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White pollution

White pollution

White pollution

The causes of white pollution is that Plastic garbage did not get proper management and disposal of garbage did not implement separate collection, recycling thing can not recycle, garbage disposal is basically the final stop at the level of bare stacked or Shallow, some towns the river, lakeshore as natural garbage dump.

Two white pollution hazards exist: visual pollution and the potential harm

First, the visual pollution refers to plastic bags, boxes, cups, bowls and other scattered benign environment for people to visual stimuli affect the environment brings beauty.

Second,Air pollution. Pollution of water . Fire hazards.and become Infected roots of the disease.. In order to have a beautiful world,we should try to reduce the time of use of plastic cutlery and paper tableware,and Strengthen environmental advocacy to improve the environmental awareness of citizens formed the social good environmental atmosphere to solve white pollution and its various forms of pollution premise.

That’s all !thank you!


pollution作文 Environmental Pollution With the continuous development of world economy and the growing world population, environmental pollution attracts our attentions. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems that mankind faces today. Air, water and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things, but they all harmed by pollution. Polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land on which we can grow food. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to man’s naturally beautiful world. There are a lot of reasons causing the problem. For example, exhaust from automobiles causes air pollution. Factories discharge much of the material that pollutes air and water. Too much fertilizer or pesticide can ruin soil. So we should be responsible for the environment around us. We can take effective measures to protect our environment. Firstly, it’s best for us to ride a bike to school, don’t take a bus or a taxi. Secondly, scientists and engineers should work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause. Thirdly, government should pass and enforce laws that require businesses


关于环境污染演讲稿 关于环境污染演讲稿篇1 许多人认为,地球上海,陆,空的资源是取之不尽的。他们毫无顾忌地把千万吨的废气排放到空中,把数亿吨的垃圾,污水排放到大海 我看到成群的鸟儿在森林上空盘旋,但是,今天那一棵棵高耸入云的大树鸟儿的乐园,只剩下一排排低矮的树墩。我仿佛听到小溪里的鱼儿在哭泣,人们把污水排放到小溪,鱼儿纷纷死去。仰望天空,一根根高大的烟筒冒出滚滚浓烟。 俯视大地,小草已经枯黄,地上到处是垃圾。 天空不再蔚蓝,草儿不再嫩绿,花儿不再娇艳,溪水不再清澈见底。 我们要保护地球,保护地球上的生态环境,相信不久的将来,地球会恢复往日的神采! 关于环境污染演讲稿篇2 在这喧嚣的城市当中,霓虹灯取代了参天大树。记忆中的绿地现在已盖满了高楼大厦,我再也不能亲眼目睹往日清新的惬意,身边只有那污浊的空气。 我是地球上唯一一只幸存的伞鸟,原本生活在茂密的林中。我记忆中的家园是如此的美好。丛林中的树木仿佛受到了春的召集,鹅黄的嫩芽从纤细的枝条中,迸发出新的感激。明媚的阳光洒在河面上,给解冻的江河披上了一层柔纱。风乍起,吹皱一池春水。河面的垂柳,伴着清风飞舞。我情不自禁的卖弄起歌喉。在这梦幻的世界里,我惬意的欢唱着。

当旭日从东方冉冉升起,照亮天空和大地,空气中弥漫着花草的清香。秋空在山野拉开金碧辉煌的大幕,又有飘逸的白云,对对船帆,航行在一望无际蔚蓝的天海,如漫过草原的羊群,写出秋天的丰硕。 这一切是多么的美好,可惜只是回忆。眼前一片灰暗,空气中充斥着工厂废气的味道,小溪中流淌着黑色的废液。就连清晨升起的太阳也躲进了浓浓的乌云中,这时我多想飞翔;多想冲破这城市中高楼林立的陷阱,多想回到曾经美好的家园。 人类,请睁大你们贪婪的双眼吧!你们一直都在尽情的享受大自然给予的安逸与美好。愚昧的人类啊,请不要再肆意破坏自然了,珍爱你们生存的空间吧! 森林连年递减,土地荒漠化。这是目前世界上最严重的环境问题。全球每年有一千万公顷的土地变为荒漠。一个又一个铁的事实告诉我们,人类的破坏犹如一把利剑直直的插入地球的心脏。 我是一只小小鸟,我别无他求。只求未来的天空是碧蓝的,水是清澈的,绿树成荫,鲜花遍地,还有我的一片栖息之地。 落日的余晖照在我的双眸上,远处的树桩静穆得有些凄凉。我静静的闭上双眸等待人类的觉醒! 关于环境污染演讲稿篇3 白色污染是人们对垃圾污染环境的一种形象称谓。在各种公共场所到处都能看见大量废弃的塑料制品,它们从自然界而来由人类制造,最终归结于大


