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plunder ['pl?nd?] : v. 掠夺, 抢劫, 抢夺 n. 抢夺, 掠夺品, 战利品 x
he escaped with his plunder
genuine ['d?enjuin] : adj. 真正的,真实的,诚恳的 x
It appears to be genuine , but I have my suspicions (about it).
thrifty ['θrifti] : adj. 节俭的, 节约的,兴旺的,茁壮的 x
Mr. Thompson is so thrifty that he is able to save more than half of his weekly salary.
dairy ['d??ri] : adj. 牛奶的 n. 牛奶场, 乳品店, 乳制品 x
The business of owning and operating a dairy or a dairy farm.
gulp [g?lp] : n.字节组 v. 吞, 呛, 抑制 [计算机] 字节组 x
He gulped his food.
concrete ['k?nkri:t] : n. 水泥,混凝土 adj. 具体的,实在的,水泥的 vt. &vi. 凝结,结合 x
That new concrete building is an abomination.
neighborhood ['neib?hud] : n. 附近,邻近,邻居 x
He lives somewhere in the neighborhood .
transform [tr?ns'f?:m] : vt. 转换,变形 vi. 改变 n. 变形 x
His plans were transformed overnight into reality.
disaster [di'zɑ:st?] : n. 灾难 x
After the disaster there were many who wanted food and shelter.
variable ['v??ri?bl] : adj. 可变的,易变的 n. 变量, 易变的东西 x
The temperature was a variable in the experiment.
bulge [b?ld?] : n. 膨胀,优势,暴增 vt. 使...膨胀 vi. 膨胀,充满 x
I can't eat any more; my stomach is bulging .
nourish ['n?ri?] : v. 滋养, 使...健壮, 怀有 x
She have nourish the dream of becoming a movie star.
gorgeous ['g?:d??s] : adj. 华丽的, 灿烂的, 好极了 x
His paintings are a kaleidoscope of gorgeous colours.
prairie ['pr??ri] : n. 大草原 x
A lone tree on the prairie ; a lone blue tile in a white floor.
tourist ['tu?rist] : adj. 旅游的 n. 旅游者,观光者 x
The tourist complained that the room was too dirty.
futile ['fju:tail, -til] : adj. 无效的, 无用的 x
As a whole our efforts did not prove to be futile .
quest [kwest] : n. 探索,寻求 vt.& vi. 寻找,追寻猎物 x
Martin Luther King made many adversaries in his nonviolent quest for equality.
reliable [ri'lai?bl] : adj. 可靠的,可信的 x
Is a person's behaviour under stress a reliable gauge of his character?
verify ['verifai] : v. 查证,核实 n.[计算机] DOS命令 : 打开关闭在 DOS操作期间的写文件校验开关 x
Physical and chemical tests verify that this Recovery Device has neither radioactive pollution nor toxic side effects.
homage ['h?mid?] : n. 敬意,效忠 x
Many came to do the dead man homage .
barbarian [bɑ:'b??ri?n;bɑ:'beri?n] : n. 野蛮人 adj. 野蛮的 x
Rome went down before the barbarian invaders.
shrink [?ri?k] : n. 收缩,萎缩 vi. 收缩,退缩,萎缩 vt. 使收缩 x
The economy is shrinking instead of growing.
tenant ['ten?nt] : n. 房客,佃户 vt. 居住 x
A clause in the agreement provides that the tenant shall pay for repairs to the building.
submerge [s?b'm?:d?] : vt. 使浸没, 潜入水中, 覆盖 vi. 浸没 x
Such feelings

tend to remain submerge beneath a mask of social politeness.
expire [iks'pai?, eks-] : vi. 期满,失效,终止,断气 vt. 呼气 x
Our current contract is about to expire , and we'll need to discuss a new one.
flush [fl??] : n. 流溢, 面红, 旺盛, 冲水(尤指冲马桶), 突然萌发, (纸牌)同花顺, 清一色 [计算机] 冲洗 vi. 脸发红, 冲刷, 旺盛成长 vt. 用水冲洗, 惊起(一群鸟), 抄...老窝, 使兴奋 adj. 丰足的,齐平的,满盈的 adv. 正直地, 羞涩地 x
Mary flushed crimson with embarrassment.
proprietor [pr?'prai?t?] : n. 所有人,业主,经营者 x
The right of a proprietor to ownership of such addition or increase.
be filled with [] : vt. 充满 x
The royal palace was filled with intrigue.
monarch ['m?n?k] : n. 帝王, 统治者, 元首/nn. 君王斑点蝶 x
A monarch has the prerogative of pardoning criminals.
slap [sl?p] : n. 掴, 侮辱, 拍击声 vt. 拍击, 侮辱, 惩罚, 申斥 adv. 正面地, 直接地, 突然地 x
He gave me a playful slap on the hand.
tow [t?u] : n. 拖, 拖曳所用之绳, 麻的粗纤维 v. 拖, 曳 x
My car's broken down; will you give me a tow ?
unify ['ju:nifai] : v. 统一,使成一体 x
It can be helped by the unifying of relief activities which today are of ten scattered, uneconomical, unequal.
accommodation [??k?m?'dei??n] : n. 住处,膳宿名 适应;和解; x
Our accommodation is barely adequate.
destine ['destin] : v. 注定 x
To destine to an unhappy end.
ranch [r?nt?, rɑ:nt?] : n. 牧场 x
A rectangular house of one story; a ranch house.
stitch [stit?] : n. 一针,疼痛,碎布条 vt.& vi. 缝合 x
A stitch in time saves nine.
fertile ['f?:tail; 'f?:til] : adj. 肥沃的,能繁殖的 n. 多产,肥沃 x
The rotation of crops keeps the soil healthy and fertile .
contemporary [k?n'temp?r?ri] : n. 同时代的人 adj. 同时代的,同时,属于同一时期的 x
My parents think that the contemporary young people have no respect for authority.
attack [?'t?k] : n. 攻击,评击 vt. 攻击,动手,疾病发作 vi. 发动攻击 adj. 有计划的攻击 x
The police are launching a major attack on drug dealers.
discipline ['disiplin] : n. 训练, 纪律, 惩罚; 学科 vt. 训练, 惩罚 x
The children are happy at the school, but they lack discipline .
assault [?'s?:lt] : n. 攻击, 突袭 vt. 袭击, 突袭 x
Trainee commandos are put through an exhausting assault course.
hurl [h?:l] : n. 用力的投掷 v. 用力投掷, 愤慨地说出, 丢下 x
The best way to forget your sadness is to hurl yourself into your work.
everlasting [?ev?'lɑ:sti?] : adj. 永恒的, 持久的, 无止境的 n. 永恒,永久盛开的花 [大写]Everlasting: 上帝 x
The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting .
defiance [di'fai?ns] : n. 蔑视,挑战,挑衅 x
Her eyes flashed anger and defiance (at everyone).
rural ['r??r(?)l] : adj. 农村的 x
The disease occurs most frequ

