当前位置:搜档网 › 伍德里奇《计量经济学导论》(第5版)笔记和课后习题详解-第6章 多元回归分析:深入专题【圣才出品】

伍德里奇《计量经济学导论》(第5版)笔记和课后习题详解-第6章 多元回归分析:深入专题【圣才出品】

伍德里奇《计量经济学导论》(第5版)笔记和课后习题详解-第6章 多元回归分析:深入专题【圣才出品】
伍德里奇《计量经济学导论》(第5版)笔记和课后习题详解-第6章 多元回归分析:深入专题【圣才出品】


1-5 根据历史数据可以做出如下的假设: 对计算机存储容量的需求大致按下面公式描述的趋势逐年增加:M=4080e0.28(Y-1960) 存储器的价格按下面公式描述的趋势逐年下降:P1=0.3×0.72Y-1974(美分/位) 如果计算机字长为16位,则存储器价格下降的趋势为:P2=0.048×0.72Y-1974(美元/字) 在上列公式中Y代表年份,M是存储容量(字数),P1和P2代表价格。 基于上述假设可以比较计算机硬件和软件成本的变化趋势。要求计算: (1) 在1985年对计算机存储容量的需求估计是多少?如果字长为16位,这个存储器的价格是多少? (2) 假设在1985年一名程序员每天可开发出10条指令,程序员的平均工资是每月4000美元。如果一条指令为一个字长,计算使存储器装满程序所需用的成本。 (3) 假设在1995年存储器字长为32位,一名程序员每天可开发出30条指令,程序员的月平均工资为6000美元,重复(1)、(2)题。 ●(1)在1985年对计算机存储容量的需求,估计是 M=4080e0.28(1985-1960)=4474263(字) ●如果字长为16位,则这个存储器的价格是 ●P=0.048*0.72 1985-1974*4474263=$5789 ●(2)如果一条指令的长度为一个字,则使存储器装满程序共需4474263条指令。 ●在1985年一名程序员每天可开发出10条指令,如果每月有20个工作日,则每人 每月可开发出10×20条指令。 ●为了开发出4474263条指令以装满存储器,需要的工作量是: 4474263/200=22371(人月) ●程序员的月平均工资是4000美元,开发出4474263条指令的成本是 22371*4000=¥89484000 ●(3)在1995年对存储容量的需求估计为: M=4080E0。28(1995-1960)=73577679(字)=4080E9.8 ●如果字长为32位,则这个存储器的价格是: P=0.003*32*0.72(1995-1974)*73577679=$7127 ●如果一条指令为一个字长,则为使存储器装满程序共需73,577,679条指令。 ●在1995年一名程序员每天可开发出30条指令,每月可开发出600条指令,为了开 发出可装满整个存储器的程序,需要的工作量为 73577679/600=122629(人月) ●开发上述程序的成本为: 122629*6000=$735776790 1-6 什么是软件过程?它与软件工程方法学有何关系?


第1章 解决问题的办法 1.1(一)理想的情况下,我们可以随机分配学生到不同尺寸的类。也就是说,每个学生被分配一个不同的类的大小,而不考虑任何学生的特点,能力和家庭背景。对于原因,我们将看到在第2章中,我们想的巨大变化,班级规模(主题,当然,伦理方面的考虑和资源约束)。 (二)呈负相关关系意味着,较大的一类大小是与较低的性能。因为班级规模较大的性能实际上伤害,我们可能会发现呈负相关。然而,随着观测数据,还有其他的原因,我们可能会发现负相关关系。例如,来自较富裕家庭的儿童可能更有可能参加班级规模较小的学校,和富裕的孩子一般在标准化考试中成绩更好。另一种可能性是,在学校,校长可能分配更好的学生,以小班授课。或者,有些家长可能会坚持他们的孩子都在较小的类,这些家长往往是更多地参与子女的教育。 (三)鉴于潜在的混杂因素- 其中一些是第(ii)上市- 寻找负相关关系不会是有力的证据,缩小班级规模,实际上带来更好的性能。在某种方式的混杂因素的控制是必要的,这是多元回归分析的主题。 1.2(一)这里是构成问题的一种方法:如果两家公司,说A和B,相同的在各方面比B公司à用品工作培训之一小时每名工人,坚定除外,多少会坚定的输出从B公司的不同? (二)公司很可能取决于工人的特点选择在职培训。一些观察到的特点是多年的教育,多年的劳动力,在一个特定的工作经验。企业甚至可能歧视根据年龄,性别或种族。也许企业选择提供培训,工人或多或少能力,其中,“能力”可能是难以量化,但其中一个经理的相对能力不同的员工有一些想法。此外,不同种类的工人可能被吸引到企业,提供更多的就业培训,平均,这可能不是很明显,向雇主。 (iii)该金额的资金和技术工人也将影响输出。所以,两家公司具有完全相同的各类员工一般都会有不同的输出,如果他们使用不同数额的资金或技术。管理者的素质也有效果。 (iv)无,除非训练量是随机分配。许多因素上市部分(二)及(iii)可有助于寻找输出和培训的正相关关系,即使不在职培训提高工人的生产力。 1.3没有任何意义,提出这个问题的因果关系。经济学家会认为学生选择的混合学习和工作(和其他活动,如上课,休闲,睡觉)的基础上的理性行为,如效用最大化的约束,在一个星期只有168小时。然后我们可以使用统计方法来衡量之间的关联学习和工作,包括回归分析,我们覆盖第2章开始。但我们不会声称一个变量“使”等。他们都选择学生的变量。 第2章 解决问题的办法