环境污染作文第1篇 电视里经常播放着湖州的迷人风光,古色古香的房屋,干净整洁的街道,风风火火的商店,事实是不是这样呢 为了了解家乡环境,我对家乡的环境做了一下调查。调查的对象主要是工厂、河流、公共场所等。 一、空气污染 在我们的家乡,空气污染已十分严重。例如工厂排放的烟尘废气,汽车、火车、轮船排放的烟尘废气,都包含许多对我们人体有害的物质,是空气的主要污染源。随着社会的提高,人们生活水平的不断提高,许多家庭中也有了各式的交通工具,如汽车、摩托车等,它们给我们的生活带来了方便,可是排出的废气却污染了我们周围的空气。 二、水污染 在我们家乡的小河,几乎全都受到了污染。家庭中的脏水,这些都会流进附近的小河,给我们的生活带来了影响。鱼类难以生存,其他生物的繁殖生长也受很大影响。比如奶奶家门前的小河吧!听爸爸说以前的小河,河水清澈见底,他们常去捉小鱼。而此刻我来到了河附近,看到的却是另一番景象,河水的两边堆满

了垃圾,甚至在河中也漂着一些白色垃圾。河水又黑又浊,哪里还有个小鱼的影子呢并且河中还发出臭味。这哪里还是清澈见底的小河,简直是个“臭水沟”。 三、噪音污染。 家乡的噪音污染也十分的严重。噪音能影响人们的生活和工作,对听觉和身心健康都有损害,还会影响少年儿童智力发展,影响我们的思考和学习。噪音的主要来源是工厂、街道、建筑工地、公共场所等。在大街上,汽车、摩托车喇叭的声音, 以上的三种污染,对我们的正常生活会有很大的影响,如果继续这样下去,还会威胁着我们的身体健康,以及造成其它方面的损失。---王圣镈 环境污染作文第2篇 大家应当明白吧,此刻地球上有许多的垃圾正在危害我们的地球。 保护地球,人人有责。 如果人们一个人把垃圾扔进垃圾桶地球就不会有危害,并且我们的地球妈妈也在慢慢的生病我们应当做出所应当做得来,不应当坐视不管大家应当明白吧,此刻地球上有许多的垃圾正在危害我们的地球。劝告大家应当明白吧,此刻地球


环境保护英文演讲稿5篇 我们是21世纪的主人,具有环保意识是现代文明人的标志。我们要有时代感责任感,要心系全球,着眼身边,立足校园。“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”,让我们积极行动起来,从身边的小事做起,培养环保意识,养成环保习惯,创造我们美好的校园,塑造我们美好的灵魂!下面给大家分享一些关于环境保护英文演讲稿5篇,供大家参考。 环境保护英文演讲稿(1) the world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. for example , forest destruction results in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather. in addition, man is faced with problems of water pollution and air pollution. a lot of measures have been taken. planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment. besides, laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and achieved good results. however, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved. on the one hand, the environment pollution and destruction are


环境污染的英语作文 环境污染Environmental Pollution As we all know, pollution is harmful to living beings. There are many different types of pollutions in this world. For instance, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and so on. Water pollution cause many kinds of disease that have negative effects on human beings, sometimes the diseases will take people’s life away. Dirty air will increase the rate of getting lung cancer. While the noise pollution will cause insomnia. People’s health condition will be damaged. In my humble opinion, people should take measures to control the pollution. Recently, not only the government, but also individual has taken part in the action of protecting the environment. This is a good sign. Rivers are being cleaned, air is purified, and the people come to realize that the importance of protecting the environment. However, this is not enough, the problems are still exist. Not all of them have been solved. Some factories are still pouring dirty water into the rivers or give off the toxic gas into the sky. We should know that protecting the environment needs everybody’s effort. 我们都知道,污染对生物有很大危害。在这个世界上,有许多不同类型的污染。例如:水污染,空气污染,噪音污染等等。水污染会使人们生病,甚至死亡。脏空气会使患肺癌的几率上升。而噪音污染


