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足球中文术语翻译后卫: Back

前卫: Midfielder

前锋: Forward

中锋: Striker

自由人: libero

中后卫: Center Back

全能选手: utility player

守门员: Goalkeeper, Goalie

左(右)后卫: Left (Right) Back

清道夫, 拖后中卫: Sweeper

左(右)前卫: Left (Right) Midfielder

攻击型前卫, 前腰: Attacking Midfielder

防守型前卫, 后腰: Defending Midfielder 足球: football, soccer

足球场: field, pitch

中场: midfield

中圈: kickoff circle,center circle

中线: halfway line

边线: touchline

底线: goal line

(点球)发球点: penalty mark

禁区: penalty area

小禁区: goal area

开球: Kick-off

倒钩球: bicycle kick, overhead kick

半高球: chest-high ball

角球: corner ball, corner

球门球: goal kick

地面球: ground ball, grounder

手触球: hand ball

头球: header

点球: penalty kick

罚点球: spot kick

罚任意球: free kick

胸部停球: chesting

连续传球: consecutive passes

鱼跃顶球: diving header

盘球,带球: dribbling

(守门员)接高球: clean catching

边线传球: flank pass

高吊传球: high lobbing pass

凌空传球: volley pass

铲球: tackle

地滚球: rolling pass, ground pass

射门: shoot

贴地射门: grazing shot

近射: close-range shot

远射: long drive

未射中: mishit

越位: offside

传球: pass the ball

接球: take a pass

球传到位: spot pass

拦截球: intercept

掷界外球: throw-in

红牌: red card

黄牌 : yellow card

正面抢截: block tackle

阻挡: body check

球门前混战: bullt

合理冲撞: fair charge

盯人防守: close-marking defence

短传: close pass, short pass

假动作: deceptive movement

跃起争顶: flying headar

解围: clearance kick

摆脱防守: break loose

搅乱防守: disorganize the defence

筑人墙: set a wall

-全攻全守足球战术: total football

拉开的足球战术 : open football

越位战术: off-side trap

边锋战术: wing play

积极的抢射战术: shoot-on-sight tactics 拖延战术: time wasting tactics

433阵型: 4-3-3 formation

442阵型: 4-4-2 formation

进球荒: goal drought

反越位成功: beat the offside trap

判罚出场: send a player off

中场休息: half time interval

加时赛 : extra-time

伤停补时: injury time

掌握比赛节奏: set the pace

控救技术: ball playing skill


football, soccer 足球

field, pitch 足球场

midfied 中场

kick-off circle 中圈

half-way line 中线

football, eleven 足球队

football player 足球运动员

goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员

back 后卫

left 左后卫

right back 右后卫

centre half back 中卫

half back 前卫

left half back 左前卫

right half back 右前卫

forward 前锋

centre forward, centre 中锋

inside left forward, inside left 左内锋inside right forward, inside right 右内锋outside left forward, outside left 左边锋outside right forward, outside right 右边锋kick-off 开球

bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球

chest-high ball 平胸球

corner ball, corner 角球

goal kick 球门球

ground ball, grounder 地面球

hand ball 手触球

header 头球

penalty kick 点球

spot kick 罚点球

free kick 罚任意球

throw-in 掷界外球

ball handling 控制球

block tackle 正面抢截

body check 身体阻挡

bullt 球门前混战

fair charge 合理冲撞

chesting 胸部挡球

close-marking defence 钉人防守

close pass, short pass 短传

consecutive passes 连续传球

deceptive movement 假动作

diving header 鱼跃顶球

flying headar 跳起顶球

dribbling 盘球

finger-tip save (守门员)托救球

clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好

flank pass 边线传球

high lobbing pass 高吊传球

scissor pass 交叉传球

volley pass 凌空传球

triangular pass 三角传球

rolling pass, ground pass 滚地传球

slide tackle 铲球

clearance kick 解除危险的球

to shoot 射门

grazing shot 贴地射门

close-range shot 近射

long drive 远射

mishit 未射中

offside 越位

to pass the ball 传球

to take a pass 接球

spot pass 球传到位

to trap 脚底停球

to intercept 截球

to break through, to beat 带球过人

to break loose 摆脱

to control the midfield 控制中场

to disorganize the defence 破坏防守

to fall back 退回

to set a wall 筑人墙

to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势

to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势

ball playing skill 控球技术

total football 全攻全守足球战术

open football 拉开的足球战术

off-side trap 越位战术

wing play 边锋战术

shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术time wasting tactics 拖延战术

Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式four backs system 四后卫制

four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式

four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式red card 红牌(表示判罚出场)yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)


boot 球鞋

jersey 球衣

shorts 短裤

stockings 球袜

pad 护具


center/cross 中场

penalty area 禁区

side line/ touch line 边线

goal line/ post line 底线

flank/ wing 辅位

woodwork 球门框

crossbar/ bar 门楣

goalpost/ post - 门柱


player 球员

striker/ forward 前锋

center/ midfielder 中场

winger 边锋

wing-back 边卫

defender 后卫

sweeper 清道夫

goalkeeper/ goalie 守门员

scorer 入球者

keyman 球队重心球员

referee 裁判

assistant referee 助理裁判substitute/ reserve 替补

journalist 记者

ball picker 拾球童

crowd/ fans 球迷

linesman 司线员


offending 攻击型

central breakthrough 中央突破

defending 防守型

counter attack 反攻

side attack 边线侧击

overlap 叠瓦式助攻

wall pass/ one-two 撞墙式传球


chip 削球

dribble 运球

fake action 假动作

heading 头球

volley 抽射

dead chick 补射

half-volley 凌空抽射

clear 大脚解围

nutmeg 把球穿过对方两脚之间

shielding 用身体保护球

obstruction 站在对方带球方向以图抢断marking 盯人

save 扑救

shootout 射门

tackle/ hard tackle 拦截/硬朗拦截sliding tackle 铲球

back heel pass 脚后跟传球

man wall 排人墙

trap 控球

pass 传球


hands 手球

penalty 点球

offside 越位

onside 没有越位

professional/ technical foul 技术犯规yellow card/ caution/ booking 黄牌警告red card 红牌

sent off 驱逐离场



Agent 经纪人。

Air ball:投出的球什么都没碰到,三不沾。

All-Defensive Team :最佳防守阵容。


All-NBA Team:NBA最佳阵容。

All-Rookie Team:最佳新秀阵容。

All -Star:全明星。

APG:平均每场助攻。assists per game

Arena:比赛场;竞技场。比如Seattle的主场名叫Key Arena。




Atlantic Division:大西洋赛区。




Backcourt:后场。一支球队本方的半场为后场,即这支球队所要防守的那半场。Backdoor paly:篮球基本战术之一。当一个队员在罚球弧周围接到球时,另一个动员立刻从弱侧切入篮下,接队友的传球投篮得分。

Back pass:背后传球。




Block shot:盖帽(缩写:Blk.)。

Blocking Foul:阻挡犯规。


Bounce pass:击地传球。

Box out:抢篮板球挡人,即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动作。

Box score:技术统计。

Bounce pass:地板反弹传球。



Bury a shot:投篮命中。

Buzzer beater:比赛结束前的最后一投。buzzer是比赛用的蜂鸣器。



Carry the ball:翻腕违例。


Cental Division: 中部赛区。


Chief Official:主裁判。

Close calls:比分接近的比赛。

Clutch shot:至胜入球。

Clutch time:生死时刻,投入一球可决定胜负的决定性时刻。


比如Head coach是主教练,Assistant coach是助理教练。Coast-to-coast:从球场的一端到另一端(n)。例如:coast-to-coast pass。

Collactive Bargaining Agreement:劳资协定。

Conference:联盟。NBA分东、西两个联盟(Eastern Conference和Western Conference),每个联盟都有自己的logo。

Commissioner:总裁。NBA的现任总裁是David Stern。


home court主场。

Crossover:交叉运球过人。是Tim Hardaway的商标动作。

Crunch time:关键时间(通常指最后两分钟)。





Dead ball:死球。Defense:防守。当客队进攻时,我们经常能听到主场的球迷在体育馆音效师的带领下高喊"Defense! Defense!"。

Deny the ball:绕前防守。





Double dribble:两次运球。

Double foul:双方犯规。

Down the strech:关键时刻。


Draft: 选秀,即NBA每年一度的纳新大会。

Draft pick:获选新秀。



Driving layup:突破上篮。



Eastern Conference:东部联盟。




Fadeaway shot:后仰投篮。

也作fadeaway jumper。


Fall in:投进。

Fast break:快攻;快速突破。

FG%:相当于field goal percentage,投篮命中率。3PG%:三分球命中率。Finals:总决赛。


Field goal:投篮(总称),包括两分球的投篮也包括三分球的投篮(缩写:FG.)。Finger roll:低手上篮时手指拨球的动作。

Flagrant foul:没有必要或动作过大的犯规,恶意犯规。

Foul:犯规。个人犯规是personal foul;全队的累计犯规叫team foul。Foul trouble:一个队员由于受到犯规次数的约束而带来的麻烦,比如说这个队员的犯规次数已接近6次,再犯一次或两次规就将被罚下场。。

