当前位置:搜档网 › 高一下学期第十九单元练习卷



Quiz for Unit 19

Name:______________Score: ________ I: Multiple choice:(40%)

1. In ,when he was in , he went to the south to seek his fortune.

A. the 1980s ; his twenties

B. the 1980s; the twenties

C. 1980s; twenties

D. 1980s; the twenties

2. --- Are you going to Beijing for a holiday? --- .

A. That all depends

B. that?s nothing

C. It doesn?t matter

D. If you like

3. Not only good at sports ,but well in all her lessons.

A. is she; she also does

B. she is ; she also does

C. is she ; does she also do

D. she is ; does she also do

4. I can see ,there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.

A. As long as

B. Just as

C. As far as

D. Even if

5. The schools are quite advanced teachers, so it has to engage teachers here and there.

A. lack of

B. short for

C. lack for

D. short of

6. I am afraid I dare not speak in _____ public. -----Just have _____ try.

A. a; /

B. the; a

C. / ; a

D. the; the

7. When trees are cut down, much of the ______ is washed away when it rains.

A. land

B. ground

C. soil

D. field

8. It was in the lab _ was taken charge of by professor Black they did the experiment.

A. that ; where

B. which; that

C. whom; that

D. which; where

9. the people have become masters of their country science can really serve the people.

A.It was that; when

B. It was when; then

C. It is only when; that

D. It was only then; that

10. We?re living better .

A. year after year

B. every year

C. all the year round

D. year by year

11. We have to be ______ and buy only what we can afford.

A. practical

B. careful

C. traditional

D. acceptable

12. ______ that Taiwan is the largest island in China.

A. As is known

B. As we known

C. It is well known

D. When is known

13. The boy became fatter and fatter each day and _______ made his parents sad.

A. which

B. what

C. he

D. it

14. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see _________.

A. who is he

B. who it is

C. who is it

D. who he is

15. The coffee is wonderful! It doesn?t taste like anything I before.

A. was having

B. have

C. have ever had

D. had ever had

16. The conference had been held to discuss the effects of tourism ____ the wildlife in the area.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. with

17.. _______ of manpower is the main cause of the delay in the factory.

A. Shortage

B. Variety

C. Guide

D. Experience

18. Some words have the same ________ for singular and plural

A. type

B. form

C. kind

D. shape

19..---- You seemed to have been impressed by his songs.

--- Well, not exactly so. It was his way of singing ______ his words that really impressed me.

A. as well as

B. rather than

C. but also

D. together with

20. As the bike is ______, there is no need for you to buy a new one.

A. in good condition

B. in bad condition

C. under good conditions

D.under bad conditions

II: Word-transformation:(10%)

1. protect ______________(n.)

2. fertilise ______________(n.)

3. irrigate ______________(n.)

4. modern ______________(v.)

5. technology _____________(adj.)

6. gold ______________(adj.)

7. wisdom ______________(adj.) . 8. practice ______________(adj.)

9. discover ______________(n.) 10. garden ______________(v.)

III: Fill in the blanks with prepositions according to the learnt text. (10%)

1.It is ____ this arable land that the farmers produce food _____ the whole population of China.

2._______ the early 1990s , scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural

production _________ harming the environment.

3.New techniques should increase agricultural production but also be friendly ______ the

environment, not harmful _______ the environment.

4.Vegetables are protected _______ the wind, rain and insects in greenhouses, where the

temperature is controlled ______ computers.

5.Jia Sixie?s book is a practical guide ______ farming, which tells people to do things ______

the right time of the year.

IV: Word-spelling(15%)

1.If the soil c___________ isn?t good enough, the farmers will try to improve it.

2.Now more and more people buy cars. So every year we i__________ millions of cars from


3. Luckily their computer company has developed a new m__________ of testing the virus.(病毒)

4.Don?t smoke so much; t__________ is harmful to your health.

5 They are busy p___________in the garden so that the flowers can grow better.

6. Spring is the season to s__________ the seeds.

7. We are going to have a meeting here. Will you r__________ all these desks?

8. A g__________is someone who shows the way by leading, directing, or advising.

9.An apple a day keeps the doctor away is an English p____________.

10 After a few tests the m____________software could be used on all computers.

1.The environment becomes worse because man has done something that_____________ nature

2.Jack got a …d” in the last test____________________. he failed his exam again.

3.You can?t __________________ the trains, because they are always late..