关于环境污染演讲稿 近年来,随着地区经济的迅猛发展,环境污染问题也越来越严重,防止环境污染,保护环境,维持生态平衡,已成为社会发展的一项重要举措,为大家整理了关于环境污染演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 关于环境污染演讲稿篇1 许多人认为,地球上海,陆,空的资源是取之不尽的。他们毫无顾忌地把千万吨的废气排放到空中,把数亿吨的垃圾,污水排放到大海…… 我看到成群的鸟儿在森林上空盘旋,但是,今天那一棵棵高耸入云的大树——鸟儿的乐园,只剩下一排排低矮的树墩。我仿佛听到小溪里的鱼儿在哭泣,人们把污水排放到小溪,鱼儿纷纷死去。仰望天空,一根根高大的烟筒冒出滚滚浓烟。 俯视大地,小草已经枯黄,地上到处是垃圾。 天空不再蔚蓝,草儿不再嫩绿,花儿不再娇艳,溪水不再清澈见底。 我们要保护地球,保护地球上的生态环境,相信不久的将来,地球会恢复往日的神采! 关于环境污染演讲稿篇2 在这喧嚣的城市当中,霓虹灯取代了参天大树。记忆中的绿地现在已盖满了高楼大厦,我再也不能亲眼目睹往日清新的惬意,身边只有那污浊的空气。 我是地球上唯一一只幸存的伞鸟,原本生活在茂密的林中。我记

忆中的家园是如此的美好。丛林中的树木仿佛受到了春的召集,鹅黄的嫩芽从纤细的枝条中,迸发出新的感激。明媚的阳光洒在河面上,给解冻的江河披上了一层柔纱。"风乍起,吹皱一池春水。"河面的垂柳,伴着清风飞舞。我情不自禁的卖弄起歌喉。在这梦幻的世界里,我惬意的欢唱着。 当旭日从东方冉冉升起,照亮天空和大地,空气中弥漫着花草的清香。秋空在山野拉开金碧辉煌的大幕,又有飘逸的白云,对对船帆,航行在一望无际蔚蓝的天海,如漫过草原的羊群,写出秋天的丰硕。 这一切是多么的美好,可惜只是回忆。眼前一片灰暗,空气中充斥着工厂废气的味道,小溪中流淌着黑色的废液。就连清晨升起的太阳也躲进了浓浓的"乌云"中,这时我多想飞翔;多想冲破这城市中高楼林立的陷阱,多想回到曾经美好的家园。 人类,请睁大你们贪婪的双眼吧!你们一直都在尽情的享受大自然给予的安逸与美好。愚昧的人类啊,请不要再肆意破坏自然了,珍爱你们生存的空间吧! 森林连年递减,土地荒漠化。这是目前世界上最严重的环境问题。全球每年有一千万公顷的土地变为荒漠。一个又一个铁的事实告诉我们,人类的破坏犹如一把利剑直直的插入地球的心脏。 我是一只小小鸟,我别无他求。只求未来的天空是碧蓝的,水是清澈的,绿树成荫,鲜花遍地,还有我的一片栖息之地。 落日的余晖照在我的双眸上,远处的树桩静穆得有些凄凉。我静静的闭上双眸等待人类的觉醒!


