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Magoosh 6选2词汇

Magoosh 6选2词汇
Magoosh 6选2词汇

Magoosh 6选2

1.Conspicuous = pronounced 显著的

2.Presentiment = inkling预感,察觉

3.Apathetic = indifferent 无动于衷的

4.Wary of = suspicious of 堤防,怀疑

5.Wily = crafty 狡猾的

6.Grim = bleak 惨的,没有希望的(means overly emotional and

suggests a longing or nostalgia for something)

7.Inadvertently = unwittingly非故意的

8.Celerity = swiftness 敏捷的,快速的

9.Mercy = clemency仁慈,和蔼

10.Precarious = dicey 危险的,冒险的

11.Disparate = divergent 不同的

12.Innumerable = legion大量的

13.Petulant = querulous 易发怒的

14.Uninitiated = unschooled 没有入门的,外行的

15.Besiege = harry围攻,侵略

16.Crony = chum密友

17.Sordid = unseemly 肮脏的,不体面的

18.Cumbrously = ponderously 沉重的,笨重的

19.Spasmodically = irregularly 间歇性的

20.Want = like 缺乏

21.Protract = prolong延长

22.Candid = candor 坦率

23.Treacherous = perfidy不忠诚的

24.Precis = synopsis 摘要,概要

25.Pristine = untouched未开发的

26.Derogative 贬低的,snide 讽刺的

27.Stultify = hamper 抑制

28.Voracious = ravenous贪婪的

29.contingent on = dependenton 依靠于,使……而定

30.machinating = scheming 图谋,策划

31.plodding = tedious单调范围的

32.cede = surrender 割让,放弃

33.cavil = carp 吹毛求疵

34.prevaricate = equivocate支吾其词

35.corral = round up 聚集起来,gather up

36.venality = graft贪污,受贿

37.Expansive = Gregarious 爱社交的

38.peripatetic. = itinerant巡游的

39.baffle = confound困惑,使为难

40.steer clear of = avoid绕开,避开

41.gloomy = saturnine 忧郁的

42.sclerotic = ossified 僵化的,硬化的

43.dissipate = perish消亡,消散

44.begrudge = deny

45.protean = versatile 多变的

46.tranquility = serenity 宁静的

47.bastardization = corruption 改变,修改

48.implacable = inexorable

49.artifice = subterfuge 诡计

50.idealistic = quixotic狂想家的,理想主义的

51.flagrant = egregious 极坏的,臭名昭著的

52.irrevocably = permanently

53.turmoil = chaos 混乱,骚乱

54.intimate = suggest暗示

55.oblique = indirect间接的,转弯抹角的

56.arch = puckish开玩笑的,调皮的

57.travail = tribulate苦难,灾难

58.enjoin = exhort嘱咐,劝说

59.bridle = bristle 生气expressanger

新课标高中英语选修7 Unit2 核心词汇

新课标高中英语选修7 Unit 2 核心词汇 Unit 2 Robots核心单词 1. desire n. 渴望 vt. 想要desire sth. 渴望得到某物 desire sb.to do sth. 希望/渴望做某事 desire that sb. (should) do 要求…… have a desire for sth./to do sth. 渴望得到某物/希望做某事 at one’s desire 照某人的希望 We all desire happiness and health.我们都希望幸福健康。 Everyone has a desire for success, but not everyone desires to get rich. 每个人都渴望成功,但并非人人都渴望金钱。 He desires you to go to see him at once. =He desires that you should go to see him at once.他要求你马上去见他。 2. alarm n. 警报 vt. 使……惊恐 We were much alarmed by the fire in the forest. 森林失火使我们大为惊慌。

sound/ give /raise the alarm 发警报 ring the alarm 敲警钟 take (the) alarm at 对……感到吃惊; 因……而惊恐 be alarmed at ... 被……吓一跳 As soon as he saw the smoke, he sounded the alarm.一看见烟雾,他就鸣响了警报。 3. accompany vt.陪伴 常用结构: accompany sb. to a place 陪伴某人去某地accompany sth. with/by sth. 与……同时存在 He accompanied his old father to the hospital to see what’s wrong with his stomach. 他陪他的老父亲去医院查看胃部出了什么问题。Thunders accompanied by heavy rain in this season are very common. 这个季节,雷鸣常常伴有大雨。 4. envy n.&vt. 妒忌;羡慕


