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by Samer Khalil and Michel Magnan

Dual-class shares have significant benefits but none of them flow through to minority shareholders. And while an argument could be made that a dual-class share structure is not absolutely bad, data and evidence gathered by these authors point unequivocally to the existence of a negative drag on a company with dual-class shares.

Dual class share structures under the spotlight

The reputation of firms with a dual-class share capital structure has suffered recently, the result of high-profile scandals in which controlling shareholders were accused of diverting large sums of money for their personal benefit. Examples include Vic De Zen of Royal Group Technologies Limited and Conrad Black of Hollinger International Inc. Forensic accountants (special board committee). At the two companies, special board committees concluded that the controlling shareholders, Mr. De Zen and Mr. Black, conducted related-party transactions on a non-arms-length basis. Mr. De Zen agreed to repay part of the profits and bonus and to convert his multiple voting shares into single voting shares following the delivery of the report. Mr. Black is disputing the charges in court. Firms having dual-class shares are also criticized on the basis of compensation, investment, and financing decisions that do not appear to be in the best interests of minority shareholders. For instance, Frank Stronach ( Magna ) and Jim Shaw ( Shaw Communications ) were severely criticized following the disclosure of their hefty 2002 compensation packages. Mr. Stronach managed to obtain $52 million in consulting fees, plus $6 million from stock options, even though Magna’s stock had fallen 30 percent in the previous year. Mr. J.R. Shaw received a $6.3-million bonus, while Shaw posted a $288-million loss in the same year.

These examples create significant concerns for participants in financial markets, who, in general, have a negative perception of the creation of dual-class share capital structure. In this article, we analyze the validity of these concerns by looking at the risks and rewards that investors face when investing in firms with dual-class shares.

Investor risk

Many Canadian firms have a dual-class share structure in which shares with single voting rights are coupled with shares having multiple voting rights or shares without voting rights. While different in terms of voting power, both classes of shares will typically have the right to receive similar dividends. Such a capital structure is well-liked by entrepreneurs, as it allows them to raise capital without diluting their control over the firm that they founded. For instance, the Bombardier family controls 59.7 percent of Bombardier’s voting rights but holds only 17.5 percent of its equity. The Stronach family controls 75 percent of the votes at Magna but only 3 percent of its equity. Similarly, a combination of single-voting and non-voting shares permits the Shaw family to control 78 percent of the votes while owning 4 percent of Shaw Communication’s equity.

Investors are free to buy non-voting or subordinate voting shares: But, caveat emptor. The lack of voting power is usually well-disclosed and is associated with a slightly lower stock price. Superior voting shares are traded at a premium that varies across countries, based on the legal protection provided to minority shareholders. The voting premium ranges from 3 percent to 10.5 percent in the U.S., 7 percent to 20 percent in Canada, and reaches as high as 82 percent in Italy, 19 percent in the UK, and 12 percent in Sweden.

However, shareholders face critical risks when a firm announces its intention to change its capital structure. For instance, in the U.S., results show that the creation of a dual-class share structure reduced shareholders’ wealth by 0.8% during the 1980s.

In Canada, findings show that the stock market reacts negatively to the creation of dual-class share structures, a reflection of the potential decline in firm performance following the recapitalization decision. Hence, the creation of a dual-class share structure is not perceived positively by stock market participants.

Investors holding subordinate voting shares may also find themselves at the mercy of temperamental controlling shareholders. Moreover, once an entrepreneur retires or dies and his/her controlling shares fall into the hands of heirs, it is doubtful that the latter will necessarily have the same business acumen as their parent. A case that comes to mind is the Jean Coutu Group Inc. Following the retirement of the 78-year-old founder, Jean Coutu, his heirs decided to pursue the largest acquisition in the group’s history, the purchase of Eckerd drug stores from J.C. Penney Company. Though the deal was applauded by various financial analysts, the outcome was a failure. The group witnessed a decline in share price and a downgrade in the company's credit rating, as management faced significant challenges with the hefty debt resulting from the acquisition, and with the integration of the information technology systems of the two retailers’ chains. These challenges prompted Jean Coutu to regain control over the group by reappointing himself as the executive officer. At the same time, he demoted his son, Fran?ois, from president and CEO to vice-chairman and president of the Canadian operations, and transferred key responsibilities from his son, Michel, head of the firm's U.S. division, to Pierre Legault, head of Paris-based pharmaceutical giant Sanofi-Aventis.

