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关于做好2010级学术型硕士研究生毕业资格审查 和学位论文评审答辩工作的通知 各学院: 2010级学术型硕士研究生将于本学期毕业,相关教学管理工作要求如下: 一、毕业资格审核 1、成绩学分审核 毕业研究生的课程学习应取得不少于34个学分的最低学分要求。其中:学位必修课不得少于24个学分(75分为及格),选修课不少于10个学分(60分为及格)。 2、学位英语成绩审核 学术型硕士研究生必须通过校内学位英语考试,未通过者,不能申请学位。 3、发表论文情况审核 学术型硕士研究生在校期间必须公开发表与本专业相关的学术论文1篇(独撰、或第一作者、或导师为第一作者,学生为第二作者),未公开发表论文者不能申请学位。 4、补考安排 专业课程补考由各学院安排;公共课补考由研究生院安排,四月底之前完成,具体时间另行通知。 各学院对应届毕业研究生的课程学习成绩、学位英语考试成绩要进行认真审核;对学术型应届毕业研究生在读期间科研和发表论文情况要由专人负责核查发表论文原件,并登记汇总到《江西师范大学学术型硕士研究生在读期间发表论文情况登记表》(表格格式另行发送到各学院教学干事邮箱),登记表纸质稿由审核人签名、学院盖章于5月10日

前报研究生院培养办,电子稿报徐志红OA邮箱,培养办将根据各学院报表情况按一定比例抽查发表论文原件。发表论文最后认定截止时间为2012年6月30日(包括录用通知书发出时间)。如未发表论文、学位英语考试成绩不合格或课程学分不够的,要督促其抓紧时间按要求完成,否则不能授予学位。 二、论文撰写、印制、送审和答辩要求 1、论文撰写和印制 学位论文须按照《江西师范大学硕士学位论文写作要求》和《江西师范大学研究生学位论文规范(暂行)》(可到研究生院网站的“学位工作”栏下查看或下载),在导师的指导下写作和印制。 2、论文送审 为保证硕士学位论文质量,防止抄袭和剽窃等学术不端行为,各学院对送审论文必须自行做好论文检测工作,研究生院将按专业随机抽取10%的论文进行集中检测,检测超过标准的论文不能送审。 学术型研究生硕士学位论文全部实行一题两审的双盲审制。研究生院按专业随机抽取10%送往外校两所同类大学实行双盲审,其余90%由各学院自行组织双盲审。 双盲审要求: (1)送审论文的封面和论文中任何页面必须隐去作者姓名、导师姓名; (2)每篇学位论文必须由两位同行专家评审(指导教师不能担任评审人),两审中至少要有一名外校专家; (3)评审标准统一以《江西师范大学硕士学位论文专家评议意见表》的各项指标为准。


English Examination for Master Students Part one:Listening comprehension(15%) Section A:Compound Dictation (10points) In this part, you will hear a passage three times. Listen carefully and fill in the missing words. For the first time, listen carefully and try your best to understand. For the second time, write down what you hear on the tape. For the third time, check your answer. (10 points) Thank you. Chances are if you've surfed the web you've used the search engines Google and Yahoo. But, here is something you might not know. Behind every search is a fierce battle for advertising dollars and so far, Google is winning the war. More now from CNBC's Carl Quintanilla: It's become a research ritual, find something, anything you are interested in and google it. Enough of the habit for millions of web users that other Internet icons are now getting hurt. This week, Yahoo, one of the web's (1)________ poster children, said competition from Google is affecting its ability to make money. And experts like David Vise, co-author of a new book on Google, say the company is the (2)________ breakthrough in media since the printing (3)________. “It's very rare, that ur, we have a, something happen in our(4)________ and we know at that very moment that it’s history. You go anywhere in the world today and people are (5)________.” Google and Yahoo make money from those ads you see every time you do a search. The industry has estimated to hit 12 billion dollars by the year (6)________. But so far no other sites can catch Google or its high-flying stock, which approached 500 dollars a share recently, making celebrities out of the two Stanford University dropouts, who (7)________ Google just eight years ago. “We are on a quest to build a better search engine.” But some say the enthusiasm is overdone that Google is not invincible, noting its stock fell this week when other tech companies(8)_______ _______ _______. “It's gonna be interesting to see whether Google will blow the doors off. They were, as estimated, like it did last quarter, or whether it too is going to disappoint investors like (9)_______ _______ _______.” Both Google and Yahoo are now branching into other areas like cell phones, letting users conduct searches (10)________ ________________________. Which means the battle of the Internet titans is far from over, and being fought with every click you make. For Today, Carl Quintanilla, NBC News, New York. Section B:Note taking (5 points) In this part, you will hear a passage twice. After the first time, there will be a pause of 30 seconds. Please try your best to write down the main idea and 4 details of the passage. Then listen again and check your answer. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________