ently in rural areas.
presume [pri'zju:m] : vt. 姑且认定,假定,推测,认为是理所当然 vi. 假设,越权行事 x
May I presume to advise you?
jail [d?eil] : n. 监牢,监狱,拘留所 vt. 监禁,下狱 x
Several prisoners broke out of the jail .
temperament ['temp?r?m?nt] : n. 气质, 性质, 性情 x
Commuting in the rush-hour requires a phlegmatic temperament .
underworld ['?nd?w?:ld;'?nd??w?:ld] : n. 黑社会 n. 下层社会 n. <古> 地球,尘世 x
The underworld of organized criminal gangs.
intellectual [?inti'lektju?l] : n. 有知识者,知识份子,凭理智做事者 adj. 智力的,知性的,聪明的 x
He's a kind of intellectual superman.
triumph ['trai?mf] : n. 凯旋,欢欣 vi. 得胜,成功,庆功 x
Advancing culture is bound to triumph over declining culture.
itinerary [ai'tin?r?ri, i't-] : n. 旅程, 旅行指南, 游记 adj. 巡回的, 游历的, 旅程的 x
The member of the group is given a detailed tour itinerary by the courier.
dedicate ['dedikeit] : vt. 献出,提献辞,致力于 x
She dedicated her first book to her husband.
maneuver [m?'nu:v?] : n. 演习,调遣,策略 vt. 调遣,演习,巧妙地操纵 vi. 调遣,演习,用计策 x
A maneuver causing someone to stumble or fall.
aroma [?'r?um?] : n. 浓香, 香气 x
The aroma of roasting coffee beans.
flavor ['fleiv?] : n. 滋味, 香料, 风格 vt. 加味于 x
Something with an especially delicious flavor or fragrance.
texture ['tekst??] : n. (材料等的)结构,特点,表面,基本结构 vt. 给予结构 x
Beat the mixture until it has a light, puffy texture .
seasoning ['si:zni?] : n. 风干(时效,调质,贮放,涂光,不稳定性) n. 调料 x
A sauce made by thickening and seasoning these juices.
quality ['kw?liti] : n. 品质, 特质, 才能 adj. 高品质的 x
We should improve what is called the quality of living.
appetizing ['?pitaizi?] : adj. 开胃的, 促进食欲的 =appetising x
sounds appetizing .
translucent [tr?nz'lju:snt] : adj. 半透明的 x
A dense translucent , white or tinted fine-grained gypsum.
wrapper ['r?p?] : n. (饺子)皮,包装用品 x
An envelope or wrapper for mail.
ground [gra?nd] : n. 土地,战场,场地,根据,背景 vt. 放在地上,使...搁浅,打基础 grind的过去式和过去分词 x
The expedition covered a lot of ground .
pork [p?:k] : n. 猪肉联邦或州政府用以笼络人心的工程或款项 x
The little girl only eats lean pork .
sauce [s?:s] : n. 调味汁,酱汁,无理的话(或举动) vt. 给...调味,使...增加趣味,无理 x
What sauces go best with fish?
criteria [krai'ti?ri?] : npl. 标准, 尺度 =criterions x
Success in making money is not always a good criterion of success in life.
tour [tu?] : n. 旅游, 观光旅行, 任期 v. 旅行, 周游 x
They're going on a world tour .
metaphor ['met?f?] : n. 隐喻,暗喻 x
In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.
cast [kɑ:st] : n. 演员

阵容, 投掷 v. 投, 掷, 抛 x
She's cast off three boy-friends in a month.
backdrop ['b?kdr?p] : n. 背景幕, 背景 x
The movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop .
expressway [iks'preswei;ik'spres?wei] : n. 高速公路 x
The expressway mars the beauty of the countryside.
border ['b?:d?] : n. 边缘 vt. 作...之疆界,加边 x
Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream.
cargo ['kɑ:g?u] : n. 船货, 货物 x
How long will the discharge of the cargo take?
fuelled ['fju?l;'fju:?l,'fju?l] : n. 燃料,木炭 vt. 供以燃料 vi. 加燃料 x
acres ['eik?s] : n. 土地,耕地,地产 x
Three hundred acres of land is the parameter of our university‘s expansion
cluster ['kl?st?] : n. 串,丛,群 v. 聚合,成串,丛生,使...聚集 x
A cluster of stars smaller than a constellation.
course [k?:s] : n. 课程, 讲座, 过程, 路线, 一道(菜) x
The blood coursed through the arteries.
pillar ['pil?] : n. 柱子,支柱,核心(人物) vt. 用柱支持 x
The top part of a pillar or column.
Korea [k?'ri?, k?(:)'ri?] : n. 韩国 x
A unit of currency in North Korea and South Korea.
streamlined ['stri:mlaind;'stri:m?laind] : adj. 流线型的,现代化的动词streamline的过去式和过去分词形式 x
The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.
boast [b?ust] : n. 吹牛 vt. &vi. 吹牛,自夸 x
It is one of their proudest boasts that they have halved the death rate from typhoid.
murmur ['m?:m?] : n. 低语,低声的抱怨,[医]心区杂音 v. 低语,低声抱怨 x
An angry murmur ran through the crowd.
chirp [t??:p] : n. 喳喳声, 唧唧声 v. 吱喳而鸣 x
Birds had begun to chirp among the trees.
fragrant ['freigr?nt] : adj. 芬香的,馥郁的,愉快的 x
Any of several other fragrant plant resins, such as Canada balsam.
blossoming ['blɑs?mi?] : n. 开花动词blossom的现在分词形式 x
Our hopes are blossoming out.
quadruple ['kw?drupl] : adv.&adj. 四倍的(地) n. (使)乘四倍 v. (使)成四倍 x
Their profits have quadrupled /They have quadrupled their profits in ten years.
villa ['vil?] : n. 别墅 x
He has a big house and an expensive car, not to mention a villa in France.
interior [in'ti?ri?] : adj. 内部的,内地的,国内的,在内的 n. 内部 x
We are fascinated by the delicate interior design of the apartment.
area ['e?ri?] : n. 地区, 区域, 面积, 方面 x
This area has not been covered by the communication net.
taxation [t?k'sei??n] : n. 课税, 征税, 税金 x
Taxation bears heavily on us all.
managerial [?m?n?'d?i?ri?l] : adj. 管理的 x
A person or group having administrative or managerial authority in an organization.
expertise [?eksp?'ti:z] : n. 专家的意见,专门技术 x
But the areas of our mutual cooperation continue to expand. We have already agreed to cooperate more closely in trade, technology, investment,

and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise .
enlighten [in'laitn] : v. 授与...知识, 启发, 启蒙 x
How can I enlighten your wooden head?
solely ['s?u(l)li] : adv. 独自地,单独地 x
Our quality is based solely on our sales samples.
literature ['lit?rit??] : n. 文学, 文献 x
This book is titled An Introduction to American Literature .
gracious ['grei??s] : adj. 亲切的, 高尚的 x
The queen was gracious enough to invite us.
excellency ['eks?l?nsi] : n. 优点,美德 Excellency: n. 阁下 x
After you, your excellency .
hospitality [?h?spi't?liti] : n. 好客, 殷勤 x
I hope it's not imposing on you/your hospitality , but could I stay to dinner?
cheer [t?i?] : n. 愉快,激励,欢呼 vt. 加油,鼓舞,快活起来 vi. 使振奋,欢呼 x
They cheered loudly for their football team.
luncheon ['l?nt??n] : n. 午宴, 正式的午餐 x
I shall be delighted to have luncheon with you on Wednesday at one o'clock to see Mary Holmes again.
council ['kaunsil] : n. 理事会,委员会, 商议 x
The council will not permit you to build here.
beckon ['bek?n] : v. 召唤,(以点头或打手势)向……示意,吩咐,引诱,吸引 x
He beckoned to me from across the street.
ideology [?aidi'?l?d?i, id-] : n. 观念学, 空论, 意识形态 x
An advocate of a particular ideology , especially an official exponent of that ideology.
institution [?insti'tju:??n] : n. 机构,惯例,创立 x
A public institution for the care and protection of children without parents.
dwell on [] : vt. 细想(详论,详述) x
Let's not dwell on your past mistakes.
distinctly [di'sti?ktli] : adv. 清楚地,显然地, 明显地 x
He spoke very distinctly .
heritage ['heritid?] : n. 遗产, 继承物 x
One of the glories of the British heritage is the right to a fair trial.
faith [feiθ] : n. 信任,信仰 x
Christians profess their faith when they say the Creed.
revere [ri'vi?] : v. 尊敬, 敬畏, 崇敬里维尔(美国马萨诸塞州城市, 避暑胜地) x
I revere him greatly.
dawning ['d?:ni?] : n. 拂晓, 黎明, 开端动词dawn的现在分词形式 x
The morning dawned clear after the rain.
industrious [in'd?stri?s] : adj. 勤劳的, 勤奋的 x
He succeeded both because he was industrious and because he had many friends to help him.
frugal ['fru:g?l] : adj. 节俭的 x
As far as oil energy is concerned, we cannot be too frugal .
crackle ['kr?kl;'kr?k?l] : n. 劈啪响, 裂纹 v. 发劈啪声 x
The playback effect of optical discs for music is very perfect, no hiss and crackle as with other photo-records.
dynamics [dai'n?miks] : n. 力学,力量,力量变化 x
The branch of science that deals with the dynamics of fluids, especially incompressible fluids, in motion.
horizon [h?'raizn] : n. 地平线;视野;眼界 x
The mountainous island loomed on the horizon .
salute [s?'lu:t, -'lju:t] : v. 行礼, 致意, 问候 x
They saluted the Queen by firing