4.Culture has greatly changed__________________, because much culture import this country

5.________________ I know, Chairmao has been dead for nearly 30 years.

6.In order to improve our production, we must______________ advanced technical information

7.The letters “WTO” __________________ the World Trade Organization..

8.The computer has radiation(辐射). Working on computer all day long ____________our body.

9.Plastics can be used in_____________________ forms; they are very useful in our daily life.

10.The hospital__________________ nurses so it has to take in nurses everywhere.

VI: Correct the mistakes in the following (10%)

1. This was in the street that you came across me yesterday. _____________

2. Jia Sixie gave us a lot of advices on how to farm. _____________

3. Come to see me when is possible. _____________

4. Lu Xun is known for one of the greatest writers in China. _____________

5.He is a man that you can depend on him. He will never let you down. _____________

VII: Write a short passage about Modern Agriculture or Jia Sixie using about 50 words(10%)

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Key to the Quiz:

I: Multiple choice:

1—5: AAACD 6—10: CCBCD 11---15: ACDBC 16—20: BABBA

II: Word-transformation:

1. protection

2. fertilization

3. irrigation

4. modernize

5. technical

6. golden

7. wise

8. practical

9. discovery 10. garden III: Fill in blanks with prepositions:

1. on… for

2. From… without

3. to… to.…

4. from…with

5. to…at IV: Word-spelling:

1. condition

2. import

3. method

4. tobacco

5. ploughing

6. sow

7. remove

8. guide

9. proverb 10. modified V: Fill in the blank with phrases:

1. goes against

2. in other words

3. depend on

4. over time

5. As far as

6. bring in \

7. stand for 8. will have bad effect on

9. a variety of 10. is short of

VI: Correct mistakes:

1—This—It 2. advices---advice 3. is---it is

4. for--- as

5. 去掉him

VII: 附加题: 略

2019高一下学期期末英语 试卷

本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(听力),第II卷(英语知识运用)和第III卷(读写能力测试)三部分。满分为100 分,考试用时为100 分钟。考试结束时,请将试卷全部上交。 题号第Ⅰ卷第II卷第III卷总分 得分 第Ⅰ卷 得分听力(共三节,15小题,每题1分;满分15分) 评卷人 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the woman probably doing? A. Giving a speech. B. Preparing for her speech. C. Watching TV. 2. What does the man mean? A. He can play the computer games. B. Mark should practice his drawing.

C. Mark should go over his lessons. 3. Where are the two speakers? A. At home. B. In a restaurant. C. On the street. 4. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Father and daughter. B. Boss and employee. C. Teacher and student. 5. What will the man do this Sunday? A. Visit some small rooms. B. Go to the zoo. C. Climb a hill. 第二节 听下面2段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。 听下面一段材料,回答第6至第8题。 6. How long has Peter Waters lived here? A. A few months. B. About twenty years. C. Nearly the same as the man. 7. Where does this conversation probably take place? A. On the bus. B. On the street. C. At the police office. 8. What is Peter Waters’house like? A. Old and red. B. New and blue. C. Old and blue. 听下面一段材料,回答第9至第11题。


安徽省舒城干汊河中学2016-2017学年第二学期期末考试 高一年级化学试卷 满分:100分时间:90分钟 考生注意:1.请将答案填写在答题卷上,填写在试卷上不得分 2.可能用到的相对原子质量 H 1 C 12 O 16 N14 一、选择题(每小题只有1个选项符合题意,每小题3分,共48分) 1.下列物质的分类正确的是 A.共价化合物——硫酸、纯碱、水 B.分散系——空气、水玻璃、盐酸 C.非电解质——液氯、乙醇、NH3 D.强氧化剂——盐酸、硫酸、硝酸 2.实验室配制1 mol·L-1盐酸250 mL,下列不需用的仪器是 A.250 mL容量瓶B.托盘天平 C.胶头滴管D.烧杯 3.下列与化学概念有关的说法正确的是 A.化合反应均为氧化还原反应 B.金属氧化物均为碱性氧化物 C.催化剂能改变可逆反应达到平衡的时间 D.石油是混合物,其分馏产品汽油为纯净物 4.下列实验装置不能达到实验目的的是 5.下列说法正确的是 ①标准状况下,6.02×1023个分子所占的体积约是22.4 L ②0.5 mol H2所占体积为11.2 L ③标准状况下,1 mol H2O的体积为22.4 L ④标准状况下,28 g CO与N2的混合气体的体积约为22.4 L ⑤各种气体的气体摩尔体积都约为22.4 L·mol-1⑥标准状况下,体积相同的气体的分子数相同 A.①③⑤B.④⑥ C.③④⑥D.①④⑥ 6.短周期元素X、Y、Z、W的原子序数依次增大,X原子的最外层电子数是其内层电子总数的3倍,Y原子的最外层只有2个电子,Z单质可制成半导体材料,W与X属于同一主族。下列叙述正确的是 A.元素X的简单气态氢化物的热稳定性比W的强