Given these examples, how should non-controlling investors assess their risks? In fact, any minority stockholder in a firm where a shareholder has a majority of the voting power faces similar risks, irrespective of the share-class structure. The share structure is one among many aspects of a firm’s governance structure that can affect the value of an investor’s investment. Board independence,competent directors, a firm’s financial condition, transparen cy, executive compensation...all are governance practices that can be as relevant and that would minimize investors’ risks. External auditors are also expected to play a key role in alleviating agency costs arising from

the separation of cash flow rights and control rights. In fact, auditors charge higher fees to firms with a dual-class share structure. Results also document higher audit fees in firms having a greater wedge between cash flow rights and control rights.

What returns can investors expect?

What type of a return can investors expect from an investment in non-voting or subordinated voting shares? Long term, such shares yield returns that are comparable to single voting shares. Moreover, some studies do find that family-controlled firms, many of which have dual-class share structures, exhibit better stock market performances than widely-held firms. Hence, two classes of shares do not necessarily translate into poor performance.

Profit opportunities may also arise for investors who can identify firms that intend to convert their dual -class share structure into a single class. The elimination of dual-class share structure is expected to result in an increase in share price for three main reasons. First, it alleviates the agency costs arising from the wedge between cash flow rights and control rights. Second, it enhances board monitoring and increases the likelihood of a takeover bid following suboptimal firm performance. Third, the unification of dual-class shares into a single voting class enhances the liquidity of the firms’ equity and reduces the cost of capital.

Anecdotal evidence supports these contentions. For instance, corporate disclosure shows that Canadian firms eliminate dual-class shares in order to improve corporate governance structure, to increase the appeal of the firms’ equity to investors, and to enhance the liquidity of the firms’equity. Evidence also shows that the majority of firms eliminating dual class share structure witness an increase in the share price at the announcement eli mination date or following that date. For instance, Unihost’s share price a day after the elimination announcement date was higher than its share price one day prior to the elimination date by 18%. Similarly, Sceptre Investment’s share price increased by 29 percent, Assante’s share price gained almost 27%, while

the share price for the remaining firms increased by 0.45 percent to 9.2 percent. Furthermore, results seem to support the conclusion that the stock market reaction is more positive when firms have a higher wedge between cash flow rights and control rights. For instance, Assante Corporation and Sceptre Investment Counsel, which have a high wedge, realized hefty positive abnormal returns at and following the elimination announcement date. In such a context, it is tempting for a controlling stockholder to put forward his or her own interests to the detriment of non-controlling shareholders.


While dual-class structures do raise legitimate questions, it must be pointed out that they are one asp ect of a firm’s governance, and not necessarily the most important. For example, a well-informed investor should check out the presence of coattail provisions which protect minority stockholders in a takeover situation. However, it is worth noting that a coattail provision does not represent an absolute guarantee. For example, WIC Western International Communications Ltd. had a coattail provision that allowed subordinate shareholders to share in the premium paid to superior voting shares. Despite this fact, Emily Griffiths, wife of founder Frank Griffiths, managed to avoid the coattail and keep the premium for herself by selling her superior voting shares to different parties.