pollution作文10篇 pollution作文10篇 pollution作文(一): 河流污染 River Pollution In my memory, though my hometown is a small village, it is very beautiful。 When I was small, I liked to caught fish in the river, the water was so clean that I could see the fish。 As I miss my hometown so much, last week, I went back to my hometown, I found the place in my memory was not like what it was。 The trees were not that numerous, the roads became bigger, while there was less place for the river, I saw some dead fish in the river, the water was dirty, the river pollution was so serious! I couldn't believe it, the beautiful hometown was destroyed by the pollution, it is people's ambition results in it,they chase for the profit at the cost of polluting the environment。 I wish people can pay attention to protect the environment, they are saving themselves, too。 在我的记忆中,虽然我的家乡是个小城镇,可是很美丽。当我还小的时候,我喜欢在河里抓鱼,河水是如此的干净以至于我能看到河里的鱼。由于抵挡不住对家乡的思念,上周,我回到了家乡,我发现我记忆中的城市再也不是它原先的样貌了。树没以前的多,道路变得宽阔,然而河道却变得窄些了,我看到河中有一些死掉的鱼,河水是如此的脏,河流污染是如此的严重!我无法相信眼前的一切,美丽的家乡被污染给破坏了,人们的贪念导致了这个结果,他们为了追求利益,不惜以牺牲环境为代价。我期望人们能注意保护环境,这也是在保护他们自我。 pollution作文(二): Now the world's pollution problems are being more and more serious。Such as water pollution, noise pollution, environmental pollution,light pollution and so on。 These pollution caused serious harm to people。It makes people sick, and even death。 What causes these pollution? The


关于环境污染的英语演讲稿-英语演讲稿 we are a normal member of the big family of nature good afternoon everybody. honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen. today,we are gathering here to discuss a very hot issue. how to find harmony in a new age between man and nature? where modern science and technology are concerned i am only a layman i have to say. however, living in this new age , seeing my dear ones suffering from respiratory diseases from time to time, finding the beautiful colors of green and blue are being replaced by that of gray and pale, and realizing that our mother planet is getting more and more unhealthy; i cant help trying to offer my idea and my trivial efforts to look for the answer of the question. as the ancient greek oracle goes: know thyself. i think in answering this above-mentioned question, this precondition is also very important. who are we? this is a question, which should be answered not only by those specialists, but also by every one of human beings. some people may proudly say: we are the masters of nature.


最新有关空气污染的作文 现在有许多地方的空气污染很严重。像临汾、阳泉、大同等地的天空已经变得灰蒙蒙的,蔚蓝的天空很少见。有时甚至呼吸都会觉得嗓子被堵住似的。2017年国家环保总局对国内城市环境情况进行了评比,我们生活的临汾市在全国10个污染最严重的城市中,连续两年居全国重点城市污染之首。目前,临汾市虽已提前实现2017年治理改善的目标,但二级及以上空气质量天数仅有181天,当地居民一年中仍有一半时间呼吸不到良好空气。那么空气污染的原因和危害有哪些呢? 通过查资料、问别人等方法,我知道了许多知识:空气污染的主要原因有汽车尾气、燃烧物品、开采矿产等。最为严重的就是开采矿产。大部分城市都有一些矿产资源。在提炼过程中,会产生一氧化碳、总悬浮颗粒物、二氧化硫等对人类健康有害的物质。汽车尾气的危害是大家都知道的,但用较洁净的天然气燃烧,也会产生二氧化碳,使气候变暖。长期生活在空气被污染的环境下,会引发哮喘、喘鸣等疾病,危害生命。 一天早晨,小老鼠起来发现天空布满乌云。空空的脑子里突然冒出了许多个问号。出门一看发现大大小小的动物望着天空不知道怎么回事,这时天空上乌云越来越浓,乌云在天空中挤来挤去,云层在慢慢的下降。白灵鸟惊慌地跑过来,对大家说:“快跑!快跑!这是1/ 4

大气污染,再不跑就来不及了…… 。”大家听了撒腿就跑,只有小 鸭子还在后面摇来摇去,长颈鹿看见了,着急地背着小鸭就往远方跑去…… 情况多么危急呀!大力气大象伯伯急忙跑了过来,摇动着大耳朵扇走了这些令人讨厌的乌云。大象伯伯扇累了,大树爷爷也来帮忙,张开大嘴把这些废气吸进了嘴里,给我们带来了所需要的氧气。空气清新了,天亮了,花开了,动物们又回到了花园似的家园。 发现问题: 在庭园里种些花草,不仅能美化我们的家,还能净化我们四周的空气,让我们呼吸的空气更清新。因此有人说,一个具有一定规模的庭园就像一个不停工作的天然“氧吧”,能提供我们所需的清新空气。但近几天我发现我家的天然“氧吧”“罢工”了,每天清早我到院子里,再也呼吸不到以前那种清新的空气了。这是怎么回事呢?是什么令到我家的天然“氧吧”停止工作呢?我下定决心,一定要把那个“凶手”揪出来! 调查研究结果: 针对上述事件,我查阅了大量资料,综合我对花草、树叶的连日观察,发现嫌疑最大的是近日车辆的频繁来往,造成了严重的空气污染,加上附近的一些食店排放出来的油烟因近日风势不强,得不到有效的散解,被花草、树叶过量地吸收,造成叶片表面气孔被尘粒堵塞,以至它们不能“工作”。我咨询了自然老师,老师认为这种可能性很 高,让我回家去试验一下。于是我回去采了一些花草样本,把它们栽 2/ 4


