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山西大学附中高中数学(高三二轮)导学设计 编号42 选择填空专项训练(四十二) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题


1.复数2(1i z i i

-=+是虚数单位)在复平面内对应的点位于象限为( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限

2.已知函数()y f x =的图象关于直线1x =-对称,且当(0,)x ∈+∞时,有1()f x x

=,当(,2)x ∈-∞-时,()f x 的解析式为( )

A .1()f x x =-

B .1()2f x x =--

C .1()2f x x =+

D .1()2

f x x =-+ 3.设曲线2y ax =在点(1,)a 处的切线与直线260x y --=平行,则(a = )

A .1

B .12

C .12

- D .1- 4.设x ,y 满足约束条件10103x y x y x -+??++???

,则23z x y =-的最小值是( )

A .7-

B .6-

C .5-

D .3-


何体的表面积为( )A .2π B .3π C .4π D .6π

6.运行如图所示的程序框图,若输出的y 值为2-,则判断框中应填写的

条件是( )

A .5i >?

B .3i >?

C .6i >?

D .4i >?

7.直线20x y ++=分别与x 轴,y 轴交于A ,B 两点,点P 在圆

22(2)2x y -+=上,则ABP ?面积的取值范围是( )

A .[2,6]

B .[4,8]

C .[2,32]

D .[22,32]

8.如图是一个几何体的三视图,根据图中数据,可得该几何体的表面积是( )

A .9π

B .10π

C .11π

D .12π






可以得到时速在(50,60)的汽车大约是60辆.则这4种说法中错误的个数是( )

A .1

B .2

C .3

D .4

10.双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b

-=>>的左、右焦点分别为1F ,2F ,过1F 作倾斜角为60?的直线与y 轴和双曲线的右支分别交于A ,B 两点,若点A 平分线段1F B ,则该双曲线

的离心率是( )

A B .2 C .2 D 1

11.已知定义在R 上的函数()f x 满足2()()42f x f x x +-=+,设2()()2g x f x x =-,若

()g x 的最大值和最小值分别为M 和m ,则(M m += )

A .1

B .2

C .3

D .4

12.等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,已知1S ,22S ,33S 成等差数列,则数列{}n a 的公

比为( )

A .12

B .13

C .25

D .49

二、 填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.)


f x x x R π=+∈,给出如下结论: ①函数()f x 的最小正周期为23

π; ②函数()f x 是奇函数; ③函数()f x 的图象关于点(,0)3

π对称;④函数()f x 在区间[0,]3π

上是减函数. 其中正确命题的序号是 .(写出所有正确命题的序号)

14.已知命题:(0)p x R x ?∈≠,12x x +,则:p ? . 15.在ABC ?中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知222a b c -=,且

cos 3cos a B b A =,则边c = . 16.给定两个长度为1的平面向量OA 和OB ,它们的夹角为120?.如图所示,点C 在

以O 为圆心的圆弧AB 上变动.若OC xOA yOB =+,其中x ,y R ∈,则52

x y +的最大值是 .


初中英语中考单项选择题专项训练250题(附答案) ( ) is ____used and ______ people are interested in it. A wide, many more B. widely, a lot more C. wide, more D. widely, much more ( )2、---- What would you like to drink ---- It doesn’t matter. ________ will do . A. Nothing B. Everything C. Something D. Anything ( )3、This question is very difficult . _______ people can understand it. A. Little B. A few C. Few D. A little ( )4.、After entering the WTO, _______ foreigners will come to our country for business. A. some B. fewer C. all D. more ( )5、---- The exam was very easy, wasn’t it ---- Yes, but I don’t think _______ could pass it. A. somebody B. any body C. nobody D. everybody ( )6、The population of Shanghai is larger than __________ of Hangzhou. A. one B. it C. what D. that ( )7、There is only _______ walk from my home to school. A. five minutes B. five minutes’ C. five minute D. fifth minute’s ( )8、Wang Qiang is a _________ boy. A. five-year-old B. five year old C. five-years-old D. five years old ( )9、The boy was born______ the night of May 20,1999. A. at B. on C. in D. doing ( )10、I’ve been here ___ 3 o’clock. That means I have stayed here ___ an hour and a half. A. at ;since B. at; for C. since; for D. since; since ( )11、English is as _________ as Chinese. You should learn it well. A. important B. more important C. the most important D. much more important ( )12、We’ve never seen _________ flower before. A. such a beautiful B. such beautiful C. so a beautiful D. so beautiful ( )13、You must wear glasses. They can keep your eyes ________. A. save B. safe C. safely D. to save ( )14、Would you please speak _______ I still can’t follow you. A. slow B. much slow C. much slowly D. more slowly ( )15、---- What was the weather like yesterday ---- It was terrible. It rained _______. People could _______ go out. A. hard; hard B. hardly; hard C. hardly; hardly D. hard; hardly ( )16. There are few _______ in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages. A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs ( )17. This room is __________. A. B ill and David’s B. Bill’s and David’s C. Bills and David’s D. Bill and David