271 APPENDIX E SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS E.1 This follows directly from partitioned matrix multiplication in Appendix D. Write X = 12n ?? ? ? ? ? ???x x x , X ' = (1'x 2'x n 'x ), and y = 12n ?? ? ? ? ? ??? y y y Therefore, X 'X = 1 n t t t ='∑x x and X 'y = 1 n t t t ='∑x y . An equivalent expression for ?β is ?β = 1 11n t t t n --=??' ???∑x x 11n t t t n y -=??' ??? ∑x which, when we plug in y t = x t β + u t for each t and do some algebra, can be written as ?β= β + 1 11n t t t n --=??' ???∑x x 11n t t t n u -=??' ??? ∑x . As shown in Section E.4, this expression is the basis for the asymptotic analysis of OLS using matrices. E.2 (i) Following the hint, we have SSR(b ) = (y – Xb )'(y – Xb ) = [?u + X (?β – b )]'[ ?u + X (?β – b )] = ?u '?u + ?u 'X (?β – b ) + (?β – b )'X '?u + (?β – b )'X 'X (?β – b ). But by the first order conditions for OLS, X '?u = 0, and so (X '?u )' = ?u 'X = 0. But then SSR(b ) = ?u '?u + (?β – b )'X 'X (?β – b ), which is what we wanted to show. (ii) If X has a rank k then X 'X is positive definite, which implies that (?β – b ) 'X 'X (?β – b ) > 0 for all b ≠ ?β . The term ?u '?u does not depend on b , and so SSR(b ) – SSR(?β) = (?β– b ) 'X 'X (?β – b ) > 0 for b ≠?β. E.3 (i) We use the placeholder feature of the OLS formulas. By definition, β = (Z 'Z )-1Z 'y = [(XA )' (XA )]-1(XA )'y = [A '(X 'X )A ]-1A 'X 'y = A -1(X 'X )-1(A ')-1A 'X 'y = A -1(X 'X )-1X 'y = A -1?β . (ii) By definition of the fitted values, ?t y = ?t x β and t y = t z β. Plugging z t and β into the second equation gives t y = (x t A )(A -1?β ) = ?t x β = ?t y . (iii) The estimated variance matrix from the regression of y and Z is 2σ(Z 'Z )-1 where 2σ is the error variance estimate from this regression. From part (ii), the fitted values from the two

