do you think it?

皇后:I am afraid that we have a blood endeavour(滴血认亲)

熹贵妃:I have thought that we love each other deeply, who knows we are thus far to this extent. you do not trust me at all, if known

earlier ,I would rather be alone all my life!

皇上:嬛嬛,just a try, and we will know it!

熹贵妃:now that I am suspected, then we can make the baby test blood with 温实初,in this way ,it not only dose not hurt you ,but also pay my innocence back.

皇上:槿汐,get the baby! Prepare all the stuff, stab to have a blood. 熹贵妃:my king, once you do it, even though he is your son, he will be abused by people. he is the child be distrusted ,how will he keep

a foothold(立足)in the future!!!?


祺贵人:oh look! The blood is mixing together!

皇后:How dare you! Get on your knees,甄嬛!

熹贵妃:why? I am not guilty!

皇后:this is the evident, what else can you say?

熹贵妃:there must be something wrong with the water. My king ,trust me! 皇上:look it yourself!

槿汐:(把手刺破), look ,look, my blood is mixing in it too. The water has a problem!

温实初:(尝水味)it tastes acerb(酸涩的),白矾 must be added in advance .my king, there are remarks on the book that people’s blood will get dissolved with 白矾 even though the you do not have the same blood and fresh.

皇上:to be fair ,the water was prepared by the queen personally!

皇后:my water absolutely has no problem!

皇上: I remember you have a good knowledge of medical skill!

皇后: If I do this, it will be discovered accidently! I am not that stupid to take the risk!

温实初:I have changed the water, it is clean!

皇上:test again!


熹贵妃: you have tested it ,you can be at ease now!

皇上:嬛嬛,sorry, I blame you wrongly! i will never doubt you again! 熹贵妃:I was known forever!

皇上:(对嬛嬛说) sit down, (对祺贵人) now what else can you explain! 祺贵人:my king , even if the child is your son ,but she has a secret relationship with 温实初,will you be indifferent to it?

槿汐:my king ,when consort XI(熹贵妃) was absent from the palace, she did suffer a lot such as Cut firewood, wash the clothes and many other rough work . as it is known to us, she is weak and always got sick, without 温实初’s visit, she may not stand here now!

皇上:嬛嬛,excuse me, you have suffered too much!

槿汐:consort XI(熹贵妃) is framed up(被诬陷),my king ,please hold the scales even(主持公道)!

皇上: so what do you think we can do?

槿汐we must find out the big boss and punish seriously!

皇后: my king ,I see consort XI(熹贵妃) stay with her sister ,and can not help thinking of the time when we sisters serve you together!

Provided 纯元皇后 is here, she will have faith in me!

皇上:I do really hope she does not have a sister like you!

熹贵妃: since I come back ,there are too much gossip about me and the two kids!

I did not blame it before because I think the rumors are ungrounded.

Who can predict that ,I forgive it again and again, but lead to today’s great misfortune! Who dare make irresponsible remarks

later on, I certainly will not let it go!

槿汐:my king, 祺贵人ask others to calumniate 熹贵妃,it is abundantly clear, supposing that we leave her to make trouble, the Hareme (后宫) will not be peaceful! Please make a decision!

祺贵人:my king , it’s all my own opinion, nobody asks me to do that,

I just hate 熹贵妃 to bones!

皇上:祺贵人exaggerate it. just to scare us, well, put her to the cold palace!

祺贵人:温实初,in case this bitch is not your secret lover ,can you swear that you do not have any selfish motivation on this bitch at all?

Do you have the courage to claim that you are not in love with our

king’s darling? I was told that you have not got married up to


温实初:whether I get married or not, it is not your business!

祺贵人:my king my king, I love you from the bottom of my heart, but you are always missing that offended bitch…

皇上: get her out now!

祺贵人:my king my king my king my king!