成人高考常见问题答疑 近期收到不少网友和学员的来电来函,咨询一些关于成考招生的一些相关问题,为了让大家对成考招生有一个较全面和清晰的认识,我们做了一些整理,把大家常问到的一些问题汇总如下: 1、可不可以不参加你们的考前辅导,直接报考你们的合作院校? 收费也一样吗? 答:原则上是不可以的,首先,无论你是否参加辅导,总费用都是一样的,你现在所缴纳的考前辅导费,录取后是直接冲抵你第一学年的学费的,所以考前辅导相当于我们免费赠送给你的;其次,参加博大教育集团统一组织的考前辅导,由名师把关,复习更有针对性,能确保你的通过率;第三,集中学习还可以认识很多来自各行业、各岗位以及五湖四海的朋友,可以学到比书本以外更多的知识,即能开拓视野,又能拓展人脉,这是一举多得的美事;所以我们建议你参加考前辅导; 2、你们的合作院校有那些?各有那些专业呢? 答:中南大学、湖南大学、江西师范大学、广东石油化工学院、广西师范大学、桂林理工大学、湖南中医药大学、广西中医药大学等,这些学校的热门专业在我们的招生资料里都有,可根据你的个人情况来选取一门合适你自身需要的专业。

3、比如我不想报你们的合作院校,也不参加你们的考前辅导,可 以在你们那里报考吗?怎么收费? 答:可以报考的,但是首先来说,不报考我们的合作院校:1、通过率不保;2、学校录取名额不保。其次,不报考我们的合作院校,参不参加我们的考前辅导都要收取考前辅导费800元(本科1000元) 4、你们考前辅导是怎么上课的?要多长时间?考不上怎么办? 答:由我们聘请的具有多年成考辅导经验和命题经验的资深老师集中授课,一般需要1个半月左右的辅导周期,轮动式开班,早报早学也可以多学,我们去年600多成考学生的通过率达到了98%以上。退一万步来说,如您万一没达到录取分数线,我们也会跟考试院及院校沟通,可以降分录取的。 5、在考前辅导的学习中,假如中途没时间上,落下的课程老师可 以补上吗? 答:如果中途没时间,我们的老师会根据你的个人情况,收集相关的资料(包括讲课内容或光盘)给你,你可以汇总一些不懂的问题,到时由老师统一解答,不会影响你的通过率。而且我们学校还有网上学习平台,你如果平时没时间来参加面授,可以直接在家通过网络在线学习,非常方便。


江西师范大学非英语专业研究生英语(第一外国语)教学与 考试管理规定(试行) 为了切实提高我校非英语专业研究生英语教学质量和研究生英语应用能力,适应本专业学习和研究的需要,特制定本规定。 第一部分:硕士研究生的要求 一、硕士研究生英语的构成 按原国家教委1992年下发的《非英语专业研究生(第一外国语)教学大纲》规定,非英语专业硕士研究生英语分基础(公共)英语和专业英语两部分,两部分英语成绩全部合格才能视英语学位课程合格。 二、实施基础英语免修制度 1、硕士研究生入学考试英语成绩在70分(含70分)以上者,可以免修基础英语: 2、获准基础英语免修的研究生可以免考基础英语课程考试,成绩注明“免修”字样,但必须参加“非英语专业硕士研究生学位英语统一考试”。 3、硕士研究生不能免修专业英语。 三、实行分层次教学 根据硕士研究生入学考试英语成绩和本人意愿,基础英语教学按研究生英语水平高低分为A班(提高班)和B班(普通班)进行分层次教学,以适应英语水平不同层次研究生的学习需求。分层次教学只是教学形式的一种变化,英语课程考试仍执行统一标准。

