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Unit 3 Section B Too much of a good thing ---- A real addiction 单词

Unit 3 Section B Too much of a good thing ---- A real addiction 单词
Unit 3 Section B Too much of a good thing ---- A real addiction 单词

New words


n. [C]

1 sb. who is very interested in sth. and spends a lot of time doing it 对…着迷的人

Angela is a real TV addict. She spends all her spare time watching all kinds of TV dramas. 安吉拉是个真正的电视迷。她把所有的闲暇时间都花在看各类电视剧上了。

2 sb. who is unable to stop taking drugs 吸毒上瘾的人

Most heroin addicts are young; most are men, and almost all live in large cities. 多数有海洛因瘾的人是年轻人,其中大多数是男性,而且几乎都生活在大城市里。


n. [C,U]

1 a strong desire to do or have sth. regularly 入迷;嗜好

I discovered an addiction to housework which I had never felt before. 我发现自己迷上了做家务,之前我从没有这种爱好。

2 the need to take a harmful drug regularly, without being able to stop (毒)瘾

He is seeking doctor’s help for his problem of drug addiction. 他正在寻求医生的帮助来解决他的毒瘾问题。

Kevin borrowed money to feed his addiction to gambling. 凯文靠借钱来满足他的赌瘾。



1 good or useful 好的;积极的

A positive attitude is indispensable for success. 要取得成功,保持积极的态度是必不可少的

Working abroad should be a unique and positive experience for me. 在海外工作对我来说应该会是一段特别而又有益的经历。

2 (never before noun) completely certain 肯定的;确定的

We’ll earn a lot of money from this deal; I’ m positive of that. 我们会从这笔交易中赚一大笔钱,对此我有把握。



make it possible for sb. to do sth., or for sth. to happen 使可能;使发生

Ten years of working and saving money enabled him to afford an apartment of moderate size. 通过十年的工作和省吃俭用,他能买得起一套中等大小的公寓了。



(the ~) all organizations, such as television, radio, and newspapers, that provide news and information for the public, or the people who do this work 新闻媒体;传媒;大众传播媒介(总称)

The general manager was reluctant to explain the new policy to the media. 总经理不愿向媒体解释这项新政策。


n. [C]

1 television, radio, or publishing company 电视台;电台;出版公司

A media outlet is anything that produces and distributes media, such as a television station, television network, magazine, etc. It’s a collective term. 媒体渠道是指任何产生及传播媒介的事物,比如电视台、电视网、杂志等。它是一个总称。

2 a way of expressing or getting rid of strong feelings (强烈感情的)发泄途径,发泄方法

Racing cars provides these young people with an outlet for their frustrations. 赛车给这些年轻人提供了发泄挫败感的途径。


a. (only before noun)

1 not traditional 非传统的;另类的

The electricity company is criticized for not developing alternative energy sources. 这家电力公司因未开发非传统能源而受到批评。

2 different from sth. else and able to be used instead of it 供替代的;供选择的

Your plan is not workable; we must come up with an alternative method. 你的计划行不通。我们必须找其他的方法。


[C] sth. that you can choose instead of sth. else 供替代的选择;供选择的东西

We’re afraid we have no alternative but to report this theft to the police. 我们恐怕别无选择,只有把这起盗窃事件报告给警察。



[C] a thing, place, activity, etc. that you get sth. from 来源;出处Many people rely on television as their chief source of information, but young people get information mainly from the Internet. 许多人把电视作为获得信息的主要来源,但是年轻人主要从互联网上获得信息。



1 (esp. spoken) almost 差不多;几乎

When will you go out and do something? You’ve been spending practically all your time on your computer. 你什么时候能出去做点儿事情呢?你几乎把所有的时间都耗在电脑上了。

2 in a way that is useful, sensible, or practical 实用地;讲究实际地;实际可行地

Our mayor is known for being practically minded. 我们的市长以务实闻名。



1 harmful or bad 负面的;有害的;不良的

One study showed drinking coffee before exercise may have a negative impact on the heart. 一项研究表明,在运动之前喝咖啡可能对心脏产生不良影响。

2 expressing disagreement or criticism 不赞成的;反对的

Although many people at the meeting held a negative attitude toward wind power, the speaker insisted that wind power was the best choice for generating power. 虽然许多与会者对风能持否定态度,但是那位发言人坚持认为风能是发电的最佳选择。

3 giving more attention or emphasis to bad possibilities than good ones 消极的

The article presents a rather negative view of professional sports. 这篇文章对职业体育运动持相当消极的看法。



[C] one part of a situation, idea, plan, etc. that has many parts 方面The most rewarding aspect of learning English is that I can communicate with more people. 学习英语带给我的最大好处是我可以和更多的人交流。

I’m interested in all aspects of an aircraft carrier. 我对航母的各个方面都感兴趣。


n. [C]