出题人:孔鑫辉 审核人:罗娟梅 曾巧志 满分:150分 2009-07-07 一、选择题(本题共10小题,每小题5分,共计50分) 1、经过圆:C 22(1)(2)4x y ++-=的圆心且斜率为1的直线方程为 ( ) A 、30x y -+= B 、30x y --= C 、10x y +-= D 、30x y ++= 2、半径为1cm ,中心角为150o 的弧长为( ) A 、cm 32 B 、cm 32π C 、cm 65 D 、cm 6 5π 3、已知△ABC 中,12tan 5A =- ,则cos A =( ) A 、1213 B 、 513 C 、513- D 、 1213 - 4、两个圆0222:221=-+++y x y x C 与0124:222=+--+y x y x C 的位置关系是( ) A 、外切 B 、内切 C 、相交 D 、外离 5、函数1)4(cos 22--=π x y 是 ( ) A 、最小正周期为π的奇函数 B 、最小正周期为π的偶函数 C 、最小正周期为2 π的奇函数 D 、最小正周期为2π的偶函数 6、已知向量()2,1a =,10a b ?=,||52a b +=,则||b =( ) A 、5 B 、10 C 、5 D 、 25 7、已知21tan = α,52)tan(=-αβ,那么)2tan(αβ-的值为( ) A 、43- B 、121- C 、 89- D 、 9 7 8、已知圆1C :2(1)x ++2(1)y -=1,圆2C 与圆1C 关于直线10x y --=对称,则圆2C 的方程为( ) A 、2(2)x ++2(2)y -=1 B 、2(2)x -+2 (2)y +=1 C 、2(2)x ++2(2)y +=1 D 、2(2)x -+2(2)y -=1 9、已知函数()3cos (0)f x x x ωωω=+>,()y f x =的图像与直线2y =的两个相邻交点的距离等于π,则()f x 的单调递增区 间是( )A 、5[,],1212 k k k Z ππππ-+∈ B 、511[,],1212k k k Z ππππ++∈C 、[,],36k k k Z ππππ-+∈ D 、2[,],63 k k k Z ππππ++∈10、设向量a ,b 满足:||3a =,||4b =,0a b ?=,以a ,b , a b -的模为边长构成三角形,则它的边与半径为1的圆的公共点个数最多为 ( )A 、3 B 、4 C 、5 D 、6 二、填空题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共计20分)


单项选择(20分) 16. He bought a knife and fork ________. A. to eat B. to eat with C. for eating D. to eat by 17. The little village which lies __________ the railway for 20 miles is ___________ the great man was born. A. off; where B. at; when C. to; how D. by; why 18. The window which hasn’t been cleaned for at least 3 weeks requires ____. Who’d like to take the job? A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned 19. Everyone present at the meeting agreed to stick to the _____ that everyone should be treated fairly. A. purpose B. ambition C. principle D. level 20. After the war, that country _______ their defense works in case of the next unexpected attack. A. raised B. strengthened C. increased D. powered 21. Great efforts have been ____to improve people’s living conditions in China in the past two years. A. got B. won C. made D. did 22. When he came back with plenty of money, his father ______ three days before. A. had died B. was dead C. died D. had been dead 23. The fire was finally ______ after the building had ______ for two hours. A. put off; caught fire B. put away; been on fire C. put out; caught fire D. put out; been on fire 24. He did everything he could _______ the old man. A. to save B. save C. saving D saved 25.—Shall I give you a hand with this as you are so busy now? —Thank you.__________ A. Of course you can B. If you like C. it’s up to you D. It couldn’t be better 26. Everyone has periods in their lives _____ everything seems very hard. A. when B. where C. which D. that 27. When he heard the news, he hurried home,______ the book ______ on the desk. A. leaving; lying open B. to leave; lying open C. left; lying open D. leaving; lying opened 28. Who do you think he would _____ a letter of congratulation to our monitor? A. have written B. have to write C. have write D. have been writing 29. Taiyuan, _____ in the centre of Shanxi province is a most beautiful city. A. located B. to locate C. locate D. locating 30. I was told that there were about 50 foreign students _____Chinese in the school, most____were from Germany. A. study, of whom B. study, of them C. studying, of them D. studying, of whom 31. Hurricane brought down a great number of houses, _____ thousands of people homeless. A. to make B. making C. made D. having made


