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英汉双语What machines can tell from your face(2017年9月9日经济学人刊载)

英汉双语What machines can tell from your face(2017年9月9日经济学人刊载)
英汉双语What machines can tell from your face(2017年9月9日经济学人刊载)

What machines can tell from your face

Saturday, September 16, 2017

8:54 AM

Life in the age of facial recognition

THE human face is a remarkable piece of work. The astonishing

variety of facial features helps people recognise each other and is crucial to the formation of complex societies. So is the face’s ability

to send emotional signals, whether through an involuntary blush or the artifice of a false smile. People spend much of their waking lives, in the office and the courtroom as well as the bar and the bedroom, reading faces, for signs of attraction, hostility, trust and deceit. They also spend plenty of time trying to dissimulate.

Technology is rapidly catching up with the human ability to read

faces. In America facial recognition is used by churches to track worshippers’ attendance; in Britain, by retailers to spot past shoplifters. This year Welsh police used it to arrest a suspect outside a football game. In China it verifies the identities of ride-hailing drivers, permits tourists to enter attractions and lets people pay for things with a smile. Apple’s new iPhone is expected to use it to unlock the homescreen ).

Set against human skills, such applications might seem incremental. Some breakthroughs, such as flight or the internet, obviously

transform human abilities; facial recognition seems merely to encode them. Although faces are peculiar to individuals, they are also public, so technology does not, at first sight, intrude on

something that is private. And yet the ability to record, store and analyse images of faces cheaply, quickly and on a vast scale promises one day to bring about fundamental changes to notions of privacy, fairness and trust.

The final frontier

Start with privacy. One big difference between faces and other biometric data, such as fingerprints, is that they work at a distance. Anyone with a phone can take a picture for facial-recognition programs to use. FindFace, an app in Russia, compares snaps of strangers with pictures on VKontakte, a social network, and can identify people with a 70% accuracy rate. Facebook’s bank of facial images cannot be scraped by others, but the Silicon Valley giant could obtain pictures of visitors to a car showroom, say, and later use facial recognition to serve them ads for cars. Even if private firms are unable to join the dots between images and identity, the state often can. China’s government keeps a record of its citizens’ faces; photographs of half of America’s adult populat ion are stored in databases that can be used by the FBI. Law-enforcement agencies now have a powerful weapon in their ability to track criminals, but at enormous potential cost to citizens’ privacy.

The face is not just a name-tag. It displays a lot of other information—and machines can read that, too. Again, that promises benefits. Some firms are analysing faces to provide automated diagnoses of rare genetic conditions, such as Hajdu-Cheney syndrome, far earlier than would otherwise be possible. Systems that measure emotion may give autistic people a grasp of social signals they find elusive. But the technology also threatens. Researchers at Stanford University have demonstrated that, when shown pictures of one gay man, and one straight man, the algorithm could attribute their sexuality correctly 81% of the time. Humans managed only 61% . In countries where homosexuality is a crime, software which promises to infer sexuality from a face is an alarming prospect.

Keys, wallet, balaclava

Less violent forms of discrimination could also become common.

Employers can already act on their prejudices to deny people a job.

But facial recognition could make such bias routine, enabling firms to filter all job applications for ethnicity and signs of intelligence and sexuality. Nightclubs and sports grounds may face pressure to protect people by scanning entrants’ faces for the threat of

violence—even though, owing to the nature of machine-learning, all facial-recognition systems inevitably deal in probabilities. Moreover, such systems may be biased against those who do not have white

skin, since algorithms trained on data sets of mostly white faces do not work well with different ethnicities. Such biases have cropped up in automated assessments used to inform courts’ dec isions about bail and sentencing.

Eventually, continuous facial recording and gadgets that paint computerised data onto the real world might change the texture of social interactions. Dissembling helps grease the wheels of daily life. If your partner can spot every suppressed yawn, and your boss every grimace of irritation, marriages and working relationships will be more truthful, but less harmonious. The basis of social interactions might change, too, from a set of commitments founded on trust to calculations of risk and reward derived from the information a computer attaches to someone’s face. Relationships might become more rational, but also more transactional.