1 a sudden increase in sth. bad or unpleasant that affects many people (坏事的突然)盛行,泛滥

An epidemic of burglaries has hit the area. 该地区的入室盗窃案件已经泛滥成灾。

2 a situation in which a disease spreads very quickly and infects many people (疾病的)传播,流行

The epidemic is getting more serious, so it’s better for everyone to stay at home. 传染病越来越严重了,所以每个人最好都呆在家里。


n. [U]

failure to look after sth. or sb., or the condition of not being looked

after 疏忽

He was dismissed by his boss because of his neglect at his job. 他由于玩忽职守而被老板解雇了。


fail to do sth. that you should do 疏忽;玩忽;漏做

They never neglected their duties and devoted much of their time to taking care of the orphans. 他们从没有忘记自己的职责,而且他们花了大量的时间照料这些孤儿。



[C] (fml.) a baby or very young child 婴儿;幼儿



have an effect or influence on sb. or sth. 对…有作用或影响

Without doubt the riots in this area have greatly impacted tourism. 毫无疑问,这个地区的暴乱极大地影响了旅游业。


[C] an effect or influence 作用;影响

The study investigated the impact of soft music on cows to find out if the cows would produce better milk. 这项研究调查了轻柔的音乐对奶牛的影响,目的是为了发现奶牛是否能因此而产出更好的牛奶。



1 affected by or included in an activity, event, or situation 受影响的;牵涉在内的;卷入…的

I don’t want to get involved in this argument about who is to blame. 我不想卷入这场该由谁承担责任的争论中。

2 sb. who is involved in sth. takes part in it 参与的

In all, 200 companies are involved in producing the parts that are needed for these aircraft. 一共有200家公司参与生产这些飞机所需要的零部件。


n. [C,U]

1 a strong and unpleasant feeling, esp. great worry or sadness 痛苦;煎熬;伤心

She had to go through the agony of leaving her children. 她只好忍痛离开孩子们。

2 great pain 剧痛

After the successful operation, the patient’s agony was gone. 这次成功的手术之后,病人的痛苦解除了。



[C, U] the possibility that sth. bad, unpleasant or dangerous might happen 危险(性);风险

Eating only thoroughly cooked foods will reduce your risk of illness. 只吃完全烧熟的食物会减少你患病的风险。


do sth. that makes it possible for sth. important or valuable to be destroyed, damaged, or lost 使冒毁坏(或破坏、失去贵重物品)的危险

He had risked his own health to help the sick during the epidemic outbreak. 在流行病爆发期间,他冒着自己健康受损的危险去帮助病人。



1 make sb. feel worried or upset 使担心;使忧虑

It concerned her that her son had developed an addiction to online games. 她儿子玩网络游戏成瘾了,这让她很担心。

You needn’t concern yourself with the hotel booking. The travel agency will take care of it. 你不用担心订旅馆的事,旅行社会处理的。

2 (never passive) be about a particular subject 涉及,关系到(某一主题)This report concerns the effects of the new law on ordinary people. 这份报告讲的是这项新法律对普通人的影响。


[U] a feeling of worry about sth. important 忧虑;担心;关切

There is a lot of public concern about environmental pollution and protection. 环境污染和保护引起了公众的广泛关注。

Many people expressed concern over the use of too much chemical fertilizer in agriculture. 很多人对农业生产中过多使用化肥表示担忧。



1 worried about sth. 焦急的;担忧的

Nowadays many people become concerned about issues like world peace, cultural differences, human rights, and the environment. 如今很多人都关心诸如世界和平、文化差异、人权和环境等问题。

2 (not before noun) involved in sth. or affected by it (与某事)有关的,有牵连的

As far as oral English is concerned, practice is still the best way. 就英语口语而言,练习仍然是最好的方法。



1 [U] a way of training sb. so that they learn to control their behavior and obey rules 训练;管教

He built the team with hard training and rigid discipline. 他通过艰苦


2 [U] the ability to control your own behavior, so that you do what you are expected to do 自制力

Working from home requires a good deal of discipline. 在家工作需要具备很强的自制力。

3 [C] an area of knowledge or teaching, esp. one such as history, chemistry, mathematics, etc. that is studied at a university (尤指大学的)专业,科目

She has not yet decided which discipline to pursue at college, but she might study history. 她还没有决定上大学读什么专业,但是她有可能读历史。


n. [U]

1 the quality of being organized 条理性

These kids require a lot of structure and stability, for they never received good discipline. 这些孩子需要多多培养条理性和稳定性,因为他们从未接受过良好的管教。

2 the way in which the parts of sth. are organized or arranged into a whole 结构;构造;条理

The company needs to reorganize its management structure, for many people have complained about its disorganization. 这家公司需要重组其管理结构,因为很多人都抱怨其结构混乱。