2018~2019学年度第二学期《英语》期末考试试卷(A卷) 班级学号姓名总分 (考试形式:闭卷时间:120分钟) 适用班级:高一英语 说明: 1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分, 共10 页6大题。 2. 满分150分; 答题时间120分钟。 3. 卷I答案需用2B铅笔填涂到答题卡上相应题号下,卷II答案用黑色水笔、黑色钢笔 书写到答题卡上。铅笔书写卷II内容不得分。 第I卷(共90分) 第一部分听力(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 略 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 从A、B、C及D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. On this map what does a star ________? A. tell B. represent C. say D. mean 17. I first met Mr Smith in America. He ________ at Stanford University then. A. studied B. had studied C. is studying D. was studying 18. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ________, our minds are developed by learning. A. Possibly B. Likely C. Similarly D. Generally 19. ________, most teenagers now listen to rock music. However, John likes classical music better. A. In a word B. In general C. In time D. In total 20. The letter “X” can be used ________ an unknown number. A. to expressing B. to express C. expressing D. expression


渭南高级中学高一年级第二学期期末考试 化学试题 时间:90分钟满分:100分 可能用到的相对原子质量:H :1 Cu :64 O :16 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共54分) 一、单项选择题(共18小题,每题3分,共54分) 1.中国科学技术名词审定委员会已确定第116号元素L v的名称为鉝.关于 L v的叙述错误的是() A.原子序数116 B.中子数177 C.核外电子数116 D.相对原子质量293 2.下列过程中,只破坏共价键的是() A.酒精溶于水 B.HC l溶于水得盐酸 C.将N a2SO4熔融呈液态 D.从NH4HCO3中闻到了刺激性气味 3.对滴有酚酞试液的下列溶液,操作后溶液颜色变深的是() A.明矾溶液加热 B.小苏打溶液中加入少量N a C l固体 C.氨水中加入少量NH4C l固体 D.CH3COON a溶液加热 4.活化分子是衡量化学反应速率快慢的重要依据,下列说法中不正确的是() A.增大压强,可使活化分子数增多,反应速率加快 B.增大反应物的浓度,可使单位体积内活化分子数增多,反应速率加快 C.能够发生有效碰撞的分子一定是活化分子 D.升高温度,使单位体积内活化分子百分数大大增加 5.已知:△G=△H-T△S,△H为焓变,T为热力学温度,△S为熵变,当△G <0时反应能自发进行,△G>0时反应不能自发进行,据此,下列吸热反应中,在高温下不能自发进行的是() A.CO(g)═C(s)+O2(g) B.2N2O5(g)═4NO2(g)+O2(g) C.(NH4)2CO3(s)═NH4HCO3(s)+NH3(g) D.M g CO3(s)═M g O(s)+CO2(g) 6.下列说法正确的是: A.氨水能导电,所以NH3为电解质 B.室温下,水的电离平衡常数为1.0×10-14mol2·L-2 C. 相同温度下,等浓度的(NH4)2CO3和(NH4)2F e(SO4)2中的c(NH4+)后者大 D.硫化氢的电子式为 7.常温时,等体积等物质的量浓度的下列物质的溶液中,水的电离程度由大到小顺序排列正确的是() ①N a2CO3②N a HSO4③CH3COOH④N a HCO3. A.①>②>③>④ B.①>④>③>② C.②>①>③>④ D.②>③>④>① 8.在25℃时,用蒸馏水稀释1mol/L氨水至0.01mol/L,随溶液的稀释,下列各项中始终保持增大趋势的是()