三分钟英语演讲稿范文关于环境污染的 三分钟英语演讲稿范文关于环境污染的同上满意答案: in china, i think the most serious environmental problem is the air pollution, water pollution, land desertification, soil erosion. i think the earths temperature rises is the most serious.after evaporation temperatures, more intense, so will cause drought. temperatures, glacier melt after, sea level will rise, a direct impact on peoples life. i think, water can be recycled. because water is limited resources, is not renewable, water recycling is a waste, and energy saving. in everyday life, there are many waste of resources. for example, many the use of disposable chopsticks, disposable plastic bags, waste water etc. useful things. above all, want to improve peoples massive propaganda, enlightenment and understanding, strengthen the consciousness of environmental protection. next, want to undertake recycling of forest trees, reduce the deforestation. strengthen the white pollution treatment, use less plastic products. finally, to make improvement. make clean city. a more orderly daizhuanghua garbage. this can not only reduce the sanitation workers less workload, still can better play recycling, reduce pollution and save resources. buy vegetables, use less plastic bags, try to use bamboo basket. eating out as far as possible need not disposable lunch boxes.篇二:英语演讲稿_环境保护 dear headmasters,teachers,classmates and friends: i’m very proud that i have chosen to speak to you all today, i’m a bit nervous as i’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows. as we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .in some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. some people even have no clean water to drink. so i think we must do something to protect the environment. .but what can we do? how to protect our environmemt? for example, we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping basskets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .in a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better. “there is only one earth”,i hope everyone will protect our environment well. thanks! 亲爱的校长、老师、同学和朋友: 今天,我很自豪的是,我已经选择与你说话,我有一点紧张, 我从来没有在这么多人面前 讲话,就请原谅我是否会表现出来的。 我们都知道,我们周围的环境越来越糟了,在某些地方,我们不能看到鱼在河里游泳或树 木在小山。一些人甚至没有干净的水喝。所以我认为我们必须做些什么来保护环境。,但是我 们


环境污染作文(20篇) 环境污染作文第1篇: 电视里经常播放着湖州的迷人风光,古色古香的房屋,干净整洁的街道,风风火火的商店,事实是不是这样呢为了了解家乡环境,我对家乡的环境做了一下调查。调查的对象主要是工厂、河流、公共场所等。 一、空气污染 在我们的家乡,空气污染已十分严重。例如:工厂排放的烟尘废气,汽车、火车、轮船排放的烟尘废气,都包含许多对我们人体有害的物质,是空气的主要污染源。随着社会的提高,人们生活水平的不断提高,许多家庭中也有了各式的交通工具,如汽车、摩托车等,它们给我们的生活带来了方便,可是排出的废气却污染了我们周围的空气。 二、水污染 在我们家乡的小河,几乎全都受到了污染。家庭中的脏水,这些都会流进附近的小河,给我们的生活带来了影响。鱼类难以生存,其他生物的繁殖生长也受很大影响。比如奶奶家门前的小河吧!听爸爸说以前的小河,河水清澈见底,他们常去捉小鱼。而此刻我来到了河附近,看到的却是另一番景象,河水的两边堆满了垃圾,甚至在河中也漂着一些白色垃圾。河水又黑又浊,哪里还有个小鱼的影子呢并且河中还发出臭味。这哪里还是清澈见底的小河,简直是个“臭水沟”。 三、噪音污染。