ten guns.
vitality [vai't?liti] : n. 活力, 生命力 x
She is full of youth and vitality .
optimism ['?ptimiz?m] : n.&adj. 乐观,乐观主义 x
Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression.
countrymen [] : n. 国民 x
Her parents tell her not to look down upon countrymen .
mighty ['maiti] : adj. 强有力的,极度的 adv. 很 x
There's no need to be/get so high and mighty with me!
barriers [] : 障碍 x
Break down barriers between Departments.
suspicion [s?s'pi??n] : n. 猜疑,怀疑 x
We regard her behaviour with suspicion .
bond [b?nd] : n. 结合, 债券, 粘结剂, 粘合剂 x
A bond of sympathy developed between members of the group.
chapter ['t??pt?] : n. 章,回,篇,牧师的例行会议,地方分会 x
The guy doesn't make the girl until the last chapter .
realistic [ri?'listik] : adj. 现实的, 现实主义的 x
The plot of the novel relies too much on coincidence to be realistic .
humanity [hju(:)'m?niti] : n. 人类 人性;人道;慈爱 x
In Christendom, people show the qualities of kindness and humanity .
tremendous [tri'mend?s] : adj. 巨大的, 惊人的 x
He has a tremendous hold over his younger brother.
drawn [dr?:n] : adj. 憔悴的动词draw的过去分词形式 x
The man was so genial, so I was drawn to him at once.
draw [dr?:] : v. (drew, drawn) 拉, 拖, 挨近, 提取, 画, 绘制 n. 平局; 抽签; 拉, 拽吸引人的事物 x
She drew a cover over the typewriter.
liberty ['lib?ti] : n. 自由 x
I took the liberty of borrowing your lawn-mower while you were away.
unless [?n'les, ?n'les] : conj. 除非 prep. 除...外 x
I sleep with the window open unless its really cold.
pioneer [?pai?'ni?] : n. 先锋,拓荒者,先驱生物 vt. 提倡,开辟 vi. 做先驱 x
She pioneered the use of the drug.
incomparable [in'k?mp?r?bl] : adj. 无比的, 无双的, 无可比拟的 x
I've never seen such an incomparable couple.
splendid ['splendid] : adj. 极好的 x
I was absolutely green (with envy) when I saw his splendid new car.
congenial [k?n'd?i:nj?l] : adj. 同性质的, 适意的, 趣味相同的,友善的 x
No fuss was made in my day if a new writer took from an old one whatever material he found congenial .
eloquent ['el?kw?nt] : adj. 雄辩的, 有口才的, 动人的 x
He is eloquent and humorous as well. What he says never fails to please us.
dignity ['digniti] : n. 尊严, 高贵, 端庄 x
She bears herself with dignity .
interference [?int?'fi?r?ns] : n. 冲突,干涉 [计算机] 于涉 x
Her mother's interference exacerbated the difficulties in their marriage.
domination [?d?mi'nei??n;?d?m?'nei??n] : n. 支配, 控制, 管辖(复数)dominations:[宗]主天使 x
She longed to escape from her mother's domination .
grumble ['gr?mbl] : v. 发牢骚,抱怨,轰鸣 n. 怨言,牢骚,轰隆声 x
He has everything he needs, but he is still full of grumbles .
instincts ['insti?kt] : n. 本能,直觉名词instin

ct的复数形式 x
assess [?'ses] : v. 估定, 评定 x
Meanwhile, I am arranging for Mr. Smith, one of our inspectors, to call and assess the damage.
impose [im'p?uz] : v. 加上, 课征, 强迫, 征收(税款) x
They are threatening to impose a blockade on the country.
identical [ai'dentik?l] : adj. 相同的,同一的 x
The two systems are, in effect, identical .
inconceivable [?ink?n'si:v?bl] : adj. 不可思议的 x
It once seemed inconceivable to everyone that men should travel to the moon.
see eye to eye [] : vt. 看法一致 x
You and me see eye to eye on the tings.
legacy ['leg?si] : n. 祖先传下来之物,遗赠物 adj. [计算机]旧系统的 x
Remove a legacy from a will, because the item concerned no longer exist.
destined ['destind] : adj. 命中注定的, 去往 ... 的 destine的过去式和过去分词 x
They were destined never to meet again.
plague [pleig] : n. 瘟疫, 麻烦, 灾祸 vt. 折磨, 烦扰, 造成麻烦 x
He's been avoiding me like the plague since our quarrel.
greatness ['greitnis] : n. 大, 巨大, 广大 x
The statue is a lasting reminder of Churchill's greatness .
justly ['d??stli] : adv. 公正地, 理由充分地, 正当地 x
His superior put in a word for him justly and he got the job.
tribute ['tribju:t] : n. 贡品,颂词,称赞,(表示敬意的)礼物 x
A formal expression of praise; a tribute .
magnificent [m?g'nifisnt] : adj. 壮丽的,宏伟的,极好的 x
The magnificent goal spurred the team on to victory.
march [mɑ:t?] : n. (March)三月 n. 示威游行 vt. 使前进,使行军 vi. 行军,进军 x
This term will begin on March 1st.
distinct [dis'ti?kt] : adj. (from)独特的,不同的,明显的,清楚的 x
Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other.
unique [ju:'ni:k] : adj. 独一无二的, 独特的, 稀罕的 x
The elephant's trunk is a unique form of appendage.
cuisine [kwi(:)'zi:n] : n. 烹饪,佳肴 x
After that, they might end their day dining in a restaurant that serves Chinese cuisine .
undaunted [?n'd?:ntid] : adj. 不屈不挠的, 无畏的 x
He continued the climb, undaunted by his fall.
embark upon [im'bɑrk ?'pɑn] : 从事,着手,开始工作 x
If I had eyes, how happily would I embark upon so fascinating a study!
simply ['simpli] : adv.&adj. 简单地,仅仅 x
He goes there simply because he likes to.
superb [sju:'p?:b] : adj. 极好的 x
Thompson turned in a superb performance to win the decathlon.
pragmatic [pr?g'm?tik] : adj. 实际的, 实用主义的 x
He is a pragmatic people
trailer ['treil?] : n. 追踪者,拖车,影片的末尾 vt. 用拖车运输 vi.乘拖车式活动房屋旅行,住在拖车式房屋内 x
The part of a truck, trailer , or freight car designed to carry loads.
freeway ['fri:wei] : n. 高速公路 x
Drive the freeways to work.
shelter ['?elt?] : n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护 vt. &vi. 庇护,保护,隐匿 x
The refugees' main requirements a