2014-2015学年高一第二学期期末数学试卷(二) 第Ⅰ卷(共40分) 一、 选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分,每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的,请将符合要求的答案填写在下面的表格内) 1.已知等差数列{a n }中,===n a a a 则,12,853 A .n 2 B . 12+n C .22-n D .22+n 2.空间不共面的4 个点最多可以确定的平面个数为 A . 0个 B .3个 C .4个 D .5个 3.一个口袋内装有大小相同的1 个白球和3个红球(已编有不同号码),从中摸出两个红球的概率是 A . 31 B .41 C .21 D .3 2 4.分别与两条异面直线同时相交的直线 A .一定是异面直线 B .不可能平行 C .不可能相交 D .相交、平行和异面都有可能 5.为了解某地区的职业中学学生身高情况,拟从该地区的职业中学学生中抽取部分学生进行调查,事先已了解到该地区职中一年级、职中二年级、职中三年级三个学段学生的身高情况差异比较大,在下面的抽样方法中,最合理的抽样方法为 A .简单随机抽样 B .分层抽样 C .系统抽样 D .无法确定 6. 两个事件互斥是这两个事件对立的 A .充分但不必要条件 B .必要但不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 7.如图,在正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,1O 为底面的中心,则1O A 与上底面1111D C B A 所成角的正切值是 A.1 B. 2 2 C.2 D.22 8. 有五位同学参加三项不同的比赛,每位同学只参加一项比赛,有 种不同的结果. A . 8 B . 15 C . 3 5 D . 5 3


高一英语期末试卷 第I卷 (共75分) I. 单项填空(共20小题, 20分) 1. Three score and eight is ________ . A. 68 B. 58 C. 48 D. 38 2. The students in that class often help ________ . A. each other B. one other C. one after another D. each one 3. There are ________ many bikes of the same color that I could hardly pick out mine from them . A. very B. quite C. so D. such 4. The passengers should wait in ________ when they want to get on the plane . A. this way B. line C. danger D. hope 5. The gestures (手势) are _______ both by Chinese and foreigners as _______ the same meaning . A. accepted ; having B. accepted ; to have C. received ; having D. received ; to have 6. he _______ the importance to master a foreign language in our work . A. pointed out B. work out C. pointed to D. turned to 7. ---_____ it be Li Ping who broke the glass ? --- No. It ______ be Wu Dong who did it . A. Can , must B. Must , Can C. Must , Must D. May , need


注意事项: 1.本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题,用2B铅笔将答案涂在答题卡上。第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,用0.5mm黑色签字笔将答案答在答题纸上。考试结束后,只收答题卡和答题纸。 2.答第Ⅰ、Ⅱ卷时,先将答题卡首和答题纸首有关项目填写清楚。3.全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共95分) 第一部分英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分) 第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音。 1. wander A. surface B. wallet C. operate D. jacket 2. author A. theory B. weather C. mouths D. worthy 3. puzzle A. university B. umbrella C. business D. supply 4. approach A. Christmas B. moustache C. chemical D. match 5. astonish A. freedom B. brother C. common D. woman 第二节情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两个为多余选项。(如选“E”用“AB”表示,选“F”用“BC”表示、选“G”用“CD”表示。) Rini: Do you often read newspaper? Laura: 6 My mother sometimes brings it from her working


2019高一年级下学期期末考试 化学试卷 时间:90分钟总分:100分 一、选择题(,每题3分,共54分)。 1.下列离子中,电子数大于质子数,且质子数大于中子数的是 A.OH- B.Mg2+C.OD- D.D3O+ 2.将下列各种液体分别与溴水混合并振荡,静置后混合液分成两层,下层几乎呈无色的是A.氯仿B.苯C.酒精D.KI 溶液3.下列变化全部属于化学变化的是 A.石油裂解,煤的气化B.煤的干馏,石油分馏 C.金属导电,熔融氯化钠导电D.金属的焰色反应,浓硫酸吸水4.下列有关化学用语使用正确的是 ①甲基的电子式;②Cl﹣的结构示意图:; ③乙烯的分子式:CH2=CH2 ④中子数为20的氯原子:Cl;⑤乙酸分子的比例模型:;⑥氯乙烷的结构式:A.④B.③④⑤C.④⑤⑥D.①③④⑤⑥5.试推测第82 号元素X 的单质及其化合物不可能具有的性质 A.X 的氧化物的水化物可能有两种B..单质是能导电的固体 C.单质不能与氢气直接化合D.X 是非金属元素