家乡的噪音污染也十分的严重。噪音能影响人们的生活和工作,对听觉和身心健康都有损害,还会影响少年儿童智力发展,影响我们的思考和学习。噪音的主要来源是工厂、街道、建筑工地、公共场所等。在大街上,汽车、摩托车喇叭的声音, 以上的三种污染,对我们的正常生活会有很大的影响,如果继续这样下去,还会威胁着我们的身体健康,以及造成其它方面的损失。---王圣镈 环境污染作文第2篇: 大家应当明白吧,此刻地球上有许多的垃圾正在危害我们的地球。 保护地球,人人有责。 如果:人们一个人把垃圾扔进垃圾桶地球就不会有危害,并且我们的地球妈妈也在慢慢的生病我们应当做出所应当做得来,不应当坐视不管大家应当明白吧,此刻地球上有许多的垃圾正在危害我们的地球。劝告大家应当明白吧,此刻地球上有许多的垃圾正在危害我们的地球。该坐视不管。 如果:人们一个人把垃圾扔进垃圾桶地球就不会有危害,并且我们的地球妈妈也在慢慢的生病我们应当做出所应当做得来,。 如果地球灭亡了,那人类还会生存下去吗是的如果世界灭亡了人类也不会生存下去的,到时候人类也会毁灭. 期望你们告诉身边的亲人《保护地球,人人有责》 再见,期望你们记住我的劝告!

保护海洋演讲 海洋污染的演讲稿

保护海洋演讲海洋污染的演讲稿 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 保护海洋演讲篇一 亲爱的老师,同学们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是:《走向海洋》。 《走向海洋》是我刚读过的一本书。顾名思义,这本书是介绍海洋的。其实在读这本书之前,关于大海,我只是听老师说过:大海是无边无际的,连接着天和地。海洋是一个蕴藏着大量能量的宝藏。偶尔也在电视上看到过海洋的一角。至于其他,我一无所知。 读完这本书,让我对海洋有了初步的了解,让我知道海洋占地球表面积的70.8%。四大洋是:太平洋、印度洋、大西洋和北冰洋。第一个到达南极的是阿蒙森。在各国的海洋历史上也有过重要的战争。如鸦片战争、甲午战争、八国联军侵华战争等。流传至今的历史名人还有更多,郑和,他证明了地球是圆的,麦哲伦、哥伦布发现了新大陆,还有民族英雄郑成功等等,让我知道,我们的祖国不仅有960万平方公里的土地,而且还有人民海军用生命换来的300万平方公里的蓝色国土! 这本书也告诉我海洋对人类的重要性。海洋是人类的家园,海洋是人类之母,海洋与人类息息相关。海洋是生命的摇篮,海洋是蓝色的瑰宝。究其原因,正如书中所说:海洋中有大量的淡水资源、化学资源、生物资源、矿产资源、能源资源和空间资源。 它抚养我们,但不求回报。它给了我们,但并不要求得到。难道

这种无私的精神不值得学习吗?大海是美丽而无私的。然而,我们人类却在不断地破坏美,大海的无私换来的却是我们的伤害。过度的能源开发和严重的环境污染已经使美丽的海洋伤痕累累。同学们,让我们一起行动起来保护我们的星球,不要让它再受伤害,让它永远留在这里。它愿意奉献它的一切。难道我们不应该关心它吗?正如书中所说:世界的海洋是相通的,人类的利益是共同的。让我们携起手来,让海洋世纪的钟声响起高歌,与海同行...... 我的演讲到此结束,感谢大家。 保护海洋演讲篇二 亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 今天我演讲的题目是:珍惜水资源,保护海洋资源。 水是生命之源。如果地球上没有水,那么地球母亲就不会养育我们人类的后代。因为最早的原始生命最初是在海洋中形成的,并逐渐扩展到陆地上。 海洋是人类生存环境的重要组成部分。在清澈的蓝色海水下,地球上80%的生物都得到了滋养。海洋促进水流,提供氧气和能量,平衡气候。一旦我们没有水,就没有海洋。然后地球上的生命就结束了。 随着社会经济的不断发展和土地资源的短缺,人类开始了对海洋的研究和开发。因此,海洋走进了我们的生活中,给我们带来了巨大的经济财富,给我们提供了很多生活中的必需品。 因此,当前的海洋对我们的生活和世界的发展起着举足轻重的作