In democracies, at least, legislation can help alter the balance of

good and bad outcomes. European regulators have embedded a set of principles in forthcoming data-protection regulation, decreeing that biometric information, which would include “faceprints”, belongs to its owner and that its use requires consent—so that, in Europe, unlike America, Facebook could not just sell ads to those car-showroom visitors. Laws against discrimination can be applied to an employer screening candidates’ images. Suppliers of commercial face-recognition systems might submit to audits, to demonstrate that their systems are not propagating bias unintentionally. Firms that use such technologies should be held accountable.

Such rules cannot alter the direction of travel, however. Cameras

will only become more common with the spread of wearable devices.

Efforts to bamboozle facial-recognition systems, from sunglasses to make-up, are already being overtaken; research from the University of Cambridge shows that artificial intelligence can reconstruct the facial structures of people in disguise. Google has explicitly turned its back on matching faces to identities, for fear of its misuse by undemocratic regimes. Other tech firms seem less picky. Amazon and Microsoft are both using their cloud services to offer face recognition; it is central to Facebook’s plans. Governments will not want to forgo its benefits. Change is coming. Face up to it.
























what can you do教案(共案)

what can you do教案(共案) 临高三小罗小暖 ( Part A Let’ learn let’ try let’s talk) 教学目标: 1.掌握新词: dance sing English songs do kung fu draw cartoons play the pipa. 2.掌握句型:What can you do? I can… 3.能在实际情景中用所学语言谈论某人是否会做某事。 教学重难点: 1.重点:本课新词、句型。 2.难点:We’ll have…的理解及读音。 情感目标:了解琵琶、武术等具有中国特色的文娱活动, 培养学生的跨文化意识。 学习能力:培养学生的观图猜测能力和小组合作能力。 教学过程: 一.Warm-up and revision. 1.Greeting. 2.I say, you do.

3.Let’s chant: Swim.swim.I can swim. Cook,cook,I can cook. … 二.Presentation 1.Learn the new words and phrases. T:What can you do? S:I can… (学习新词:dance sing English songs do kung fu draw cartoons play the pipa) 2.Practice the new words (1)I say , you do. (2) Let’s chant. What,what,What can you do? Dance,dance,I can dance. … 3.Pre-listening (1)Look and guess: What can Mike do? (2)Listen and tick.

二年级U1 2B M1U1 What can you see

Subject: 2B M1U1 What can you see? Ⅰ. 教材单元分析: 1.学生情况分析 本单元是牛津小学英语(上海版)新教材2B的第一个单元,学生已经过了一年半的英语学习,对新教材的模式以及学习要求也已基本适应,对教材上的四会单词基本都能达到听,说,读,写,拼背的程度;听,说,运用所学句型,对话;能进行基本的日常用语交流;能掌握简单的语法知识点,如单复数的区分,a, an的用法等。 2.教材分析 就本单元学习内容而言,学生对颜色类的单词已掌握了red, green, blue, yellow,并达到四会的程度;orange, white这两个单词达到了三会的要求,已能运用What can you see? I can see… .What colour is it? It is… . 单数形式进行问答交流,简单陈述物体的颜色。 3.单元教学目标分析 知识与能力 (1)学生掌握颜色类的词汇:purple ,pink, black, brown (2)学生能运用What colour are they? They are…这个句型来描述自己所看到一些物品的颜色。 (3)正确使用情态动词“can”进行问答和交流 (4)正确诵读儿歌“rainbow”,注意使用正确的语音语调。 过程与方法 (1)能运用所学新单词进行说话练习 (2)通过与老师、学生的对话,表演等培养学生的表达交流能力 (3)通过对儿歌的改编,培养学生的创新思维和能力 情感态度与价值观 培养学生对色彩的观察能力,从而激发他们对自然界的热爱, 对多彩生 活的热爱。 4.教学策略分析 (1)兴趣激励法,通过儿歌的诵读,表演,不同形式的操练方法等形式激发学生学习的兴趣。 (2)循序渐进,由易到难,逐步推进,增加所学知识的再现率。 (3)创造机会,通过编对话,改编儿歌等形式激发学生的创新思维,增加语言的运用机会,提高说话能力,丰富语段。 (5) 创设情景教学,让学生在情景中综合运用所学知识。 Ⅱ. 教学实录(3课时)