1 if a price, rate, etc. plunges, it suddenly decreases by a large number (价格、比率等)暴跌,骤降

As winter comes, temperatures plunge and it turns black at 5 p.m. 随着冬天的来临,气温骤降,下午5点时天就黑了。

Shares have plunged from £17 to £7. 股票已从17英镑骤跌至7英镑。

2 fall quickly from a high position 迅速落下;跌落

His car plunged off the mountain road in heavy rain. 暴雨中,他的车冲出山间公路,坠落了下去。



become less or worse 减少;变糟;衰退

When the population pressure on housing declines, prices also decline and the construction industry is weakened. 当人口的住房压力降低时,房价也会下降,建筑业就会遭到削弱。

In this region people’s living standards are declining. 这个地区的人民生活水平在下降。


say politely that you will not accept sth. or do sth. 谢绝;(礼貌地)拒绝

I am afraid I have to decline your invitation because I have been very busy these days. 我恐怕得谢绝你的邀请,因为这些日子我太忙了。


[C, U] a reduction in the amount or quality of sth. (数量的)减少;(质量的)下降

The decline in moral standards has at last captured the attention of average people. 道德水准的下降终于引起了普通大众的注意。

The industry has now fallen into a decline. 这个行业现在已经不景气了。



(fml.) stop doing sth. or stop happening 停止;终止;结束

The factory has now ceased production, but it will begin producing a new type of air conditioner next year. 这家工厂现已停产,但是明年将会开始生产一种新型的空调。



not real, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mind 想象的;虚构的

In the novel the writer creates an imaginary world that is completely different from ours. 作者在小说中创造出一个与我们的世界完全不同的虚构的世界。



(~ sth. to sb./sth.) believe or say that a situation or event is caused by sb.or sth. 把…归因于

Some parents like to attribute their children’ s success to their natural talent. 有些父母喜欢把孩子的成功归因于他们的天赋。



[C, U] sb.’s character, esp. the way they behave toward other people 个性;性格

The way in which people react to stress may reveal their personality. 人们对于压力的反应方式能反映他们的性格。


n. [C,U]

1 the activity of talking to other people, working together with them, etc. 交流

If there had been more interaction between you and your parents, your problems would have been solved. 要是你和父母的交流能够更多些,你们的问题早就已经解决了。

2 a process by which two or more things affect each other 相互作用;相互影响

Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply. 价格是通过供需消长而定的。



[C] a web page containing information or opinions from a particular person or about a particular subject, to which new information is added regularly 网络日志;博客


n. [U]

1 a situation in which sth. such as a chemical is spread into the area or atmosphere around it (化学物等的)释放

With nuclear power, there is always the fear that there will be a release of harmful radiation. 有了原子能,人们总担心会有害辐射的泄漏。

2 the act of letting sb. leave a place such as a prison or hospital 释放;放出

John has obtained early release from prison. 约翰获准提前出狱。


1 let a substance flow out 释放,排放(物质)

An explosion can rapidly release a large amount of energy. 爆炸能够迅速释放出巨大的能量。

2 let sb. leave a place where they have been kept 释放;放出

She is expected to be released from hospital today. 她有望今天出院。The police arrested about 100 workers who were on strike, but most of them were released the next day. 警察逮捕了大约100名罢工工人,但是第二天其中大部分人都被释放了。



[C, usu. pl.] a chemical produced by your body that reduces pain and can make you feel happier 内啡肽(一种体内生成的化学物质,能止痛并让人更高兴)



1 extremely important and necessary 极其重要的;必不可少的

Calcium is essential for the development of healthy teeth and bones. 钙对于牙齿和骨骼的健康发育至关重要。

2 the essential part, quality, or feature of sth. is the most basic one 最基本的;本质的

The essential difference between us is that I take life seriously; however, you don’t. 我们之间本质的区别在于我认真对待生活,而你却不。



make sth. continue to exist or happen for a period of time 保持;维持;使持续

She managed to sustain ev eryone’s interest until the end of her speech. 她设法使每个人都保持兴趣,直到她演讲结束。



(only before noun) continuing for a long time 持续的;持久的

We must make sustained efforts to get this task finished this week. 我们必须不懈努力,在本周内完成这项任务。

sustained economic development 持续的经济增长



cause an emotion or attitude 引起;激起;唤起

Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm. 学生组织的职位竞选激起了很多人的热情。

His revolutionary work in linguistics has aroused intense scholarly interest. 他在语言学上创新性的工作激起了学者们的强烈兴趣。



[U] advice, criticism, etc. about how successful or useful sth. is 反馈意见

We are waiting for feedback from the students’ parents on the new regulation. 我们在等待学生家长对这项新规定的反馈意见。



