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The following appeared in an editorial in a business magazine:

"Although the sales of Whirlwind video games have declined over the past two years, a recent survey of video-game players suggests that this sales trend is about to be reversed. The survey asked video-game players what features they thought were most important in a video game. According to the survey, players prefer games that provide lifelike graphics, which require the most up-to-date computers. Whirlwind has just introduced several such games with an extensive advertising campaign directed at people 10 to 25 years old, the age group most likely to play video games. It follows, then, that the sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase dramatically in the next few months."


This editorial concludes that a two-year decline in sales of Whirlwind's video games is about to reverse and that, further, sales will increase dramatically “in the next few months”. To justify this conclusion the speaker cites a survey in which video-game players indicated a preference for games with realistic graphics. The editorial then points out that Whirlwind has just introduced several such games alongside an advertising campaign, which, the speaker reasons, are clear indicators of fast approaching success. The argument is based on several unproven assumptions.

First, the statistical reliability of the survey quickly comes into question. Unless the survey's respondents are representative of the overall population of video-game enthusiasts, the author should not rely on it to make forecasts about future earnings.

Secondly, the argument relies on the assumption that the two-year decline in company sales is attributable to a problem that the introduction of its new games and ad campaign will solve. It is entirely possible that the decline was due to other factors: pricing and distribution strategies, poor management, and so on. Consider, for example, if the advertising agency was actually the cause for sagging sales over the past two years. An additional, albeit ramped up effort, by the same failing tactics is not likely to cause a reversal.

Thirdly, even if the ad campaign successfully attracts many 10-25 year-olds to Whirlwind's new games, the argument rests on the further assumption that this result will suffice to cause the predicted sales increase during the next few months. Perhaps Whirlwind's new state-of-the-art games are prohibitively expensive for the key demographic group. Or perhaps Whirlwind's competitors are now introducing similar games at lower prices or with additional features that rendering them comparatively more attractive to video-game enthusiasts than Whirlwind's new games. Unless the author can rule out such possibilities, the prediction can’t be supported.

Finally, even if the author can substantiate the foregoing assumptions, no evidence regarding sales trends has been presented. For example, it is possible that the launch of the new games corresponds to a generally low sales period. If so, the author must modify the prediction accordingly.

To strengthen it the author must provide clear evidence that video-game enthusiasts, 10-25 years of age, would be interested in Whirlwind's new games and that they could afford to buy them. To better assess the argument the audience would need to know (1) what caused the two-year sales decline to begin with, and whether Whirlwind's new strategy eliminates that cause;

(2) what competing products might challenge earnings over the next three months; and (3) general


2015年6月大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案 写作 The Importance of Practice Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it is a proverb vividly showing the relationship between knowledge and practice. Apparently, this saying delive rs the message that if we want to truly acquire the knowledge, we ought not to stop practicing what we’ve learned. As for us college students, practice is of great importance. There are two reaso ns for this statement. To begin with, it is by practice that we can apply the know ledge we have obtained from our textbooks to solving practical problems. By doi ng so, we can get more experience. What’s more, knowledge has become so gro wingly complicated that if we don’t ponder over it again and again, we cannot g enuinely grasp the essence of it. Oral English learning is a good case in point. Ev en if one is extremely familiar with the grammar of the language, he will never b e a fluent speaker if he doesn’t open his mouth to speak. To sum up, practice is of great importance for those who are determined to truly grasp knowledge. Practice not only assists us in getting more social experience, but also enables us to capture the essence of knowledge. 听力 1. C) Attend the concert. 2. D) None of the passengers were injured or killed. 3. A) An article about the election.