计量经济学导论 第五版 答案

APPENDIX A SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS A.1 (i) $566. (ii) The two middle numbers are 480 and 530; when these are averaged, we obtain 505, or $505. (iii) 5.66 and 5.05, respectively. (iv) The average increases to $586 while the median is unchanged ($505). A.3 If price = 15 and income = 200, quantity = 120 – 9.8(15) + .03(200) = –21, which is nonsense. This shows that linear demand functions generally cannot describe demand over a wide range of prices and income. A.5 The majority shareholder is referring to the percentage point increase in the stock return, while the CEO is referring to the change relative to the initial return of 15%. To be precise, the shareholder should specifically refer to a 3 percentage point increase. $45,935.80.≈ $40,134.84. When exper = 5, salary = exp[10.6 + .027(5)] ≈A.7 (i) When exper = 0, log(salary) = 10.6; therefore, salary = exp(10.6) (ii) The approximate proportionate increase is .027(5) = .135, so the approximate percentage change is 13.5%. 14.5%, so the exact percentage increase is about one percentage point higher.≈(iii) 100[(45,935.80 – 40,134.84)/40,134.84) A.9 (i) The relationship between yield and fertilizer is graphed below. (ii) Compared with a linear function, the function yield has a diminishing effect, and the slope approaches zero as fertilizer gets large. The initial pound of fertilizer has the largest effect, and each additional pound has an effect smaller than the previous pound.

伍德里奇 计量经济学(第4版)答案

计量经济学答案 第二章 2.4 (1)在实验的准备过程中,我们要随机安排小时数,这样小时数(hours )可以独立于其它影响SAT 成绩的因素。然后,我们收集实验中每个学生SAT 成绩的相关信息,产生一个数据集{}n i hours sat i i ,...2,1:),(=,n 是实验中学生的数量。从式(2.7)中,我们应尽量获得较多可行的i hours 变量。 (2)因素:与生俱来的能力(天赋)、家庭收入、考试当天的健康状况 ①如果我们认为天赋高的学生不需要准备SAT 考试,那天赋(ability )与小时数(hours )之间是负相关。②家庭收入与小时数之间可能是正相关,因为收入水平高的家庭更容易支付起备考课程的费用。③排除慢性健康问题,考试当天的健康问题与SAT 备考课程上的小时数(hours )大致不相关。 (3)如果备考课程有效,1β应该是正的:其他因素不变情况下,增加备考课程时间会提高SAT 成绩。 (4)0β在这个例子中有一个很有用的解释:因为E (u )=0,0β是那些在备考课程上花费小时数为0的学生的SAT 平均成绩。 2.7(1)是的。如果住房离垃圾焚化炉很近会压低房屋的价格,如果住房离垃圾焚化炉距离远则房屋的价格会高。 (2)如果城市选择将垃圾焚化炉放置在距离昂贵的街区较远的地方,那么log(dist)与房屋价格就是正相关的。也就是说方程中u 包含的因素(例如焚化炉的地理位置等)和距离(dist)相关,则E (u ︱log(dist))≠0。这就违背SLR4(零条件均值假设),而且最小二乘法估计可能有偏。 (3)房屋面积,浴室的数量,地段大小,屋龄,社区的质量(包括学校的质量)等因素,正如第(2)问所提到的,这些因素都与距离焚化炉的远近(dist,log(dist))相关 2.11(1)当cigs (孕妇每天抽烟根数)=0时,预计婴儿出生体重=110.77盎司;当cigs (孕妇每天抽烟根数)=20时,预计婴儿出生体重(bwght )=109.49盎司。 (110.77-109.49)/110.77=8.6%,抽烟数从0到20,预计儿童出生体重下降了约8.6%。 (2)并不能。还有其他因素可以影响婴儿出生体重,尤其是母亲的整体健康状况和产前保健的质量。这些因素还都可能与母亲怀孕期间的抽烟习惯有关。其它因素,比如咖啡因的摄入量也会影响婴儿出生体重,而且可能与母亲怀孕期间的抽烟习惯有关。 (3)如果预测出生体重为125盎司,则cigs=(125 – 119.77)/( –0.524) ≈–10.18 ,约为-10支,这是不可能的。当然,这只是告诉我们,对于预测婴儿出生体重这样复杂的因变量,如果只有一个解释变量,将会发生什么。预计婴儿出生体重的最大值是119.77盎司,然而样本中确有超过700个新生婴儿的体重超过了119.77盎司,这就说明模型建立不恰当 (4)85%的妇女怀孕期间不抽烟,即1388个样本中有大约1180个妇女不抽烟。因为我们只用cigs 一个变量解释婴儿出生体重,所以当cigs=0时,我们只有一个相对应的出生体重数。在cigs=0时,预计的出生体重数大致位于观测的出生体重数的中间。因此,我们可能会低估较高的出生体重数。


