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Unit 3 Computers

Period 1: Listening & Speaking


1. To practise listening comprehension.

2.To practise making decisions and reasoning


Step1. revision

1. check the homework exercises.

1). It has been reported that children will be offered free education.

It has been reported that free education will be offered to children.

2). It has been said that we will be offered the latest computer science course book.

It has been planned that the latest computer science course book will be offered to us.

3). I have been told by Peter that I will be lent his notebook computer for a week.

I have been told by Peter that his notebook computer will be lent to me for a week.

2. Question: What can computers be used as?

Step2. Lead-in

As we know, science and technology is developing very fast and computers have become smaller and smaller. They have been used in many fields. So, the 21st century is the century of information technology What does it

mean? Does information technology/ IT only mean things like computers? Of cause not. Actually, it means more than computers. Computers are just one kind of IT. What else do you know is part of IT?

(TV, radio, CD-ROM, DVD, books……)

Step3. Listening (SB)

1. Pre-listening: What are the changes brought by different forms of IT ?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of them ?

2. While-listening:

Go through the chart and make sure the students look at the chart before they listen to the tape. (This is to sharpen their attention and listen for the answers. This will also help them get the gist of the text.) Then Listen to the tape and finish filling in the chart. (If necessary, play the tape for several times.)

Say: After listening to their talk, we know all kinds of IT have both disadvantages and advantages.Let’s check the answers together.

3. Post-listening:

1) (pair work): decide which type of IT is best for you to use right now. Make your choice and give your reasons by using the following expression_r_rs.

I think that….

In my opi nion, ….

I believe that….

I agree because….

I disagree because….

I’ve decided that….

2) (group work): Discussion :

Computers are useful and have brought us lots of good things, but they also cause bad effects. What attitude should we have towards the computer? (Make good use of it but never get trapped by it.)

Step4. Speaking

1. Pre-speaking

Say: From what we have learn, we should admit that computers and the web have a great influence on the school education as well as people’s life. It has come into people’s everyday life and many families hold computers in their homes. Now there is a task for you.

2. While-speaking

1) Situation: You have been asked by your parents to help choose computers for your home. You and your friend have looked at several computers. Talk about the special things each computer can do. Make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why.

Information input: Show students some pictures of different computers (desktop computer & laptop computer

& …)

Language i nput: Useful expression_r_rs (Repeat it to strengthen students’ ability of use it.)

(Pair work )Use the expression_r_rs to support your opinion or challenging other’s opinions.

2) Oral report: (individual work )

Do an oral report to your father and start your report like this: I looked at many different computers. The one I have chosen is the PEP personal computer. One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for homes. I found that…

3. Post-speaking

Conclusion—What useful expression_r_r do we use to make a decision and reason?

(In this way, they can review and use the words and phrases again.)

Step5. Homework

Page 22. writing: Write a report about your choice and try to use the present perfect passive voice as well as the useful words and expression_r_rs that have been mentioned above. in your report.

Period 2: Reading and speaking & Writing


1. Learn a reading passage to learn about a football android called Andy.

2. Improve students’ reading ability.

3. Design an android.

4. Write a passage about the problems that the android might have while he/she is serving people. Teaching procedures:

Step1: Lead-in

Show the first picture and tell the students that computers could be put into androids or robots. Present “android”.

Tell the students: Androids are always with us! The students may disagree. Show pictures of Atom and Doraemon. Say: they are androids with magical power.

Continue to show pictures of nursery maid androids and tell the students androids can be made to look after humans. Then ask: But can you imagine androids can play football? Maybe you are curious about it. I will show you a video that androids play football.

Let the students watch the video and tell them: oday I would like to introduce an android family member to you .His name is Andy. Present the reading passage’s topic: Andy---the Android.

Step2: Reading:

Let the students read the passage. Carry out the tasks below:

Task1: Answer the questions below:

1. Who is Andy? What is he good at?

(He is an android. And he is good at playing football)

2. What helps him to move and think like a human?

(His computer helps him to move and think like a human.)

3. What does Andy think about the team who beat them last year? Why?

(She thinks the team cheated because they had a new kind of programmer, which had just been developed before the competition.)

4. What does the programmer do to Andy?

(She programs me with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.)

Task2: Fill in the blanks

The story is about the _____ called ____, who is good at____________. And his__________ makes him think and move like a ______. However, they _____ in the _________ hosted in the USA, because the other team had a new kind of_______. After that, he will ask his programmer to improve his _________ and _______ some new moves.