篇一:工程管理工作计划 一、工程项目管理部人员工作计划 1.制定工程部制度及岗位责任制,明确各岗位职责。 2.参与施工图纸会审工作。 3.主持施工方案、总进度计划、质量控制计划的编制工作,以及工程项目划分、见证计划的审批工作。对各项质量目标进行细化、量化分析,有针对性编制各个工程项目的质量控制计划并监督实施。 4.工程项目管理部人员自身要认真学习GB/T 19001标准、公(转载于:w :工程管理工作计划)司质量管理手册内容及各相关施工质量规范,严格现场管理,对重要部位、关键技术、控制难度大、影响大、经验欠缺的施工内容及新材料、新工艺、新技术、新设备列为质量控制点,实行重点控制,发现偏差及时纠偏。 5.定期对项目部的质量、安全、进度等情况进行检查。 二、对项目部的检查工作计划 1、质量管理方面 (1)检查项目部质检员、实验员、资料员、测量员等技术人员的持证上岗情况及对该岗位工作的熟悉情况,无证从事质量管理岗位的人员进行取证学习,尽量杜绝无证上岗;对于持证人员进行在岗培训 训,不断更新知识以适应现在越来越的工程采用新工艺、新技术、新材料的技术要求。 (2)人员培训计划,为提高工程中质量管理水平,必须使质量管理岗位人员具备相应的质量管理能力,首先要求无证从事质 量管理岗位的人员进行取证学习,尽量杜绝无证上岗;对于持证人员进行在岗培训,不断更新知识以适应现在越来越的工程采用新工艺、新技术、新材料的技术要求。 (3)技术交底,技术交底由项目总工编写、交底,现场技术员负责落实技术交底。 (4)测量人员应至少配备两名,重点部位测量时应两人分别观测以避免出现错误。测量人员必须熟练的掌握仪器的使用,减小测量过程中的误差。 2.安全管理方面 检查项目部安全生产计划的编制情况,并提出修改意见。严格检查安全生产工作的落实情况。


2015年6月大学英语6级真题(三套全) 2015年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第一套) Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A 1. A) Prepare for his exams. B) Catch up on his work. C) Attend the concert. D) Go on a vacation. 2. A) Three crew members were involved in the incident. B) None of the hijackers carried any deadly weapons. C) The plane had been scheduled to fly to Japan. D) None of the passengers were injured or killed. 3. A) An article about the election. B) A tedious job to be done. C) An election campaign. D) A fascinating topic. 4. A) The restaurant was not up to the speakers' expectations. B) The restaurant places many ads in popular magazines. C) The critic thought highly of the Chinese restaurant. D) Chinatown has got the best restaurant in the city. 5. A) He is going to visit his mother in the hospital. B) He is going to take on a new job next week.


小学英语毕业考作文范文 小学英语作文范文(必背) 1、写一篇关于你上个五一假期做过的事情(注意要用一般过去时) I was happy on May holiday.On Monday I ate good food in Xinjiang.On Tuesday I sang and danced with my new friends.On Wednesday I climbed mountains.I took pictures on Thursday.On Friday I saw elephants.I had a good time.(What about your holiday?) 2、My Family(我的家人) There are three people in my family. They are my father﹑mother and I. I'm 12 years old. I am a student. I like playing computer games. My father is a driver. He drives a car. He likes playing football My mother is a doctor. She works very hard. She likes singing. 3、My last Weekend(我的上一个周末)(用一般过去时写) I had a happy weekend. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned the room. On Sunday, I pla yed football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents’ house. Grandpa played the piano! We were so happy. This was my last weekend 4、My Friend(我的朋友)(用一般现在时写) I have a good friend. She has a small nose and two big eyes, Her hair is short and black.She is 12 years old She is tall and beautiful. She likes singing and dancing. I often play ping-pong with her.