第一章 z 软件工程方法学(3个要素) :通常把软件生命周期全过程中使用的一整套技术方法的集合称为方法学, 也称范型。三要素:方法、工具和过程。 z 软件生命周期模型 – 瀑布模型:优点:1.可强迫开发员采用规范的方法2.严格地规定了每个阶段必须提交的文件3.要求每 个阶段交出的所有产品都必须经过质量保证小组的仔细验证。 – 缺点:传统的瀑布模型过于理想化,是由文档驱动的。 – 快速原型模型:通过快速构建起一个可在计算机上运行的原型系统,让用户试用原型并收集用户反 馈意见的方法,获取用户真正的需要。 – 增量模型:优点:能在较短时间内向用户提交可完成部分工作的产品;逐步增加产品功能可以使用 户有较充实的时间学习和适应新产品,从而减少一个全新的软件可能给客户组织带来的冲击。 – 螺旋模型:优点:对可选方案和约束条件的强调有利于已有软件的重用;减少了过多测试;维护只 是螺旋模型中另一个周期。 1-1 什么是软件危机? 是指在计算机软件的开发和维护过程中所遇到的一系列严重问题。 1-2 什么是软件工程? 是指导计算机软件开发和维护的一门工程学科。 1-3 简述结构化范型和面向对象范型的要点,并分析它们的优缺点。 目前使用得最广泛的软件工程方法学(2种): 1. 传统方法学:也称为生命周期方法学或结构化范型。 优点:把软件生命周期划分成基干个阶段,每个阶段的任务相对独立,而且比较简单,便于不同人员分工协作,从而降低了整个软件开发过程的困难程度。缺点:当软件规模庞大时,或者对软件的需求是模糊的或会承受时间而变化的时候,开发出的软件往往不成功;而且维护起来仍然很困难。 2. 面向对象方法学:优点:降低了软件产品的复杂性;提高了软件的可理解性;简化了软件的开发和维护工作; 促进了软件重用。 1-4 软件生命周期划分成哪些阶段 z 软件生命周期(各阶段)软件生命周期由软件定义、软件开发和运行维护三个时期组成。 1. 软件定义时期划分为三个阶段:问题定义、可行性研究和需求分析 2. 开发时期:总体设计、详细设计、编码和单元测试、综合测试。 3. 维护时期:主要任务是使软件持久地满足用户的需要。 1-5 什么是软件过程?它与软件工程方法学有何关系? z 软件过程:是为了获得高质量软件所需要完成的一系列任务的框架,它规定了完成各项任务的工作步骤 z 软件工程方法学:通常把在软件生命周期全过程中使用的一整套技术方法的集合称为方法学,也称范型 1-6 传统“瀑布模型”的主要缺陷是什么?试说明改进的方法。 传统的瀑布模型过于理想化了。增加“反馈环” 第二章 z 可行性研究的目的:就是用最小的代价在尽可能短的时间内确定问题是否能够解决。 z 可行性研究的任务:1.进一步分析和澄清问题;2.导出系统的逻辑模型;3.从逻辑模型出发,提出若干种系统 实现方案4.研究每种实现方案的可行性: z 技术上的可行性 ——使用现有的技术能实现这个系统吗? z 经济上的可行性 ——这个系统的经济效益能超过它的开发成本吗? (投资与效益) z 操作可行性 ——系统的操作方式在这个用户组织内行得通吗? z 社会、政策允许的可行性 5.为每个可行的解决方案制定一个粗略的实现进度 6.对以后的行动方针提出建议 方法:1.系统流程图 2.数据流图:(DFD ) 符号 数据流 第 1 页https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ef10482882.html,