Free agent:自由人。合同的期满的运动员和新人都是自由人,自由人的去留不受球队约束。

Free throw:罚球(缩写:FT.)。


General manager:总经理。

Give-and-go:基本战术配合之一,进攻队员将球传给另队友--give,然后向篮下切入,再接队友的回传球上篮(或扣篮)得分--go 。Goaltending:干扰入球。GS:games starting,先发出场次数。



Hall of Frame:篮球名人堂。Hall of Framer:名人堂成员。




Hang time:滞空时间,即运动员投篮时在空中停留的时间。

Held ball:争球。

High post:高位,罚球弧的周围。

Home game:主场。

Hook shot:钩手投篮,有时也直接用"hook"表示。



Illegal defense:非法防守联防防守即为非法防守(现在已经允许联防了)。Isolation:孤立打法(即4名防守球员拉到一边,让剩下的进攻队员在强侧一打一。)

Injury list:伤员名单。如果某个队员受伤不能参加比赛,根据NBA的规定必须要将其列入伤员名单(伤员名单是公开的),以示对球迷的负责,进入此名单者至少五场不能出战。



one-handed jam单手扣篮;

two-handed jam双手扣篮。著名歌星Michael Jackson和Michael Jordan合作拍过一部MTV,名字就叫"Jam"。


Jump ball:跳球;争球。

Jump shot:跳投。也作jumper。


Kicking ball:脚踢球。


Lane:罚球区,也作free throw lane。篮球刚发明的时侯罚球区是细长的,其宽度比罚球弧的直径还要短,形状就象把钥匙,所以也称之为the key。Layup:单手上篮。


Cruciate ligament,十字韧带,膝关节中的韧带,是运动员最容易受伤的部位,分anterior cruciate ligament和posterior cruciate ligament。

Live ball:活球。

Locker room:更衣室。



Loose ball foul:争抢球犯规。

Losing streak:连败纪录。

Low post:低位,三秒区内,篮筐两侧,靠近底线的那部分,俗称内线、篮下。


Marquee player:招牌球员。


Move:移动。这个词在NBA里出现的频率特别高,比如,一个漂亮的移动我们说"Great move!";后转身的摆脱我们称之为"

Spin move"。


Most Valuable Player,最有价值的运动员。


Net:篮网。检验球是否入筐的标志,原Utah的David Benoit在扣篮时,球砸在自己的头上从篮筐中弹出,而且整个过程中球又没有触及篮网,结果进球被判无效。

No.1 pick:状元秀。

No-charge area:进攻有理区。根据去年的新规则在两个篮下各画定一以篮筐的中心为圆心,以4英尺为半径的半圆(虚线),此区域被称作进攻有理区,在进攻有理区里只有带球撞人而没有阻挡犯规(注:O'Neal修正案除外)。

No-look pass:声东击西的传球。


Offense:进攻。形容词形式是offensive(缩写:off.),可以修饰其它名词,例如offensive rebound就是前场篮板球(进攻篮板球)。


Outlet pass:抢到篮球板后的第一传,一般都是隔场的长传。




Pacific Division:太平洋赛区。


Palming:我们常说的二次运球,走步,运球违例动作,也作Carrying the ball。Pass:传球。



Personal foul:个人犯规。

Pick-and-roll:挡拆战术。篮球中的基本进攻战术之一,进攻队员给持球的队友作掩护英语叫"set a pick",然后掩护队员向篮下移动叫"roll",再接队友的传球,在无人防守的情况下投篮。

Pick and Roll是Malone和Stockton的看家本领。





Play 1-5:分别是打组织后卫、攻击后卫、小前锋、大前锋、中锋位置。Play mind games:攻心战。

Playoff:复赛;季后赛,即常规赛结束后各联盟的前八名的淘汰赛。Point guard:组织后卫,也作控球后卫。


Power forward:大前锋,我国常称之为二中锋。

PPG:points per game,平均每场得分。

Preseason games:季前赛。


full-court press,全场紧逼;

half-court press,半场紧逼。








Regular season:常规赛。


Reverse:反身的(a)。比如从底线切入后的反身扣篮是reverse dunk。Rim:篮圈。Ring:冠军戒指。

Road game:客场。


Run:连续得分。比赛中屏幕上会经常打出某支球队12-0 run in last 4 minutes,就是说这支球队在刚刚过去的4分钟内连得了12分,打了个12比0的小高潮。








Second chance points:二次进攻得分。



Shot clock:24秒计时器。


Sink a shot:投篮命中。

Sixth man:第六人,即第一个替补上场的队员。


Slam dunk:重扣,特指双手持球高高跳起的使出吃奶力气的重扣,也可以是单手的重扣,这里slam表示砰的一声,强调扣篮时发出的声音。也作Dunk。Sleeper:沉睡者(选秀中被忽视,排位靠后但表现突出的新秀)。