What can you do教学设计

Part B Unit 4 of PEP Primary English Book for Grade Five What can you do? Period 4 教学设计 荆门市东宝区教学研究室廖士新 I Teaching contents(教材分析): 本课时是PEP Primary English五年级上册第四单元第四课时的内容,课文以图文并茂的形式呈现了五个有关家务劳动的词组、一个交际句型和一段chant。与生活贴近,具有较强的交际性。 II Students analysis(学情分析): 本课时的教学对象是五年级的学生,他们已经学过两年的英语,有一定的听、说、读、写能力,能就自己喜爱的话题提出相应的问题,能够积极的进行自主学习、合作学习完成学习任务。 III Teaching aims and requirements(教学目标): 1. Knowledge and abilities(知识技能目标): 1) 学习有关家务劳动的表达法:wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed,do the dishes,put away the clothes,并能用交际句型“Can you do housework? Yes, I can. I can….”在实际生活情景中熟练地运用。 2) 掌握四会词语:wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed,do the dishes 3) 能吟诵chant。 2. Emotion and tactics(情感态度目标): 1) 热爱学习,在学习中能集中注意力。 2) 热爱家庭生活,学会做简单的家务劳动。 3. Learning strategy target(学习策略目标): 同学之间积极合作,共同完成学习任务。 IV Key points and difficult points(教学重难点): 1. Key points: 掌握四会词语:wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed和do the dishes, 并能在情景中自然的加以运用。 2. Difficult points: 正确拼写四会词语,特别注意指导clothes的发音和拼写。

人教版五年级英语上册Unit4 What can you do分课时练习题

Unit 4 What can you do? Part A 第一课时 一、听录音,给下面图片排序。 ()()()() 二、听录音,判断下面句子是(√)否(×)正确。 1. How about you? 2. What can you do? 3. We'll have an English party this Monday. 4. We're all happy. 三、看图片,选词语。 ()1. A. dance B. do some kung fu ()2. A. draw a picture B. sing ()3. A. sing a song B. play a game ()4. A. draw cartoons B.play the pipa 四、单项选择。 ()1. —What_______you do? —I can clean the room. A. are B. do C. can ()2. Zhang Peng can_______English songs. A. sing B. sings C. singing ()3. The boy can_______the pipa. A. sing B. play C. dance ()4. —_______? —I can draw pictures. A. What would you like B. What can you do C. What do you do

()5.—John, what can you do? —_______. A. I can do some kung fu B. He can draw cartoons C. Let’s clean the classroom 五、读句子,排列成对话。 ()What can you do for the party, Zhang Peng? ()How about you, John? ()I can sing English songs. ()We’ll have an English party next Friday. ()I can do some kung fu. ()Thank you! John. 听力材料: 一、1. sing a song 2. draw some pictures 3. dance 4. do some kung fu 二、1. How about you? 2. What can you do? 3. We'll have an English party this Sunday. 4. We're all helpful. 答案: 一、4 1 3 2 二、1.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.× 三、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 四、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 五、2 4 5 1 3 6 /2 4 3 1 5 6 Part A 第二课时 一、写出你所听到的短语。 1. 2. 3. 4. 二、听录音,判断下面句子是(√)否(×)正确。 ()1. I can sing songs.