一、根据句子的意思选择合适的词语填空。 猛烈强烈激烈 1.经过一番( )的争论,大家都搞清了问题的严重性。 2.在大雨来临之前,狂风( )地吹打着树木。 3广大人民( )要求严惩腐败分子。 鼓励鼓动鼓舞 4.经他( ),不少人都加入了篮球队。 5.经过老师的教育和( ),他终于振作起精神。 6我们用唱歌来( )士气。 二、把下列词语补充完整,并填空。 ( )( )丝连古往( )( ) ( )( )大物气象( )( ) 1、__________,有多少仁人志士为了国家的独立而献出生命。 2.我仔细一看,海里的那个__________原来是头巨鲸。 心( )手( ) 垂( )丧( )

源源( )( ) 不动( )( ) ( )罗( )布大喜( )( ) 3失败了干万不要__________,成功了也不能洋洋得意。 4.走失的孩子找到了,孩子的父母不禁喜极而泣,__________。 5.看到公布栏上自己的考试成绩后,她__________地走了。 6看到这么美的画面,我的思绪__________地涌了上来! 三、补全下列成语,并选择合适的填入句子中。 肃然( )( ) 七( )八( ) 恭恭( )( ) 胆战( )( ) 1.向下望去,深不见底,真是万丈深渊,叫人见了__________。 2.刘老师非常好,同学们十分敬佩他,对他也总是__________的。 四、选词填空。 陆续继续相继 1.到了狼牙山顶峰,五位壮士居高临下,__________向紧跟在身后的敌人射击。2班长马宝玉第一个纵深跳下山谷,战士们也昂首挺胸,__________从悬崖往下跳。

闯入进入走进侵入 3.1860年,英法联军__________北京,__________圆明园。 4.当我__________教室时,上课铃已经响了。 五、选出括号里使用正确的词语。 1孩子要管好,这清白的梅花,是(污染玷污)得的吗? 2.在炎热的夏天,它能(阻挡阻拦)强烈的阳光,使室内比室外凉快。 3.每当我一次次地面临道德抉择的时候,就会想起父亲曾经(训诚告诚)我的话 4.这个房间十分(宽敞宽大)。 参考答案 一、1.激烈 2.猛烈 3.强烈 4.鼓动 5.鼓励 6.鼓舞 二、 藕断今来庞然万千 1. 古往今来 2.庞然大物 心灵手巧垂头丧气 源源不断不动声色 星罗棋布大喜过望 3. 垂头丧气 4.大喜过望 5.不动声色 6.源源不断


高三理科数学限时训练 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每题5分,共50分.每题都给出四个结论,其中有且只有一个 结论是正确的.) 1. 复数z 满足(2)z z i =+,则z =( ) A .1i + B .1i - C .1i -+ D .1i -- 2. 已知实数a ≠0,函数2,1()2,1x a x f x x a x +