搞笑5人英语剧本《西门吹雪与叶孤城》 演员表: 西门吹雪 叶孤城 花满楼 king 旁白 道具:牛奶两袋,匕首一把,戒子一枚,纸屑若干。 第一幕:决战紫荆城之颠 旁白:A quiet villageiscoveredwithwhitesnow . Birdsaredancinginthecold . Amaniswalkingalongthestreet ,stepbystep . Windiscominginsilence. Another mysteriousmanapproaches . Y与X相遇. X:oH ,Iamsorrytoknockyou ! Y:Haha, Nevermindbaybay. X:Excuseme,whoareyouonearth? couldyoutellmeyourname? Y:ha ha ,Iwon’tchangemyname! nomatterwhathappens. I’mthemostfamous-------YeGucheng. Whoareyou? X:Iamximenchuixue. Y惊讶:Ar, ximenchui xue? X:Yes,whatiswrong? Y:IheardthatyouarethebestingMartialArts? X:Great, youknowme ! Y抱腿:Please, please……Don’tkillme! letmeyougo! X:No, Imustkillyou ! Y:Idon''''''''''''''''twanttobekilled.Thereare aeighty-year-oldmotheandathree-yearold sontobelookedafterbyme! X:Noway! Becausewearefightingnow!youknow? Y突然站起冷冷的说:Don''''''''''''''''t forceme! X:Pardon! (Y拿出一袋牛奶) X抢过牛奶:milk, verygood! Ilikedrinkingit. howdoyouknowthat? Y:pleasedrinkit! X喝完牛奶:Thanks, ha,ha Y:Doyoustillwanttokillme? X:Sure, must! milkismilk. Y(恼怒+冷酷):Verygood! verygood! Ihopeyouwillnotforgetwhatyousaid!? X:I’msureIwon’t! Y:Imustgiveyoualesson!IfIdon''''''''''''''''tbeatyourthistime, you’llneverbehaveproperly!3-2-1-0! X捂着肚子,蹲下:Oach,Oach ! Y大笑:HaHa……


搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous sword 搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》 旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman 剑客and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”. But finally he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth. Action I 太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (画外音:It’s you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高兴状) Thank u mirror! (面对观众)I’m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? (向幕里大叫) Where is my minister? 阿三(毕恭毕敬) : Honey, I am coming. 太子丹:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”! 阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~(作杀状) 太子:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状) Good idea! But who is the right candidate?


搞笑英语话剧剧本《西门吹雪与叶孤城》 搞笑7人剧本《西门吹雪与叶孤城》 演员表:西门吹雪、叶孤城、花满楼、king、路人、上官雪儿 旁白 道具:牛奶两袋,匕首一把,戒子一枚,纸屑若干。 第一幕:决战紫荆城之颠 旁白:Aquietvillageiscoveredwithwhitesnow. Birdsaredancinginthecold. Amaniswalkingalongthestreet,stepbystep. Windiscominginsilence. Anothermysteriousmanapproaches. Y与X相遇. X:oH,Iamsorrytoknockyou! Y:,Nevermindbaby. X:Excuseme,whoareyouonearthCouldyoutellmeyourname? Y:,Iwon’tchangemyname!’mthemostfamous——? X:Iamximenchuixue. Y惊讶:Ar,ximenchuixuethebestMartialArts? X:Great,youknowme!Todayisyourdeaddate! Y抱腿:Please,please……Don’tkillme!Letmego! X:No,Imustkillyou! Y:I don’! X:Noway!Becausewearefightingnow!youknow? Y突然站起冷冷的说:Don’tforceme!