Task3: Language points:

1. I think we can work together to create even better software.

even = much 用于强调比较的程度

2. In a way, my programmer is like my coach.

in a way 在某种程度上…

in the way 挡道,造成障碍

in this way 用这种方法

Fill in the blank:

1). ________it was one of our biggest mistakes.

2). You can finish your work .

3). Your bike is .Move it away.

3. In this way, I can make up new moves.

make up 编写,补上

4. After all, with the help of my computer brain which never forgets anything, intelligence is what I’m all about.

after all 毕竟

with the help of sb./sth. 在…的帮助之下= with one’s/ sth’s help

Step3 Speaking

Tell the students that we already have many different kinds of androids in our daily life. Show some pictures of androids for different purposes---maid, adventure and work.

Then say to the students: Let’s design an android of our own! The following questions and expression_r_rs can help you:

*What would you like it to look like?

*What are some of the things you would like it to do?

*Do you want it to be like a man or a woman, or neither?

*How much would it cost?......

Get the students to use the following sentences for discussion:

I think that…What’s your reason?

In my opinion…I have decided that…


A: What would you like your android to look like?

B : In my opinion it should look like a bird.

A: That sounds interesting. What will it do for you?

B: I think it can sing beautiful songs for me day and night.

A : Oh, yes! That sounds good. How much is it?

B: It doesn’t cost much money because I will make it by myself.

A: Really?! Do you want it to be a man or woman, or neither?

B : I want it to be a beautiful girl named Kelly.

A: Please show it to us some day.

B: Oh, No money no talk.

Step4 Pre-writing

Say: Imagine what problems and delights this android might have to deal with while it is serving you. Try yourself in someone else’s shoes is an important way of understanding how other pe ople feel.

Then discuss: You are an android. You work for a family with one child who is very spoiled. The parents want you to do everything for them. The parents are nice, but they often ask you to watch over their child. How do you feel? What would you do if the child asked you to do his/her homework for him/her? Would you ever tell the child “no”?

Step5 Writing

Say: Write a passage about the result of your discussion! It should contain:

What do you have to do?

What is the child like?

What is the paren ts’ requirement of the child?

What do the parents want you to do?

What does the child want you to do?

Then what will you do? How do you feel?

Sample writing:

Hello everybody, my name is Liu Yan.I am a 321 model android.I work for the Li family. Mr and Mrs Li work very hard too.Mr Li is an architect and designs great tall apartment blocks.Mrs Li is a doctor and has to look after many patients.I remember all the plans for Mr Li's projects and can tell Mrs Li which drugs are the best to give any particular patient. And I also look after their library. I store all the books that they borrow from their school or friends in my brain.Of course my brain is as large as a mountain, so work like that is no trouble to me.I really eat books just like people eat food.

The Lis have a child who is very spoiled. He needs me to remember all his school textbooks so that I can do his homework for him.He just gives me the information on the subject, what has to be done and the page numbers and I get on with it while he enjoys himself with his friends.Sometimes I don't think it is right to do his homework for him — it's somewhat cheating. However, his parents are very concerned at the pressure of work in school these days.The child has too much homework to do. They like him to go to the key school but they also want him to be able to have hobbies, learn to swim and keep fit! Poor child!

So they consider me the most important person in the family after themselves.I am always introduced to their friends and play with visiting children.I am the perfect family academic aid and, although I was not cheap to buy, Mr Li says I was worth every yuan!

Step6 Assessment

Get the students to assess their writing ability according to the following the questions:

1. Is your composition well developed?

2. Are your ideas well organized to the point?

3. Do you have a good choice of words and idioms in your writing?

4. Do you get a good mastery of complex structures of language?

5. What kind of mistakes have you made in your writing?

Step5: Homework

Write about your discussion. You may begin like this:

Hello, everyone. My name is ___. I’m 321 model android. I work for the Li family….

Period 3: learning about Language

---the Present Perfect Passive Voice

Goals: 1. Learn the Present Perfect Passive Voice.