【6篇】新部编版六年级下册语文作文习作范文含答案 1.生活中不乏乐趣,如运动的乐趣、发现奥秘的乐趣、战胜困难的乐趣……请你以“乐趣”为话题,通过具体事例写一写最让你享受的一种乐趣,字数不少于400字。题目自拟。文中不出现真实的校名、人名等。 【答案】略 2.快乐是什么?不同的人有不同的感受。快乐在哪里?快乐就在我们的生活里。把你在生活中感受最真切的快乐写下来跟朋友分享吧!别忘了把快乐的事例写具体,把感受写清楚,题目自拟。 要求:①中心明确,格式正确:②思想健康,充满积极向上的人生态度;③字数不少于500字。 【答案】略 3.阅读材料,按要求写作。 大凡笑着生活的人,他们都不曾因为苦而放弃,只因奋斗而成长。人生的每一天都是奋斗的起点,是全新的开始。 请以《奋斗也是一种快乐》为题,写一篇作文。 要求:①如果选择第一个题目写作,需先将题目补充完整。②立意自定,文体自选(诗歌、戏曲除外);③表达真情实感,不得套作,抄袭;④600字左右;⑤文中不得出现真实的人名、地名、校名。 【答案】奋斗也是一种快乐 也许有人认为,在寒冷的冬天里穿着大棉袄,是一种享受,在炎炎夏日里吹着冷气,是一种享受,可我要说,回味那些奋斗的日子,也是一种快乐。 那段奋斗的日子,我们曾经挑灯夜读。 “轰隆隆……”一阵巨雷在耳边缭绕,突然,教室里黑了下来。整栋教学楼里顿时喊叫声不断。但作为毕业班学生的我们已早有了准备,我们都自觉地将电筒、蜡烛拿出来,在昏暗的灯光下继续看书。雷声仍旧在耳边缭绕,我们并不因为雷声的巨响而被惊动;风呼呼地吹着,我们并没有因狂风而摇动,因为我们都是在为同一个目标而奋斗。窗外的雨点飘了进来,我们就关上了窗,雨水从窗户渗进,我们就用抹布堵住,继续学习。 在雨天里挑灯夜读,这或许是种奋斗的日子,现在细细回味,又何尝不是一种享受? 那段奋斗的日子,我们曾经挥洒汗水。 体育中考已经临近。炎炎夏日,操场上,同学们正刻苦训练50米跑、抛实心球、立定跳远。夏日的强烈阳光丝毫不减,豆大的汗珠从我们的脸颊上流下。但我们仍旧热情高涨,因为,汗水已在烈日的高温下升华成了拼搏的动力,烈日的高温也在拼搏的魔方里化成了快乐。我们都在为自己的理想而努力着。 在炎炎夏日中训练,拼搏,这或许是种奋斗的日子,现在细细回味,又何尝不是一种享受?


2015年6月英语六级听力真题:试卷一短对话Short conversations 1.W: Can you come to the concert with me this weekend or do you have to prepare for exams? M: I still have a lot to do. But maybe a break will do me good. Q: What will the man probably do? A. Prepare for his exams. B. Catch up on his work. C. Attend the concert. D. Go on a vacation. 2.W: What does the paper say about the horrible incident that happened this morning on Flight 870 to Hong Kong? M: It ended with the arrest of the three hijackers. They have forced the plane to fly to Japan. But all the passengers and the crewmembers landed safely. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A. Three crew members were involved in the incident. B. None of the hijackers carried any deadly weapons. C. The plane had been scheduled to fly to Japan. D. None of the passengers were injured or killed. 3.M: Helen, this is the most fascinating article I’ve ever come across. I think you should spare some time to read it. W: Oh, really? I thought that anything about the election would be tedious. Q: What are the speakers talking about? A. An article about the election. B. A tedious job to be done. C. An election campaign. D. A fascinating topic. 4.W: I’m not goin g to trust the restaurant critic from that magazine again. The food here doesn’t taste anything like what we had in Chinatown. M: It definitely wasn’t worth the wait. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A. The restaurant was not up to the speakers' expectations. B. The restaurant places many ads in popular magazines. C. The critic thought highly of the Chinese restaurant. D. Chinatown has got the best restaurant in the city. 5.W: Do you know what’s wrong with Mark? He’s been acting very strangely lately. M: Come on. With his mother hospitalized right after he’s taking on a new job, he's just got a lot on his mind. Q: What do we learn from the conversation about Mark? A. He is going to visit his mother in the hospital.