X:Pardon! (Y拿出一袋牛奶) X抢过牛奶:milk,verygood!? Y:pleasedrinkit! X喝完牛奶:Thanks, Y:Doyoustillwanttokillme? X:Sure,must!Milkismilk. Y(恼怒+冷酷):Verygood!verygood!Ihopeyouwillnotforgetwhatyousaid!? X:I’msureIwon’t! Y:Imustgiveyoualesson!IfI don’tbeatyout histime,you’llneverbehaveproperly!3-2-1! X捂着肚子,蹲下(做痛苦状):Oach,Oach! Y大笑:HaHa……themilkisexceedthetimelimit (一人路过,x起身跑过去) X可怜状:excuseme!Help,help,Whereisthewashroomplease,tellme. Y:Oh,Isee,goalongthisstreetandturnrightwhenyouseeacorssingroad! X:Thanks,byebye. Y:byebye(以胜利者的语气,转头,看见花满楼) Y:Whoareyou? H:Hua—man—-lou!Haveyouseenximenchuixue? Y:Yes,hewasbeatenbymeandisin“WC”. H惊讶:Nowyouarethebestintheworld! Y:Youareright! H:Teriffic!youaretheonemykinglookingfor!doyouwantjoininusIfyoufollowmyking,hewillgive whatyouwant. Y:Yes,It’sverygood. H:Ok,followme,Let’sgotoseemy king!


英语搞笑话剧剧本-A Story about Love and Stinky Feet 从前,一个巫婆有一双臭脚,人们都很讨厌。所以,她想找一个人换掉她的双脚。 有一天她来到"香国" 。她发现,人人都有双香脚。一天王子午睡,巫婆用自己的臭脚换了王子的香脚。 有一位公主,她总是失眠。虽然国王和王后在尝试了很多方法,她还不能睡觉。国王和王后陛下非常担心自己的女儿。 最后,他们就发现了一个方法:每当公主无法入睡,她只需要嗅觉王子的臭脚,然后她将睡得很好。 最后王子和公主很幸福的生活在一起。 人物 Ada: Little girl Candy: Queen Evander: King Evelyn Joel: Prince Rita: Singer /Woman Yilina: Witch Summary Once upon a time…A witch had a pair of stinky feet. They were very disgusting. So, she wanted to find a person to change her feet. And one day she flied to “Fragrance Country”. She found everyone there had a pair of fragrant feet. And the prince had the most fragrant pair of feet. The prince took a nap and snored under the tree. At that time, the witch exchanged her own stinky feet with the prince’s fragrant feet. There was a princess who couldn’t sleep in “Beauty Country”. Although the king and the queen tried many methods, she still couldn’t sleep. The king and the queen were very worried about their daughter.


三打白骨精 Three Times’ Beating Monster 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空E:猪八戒 J:沙僧 B:白骨精(何平)B1:B变成的村姑B2:B变成的太婆B3:B变化成的老头T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,boss (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, don’t bring these pictures of beautiful girls! E: Oh, boss!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map? E: (递)Here.Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will………. S: You will what(凶相)? E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm!

T:(轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food? E: You see , boss is hungry,too! T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal! J: But boss,if a monster comes while brother monkey is away….. T: Em…….It is a problem.Wukong,do you have any idea? S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看) J: This is…..? S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from boss’s books. So I made this. No monster can approach you if you stay in it! T: Em……Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power! S: Bye!(走) T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》 B: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(变成B1) B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you? J: I’m sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Against landowner and three people are enough. B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb! T: Bomb?(打出) B1: Double King!


搞笑小学英语小品剧本《新守株待兔》 人物:农夫,兔子A,兔子B,大树。 农夫:I’m a farmer.(稍停顿)[走两步]A cool farmer.(掏出墨镜戴上)[冷酷地走两步,突然被绊了一跤,继续保持冷酷]Eh...When I was yong,I studied in Xu~~~~chuan Middle School.So, I’m rich now![开始展示名牌,边说边掏]Look!This is my modern mobile——Nokia WC 250!This is my watch!This is my MP3!These are my shoes——(夸张低沉地)ADIDAS!This is… [不经意地掏出一个苹果]Oh,sorry.[扔掉苹果]It’s this![从怀里掏出痒痒挠] Do you know what’s this?痒痒挠?No no no~~You are out!!It’s my modern——锄头~!![看下表] It is time to do some farming![开始弯下腰做出锄地的动作] 树:I’m a tree!I can do many things!I can sing![做出疯狂摇滚歌手的动作,哼哼哈西!!!]I can dance![跳四小天鹅] Oh?There comes a rabbit! [引导观众看兔子A)。树站回后台] 兔子A:OK,I’m a rabbit. Now I’m just walking around here. [农夫继续锄地,边锄边上场,突然看见前面有个兔子] 农夫:(惊喜地)Lunch![扔掉痒痒挠]I will catch it![偷偷摸摸地跟到兔子后面走] [农夫跟在兔子后面。两个人走啊走。兔子突然回头。农夫假装看手表。两人继续走。兔子回头。农夫假装看天气。两人继续走。兔子回头。农夫假装打手机。两人继续走,兔子回头。这次农夫冷酷地把枪口对准了兔子。]