re food and shelter .
akin to [] : vt. 类似(近于, 的同族) x
He felt something akin to pity.
do the trick [] : 达到目的,有效 x
Trust me, this will do the trick .
imperative [im'per?tiv] : n. 命令, 诫命, 需要 adj. 命令式的, 急需的 x
It's imperative that you apologize to him immediately.
sanctions [] : n. 制裁名词sanction的复数形式 x
The Administration is now threatening economic sanctions against Japan in a desperate attempt to reduce that deficit. The [last] straw that broke the camel's back was the failure of the Motorola Co. to win a large share of the Japanese cellular phone market.
mercedes ['m?:sidi:z] : n. 默西迪丝(女子名),梅塞德斯(奔驰) x
I am amazed to see a beggar step into a shiny Mercedes .
bulk [b?lk] : n. 大部分, 大多数, 大块, 大批, 容积, 体积 vi. 变大, 增加 vt. 膨胀, 出现 adj. 大量的 x
The war still bulks large in the memories of those who fought in it.
champagne [??m'pein] : n. 香槟酒, 香槟色 x
Let's lash out and have champagne .
boil down to [] : 简化为,归结为 x
The advice they gave him boiled down to this: he should take care of his own health.
on end [] : adv. 竖着(连续) x
She is bed- ride with the mumps for week on end .
envoy ['env?i] : n. 外交使节, 特使 x
An envoy is a diplomat in an embassy who is immediately below the ambassador in rank.
thoroughfare ['θ?r?f??;'θ?:?u?f??] : n. 通路, 大道 x
No thoroughfare !
traverse ['tr?v?(:)s] : n. 横贯, 横木 v. 横过, 铭刻 x
The sea is a path meet for swift ships that traverse the brine, but bulls dread the salt sea ways.
corridor ['k?rid?:] : n. 走廊 x
The meeting spilt over from the hall into the corridor .
basin ['beis?n] : n. 脸盆, 盆地, 流域, 水池 x
The basin was brim-full (of water).
tarim ['tɑ:rim] : Basin 塔里木盆地 [新疆维吾尔自治区] x
Syria ['siri?] : n. 叙利亚(亚洲国名) x
In the Old Testament, an ancient country of southwest Asia, roughly coextensive with present-day Syria .
Iraq [i'rɑ:k] : n. 伊拉克(亚洲国名) x
But it took the full military and industrial power of the United States to face down the might of Iraq .
Iran [i'rɑ:n] : n. 伊朗 x
Any of the western Iranian dialects or languages of ancient or medieval Persia and modern Iran .
Mediterranean [?medit?'reinj?n] : adj. 地中海(的) n. 地中海 x
The Rhone empties into the Mediterranean .
up till [] : adv. 直到 x
The boy stopped up till his mother got back last night.
technique [tek'ni:k] : n. 技术 x
In many sports (physical) fitness is not as important as technique .
gunpowder ['g?npa?d?(r)] : n. 火药 x
Gunpowder is an explosive.
Buddhism ['budiz?m] : n. 佛教 x
One of the major schools of Buddhism , active in Japan, Korea, Nepal, Mongolia, and China, which teaches social concern and universal salvation.
Islam ['izlɑ:m,-l?m,-l?m] : n. 伊斯兰教, 伊斯兰

文明, 伊斯兰教国家,回教, 回教徒 x
Daughter of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. She married Ali, among the first to embrace Islam , and is considered by Moslems to be one of the Four Perfect Women.
pomegranate ['p?mgr?nit;'p?m?gr?nit] : n. 石榴,石榴树 x
I've drunk a cup of pomegranate juice.
cucumber ['kju:k?mb?] : n. 黄瓜 x
Any of several related or similar plants, such as the bur cucumber or the squirting cucumber.
perfume ['p?:fju:m] : n. 香水,香气 v. 洒香水于,薰香 x
What does the perfume smell like?
relics ['r?liks] : n. 遗物, 遗迹名词relic的复数形式 x
Miraculous powers are credited to the relics .
historical [his't?rik?l] : adj. 与历史有关的 x
People wore historical costumes for the parade.
apparent [?'p?r?nt] : adj. 明显的, 表面上的 x
She heard the news of his death with apparent unconcern.
lunar ['lju:n?] : adj. 月亮的,阴历的,银的 x
A month, especially a lunar month.
glutinous ['glu:tin?s] : adj. 粘性的,胶状的 x
pork steamed with ground glutinous rice
dumpling ['d?mpli?] : n. 小面团;汤团;饺子,软绵绵象团子的东西 x
I feel like having some dumplings .
reed [ri:d] : n. 芦苇, 芦笛,簧片 Reed:里德(姓氏) x
I've considered him as a good friend but when I really needed his help he was showing to be a break reed .
m [em] : 兆 x
In English, b, p, m and w are bilabials.
pastry ['peistri] : n. 面粉糕饼, 馅饼皮 x
Cut the pastry into small rounds, one for each pie.
yolk [j?uk] : n. 蛋黄 x
The egg has a double yolk .
paste [peist] : n. 糊,浆糊,铅制玻璃 vt. 粘贴,覆盖,猛击 x
My fingers are beginning to prick after touching that paste .
candy ['k?ndi] : n. 糖果 vt. 用糖煮, 使结晶为砂糖 vi. 结晶为砂糖 x
The greedy little boy ate all the candy at the party.
lair [l??] : n. 野兽的巢穴, 躲藏处 x
The kidnappers' lair was an old farm in the hills.
ferocious [f?'r?u??s] : adj. 残忍的, 凶猛的,极度的,十分强烈的 x
The state or quality of being ferocious ; fierceness.
Stalks [st?:k] : n. 茎,梗 n. 跟踪,高视阔步 v. 悄悄靠近,跟踪,蔓延,高视阔步地走 x
customarily ['k?st?m?r?li;?k?st?'mer?li] : adv. 照例,通常,习惯上 x
We go to see a movie on Sunday customarily .
lavishly ['l?vi?li] : adv. 浪费地, 丰富地,大方地 x
Spent lavishly on dinner just for effect.
poultry ['p?ultri] : n. 家禽 x
The poultry are being fed.
dictate [dik'teit] : vi. 听写 vt. 口述,口授 n. 命令,指挥,指令 x
Her skills were in such demand that she could dictate her own salary.
brand [br?nd] : n. 燃烧的木条,剑,商标,牌子,烙印,类型 vt. 打烙印,污蔑,铭记 x
How well do you think this washing powder stacks up against your usual brand ?
n [en] : n. 字母n x
He fought i n the N African campaign during the last war.
pudding ['pudi?] : n. 布丁,血肠,(英)甜食 x

This pudding has two pounds of fresh fruit in it.
thick [θik] : adj. 厚的,浓密(重)的,笨的 adv. 厚,浓,密 n. 密集处,最厚处 x
Offers of help are coming in thick and fast.
flour ['flau?] : n. 面粉 vt. &vi. 研成粉末 x
The way to make dough is very simple as you need only to mix flour with water.
recreational [?rekri'ei??n?l, -kri:-] : adj. 休养的, 娱乐的 x
He was so absorbed in the research that he had no time left for recreational activities.
stilt [stilt] : n. 高跷, 支柱, 脚柱 x
Thatch hut is raised high above the paddy field on stilt .
archives ['ɑ:kaivz] : n. 档案,档案馆名词archive的复数形式 x
The company's archives goes back to its foundation in1892.
ancestors [] : n. 祖先,前辈名词ancestor的复数形式 x
Nearly two thousand years have passed since our ancestors invented the compass.
feat [fi:t] : n. 壮举,功绩,技艺表演 x
It was quite a feat to move that piano by yourself.
highlight ['hailait] : n. 加亮区,精彩部分, 最重要的细节或事件, 闪光点 vt. 加亮,强调, 使...显得重要, 照亮 [计算机] 醒目 x
Press the setup button to display the setup menu, and move the highlight down to audio.
propitious [pr?'pi??s] : adj. 顺利的, 适合的, 吉祥的 x
People like to hear propitious sentences.
antithetical [??nti'θetik?l] : adj. 对偶的,对立的 x
couplet ['k?plit] : n. 对句, 对联 x
auspicious [?:'spi??s] : adj. 吉兆的, 幸运的,有利的 x
The publication of my first book was an auspicious beginning of my career.
lantern ['l?nt?n] : n. 灯笼, [建筑学]天窗, 屋顶气窗 x
A lantern made from a hollowed pumpkin with a carved face, usually displayed on Halloween.
antiquity [?n'tikwiti] : n. 高龄, 古老, 古物, 古迹 x
An island of eastern Greece in the Aegean Sea off the western coast of Turkey. It was noted in antiquity for its school of epic poets.
dynasty ['dain?sti] : n. 朝代, 王朝 x
The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality.
viewing ['vju:i?] : n. 注视, 检视, 观察 动词view的现在分词形式 x
The pilot in an airplane equipped with radar, flying at night, can see on the radar viewing screen distant buildings, or perhaps a dangerous mountain peak that is miles ahead.
calendar ['k?l?nd?] : n. 日历,月历,日程表 vt. 进入日历 x
The calendar now nearly keeps in step with the season, although there is still on error of26 season, per year
legend ['led??nd] : n. 传说,传奇人物,铭文 x
Can you show me the road to Legend Grove?
lion ['lai?n] : n. 狮子 x
The lion attacked its victim with great ferocity.
homonymous [h?'m?nim?s;h?u'm?n?m?s] : adj. 同音异义的,同名的,双关的 x
myriad ['miri?d] : adj. 无数的 n. 极大数量 x
And I am convinced, too, that I should become an inveterate window shopper, for it must be a delight to the eye to view the myriad articles of beauty on display.
lane [lein] : n.