小学六年级毕业考试作文范文600字5篇 (篇一)小学六年级毕业考试作文范文600字 记得,六年级上学期时,我还曾希望能早日到中学去,现在才发现,我是多么的舍不 得他们,也许人就是这么矛盾吧。 暑假期间,我和朋友去学校打篮球,我偷偷地回到六(3)班去看一看。教室里的桌 椅仍保持着我们走时的位置,可能是太久没人用了,桌椅上盖着一层灰尘。这就是那个充 满活力的六(3)班,不应该是曾经的六(3)班,我仿佛还能在这里嗅出同学们熟悉的气味。没有了同学们的欢声笑语,整间教室显得十分空旷和寂寞。 看着那长长的考勤表,才发现我还有那么多的话对他们说。我要对赵建斌说,能和你 作同桌真的很好;我要对林志华说,你是我见到过被我吼来吼去而永远笑嘻嘻,从不还手 的人;我要对刘佳琪,没了你,我以后那谁来当出气筒;我要对我最最最最要好的朋友施 念说,无论何时何地,你永远在我心里是的朋友。你走后,就没有人陪我在考试考得不好 时一起嚎啕大哭;没有人陪我逃学去打篮球;没有人陪我在雨中像疯子一样狂奔;没有人 陪我一整天猫在图书馆里看书,没有人…… 太多太多的话没有说,太多太多的遗憾留下。我不由得,想起林俊杰的一曲歌:向前 走的人需要/摆脱遗憾的药/回到教堂祈祷那一秒…… 我在心中默默祝福:同学们,无论你生在何处,希望你能每天都过得快乐。 (篇二)小学六年级毕业考试作文范文600字 我拥有的财富是同学间真挚的友情。那也就是说,能够与自己的好伙伴友好相处,互 相帮助等等,这就是一份友谊的财富了。 时间的流失,有好多事情都已淡淡的忘去了,但有一件事,至今依然明晰的刻在我的 脑海里。那是一次即将来临的期终考试时,我的好朋友小晴因为换上了一场大病,所以都 已经有大半个月没有上学了。考试离那时仅不到十天了。当她来到学校后,每次上课,我 都看见她紧皱眉头地坐在那里,我想:她一定是因为落下了许多课而导致听不懂课吧!那 这样下去可不行,我可不能眼睁睁看着自己的伙伴成绩退步啊! 于是,我想了个办法,就是在课余时间为她补补课。下课了,同学们都一窝蜂似的走 出了教室,而她还在桌面上趴着。我拿起书,走到她的身边,拍了拍她肩膀,说:“小晴,我来给你补补课了,好吗?”她听了,高兴的说:“好啊,谢谢!”于是我们就进行了起来,我耐心的大概复述了老师上课讲的内容,给她耐心的知道,她明白的时候,也示意给 了我一个微笑……就这样,每次下课,我都尽量给她补补课。最后到了期末考试,她取得 了优异的成绩,使同学们对她刮目相看。我俩心里别提多么高兴啦,毕竟助人为乐嘛!


小学六年级期末考试作文范文5篇精选 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 小学六年级期末考试作文1 “叮铃铃,”铃声响了,语文陈老师拿了包卷子到了讲台前,边报分数边发卷子,我展开卷子,一个78分在阳光的照耀下显得无比刺眼。 78分,对于一个从未考过80分以下的学生以为意味着什么?我不停的问自己。老师失望的表情在眼前挥之不去,我的心如同坠入了无底深渊。我的眼睛也无助的找不到一丝的光明。直到了放学,我的眼泪肆无忌惮的流了下来,在回家的路上,我的眼睛好像蒙了一层雾,我好像被拥挤的人群推着向前走。 终于到了家里,我坐在床上大哭起来,还把语文卷用力滚成球,扔入了垃圾桶中,心中这么也赶不走我自己的挫败感。 我一言不发,呆呆地望着窗外的天空一点点阴暗,眼泪也一点一点流了下来。 “一点也没关系!真的,只有失败过的人才能知道什么是成功,我相信,这对你而言只是一次小小的失误。”不知爸爸什么时候站在我身后。 爸爸把一杯温水放入了我的手中,关上门出去了,我依旧沉默,但心中的坚冰已悄然无息的消失了。 我拿出卷子轻轻地展开了它。 小学六年级期末考试作文2