首先大写字母A 笔画和平常我们写的完全不一样,先从左下角开头,在根据箭头的指示往上拉(拉的时候用笔要亲,不要太重) 接着在根据箭头往下写(这时用笔开始重) 画中间的圆是最难的一部,刚开始楼主也掌握不好画的不圆,对于这个,对画几个就好了,找感觉 大写字母B 这个相对于A要简单,笔画和平常的一样,但需要注意的是第一画起头要带一个小弧度,而且两个圆一定要饱满 也是占上三格 C很简单,大家看图就能懂了,不需要楼主解释了吧 唯一一点就是要饱满哦不然会很难看

D看似简单实际上很难写 楼主都感觉这个写的好丑啊! D跟平常的起笔一样,也是先写竖,但跟B一样要有个小弧度。 但是圆体里字母几乎都一笔连成,所以D是用一画写成的,在写好竖后在左下角转个圈然后延箭头方向画个饱满的大圆(用笔慢慢变轻,最后要停笔的地方要出来一点点 E 你们是不是想说长的好奇葩。 好吧这个也比较简单不需要楼主做多余的解释,要注意的就是上窄下宽!比例要掌握对,不然写出来更奇葩。。 F和平常的笔画一样,注意的就是第一笔的波浪要画的自然,而且一竖一横也不是原来那么死板,带了点波浪的感觉

G 这个是26个字母里的奇葩之一 因为它有大写的上半身和小写的下半身 笔画从那个弧度开始,要很流畅的一笔写成,亲们多写几个找感觉。 注意的是上宽下窄 H 一笔连成,从左上角的弧度开始,顺着箭头一笔搞定,两竖的距离一定要掌握好 I 笔画和平常不一样,第一笔从左下角的弧度开始然后往上拉在画个圈结尾,圈一定要画的自

然。 J 这个简单,看图就能懂了,不多说了,注意勾要大 K 四处都要有弧度,最后一笔要注意,就像个顺时针旋转45°的波浪号 四处的弧度非常重要,要是没写的话就没有样子 L 第一笔从弧度开始,弧度用笔重,然后顺着箭头的方向拉个圈(这个圈用笔轻)然后用笔变重画个竖,到底下时在画个圈(这个圈用笔要轻)最后是个波浪 要注意的是两个圈用比要轻,不然太死板就不好看,顺序就是重—轻—重—轻—重


华北电力大学科技学院 毕业设计(论文)附件 外文文献翻译 学号:121912020115姓名:彭钰钊 所在系别:动力工程系专业班级:测控技术与仪器12K1指导教师:李冰 原文标题:Infrared Remote Control System Abstract 2016 年 4 月 19 日

红外遥控系统 摘要 红外数据通信技术是目前在世界范围内被广泛使用的一种无线连接技术,被众多的硬件和软件平台所支持。红外收发器产品具有成本低,小型化,传输速率快,点对点安全传输,不受电磁干扰等特点,可以实现信息在不同产品之间快速、方便、安全地交换与传送,在短距离无线传输方面拥有十分明显的优势。红外遥控收发系统的设计在具有很高的实用价值,目前红外收发器产品在可携式产品中的应用潜力很大。全世界约有1亿5千万台设备采用红外技术,在电子产品和工业设备、医疗设备等领域广泛使用。绝大多数笔记本电脑和手机都配置红外收发器接口。随着红外数据传输技术更加成熟、成本下降,红外收发器在短距离通讯领域必将得到更广泛的应用。 本系统的设计目的是用红外线作为传输媒质来传输用户的操作信息并由接收电路解调出原始信号,主要用到编码芯片和解码芯片对信号进行调制与解调,其中编码芯片用的是台湾生产的PT2262,解码芯片是PT2272。主要工作原理是:利用编码键盘可以为PT2262提供的输入信息,PT2262对输入的信息进行编码并加载到38KHZ的载波上并调制红外发射二极管并辐射到空间,然后再由接收系统接收到发射的信号并解调出原始信息,由PT2272对原信号进行解码以驱动相应的电路完成用户的操作要求。 关键字:红外线;编码;解码;LM386;红外收发器。 1 绪论


Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Bless Keep Fresh Ivy DuJuan dujuan come on Love is important. Everyday Life Enjoy yourself everyday! Boys and girls . Before grown up Hello , ladies and gentlemen. Congratulations You are the best and be yoursef. Better life better me in kid castle