序幕 准备好3个座椅供继母和两个女儿。 中间座椅前准备好洗衣盆和脏衣服。 左边座椅上准备好碗勺。 右边座椅上准备好针线和衣服。 (背景音乐:1) 旁白:Longago,旁白停顿,父亲出场并向观众致意,飞吻 等)hehadmarriedagain,buthewashappyallthetime,Hisnewwife(旁白停顿,继母出场并向观众致意,摆酷,扭动前行等)sexy,butcruel’;hehadtwodaughters(旁白停顿,两个姐姐出场并向观众致意 等).Theyareasbadastheirmother. 父亲出场后就座中间椅子上。(摆酷,显示自己在家庭中的地位极高) 继母怀抱宠物狗上场最后向灰姑娘父亲方向前行,即将到达时父亲赶紧起身卑微地跑前迎接并搀扶,待继母就坐后捶背、捶腿,进一步显示其家庭地位低。 两个女儿出场并向观众致意后前行到自己座椅处默默洗碗、做针线活(不情愿的,动作笨拙)。 旁白:However,we’llshowyouadifferentplaytoday.(换背景音乐2) Sheissostrong,. Now,sheisrunningforthe100meterrace.(灰姑娘冲刺) 剧务给灰姑娘传球。 Now,sheisplayingbasketball.(灰姑娘以一敌众,轻松灌篮) Now,sheispracticingChinesegongfu(灰姑娘打拳,对手倒(对手,被击打后退)) Thisisher----Cinderella 灰姑娘(怒,看旁白):Doyoufinish? 旁白:(结巴)O…Ok,con…continue,evensheisperfect,shestillcan’tescapethepoorlife,Why?Thatis-----(此时音乐关掉,无背景音乐) 继母(怒):Hey!You!,washclothes! 灰姑娘匆忙跑来:yes,MomIdoitrightnow. 一姐将盆碗碰得乱响:you!,,Quickly, 灰姑娘匆忙跑来:yes,ok! 此时二姐手持针线缝衣,刺手,尖叫:ah,myfinger!Idon’tdothisanymore.!Youdoit!(将衣服扔向灰姑娘) 灰姑娘(悲腔):Oh,Iamverytiredeveryday!. (举牌的同时父亲退场) 第一幕 布置三把椅子 灰姑娘在帮后母按摩肩膀,一姐在写作业,二姐做针线。 侍卫敲门送传单 侍卫:Goodafternoon,thisisthenotice,hereyouare. 二姐:Mom,Mom,Look!Goodnews. 继母:what’sit? 二姐(兴奋的):. 一姐(托腮):Imustbechosen,Iamthemostbeautifulgirlintheworld. 二姐(凭空跳舞):No,,IamtheQueen.