小路, 小巷, 行车道 x
After overtaking you should move back into the inside lane .
pack [p?k] : n. 包裹,一群,一副,一帮,一群 vt. 包装,捆扎,塞满, 收拾行李, 佩戴 vi. 包装,(用某物)保存,保藏 ,塞进 x
He was told to pack his bags.
be packed with [] : 塞满了,挤满了 x
The theater was packed with children.
hectare ['hektɑ:] : n. 公顷 x
I just have three hectare of lands
by virtue of [] : 由于 x
The Hebrew people, past, present, and future, regarded as the chosen people of God by virtue of the covenant of Jacob.
bilingual [bai'li?gw?l] : adj. 双语的,用两种语言表达或书写的 x
He is bilingual (in French and Spanish).
faculty ['f?k?lti] : n. 才能,能力,全体教员 n. (大学的)系, 科, 院 x
Should the new department form part of the Faculty of Arts?
approximately [?'pr?ksim?tli] : adv. 近似地, 大约 x
Approximately has400 pages when this book is completed.
major ['meid??] : n. 主修, 成年人, 陆军少校; 巨头 adj. 主要的, 较多的, 大部份的 vi. 主修 x
This quartet represents a major new trend in modern music.
minors ['main?] : adj. 次要的,较小的,二流的,未成年的 n. 未成年人,辅修科目,[音乐]小调 vi. 辅修 x
"Addressing child trafficking(非法交易) and organized begging by minors needs the joint efforts of all sectors of society," said Chen Shiqu, head of the anti-trafficking office under the ministry.
programme ['pr?ugr?m] : n. 节目,程序,规划 vt. 为...规划程序,拟...节目,制作节目 x
The news programme overran the allotted time.
grounding ['graundi?] : n. 接地, 染色的底色动词ground的现在分词形式 x
motto ['m?t?u] : n. 座右铭,箴言 x
I often win money at cards but never save a penny `easy come, easy go' is my motto .
propriety [pr?'prai?ti] : n. 适当,正当,得体 (复数)proprieties:礼节,礼仪 x
I am doubtful about the propriety of granting such a request.
analects ['?n?lekts;??n?'lekts] : n. 文选,语录 x
The extremely mild flavor of Confucius'own sayings in the Analects and his mature wisdom cannot be appreciated until one becomes mature himself.
Confucius [k?n'fju:?i?s] : n. 孔子(中国古代教育家、儒家创始人) x
The sons of Confucius are scattered in many parts of China.
nurture ['n?:t??] : n. 养育, 照顾, 教育, 滋养, 营养品 vt. 养育, 给与营养物, 教养, 扶持 x
The child got his nurture from his loving parents.
vision ['vi??n] : n. 视觉,先见之明,光景,视力,眼力,幻想,影像 vt. 幻想 x
It came within my range of vision .
mindset ['maindset;'maind?set] : n. 意向, 精神状态心态 x
A mindset , in decision theory and general systems theory, refers to a set of assumptions, methods or notations held by one or more people or groups of people which is so established that it creates a powerful incentive within these people or groups to continue to
ode [?

ud] : n. 颂诗, 赋 x
I am reading ' Ode to Autumn' written by Keats.
all round [] : 周围, 处处,各方面 =all around(英) x
She obviously wanted to tell me, but went all round the houses before finally admitting she did it.
ample ['?mpl] : adj. 充足的,丰富的,宽敞的 x
Ample sunshine and rainfall are bringing the crops on nicely.
emblem ['embl?m] : n. 象徵, 徽章 x
The bell tower is the emblem of this city.
mythical ['miθik? l] : adj. 神话的,虚构的,杜撰出来的 x
a mythical story.
perseverance [?p?:si'vi?r?ns] : n. 毅力, 忍耐, 不屈不挠 x
You need perseverance to win in politics and I doubt if he can go the distance.
resolution [?rez?'lju:??n] : n. 决心, 决议; 坚定, 果断, 刚毅; 解决, 解答 n. 病理状态的减退, 分辨率, 清晰度 x
The resolution was carried nem con.
nobility [n?u'biliti] : n. 贵族,高尚,贵族阶级 x
The English gentry is next below the nobility .
majesty ['m?d?isti] : n. 最高权威, 威严, 王权, 庄严 Majesty: 陛下 x
"Now if you will take off your cloths, Your Majesty ," said the cheats.
devotion [di'v?u??n] : n. 虔诚,祈祷,献身,奉献 x
His apish devotion irritated her.
unobtrusively [??n?b'tru:sivli] : adv. 不引人注目地,不突出地 x
Now the people want to camp unobtrusively .
obtrusively [] : adv.?°ê§μ?,?§×2μ? x
imperceptibly [?imp?'sept?bli] : adv. 极微小地,逐步地 x
he watched the blonde imperceptibly
authoritative [?:'θ?r?t?tiv] : adj. 权威性的, 命令式的 x
A formal and authoritative speech; an address.
bureau ['bju?r?u] : n. 局, 办公处 x
He works in this bureau .
facilitate [f?'siliteit] : vt. 帮助, 使...容易, 促进 x
A slight taper given a die to facilitate the removal of a casting.
commit [k?'mit] : v. 委托(托付), 犯罪, 作...事, 承诺 [计算机] 委托 x
One cannot commit crimes with impunity.
constitute ['k?nstitju:t] : vt. 构成,建立,任命 x
The defeat constitutes a major set-back for our diplomacy.
digital ['did?itl] : adj. 手指的,数字的,数码的,电子的 x
The only error you shall receive back is from the dts clerk on the digital machine.
journal ['d??:nl] : n. 日记, 杂志, 日报 x
She writes (about/on politics) for a weekly journal .
plate [pleit] : n. 碟,盘,金属板,板块 vt. 镀金,电镀,为...制印版,, 给...装钢板,用金属板固定 x
He put the apples on a round plate .
microfilm ['maikr??film] : n. 缩影胶片 x
Send the1990 correspondence to be microfilm or for microfilm.
compact ['k?mp?kt] : adj. 紧凑的,紧密的,简洁的 v. 使装满,使简洁 [计算机] 紧凑的 n. 合约,条约 x
The Commonwealth agreed to make a compact with this country.
video ['vidi?u] : adj. 录像的 n. 录像(机) vt. 制作...的录像 x
I don't see any point of playing video games all day.
laser ['leiz?] : n. 激光 x
In optical recording, refers to the areas of the data trac