《What can you do? A Let’s learn》教学案例与反思 一、教材分析 新人教版小学五年级英语上册Unit4 What can you do ?第二课时,包括Part A的Let’s learn和Do a survey两部分内容,是一节词汇课。主要教学五个动词短语:dance, sing English songs, play the pipa,do kung fu ,draw cartoons.并能运用What can you do? I can...的句型,在实际的教学情景中表述自己会能做的事情及询问别人会做什么。本单元话题的功能是介绍自己在聚会上能做的事情及询问别人能做的事情,与学生日常生活息息相关, 学生特别感兴趣。加之这五个动词短语在以前的学习过程中少数也以出现,它们本身又不难,学生很容易理解。 二、学情分析 五年级学生活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维和抽象思维相结合,对游戏、表演、竞赛等活动很感兴趣。也已具备了一定的英语基础,初步掌握了运用所学语言进行交际的能力。同时大部分学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会随之减弱。因此,在设计课堂教学活动时我利用媒体出示图片,肢体动作,Flash动画等创设直观的教学情景,采用看、听、说、做、玩、演、唱等灵活多样的教学方法来吸引学生的注意,让他们在丰富多彩、针对性强的活动中来学习英语。努力营造玩中学、学中玩的教学氛围。同时课堂上尽量以鼓励表扬为主,鼓励学生开口说英语、特别是给差生创造机会,让他们尝试成功的喜悦。 三、教学目标: 知识目标: 1、能听、说、读、写:dance, sing English songs, play the pipa,do kung fu ,draw cartoons五个动词短语,并能结合所给句型在实际情景中运用。 2、能够用句型What can you do?询问别人会做什么。并能做出相应的回答。如I can draw cartoons等。 3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“What Can You Do?”。 能力目标: 1、能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”“I can …”。 2、能在组内完成“Do a survey”部分的对话任务。运用句型“What can you do?”“I can …”询问他人会做的事情。 情感目标: 培养学生小组合作学习,相互沟通和交流的能力。

上海牛津版英语二下M1U1《What can you see》教案


Teaching plan Subject: 2B M1U1 What can you see? Ⅰ. 教材单元分析: 1.学生情况分析 本单元是牛津小学英语(上海版)新教材2B的第一个单元,学生已经过了一年半的英语学习,对新教材的模式以及学习要求也已基本适应,对教材上的四会单词基本都能达到听,说,读,写,拼背的程度;听,说,运用所学句型,对话;能进行基本的日常用语交流;能掌握简单的语法知识点,如单复数的区分,a, an的用法等。 2.教材分析 就本单元学习内容而言,学生对颜色类的单词已掌握了red, green, blue, yellow,并达到四会的程度;orange, white这两个单词达到了三会的要求,已能运用What can you see? I can see… What colour is it? It is….单数形式进行问答交流,简单陈述物体的颜色。 3.单元教学目标分析 知识与能力 (1)学生掌握颜色类的词汇:purple, pink, black, brown (2)学生能运用What colour are they? They are…这个句型来描述自己所看到一些物品的颜色。 2.正确使用情态动词“can”进行问答和交流 (3)正确诵读儿歌“rainbow”,注意使用正确的语音语调。 过程与方法 (1)能运用所学新单词进行说话练习 (2)通过与老师、学生的对话,表演等培养学生的表达交流能力 (3)通过对儿歌的改编,培养学生的创新思维和能力 情感态度与价值观 培养学生对色彩的观察能力,从而激发他们对自然界的热爱, 对多彩生活的热爱。 4.教学策略分析 (1)兴趣激励法,通过儿歌的诵读,表演,不同形式的操练方法等形式激发学生学习的兴趣。 (2)循序渐进,由易到难,逐步推进,增加所学知识的再现率。 (3)创造机会,通过编对话,改编儿歌等形式激发学生的创新思维,增加语言的运用机会,提高说话能力,丰富语段。 (5) 创设情景教学,让学生在情景中综合运用所学知识。 Ⅱ. 教学实录(2课时) Period 1

Unit 4 What can you do第一课时教学设计

Unit 4 What can you do第一课时教学设计 Unit 4 what can you do

Unit 4 What can you do第一课时教学设计前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 一、教学重点 本课时的教学重点是Let’s learn部分五种家务劳动的表 达方法,要求学生做到四会,并能在情景中自然的加以运用。 二、教学难点 本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、英文卡片、声音、 课件。 2.教师准备录音机及录音带。 四、教学过程 1.Warm-up(热身)

(l)Let’s chant ① 教师播放start部分Let’s chant的录音,让学生边听边看图并能理解歌谣的意思。 ② 反复听2-3遍后,可带领学生小声重复。 ③ 拍手掌握节奏,教师将Mike变成本班同学的名字进行提问:Tom, Tom, what can you do?可提问3-4人。 (2)口语练习谁的本领大: ① 男、女生进行比赛,分别用I can…来介绍自己会做的事,看看谁的本领大。 ② 请同学边说边用动作表示,重复不加分,哪组说的最多即为获胜组。 2. Presentation(新课呈现) (l)Start ① 教师出示图片请同学们观看,Oh, so many animals! What can they do? ② 角色扮演:教师提问,Bird, bird, what can you do?请学生挑选自己喜欢的动物边说边做动作。 (2)Let’s learn