顾客:小心,你的大拇指在我汤里了 服务员:别担心,先生,不是很烫! A : Watch out! Your thumbs in my soup! B: Don't worry Sir it's not that hot! 一个服务员给顾客拿来了牛排,大拇指在牛肉上。 “你疯了吗?”顾客喊到,“你的手在我的牛排上!” “什么?”服务员说,“你想让它再掉地上?” A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb over the meat. A:Are you crazy?( yelled the customer ),with your hand on my steak? (What answers the waiter) You want it to fall on the floor again? 服务员:茶或咖啡?先生。 第一个顾客:我要茶 第二个顾客:我也是茶——杯子要干净的! 服务员:两杯茶,哪个要干净的杯子? B:(Waiter:) Tea or coffee gentlemen? A:I'll have tea. C:(2nd customer:) Me too - and be sure the glass is clean! (Waiter exits returns) B:(Waiter:) Two teas. Which one asked for the clean glass? 创新句子:我坚持用干净杯子喝茶。 服务员,这只苍蝇在我汤里干什么? 看起来象是在仰泳, A:Waiter what's this fly doing in my soup? Um looks to me to be backstroke sir... 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 别担心,先生,面包里的蜘蛛会干掉它。 A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup! B:Don't worry sir the spider on the breadroll will get 'em. 服务员,我汤里有只苍蝇! 不是,先生,那是蟑螂,苍蝇在你牛排里。 A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup! C:No sir that's a cockroach the fly is on your steak. 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 别让别人看见,先生,要不别人都要。 A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup! B:Keep it down sir or they'll all be wanting one. 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 我知道,先生,我们没有另收钱。 A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup! C:Its OK Sir there's no extra charge! 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 对不起,先生,我弄走那三个时忘了这个。 A:Waiter there is a fly in my soup!


搞笑英语话剧之西游记篇 人物:唐僧八戒悟空白骨精原型女白骨精变形1 白骨精变形2 白骨精原型男女儿国国王hope you guys enjoy it!改编作者杜宛芸成医学子 唐: Wow…boys! This place looks beautiful. Where we are now? Does any one of you know something about it? 众徒弟们摇头,除了八戒在看书。 唐: 八戒, give me the map(不回头,懒洋洋的问) 唐:八戒,Give the map to me!(严肃的问) 唐:哼!(唐生气地叫)pig ,Give the map……..(转过身看到八戒在看书) 唐:(很吃惊) wow!八戒,very good ! I hardly see you study! . What kind of book are you reading? Is it about Chinese or English? 八戒依旧看书,不理睬。 唐:(凑过去)let me have a look ! 八戒才注意,赶忙藏书。但为时已晚,唐一把抢过。发现是封面女郎很惹火,眼神立刻变得温柔,接过书开始看 唐:yo….xi…..(流口水,八戒看到,拿出卫生纸给唐僧擦,唐僧回过神来) 唐:(转身训斥八戒)how many times have I told you?You are not supposed to read books about beautiful girls! I will keep it for you until we finish the journey …..(唐僧将画册掖到衣服里) 八戒:But…..,why? boss, why can?t we think about girls? I just don?t understand… 唐:(叹气)哎,how many times have I told you?,This is because…oh 悟空dance to my song ! (开始唱歌,Jackson的dangeous,悟空伴舞)



序幕准备好3个座椅供继母和两个女儿。 中间座椅前准备好洗衣盆和脏衣服。 左边座椅上准备好碗勺。 右边座椅上准备好针线和衣服。 ( 背景音乐:1) 旁白 :Long ago, there lived a girl. The poor girl had to work day and night. She must sleep in the kitchen. She wearied dirty clothes. All of them called her cinders for Cinderella. Her mother had died and her father(旁白停顿,父亲出场并向观众致意,飞吻等) he had married again, but he was happy all the time, His new wife (旁白停顿,继母出场并向观众致意,摆酷,扭动前行等) sexy, but cruel’; he had two daughters(旁白停顿,两个姐姐出场并向观众致意等). They are as bad as their mother. 父亲出场后就座中间椅子上。(摆酷,显示自己在家庭中的地位极高) 继母怀抱宠物狗上场最后向灰姑娘父亲方向前行,即将到达时父亲赶紧起身卑微地跑前迎接并搀扶,待继母就坐后捶背、捶腿,进一步显示其家庭地位低。 两个女儿出场并向观众致意后前行到自己座椅处默默洗碗、做针线活(不情愿的,动作笨拙)。 旁白:However, we’ll show you a different play today.(换背景音乐2) She is so strong, and smart. Especially she is good at sport. Now, she is running for the 100 meter race.(灰姑娘冲刺)