弟子规全文 〈总叙〉 弟子规圣人训首孝弟次谨信泛爱众而亲仁有余力则学文 〈入则孝〉 父母呼应勿缓父母命行勿懒父母教须敬听父母责须顺承冬则温夏则凊晨则省昏则定出必告反必面居有常业无变事虽小勿擅为苟擅为子道亏物虽小勿私藏苟私藏亲心伤亲所好力为具亲所恶谨为去身有伤贻亲忧德有伤贻亲羞亲爱我孝何难亲憎我孝方贤 亲有过谏使更怡吾色柔吾声谏不入悦复谏号泣随挞无怨亲有疾药先尝昼夜侍不离床丧三年常悲咽居处变酒肉绝丧尽礼祭尽诚事死者如事生 〈出则弟〉 兄道友弟道恭兄弟睦孝在中财物轻怨何生言语忍忿自泯或饮食或坐走长者先幼者后长呼人即代叫人不在己即到称尊长勿呼名对尊长勿见能路遇长疾趋揖长无言退恭立骑下马乘下车过犹待百步余 长者立幼勿坐长者坐命乃坐尊长前声要低低不闻却非宜近必趋退必迟问起对视勿移 事诸父如事父事诸兄如事兄

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https://www.sodocs.net/doc/fc876917.html,/finance/company/consumer.html Consumer finance company The consumer finance division of the SG group of France has become highly active within India. They plan to offer finance for vehicles and two-wheelers to consumers, aiming to provide close to Rs. 400 billion in India in the next few years of its operations. The SG group is also dealing in stock broking, asset management, investment banking, private banking, information technology and business processing. SG group has ventured into the rapidly growing consumer credit market in India, and have plans to construct a headquarters at Kolkata. The AIG Group has been approved by the RBI to set up a non-banking finance company (NBFC). AIG seeks to introduce its consumer finance and asset management businesses in India. AIG Capital India plans to emphasize credit cards, mortgage financing, consumer durable financing and personal loans. Leading Indian and international concerns like the HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Barclays and HDFC Bank are also waiting to be approved by the Reserve Bank of India to initiate similar operations. AIG is presently involved in insurance and financial services in more than one hundred countries. The affiliates of the AIG Group also provide retirement and asset management services all over the world. Many international companies have been looking at NBFC business because of the growing consumer finance market. Unlike foreign banks, there are no strictures on branch openings for the NBFCs. GE Consumer Finance is a section of General Electric. It is responsible for looking after the retail finance operations. GE Consumer Finance also governs the GE Capital Asia. Outside the United States, GE Consumer Finance performs its operations under the GE Money brand. GE Consumer Finance currently offers financial services in more than fifty countries. The company deals in credit cards, personal finance, mortgages and automobile solutions. It has a client base of more than 118 million customers throughout the world


翻译文献:INVESTIGATION ON DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE OF SLIDE UNIT IN MODULAR MACHINE TOOL (对组合机床滑台动态性能的调查报告) 文献作者:Peter Dransfield, 出处:Peter Dransfield, Hydraulic Control System-Design and Analysis of TheirDynamics, Springer-Verlag, 1981 翻译页数:p139—144 英文译文: 对组合机床滑台动态性能的调查报告 【摘要】这一张纸处理调查利用有束缚力的曲线图和状态空间分析法对组合机床滑台的滑动影响和运动平稳性问题进行分析与研究,从而建立了滑台的液压驱动系统一自调背压调速系统的动态数学模型。通过计算机数字仿真系统,分析了滑台产生滑动影响和运动不平稳的原因及主要影响因素。从那些中可以得出那样的结论,如果能合理地设计液压缸和自调背压调压阀的结构尺寸. 本文中所使用的符号如下: s1-流源,即调速阀出口流量; S el—滑台滑动摩擦力 R一滑台等效粘性摩擦系数: I1—滑台与油缸的质量 12—自调背压阀阀心质量 C1、c2—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔的液容; C2—自调背压阀弹簧柔度; R1, R2自调背压阀阻尼孔液阻, R9—自调背压阀阀口液阻 S e2—自调背压阀弹簧的初始预紧力; I4, I5—管路的等效液感 C5、C6—管路的等效液容: R5, R7-管路的等效液阻; V3, V4—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔内容积; P3, P4—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔的压力 F—滑台承受负载, V—滑台运动速度。本文采用功率键合图和状态空间分折法建立系统的运动数学模型,滑台的动态特性可以能得到显著改善。