我的小学时光就像一个魔方,每次转动,都会看见不同的景色,时而是灿烂的黄色,时而是深沉的蓝色,时而是热情的红色。无论是什么图案都给我带来了不一样的感受。 那是三年级的一天,太阳火辣辣的射出刺眼的光芒。我走在上学的路上,书包显得格外沉重,连同这场期末考试一起压在了我的心头。这次是区里出卷,一定会很难......我低着头,心中却不停的涌动着,在一次次发问中渐渐恐惧。到了学校,数学老师“啪啪啪”的拍着黑板,讲着一道道题,一条条定律被强行灌入了我们的大脑,一天的紧张气氛开始在教室中蔓延...... “叮铃铃”,上课铃打响了,随着一个个书包的架起,全班拿到了卷纷纷议论了起来,可我却扫视着一道道题,“卓的部首”已经难倒了三年级的我。“上”?“曰”?“唉”我不由得发出一声深深地叹息。到底是区里出的卷,有的题型连见都没见过。才遇到了一道难题,我的信心就被吓倒了。写名字的手不停颤抖,不觉中,额头上渗出了一层冷汗。“开始答卷!”老师的一句话教室里的议论声立刻变成“沙沙”的答题声。基础题还没答完,就又遇见了一只“拦路虎”,“请想象画面......”一看到这题型,我的大脑一片空白,咬住了嘴唇,手紧紧握成了拳头,手心直冒冷汗,心里像揣了一只上满发条的青蛙,不停地跳动。想象画面?是解释句子还是写作文?恐惧占据了我整个心脏。完了,基础题就不会,后面得多难呀?我心里打起了退堂鼓,我趴在桌子上,心中得满分的想法早已烟消云散。我的眉毛耷拉着,眼睛微闭着,暗淡无光。我趴在桌子上,心也随着身体散下来,


项目管理实施规划 中铁隧道股份有限公司 宁德宁武高速公路A5合同段项目经理部 二00九年十一月 概述 为更好地实施项目管理,圆满完成合同承诺,满足业主和上级领

导有关项目的要求,特制定项目实施规划。 一、项目总体管理目标 根据宁武高速公路A5标施工难度大、工期紧、地质复杂、各方期望值高等特点,确立项目总体目标是:“以树立企业形象为目标,以工期、成本管理为中心,抓好安全质量为基础,100%兑现合同承诺。形成卓越的项目氛围,造就一批优秀人才,实现社会效益和经济效益最大化”。 进度目标:确保提前1个月工期,努力争取提前2个月完工。 质量目标:做到开工必优、一次成优,确保质量全优。工程一次验收合格率100%,优良率达到95%以上,隧道工程达到不渗不漏不裂。 安全文明施工目标:实现“五杜绝,一控制、三消灭,一创建。”五杜绝:杜绝死亡事故,重伤事故,重大机械事故,重大交通事故,重大火灾事故。一控制:年轻伤率控制在12‰以内。三消灭:消灭违章指挥,违章作业,惯性事故。一创建:创建宁武高速公路A5标安全文明施工样板工地。 成本目标:加强生产成本控制,做好合同管理,确保责任成本不亏。 环境保护目标:确保工程所处的环境达到环保要求。 二、项目部职责 项目部是项目工期、安全、质量、成本控制、合同履行等的责任主体,对项目进行总体策划、管理、控制,并以合同管理为基础,对外负责与业主沟通和业务往来、合同管理、变更和索赔的组织工作,履行工期、质量承诺,跟踪了解业主意向、社会环境、其它施工单位信息,

及时分析、调整施工指导思想,树立企业应用的社会形象。对内分四个生产作业队、(物资部)、中心试验室等六个相对独立管理单位进行工期、质量、安全、成本的控制管理。 1.1 代表股份公司全面履行宁武高速公路A5标段项目的合同,全面负责本项目的施工管理,确保安全、质量、工期、成本控制,满足合同和上级的要求。 1.2 认真执行股份公司管理制度,建立健全各种内部规章制度和管理实施细则。 1.3 负责协调与地方县级以上政府、业主、设计、监理及其他单位之间的关系。 1.4 负责对项目进行有效的计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制。 1.5 负责项目的费用控制和项目资源的调控,有权对不合适的资源进行调配。 1.6 负责审定重大技术方案,组织编制实施性施工组织设计、编制创优规划,项目策划书;科研项目的组织工作;关键项目作业指导书;组织编写竣工文件、工程总结。 1.7 负责项目总体、年、季、月施工计划安排;按时组织上报各类统计和计划、验工计价报表,完善文件资料归档管理工作。 1.8 在片区项目部的统一部署下,协助执行项目周边的经营开发工作。 三、项目管理制度 为实现项目总体目标,项目部制定本管理制度来规范项目实施过