ks which are between the pits. These are typically the areas not touched by the recording laser beam during mastering.
disk [disk] : n. 圆盘,唱片,花盘,盘形物,光盘 vt. 用圆盘耙耙地 [计算机] 磁盘 x
I have no disk that may interest you.
globalization [?gl??b?lai'zei??n] : n. 全球化 =globalisation(英) x
economic globalization has been progressing rapidly since the beginning of the 1950S
overseas ['?uv?'si:z] : adj. 海外的 adv. 在海外 x
Her man's been sent overseas by his employers.
discriminating [dis'krimineiti?] : adj. 有辨别能力的,有区别的动词discriminate的现在分词形式 x
A discriminating collector of rare books; a dish for the discriminating palate.
overwhelming [??uv?'welmi?] : adj. 势不可挡的, 压倒的 x
A sweetened offer for Harcourt by General Cinema appears to have a good chance of success, analysts said, and should give the troubled publisher a new lease on life by freeing its basically sound businesses from the burden of overwhelming debt.
encyclopedias [] : 类书 x
institute ['institju:t] : n. 学会,学院,协会 vt. 创立,开始,制定 x
New methods of teaching foreign languages are adopted in this institute .
schemes [] : n.ò??±,????,??°? v.í??±,éè??,????,ì??μ,?á11 x
scheme [ski:m] : n. 方案, 计划, 阴谋 v. 计画, 设计, 体系, 结构, 图谋 x
The scheme seems on the surface to be quite practical.
purchase ['p?:t??s] : n. 购买, 购买的物品 n. 支点; 紧握, 抓紧 vt. 购买, 赢得; (用设备)举起, 移动 x
You can rely on your solicitor's professionalism in dealing with the house purchase .
purchasing ['p?:t?eisi?] : vbl. 购买, 获得 x
My parents conferred with me on purchasing the villa.
licensing [] : n. 申请许可证动词license的现在分词 x
license ['lais?ns] : n. 批准,许可证,特许 vt. 允许,特许 x
He can obtain a driver's license now.
cease [si:s] : n. 停止 vt. &vi. 停止,终了 x
The newspaper had ceased publication.
prolific [pr?'lifik] : adj. 多产的, 作品丰富的 x
Any of a breed of small, hardy domestic fowl of Mediterranean origin, noted for prolific production of eggs.
spell out [] : vi. 吃力而缓慢地读(详细说明, 全部写出) x
The graduate student has to spell out what his tutor had written.
wedge [wed?] : n. 楔子,楔形物 vt. 楔住,嵌,挤进 vi. 被卡住 x
Unions regard the government's intention to ban overtime as the thin end of the wedge .
readership ['ri:d??ip] : n. (某一报刊杂志等的)读者群,读者身份 x
The daily echo have a readership of over ten millions.
unremittingly [.?nre'miti?li] : adv. 不间断地, 不松懈地 x
remit [ri'mit] : vt. 免除,汇出,缓和,延迟 vi. 缓和,减轻,汇款 n. 影响范围 x
Remit the interest to her new address.
implement ['implim?nt] : n. 工具, 器具; 当工具的物品 vt. 实施, 执行; 向...提供工具(或手段) x
It is not the proper way to imple

ment a policy by force.
pedagogy ['ped?g?gi] : n. 教育学, 教授法, 教育 x
Instruction; teaching; pedagogy .
articulate [ɑ:'tikjulit] : adj. 有关节的,发音清晰的 vt. &vi. 以关节连接,接合,明白地说 x
"The more articulate , the less say" is an old Chinese proverb which I just make up myself.
agenda [?'d?end?] : n. 议事日程 x
This agenda will form the basis of our next meeting.
lifeblood ['laifbl?d;'laif?bl?d] : n. 生命之血, 生机的根源 x
The weak job mackets not only hurt spending, the lifeblood of the economy
multifaceted [] : adj. 多层面的 x
This is a multifaceted company.
disruptive [dis'r?ptiv] : adj. 捣乱的, 破坏性的, 制造混乱的 x
He has a disruptive influence on the other children.
indulgence [in'd?ld??ns] : n. 沉溺,放纵,嗜好 n. 【宗】(天主教)特赦;豁免 x
I must ask the readers' kind indulgence for any inaccuracies and omissions that may possibly occur.
insurer [in'??r?;i'?ur?] : n. 保险公司, 承保方 x
The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured.
security [si'kju?riti] : n. 安全, 安全感; 防护措施保证(金), 抵押(品); 债券, 证券 x
The robbers got into the bank by masquerading as security men.
virtuous ['v?:tju?s] : adj. 有品德的, 善良的, 贞洁的 x
I do not know if she is virtuous , but she is ugly, and with a woman that is half the battle.
supplier [s?'plai?] : n. 供应者, 供应厂商, 供应国 x
I agree that yours is of better quality, but the gap is too wide if comparing with other supplier .
innovation [?in?u'vei??n] : n. 创新, 革新 x
A surge of innovation in techniques is on the horizon.
venture ['vent??] : n. 冒险,风险,投机 vt. 敢尝试,谨慎地做,冒险一试 vi. 冒险做 x
Venture a small fish to catch a great one.
foresighted ['f?:saitid;'f?ur?saitid] : adj. 有先见之明的,能预料的,深谋远虑的 x
advisory [?d'vaiz?ri] : adj. 劝告的,顾问的,谘询的 x
An advisory memorandum regarding airworthiness.
underpinning ['?nd??pini?] : n. 支撑,建筑物下面的基础,支柱 x
These developments are underpinned by solid progress in heavy industry.
citizenry ['sitiznri;'sitiz?nri] : n. (总称)公民,市民 x
A free citizenry .
curriculum [k?'rikjul?m] : n. 课程,全部课程 curricula(复数) curriculum vitae:履历表 x
Curriculum included: Electric power systems,90; Signal processing,88; Systems and control,92; Electric energy systems,92; Solid-state electronics,88; Communications,94.
interdisciplinary [?int?:'disiplin?ri;?int?'dis?pli?neri] : adj. 各学科间的,跨学科的 x
scholarship ['sk?l??ip] : n. 奖学金, 学问, 学识 x
She's aiming at (ie trying to win) a scholarship .
internship ['int?:n?ip;'int?:n??ip] : n. 实习生 x
I am one of the internships of this company.
Mentoring ['ment?] : n.指导者 vt.指导 x
model ['m?dl] : n. 模型, 模范, 模特儿 adj. 模范的,

作模型用的 v. 做模型, 塑造, 模仿 x
When he became interested in model airplanes he went the whole hog.
rationalize ['r???n?laiz] : vt. 使合理化,合理地说明,[数]给...消根 x
He's constantly rationalizing .
regulatory ['regjul?t?ri] : adj. 管理的, 控制的, 调整的 x
Complaint is referred to several regulatory body.
stilfe [None] : stilfe x
stifle ['staifl] : v. 使不能呼吸, 窒息, 抑制 x
The flower that wreathe his parlor stifle him with their sensuous perfume.
disruption [dis'r?p??n] : n. 分裂, 毁坏 x
Occurring without disruption .
secure [si'kju?] : adj. 无虑的, 安心的, 安全的 adj. 牢靠的, 稳妥的 vt. 固定, 获得, 使...安全 vi. (海上工作人员)停止工作 vi. (船)抛锚, 停泊 x
The little boy felt secure near his parents.
patent ['peit?nt, 'p?t?nt] : n. 专利权,执照,专利品 adj. 专利的,显著的,新奇的 v. 取得...的专利权,请准专利 x
In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use.
moderately ['m?d?ritli] : adv. 适当地, 适度地, 中庸地 x
After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April.
judicial [d?u(:)'di??l] : adj. 法庭的, 公正的, 审判上的 x
In British India, district commissioners had judicial powers.
legislation [?led?is'lei??n] : n. 立法, 法律 x
The committee proposed that new legislation should be drafted.
mechanism ['mek?niz?m] : n. 机制,原理 n. 机械,机构,结构 x
You operate the mechanism by winding this handle.
mobilize ['m?ubilaiz] : v. 动员, 赋与可动性, 使流通 v. 动员 x
Our country's in great danger; we must mobilize the army.
unceasing [?n'si:si?] : adj. 不绝的, 不断的, 不停的 x
at large [] : adv. 详细地(逍遥自在的,笼统地,充分地,普通的) x
The populace at large is/are opposed to sudden change.
urge [?:d?] : n. 冲动 vt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促 vi. 极力主张 x
Motoring organizations are urging drivers not to travel by road if possible.
perpetually [p?'pet?u?li] : adv. 持久地, 永恒地 x
The condition of an estate that is limited so as to be inalienable either perpetually or longer than the period determined by law.
crises ['kraisis] : n. 危急关头,危机 x
The report lists twenty-eight countries and territories with some of the world's most pressing crises affecting women and children.
crisis ['kraisis] : n. 危急关头,危机 x
I was on the sidelines during the political crisis .
entail [in'teil] : vt. 使必需,使蒙受;限定继承 n. 限定继承权 x
The house and estate are entailed on the eldest daughter.
comprise [k?m'praiz] : vt. 包含,构成 x
A cricket team is comprised of eleven players.
disadvantage [?dis?d'vɑ:ntid?] : n. 不利, 不利条件, 损害, 损失 x
The s