【英语】 英语语法填空专题练习(及答案)及解析

【英语】英语语法填空专题练习(及答案)及解析 一、语法填空 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A hotel chain is employing human bed warmers to help guests get a good night's sleep. ________ (dress) in special all-in-one sleeping suits, the walking electric blankets are sent to warm the beds of guests staying at the Holiday Inn ________ they get under the covers. Dr Chris Idzikowski, ________ (direct) of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, said the idea could help people get off to sleep. He ________ (explain) that "There's plenty of scientific evidence to show that sleep starts at the beginning of the night ________ body temperature starts to drop. The drop occurs partly because the blood vessels (血管) ________ the hands, face and feet open up and release heat." "A warm bed –approximately 20 to 24 degrees Celsuis –is ________ good way to start this process while a cold bed isn't. It helps people sleep well especially as it's taking much ________ (long) for them to warm up when they come in from the snow." Dr Chris Idzikowski and ________ (he) colleague Jane Bednall said the idea was like "having a giant hot water bottle in your bed". The five-minute free bed warming sessions will be tried out in London and Manchester ________ the end of next month. 【答案】 Dressed;before;director;explained;when;of;a;longer;his;at 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一款新发明的暖床器以及使用暖床器的好处。 (1)考查非谓语动词。句意:行走的电热毯将会穿着特制的连体睡衣被送去假日酒店在客人上床之前给客人进行暖床。动词dress与这句话的主语the walking electric blankets之间是被动关系,故填Dressed。 (2)考查状语从句。句意:行走的电热毯将会穿着特制的连体睡衣被送去假日酒店在客人上床之前给客人进行暖床。根据句意,客人睡觉之前需要暖床,故填before。 (3)考查名词。句意:爱丁堡睡眠中心的主任Chris Idzikowski博士说,这个办法能帮助人们更好地入睡。空格前是一个人名,两个逗号之间的部分是这个人名的同位语,所以应填一个表示人的名词。故填director。 (4)考查时态。句意:他解释,有充分科学依据显示,入夜人体体温开始下降的时候就是睡眠产生的时候。由上一句中said使用的是一般过去时可知,这句话也应使用一般过去时。故填explained。 (5)考查定语从句。句意:他解释,有充分科学依据显示,入夜人体体温开始下降的时候就是睡眠产生的时候。根据句意,这是一个定语从句,先行词为the beginning of the night,并且先行词在从句中做时间状语,故填关系词when。 (6)考查介词。句意:人体温度之所以会下降,部分原因在于,(这时)人的手部、脸部以及脚部的血管开始扩张,散发了热量。空前前后都是名词,所以空格处应填介词,the blood vessels与the hands之间属于所属关系,故填of。 (7)考查冠词。句意:温暖的床(温度大约在20到24摄氏度之间)有助于人们入睡而冰冷的床则会妨碍人们入睡。空格位于谓语动词后,空格后为一个可数单数名词短语,所以空格处应填不定冠词。“good”是以辅音音素开始的,故填a。


PEP小学英语总复习——选择题专项训练题 1.You can play _____the clean dog after class. A.with B. in C. at 2.Is your mother ______Huizhou? Yes, she is. A.live B. goes to C. visiting 3.Where _____you this morning? I _____at a meeting. A.were, was B.are, am C.do, am 4.Her brother is a policeman. He works in a _____ A.post office B.police station C.office 5.What’s the weather like today? It’s________ A.rain B.windy C.sun 6.Were you _____ Canada during the summer holiday? A.in B. on C. at 7.Are you ______a good time ? A.have B.has C. having 8.What do you have _____lunch? A.in B. for C.at 9.Tom and Mary have bread and milk___the morning. A.in B. on C. at 10.Does it ____in Guangzhou? A. raining B.rains C.rain 11.The bank is _____my uncle’s home. A. next to B.in C.to 12.How many _____are there under the tree? A. man B. women C. woman 13.Is you r bag big ____small? A. and B. or C. an 14.______does Ben go to school? By bus. A. How B.What C.Where 15.______is that? That’s my cousin. A.Who B. What C.Whose 16. I usually ride the bike after school ______Mondays. A.on B. in C.at 17. Is your mother strong ____weak? A. and B. or C. but 18. I get up ____7:00 every morning. A. in B. on C.at 19.My friend likes ______ A.running and swimming B. cook and sing C.run and dance 20.Tom is ______than Ben. A. heavy B. heavyer C.heavier 21.Tony is 14, Jim is 15.Tony is ______than Jim. A.younger B. bigger C. older 22.______is your birthday? A. Where B. When C. What 23.______is that? That’s Tom’s mother. A.What B. Whose C. Who 24. Is your mother ______? Yes, she is. A. cook B. cooks C. cooking