2015年6月英语六级真题答案完整版(试卷三) 作文范文 Being Great by Doing Small Things There is no doubt that many people want to be great and successful, but only a few can climb to the top and be admired by the world. However, it doesn’t mean that most of us are losers. Actually everyone can achieve high by doing small things in a great way. We have to admit that there are something that we cannot accomplish right now, but it isn’t the excuse for us to stop trying. Being great needs time and patience, so only when all small accomplishments add up can many impossibilities gradually turn to possibilities. At least, one won’t regret for not making effort to achieve the goal. For example, one may doesn’t have the resources or training on how to be a world-class musician, but by constant practice of every short piece of music, he can still bring happiness, comfort and inspiration to his family members and friends, then this person is great in the eyes of the audiences. Therefore, never cease the pace on the road to our dreams. As long as we stick to our goal and be serious to whatever related to it, we can be considered as great. 点评: 本题由谚语“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”引出话题,探讨成就与大事和小事之间的关系,对“大”与“小”进行辨证理解。话题与往年出现的成功、大事小事、积累、坚持等都有关联。本题难度较大,从日常学习上升到成就与感悟,需要考生在平日多进行批判思考,才能在考场上有话可写。 正如我们在考前押题中所讲,建议考生针对此话题采取三段式写作。 三段式: 第一段:首先从对成功的渴望做铺垫(There is no doubt that many people want to be great and successful)接着转折说不是所有都能达到预期,最后点明下文论述重点:每个人都能从做小事变为大人物(everyone can achieve high by doing small things in a great way) 第二段:确立观点,具体论述: 观点一:成功需要小事的长时间积累(only when all small accomplishments add up can many impossibilities gradually turn to possibilities); 观点二:把小事做好不会让自己有遗憾(one won’t regret for not making effort to achieve the goal);最后再加例子证明:小事做好就是成功(then this person is great in the eyes of the audiences)。 第三段:Therefore…总结全文,强调不放弃梦想,做好每件小事就是成功。 听力答案 短对话答案 1. C. Attend the concert.


六年级毕业考试作文范文五篇 【篇一】六年级毕业考试作文范文 生物链中有大鱼吃小鱼的说法,包括母食子。可我发现有一种鱼非但不食子,还表现出了感人的父母之爱。 寒假,我常蹲在我家大鱼缸前观赏燕鱼。这十几条燕鱼不仅色彩艳丽、轻盈飘逸,而且个个温文尔雅,十分和睦。可是,有一天,发生了突变,的那对墨色燕鱼性情突变,把其他伙伴都赶到了鱼缸的一个角落,然后专注地用嘴巴清理着一片水草,直至一尘不染。它们是不是要产鱼宝宝,准备产床呢?我兴奋起来,便蹲下来看个究竟。 果然,雌鱼靠近那片水草,颤抖着身躯,它一定很痛苦,是母爱的力量让这位母亲默默忍受着。此时,它的心里也充满了幸福的期盼吧?不一会儿,从尾部射出一绺透明的“水晶液”,落到那片水草叶上散开来,我拿过放大镜仔细一看,那散开了的液体竟是一颗颗比小米粒还小的晶莹剔透的鱼卵!足有一百多枚!再看那雄鱼兴奋地在鱼卵上方翻腾着。是抑制不住做父亲的喜悦,还是为小生命的诞生而庆贺? 其他鱼好像嗅到了什么,纷纷游过来,鱼爸爸如临大敌,坚决谢绝“来访”。可有一条七彩燕鱼不知分寸,趁鱼爸爸不注意,闯入“禁区”,鱼爸爸一口把它的尾巴咬住,七彩燕鱼好不容易挣脱了,却在尾巴上留了一颗“月牙儿”。搏斗中,一颗鱼卵被碰落下来,鱼妈妈急忙把它含在嘴里,又吐在了“小产床”上。啊!多么令人感动的父母之爱呀!那么勇敢,又那么温柔,我的心被深深震撼了,倏地涌进一层