字体设计一直是设计师最头疼的事,选择好是字体往往会事半功倍,然而中国设计师由于设计教育的问题和文化差异,往往对英文字体忽视,随便选一个往往就使用在了我们的作品中,设计师好坏的差别很大程度上是字体选择的差别,大马设计精选出出这6种最常的英文字体,他们都是久经考验的经典字体,有些经过了数百年的洗礼,有些像空气一起存在于我们周围,相信看过这个帖子会对你的设计会有很大帮助,并且每一个介绍后都有下载链接,可以下载安装使用。 1. 无处不在的:Helvetica Helvetica是世界上最著名和流行字样之一。它干净、清晰的字形领导了一股清楚、易懂而快速的阅读潮流。Helvetica是由米耶丁格和爱德华德·霍夫曼(Eduard Hoffmann)在瑞士哈斯铸造所(Haas’sche Schriftgießerei)所制做。最初的名称是“Neue Haas Grotesk”,意为“哈斯的新无衬线铅字”,后来被哈斯的德国母公司斯滕佩尔(Stempel)在1960改为 Helvetica,源自瑞士的拉丁文,使其更具有国际市场竞争力。 1983年,D. Stempel AG和Linotype 公司一起重新设计并数字化了Helvetica,取名Neue Helvetica,建立了一个新的统一的字体家族。直到今天,原有的Helvetica家族包含了34种不同的字体磅值,而Neue Helvetica家族却有51种字体磅值。 Helvetica字体家族已经成为很多数字印刷机和操作系统中不可缺少的一部分,同时也成为了当代视觉文化中一个无法替代的指南针。,世界无数的Logo在使用Helvetica,比如:如3M ,BASF 美国航空,BWM,英特尔,汉沙航空,Knoll,松下,无印量品,三星,德国铁路。 更多关于这个字体信息请点击下载: 世界著名字体系列——Helvetica


Unit One How tall are you ? I’m 21 metres tall. I’m tallest! I’m 1.6 metres tall. I’m taller than dinosaur. It’s so tall! Some dinosaurs are bigger than houses. Some are smaller than our schoolbags. How heavy is it?

It’s five tons. What size are your shoes? My shoes are size 35. Look! That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. Yes, it is. How tall is it? Maybe 4 metres. Wow! It’s taller than both of us together.

Look!There are more dinosaurs over there! They’re all so big and tall. Hey, this dinosaur isn’t tall! I’m taller than this one. Oh, yes. How tall are you? I’m 1.65 metres. How tall are you?

I’m 1.61 metres. Oh! I’m taller. You’re older than me, too. How old are you? I’m 12 years old. How tall are you? I’m 1.64 metres.