6.氧化还原反应及盐与酸或碱的复分解反应遵循“强制弱”的规律,个别反应不符合该规律.下列反应中属于个别反应的是 A.2Fe3++Cu=2Fe2++Cu2+ B.Cu2++H2S=CuS↓+2H+ C.Cl2+2I﹣=2Cl﹣+I2 D.Al3++3NH3?H2O=Al(OH)3↓+3NH4+ 7.下列分子中所有原子处于同一平面的是 A.环己烷B.苯乙烯(C6H5CH=CH2) C.丙烯(CH3CH=CH2)D.乙烷 8.氢气和氮气一定条件下反应生成氨气。已知H﹣H 键、N≡N、H﹣N 键能分别为为Q1、Q2、Q3kJ?mol﹣1.下列关系式中正确的是 A.3Q1+3Q2<2Q3B.Q1+Q2<Q3C.3Q1+Q2<6Q3 D.3Q1+Q2<2Q3 9.合成金刚石的新方法化学原理为:①Na+CO 2C(金刚石)+C(石墨)+Na2CO3(未配平);方法比人工首次制得金刚石的旧方法②C(石墨)=C(金刚石)容易得多.以下表述中正确的是 A.反应②中既有旧化学键的断裂又有新化学键的形成 B.新方法利用的是化学变化,旧方法利用的是物理变化 C.在反应①中每生成12g 金刚石需要消耗46g 金属钠 D.反应①和反应②中所得的金刚石都是还原产物


江苏高一数学下学期期末考试试题苏教版 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

高一下学期期末考试数学试题 一、填空题:(本题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分,请把答案填写在答卷相应位 置上) 1.某运动员在某赛季的得分如右边的茎叶图,该运动员得分的方差为 ▲ . 2.连续抛掷一颗骰子两次,则2次掷得的点数之和为6的概率是 ▲ . 3.两根相距6米的木杆上系一根绳子,并在绳子上挂一盏灯,则灯与两端距离都大于 2米的概率是 ▲ . 4.根据如图所示的伪代码,输出的结果S 为 ▲ . 5.若a>1则y=1 1-+a a 的最小值为 ▲ . 6.在△ABC 中,若a=2bcosC ,则△ABC 的形状为 ▲ . 7.我校高中生共有2700人,其中高一年级900人,高二年级1200人,高三年级600 人,现采取分层抽样法抽取容量为135的样本,那么高一、高二、高三各年级抽取的 人数分别为 ▲ . 8.不等式02<+-b ax x 的解集为{}32|<--ax bx 的解集为 ▲ . 9.设x>0,y>0,x+y=4,则y x u 11+=的最小值为 ▲ . 10.在△ABC 中,∠A=600,b=1,这个三角形的面积为3,则△ABC 外接圆的直径是 ▲ . 11.等差数列{}n b 中,53=b ,95=b ,数列{}n a 中,11=a ,n n n b a a =--1()2≥n ,则 数列{}n a 的通项公式为=n a ▲ . 1 8 9 2 0 1 2

D C B A 12.若实数a,b 满足()1014>=+--a b a ab ,则()()21++b a 的最小值为 ▲ . 13.在等差数列{}n a 中,若42≥S ,93≤S ,则4a 的最大值为 ▲ . 14.已知数列{}n a 满足n a a a a n n n n =+--+++1 111(n 为正整数),且62=a ,则数列{}n a 的通项公式为n a = ▲ . 二、解答题(本题共6个小题,每题15分,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 16. (1)从集合{0,1,2,3}中任取一个数x ,从集合{0,1,2}中任取一个数y ,求x>y 的概率。 (2)从区间[0,3]中任取一个数x,,从区间[0,2]中任取一个数y ,求x>y 的概率。 17.在△ABC 中,∠A, ∠B, ∠C 所对的边分别为a,b,c ,且222c b bc a +=+(1)求∠A 的大小;(2)若b=2,a=3,求边c 的大小;(3)若a=3,求△ABC 面积的最大值。 18.已知函数()()1 31--+=x x a x (1)当a=1时,解关于x 的不等式()1x 恒成立,求a 的取值范围 19.如图,要设计一张矩形广告,该广告含有大小相等的左右两个矩形栏目(即图中阴影部分),这两栏的面积之和为18000cm 2,四周空白的宽度为10cm ,两栏之间的中缝空白的宽度为5cm. (1)怎样确定广告的高与宽的尺寸