Small forward:小前锋。

SPG:steals per game,平均每场抢断。



Strong & conditioning :体能训练。

Strong side:强侧。有球的一侧为强侧。







Team up:球员参与的社区互助活动。

Team foul:集体犯规。


Technical foul:技术犯规。

Three-point shot:三分投篮。


Three-point play:打三分(投中2分并加罚1分)。

Three-second violation:三秒违例。


Timeout:暂停。NBA中有20秒的短暂停(20-second timeout)和100秒的长暂停(regular timeout)。






Trash talk:场上说脏话。





Turnover:失误,(缩写:To.)。 NBA中专门有一项数据统计叫assist/turnover,是用这个队员助攻数比上他的失误数,这项统计能准确的反映一个组织后卫是否称职。



V: Veteran:老运动员,通常指球龄满一年的球员。NBA非常重视veteran,各球队都把自己的veteran视作一笔财富,veteran这个词在NBA出现的几率是非常高的。



War room:作战室(球队的会议室)。

Weak side:弱侧。无球的一侧为弱侧。

Western Conference:西部联盟。

Wide open:开阔(n),无人防守。大多数情况下战术配合的目的就是给队友制造wide open,以便从容出手。


Winning streak:连胜纪录。

Z: Zone:联防;区域防守。也作Zone defense。

NBA 2005 各种术语解释(全)

slam) dunk:(强力)灌篮

bank shot:擦板球

double pump:拉杆式投篮(verb)

fade-away shot:后仰式跳投

hook shot:钩射投篮

jump shot:跳投


perimeter shot:中距离投篮

set shot:立定投篮

three-point shot:三分球

NBA 各种统计术语


block shot:阻攻,盖火锅儿

defensive rebound:防守篮板球

field goal percentage:投球命中率

field goal:投球命中

free throw percentage:罚球命中率

free throw:罚球

offensive rebound:进攻篮板球




three-point shot percentage:三分球命中率




back court:后场

freethrow lane:罚球圈,禁区

freethrow line:罚球线

front court:前场

game clock:比赛用时钟





painted area:罚球圈,禁区

restricted area near the basket:禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域rim:篮框,篮圈

scoring table:记录台,记分台

shot clock:时限钟(进攻方在24秒内必须投篮,并且球必须触及篮框,否则即违例)

three-point line:三分(球)线

top of the circle:靠近禁区顶端之三分(球)线附近



blocking foul:阻挡犯规


charging foul:(带球)撞人(犯规)

dead ball:死球(停止比赛进行时段)

defensive basket interference:防守方干扰投篮得分

delay of game:阻碍比赛之正常进行


double dribble:两次运球(违例)


expiration (of game, first half…):(全场比赛,上半场…的比赛)时间终了

first half:上半场

first (second, third, fourth) period:比赛的第一(第二,第三,第四)节

five ticks left on the (game clock, shot clock…):(全场比赛,时限钟上…的)时间只剩下5秒钟

flagrant foul:恶性犯规


foul out:犯满离场,“毕业”

foul trouble:快要犯满离场,“领到一张准毕业证书”

full timeout:全时(100秒的)暂停



held ball:持球(双方均持球不放)

illegal defense:防守违例

illegal offense:进攻违例(见isolation)

isolation:四位进攻球员在一边,而由第五位球员单吃对方防守球员jump ball:争球,跳球

loose ball foul:双方均无持球权时的犯规(通常发生于双方争夺篮板球时)

offensive basket interference:进攻方干扰投篮得分

out of bound:球出界线(千万不要说outside)



second half:下半场

shot clock violation:违反24秒内必须投篮(并且球必须触及篮框)时限之规定



technical foul:技术犯规

ten-second violation:进攻方10秒钟内未带球过中场之违例

three-second violation:(篮下)3秒钟之违例

throw a punch:出拳打架


学术报告的英文开场白 篇一:英文学术报告开场白、结束语 問侯語或開場白的寒喧 開場白很重要,最常用的問候是“Ladies and gentlemen”,但要視場合而定。例如在會議討論會場合時,經由主席介紹上台時可先說,Honorable guest,Ladies and gentlemen,good morning ,It's very great pleasure indeed for me to be able to attend this meeting 主席先生,各位貴賓,各位女士,先生早安. 非常榮幸能參加這次的會議。或者你也可以說I'm hornored and proud to have the opportunity to speak at this meeting . 禮貌性的問侯語這是對主持人和來賓的一種尊重。 開始簡報—提出簡報摘要 在正式進入主題之前可先扼要說明簡報的內容與順序,幫助聽眾了解您的報告的大概內容。 例1.Today I would like to present my paper“The challenges of pharmacy practice in Taiwan”,In the first part of the report ,I'm going to begin with a few general comments concerning the Taiwan Medical care enviroment recently, and then discuss in more detail specific issue which concerned community pharmacy, and how the


