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U4_Grammar and usage 1

U4_Grammar and usage 1




单元:Unit 4 Helping people around the world

板块:Grammar and Usage 1

Thoughts on the design:

本节课是以讲述为主练习为辅的语法教学课。本板块的教学重点是混合虚拟语气、otherwise, with, without, but for等的用法以及as if, if only, wish, would rather的用法。鉴于学生在本模块的第三单元已经学过虚拟语气中的非真实条件句这一部分,所以在教学设计上,我会通过一些翻译句子让学生回忆这部分内容,然后再讲解混合条件句以及其他内容。在教学环节上,采取教师主讲和学生随堂练习的方式,每一个知识点讲完都会及时让学生做练习,如翻译例句或单项选择题等,以测试学生的掌握情况。

Teaching aims:

After learning Conditional, the students will be able to:

1.Have a deeper and better understanding of Unreal Conditional;

2.Get the hang of Mixed Conditional;

3.Introduce Implied conditional.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Review Unreal Conditional

1.Students are supposed to translate some Chinese sentences into English.

2.Watch a short video clip about Zhou Xingxing’s regret (from 大话西游) and translate some

popular lines into English using unreal conditional.

Step 2 Introduce “even if”“as if”“if only” to students

Step 3 Analysis of Mixed Conditional

1. The Definition of Mixed Conditional

2. Mixed Conditional Patterns



Step 4 Introduce Implied conditional


通过大量的例子来让学生体会并掌握without、but for等用法。

Step 5 Explain the usage of “wish” and “would rather”

Step 6 Introduce some other Unreal conditionals