I. Listening Comprehension (20%) Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. In a restaurant. B. At home. C. In an office. D. In a classroom. 2. A. He never trusts Christine. B. He believes that Christine is telling the truth this time. C. He is not sure if Christine is telling the truth this time. D. He knows that Christine is lying this time. 3. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 4. A. Plan how to use her time. B. Spare some time to rest. C. Have the final exam. D. Take part in a competition. 5. A. Husband and wife. B. Boss and employee. C. Colleagues. D. Mother and son. 6. A. Have a rest. B. Clean the bedroom. C. Clean the study room. D. Clean the bathroom. 7. A. At 8:00 pm. B. At 9:00 pm. C. At 11:00 pm. D. At 10:00 pm. 8. A. Jenny. B. Jack. C. John. D. Andrew. 9. A. Watching TV. B. Predicting the weather. C. Playing a cell phone. D. Criticizing his daughter. 10. A. She is happy about the news. B. She is sad about the news. C. She is not interested in the news at all. D. She doesn’t believe the news is true. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 12. A. Read books. B. Learn a new language. C. Take part in the local goings-on. D. Immerse yourself into the new culture.


相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 i N-14 0-16 Na-23 Al-27 Cu-64 Zn-65 第I卷(选择题共48分) 选择题(本题包括16小题,每小题3分,共48分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意。) 1.2018年4月22日是第49个世界地球日。今年地球日活动周主题为“珍惜自然资源呵护美丽国土”。下列有关说法或做法正确的是 A.推广使用煤、石油、天然气,有利于缓解温室效应 B.普通锌锰于电池不含环境污染物,可以随意丢弃 C.在生产、流通和消费等过程中实行“减量化、再利用、资源化” D.将高耗能、高污染的企业迁至偏僻的农村地区,提高贫穷地区居民收入 2.有机化合物与人类的生活密切相关。下列叙述中正确的是 A.蚕丝和棉花的主要成分均是纤维素 B.糯米中的淀粉一经水解就酿成了酒 C.用加酶洗衣粉涤羊毛织品效果更好 D.乙醇和乙酸都是常用调味品的主要成分 3.轴烯是一类独特的星形环烃。下列有关三元轴烯( )与苯的关系说法错误的是 A.均含有碳碳双键 B.均为平面结构 C.互为同分异构体 D.均能发生加成反应 4.硒(Se)是人体必需的微量元素,具有抗氧化、增强免疫力等作用。下列说法错误的是 A. 与互为同位索 B. 与属于同种原子 C. 与核外电子排布相同 D. 与是硒元素的两种不同核素 5.除去下列物质中的杂质(括号内为杂质) ,所用试剂和分离方法均正确的是 混合物所用试剂分离方法 A 甲烷(乙烯) 酸性高锰酸钾洗气 B 苯(乙酸) 氢氧化钠溶液分液

C 氯气(HCl) 氢氧化钠溶液洗气 D 乙醇(水) 金属钠蒸馏 6.现欲用纯净的CaCO3与稀盐酸反应制取CO2,生成CO2的体积与时间的关系如下图所示。下列叙述正确的是 A. OE段化学反应速率最快 B. FG段收集的二氧化碳最多 C.由图像无法推断出该反应为放热反应 D.向溶液中加入氯化钠溶液,可以降低该反应的化学反应速率 7.下列有关元素周期表和元素周期律的叙述正确的是 A.原子序数为15的元素的最高化合价为+3 B.VIIA族元素是同周期中非金属性最强的元素 C.原子最外层电子数为2的元素一定位于IIA族 D.元素周期表中从第3列~12列中的元素均为副族元素 8.右图为氢氧燃料电池工作原理示意图。下列叙述错误的是 A.M处通人氢气,a极是电池的正极 B.该电池的总反应为2H2+O2=2H2O C.N处通入氧气,在b电极上发生还原反应 D.该电池产物为水,属于环境友好型的绿色电源 9.已知某反应中能量变化如右图所示,所得结论错误的是 A.该图像可以表示氯化铵与消石灰反应的能量变化 B.该反应过程中,一定有其他形式的能量转化成化学能 C.该反应过程中,形成新化学键释放的总能量小于断裂旧化学键吸收的总能量 D.因为生成物的总能量高于反应物的总能量,所以该反应一定需要加热才可进行 10.下列反应过程中,同时有离子键和共价键的断裂和形成的是 A.2H2+O2 2H2O B. NH3 +HCl=NH4Cl