温暖的浪花…… 第二天早晨,我顾不上穿衣服就跑过去看它们。啊!那对父母还在坚守岗位,24小时了!该给这对可敬的父母补补身子了,我把它们最爱吃的红丝虫放了进去。鱼群蜂拥而至抢食着,可那对父母竟纹丝不动,警惕地守候着襁褓中的儿女。啊!忘我的父母之爱呀!我的眼睛湿润了…… “谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。”也许是48小时的守护感动了儿女吧!看!放大镜下那绿色的小“产床”上,一个个晶莹的鱼卵上面,摇动着一面面晶莹的小旗帜,小鱼长尾巴了啊!我又一次怦然心动,那分明是一片洒满阳光的芳草坡,那一面面摇动的旗帜,是生命的旗帜,感恩的旗帜,在向辛劳的父母致意,在向这充满爱的世界致意! 又过了两天,可以看清小鱼的雏形了,一个个可爱的小脑袋,两边黑黑的小眼睛,摇着小尾巴,努力挣脱着产床,它们要比齐白石笔下的水墨鱼虾美,因为这是一个个活生生的生命。啊!生命,多美好啊! 我轻轻摘下那片叶子,将它放到一个透明的小玻璃鱼缸里,让那对父母放松一下紧张的身心,可它们还有点儿舍不得,一直在那片水草周围徘徊游动。为了不让它们遭受离别之苦,我把小鱼缸吊放进大鱼缸里。就这样,大鱼感觉到它们的宝宝就在身边的“育儿箱”里,终于放心进食了。 小鱼终于下水啦!望着它们快乐的身影,我无限感慨,在这大雪纷飞的冬季,如此纤弱的小生命还能顽强地活下来。万物生灵,因爱而生!


项目质量管理工作计划范文 质量,通常指产品的质量,广义的还包括工作的质量。产品质量是指产品的使用价值及其属性;而工作质量则是产品质量的保证,它反映了与产品质量直接有关的工作对产品质量的保证程度。 从项目作为一次性的活动来看,项目质量体现在由工作分解结构反映出的项目范围内所有的阶段、子项目、项目工作单元的质量所构成,也即项目的工作质量;从项目作为一项最终产品来看,项目质量体现在其性能或者使用价值上,也即项目的产品质量。? 项目活动是应业主的要求进行的。不同的业主有着不同的质量要求,其意图已反映在项目合同中。因此,项目质量除必须符合有关标准和法规外,还必须满足项目合同条款的要求,项目合同是进行项目质量管理的主要依据之一。? 项目的特性决定了项目质量体系的构成。从供需关系来讲,业主是需方,他要求参与项目活动的各承包商(设计方、施工方等)提供足够的证据,建立满意的供方质量保证体系;另一方面,项目的一次性、核算管理的统一性及项目目标的一致性均要求将项目范围内的组织机构、职责、程序、过程和资源集成一个有机的整体,在其内部组织良好的质量控制及内部质量保证,从而构筑出项目的质量体系。? 由于项目活动是一种特殊的物质生产过程,其生产组织特有的流动性、综合性、劳动密集性及协作关系的复杂性,均增加了项目质量保证的难度。 项目的质量管理主要是为了确保项目按照设计者规定的要求满意的完成,它包括使整个项目的所有功能活动能够按照原有的质量及目标要求得以实施,质量管理主要是依赖于质量计划、质量控制、质量保证及质量改进所形成的质量保证系统来实现的。

项目的质量管理工作是一个系统过程,在实施过程中必须创造必要的资源条件,使之与项目质量要求相适应。各职能部门及实施单位要保证工作质量和项目质量,实行业务工作程序化、标准化和规范化。支持质量部门独立地、有效地行使职权,对项目实施全过程实行质量控制。 质量技术文件 质量管理文件指在项目实施过程中,为达到预期的项目质量和工作质量要求,对与管理有关的重复性事务和概念所做的规定。 ①质量保证大纲 在项目或任务下达或合同签订生效开始,在项目实施过程中的每一阶段,均需在总结上阶段实施情况的基础上进行制定或修订,以指导本阶段的实施和管理工作。 质量保证大纲的目标是:提高项目实施的适用性和任务完成率、降低项目对维修和后勤保障的要求、提供基本的质量信息、提高工程实施的经济效益。 质量保证大纲的内容是:按项目的特点和有关部门对质量的要求,提出明确的质量指标要求;明确规定工艺技术、计划、质量和物资部门的质量责任;确定各实施阶段的工作目标;针对项目特点和实际的实施能力,提出质量控制点和需要进行特殊控制的要求、措施、方法及其相应的完成标识和评价标准;对设计、工艺和项目质量评审要有明确规定。 ②质量工作计划 质量工作计划是对特定的项目、服务、合同规定专门的质量措施、资源和活动顺序的文件。