chool labors under the disadvantage of not having enough textbooks.
martial ['mɑ:??l] : adj. 军事的, 战争的 x
The old veteran had a martial bearing.
gem [d?em] : n. 宝石,珍品,受到宠爱或评价很高的人,松糕 vt. 用宝石装饰 x
A smooth, lustrous, variously colored deposit, chiefly calcium carbonate, formed around a grain of sand or other foreign matter in the shells of certain mollusks and valued as a gem .
demonstration [?dem?ns'trei??n] : n. 示范,实证,表达,集会 x
The police were present at the demonstration in (full) force.
medal ['medl] : n. 奖章,勋章,纪念章 vi. 获得奖章 x
I have a monumental brass medal .
attribute [?'tribju:t] : n. 属性, 特征; 标志, 象征 vt. 归于, 属于 x
Politeness is an attribute of a gentleman.
sown [s?un] : v. 播 x
On the map the drains of each field are laid sown .
practitioner [pr?k'ti??n?] : n. 从业者 x
A practitioner of a system of logic.
amateurs [] : 业余运动员 x
combat ['k?mb?t] : n. 争斗,战斗 vt. 打斗 vi. 战斗,与…斗争 adj. 战斗的 x
The government hasn't worked out the effectual measures to combat unemployment.
fabulous ['f?bjul?s] : adj. 传说的,无根据的,难以置信的 x
A place of fabulous wealth or inordinately great opportunity.
trill [tril] : n. 颤声, 颤音, 啭声 v. 用颤声说, 使成颤音, 用卷舌发音 x
The trilled `r' is produced by vibrating the tongue against the upper teeth.
thrill [θril] : n. 震颤,激动 vt. (使)震颤,抖颤,激动 vi. 变激动 x
Such was the picture, and he thrilled to the memory of it.
acrobatic [??kr?'b?tik] : adj. 杂技的 x
A short horizontal bar suspended from two parallel ropes, used for exercises or for acrobatic stunts.
turf [t?:f] : n. 草皮,泥炭,跑马场 v. 铺草皮 n. 地盘,势力范围 v. x
He is more interested in the turf than in working.
unassailable ['?n?'seil?bl] : adj. 攻不破的, 无争论余地的, 无懈可击的 x
Her position/argument is unassailable .
equivalent [i'kwiv?l?nt] : adj. 等价的, 相等的 n. 相等物 x
Middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second.
unintelligible ['?nin'telid??bl;??nin'tel?d??b?l] : adj. 难以理解的; 莫明其妙的 x
Philosophy: unintelligible answer to insoluble problem.
broad [br?:d] : adj. 宽广的, 清楚无误的,明显的,粗俗的 adv. 完全地 n. (复)河流的延伸 x
There is broad consensus (of opinion) in the country on this issue.
outline ['?utlain] : n. 大纲,轮廓,概要,略图,素描 vt. 描画轮廓,描述要点 x
She drew the outline with a sure hand.
approach [?'pr?ut?] : n. 接近; 途径, 方法 v. 靠近, 接近, 动手处理 x
All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops.
acquire [?'kwai?] : vt. 占有,获得,取得,学到 x
How did he acquire his wealth?
arbitrary ['ɑ:bi?tr?ri] : adj. 任意的, 专制的, 武断的, 霸道的 x
An arbitrary amount of information whose beginning

and end are defined or implied.
linguistic [li?'gwistik] : adj. 语言的, 语言学的 x
A linguistic form.
mammalian [m?'meilj?n] : n. 哺乳动物 adj. 哺乳动物的 x
The report is on mammalian thermoregulation.
neuron ['nju?r?n] : n. 神经元, 神经细胞 x
neurons and cells
intricacy ['intrik?si] : n. 纷乱, 复杂, 错综 x
He was lost in the intricacies of a new electric motor.
straightforward [streit'f?:w?d] : adj. 笔直的, 率直的 x
His straightforward , modest manner took into camp everybody he knew.
potentiality [p??ten?i'?liti] : n. 可能力,潜在力,可能性 x
The sum of characteristics and associated potentialities transmitted genetically to an individual organism.
duplicate ['dju:plikeit] : n. 副本,复制品 adj. 复制的,二重的 vt. 复制,重复 vi. 重复 [计算机] 复制 x
A duplicate ; a copy.
rival ['raiv?l] : n. 对手,同伴,竞争者 adj. 竞争的 vt. 与…相匹敌,比得上 vi. 竞争 x
He was utterly unscrupulous in his competition with rival firms.
hatch [h?t?] : n. 孵化,舱口 vt. 孵,孵出 vi. 孵化,破壳 x
Be this what you call counting your chicken before they hatch ?
womb [wu:m] : n. 子宫 x
The Christian doctrine that the Son of God was conceived in the womb of Mary and that Jesus is true God and true man.
implanted [im'plɑ:nt] : v. 深植,灌输,嵌入,移植 n. 移植物,植入物 x
electrode [i'lektr??d] : n. 电极,电焊条 x
The electrode attached to this region.
artificial [?ɑ:ti'fi??l] : adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的 x
Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants.
hormone ['h?:m?un] : n. 荷尔蒙, 激素 x
A peptide hormone , produced by the thyroid gland in human beings, that lowers plasma calcium and phosphate levels without augmenting calcium accretion.
envision [in'vi??n] : n. 预想 v. 想象,预想 vt. 想象 x
Tending to envision things in perfect but unrealistic form; idealistic.
genome ['d?i:n?um] : n. [生]基因组, 染色体组 x
Human genome project is expected to decipher the genetic codes in the human cell.
portend [p?:'tend] : v. 成为...的前兆,预知,给与...的警告 x
Black clouds portend a storm.
blur [bl?:] : vt.& vi. 使...模糊,弄脏 n. 污点,模糊 x
The racing cars passed in a blur .
scenario [si'nɑ:ri?u] : n. 情节梗概, 剧本 x
For the rest of the day the port presented a scenario of furious productivity, guaranteed to warm the cockles of the dock boss's heart.
psychotropic [?saik?u'tr?pik] : adj. 治疗精神病的 n. 治疗精神病药物 x
psychotropic drug
stolid ['st?lid] : adj. 迟钝的, 神经麻木的 x
He conceals his feelings behind a rather stolid manner.
vivacious [vi'vei??s, vai-] : adj. 活泼的 x
She is a very vivacious lady.
introspective [?intr?u'spektiv] : adj. 反省的,内省的 x
Introspective is very important to human beings.
extrovert ['ekstr?uv?:t] : n. 性格外向的人 =extravert x
She's a good perso