in my 1 years of life, there have been many things. university days are the best part of them. i can never f et the days when i stepped into my university. i was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. i at once fell in love with it. after the arduous military training, i get absolutely absorbed in my studies. the classes given by the teachers are excellent. they provide us with information not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. they easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as i can. frankly speaking, at first i had some difficulty following the teachers. however, through my own efforts and thanks to my teachers' guidance, i made remarkable progress. now i've benefited a lot from lectures and many other academic reports. learning is a long process; i'll keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself. this summer i got out of the ivory tower and entered the real world. a publishing house offered me a part-time jo b in pilation and revision. at the beginning i was belittled by my colleagues. but they were really surprised when i translated seven english articles over 5, words on only one day. gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes. in their opinion i turned out to be a useful and trustworthy colleague. i also realize that only those who bring happiness for others can be truly happy. so i often take part in activities concerning public welfare. i once went to a barren mountain village with my classmates. we taught the kids there who could not afford school. while showing them how broad and how civilized the outer world is, i was deeply touched by their eagerness to learn, their honesty and their purity. i couldn't control my tears on the day when we left. the precious experience with the poor kids made me aware of the responsibility on the shoulders of us, future teachers. besides study and social practice, there are entertainments as well. i do body building every day, hoping to keep healthy and energetic. we also write a play and put it on in our spare time. campus life is the most splendid time. but different people have different choices. the majority of students cherish their beautiful season and cherish the hope that one day they'll be e outstanding. but there are indeed some students still under ignorance. they gather together for eating, drinking or playing cards. they're busy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. they f et pletely about their mission as college students and the hope of their motherland. finally, i do hope everybody can try their best to be e a worthy citizen of the country. i do hope everybody can be e the backbone of our nation and make great


英文学术报告怎么写?Write an Academic Report 学术报告(academic report or paper)的写作包括阅读,思考,针对一个学术课题进行案例分析及写作,总体来说就是为了让你的读者以新的眼光来看待该课题。大学的学术报告与你之前所做过的其他类型的报告(如高中时期为完成老师布置的作业而写的报告)的不同之处在于,它既陈述了研究事实,又提出了你自己的推论。 写作过程指导: 1. 研究及总结(Research and Summarize) 研究所选的课题,找出针对课题的“who(谁),what(什么),when(何时),why(为什么)及how(如何)”的答案。总结收集到的信息,清楚自己所掌握的,评估自己所不知道的,以便专注于进一步的研究方向。列出一个参考书目来引用并避免抄袭。 阅读原始文献及补充信息并考虑关于课题的历史或流行观点。思考每篇文章的要点同时注意它们的共性。缩小你的课题范围这样你就可以准备写一篇充满智慧的报告了。 2.定义结构(Define the Structure) 定义报告的结构并将你的论点串联成一个连贯的推理。依据报告的主题制定一个大纲。以这种方式组织你的观点可以帮助你看到各个观点之间的关系。 大纲中的所标题结构要统一。例如如果你的第一个标题以一个行为动词(action verb)开头,那么所有其他标题都应该以行为动词开头。副标题(Sub-heading)应该包含支撑大标题的细节。重组你的大纲直到它能清晰的反映一个思想逻辑流程。 3. 写正文(Write your paper)

学术报告通常包含五个部分:标题页,引言(包含论文主题),背景信息,关于论点及结论的细节,陈述支持或反对某个特点观点的争论。 用辅助段落来讲述一个故事,提供一个观察的视角,描述一个过程,定义意义,对思想进行分类,比较和对比观点,类推或解释为什么这种现象会发生。提供证据,陈述假设并适当添加个人观点使论文连贯、清晰易懂。确保每段都有足够的结束语及过渡句。在学术报告中尽量减少使用个人代词如“我”。 4. 校对(Proofread) 打印并大声朗读报告来检查错误。保证报告没有语法及格式错误。 至此一篇英文学术报告就完成了,当然在做报告之前还要加强学术英语的学习,背诵一些相关专业的词汇和术语,并尽量多阅读一些英文的专业文献,做好基本功。 更多学习资料请见美联英语学习网。