《荆珂刺秦王》 旁白:Long long ago, there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”. But finally he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth. 很久以前,有一个疯狂的国家,在这个疯狂的国家有一些疯狂的人,试图用疯狂的方式展示疯狂的历史。荆轲是最有名的剑客并被派去杀清王,嬴政。但最后他失败了。你想知道当时发生了什么事?好吧,下面将会告诉你真相。 Action I 太子丹:Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (画外音:It’s you, Prince Dan!) Thank u mirror! I’m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? Where is my minister? 镜子,镜子,告诉我,这个世界上最漂亮的人是谁?(画外音:是你,太子丹!)谢谢你的镜子!我是太子丹,魔镜说我是世界上最有吸引力的男人。但嬴政是一个嫉妒的家伙,我觉得如果镜子告诉他真相他会杀了我。我很害怕。我该怎么办呢?我大臣在哪里? 阿三: Honey, I am coming. 亲爱的,我来了。 太子丹:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”! 我告诉过你一次又一次,你应该叫我“我最美丽的、优雅、英俊、迷人、可爱、聪明和最亲爱的太子丹”! 阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~ 当然,亲爱的!我有一个好主意。我们可以找一个英雄去杀嬴政~ 太子:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent! Good idea! But who is the right candidate? 欧耶!二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!好主意!但谁是合适的人选? 阿三:After screening I have two promising persons on hand. One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JingKe. Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world. 经过筛选后我手上有两个有前途的人。一是李莫愁小姐,另一个是荆轲先生。明天他们将PK为世界头号杀手。 太子:Well, show me the winner as soon as possible, OK? 好的,给我尽快得主,好吗?


陈:Hello, everyone, have you ever seen the movie? Yeah, you are right, I'm the director--R Z. Recently, I will direct a new movie, today, there will be an audition and I will select three actors to perform in this film. OK, let's begin. The first part, talent show, let's welcome actor number one. 陈:大家好,你们看过<美丽人生>吗?是的,我是这部电影的导演R Z。最近我要导演一部新的电影。今天在这里将举行一场面试,我要选出三位演员来拍摄这部电影。好的,接下来就开始面试的第一个环节,才艺表演,让我们欢迎第一位面试者。 杨: I t’s so easy for me to get this character. (面朝观众说) Nice to meet you, my dear director. 杨:我一定能轻而易举地拿到这个角色。(边走边朝观众说)很高兴见到你,亲爱的导演。 陈:Nice to meet you too, so, introduce yourself. 陈:很高兴见到你,那么请介绍一下你自己吧。 杨:I'm CK Yang, you know. I don't have too many achievements, I just won six World Music Awards, eight American Music Awards, and…(做沉思状) oh, I forgot, two Oscar Awards, it's just a piece of cake for me, you know, I... 杨:我是CK 杨,你知道的,我也没有太多的成就,我仅仅拿了6次世界音乐奖,8次全美音乐奖,对了,差点忘了这个,还有二次奥斯卡奖,这对我来说不过是小意思,你们知道的,我。。。 陈:Stop, stop! Time is limited, just begin. 陈:停下,快停下,时间有限,快点开始吧。 杨:OK! I'll sing my first song to conquer you --my heart will go on. Just enjoy it.Music(音乐响起). 杨:好的,我将演唱我的成名曲来征服你----我心永恒。请欣赏。(音乐响起) near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on once more, you opened the door and you're here in my heart, and my heart will go on and on.(唱跑调) 陈:OK, that’s enough, I was wondering how could you get so many awards? 陈:可以了,够了!我真的好奇你唱的这么难听,是怎么拿到这么多奖的 杨:Dear director, you don’t appreciate my style, I’m sure you will regret. (骄傲的离开)