2. Help the students master the way of using the correct voice, telling the differences between the active voice and the passive voice.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Revision and lead-in

1. Check the homework first


1 totally

2 revolution

3 artificial intelligence

4 birth

5 simple-minded

6 go by

7 deal with 8 network 9 truly 10 anyway

人教版历史必修一第五单元从科学社会主 义理论到社会主义制度第19课十月 革命教案

第五单元从科学社会主义理论到社会主义 制度的建立 第19课俄国十月革命的胜利 教学目标: 1、知识与能力目标: (1)通过本节内容的教学||,使学生了解或掌握俄国社会主义革命爆发的历史条件;俄国二月革命和两个政权并存局面的出现;俄国十月社会主义革命的意义 (2)通过引导学生分析俄国社会主义革命的历史条件||,培养学生从客观和主观两个方面分析历史问题的能力 2、过程与方法目标: (1)结合十月革命的历史条件分析其爆发的必然性||。 (2)从不同角度比较二月革命和十月革命||。 (3)结合十月革命的伟大影响||,比较十月革命前后俄国和世界形势的变化||。 3、情感、态度与价值观目标: (1)十月革命爆发的历史必然性||。 (2)无产阶级政党的路线、方针和政策正确与否||,是革命成败的关键||。 (3)社会主义制度的建立是历史发展的必然||。 教学重点、难点: 1、重点:(1)俄国十月革命的历史条件; (2)十月革命胜利的历史意义||。 2、难点:(1)俄国十月革命的历史条件; (2)苏维埃政权的巩固||。 课时安排:1课时 教学过程: 新课导入:巴黎公社失败后||,国际社会主义陷入了低潮||,国际社会主义再次走向高潮的伟大开端是十月革命||,十月革命为什么会在俄国爆发||,过程又是怎样的||,又有何意义||,这就是本课所探讨的问题||。 新课讲授:

一、革命前的沙皇俄国 毛泽东说过:“革命总是从那些反革命势力比较薄弱的地方首先开始||,首先发展||,首先胜利||。”列宁在分析沙皇俄国的时候说:“俄国是帝国主义链条中最薄弱的一环||。”也就是说||,俄国首先爆发无产阶级革命不是偶然的||。请同学们看课文||,分析归纳一下俄国具备了哪些革命的条件? 在分析俄国革命爆发的原因时||,教师可以从主观和客观两方面进行分析;客观方面||,俄国已经进入帝国主义时代||,但同时又是最落后的帝国主义国家||,“一战”使得它各种矛盾激化||,人民群众无法生存||,故而发动武装起义||。主观方面||,俄国无产阶级及其政党成熟||。 客观历史条件: 1、革命前俄国的社会状况||。 (1)1861年俄国农奴制改革||。教师要明确指出:这是俄国一次自上而下的资产阶级性质的改革||,它促进了俄国资本主义的发展||,但保留了大量的封建残余||,政治上沙皇专制、贵族特权依然没有废除||,经济上贵族地主占有大量的土地||,获得自由的农民依然一贫如洗||,所以俄国国内市场依然十分的狭小||,这些成为阻碍资本主义发展的主要因素||,也是俄国在19世纪末20实际初处于帝国主义链条中最薄弱环节的原因||。 (2)俄国已具有帝国主义的基本特征||。1861年农奴制改革后||,俄国资本主义得到迅速发展||。19世纪末20世纪初||,俄国进入帝国主义阶段||。第一次世界大战前||,资本主义垄断组织已经在国民经济中起着重要的作用||。俄国帝国主义具有明显的军事封建色彩||。 2、第一次世界大战激化了国内矛盾||。 学生阅读教材第88页第二段内容||,分析一战对俄国各方面的影响||。沙皇俄国参加了第一次世界大战||,战争接连失利||,国内经济濒于崩溃||,激起全国各地不断爆发革命运动||,革命潮流冲击着沙皇专制统治||,革命时机成熟||。从国际范围来说||,第一次世界大战削弱了帝国主义||,使无产阶级有可能在帝国主义链条上的薄弱环节突破而取得革命的成功||。 教师着重分析为什么此时俄国成为帝国主义链条上最薄弱的一环? 20世纪初的俄国||,资本主义发展远远落后于美、德、英、法等国||。资本主义工业既要依靠沙皇政府的庇护以求得发展||,又受到前资本主义关系层层密网的困扰||。沙皇专制制度依靠贵族地主阶级和军队来维持自己的统治||,具有明显的军事封建性||。英法等外国资本的大量输入||,使俄国帝国主义具有两重性:一方面有侵略压迫其他弱小国家和民族、争霸世界的帝国主义本性||,另一方面又因实力不足而处于对西方强国的依赖地位||。上述政治经济状况使俄