大学英语演讲稿范文及翻译 下面是小编精心整理的大学英语演讲稿范文及翻译,希望能给大家带来帮助! in my 18 years of life, there have been many things. university days are the best part of them. i can never forget the days when i stepped into my university. i was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. i at once fell in love with it. after the arduous military training, i get absolutely absorbed in my studies. the classes given by the teachers are excellent. they provide us with information not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. they easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as i can. frankly speaking, at first i had some difficulty following the teachers. however, through my own efforts and thanks to my teachers' guidance, i made remarkable progress. now i've benefited a lot from lectures and many other academic reports. learning is a long process; i'll keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself. this summer i got out of the ivory tower and entered the real world. a publishing house offered me a part-time job in compilation and revision. at the beginning i was belittled by my colleagues. but they were really surprised when i translated seven english articles over 5,000 words on only one day. gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes. in their opinion i turned out to be a useful and trustworthy colleague. i also realize that only those who bring happiness for others can be truly happy. so i often take part in activities concerning public welfare. i once went to a barren mountain village with my classmates. we taught the kids there


The Spanish call their country Espa?a. The name comes from the ancient word Span, which means hidden or remote land. It’s a fitting name, since Spain stands somewhat apart from the rest of Europe. Facts About Spain Official name Kingdom of Spain Capital Madrid Official language Castilian Spanish Population 40,500,000 people Rank among countries in population 30th Major cities Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville Area 195,000 square miles 506,000 square kilometers Rank among countries in area 50th Highest point Pico de Teide 12,188 feet/3,715 meters Currency Euro THE IBERIAN PENINSULA Spain is on a peninsula, a piece of land that juts into water. It’s called the Iberian Peninsula, and it lies between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Spain covers most of the peninsula, apart from a small area occupied by the country of Portugal to the west. The steep Pyrenees Mountains cross the neck of the peninsula. For centuries, the Pyrenees isolated Spain from its European neighbors to the north. In the south, Spain almost touches northern Africa. Only a narrow strip of water called the Strait of Gibraltar separates Spain from the African continent. For this reason, African influences are an important part of Spain’s history. SPANISH ISLANDS Spain has numerous islands, too. They include the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa. A HIGH, ROCKY PLATEAU

演讲稿 英语演讲稿:青春梦想范文3篇

英语演讲稿:青春梦想范文3篇 青春是梦想泛滥的时代,因为我们想的多,而却做的太少了,以下是整理了英语演讲稿:青春梦想范文3篇,供你参考。 青春梦想英语演讲稿范文一 in addition to other life choices, and many give up. but a lot of life to give up in order to better choices. you this time, the face of the university are beckoning to you, you can choose not to give up. can also say: you give up a lot life is not long, but many times choose, you have many choices come through today. wait more than 60 days, you in turn to make a choice, but the choice is your life is very important, very crucial choice. the choice to a large extent directly related to your future direction in life, whether related to the future glory of life, and even the success of the big problems of life. the last choice, because your young, largely by your parents or relatives to help you to make choices. then the choice of their ability to help so you can create conditions to help you (for example, taking your difference, they can give you the money you read choosing health). entrance options, but this largely depends on yourself decide the. because: first, the difficulty of the selection bigger, some parents and relatives also lack guidance capability; second is the choice of policy, a


英语演讲稿:Enjoy Yourself While Fulfilling Responsibi enjoy yourself while fulfilling responsibility 享受生活、不忘使命 in my 18 years of life, there have been many things. university days are the best part of them. i can never forget the days when i stepped into my university. i was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. i at once fell in love with it. 在我这18年的生命中,有着许多美好的经历,而大学生活则是其中最难忘的一段。我永远不会忘记刚刚跨进大学校园的那几天:花园一样的校园,热情活跃的学生,特别是那里的学习气氛,给我留下了深刻的印象。 after the arduous military training, i get absolutely absorbed in my studies. the classes given by the teachers are excellent. they provide us with information not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. they easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as i can. 经过了一段艰辛的军事训练后,我完全融入到了学习中。