五年级下册语文选词填空(完整版) 一、选词填空。 左右横竖里外远近 1.前面景阳冈上,有只吊睛白额大虫,晚了出来伤人,坏了三二十条大汉性命。这是(________)皆知的事。 2.看罢多时,跳过桥中间,(_________)观看,只见正当中有一石碣。3.宝玉道:“我还没放一遭儿呢。”探春笑道:“(_________)是给你放晦气罢了!” 4.你这样说,弄得我(_________)不是人了。 二、选择恰当的词语填入句中的括号里。 悲痛悲愤悲伤 (1)祖父(______)地讲述着战争的经过和国人受到的灾难。 (2)看到衣衫褴褛的老人,我会默然感到(__________)。 居然仍然突然 (3)半个月前,他因病(____)住了院,但他坚持在病床上自学,这次考试成绩(_____)很优秀。 三、认真读下面的句子,选择恰当的词语,将序号填在括号里。A.宣告 B.宣布 C.宣读 D.宣传 (1)我们要向低年级的同学(__________)毛泽东同志的事迹。 (2)老师在班会上(__________)了关于表扬李文同学的决定。 (3)老师(__________):学雷锋活动现在开始。 (4)毛主席的(__________)经过无线电的广播传到了大江南北。 四、选择合适的关联词语填空。 分辩分辨

1.花生矮矮地长在地上,等到成熟了,也不能立刻(____)出来它有没有果实。 2.小宁说:“花生的果实挂在枝上。”小林(____)道:“不对,花生的果实长在地里,所以又叫落花生。” 居然固然既然 3、(_____)你们那么爱吃花生,就一起种花生吧。 4、我们买种,翻地,播种,浇水,没过几个月,(______)收获了。 5.花生的好处(______)很多,但有一样最可贵。 五、对号入座选词语。 喜欢欢喜 1.小朋友们都十分(_______)王老师画的鱼。 2.王冕就用一辆牛车载着母亲,到村上湖边走走。母亲心里十分 (________)。 孝敬尊敬 3.我们每个人都要(_______)师长,讲文明懂礼貌。 4.王冕得了钱,就买些好东西(_______)母亲。 六、选择恰当的词语填空。 吩咐叮嘱 1.妈妈________我在上学的路上要注意安全。 2.老师________我们几个男生去二楼抬桌子。 侵犯侵略 3.曹小三真觉得这件黑衣服有种神圣不可________的威严。 4.抗日战争时期,日本________者杀害了我们许多同胞。 七、选择恰当的词语写在句中的横线上。 飘浮漂浮晴朗清朗 1.一只鸟站在________在海面的一节枯木上。


一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1.二次函数1)1(2 -+=x y 图象的顶点坐标是 A .(1,1); B .(1,-1); C .(-1,1); D .(-1,-1). 2.已知Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90o,那么 b c 是∠B 的 A .正切; B .余切; C .正弦; D .余弦. 3.已知线段a 、b ,且 3 2 =b a ,那么下列说法错误的是 A .a =2cm ,b =3cm ; B . a =2 k ,b =3 k (k >0); C .3a =2b ; D .b a 3 2 =. 4.下列语句错误的是 A .如果0=k 或0a =,那么0=a k ρ ; B .如果m 、n 为实数,那么a mn a n m )()(=; C .如果m 、n 为实数,那么n m n m +=+)(; D .如果m 、n 为实数,那么m m m +=+)(. 5.如果点D 、E 分别在△ABC 边AB 、AC 的反向延长线上,一定能推出DE ∥BC 的条件是 A . AC AE BC DE = ; B .AC AD AB AE =; C .AE AC AD AB =; D .BD AD CE AC = . 6.下列图形中一定相似的一组是 A .邻边对应成比例的两个平行四边形; B .有一个内角相等的两个菱形; C .腰长对应成比例的两个等腰三角形; D .有一条边相等的两个矩形. 二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7.已知 31=y x ,那么y x x += ▲ . 8.计算:?-?30cot 60sin = ▲ . 9.上海与南京的实际距离约350千米,在比例尺为1:5 000 000的地图上,上海与南京的 图上距离约 ▲ 厘米. 10.一斜面的坡度75.0:1=i ,一物体由斜面底部沿斜面向前推了10米, 那么这个物体升高了 ▲ 米. 11.请写出一个开口向上,且经过点(0,-1)的抛物线解析式: ▲ (只需写一个). 12.已知抛物线122 -+-=x x y ,它的图像在对称轴 ▲ (填“左侧”或“右侧”)的 部分是下降的. 13.若抛物线92 +-=bx x y 的对称轴是y 轴,那么b 的值为 ▲ . A 1 D B 第17题图