What can you see教学设计

Lesson 5 What can you see? Let’s Learn 一.Teaching contents and demands 1.Can understand and master the new sentences. 2.Can use the sentences to talk with others. 二.Analyses of teaching contents The topic is about “animals”. We mainly use the old words to lead in the new words and topic sentences “What can you see?”“ I can see a …” and “ Can you see a …?”. Then practise. 三.Teaching tools Multimedia courseware, pictures, flash cards 四.Teaching procedure 1. Warm up (Review) (1) Sing a song 《Can you swim?》 First, I sing and do actions. Have students look and listen carefully. Then students sing and do with the teacher. (2) Free talk with students about the song. “Good morning, xxx. I can sing. What can you do? Can you …” (3) Review the words. Play a guessing game with a “magic bag”. In the end, lead in the new word “sheep”. Then show pictures on PPT. Have students say the words as quickly as they can. 2. Presentation. (1) Put up a picture of a tree on the blackboard and say “What can you see?”“I can see a tree.” to lead in the topic and the new sentences. Then write down on the blackboard. (2) Practise the sentences with different methods. (3) Use the same way to lead in the sentences “Can you see a sheep?”and “Yes, I can.”\“No, I can’t.” Then practise. 3. Drill

七年级英语下册 Module 2 What can you do教案

Unit 1 I can play the piano. Ⅰ.Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims: 1.能听、说、读、写本单元单词:play, tennis, ride, term, would like, all, that’s all, worry, worry about, teach, then(见课本P104) 2.学生掌握课本P8-9出现的短语和重点句型、情态动词can; Can you…? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Which club can…? I can’t…. Ability aims: 学生能够听懂关于参加学校社团等的对话;能够交流各自会干什么与不 会干什么。 Feeling aims: 培养学生认识自我和肯定自我的能力,增强自信心以及助人为乐的精 神。 Ⅱ。Teaching Important Points: 情态动词can 的用法。 Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult points: 情态动词can 的用法。 Ⅳ.Test points: 情态动词can 的用法和零冠词的用法。 【学法指导】仔细阅读课本P92-93关于情态动词can的用法。 一、Self-study(自主学习): 1.自学自读本单元单词(结合词汇表的音标),把不会读的单 词在书上画出来并整理在导学案上。 3.思考:I’d like to join the Music Club because I can play the piano. (英译汉) “can ”是情态动词,在这里,他的意思是。 can没有人称和数的变化,否定式都用cannot(can’t)。详看P92

五年级英语 what can you do练习题1

五年级英语上册What can you do 1 姓名班级 一、连词成句。 1.Cook,You,can’t,meals,can,the,you(,)(?) _____________________________________________________________________ 2.Would,have,I,to,like,try,a,(.) _____________________________________________________________________ 3.Robot,a,computer,Can,use,a,(?) _____________________________________________________________________ 4.meal,and,I,can,empty,cook,the,the,trash,(.) _____________________________________________________________________ 二、阅读理解,根据对话内容判断对错。 Zhang:Are you helpful at home,Chenie? Chen:Sure. Zheng:What can you do? Chen:I can make the bed,do the dishes and settle table. Zhang:Great!You’re helpful.What do you do on your weekend? Chen:I do my homework,read books and watch TV.And I can help my mother! Zheng:How ? Chen:I can clean the bedrooms,water the flowers and empty the trash. Zhang:You’re great. ( )1.Chen can make the bed,set the table,do the dishes and wash clothes. ( )2.Chen often does her homework,reads books and watches TV on her weekend. ( )3.Chen can help her mother.She can clean the bedrooms,water the Flowers and empty the trash. 参考答案 一、连词成句略。