n to invite to a party because she's such an extrovert .
stem [stem] : n. 茎,干,船首,词干,血统 vt. 堵住,阻止,抽去梗 vi. 起源于,发生 x
She sat twirling the stem of the glass in her fingers.
expectancy [iks'pekt?nsi;ik'spekt?nsi] : n. 期待(公算) x
A quiver of expectancy ran through the audience.
chest [t?est] : n. 胸, 大箱子, 金库, 资金, 一箱, 密封室, 衣橱 x
He dragged the heavy chest across the floor.
cavity ['k?viti] : n. 洞, 空穴, 腔 x
An abnormal duct or passage resulting from injury, disease, or a congenital disorder that connects an abscess, a cavity , or a hollow organ to the body surface or to another hollow organ.
Alzheimer ['ɑltshaim?r] : n. 老年痴呆症(亦称:Alzheimer's disease) x
Researchers and doctors have been studying Alzheimer 's patients for a century .
stroke [str?uk] : n. 笔画,击打,连续的动作,中风,心跳, vt. 奉承,轻抚 vi. 击打,心跳... x
My speech went quite well until I was put off my stroke by the interruption.
embryo ['embri?u] : n. 胚胎,萌芽 x
The development and growth of an embryo .
implantation [?implɑ:n'tei??n] : n. 鼓吹,灌输,培植,着床 x
new pacemaker implantation
physical ['fizik?l] : adj. 身体的,物理的,物质的 n. 体检 x
Physical disability causes mental anguish.
endurance [in'djur?ns] : n. 忍耐, 忍耐力, 耐性 x
She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb.
unequivocally ['?ni'kwiv?k?l;??ni'kwiv?k?l] : adj. 不含糊的,明白的,毫无疑问的,确实的 x
she stated her intentions unequivocally .
abid [] : 礼拜者,伊拉克运载火箭, n. 礼拜者伊拉克运载火箭 x
abiding [?'baidi?] : adj. 永久的,持久的,不变的 x
The act or condition of abiding ; continuance.
debility [di'biliti] : n. 衰弱, 虚弱 x
After her operation she suffered from general debility .
dementia [di'men?i?] : n. 痴呆 x
The symptom of Down's Syndrome is amentia and dementia
Neurological [?nju?r?'l?d?ik?l;?njur?'l?d?ik?l] : adj. 神经病学的 x
There was no neurological deficts.
mental ['mentl] : adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的,传心术的,[解剖学]颏的 x
Ageing is accompanied by a slow degeneration of his mental faculties.
deterioration [di?ti?ri?'rei??n] : n. 恶化,降低,退化 x
Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging.
vegetative ['ved?it?tiv;'ved???teitiv] : adj. 植物生长的,植物人状态的 x
A major portion of the soil organic matter is derived from the added and residual vegetative material.
torrent ['t?r?nt] : n. 激流, 山洪 x
The torrent scoured a gully down the hillside.
swell [swel] : n. 增大,隆起的部分, 波浪 adj. 优秀的, 时髦的 vi. 渐增, 膨胀, 积聚, 情感迸发 vt. 使情感迸发, 扩大, 使膨胀 x
The murmur swelled into a roar.
initiate [i'ni?ieit] : n. 创

始人 adj. 新加入的 vt. 开始,创始,启蒙,介绍加入 x
I always dream initiating a new style life
pertinent ['p?:tin?nt] : adj. 相关的, 中肯的, 切题的 x
The biographer will be seized of all pertinent papers and correspondence.
precipice ['presipis] : n. 断崖, 绝壁, 险境 x
Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high.
scroll [skr?ul] : n. 卷轴,目录 vt.& vi. 卷动 x
A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.
stele ['sti:li] : n. 刻有碑文的石柱,石碑,匾额 x
forest of stele
tablet ['t?blit] : n. 药片, 匾, 片状物 x
An engraved slab or tablet bearing an inscription or a device.
commendation [?k?men'dei??n] : n. 赞赏, 嘉奖,推荐,奖状,奖赏 x
Deserving commendation ; praiseworthy.
uphill ['?p'hil] : adv. 上坡地, 向上地 adj. 上坡的, 向上的,费力的 n. 上坡 x
He always falls behind when we're going uphill .
urban ['?:b?n] : adj. 城市的 x
Generations of urban living sharpened their wits.
corporate ['k?:p?rit] : adj.社团的, 法人的, 共同的, 全体的 n.法人 ,公司 x
Learned to read between the lines of corporate annual reports to discern areas of fiscal weakness.
entrepreneurial [??ntr?pr?'n?:ri?l] : adj. 企业家的, 企业性质的 x
Supply- side economics is supposed to promote savings, investment, and entrepreneurial creativity.
nimble ['nimbl] : adj. 敏捷的,伶俐的, 精明的 x
Characterized by quickness, lightness, and ease of movement; nimble .
flexible ['fleks?bl] : adj. 灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的,可变通的 x
Easily resuming original shape after being stretched or expanded; flexible .
outfit ['autfit] : n. 用具,配备,机构 vt. 配备,供应 vi. 得到装备 x
I'd like a job with your outfit .
academic [??k?'demik] : n. 教学人员,学术人员 adj. 学院的,理论的,学术性的 x
She already has good academic qualifications under her belt.
paragon ['p?r?g?n] : n. 模范, 典型 vt. 与...比较,比得上 x
Harriet was an extremely pretty girl of seventeen, not in the least brilliant, but with pleasing, unassuming manners, and a gratifying habit of looking up to Emma as a paragon .
stodgy ['st?d?i] : adj. 塞满的,笨重的,沉闷的, 式样难看的,难消化的 x
a stodgy dinner party
paramount ['p?r?maunt] : adj. 极为重要的 Paramount. 派拉蒙(美电影公司) x
Disney and Paramount will team up to make a movie based on the best-selling book "Alive" , about a rugby team's battle to survive a plane crash in the Andes Mountains.
distill [di'stil] : v. 蒸馏, 滴下,吸取,提炼 x
It needs to distill .
debacle [dei'bɑ:kl] : n. 崩溃, 解冻,溃败,灾害 x
His first performance was a debacle : the audience booed him off the stage.
acclaim [?'kleim] : n. 喝采, 欢呼, 赞同 v. 欢呼, 喝采, 称赞 x
Her performance won her much critica

l acclaim .
initiative [i'ni?i?tiv] : adj. 创始的, 初步的, 自发的 n. 第一步, 首创精神; 主动权 x
I put it all down to her hard work and initiative .
check [t?ek] : n. 检查; 支票, 账单; 制止, 阻止物 n. 检验标准; (国际象棋)将军 v. 检查, 阻止, 核对; (国际象棋)将军 x
The plumber made a careful check of the pipes.
unethical [?n'eθikl] : adj. 不道德的, 缺乏职业道德的 x
If laws were broken, or if there was unethical conduct, it will be addressed.
leeway ['li:wei] : n. 余地,[航]偏航角,偏航,漂移 x
Ten days should be a big enough leeway to allow for delays.
seniority [si:ni'?riti] : n. 长辈, 前任者的特权, 老资格 x
Does seniority give one the right to command?
Leveraged ['levrid?;'lev?rid?] : n. 杠杆作用,影响力 x
A lifestyle that was leveraged by business responsibilities.
compensation [k?mpen'sei??n] : n. 补偿, 赔偿; 赔偿金, 物 x
He prejudiced his claim by demanding too much compensation .
mentor ['ment?:] : n. 指导者 vt. 指导 x
A priest who is one's spiritual mentor .
entrepreneur [??ntr?pr?'n?:] : n. 企业家 x
One, especially an entrepreneur , that undertakes a task or job.
entrepreneurship [] : 企业家[主办人等]的身分[地位、职权、能力], 创业者, 创业学, 创业精神 x
The education is based on market-based economics and entrepreneurship
hands off [] : 不许摸!不许干涉! x
Lay your hands off !
runaway ['r?n?wei;'r?n??wei] : n. 逃走的人, 逃亡, 亡命者 adj. 逃亡的, 逃走的 x
His runaway with the money stolen from the bank gave his family a rough time.
train [trein] : n. 火车,行列;长裙拖地部分 vt. 训练,教养 vi. 练习 x
He trained to be a lawyer.
agglomerate [?'gl?m?reit] : vt.vi.(使)结块,(使)成因 adj.凝聚的;密集的;成团的;结块的 n.1. 团块 2. 凝聚 3. 【地】集块岩 4. 【化】附聚物 x
They have agglomerated many small pieces of research into a single large study.
retention [ri'ten??n] : n. 保存(保持力,包装牢固,记忆力,保留物) x
the data retention of this usb flash drive is 10 years
imbued [im'bju:] : v. 灌输, 使感染, 使充满 x
The painting is imbued with energy and life.
commitment [k?'mitm?nt] : n. 委托,实行,承诺,保证(律)拘禁令 n. 奉献,献身 x
Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession.
fluctuate ['fl?ktjueit] : vi. 变动, 上下, 动摇 vt. 使动摇 x
Cotton: irregular, the cotton index fluctuate narrowly on the liverpool( england) market.
Enron [] : n. 安然(公司名,总部所在地美国,主要经营能源) x
enron enronesque
exception [ik'sep??n] : n. 除外,例外 x
All students without exception must take the English examination.
rule [ru:l] : n. 惯例,规则,统治 v. 裁定,统治,支配 vi. 裁决,统治 vt. 统治 x
The rule is that someone must be on duty at all times.
virtue ['v?:tju