Module 6 Unit 1 1 comedy / ?k?m?d?/ n.喜剧 2 weekly n.周刊;周报adj.每周的 3 crosstalk n.相声 4 stand up for 支持,维护 5 stand-up n.单口喜剧adj.(喜剧)单人表演的 6 stage / ste?d?/ n.舞台;阶段,时期 7 comedian / k??mi?d??n / n.喜剧演员 8 tease / ti?z/vt.取笑;揶揄;戏弄 9 previous / ?pri?v??s / adj.先前的,以往的 10 variety/ v??ra??t?/ n.不同种类;多种样式 11 style/ sta?l/ n.风格;方式;样式 12 behave / b??he?v/ vi.&vt.表现 13 visual / ?v??u?l/ adj.视觉的 14 hammer / ?h?m?(r)/ n.锤子,榔头vt.敲,捶打 15 trip vi.&vt.绊,(使)绊倒 16 trip over 绊倒 17 performance n.表演,演出;表现,业绩 18 make fun of 拿……开玩笑;取笑,嘲弄 19 affection/ ??fek?n;/ n.喜爱,钟爱 20 have affection for 喜爱,钟爱 21 performer n.演员;表演者 22 academy/ ??k?d?m?/ n.研究院,学会;专科院校 23 perform vi.&vt.表演;做,履行;运转 24 little-known adj.鲜为人知的 25 come up with 想出;拿出 26 technical / ?tekn?kl/ adj.技术的,技能的 27 lip/ l?p/ n.嘴唇 28 silent film n.无声电影 29 howl / haul/ vi.大叫,嚎叫n.嚎叫, 嚎叫声 30 amuse / ??mju?z/vt.逗笑,逗乐;(使)娱乐 31 saying n.格言,谚语,警句 32 cigar / s??gɑ?(r)/n.雪茄烟 33 bathtub n.浴缸,浴盆 34 pass away 去世,亡故 35 mourn / m??n/vi.&vt.衷悼,忧伤 36 fitness / 'f?tn?s/ n.健壮,健康;适合37 strengthen / ?stre?θn/ vi.&vt.增强;巩固 38 yoga / ?j?ug?/ 瑜伽术 39 muscle/ ?m?sl/ n.肌肉 40 participate / pɑ??t?s?pe?t/vi.参加,参与 41 deep-breathing adj.深呼吸的 42 positive /?p?z?t?v/ adj.积极的,正面的;肯定的 43 drive away 赶走;驱赶 44 negative/?neg?t?v/ adj.消极的/否定的;有害的 45 guarantee / ?g?r?n?ti?/vt.&n.保证;担保 46 foolishness / ?fu?l?n?s ?/ n.愚蠢 47 foreigner n.外国人 48 instruct / ?n?str?kt/ vt.教授;指示,命令 49 take on 接纳;呈现;承担;雇佣 50 initial/ ??n??l/ adj.最初的,初始的n.首字母 51 attain / ??te?n/ vt.(通常经过努力)获得;达到 52 polish / ?p?l??/ vt.提高;修改;润色 53 invisible / ?n?v?z?bl/ adj.看不见的;无形的 54 bench / bent?/ n.长凳,长椅 55 setting n.(戏剧、小说等的)情节背景;场景 56 make room for 为……腾出地方 57 textbook n. 教科书;课本 58 cosy / ˋk?uz?/ adj.暖和舒适的,惬意的 59 invitation /?nv?'te??n/ n.邀请 60 alongside prep.&adv.在……旁边;与……一起 61 crowded adj.拥挤的 62 castle /?kɑ?sl/ n.城堡;堡垒 63 armchair n.扶手椅 64 yell / jel/ vi.&n.叫喊,大喊,吼叫 65 pile / pa?l/ n.摞;垛;堆 66 official-looking adj.貌似官方的 67 anger / ???g?(r)/ n.怒,怒火,怒气 68 bow / bau/ vi.&vt./ n.鞠躬;低头; 69 dash / d??/ vi.急驰,猛冲n.猛冲;匆忙 70 tear / te?(r)/ vt.撕,扯 71 burst vi.猛冲,突然出现;爆裂 72 burst in 闯进;突然闯入 73 empty-handed adj.空手;一无所获