? 1. When writing proposals, we should concentrate on the reviewers’ preferences.(1分) B 正确错误 ?多选2. Which are included in the biographical sketches?(1分)ABC Key investigators in the https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ea12595113.html,cational background.Academic duties.Current status (literature reviews). ?多选3. Which are included in the progress report?(1分)ABCD Background information: A description of current status: results, methodologies,Conclusions.Achievements so far. ?多选4. Which are included in the contents of a proposal?(1分)ABCD Project descriptions.References cited.Biographical sketches .Budget. ?单选5. Which are concluded in current achievements related to the proposed project?(1分) D Related projects completed.Related publications Related duties All the above. ? 6. Which is not included in introduction?(1分) C Motivations..Basis for proposing the project Approach.Current status (literature reviews). ?单选7. What are the strategies when we write proposals?(1分) D We need to present the key ideas clearly and convincingly in first several pages.We have to be creative and try very hard to set up new problems and propose new approaches unlikely to be thought about by others.For different kinds of proposals, we should use different strategies.All the above. ?单选8. Which assumptions should not we accept when writing proposals?(1分)B The reviewers are statistically unbiased and intelligent.The reviewers know the background of the proposal very well.The reviewers are smart but very busy.There are many smart researchers out there competing on the same subject and proposing similar or better ideas ?多选9. Which disciplines are included in “Micro sensor and wireless sensor networks”?(1分)ABCD Information engineering.Mechanical engineering.Physics & chemistry.Biology. ?多选10. Why is the interdisciplinary research important?(1分)ABCD


两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ea12595113.html,/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:关于足球的英语演讲稿(中英文对照)2 Why does football get people into a frenzy? Who is your idol? It may be Napoleon, Picasso, or Michael Jackson. But who is my idol? Can you guess? It is Ronaldo. He is the No. 1 super star of football. Football is a game in which 22 people chase one ball around a large field. The aim of the game is to get the ball into the net to score. After all, it’s such an easy game, and yet people go crazy mad over it. The answer lies in two facts. One is the game itself. Sometimes it is beyond any description. Football is a game of passes and techniques, passion and love, more importantly, unity is the key---the whole team working as one, united they will never be defeated. The European’s style. of play is like a Waltz, the Brazilian like a Samba, and the passionate Argentineans play as if they are doing a T ango. Football is so unpredictable, so unbelievable. Y ou will never know who will win until the last minute. Especially when suddenly there is a goal, the fans who have been sitting on the edge of their seats, will be wild with joy and excitement; and the losers with disappointed hearts will despair over their teams. The other is of course the super stars. Each one has his own personality, just like my idol Ronaldo. When he smiles, we all smile with him. Who can forget that buck-toothed smile, or that unique hairstyle. during the 2002 World Cup. Ronaldo was born to a poor family. He has set an example to children who can’t afford a pair of shoes, but have talent and a passion for football. He gives them confidence and hope of a better future.


Introducción al idioma chino El idioma chino (hanyu, 汉语) es la lengua más hablada del mundo, con sus más de novecientos millones de hablantes (una quinta parte de la población mundial) como lengua materna(múyǔ母语). Es hablada en China, Singapur, Malasia. La familia de lenguas chinas está formado por varios dialectos, clasificados tradicionalmente en 7 grupos: dialectos del norte (beifang fangyan, 北方方言), dialectos de Wu (Wu fangyan, 吴方言), dialectos de Xiang (Xiang fangyan, 湘方言), dialectos de Gan (Gan fangyan, 赣方言), dialectos kejia o hakka (kejia fangjian, 客家方言), dialectos de Min (Min fangyan, 闽方言) y dialectos de Yue (Yue fangyan, 粤方言). la lengua oficial todo el país. es chino mandarín, También se le llama putonghua (普通话, 'habla común'), y es la lengua que nosotros conocemos como idioma chino, se usa como lingua franca en toda China.. También hay 55 minorías nacionales con su propia lengua, como los tibetanos o los uigures de Xinjiang. El baso de chino mandarín es dialectos de Beijing/ Pekín (beijinghua, 北京话). es uno de los dialectos del norte (el que se habla en Beijing, la capital), Todas sus palabras son monosilábicas. Es tonodistintiva. Es pictográfico, jeroglífico. Idiomas: CHINO汉语(hàn yǔ)=中国话(zhōng guó huà)=中文(zhōng wén) 汉语:lengua oficial= el chino mandarín 汉语普通话(hàn yǔ pǔ tōng huà) Dialectos chinos 汉字:chino escrito Fonética PINYIN (拼音) Pinyin es el sistema de transcripción fon?tica del chino mandarín mediante el alfabeto latino. El pinyin permite a los extranjeros aprender a pronunciar correctamente los sonidos de la lengua china. Esta transcripción se ense?a también en los colegios con el mismo propósito: pronunciar correctamente el idioma nacional. La sílaba china se divide en dos partes: sonidos iniciales y sonidos finales.Los sonidos iniciales (shengmu, 声母) son 21 ataques (consonantes que inician sílabas): Los sonidos finales (yunmu, 韵母) son