2015年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第一套) Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A 1. A) Prepare for his exams. B) Catch up on his work. C) Attend the concert. D) Go on a vacation. 2. A) Three crew members were involved in the incident. B) None of the hijackers carried any deadly weapons. C) The plane had been scheduled to fly to Japan. D) None of the passengers were injured or killed. 3. A) An article about the election. B) A tedious job to be done. C) An election campaign. D) A fascinating topic. 4. A) The restaurant was not up to the speakers' expectations. B) The restaurant places many ads in popular magazines. C) The critic thought highly of the Chinese restaurant. D) Chinatown has got the best restaurant in the city. 5. A) He is going to visit his mother in the hospital. B) He is going to take on a new job next week. C) He has many things to deal with right now. D) He behaves in a way nobody understands. 6. A) A large number of students refused to vote last night. B) At least twenty students are needed to vote on an issue. C) Major campus issues had to be discussed at the meeting. D) More students have to appear to make their voice heard. 7. A) The woman can hardly tell what she likes. B) The speakers like watching TV very much. C) The speakers have nothing to do but watch TV. D) The man seldom watched TV before retirement. 8. A) The woman should have retired earlier. 4 B) He will help the woman solve the problem. C) He finds it hard to agree with what the woman says. D) The woman will be able to attend the classes she wants. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. A) Persuade the man to join her company. B) Employ the most up-to-date technology. C) Export bikes to foreign markets. D) Expand their domestic business. 10. A) The state subsidizes small and medium enterprises. B) The government has control over bicycle imports. C) They can compete with the best domestic manufactures. D) They have a cost advantage and can charge higher prices. 11. A) Extra costs might eat up their profits abroad. B) More workers will be needed to do packaging. C) They might lose to foreign bike manufacturers. D) It is very difficult to find suitable local agents.


六年级毕业考试作文范文 My School My school is beautiful. We can study and play there. There is a big building in our school. There are many classrooms, two computer rooms and three music rooms. There is a library in our school. We can read book in it. There is a big playground in front of the school building. We can play sports with our classmates. I love my school very much. My Weekend The weekend is coming. I’m going to have a happy weekend. On Saturday morning. I’m going to do my homework. And then, I’m going out to play. In the evening, I am going to have dinner with my parents .On Sunday morning, I’m going to the library. And then, I’m going to listen to music. In the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother. This is my happy and busy weekend. Do you like this weekend? My last Weekend I had a happy weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents’ and my brother’s. On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents’ house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. This was last weekend My Family There are three people in my family. They are my father﹑mother and I. I'm 12 years old. I am a student. I like playing computer games. My father is a driver. He drives a car. He likes playing football . My mother is a doctor. She works very hard. She likes singing. My Friend I have a good friend. She has a white face, a small nose, two big eyes, a small mouth and two big ears. Her eyes look like grapes. Her hair is short and black. She is tall and beautiful. She likes singing and dancing. Everyone likes her. My School Day This is my school day. I usually do morning exercises in the playground at 8:10.We have six classes every day. They are English, Chinese , Math ,Music, Art, P.E. and computer class. The first class begins at 8:35 am., Math, My favorite class is English, After class, I often play games with my friends. I'm very happy in the school. My Teacher I have an English teacher. She is a young lady. She has long hair. She is short. She is very funny. Sometimes she is very active. Sometimes she is quiet. She likes reading and she often goes to the bookstore on the weekend. She goes to work on foot. She is a good teacher. My birthday Yesterday was March 20th. It was my birthday. I had a party. I ate too much. Mike brought a carton of ice cream. Jenny brought some candy. Mary brought a lot of cookies. My mom made a cake. My dad bought a toy car for me. I was very happy. At the party we sang and danced. We had a good time. My Bedroom I have a nice and small bedroom. There is a beautiful bed and two small chair. I also have a big