四、基础(公共)英语教学与考试 1、基础英语在硕士研究生入学后第一学年开设,包括阅读、翻译与写作、听力与口语等课程,共4个学分。 2、第一学年两个学期,均须参加基础英语课程考试,考试成绩75分以上(含75分)为合格,不合格者安排一次补考,补考仍不及格者,按未能通过学位课程处理。 五、专业英语教学与考试 1、由各学院(室、所、中心)聘请专业教师,分学科开设专业英语课程并组织考试,教学大纲参照原国家教委1992年下发的《非英语专业研究生(第一外国语)教学大纲》,教学时数为18课时以上,不能免修免考。 2、学位论文开题之前,各学院(室、所、中心)将专业英语的教学计划、课程安排、任课教师、考试办法和考试成绩报研究生学院备案。 3、专业英语考试成绩75分以上(含75分)为合格,不合格者可安排一次补考,补考仍不及格者,按未能通过学位课程处理。 六、设立非英语专业硕士研究生学位英语统一考试 根据我校研究生英语教学的实际情况,设立“非英语专业硕士研究生学位英语统一考试”,依据国家对于研究生英语教学与考试的有关规定,制定《江西师范大学非英语专业硕士研究生学位英语统一考试考试大纲》,考试内容和考试方式参见考试大纲,硕士研究生在学期间都可参加,考试成绩分合格(60分以上)和优秀(85分以上)


硕士学位英语考试口试topics 1.Please describe the importance of self-confidence and give some examples to support ideas. Share your own experience about it with your partners. 2.There are many people who have done a lot to others or have made a lot of achievements. Discuss a person you respect or admire. And why? 3.Campus marriage: good or bad? Please support your ideas with examples and share them with your partners. 4.How would you like to get rid of your stress in daily life? Please share your experiences with your partner. 5.Finding a job, further study or going abroad, which will you choose and how do you prepare to achieve the goal?Please share your experiences with your partner. 6.Do you love traveling? What places of interest have you ever been to? Please share your traveling experiences with your partner and tell him or her what you learn from it. 7.Discuss some competitions in China. What is the competition about? Who are the participants? What is the purpose and the result of the competition? Share your attitudes towards the competition with your partners. 8.Describe an important event to celebrate(personal or non-personal ). Do you prefer to celebrate it with a group or not? Share your feelings about it with your partners. 9.Share your ideas about teachers with your partners. Who are your favorite teachers? What is the difference between young teachers and old teachers? Should teachers be angry at students? What are important for teachers? 10.China is developing very fast, but still facing a lot of challenges. In what way can we, the young people, do for our country? Support your ideas with examples and share them with your partners.


8月7号授课内容 Exercise nine 巫医 1.drive off these spirits 2.his method involved 3.the first of which was religious 6.he deliberately fed the patient 7. which often dirty and disgusting 8.and disgusting而且恶心 9.so uncomfortable that 10.run away邪魔只有离开, 11.enable the patient to get well 12.medicines prepared from第三步 13.similar in shape and texture to形状或者质地与人体器官相似树木以及药草。 14.from our point of view 16.real usefulness 19.relieving pain 20.advanced by the witch doctor Exercise seven 6 Henry Ford build_____.亨利·福特制造的汽车是 C. a car with bicycle wheels带自行车轮子的汽车 7 Henry Ford’s dream was_____.亨利·福特的梦想是 A. to build a car people would have enough money to buy造一辆人人都买得起的汽车 8. Henry Ford started his own company_____.亨利·福特创办自己公司的时间是 C. after his car won a important race在他的车赢了一场重要的比赛之后 9. Ford first saw an assembly line_____福特第一次见过流水线的时间是 D. at a meat-packing factory在肉类加工厂时 10. Ford then understood that assembly line was____.福特于是明白了流水线 B. a good way to build modern cars是制造现代汽车的好方法 福特意识到他可以运用流水线的方法来生产汽车。 11.The proposal to lay a telegraph cable from Europe to America made oceanographic studies take on____铺设从欧洲到美洲的海底电报光缆的使得海洋学的研究应用于 C. a business aspect商业方面 12.It was ____that asked Maury for help in oceanographic studies.是()要求Maury寻求帮