高二英语必修五Unit2 The United Kingdom教学设计 乐东民族中学桂端饶Warming Up and Vocabulary----the First Period Teaching goals教学目标 I Language goals语言目标 a. Important words and phrases 重点词汇和短语 b. Important sentences 重点句子How many countries does the UK consist of? II. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about great scientists. III. Emotional goals 情感目标1.Stimulate students’ love and respect for great scientists. 2.Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning Teaching aids 教具准备the Media Teaching steps 教学过程Step1.Vocabulary Step2.Leading-in Step3. Warming up Step4. Pre—reading Step5. Language points(Look at the screen) Step6. Exercises consist vi. 组成, 一致divide vt. 分配, 分开puzzle n. 难题;谜v t.使迷惑 clarify vt. 澄清, 阐明accomplish vt. 完成;达到;实现union n. 同盟; 联盟 influence vt.影响, 改变break away挣脱;脱离construct vt.建造;构造;创立collection n.收藏品; 珍藏;收集convenience n.便利; 方便 onwide adj. 全国性的; 全国范围的legal adj.法律的;合法的 Leading-in 1)Do you know something about the United Kingdom? Warming up S tudents learn something about the UK according to the QUIZ. 【学习新知】新新学案:1P19课时要点1,2,3 4


高二英语必修五第一单元集体备课整体教案(定稿) 主备人:容容 一,教材分析和教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元主要话题是How to organize scientific research。旨在通过本单元的教学培养学生探究科学、崇尚科学的精神和正确的科学观;帮助学生了解科学的本质和科学家的特质,使学生懂得科学探究的基本步骤和要素;指导学生如何对科学家及其所从事的科研工作进行描述、发表看法,并针对自己的个性特征和兴趣专长,畅谈个人的职业志向和人生规划。 1.1 Warming Up 通过问答形式使学生回顾不同领域不同时代的10位科学家,了解他们对人类的贡献及其成果。 1.2 Pre-reading 通过对几个问题的讨论,使学生了解传染病和“霍乱”的基本常识,并了解科研过程中验证某些观点的基本程序和方法。 1.3 Reading 介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察分析、探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染病的。通过课文学习,使学生了解科学发现的全过程及其严密性;学习描述性文体的基本写作框架。 1.4 Comprehending 共设计了四个题型。 1.5 Learning about Language 共设计了两大部分,8个练习,对本单元的重点词汇和主要语法项目进行训练。第一部分的1-4题旨在训练学生对重点词汇、短语的运用;第二部分旨在练习过去分词作定语和表语的用法。 1.6 Using Language 由两部分组成:Listening and speaking 是一段关于中国著名科学家钱学森先生的生平介绍的听力材料;Reading and writing是


化学必修1全册精品教案全集 教案编号:1 课题:初中知识复习 一、教学目标 【知识目标】 1、复习巩固初中学习的基本操作 2、复习巩固过滤、蒸发、蒸馏、萃取基本操作及注意事项 【能力目标】掌握各种基本操作技能 【道德情感目标】建立从实验学化学的观点 二、重点与难点 【重点】巩固过滤、蒸发、蒸馏、萃取基本操作及注意事项 【难点】巩固过滤、蒸发、蒸馏、萃取基本操作及注意事项 三、教学器材 四、教学方法与过程 [归纳整理]一、混合物分离与提纯,填上分离的物质及应用举例及二、离子的检验。并交流答案。 [板书] 一、混合物分离与提纯 [投影] [讲述] 物质的分离是把混合物中各物质经过物理(或化学)变化,将其彼此分开的 过程,分开后各物质要恢复到原来的状态;物质的提纯是把混合物中的杂质除去,以得到纯物质的过程。 [ 思考] 物质的分离与提纯常用的物理方法。 [提问]过滤、蒸馏注意事项 [投影] [讲述] 1、过滤操作应注意做到“一贴、二低、三接触”,如图:

①“一贴”:折叠后的滤纸放入漏斗后,用食指按住,加入少量蒸馏水润湿,使之紧贴在漏斗内壁,赶走纸和壁之间的气泡。 ②“二低”:滤纸边缘应略低于漏斗边缘;加入漏斗中液体的液面应略低于滤纸的边缘(略低约 1cm),以防止未过滤的液体外溢。 ③“三接触”:漏斗颈末端与承接滤液的烧杯内壁相接触;使滤液沿烧杯内壁流下;向漏斗中倾倒液体时,要使玻璃棒一端与滤纸三折部分轻轻接触;承接液体的烧杯嘴和玻璃棒接触,使欲过滤的液体在玻棒的引流下流向漏斗。过滤后如果溶液仍然浑浊,应重新过滤一遍。如果滤液对滤纸有腐蚀作用,一般可用石棉或玻璃丝代替滤纸。如果过滤是为了得到洁净的沉淀物,则需对沉淀物进行洗涤,方法是:向过滤器里加入适量蒸馏水,使水面浸没沉淀物,待水滤去后,再加水洗涤,连续洗几次,直至沉淀物洗净为止。[板书] 1、过滤操作应注意做到“一贴、二低、三接触” [投影] [讲述并板书]2、蒸馏操作应注意的事项,如图: ①蒸馏烧瓶中所盛液体不能超过其容积的2/3,也不能少于1/3; ②温度计水银球部分应置于蒸馏烧瓶支管口下方约0.5cm处; ③冷凝管中冷却水从下口进,上口出; ④为防止爆沸可在蒸馏烧瓶中加入适量碎瓷片; ⑤蒸馏烧瓶的支管和伸入接液管的冷凝管必须穿过橡皮塞,以防止馏出液混入杂质; ⑥加热温度不能超过混合物中沸点最高物质的沸点。 [思考与讨论] 蒸馏与蒸发的区别 [提问]蒸馏与蒸发的区别:加热是为了获得溶液的残留物(浓缩后的浓溶液或蒸干后的固体物质)时,要用蒸发;加热是为了收集蒸气的冷凝液体时,要用蒸馏。 [讲述]蒸发操作应注意的事项:注意蒸发皿的溶液不超过蒸发皿容积的2/3;加热过程中要不断搅拌,以免溶液溅出;如果蒸干,当析出大量晶体时就应熄灭酒精灯,利用余热蒸发至干。 [投影] [讲述并板书]3、萃取的操作方法如下: ①用普通漏斗把待萃取的溶液注入分液漏斗,再注入足量萃取液; ②随即振荡,使溶质充分转移到萃取剂中。振荡的方法是用右手压住上口玻璃塞,左手握住活塞部分,反复倒转漏斗并用力振荡; ③然后将分液漏斗置于铁架台的铁环上静置,待分层后进行分液; ④蒸发萃取剂即可得到纯净的溶质。为把溶质分离干净,一般需多次萃取。 (6)分液的操作方法:


Unit 3 Travel Journal Period1. Step 1.Warming up 1.Ask some questions: 2.Do you often travel? Where have you been? 3.2. Following the steps of the warm-up on page 17. Step2. Pre-reading 1. Show some traveling pictures of the teacher’s. 2. Ask Ss : which river is the longest one in the world and which is the largest one; which river is the longest one in China. 3. Ask Ss: how people who live along a river use it. Step3. While-reading 1. Scanning: Ss read quickly and answer: What are they going to do? 2. Skimming: Ss read again and finish comprehending 1 on page 19. Ss read and get the main ideas of each paragraph. Ss list the countries that the Mekong River flows through. Step4. After-reading Ss in pairs and discuss: Wang Wei’s and Wang Kun’s simil ar and different attitudes about the trip. Similar attitudes about the trip Different attitudes about the trip Both Wang Wei and Wang Kun think…1. Taking this trip is a dream


Unit 5 Nelson Mandela——a modern hero

教材分析:本单元以 Nelson Mandela —— a modern hero 为话题,目的在于使 学生了解一个伟大的人应具备怎样的品质,学会表达自己的观点,并用所学的句型来描写一个伟人。 提示: 1、本单元从warm-up开始,到最后的writing,都是以第三人称的角度来进行描述的,因此, 教学中要注意这种人称的前后一致,否则无法前后一致的引导学生进行学习和表达。 2、Reading部分侧重于理解,以及理解基础上的summary,这为最后的writing做好的铺垫和 积累(尤其是关键单词、句型和结构的积累),最后的writing要是前面阅读后的仿写(当然能力较强的学生也可以不受限制的开展写作)。 3、如何激发学生学习关于这些伟人的文章,是需要教师思考的:这些伟人学生会感兴趣吗? 学生了解多少关于这几位伟人的伟大业绩?从哪些角度来导入会让学生更加的感兴趣?4、教学目标建议增加:通过学习文章和相关素材,进一步了解伟人的生平事迹,尤其是如何 才能成为伟人。培养学生初步使用相关词汇、句型和文章结构进行人物生平描述的口语表达和基础写作能力。 Teaching aims: 1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about heroes in history 2. To develop Ss’ listening and speaking ability. Teaching procedures: Step1 warming up