1 if people interact with each other, they talk to each other, work together,etc. 交流;交往;互相来往

In large classes, children feel that they cannot interact with the teacher properly. 在人多的班里,孩子们感到不能很好地与教师互动。

2 if one thing interacts with another, or they interact, they affect each other 相互作用;相互影响

Researchers want to know how these gases interact. 研究人员想了解这些气体是如何相互作用的。



risk money or sth. valuable in the hope of winning more if you are lucky or if you guess sth. correctly 打赌;赌博

He likes gambling on the horses, but his wife forbids him to gamble. 他



[sing.] an action or plan that involves risks but will bring important benefits if it is successful 赌博;投机;冒险

It was a big gamble for him to quit the well-paid job and go back to school for further study. 他放弃高薪工作、回到学校继续深造是冒了很大风险的。



[C] 赌徒

I can’t b elieve Simon has become a terrible gambler. 我真不敢相信西蒙变成了一个可怕的赌徒。



[C] a stick or handle on a machine or piece of equipment that you move to operate it 控制杆;操纵杆



1 based on reasons rather than emotions 基于理性的;合理的

The board of directors has made rational decisions that balance the needs of all sides. 董事会已经作出了合理的决定,这些决定权衡了各方的需求。

2 thinking about what you do in a calm way, and making sensible and intelligent decisions 有理性的;理智的

Any rational person knows that it is not good to get addicted to the Internet. 任何有理性的人都知道沉溺于网络不好。



1 have a bad effect on sth. so that it is no longer attractive, enjoyable, useful, etc. 毁掉;糟蹋;破坏

Don’t eat chocolate now; it will spoil your appetite for dinner. 现在不要吃巧克力,不然你就没有胃口吃晚餐了。

2 give a child everything they want, or let them do whatever they want, often with the result that they behave badly 宠坏;惯坏;溺爱

Some parents spoil their children so much that they never ask them to help with the housework. 有些家长太溺爱孩子了,从不要求他们做任何家务。



neither very great or very small in amount, size, strength or degree 中等的;适中的;适度的

You can improve your health through moderate, everyday physical activity. 你可以通过每天适度的健身活动来增进健康。



[U] (fml.) control of your behavior, so that you keep your actions, feelings, habits, etc. within reasonable limits 节制;克制

Researchers recommend moderation in diet and a healthy lifestyle as the key to health. 研究人员建议,有节制的饮食和健康的生活方式是健康的秘诀。



(only before noun) many, or involving many people, things, events, etc. 包括/涉及多个人/物/事件等的;多的;多种的

Multiple means should be taken to establish agricultural production bases. 应当采取多种方式建立农业生产基地。



(usu. passive) plan for sth. to happen at a particular time 把…安排在;排定

The train was scheduled to arrive at 8:45, but it was 20 minutes late. 火车预定在8:45到达,但是晚点了20分钟。


[C] a plan of activities or events and when they will happen 日程表;计划表;活动安排

The president’s schedule included a visit to a university campus and going to a charity event. 总统的日程包括参观一个大学校园和出席一项慈善活动。

Phrases and expressions

a wealth of sth.

a lot of sth. useful or good 丰富的某物

make use of sth.

use sth. that is available in order to achieve sth. or get an advantage for yourself 利用某物;使用某物

give rise to sth.

make sth. happen or begin, esp. sth. unpleasant or unexpected 引起;导致

Such an incident does give rise to health and safety concerns. 这一事件的确引起人们对健康和安全的关注。

charge sb. with (doing) sth.

accuse sb. formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in a court of law 指控;控告;起诉

The government official was charged with accepting bribes. 那名政府官员被指控收受贿赂。

keep sb. from (doing) sth.

prevent sb. from (doing) sth. 不让某人做某事

He is a man of determination, so nothing could keep him from carrying out his plan. 他是一个意志坚定的人,没有什么可以阻止他实施他的计划。

care for

look after 照顾;照看

Teach your children how to care for their pets. 教你的孩子如何照顾他们的宠物。

tell of

describe an event or person 描述;叙述

This story tells of a mysterious man living under the sea. 这个故事讲的是一个住在海底的神秘男子。

as well

in addition to sth. or sb. else (除…外)还

Water enters our bodies not just from drinking but from eating as well. 我们的身体不仅通过饮水而且还通过进食来获取水分。

at risk

in a situation where you may be harmed 处境危险;受到威胁

We must stop these rumors; the company’s reputation is at risk. 我们必须制止这些谣传;公司的名誉受到了威胁。

nothing but

only 仅仅;只有;不过

After hearing the great news, for the rest of the day, Frank did nothing but call one friend after another. 听到这个好消息后,弗兰克一整天就只是一个接一个地给朋友们打电话。

Proper names

Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯(美国内华达州东南部城市,以其夜总会和赌场著称)