what can you do 精品公开课教案

人教版PEP 小学英语五年级上册 Unit4 What Can You Do ?第二课时教学设计 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明优化教学活动设计,发挥活动设计的最大功效。紧密联系学生的生活实际,体现语言的交际功能,贯彻语言运用的基本原则,把知识和技能目标融会在完成任务的过程中,从而体现了教材提出的把话题——功能——结构——任务结合起来的总思路。根据学生的年龄特点,精心设计教学活动,让学生在有节奏的说唱、游戏中体验语言,在有韵律的歌唱中感受语言,在轻松愉快的行动中输入语言,让他们在做中学,在唱中学,在表演中学(Learning English by doing/singing/acting…)从而为培养他们用英语进行顺利的交流打下坚实的基础。 2.教学背景分析教学内容分析:(注:含本课时在本单元的教学定位分析)能够听、说、认读句:Are you helpful at home Sure.What can you do I can....Great You’re helpful.让学生更好的掌握和运用“做家务”这个主题的语言项目,并学会调查对方能干什么以及回答,让全班学生能“动”起来,“活”起来,并促进了学生的发展。 3.教学目标分析: (一)知识目标 1、通过自主学习与小组合作探究,能够听懂、会说、并能准确翻译: Are you helpful at home ? What can you do ? I can sweep the floor. You’re helpful ! 2、通过创设情境,通过小组合作练习,能够询问别人能做什么:What can you do ?会用I can….进行回答。 3、关心父母,树立热爱劳动,体贴父母的观念。 (二)能力目标 1、能简单介绍自己能做哪些家务劳动,如:I can clean the bedroom. I can cook the meals. 2、能询问别人能做什么家务劳动,如:What can you do? 3、能运用在实际中运用教材中的句型。 (三)情感、策略、文化目标 1、情感态度:养成讲究卫生、热爱劳动的好习惯,懂得为社会贡献自己力量, 培养乐于助人的优秀品质。 2、学习策略:注重小组合作学习,培养相互沟通和交通的能力。 4.教学重点、难点分析教学重点、教学难点:句子“Are you helpful at home ”以及在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。 5.教学过程设计 步骤 1:Warm up (2 分钟) 1、Greeting. 设计意图:(分四大动物组:dog,

四年级上册英语Unit 1《What can you see》

湖南教育出版社、山东教育出版社英语四年级上册 Unit 1 What can you see? 教学目标: 1、用“What can you see?”“I can see…”对几种基本体育动作进行描述,表达某种能力。 2、语言结构: What can you see? I can see… 3、掌握词汇:classroom ,blackboard ,computer ,bear ,car 理解词汇:many computers, many desks, many cars 教学重、难点: 1、用“What can you see?”“I can see…”对几种基本物体进行描述,表达某种能力。 2、教学难点: What can you see? I can see… Period 1 一、教学目标 1、能听懂、会说本课新单词; 2、能听懂、会说本课对话; 3、能运用“What can you see?”“I can see…”询问及提供所见事物的信息。 二、教学重点及难点 重点:熟练地运用句型谈论所见事物。 难点:a和many的区别。 三、教学准备 多媒体课件,卡片 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1、师生问候。 2、表演唱英语童谣。 Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、出示课文A部分教学挂图。 A:This is our new classroom . B:What can you see? C:I can see a blackboard. B:What can you see? D:I can see many desks. B:Is there a computer? D:Yes, there is. 从课堂中常用到“What can you see?”一句入手,引导学生们轻松地掌握句型,并帮助他们完整地回答:“I can see…”。 2、出示单词卡片a classroom,a blackboard并板书单词,解释其含义,师带读。 板书单词many computers,解释其含义,并带读。区分a和many后面的名词复数形式,让学生们练读。 3、听录音,跟读。 4、分组练习,分角色表演。 Step 3 Practice 游戏——Big and small(大小声游戏) 1、单词练习 classroom computer blackboard see 2、句型练习 T: What can you see in the classroom? S1: I can see a blackboard. S2: I can see many desks. S3: I can see a computer. Step 4 Consolidation 1、创设情景,自由会话。 情景:同学们搬了新学校。同学们参观完后,一起谈论起来。 2、评价。 3、练习。 4、家庭作业。