●Describe yourselves First what kind of person are you? (shy, outgoing, fun, mean, immature, nice, kind, honest, brave, loyal, happy, wise, smart, friendly, warm, cheerful, popular, generous, hard-working, diligent, weak, stupid, lazy, dishonest, tense, cold, unkind, miserable, dull, strong-minded, determined etc.) ●Discussion (Encourage students to give five or six qualities that they think great persons have, and give their reasons.)提示:What kind of great persons? Politicians, scientists, or? Different kinds of great persons, different qualities. Question 1: Who do you think are the greatest men in your mind? Can you name some? Question 2: In what way do you consider a man is a great? What is your standard? ●Look at page 33 and then ask the Ss if these famous people are great people. ●Conclusion: A great person is a person who has followed his or her ideas and sacrificed(牺牲) something so that they could be realized. A pop singer may be very popular with the young people, but he/she is not a great man/woman. A famous person may be well-known but if he or she has not gone through struggles and difficulties for their noble aims, they can not be called a great person. Step2 language points: 1. devote vt oneself to 献身于、致力于。。。 devote one’s life/one’s time to….把生命、时间献给。。。 …to …把。。。用于。。。 E.g. He devoted his life to promoting world peace. He devoted his life to the promotion of world peace. devoted adj 忠实的, 深爱的 be devoted to 对…忠实, 对…深爱 a devoted friend She is devoted to her husband. 即学即练 The manager devotes all his spare time ______ the violin. B A. to practise B. to practising C. in practising D. for practising 2. fight for 为……而战 fight against 与……作斗争;与…作战


人教版高中英语必修 5 NEW SENIOR ENGLISH FOR CHINA STUDENTS’ BOOK 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom 年级: 高三 课时: 1课时 任课老师: 王爽 Unit 2 The United Kingdom Ⅰ、Material analysis The topic of this unit is the United Kingdom, which helps students to gain a better understanding of history and geography of the UK and its constitution as well as some sights and historic ruins、The reading part of this unit talks about how the four countries bined into the UK, which makes students have a clear clue of its history、And it also tells us about the UK’s main sights、All of these will help students know more about the UK、 Ⅱ、Teaching objectives 1.Knowledge objective: to share the information about the United Kindom、 2.Ability objective: to foster s tudents’ reading ability(prediction, skimming, scanning)、 3.Emotion objective: to stimulate the students’interest for learning more about the UK、 Ⅲ、Teaching points and teaching difficulties 1.Key vocabulary: consist of, clarify, conflict, unwilling, break away, to one’s credit,


新人教版高二英语 必修五第一单元 Great Scientists 教案之 语言点详解 词汇详解: 一.词语辨析 1). character/characteristic n. 【解释】 character 性格,品质(本身具有的);角色,人物;字体,字符 characteristic 特点,特征(区别于其他事物) 【练习】选择character 或characteristic 并用其适当的形式填空 1)He proved himself true gentleman and the beauty of his _______ was seen at its best when he worked with others. 2)People living in the city are different from those in the countryside in _________ . 3)What are the __________that distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese? 4)Chinese __________ attract a great number of foreigners all over the world. 5)The main purpose of a play is to let the ________ speak for themselves as much as possible. Keys: 1) character 2) character 3) characteristics 4) character 5) character


第一章从实验学化学 第一节化学实验基本方法 (第一课时) 教学目标: 1.体验科学探究的过程,学习运用以实验为基础的实证研究方法。 2.树立安全意识,能识别化学品安全使用标识,初步形成良好的实验工作习惯。 3.掌握物质过滤、蒸发操作的方法,能根据常见物质的性质设计除杂质方案。 情感目标: 1.树立绿色化学思想,形成环境保护的意识。 2.能发现学习和生产、生活中有意义的化学问题,并进行实验探究 教学重点难点:过滤、蒸发操作的掌握及应用。 实验准备:(4人一组)烧杯(15)、玻璃棒(15)、过滤装置(15)、蒸发装置(15)、试管4×15、稀硝酸、氯化钡。 教学过程: [课前准备]将P2及P3化学家做实验及实验室投影到教室前面,引导学生从思想意识中进入化学世界。