词汇 1. convey vt, 向…表达、传递(感情,思想,意见等) convey sb. to some place 用车送某人去某地 vt convey sb/ sth from ……to…..传送,运送 eg.1. The train conveys both passengers from the airport to your hotel. 2.These results will enable us at least to convey(表明)a sense of progress. 这些结果至少能表明一种进步的感觉。 3.His songs convey a sense of optimism. 【练习】I was so nervous that I couldn’t______my true feelings in front of so many people. A. expose B. deliver C. instruct D. convey 解析:. D 此题考查动词辨析。 句意:我如此紧张,以至于当着这么多人的面,我不能表达自己的真实感情。 expose显露,暴露;deliver传送,发表;instruct指示,吩咐;convey表达(思想、情感)等。 2. concrete adj/n/v混凝土的,确凿的(证据),具体的(建议) The garden had been concreted over. 铺设了混凝土 Concrete evidence Concrete proposals It’s easier to think in concrete terms rather than abstract. 3. contradictory adj引起矛盾的,好反驳的 contradict v反驳,相矛盾contradiction n不一致,矛盾 contradict oneself 自相矛盾 例句 : There were contradictory versions of what happened. 对于发生的事情的说法相互矛盾。 4. flexible adj灵活的,可弯曲的 flexibility n. 灵活 flexibly adv. 灵活地,柔顺地


选修7 Unit 2 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Larry worked for a company 1. _____ made robots. Recently it had begun experimenting with a household robot, which was going to be tested out by Larry’s wife, Claire. Claire didn’t want the robot in h er house, 2. ____Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn’t harm her or allow her 3. ___________(harm). However, Claire felt alarmed when first saw the robot, Tony, 4. ______ seemed more like a human than a machine. He was tall and handsome 5. _____ smooth hair and 6. _____ deep voice although his facial expression never changed. 7. _________(good) at housework, Tony was a qualified household robot, who paid attention to Claire’s feelings as well. When Claire was unconfident about herself, he would feel sorry 8. ____ her. 9. ____ was ridiculous 10. _____________(offer) sympathy by a robot. One thing that disturbed Claire was 11. ______ she felt her home wasn’t elegant enough for someone like Larry who wanted to improve his social position. Therefore Tony promised 12.________(help) her. He gave Claire a new haircut and changed her makeup. After 13.________(scan) numbers of books, he made a list of items for Claire 14. _______ accompanying her to the shops. 15. ____________(buy) curtains, cushions, a carpet and bedding, she went into a jewelry shop to buy a necklace. When the clerk was rude to her, she rang Tony up and the clerk immediately changed his attitude after she spoke to him. Claire thanked Tony, 16. _____ (tell) him that he was a “dear”, which was seen by Gladys Claffern, who was one of the richest and most powerful women around, believing Clair was having an affair. Claire was annoyed as Gladys was everything she wanted to be. In order to help her, Tony suggested that she 17. _____ (invite) Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return. Finally the party night arrived. The clock struck eight. The guests would be arriving soon and Claire told Tony to go into another room. At that moment, Tony folded his arms around her, 18. _____ (bend) his face close to 19. _____. She cried out “Tony” and then heard him declare that he didn’t want to leave her the next day 20. _____ that he felt more than just the desire to please her. Then the front door bell rang. Tony freed her and disappeared from sight. It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window. Her guests had seen everything! The women 21. _____ (invite) to the party were impressed by Claire and everything in the house. Just before they left, Claire heard Gladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome as Tony. What a sweet victory to be envied by those women! She might not be as beautiful as them, but none of them had such a handsome lover. Then she remembered—Tony was just a machine. She shouted “Leave me alone” and ran to her bed. She cried all night. The next morning a car drove up and took Tony away. The company was very 22. _______(please) with Tony’s report on his three weeks with Claire. Tony had protected a human being from harm. He had prevented Claire 23. _____ harming herself through her own sense of 24. _____(fail). He had opened the curtains that night so that the other women would see him and Claire, knowing that there was no risk to Claire’s marriage. But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt—you cannot have women 25. ________(fall) in love with machines. Unit 2 Ⅰ.单词荟萃 1.________n.渴求;欲望;渴望;vt.希望得到;想要 →________adj.令人满意的;值得要的 2.____________n.满意;满足;令人满意的事物→________vt.满足;使满意→_____________________ adj.令人满意的→_________adj.感到满意的 3.________n.喜爱,恩惠;vt.喜爱;偏袒→___________adj.赞成的;有利的→__________adj.特别喜爱的 4._____________vt.陪伴;伴奏→__________n.陪伴;(一)群;(一)队→____________n.伙伴