语法填空专项训练 1 Before the 17th century, most of the native English speakers lived in England. After the 17th century, British people began to move to other ___66___ (country). Gradually, English was spoken there. At present ___67___ (many) people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before. ___68___ (luck), native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. English ___69___ (change) and developed when cultures met and communicated with each other over the past centuries. The English ___70___ (speak) in England between about AD450 and 1150 was very different ___71___ the modern English we speak today. It was the new settlers that enriched the English language and ___72___ (especial) its vocabulary. The English language was settled by the 19th century ___73___ two big changes in English spelling happened. English now is also spoken as a foreign ___74___second language in South Asia. China may have the ___75___ (large) number of English learners. 66.【答案】countries 【解析】考查名词。country是可数名词,此处由other修饰用复数形式,指其他的国家。故填countries. 67. 【答案】more 【解析】考查比较级。根据句中的than ever before可知含有和以前比较的意思,要用比较级表示更多的人,故填more. 68. 【答案】Luckily 【解析】考查副词。此处单独使用作状语要用副词形式,指“幸运的是”,故填Luckily. 69. 【答案】has changed 【解析】考查时态。根据句意和时间状语over the past centuries可知与现在完成时连用,主语是单数,故填has changed. 70. 【答案】spoken 【解析】考查过去分词。English和动词speak是被动关系,此处是过去分词作定语,故填spoken.


七年级英语完形填空与语法选择专项训练 完形填空(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分) 通读下面短文,然后从下面四个答案总选择一个符合文章意思和语法的正确选项。 A From Monday to Friday, most people are busy working or studying. But in the evenings and weekends, they are__1__ and enjoy themselves. Some watch television or go to the cinema, others__2__sports, this is decided by their own interests. There are many different ways to spend our free time. Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. For example, someone likes__3__ stamps. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others don't cost anything__4__. Some collections are worth a lot of money, others are valuable(有价值的) only to their owners. I know a man who has a coin collection worth several thousand dollars. A short time__5__, he bought an unusual fifty-cent piece which __6__ him $250! He was very happy about it and thought the price was all right. And my youngest brother Tom, he collects__7__. He has almost 600 of them, but I wonder if they are worth any money. __8__, to my brother, they are quite valuable__9__ makes hin happier than to find a new match box for his collection. That's what a hobby means, I think. It is something we__10__ doing in our free time. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is. ( )1. A. lucky B. clever C. funny D. free ( )2. A. think about B. join C. take part in D. take care of ( )3. A. collecting B. getting C. printing D. making ( )4. A. first of all B. at all C. of all kinds D. in all ( )5. A. after B. ago C. before D. last ( )6. A. spend B. took C. cost D. waste ( )7. A. stamps B. match boxes C. pens D. model planes ( )8. A. So B. However C. Because D. Whether ( )9. A. Nothing B. Everything C. Anything D. Something 1


( 4 )一些不知名的小花,长在绿草中,像天上缀着的星星。 ( 1 )小花园在教室的左边,长八米,宽四米。 ( 3 )花园里四周的道路上都长满了青草,好像铺了一层绿毯。 ( 2 )它紧靠短墙,由一排横、两排竖的篱笆和这面短墙围起来。 ( 5 )花是老师精心栽培的,有的长在地上,有的长在盆子里,构成了一个图案。 ( 6 )到了夏天,大的、小的、圆的、长的,各种形状的绿叶,托着红的、黄的、蓝的、白的各种各样的花儿,美丽极了。 【提示:1、看完知道是讲“小花园”的; 2、抓有联系的关键词,那么就可知道先写什么,再写什么了; 3、先写花园的位置,然后能发现第二句的“它”是紧跟着第一句指花园的。 4、了解了位置、样子,就讲“花园里”有什么了。 5、花园里有“草”、草中有“花”。 6、最后具体讲“花”的容:谁种的,长得怎么样。】 二、 ( 3 )我拔腿就往家里跑,拉着妈妈来买。 ( 5 )花了好多工夫,我才挑了一条红的、一条银灰的和两条黑的。 ( 1 )有一天,我从幼儿园回家,看到路旁有个卖金鱼的老人。 ( 6 )卖鱼的把四条小金鱼放在圆玻璃缸里。 ( 2 )木盆里有好多金鱼,许多人围着看。 ( 7 )妈妈帮我捧着,我欢天喜地地跟在后边。 ( 4 )我想挑几条最好的,可是那些小金鱼都十分可爱,挑哪一条好呢? 【提示:按照事情的发展顺利来排列:回家路上,看到有人卖金鱼——很热闹——就跑回家,拉妈妈买——金鱼很可爱,我不知挑那条好——终于挑到了——妈妈捧着,我跟在后边。】 三、 ( 1 )日月潭景色宜人。 ( 2 )无论在早晨、黄昏、晴天、雨天,她都会呈现出各种不同的面貌。 ( 3 )黎明时,湖面的轻烟还没散去,隐隐约约看到天边的晨星和远山的几点灯光 ( 4 )在艳阳高照的当儿,整个日月潭,都清晰地展现在眼前,使人胸朦突然开阔起来。( 5 )蒙蒙细雨的时候,她好像披上了一层薄薄的轻纱,周围的景物都那么朦胧,充满了神秘。 【提示:你注意到中间一个句子了吗?“无论在早晨、黄昏、晴天、雨天,她都会呈现出各种不同的面貌。”接下来就是按照这样的顺序排列的。】 四、