[讲述]故事:1774年,拉瓦锡在发现氧的著名实验中,经过科学分析得出了反应事物本质的结论:空气是有两种气体组成的。拉瓦锡通过严谨的化学实验拭净了蒙在氮元素上的尘土,人们终于科学的认识了空气的基本组成。 [引言]化学是一门以实验为基础的自然科学。科学规律是通过对自然现象的发现、探究和反复验证形成的。化学研究的主要方法是实验方法,所以学习化学离不开实验,掌握实验方法以及完成实验所必须的技能,是学好化学的关键。 [板书]第一章从实验学化学 第一节化学实验基本方法 [问题]回顾初中我们所学习的化学基本实验操作有哪些? [学生讨论、回答]固体、液体的取用、物质的加热、以及基本仪器的使用。 [问题]一般情况下,怎样取用固体、液体? [学生回答] 固体盖住试管低、液体1~2ml。 [讲解]为了完成更多的实验,我们还需进一步学习一些基本的实验方法和基本操作。[板书]一、化学实验安全 [投影]以下图片,请同学们想一下在哪些地方见过?你知道什么意义吗?


Unit 1 friendship Participants: 靳燕,黄洋,董妮娅,仝亚军,李桂秀,吴晓,邹舍龙 School: Tai Zhou No.1 Senior Middle School 1.Teaching aims and demands 类别课程标准要求掌握的项目 话题Friends and friendship; interpersonal relationships 词汇Add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habit add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in 功能 1.态度(attitudes) Are you afraid that---? I’v e grown so crazy about--- dare--- I didn’t 2. 同意和不同意(agreement and disagreement) I agree. I think so. Exactly. think so. I’m afraid not. agree. I don’t I don’t 3.肯定程度(certainty) That’s correct. Of course not. 语法直接引语和间接引语(1): 陈述句和疑问句 1.陈述句 want to set down a series of facts in a diary.” Said Anne. “Id on’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary. ----Anne said that she didn’t 2.一般疑问句 He asked, “Are you leaving tonight?” ---He asked us whether we were leaving that night. 3.特殊疑问句 “When did you go to bed last night?” father said to Anne. --- Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before. 2.Suggested teaching notes 1). Analyses of the teaching contents This unit is about friendship, and nearly all the teaching materials center

高一必修一unit 5教案

Unit5 Nelson Mandela--- a modern hero Ⅰ.Teaching aims ⅰ. Language aims 1.Get Ss learn the key words and phrases in this unit (such as quality, mean, active, devote, beg, sentence, out of work, blow up, turn to come to power and so on) 2.Get Ss to learn to ask for opinions and give opinions. 3.Get Ss to learn attributive clauses based on the former study of unit 4. ⅱ. Skill aims 1.Get Ss to improve their skills of skimming and scanning. 2.Get Ss to use the attributive clauses correctly. 3.Get Ss to express their ideas clearly. ⅲ. Affective aims 1.Get Ss to learn to recognize the correct value 2.Get Ss to set up the awareness of great people and learn some good qualities of the great people. Ⅱ.The key points and the difficult points ⅰ. The key words and phrases in this unit (such as quality, mean, active, devote, beg, sentence, out of work, blow up, turn to come to power and so on) ⅱ. The usage of attributive clause ⅲ.The cultivation of Ss’ fast reading skills Ⅲ. Teaching methods ⅰ. Task- based teaching method Ⅳ. Teaching procedure Period 1 words and expressions Step1 . Explain the new words and expressions 1.quality (n)品质,质量 in quality 在质量上 in quantity 在数量上 2.active(adj)积极的,活跃的(反义词passive) actively(adv), activity(n) 3.self(n) 自我,自身 selfish (adj) selfless(adj)selflessly(adv)

英语优秀教案(人教版):必修五(Unit 2 The United Kingdom Period 2)