牛津高中英语模块6 Unit 1 comedy 喜剧 weekly周刊;周报 stand up for支持,维护 stand-up单口喜剧 stage阶段,时期 tease 取笑;揶揄;戏弄 previous先前的,以往的 variety(同一事物)不同种类;多种样式style风格;方式;样式 behave表现 visual视觉的 hammer锤子,榔头 trip绊,(使)绊倒 trip over绊倒 performance表演,演出;表现,业绩make fun of拿……表玩笑;取笑,嘲弄affection喜爱同,钟爱 have affection for喜爱,钟爱performer演员;表演者 academy研究院,学会;专科院校perform演出,表演;履行;工作,运转little-known鲜为人知的 come up with想出;拿出 technical技术的,技能的 lip嘴唇 silent film无声电影 howl大叫,嚎叫 amuse逗笑,逗乐 saying格言,警句 cigar雪茄烟 bathtub浴缸,浴盆 pass away去世,亡故 mourn衷悼,忧伤 fitness健康;适合 strengthen增强;巩固 participate参加,参与 deep-breathing深呼吸的 positive积极的,正面的 drive away赶走;驱赶 guarantee保证;担保 foolishness愚蠢 foreigner外国人 instruct教授,传授take on接纳 initial最初的,初始的 attain(通常经过努力)获得;得到 polish提高;修改;润色 bench看不见的,无形的 setting长凳,长椅 make room for为……腾出地方 textbook教科书;课本 cosy暖和舒适的,惬意的 invitation邀请 alongside在……旁边;与……一起crowded拥挤的 castle城堡;堡垒 armchair扶手椅 yell叫喊,大喊 pile摞;垛 official-looking貌似官方的 anger怒,怒火 bow鞠躬;低头 dash急奔,猛冲 tear撕,扯 burst猛冲,突然 burst in闯进;突然闯入 empty-handed空手;一无所获 glare怒目而视 glare at对……怒目而视 hold out递出;拿出;伸出 toilet paper卫生纸,手纸 Unit 2 surround围绕,环绕 suffering疼痛,痛苦;折磨 viewer电视观众;观看者 goodwill友好;善意 junior青少年的;地位(职位、级别)低下的apart分开,分离 apart from远离,和……不在一起;除了mat(体育运动用的)厚垫子 specialist专科医师;专家 severe严重的;严厉的,严格的;艰巨的in good spirits心情好 appreciation感激,感谢;欣赏;理解;(艺术方面的)鉴定,评估 sorrow悲伤,悲痛 accomplish完成,实现 thankful感激的,感谢的

牛津高中英语模块六 Unit2词汇教学案

牛津高中英语模块六 Unit2词汇教学案牛津高中英语模块六Unit2词汇教学案 .injure①使受伤,弄伤,损伤,损害 ②伤害(名誉、自尊等) Theboyinjuredhislegwhileplayingbasketball. Thiscouldseriouslyinjurethecompany’sreputation. injured:受伤的,被伤害的,感情受伤的 theinjured受伤的人 injuredlooks______________ inaninjuredvoice______________ thedeadandthe___________ 死者及伤者 Theinjured takentothenearesthospital. injury:①伤害,损害②伤,伤口dosb.aninjury伤害某人 It’sasevereinjurytohisreputation._____________________ _______ Thenurseisdressinghisinjuries._____________________ _______

辨析:injure,wound,hurt ①injure一般指由于意外或事故中受伤,指一时难愈之伤。 ②wound指外伤,如刀伤、枪伤、剑伤,尤指在战斗,战争中受伤 ③hurt“受伤”的一般用法,既可指肉体上的伤害,亦可指感情上的伤害,作vi.时;意为“疼,疼痛” 用wound,harm,hurt,injure的正确形式填空: ) Shefelt atyourwords. 2) Don’t youreyesbyreadingindimlight. 3) Thebullet himintheshoulder. 4) Hewas intheaccident. 2.apart adj.&adv.①分开的,分离的②和tell或know连


1.Over the past decades, sea ice _____ in the Arctic as a result of global warming. A. had decreased B. more than C. attach D. apply 2.The good thing about children is that they _______ very easily to new environments. A. adapt B. appeal C. attach D. apply 3. Just as Professor Scotti often it, success is ninety-nine percent mental attitude. A. gets B. makes C. puts D. means 4. We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all . A. given away B. kept away C. taken up D. used up 5. We are at your service. Don’t to turn to us if you have any further problems. A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seek 6. Would you please ______ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes? A. look around B. look into C. look up D. look through 7. During the war there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to ______ bread for days. A. eat up B. give away C. do without D. deal with 8. The loss has not yet been ______ accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars. A. calculated B. considered C. completed D. controlled 9. Some parents are just too protective. They want to ______ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined. A. spot B. dismiss C. shelter D. distinguish 10. It is reported that the police will soon ____ the case of two missing children. A. look upon B. look after C. look into D. look out 11. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t__________. A. get along B. get on C. get to D. get through 12. -------Do you have enough to ________all your daily expenses? --------Oh yes, enough and to spare.