有关高考英语满分作文之Water Pollution 水污染

有关高考英语满分作文之 Water Pollution 水污染 高考英语的满分作文 Water Pollution 水污染 Spring is tht best season of the year. The weather gets warmer and warmer. My clas i'amates and I took a one-day sightseeing around our city.The scene was pretty. But when we saw the rivers along our city, I felt very sorry, and thoughit a lot. With the development of modern agriculture and industry, more and more waste water is being poured into rivers. It has caused serious pollution. The river is becoming so dirty that no living things can live in it. The river is giving off a terrible smell. We make an urgent appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation. Our government should start building various facilities such as sewage treatment!plant and encourage scientists to work out more and better ways to reduce the pollution of water. Water is tho source of our lives. It is very important to protect water. 春天是一年中最好的季节, 天气变得越来越暖和。 我和我的同学们进行了一 次环城一日游,所到之处景色宜人。但当我看到沿着城区流过的河流时,我感到 很惋惜,想了很多。 随着现代工农业的发展,越来越多的污水排进河里,河水被严重污染。河水 变得如此的肮脏以致于生物不能在里面生活。河水发出难闻的气味。 我们急切呼吁采取措施改变这种状况。 政府应当建立各种设备, 例如污水处 理厂,并且鼓励科学家们想出更多更好的办法以减少水污染。 水是生命之源,保护水资源十分重要。 My classmates and I had an outing this spring. We had a good time. But meanwhile I noticed that water pollution in our city was becoming more and more serious. On our way, we could see women washing clothes in the river. Litter was floating on the river. Waste water produced by a chemical factory was being discharged into the river. We did not see any fish in the river. The fiver was not so clear as before. Water quality was very bad. I am


pollution作文 篇一:Environmental Pollution英语作文 Environmental Pollution With the continuous development of world economy and the growing world population, environmental pollution attracts our attentions. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems that mankind faces today. Air, water and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things, but they all harmed by pollution. Polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land on which we can grow food. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to man’s naturally beautiful world. There are a lot of reasons causing the problem. For example, exhaust from automobiles causes air pollution. Factories discharge much of the material that pollutes air and water. Too much fertilizer or pesticide can ruin soil. So we should be responsible for the environment around us. We can take effective measures to protect our environment. Firstly, it’s best for us to ride a bike to school, don’t take a bus or a taxi. Secondly, scientists and engineers should work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause. Thirdly, government should pass and enforce laws that require businesses and individuals to stop or cut down on certain polluting activities. And lastly, we had better not cut down the trees. I think solving the problem depends largely on our responsibility to society and environment. If the sense of responsibility is greatly aroused ,harmony between man and the environment will not be far away. 篇二:初中英语作文 Water Pollution(水污染)


空气污染的英语演讲稿 【篇一:空气污染英语演讲稿】 三分钟英语演讲稿范文关于环境污染的三分钟英语演讲稿范文关于环境污染的同上满意答案: in china, i think the most serious environmental problem is the air pollution, water pollution, land desertification, soil erosion. i think the earths temperature rises is the most serious.after evaporation temperatures, more intense, so will cause drought. temperatures, glacier melt after, sea level will rise, a direct impact on peoples life. i think, water can be recycled. because water is limited resources, is not renewable, water recycling is a waste, and energy saving. in everyday life, there are many waste of resources. for example, many the use of disposable chopsticks, disposable plastic bags,waste water etc. useful things. above all, want to improve peoples massive propaganda, enlightenment and understanding, strengthen the consciousness of environmental protection. next, want to undertake recycling of forest trees, reduce the deforestation. strengthen the white pollution treatment, use less plastic products.finally, to make improvement. make clean city. a more orderly daizhuanghua garbage. this can not only reduce the sanitation workers less workload, still can better play recycling, reduce pollution and save resources.buy vegetables, use less plastic bags, try to use bamboo basket. eating out as far as possible need not disposable lunch boxes.篇二:英语演讲稿_环境保护 dear headmasters,teachers,classmates and friends:i’m very proud that i have c hosen to speak to you all today, i’m a bit nervous as i’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it