初中英语动词时态专项练习题 用括号中动词的适当的形式填空。 1.The boy is happy because he ___________(sell) out all the newspapers. 2.The plan _____________(give) up because of rain. 3.If it __________(not rain) tomorrow, we ____________(go )fishing. 4.Where ____________you____________(be) these days? 5.Where is Tom? He _________(go) to the post office. He said he _________(come) back soon. 6.Mike says he _________(want )to be a worker after he _________ (finish )school. 7.The last bus ____________just ________(leave) when they ________(get) to the bus stop. 8.She _________(not go) to bed until she _______(finish) her work. 9.Light ___________(travel )much faster than sound. 10.I __________(feel) much better after I _______(take) the medicine. 11.”Where ________we________(meet)?” “Let’s meet outside the park gate.” 12.I_________(be) afraid Mr Johnson __________(not visit) out school tomorrow. 13.I _________(lost) my bike ._________you _________(see) it anywhere? 14.________this kind of car __________(produce) in Shanghai?


高一英语语法填空专项练习 (一) 第二节语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) Do you ever wonder why you yawn? Why do you open your mouth wide and take a deep breath? Well, a scientist at the University of Maryland is searching for the answer. Professor Robert Provine has been studying yawning for the past two years. But he says he still does not know 31 people yawn. In fact, no one seems to know much about it. Professor Provine’s students have helped him find out more about yawning. They agreed to 32 (watch) while sitting alone in small rooms. In the rooms, they watched television programs, or pictures of people yawning. Or they just sat and 33 (think) about yawning. Students also kept records of when they yawned throughout the day. The professor says he has learned 34 number of things from these experiments. He says yawning seems linked in some way to sleeping. His students yawned most just before sleeping or 35 waking from sleep. He also found that people yawn much when they are __36 (bore ) or not interested in what they are doing. Now, Professor Provine is planning future experiments to help him find the purpose of yawning. He said there is some evidence 37 yawning is linked to 38 (excite). Yawning is common among runners 39 (wait) to begin a race. It is also common among people waiting to make a speech. Professor Provine says he is most interested in learning why seeing someone yawn makes others yawn as well. He says almost anything connected with yawning can make people yawn. As a matter of fact, I found 40 yawning a lot as I prepared this report. I wonder if hearing it can make you yawn. If it does, excuse me, if you did yawn, write and tell me. 答案:31.why 32.be watched 33.thought 34.a 35.after 36. bored 37.that 38.excitement 39.waiting 40.myself (二) 第二节语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分) Traditional Chinese culture places much emphasis(重视)on food. Considered to be an important part of each day, __31 __(eat) is far beyond simply meeting a need. However, people are living in fast-paced society now, so they hardly have time to enjoy their food. They need fast food. That is _32_ China’s fast-food market expands. A foreign fast-food restaurant __33__(call)KFC arrived in China first, quickly followed by _34_ such as Pizza Hut and McDonald’s. __35__ the development of China, foreign fast-food chains are realizing high-speed __36__ (grow) in China. However, these “junk foods”have long been criticized by health experts because __37__ can’t provide balanced nutrition(营养). The experts also show that some foreign fast food contains a food colouring, Sudan I , __38___can cause cancer. In fact, China has many of its own traditional fast-food dishes. Among them, dumplings, soybean milk and noodles are __39__ most popular. Compared with foreign fast food, those traditional ones are healthier. __40__ many Chinese still enjoy the special taste and the good environment in the foreign fast-food chains even though there exist some potential(潜在的)risks. 第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或