阜南一中博雅1+1高效课堂导学案编制人:___周磊___ 审核人:__崔中媛____ 领导签字:________ 编号:__33__时间:年月日小组:____ 姓名:______ 组内评价:_____ 教师评价:_____ Unit 2 Robbots Period 1 Words and Expressions 学习目标:1.掌握高考大纲中的高频考点词汇和短语,并培养综合运用能力。 2.自主学习,合作探究,学会分析与总结的方法并在写作中灵活运用。 3.树立正确的生态观,全力以赴体验英语学习的快乐。 学习重难点:高频考点词汇一次多义和一词多性 预习案 单词 1. n.小说;虚构或想象出来的事 2. n.渴望欲望渴求;vt.希望得到想要 3. n.满意,满足,令人满意的事物 使满足使满意adj.感到满意的 adj.令人满意的 4. vt. 使警觉使惊恐惊动n.警报惊恐 adj.担心的害怕的 5. adj.荒谬的可笑的 6. n. 同情心vi.同情 7 n. 喜爱恩惠vt.喜爱偏袒8 vt. 宣布声明宣称 9. n.堆摞叠;vi.堆起堆积vt.把…….堆起积聚 10. vt. 陪伴伴奏11. vt,细看仔细检查浏览扫描 12. n 软垫靠垫垫子13. adj 超重的体重超常的 14. adj 优雅的高雅的讲究的15. n 售货员职员 16. adj. 数字的数码的手指的脚趾的 17. adj.极坏的极讨厌的可怕的糟透的 18. n.邮筒信箱19. n 实务事情暧昧关系 20. n.烹饪风味菜肴21. vt.妒忌羡慕 22. adv.在一边向一边23. adj.豪华的雄伟的 24. n收件人接收机电话听筒25. n喜爱感情 26. adj一定的密切相关的27. n传记(文学) 28. adj,神的上帝的圣洁的29. adj兼职的 30. n全体员工手杖31. n海军海军部队 32. adj较年幼的资历较浅的地位较低的 33. n天才特殊能力才干34. 理论上的假设的 35 n框架结构36 n思想思考 37. n离婚断绝关系vt与…..离婚;与…….脱离 38. vt﹠vi 服从顺从vt﹠vi 不服从违抗 短语 1. 考验出检验完 2. 给…….打电话 3. 转身翻转 4. 不管;别惹;让….一个人呆着和……单独在一起 5. 将….放在一边;为…..节省或保留(钱或时间) 6. 一共总计7 一定做……… 探究案 1.desire vt.渴望;要求;n.欲望,渴望desire to do 渴望做某事 desire sb. to do sth 渴望某人去做某事desire that sb. should do……渴望….. 1) I am filled with ___________ to go back home. 2) He ____________ us to leave soon. 3) They desire that you _________ (come) at once.. 2.satisfaction n. 满意 satisfy v. 使…满意 satisfied adj.感到满意的 satisfying/satisfactory adj. 令人满意的;令人满足的 sb be satisfied with sth.某人对某事满意 4) Nothing ____________ him: he’s always complaining. 5) Both he and I _______________ the result. 6) That is a _______________ book. 7) _________________ our customers is very important. 8) To our ________________, he fin ished the work ahead of time. 3. alarm n.警告,惊慌,警报,报警器 v. 使…惊慌,警告 alarmed adj.(作表语)担心的,害怕的 alarming adj. 令人害怕的;吓人的;扰乱人心的 alarm(clock) 闹钟 a fire alarm 火警 a false alarm 虚惊一场 9) I gave the __________ as soon as I saw the smoke. 10) I’m rather _________ to hear that you’re planning to leave the company. 11) The pollution in Beijing is _____________. 4. favour n.喜爱;恩惠;帮助 vt.喜爱偏袒;促进 favourable adj.赞成的;同意的; favorite n.特别喜爱的人或物 adj.最喜欢的 win sb’s favour 获得某人的好感 in favour of sb/sth 赞成某人(某事物) in sb’s favour 对某人有利 do sb a favour 帮助 12) I hope you will do me a __________. 13) Are you ________________ this plan? 14) May I ask a ____________ of you? 15) He did do whatever he can to . 16) He is his uncle’s ______________. 17) My _____________ sport is running. 5. accompany v.陪伴company n.公司,友伴,交际 be accompanied with/by (常用于被动语态)与某事物同时存在或发生 18) I must ask you to ____________ me to the police station. 导学案装订线