伍德里奇计量经济学第六版答案Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 TEACHING NOTES This is the chapter where I expect students to follow most, if not all, of the algebraic derivations. In class I like to derive at least the unbiasedness of the OLS slope coefficient, and usually I derive the variance. At a minimum, I talk about the factors affecting the variance. To simplify the notation, after I emphasize the assumptions in the population model, and assume random sampling, I just condition on the values of the explanatory variables in the sample. Technically, this is justified by random sampling because, for example, E(u i|x1,x2,…,x n) = E(u i|x i) by independent sampling. I find that students are able to focus on the key assumption SLR.4 and subsequently take my word about how conditioning on the independent variables in the sample is harmless. (If you prefer, the appendix to Chapter 3 does the conditioning argument carefully.) Because statistical inference is no more difficult in multiple regression than in simple regression, I postpone inference until Chapter 4. (This reduces redundancy and allows you to focus on the interpretive differences between simple and multiple regression.) You might notice how, compared with most other texts, I use relatively few assumptions to derive the unbiasedness of the OLS slope estimator, followed by the formula for its variance. This is because I do not introduce redundant or unnecessary assumptions. For example, once SLR.4 is assumed, nothing further about the relationship between u and x is needed to obtain the unbiasedness of OLS under random sampling. Incidentally, one of the uncomfortable facts about finite-sample analysis is that there is a difference between an estimator that is unbiased conditional on the outcome of the covariates and one that is unconditionally unbiased. If the distribution of the is such that they can all equal the same value with positive probability – as is the case with discreteness in the distribution –then the unconditional expectation does not really exist. Or, if it is made to exist then the estimator is not unbiased. I do not try to explain these subtleties in an introductory course, but I have had instructors ask me about the difference.


软件工程导论(第五版)课后习 题答案 《软件工程导论》课后习题答案 第一章软件工程概论 1-1 1 ?什么是软件危机? 软件危机是指在计算机软件的开发和维护过程中所遇到的一系列严重问题。这些问题表现在以下几个方面: (1) 用户对开发出的软件很难满意。 (2) 软件产品的质量往往靠不住。 (3) —般软件很难维护。 (4) 软件生产效率很低。 (5) 软件开发成本越来越大。 (6) 软件成本与开发进度难以估计。 (7) 软件技术的发展远远满足不了计算机应用的普及与深入的需要。 2.软件危机有那些典型表现? (1) 对软件开发成本和进度的估计常常很不准确。 (2) 用户对已完成的”软件系统不满意的现象经常发生。 (3) 软件产品的质量往往靠不住。

(4) 软件常常是不可维护的。 (5) 软件通常没有适当的文档资料。 (6) 软件成本在计算机系统总成本中所占的比例逐年上升。 (7) 软件开发生产率提高的速度,远远跟不上计算机应用迅速普及深入的趋势。 3 ?为什么会产生软件危机? (1) 开发人员方面,对软件产品缺乏正确认识,没有真正理解软件产品是一个完整的配置组成。造成开发中制定计划盲目、编程草率,不考虑维护工作的必要性。 (2) 软件本身方面,对于计算机系统来说,软件是逻辑部件,软件开发过程没有统

一的、公认的方法论和规范指导,造成软件维护困难。 (3) 尤其是随着软件规模越来越大,复杂程度越来越高,原有软件开发方式效率不高、质量不能保证、成本过高、研制周期不易估计、维护困难等一系列问题更为突出,技术的发展已经远远不能适应社会需求。 4 ?怎样克服软件危机? (1) 充分吸收和借鉴人类长期以来从事各种工程项目中积累的行之有效的有效原理、概念、技术与方法,特别是吸取几十年来人类从事计算机硬件研究和开发的经 验教训。在开发软件的过程中努力作到良好的组织,严格的管理,相互友好的协作。(2) 推广在实践中总结出来的开发软件的成功的技术和方法,并研究更好、更有效的技术和方法,尽快克服在计算机系统早期发展阶段形成的一些错误概念和作法。 (3) 根据不同的应用领域,开发更好的软件工具并使用这些工具。将软件开发各个阶段使用的软件工具集合成一个整体,形成一个很好的软件开发支环环境。 总之为了解决软件危机,既要有技术措施(方法和工具),又要有必要的组织管理措 施。 1-3、 1-5、根据历史数据可以做出如下的假设: 对计算机存储容量的需求大致按下面公式描述的趋势逐年增加: M=4080e0.28(Y-1960) 存储器的价格按下面公式描述的趋势逐年下降:P1=0.3 X 0.72Y-1974(美分/位) 如果计算机字长为16位,则存储器价格下降的趋势为:P2=0.048 X 0.72Y-1974(美元/字) 在上列公式中Y代表年份,M是存储容量(字数),P1和P2代表价格。基于上述假设可以比较计算机硬件和软件成本的变化趋势。要求计算: (1) 在1985年对计算机存储容量的需求估计是多少?如果字长为16位,这个存储器的价格是多少? (2) 假设在1985年一名程序员每天可开发出10条指令,程序员的平均工资是每月4000美元。如果一条指令为一个字长,计算使存储器装满程序所需用的成本。 ⑶假设在1995年存储器字长为32位,一名程序员每天可开发出30条指令,程序员的月平均工资为6000美元,重复(1)、(2)题。 ?(1)在1983年对计算机存储容量的需求,估计是 M = 4080e O2SC198^156O)= 4080e7= 4?4715263(字) ?如果字长为16?,则这个存储器的价搭是_ P - 0.048 x 0.72囚3皿x 4474263 - 5,789(美元) ?{2)如果一条指令的长度为一个字,则使存储器装满程序共 ^4474263条抱令。 ?在佃8刁年一名程序员毎天可开发出10条指令,如果每月 有20个工作日,则每人每月可开发出10X20条指令“ ?为了开发出也742G3祭指令以装满存储器,需要的匸作量 屆4474263 200