1.Scientific discovery has brought about many negative effects to our life at the same time of promoting our life. Some people think that the development of science has disastrous side effects so that we should not live in modern society. What’s your point o f view? 科学发现给我们的生活带来了许多负面影响,同时也提高了我们的生活质量。有些人认为,科学的发展带来灾难性的副作用,因此,我们不应该生活在现代的社会中。你的观点是什么呢? Scientific discovery plays significant role in our modern life. But nowadays, it turned into a huge monster. Scientific discovery cause numerous harmful consequences and ser iously damage people’s health and life style. First, scientific discovery is bad for your health. People spend hours and hours to play them, so they are under very high risk of becoming overweight and obese. Second, the modern technology promotes unhealthy eating choices, especially among the teenagers and adolescents. Because they are usually addicted to it, forget the time. Third, people nowadays spend more time and pay more attention on modern technology, it can cause mental disorders or disturbances. Sometimes it will make you unhappy, tiresome and weariness, all of these are dangerous for peoples’ health. Fourth, people pay too much attention on the scientific discovery, is lack of concentration, insomnia, restlessness, depressive thoughts, etc. It also will steal the time to be spent for many other important activities, like reading, playing with friend, traveling, and so on. Children are especially affected by the negative sides. Fifth, some kind of modern technology will make children failure in schools and low grades, slow-down in intellectual development, lack of social skills and others. However, for many people, modern scientific such as television, cell phone, computer are still the primary source for receiving the information. It can satisfy their needs. In addition, scientific discovery provides us with perfect entertainment for any taste, you can watch movie, talk to your friend on line or by the cellphone and so on. All these positive factors is useful for us. I am in favor it, it helps students learn more information and learn it more quickly. We can learn more things in less time. We should enjoy the advantages of modern scientific, and try to solve the problems which modern technology has brought. The key is to make the best use of them in a proper way. 科学发现在我们的现代生活中起着重要的作用。但现在,它变成了魔



高等教育自学考试本科毕业生申报学士学位的有关 通知 1、根据江西省人民政府学位委员会办公室赣学位办[2009]1号文件精神,现将2010年上半年自学考试本科毕业生申请学士学位相关事项通知如下: ①主干课(见附表)成绩合格; ②论文答辩成绩合格; ③符合条件1、2后可申请学士学位,并须加试一门外语;学位外语申报时间为每年的3月1日—3日和9月5日—7日; ④每年6月份毕业的考生(学位外语已通过),如需申请学士学位,可在当年的9月5日至7日申请;每年12月份毕业的考生(学位外语已通过),如需申请学士学位,可在第二年的3月1日至3日申请。 2、根据赣学位办[2002]3号文件精神,凡是愿意申请学士学位的江西师大主考的自学考试本科学生在毕业之前都可报名参加学位外语考试,且一次考试未合格,还可报名参加第二次、第三次考试、直到领取毕业证书前。 3、凡符合条件申报学士学位的考生,如需申请。其程序如下: ①出示主干课程成绩和学位英语成绩,经审查合格后办理学位申报手续; ②按要求填写学士学位英语统一考试考生资格审查表和学士学位申请表; ③主干课程成绩按附表专业主干课的顺序填写; ④政治理论课成绩填写“毛泽东思想概论”的成绩,未考这门课程的即填写“中国近现代史纲要”成绩; ⑤本人自我鉴定要写清现实表现,并加盖公章; ⑥整个填表过程必须做到认真、仔细、字迹清楚、不准涂改。 4、学位外语报考需填写学位英语资格审查表(一式两份)并准备三张蓝底1寸彩

照,其中两张贴在表内,一张上交用于学位外语考试。 5、申请学士学位需准备与本科毕业证书同底版的二张1寸、一张2寸彩照,其中二张1寸的贴在表内,一张2寸的上交,用于学位证书。 6、收费标准:学位外语报考费50元,学位专业课考试及学位评审申报费200元。(外语考试或专业课考试未合格者,将不授予学位,申报费也不予退回)。 7、下半年凡需申请学士学位的考生请于2010年3月1日至3日携五门主干课和一门政治理论课的合格证、毕业证(复印件)、毕业生登记表(复印件)、学位申请表(一式两份)到本自考办办理缴费及交表交照片手续。 8、外语合格标准为:总分≥60分;其中主观题,非外语专业考生≥13分,外语专业考生≥16分。(根据新的《考试大纲》规定,非英语专业考生的考试取消听力部分,新增翻译题型。)考试后一个月可以成绩查询,成绩查询网址为https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ef7944417.html, 学位外语考试时间:11月6日 领科考证时间:11月5日 专业课考试时间:待定 9.江西师大自考部联系电话:8506054 2010年9月5日 附表一: 自学考试本科各专业 主干课、学位考试课程一览表