Period 2Reading The General Idea of This Period This period is the highlight of the whole unit.It lays emphasis on reading and understanding. by asking them to fill in the blanks of some sentences by using some of the words and phrases that will appear in the reading passage.This part can help the students to learn words and expressions Then in Pre-reading part, the students are asked to distinguish the differences between the UK, Great Britain and England.Hence, the teacher can lead to the topic of the historical some historical attractions of the UK?”, the students will read the passage fast and find the answers directly in the passage. Next, the students will first listen to the tape with their textbooks closed.In order to make this step efficient, the teacher will provide them with five statements based on the passage.While listening, the students should judge whether these statements are true or false.If it is false, the students should correct it. Then the students will be given several minutes to read the passage silently.They should divide the passage into three parts and write the main ideas of each part.In order to help the students understand the passage better, the teacher can provide some c of this step is to train the students’ability of reading comprehension, which is a very important skill. At last, the students will do a speaking task in pairs.One acts as a visitor to England and the geography the United Kingdom.This part not only helps the students to revise what the have Teaching Important Points Improve the Teaching Difficulties Teaching Aids a Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge Aims debate, clarify, legal, relation, convenience, attraction, influence, collection, construct, puzzle, break away from, l eave out, divide...into..., be linked to, to one’s surprise, as well as, be


英语必修一第五单元 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela----A Modern Hero Period one Warming Up and Reading 1 Ⅰ.Knowledge aims: 1) Key words and phrases:period, advise on, continue, fee, fare, gold, be worried about, out of work, stage, vote, position, accept, violence, as a matter of fact, blow up, put in prison, equal, make sb. adj, imagine, in one way, blankets, degree, allow sb to do sth., guard, stop from,educated,come to power,beg for, terror, fear, cruelty,reward, rights, be proud to do 2) Key sentences It was in 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to advise poor people on their problems. After trying hard,I got a job in a gold mine. He told me how to get the correct papers so I could be in Johnnesburg. Ⅱ. Ability aims:Talk about great people and express your points of view Ⅲ. Emotional aims: 1). Learn about some great people and qualities they have in common. 2). Develop the students` moral ability. 3). Strengthen the idea that friends should help each other. Ⅳ. Important points: 1). Understand the real meaning of the hero 2). Talk about the fine quality of great people to improve the students`speaking ability 3). Improve the students` reading ability Ⅴ. Difficult points: 1). How to express their own opinions and ideas 2). How to grasp the main idea of the text Step 1. Warming up 1.Ask students some questions and have a short discussion Who is the most popular student in our class? Can we say he is a great person? 2.Present six pictures about six famous persons:Albert Einstein, Norman Bethune, Sun Yat-Sen, Madam curie, Neil Alden Armstrong, Michale Jordan


Unit 1 great scientists 教案 using language Teaching procedures & ways: Step 1 Revision Check the homework. Step 2 Teaching the new words(from “N icolaus Copernicus ”t o “l ogical ”) Step 3 Reading 1. Fast reading Read the passage and do Ex 1 on Page 7. Before Copernicus ’t heory Showing Copernicus ’t heory A diagram showing the solar system A diagram showing the solar system with the earth at its centre with the sun at its centre 2. Careful reading Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. (1) Why was Copernicus frightened and cautious? (Para 4) (2) Why could he not tell about his theory? (Para 1) (3) What was his theory about? (Para 1) (4) What had the astronomers noticed in the sky? (Para 2) (5) When did Copernicus complete his theory? (Para 3) (6) How did he explain changes in the movement of the planets and in the brightness of the stars? (Para 4)(7) When did he publish his idea? (Para 4) (8) Why do people think there is a link between his theory and the work? 3. Post reading If you were Nicolaus Copernicus, would you have hidden your theory for so many years? Give a reason. Step 4 Language points 1. lead to导致 Too much work and little rest often lead to illness. Only working hard leads to your success. 2. only if 只有,只要(only 放句首时,主句要倒装。) Only if a teacher gives permission is a student allowed to enter the room. Only in this way can you learn English well. Only when one is away from home does one realize how nice home is. If only :(expressing a wish) 如果??就好了(多用虚拟语气) If only she would come! 要是她来了,就好了。 3. make sense / make sense of 懂;理解make no sense 毫无意义 This sentence doesn’t make sense. I can’t make sense of this sentence. Can you make sense of what the speakers says? What he says makes no sense. 4. would have done (1)表示对过去的某种情况进行猜测,或本来要做某事却因某种原因未做成,通常用来说