2.10(iii) From (2.57), Var(1?β) = σ2/21()n i i x x =??- ???∑. 由提示:: 21n i i x =∑ ≥ 21()n i i x x =-∑, and so Var(1β ) ≤ Var(1?β). A more direct way to see this is to write(一个更直接的方式看到这是编写) 21()n i i x x =-∑ = 2 21()n i i x n x =-∑, which is less than 21n i i x =∑unless x = 0. (iv)给定的c 2i x 但随着x 的增加, 1?β的方差与Var(1β )的相关性也增加.0β小时1 β 的偏差也小.因此, 在均方误差的基础上不管我们选择0β还是1β 要取决于0β,x ,和n 的大小 (除了 21n i i x =∑的大小). 3.7We can use Table 3.2. By definition, 2β > 0, and by assumption, Corr(x 1,x 2) < 0. Therefore, there is a negative bias in 1β : E(1 β ) < 1β. This means that, on average across different random samples, the simple regression estimator underestimates the effect of the training program. It is even possible that E(1 β ) is negative even though 1β > 0. 我们可以使用表3.2。根据定义,> 0,由假设,科尔(X1,X2)<0。因此,有一个负偏压为:E ()<。这意味着,平均在不同的随机抽样,简单的回归估计低估的培训计划的效果。 E (下),它甚至可能是负的,即使>0。 我们可以使用表格3.2。根据定义,> 0,通过假设,柯尔(x1,x2)< 0。因此,有一种负面的偏见:E()<。这意味着,平均跨不同的随机样本,简单的回归估计低估了培训项目的效果。甚至可能让E()是负的,尽管> 0。 3.8 Only (ii), omitting an important variable, can cause bias, and this is true only when the omitted variable is correlated with the included explanatory variables. The homoskedasticity assumption, MLR.5, played no role in showing that the OLS estimators are unbiased. (Homoskedasticity was used to obtain the usual variance formulas for the ?j β.) Further, the degree of collinearity between the explanatory variables in the sample, even if it is reflected in a correlation as high as .95, does not affect the Gauss-Markov assumptions. Only if there is a perfect linear relationship among two or more explanatory variables is MLR.3 violated. 只有3.8(ii),遗漏重要变量,会造成偏见确实是这样,只有当省略变量就与包括解释变量。homoskedasticity 的假设,多元线性回归。5,没有发挥作用在显示OLS 估计量是公正的。(Homoskedasticity 是用来获取通常的方差公式。)进一步,共线的程度解释变量之间的样品中,即使它是反映在尽可能高的相关性。95年,不影响的高斯-马尔可夫假定。只要有一个完美的线性关系在两个或更多的解释变量是多元线性回归。三违反了。 3.9 (i) Because 1x is highly correlated with 2x and 3x , and these latter variables have large partial effects on y , the simple and multiple regression coefficients on 1x can differ by large amounts. We have not done this case explicitly, but given equation (3.46) and the discussion with a single omitted variable, the intuition is pretty straightforward. 因为 是高度相关,和这些后面的变量有很大部分影响y,简单和多元回归系数的差异可大量。我们还没有做到,这种情况下显式,但鉴于方程(3.46)和以讨论单个变量遗漏,直觉是相当简单的。 (ii) Here we would expect 1β and 1 ?β to be similar (subject, of course, to what we mean by “almost uncorrelated”). The amount of correlation between 2x and 3x does not directly effect the multiple regression estimate on 1x if 1x is essentially uncorrelated with 2x and 3x . 这里我们将期待和相似(主题,当然对我们所说的“几乎不相关的”)。相关性的数量,但不会直接影响了多元回归估计如果本质上是不相关的和。