硕士学位英语考试口试topics 1.Some people prefer to eat out. Others prefer home cooked meals with their family. Which of these types of meal do you prefer? Use specific examples and details for your preference. 2.Someone focuses on one job throughout his life; others like to change from one job to the other. Which one do you think is better, why? 3.Describe the most important decision that you've made in your life. Include reasons and examples to support your response. 4.If you unexpectedly received a large amount of money, what would you do with it? 5.Do you agree or disagree that college students should do an internship before graduation? 6.Do you agree or disagree that cell phone usage should be banned in some places? Include details and examples to support your opinion. 7.Should government give financial support to build museums and theaters? State your opinion and explain why. 8.Some cities insist on keeping ancient buildings. Other cities want to destroy them. Which do you prefer and why? 9.Some people prefer to study with others, others prefer to study alone. Which do you prefer?


31、我们对中非共和国的当前形势和人员伤亡表示严重关切。我们强烈谴责针对平民的滥用暴力和侵犯人权行为。我们呼吁各方使人道主义行动安全和无障碍进行,并确保平民安全离境。我们呼吁冲突各方立即停止敌对行为,并重回谈判。我们愿与国际社会共同协助上述工作,并为和平解决冲突提供便利。巴西、俄罗斯、中国对南非和印度公民在中非遭受伤亡表示同情。 32、我们对刚果民主共和国正经历的动荡表示严重关切。我们欢迎2013年2月24日在亚的斯亚贝巴签署的《刚果民主共和国及地区和平、安全和合作框架》协议。我们支持刚果(金)独立、领土和主权完整。我们支持联合国、非盟和次区域组织为促进该国和平、安全和稳定所做出的努力 33、我们重申强烈谴责任何形式的恐怖主义,强调无论如何均没有理由采取恐怖行动。我们认为根据《联合国宪章》和国际法相关原则和宗旨,联合国应在协调国际反恐行动中发挥核心作用。为此,我们支持落实联大全球反恐战略,决心在应对这一全球威胁方面加强合作。我们并再次呼吁应尽快完成《关于国际恐怖主义的全面公约》谈判,使其得到所有成员国批准,并同意朝这一目标共同努力。 34、我们认识并注意到互联网在促进全球经济、社会和文化发展中的重要积极作用。我们相信促进和参与和平、安全和开放的网络信息空间十分重要,强调通过全球认可的规范、标准和实践实现信息通信技术的安全使用至关重要。 35、我们祝贺巴西于2012年6月举办联合国可持续发展大会(里约+20),欢迎大会成果文件《我们憧憬的未来》中体现的成果,特别是重申里约原则,以及对可持续发展和消除贫困的政治承诺,并将为金砖国家的伙伴参与未来可持续发展目标的制定并就此开展合作创造机会。 36、我们祝贺印度主办的《联合国生物多样性公约》第11次缔约方大会暨《卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书》第六次缔约方会议的成果。 37、认识到气候变化是实现可持续发展面临的最大挑战和威胁之一,我们呼吁各方在卡塔尔多哈举行的《联合国气候变化框架公约》第18次缔约方大会暨《京都议定书》第八次缔约方会议通过决定的基础上,根据《公约》的原则和规定于2015年前完成一份适用于《公约》所有缔约方的议定书,其他形式的法律文件,或是一份具有法律效力的商定成果。 38、我们相信国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标,回应了发展中国家的发展需求。这些国家继续面临发展挑战,包括普遍存在的贫困和不平等。低收入国家仍面临挑战,危及其近年来令人印象深刻的经济增长。粮食和其他大宗商品价格波动凸显了粮食安全问题并制约政府收入。重建宏观经济缓冲的进展相对缓慢,部分原因是有关国家需采取措施减轻外部冲击对社会的影响。由于财政缓冲有限和援助资金减少,许多低收入国家在抵御外部冲击时处于弱势,这将影响其在落实千年发展目标方面保持进展。我们重申,个别国家特别是非洲