Unit 4 what can you do? 课题第四单元第一课时 课型新授时间 学习目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。 3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“What can you do?”。 4. 能完成“Do a survey”部分的对话任务。 5. 鼓励学生了解身边同学的能力,做生活中的有心人。 学习重难点 1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。教学难点 1. 新词汇和词组的学习。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。教学过程二次备课 一、课前热身(Warm-up) 1. Free talk T: Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to school. How are you today? Ss: Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine, too. Are you ready for our class? Ss: Yes. 2. 热身活动 T: Now let’s do some warming-up practice. All of you, listen to me, please. Stand up and follow me. Run, I can run (read, jump, swim, fly, clean, draw …). 二、课前预习(Preview) 学习歌曲“What can you do?” T: You can jump, run, swim … You’re so great. Now let’s learn a song ca lled “What can you do?”. 第一次播放歌曲录音,全班学生跟着录音唱歌曲。 第二次播放歌曲录音,全班学生分男女比赛唱歌曲。 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1. A. Let’s learn (1) 学习新单词和词组。 创设“考艺校”情景:“明星艺校”来学校招生啦!很多学生报名参加考试,让我们来看看同学们都表演些什么才艺吧! 教师用课件依次出示跳舞、唱英文歌曲、弹琵琶、练功夫和画漫画的情景,引出新单词和词组,并将其写在黑板上。 dance sing English song play the pipa do kung fu draw cartoons (2) 教师带领学生读几遍新单词和词组,然后让学生分组读、分男女生读。


2016-2017学年度第二学期七年级英语测试卷(二) (时间:45分钟满分:100分) 班级:姓名:学号:成绩: 一、单项选择(15分) ( ) 1. Tom can play _______ football and his sister can play _______ piano. A. the; / B. /; the C. the; the D. /; / ( ) 2. Tina gets on well ______ her classmates. A. for B. to C. at D. with ( ) 3.He can ______, so he wants to join the Swimming Club. A. swim B. draw C. write D. sing ( ) 4.Betty is ready ______ her classmates. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps ( ) 5.—Can you play tennis? —______. But I can play basketball. A. Yes, I can B. Yes, I do C. No, I don’t D. No, I can’t( ) 6. I like basketball, but now I'd like tennis. A. to play; playing B. playing; playing C. playing; to play D. to playing; to playing ( ) 7.The cleaning monitor promised ________ the classroom beautiful and clean. A. make B. making C. to make D. makes ( ) 8. Mr Read helps us _______. He wants to live in a clean house. A. do shopping B. do reading C. do cooking D. do cleaning cook. ( ) 9. — I want to join the Food and Drink Club, but I can’t —_____. I can teach you. my pleasure D. That’s great worry B. You’re welcome C. It’s A. Don’t ( ) 10. —Are you _______ at dancing? —Yes. I can dance really _______. A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good

第1周Unit1Whatcanyousee 教学设计及自测

2B M1 U1 What can you see? 一、教材分析 本单元是对一年级上册Unit1 In the park及一年级下册Unit1 Look and see中话题的复现和发展。学生在原有的基础上循序渐进地学习相关话题的新语言材料。本单元中学生要学习三个新的颜色单词,学习的难点是在情境中正确运用单复数句型描述事物的颜色。同时,为了丰富学生的语言运用和表达,教师在教材内容上做了相应的调整,进行了适度的文本再构。 二、单元目标 1.语言知识目标: (1)能熟练听说、认读单词:black,white,brown等表示颜色的单词。 (2)能认读26个字母字母。 (3)能听说、理解和运用对话句型:What can you see?I can see ...What colour is it/are they?It’s/They’re... 2.语言技能目标: 能综合运用I can see ... It’s/They’re ...句型描述自己见到的事物,从而培养学生的语言技能以及在实际生活中的运用能力。 3.学习策略目标: 本单元通过任务型教学、情境教学和故事教学法等多种教学方式,创设了良好的语言学习环境,让学生在生动的情境中感知语言,在丰富的活动中巩固语言,在有趣的任务中运用语言。 4.情感态度目标: (1)引导学生观察身边的世界,感受美的存在并提高对颜色与美的鉴赏力。 (2)渗透保护动物和保护环境的意识。