CHAPTER 10 TEACHING NOTES Because of its realism and its care in stating assumptions, this chapter puts a somewhat heavier burden on the instructor and student than traditional treatments of time series regression. Nevertheless, I think it is worth it. It is important that students learn that there are potential pitfalls inherent in using regression with time series data that are not present for cross-sectional applications. Trends, seasonality, and high persistence are ubiquitous in time series data. By this time, students should have a firm grasp of multiple regression mechanics and inference, and so you can focus on those features that make time series applications different from cross-sectional ones. I think it is useful to discuss static and finite distributed lag models at the same time, as these at least have a shot at satisfying the Gauss-Markov assumptions. Many interesting examples have distributed lag dynamics. In discussing the time series versions of the CLM assumptions, I rely mostly on intuition. The notion of strict exogeneity is easy to discuss in terms of feedback. It is also pretty apparent that, in many applications, there are likely to be some explanatory variables that are not strictly exogenous. What the student should know is that, to conclude that OLS is unbiased – as opposed to consistent – we need to assume a very strong form of exogeneity of the regressors. Chapter 11 shows that only contemporaneous exogeneity is needed for consistency. Although the text is careful in stating the assumptions, in class, after discussing strict exogeneity, I leave the conditioning on X implicit, especially when I discuss the no serial correlation assumption. As the absence of serial correlation is a new assumption I spend a fair amount of time on it. (I also discuss why we did not need it for random sampling.) Once the unbiasedness of OLS, the Gauss-Markov theorem, and the sampling distributions under the classical linear model assumptions have been covered – which can be done rather quickly – I focus on applications. Fortunately, the students already know about logarithms and dummy variables. I treat index numbers in this chapter because they arise in many time series examples. A novel feature of the text is the discussion of how to compute goodness-of-fit measures with a trending or seasonal dependent variable. While detrending or deseasonalizing y is hardly perfect (and does not work with integrated processes), it is better than simply reporting the very high R-squareds that often come with time series regressions with trending variables. 117


CHAPTER 15 TEACHING NOTES When I wrote the first edition, I took the novel approach of introducing instrumental variables as a way of solving the omitted variable (or unobserved heterogeneity) problem. Traditionally, a neous equations models. Occasionally, IV is first seen as a method to solve the measurement error problem. I have even seen texts where the first appearance of IV methods is to obtain a consistent estimator in an AR(1) model with AR(1) serial correlation. The omitted variable problem is conceptually much easier than simultaneity, and stating the conditions needed for an IV to be valid in an omitted variable context is straightforward. Besides, most modern applications of IV have more of an unobserved heterogeneity motivation. A leading example is estimating the return to education when unobserved ability is in the error term. We are not thinking that education and wages are jointly determined; for the vast majority of people, education is completed before we begin collecting information on wages or salaries. Similarly, in studying the effects of attending a certain type of school on student performance, the choice of school is made and then we observe performance on a test. Again, we are primarily concerned with unobserved factors that affect performance and may be correlated with school choice; it is not an issue of simultaneity. The asymptotics underlying the simple IV estimator are no more difficult than for the OLS estimator in the bivariate regression model. Certainly consistency can be derived in class. It is also easy to demonstrate how, even just in terms of inconsistency, IV can be worse than OLS if the IV is not completely exogenous. At a minimum, it is important to always estimate the reduced form equation and test whether the IV is partially correlated with endogenous explanatory variable. The material on multicollinearity and 2SLS estimation is a direct extension of the OLS case. Using equation (15.43), it is easy to explain why multicollinearity is generally more of a problem with 2SLS estimation. Another conceptually straightforward application of IV is to solve the measurement error problem, although, because it requires two measures, it can be hard to implement in practice. Testing for endogeneity and testing any overidentification restrictions is something that should be covered in second semester courses. The tests are fairly easy to motivate and are very easy to implement. While I provide a treatment for time series applications in Section 15.7, I admit to having trouble finding compelling time series applications. These are likely to be found at a less aggregated level, where exogenous IVs have a chance of existing. (See also Chapter 16 for examples.) 187