Test 1 1. You should keep calm during your _______ test. Do not be nervous. A. oral 2. Our guide gave us a detailed _______ of this painting but we still do not understand. A. authority 3. Our _______ is London. But the plane took us to Paris. A. departure 4. Generally speaking, there is always a generation _______ in every country. A. gap 5. Careful planning and hard work will _______ our final success. A. enclose 6. He _______ to his roommate for being so rude yesterday. A. worried 7. When y ou take a picture, you should _______ carefully to get a sharp picture. A. focus 8. The Chinese food in the United States is usually _______ for American people. A. exchanged 9. There are _______ approaches to English teaching. But not all of them are equally efficient for our Chinese students. A. double 10. He has a bad impression of his _______ in the office. A. colleagues 11. His eyes _______ with rage but he did not dare to say anything. A. flashed 12. The list is arranged according to the _______ professions of the audience. A. respective 13. This is our _______. So you can do what you need to do here. A. substance 14. That rich man has been dead for a long time but his ________ is still not known to the public. A. sausage c oul d hav e _______ such a situation but I didn’t. A. forecast prefer a _______ typewriter to an automatic one.


高二英语M6,U2词汇随堂练习 一?单词拼写 1. Doctors and medical supplies were __________(紧急送往)to the scene of the accident. 2. She speaks En glish so well that her friends are filled with a ____________. 3. What I have achieved in the past few mon ths i _________ me with con fide nee. 4. We should n ever play tricks on the people who are d ___________ . 5. To my d _______________ , my father didn ' btiy me any present on my birthday for he had completely forgot it. 6. Her local doctor couldn ' t tell what was wrong, soher sentee a s _____________ . 7. The driver of the car received serious I __________ to the legs and arms in the accide nt. 8. After ten years of hard work, he has a ______________ a great deal in his work. 9. We should lear n to stay o ________ no matter what difficulty we may have in our lives. 10. The earthquake happened last night destroyed everything in the village and left all the villagers h _____________ . 11. He is j____________ to me in the compa ny, though he is older tha n me. 12. He is always e ____________ and it seems that he will n ever feel tired. 13. The age ncy offers practical g _____________to people start ing their own bus in ess. 14. You shall not take in such a lovely and i ____________ child. 15. Try your best to give a v __________ descripti on of what you have see n in the picture. 16. He's _________________ (无法忍受的)when he is in a bad temper. 17. When we moved to France, the childre n a __________ to the cha nge very well. 18. The bad harvests led to s ____________ food shortages. 19. If you're going out for a walk, I'll come along and keep you c ____________ . 20. I was i ___________ to work harder by her example. 21. He suffered several serious i __________ in the traffic accident and died soon. 22. On seeing her h __________ tears, I decided to help her as best I could. 23. In that school i ___________ thinking is especially encouraged among the students. 24. Many people died duri ng the war because of cold and h __________ 25. We have had both p _________ and negative lessons in history.

真题 gre词汇练习题

GRE补充填空题 1.“The show must go on”is the oldest of show business; every true performer lives by that creed. (A)euphemism (B)allegory (C)precursor (D)tenet (E)corroboration 2.James Baldwin, who wrote of black Americans as being in a perpetual state of rage, Mr. Cose remarks that few human beings could the psychic toll of uninterrupted anger. (A)Corroborating ... e ndure (B)Refuting ... e nhance (C)Dismissing ... r efine (D)Challenging ... s urvive (E)Upholding ... w eather 3.by life’s, the last emperor of China worked as a lowly gardener in the palace over which he had once ruled. (A)Fortified ... g enerosity (B)Deluded ... c oincidences (C)Humbled ... v icissitudes (D)Venerated ... s urvivors (E)Recognized ... i mpostors 4.his broker had told him出at the stock was a一一investment,he insisted on buying 100 shares. (A)Because ... s peculative (B)Although ... p recarious (C)Since ... n egligible (D)Although ... f ormidable (E)Because ... d windling 5.A glance pays attention to details. (A)furtive ... m eticulous (B)cursory .. .little (C)cryptic ... c lose (D)keen ... s canty (E)fleeting ... v igilant 6.A person is one who will some由ing on the slightest of evidence. (A)restive ... f orget