Unit integral analysis Module 1 Using my five senses 单元设计依据:根据小学二年级学生的认知特点,结合新课程标准,以三只蝴蝶去找颜色为主要线索,创设不同的情景学习本单元内容。 主题 What can you see? 第一课时 Find the colours. Let’s talk,Let’s learn &Let’s play 第二课时 Fun with the colours. Let’s act & Let’s sing 第三课时 Our world is colourful. 通过欣赏颜色歌曲,引出三只不同颜色的蝴蝶,将重点单 词:black,brown,white和句型:What can you see?I can see ... What colour is it/are they? It’s/They’re ...融入到有趣的童话故事中,创设故事情境来学习新知。通过绘本故事激发学生对颜色 世界的好奇心,再创设以动物、 水果、文具、数学为主题的生 动语言情境,让学生在情境中 进一步感知和运用颜色单词和 句型开展与颜色有关的交际活 动。 通过创设四个贴近学生实际 生活的语言情景,包括:季节、 天气、交通信号和动物,重点 探讨颜色在生活中的作用以 及颜色与动物的关系,给学生 提供大量真实的语言交际的 机会,培养学生综合语言运用 能力,同时渗透保护动物和保 护环境的意识。 三个课时三个话题 以情景推动新授知识的学习,由易到难螺旋上升。用多种任务型教学巩 固所学知识,激发学 生的兴趣。 创设贴近学生实际生活 的语言情景,,引导学生 观察身边的世界,感受美 的存在并提高对颜色与 美的鉴赏力。

四年级英语what can you see

What can you see? 第一课时 Listen,point and read.(学习元音音标[i:]和辅音th和sh发音,掌握四会单词及认读其它与本课内容有关的单词。) 第二课时Let’s talk and practise. 第三课时Let’s chant and learn . 第四课时 Listen and number . 第二课时(Let’s talk .) 教学目标、要求 A.能利用所学单词正确翻译对话,能根据对话内容做简单的会话练习。 B.能抓住重点句,做替换练习。 a. Whar can you see in the tree? I can see some birds. b. How many can you see ? Three. c. Can you see a pig ? Yes,I can . C.口语交际。 Can I read the book? Yes,read it ,please. 能听懂、会说,并能用来进行会话。

教学内容分析 本课的话题是“动物”,通过主题句型“Can you see ...?”“What can you see?”和“How many can you see?”复习已学过的动物名称和引出一些新的动物名称。 齐齐和伊芙的对话中,齐齐误将sheep读成ship,伊芙加以纠正,实际上这也是学生常犯的错误。通过学习这段对话,可让学生分清[i:]和[i]的区别。 另外,第一段中“Can I read it?”中的can,与后面“What can you see ?”中的can用法是不同的,后者表示“能力”,而前者表示“请求许可”。can的这种用法将在以后学习,本课中只要求能理解即可。 教具准备 幻灯片、图片。 教学过程 T:Class is begin .(上课。) M: Stand up,please.(起立。) T: Good monrning,class.(同学们,早上好。) S: Good monrning,teacher.(老师,早上好。) M: Sit down,please.(坐下。) 一、听儿歌,导入课题。(What can you see?) T:请同学们听儿歌,看画面,说一说,你看到了什么?


人教版PEP五年级英语上册Unit4WhatcanyoudoPartA同步 练习2 Part A 同步练习 一、汉译英 1.扫地 __________ 2.做饭__________ 3.洗衣服__________ 4.洗碗碟__________ 5.铺床__________ 6.浇花__________ 二、选择填空 ( ) 1._________ you helpful at home? A. Do B. Are C. Is ( ) 2. I can _______ the table. A. set B. sets C. setting ( ) 3.—Can you sweep the floor? —Yes, _______ can. A. You B. I C. i ( ) 4. Can you wash the __________. A. dishes B. cloth C. clothes ( ) 5. ? A. a B. an C. / 三、用所给的词的正确形式填空 1. What can you _________ (do)? 2. I can ___________ (clean) the classroom. 3. My sister can do many things at home, so she is very ____________ (help). 4. Beef ________ (be) my favourite. 5. My mother can cook the___________ (meal). 四、从ABCDE中选择合适的句子补全对话