高一数学下学期期末考试 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 参考公式: 三角函数积化和差公式 三角函数和差化积公式 sin αcos ρ=2 1 [sin(α+ρ)+sin(α﹣ρ)] sin α+sin ρ=2sin 2+ραcos 2ρα cos αsin ρ= 2 1 [sin(α+ρ)﹣sin(α﹣ρ)] sin α﹣sin ρ=2cos 2+ραsin 2ρα cos αcos ρ=2 1 [cos(α+ρ)+cos(α﹣ρ)] cos α﹣cos ρ=2cos 2+ραcos 2ρα sin αsin ρ=- 2 1 [cos(α+ρ)-sin(α﹣ρ)] cos α﹣cos ρ=--2sin 2+ραsin 2ρα y=Asin ωx+Bcos ωx=22+B A sin(ωx+θ),其中cos θ= 2 2 +B A A ,sin θ= 2 2 +B A B θ ∈[)π2,0 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每题5分,共60分) 1. 用sin 34π,cos 65π,tan 4π,cot 43π,2sin 3π·cos 3 π 作为集合A 中的元素,则集合A 中元素的个数为 A 、2个 B 、3个 C 、4个 D 、5个 2.已知点(3,4)在角α的终边上,则sin α+cos α+tan α的值为 A 、 37 B 、73 C 、2043 D 、15 41 3.已知|a|=8, |b|=6, 向量a 、b 所夹角为120°,则|a ﹣b|为 A 、237 B 、37 C 、213 D 、13 4.已知集合M={a|a=2k π k ∈z} P={a|a=(2k+1)π k ∈z)} Q={a|a=(4k+1)π k ∈z} a ∈M, b ∈P 则a+b ∈( ) A 、M B 、P C 、Q D 、不确定 5.若非零向量a 、b ,a 不平行b,且|a|=|b|,那么向量a+b 与a ﹣b 的关系是 A 、相等 B 、相交且不垂直 C 、垂直 D 、不确定 6.下列命题中正确的是 ①|a·b|=|a||b| ②(ab)2=a 2·b 2 ③a ⊥(b -c)则ab -ac=0 ④a·b=0,则|a+b|=|a -b| A 、①② B 、③④ C 、①③ D 、②④ 7.在△ABC 中,∠B 为一内角,sinB -cosB>0, cotB


高一英语试题 (命;荣) 明: 1.本内容牛津高中英(模一)第一元内容。 2. 本分卷一和卷二两部分。共七大,86 小, 7 。分150 分,考 100 分。 3.卷一用 2B 笔填涂在答案上,卷二非答案直接写在上。 卷一(,三大,共75 分) 一.填空(共15 小,每小 1 分, 15 分)。 从 A 、 B、 C、 D 四个中,出可以填入空白的最佳。 1.“ I am sorry I broke your mirror . ” “ Oh, really ? ____B____. ” A. It s’ok with me. B. It doesn ’tmatter . C. Don ’tbe sorry. D. I don ’tcare. 2.___A_____ it is to jump into a river on a hot summer day ! A. what fun B. how fun C. what a fun D. what funny 3. After ____B__ , he realized that he was wrong in doing that . A. sometimes B. some time C. sometime D. some times 4. I, ___D____ your good friend , will try my best to help you out . A. who ,is B. which ,is C. that ,is D. who , am 5. Who can think of a situation ___C_____this word can be used ? A. which B. that C. where D. in that 6. The doctor advised Tom strongly that he should take a holiday ,but ___A____ didn ’thelp. A. it B. who C. which D. he 7.Can you believe that in ___B___ a rich country there should be ______ many poor people ? A. such ,such B. such ,so C. so ,so D. so ,such 8.The way you thought of ___B______ the work is very good . A. doing B. to do C. that do D. which to do 9.I’ll remember the time ___C____ we spent together in the country . A. when B. at which C. that D. during which 10.Rencently I bought an ancient vase , ____B___ was very reasonable. A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of that 11.It’s a long trip and we ’ll have to ___A____ early tomorrow morning . A. start off B. go off C. take off D. put off 12.John ____D___ the office as he was passing ,but Mary was out . A. called for B. called up C. called on D. called at 13.You can ___A___ us in the discussion if you ______. A. join ,wish to B. join in ,want to C. attend , don’twant to D. take part in , hope so 14.____B___ the internet is bridging the distance between people ,it may also be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems. while引步状从句,意思是然。。。但是,尽管??但是多放于句首A. when B. while C. as D. if