6人英语小品短话剧剧本 A(衣衫褴褛) B(衣着光鲜) C小花 D小草 E椅子 F新闻记者 B坐在E上吃东西,A一乞丐上前 A:先生,先生,请给我些面包,谢谢,我饿得不行了。 B:(厌恶)让开,让开。(然后便起身离开,这时他的钱包掉到E上头了) A:先生,先生(A看见后,立即拾起,追上了走远的B) B:让开,让开啊,我没吃的了,也没钱了(看也不看A,仍自顾自地走了) C:他真愚蠢啊 D:是啊是啊(D点头附和) A:可……先生……您听我说……(仍拉着B衣服的后摆) B:挖,你这人怎么这么讨厌!(还是没有回头看A一眼) C:椅子啊,你会不会觉得刚刚坐在你身上的人特愚蠢? E:唉,人总是这么愚蠢啊~~~~ D:是啊是啊 与此同时A与B还在纠缠,这时E终于隐忍不住爆发了。 E:先生!你的钱包丢了!你怎么这么傻啊。 A与B同时回头,看见了那会说话的椅子E,吓昏过去了。这一幕恰巧被经过的F看见了。于是F就报道了这一事件。 F:大家好,我是新闻记者F,今天我看见了一个奇异的现象,一个椅子说话了,两个人被吓昏了,下面我将采访一下被吓昏的两个人。 B:哦,上帝,哦,妈妈。 F:这个人傻了,我们不鸟他了,下面我采访一下另一个人吧,请问你为什么不告诉他,他的钱包丢了? A:对不起,我不知道“钱包”这个单词怎么讲……

F:通过这一事件,我们可以认识到,掌握一门外语的重要性,以及金钱给人类带来的影响。是吗,椅子? E:是啊,是啊(E傻傻地拼命点头) C:唉,人可真愚蠢,椅子也被他们弄傻了。 D:谁让这是一个童话呢…… 为了配合马可的英文翻译,所以台词能简单就简单啦。下面是马可的英文翻译。 A:sir,sir,please give me a piece of bread.thank you,sir.I'm hungry to die. B:get away,get away,dirty man. A:sir,sir!! B:run away,please run away.I have no food,and I don't have money,eith er. C:hey,xiao D,he is so foolish,isn't he? D:yes,yes. A:but....sir....please listen to me..... B:wa,why are you so disgusting!! C:hey,chair,do you feel the man sat on you a moment ago is very stupi d. E:ai,pretty flower,do you know,men are always very silly. D:yes,yes!! E:sir!you lost your wallet!can't you be more clever? F:good morning,everybody.I'm a jonrnist F. Today I saw a very weird t hing--a chair open her mouth,and two men are frightened to faint.now, I will intenview the two nozzy man.

英语搞笑短剧剧本 5。

英语搞笑短剧剧本5—6人 三打白骨精 Three Times’ Beating Monster 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空E:猪八戒J:沙僧 B:白骨精B1:B变成的村姑B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头N:哪吒 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,master (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, nof to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you! E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map? E: (递)Here.Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will………. S: You will what(凶相)? E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm!


搞笑英文话剧剧本 Three Times’Beating Monster 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空E:猪八戒J:沙僧 B:白骨精B1:B变成的村姑B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头N:哪吒 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,master (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, nof to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you! E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩 手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map E: (递)……we have arrived in White Tiger Mou ntain! Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach do esn’t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will , I will………. S: You will what(凶相) E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm!


甲:Hello,every one, have you ever seen the movie? Yeah, you are right, I'm the director-- Cameron Diaz, applaud , thank you....Recently, I will direct a new movie called < Avatar 2 >, today, there will be a audition and I will select three actresses who can get the chance to perform in this film with famous actress---Anne Hathaway,OK, let's begin. At first , talent show, number one, let's welcome. 乙:(风情万种,妖娆妩媚地走进来,给观众一个飞 吻):oh,honey,dear,sweet,darling director, the most beautiful charming, sexy girl is coming , every body knows me, right? Yeah, I'm Nicole Kidman, open your eyes as big as you can and hold your breath, there will be a unique, fantastic dance show for you, I believe that all of you will be crazy about it ,(打个响指) come some music.(搞笑舞,自由发挥). (跳完,鞠躬,向观 众谢幕), thank you,(面向导演), honey, is it a wonderful performance? 甲:(作目瞪口呆状), 乙:(在甲眼前晃手),oh, darling, are you Ok? 甲:eh...my god, have you use some stimulant drugs this morning, you make my nerves nervous. Get out , next one.