关于足球的英语作文范文带翻译 足球让我们感受到在绿茵场上挥洒汗水的乐趣。以下是小编带来的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 我喜欢运动更喜欢足球。很多人问我为什么喜欢这个运动。我总是微笑着说因为我喜欢大家一起努力地奔跑。大家一起在球场洒下汗水一起在球场迎接团结胜利的喜悦。大家一起开心地笑是一件美好的事。我们在赛场上结识友谊结伴胜利。我们大声地笑回荡在这片绿地。友谊在这个游戏中渐渐地建立起来。我不会放弃不轻言败。这是我在足球场学到的。大家一起为比赛而准备。胜利一起笑失败了继续努力的样子是团结的美好。最特别的赛场上总会有我们特别的身影和笑声。我们互相搭肩开心地奔跑就如青春的友谊纯真一样。我不会在青春的路上停下我会奔跑。就算受伤了依然要爬起来。我不怕困难。我只怕我只有一个人在奔跑。 I like sports like football。 Many people asked me why I love this sport。 I always smile to say because I love work together to run。 Everyone in the stadium sweat together to greet the unity victory in the course of joy。 Everyone laughing is a good thing。 We meet together victory in the arena of friendship。 We laugh loudly echoed in this piece of green。 Friendship in


Good morning everyone! It is my pleasure to give a presentation here. As a student whose major is safety engineering, I’d like to introduce a safety evaluation method today, the LEC evaluation. As the PPT shows, my presentation is mainly divided into three parts. Firstly, let me introduce LEC briefly. Maybe some of you have learned about LEC in college, it is used to assess the degree of danger when people work in potentially dangerous environment. It is a half-quantitative safety evaluation method which classifies one certain system and determine if the system is safe enough. Then, what does each letter mean?D means danger, it shows how dangerous the system is. L means likelihood, it shows the possibility of the accident. E means the extent of exposure, it shows that how often do workers work in dangerous environment. C means consequence, it shows the severity of accidents. Here ,it is a chart, each part is divided into several levels. Take the likelihood as an example, it has seven levels, the points range from 0.1 to 10 as the possibility rising. And if the score of D is over 320,itmeans this system is extremely dangerous and cannot continue operating. Through LEC evaluation, we can make sure if we need to rectify and reform the workplace, so that we can take some measures for safety to avoid accidents. It is easy to use and it is feasible for the situation which is lack of specific evaluation models or data. The LEC method is widely used in various fields, such as aircraft industry, railway industry, metallurgic industry, coal-mining industry and so on. The usage of LEC doesn’t have many differences. Firstly, we should select the evaluation unit, thenidentify the main


赛马是历史最悠久的运动之一。自古至今形式变化甚多,但基本原则都是竞赛速度。却始见于古希腊和古罗马。罗马帝国全盛时代有驾车赛马、骑马竞赛以及所谓罗马式赛马(骑手跨立两马背上) Horse racing is one of the oldest forms of sports. Since ancient times, many changeshas happened, but the basic principle is the speed competition. It was found in ancient Greece and Rome. Inthe heyday of Rome Empire, there washarness racing, horse racing andRome style horse racing(The rider straddle on the two horse). 赛马起源于古罗马和古希腊,这也许与但是战争频繁有关 Horse racing originated in ancient Rome , which may be related to the frequent wars. The war trains a number of excellent riders. 据考证,公元前7世纪古希腊所举行的古代奥林匹克运动会上,双驾马车竞赛已经出现According to research, the ancient Olympic Games in seventh Century BC in ancient Greece was held,the double carriage race hadappeared.Horse racing became popular gradually. 现代赛马源于近代英国,由英国传播到世界各地 Modern horse racing originated in early modern England , spread all over the world from Britain. 十六世纪,当拥有土地和军队的封建阶层形成时,作为战争、交通和农耕需求,马不断地潜移默化进行着改良和繁衍。但有了这些历史经历后马被视作为一种高贵的物种。骑马成为地位尊贵的象征,尤其受到皇室的喜爱。 In the sixteenth Century,with the formation of feudal classes with land and armies ,asthe demand of war, trafficand farming, horse constantly imperceptible to the improvement and reproduction. In these historical experiences,horsewas regarded as a noble species.Horseriding became a symbol of status,especially loved by royalty. 橄榄球,球类运动的一种,盛行于英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、日本等国家。1823年起源于英国拉格比,原名拉格比足球,简称拉格比 Rugby, we usually call it football,a kind of ball game, popular in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. It originated in Rugby, England in 1823.formerly known as Rugby football, referred to as Rugby 因其球形似橄榄,在中国称为橄榄球 Because of its spherical shape, look like olive,so it is called 橄榄球in China 拉格比是英国中部的一座城市,那里有一所拉格比学校,它是橄榄球运动的诞生地 Rugby is a city in the middle of England, where there is a Rugby school, which is the birthplace of rugby. There was a story about the beginning of football.