英文资料翻译原文 Boiler management: General management principles and operating procedures are well known and must be always followed to avoid boiler mishap. With many small package boiler,the automatic control sequence usually ensures that the boiler fire is initially ignited from a diesel oil supply,and changed over to the usual source when ignition is completed.With good management ,to facilitate subsequent starting from cold,the fuel system of large boilers will have been flushed through with diesel oil when the boiler was on light duty immediately prior to being secured.When burning such diesel fuel it is essential for safety that only the correct(small) burner tip should be used.It should be kept in mind that if fire does not light,immediately shut off fuel and vent furance. Complete ignition of fuel in the furance is essential.The burner flame,the smoke indicator and the funnel should be frequently observed.With satisfactory combustion,the flame should appear incandescent with an orange shade at the flame tip,and a faint brownish haze should show at the funnel.If on fist ignition the flame is uncertain,badly shaped and separates from the primary swirler ,momentary opening or closing of air register may correct. The PH value of the boiler feed water should kept between 8 and 9 and the boiler density less than 300 ppm but,if water samples show a heavy concentration of suspended mater,short blow-downs of 20 seconds duration should be given until the sludge content is seen to be reduced.The boiler should be blown down when the oil burner is operating,the water level lowered and then restored to prove the functioning of the low water cut-out and the oil burner start-up equipment.the boiler scum valve should also be operated at this time to keep the water level clear floating scum. Fuel burner components and igniter electrodes should be cleaned weekly and the furance examined to ensure that there are no excess carbon deposits. Tubes in the exhaust gas section of the boiler should be brushed through at about six-monthly intervals,and those in the oil-burning section periodically examined and cleaned as necessary with a wire bristle brush.With correct feed water treatment,blow-down procedures and sludge contents in water samples at a stable level,it should not be necessary to wash out the water side of the boiler more than once every three or four months. Boiler fires may be out of for long periods when a ship is at sea and the boiler steaming maintained by heat input from waste heat recovery plant.This operation is free from hazard,but feed water and boiler water treatment must be maintained to prevent internal deterioration or scale formation.Water level controller must be kept operable to protect external steam-using plant from water “carry-over”danger. If a boiler is isolated from the steam-using system it must be kept either in closed dry storage with a suitable internal desiccant,or completely full of treated water,or under a low steam pressure preferably maintained by a steam-heated coil. Regular testing of boiler protective devices must be implemented. Frequent comparison of drum-mounted and remote reading water level


原文: ?Update:2009-12-08 ?Justin 0'Connor ?Source: No.199 | November2009 […]The basic difference between a creative artist and an industrial designer lies in the tasks they perform and the environment in which they operate. The creative artist is respon-sible only to himself. On the work of the designer, however, depends the commercial profit of his factory, and thus the welfare of the workers in this factory. His world is the world of businessmen and technicians. His language must be the language of businessmen and technicians. Artistic arguments are not subject to proof. The artist is allowed to dream. The designer must be awake at every minute of his working day. He is a manager. Objectivity and clear thinking determine his actions. He must make all his dispositions with a sure hand. The artist works alone. The designer is a member of a team. The artist is silent. The designer needs to talk about his ideas. He must be able to communicate with his partners. […] […]We must say goodbye to the familiar image of the artist in industry who, dreaming of good design, tinkers round with his spoon, the last craft worker in industry, as he was once called. We shall have to accustom ourselves to a new type of designer, one who is hard-ly to be distinguished from a clever manager –the word ?manager? being meant in a positive sense here. It is natural for this designer to be as familiar with questions of production and sales as his client is. Design alone is nowadays only a part of his work. […] The industrial desi gner of today must be put in much greater touch with the values of commerce and mar-keting if he is to be successful in his work, if he is to conceive the right product for the right market at the right time. Industrial design is the creation of industrial products. The industrial designer must have the knowledge, the abilities and the experience needed to grasp the facts governing the pro-duct, to conceive the design, and to carry it out in collaboration with all those involved in product planning, development and manufacture, up to the finished product. In his coor-dinating design activity he will benefit from his knowledge of the sciences and of

关于英语花体字的字体 2017 06

关于英语花体字的字体 2017 06 关于英语花体字的字体可以从Microsoft Office 软件的word文档字体栏中可以找到。 方法是打开Word文档,点击顶部的菜单(格式),即可出现(中西文字体),点击(中西文字体),即可出现:各种中西文字体。现在先例举一种按字母排列常规的Arial字体.以便大家与英文花体对照识别。字体如下:Arial体大写AB CD EFGH IJ KLNM OPQ RSTUV WXYZ; Arial体小写 a b c d e f g h I j k l n m o p q r s t u v w x y z。 下面介绍各种花体字体,其中有几种汉字所对应的英语也可视作花体。也列于下面。需要说明因为英语与欧洲大部分国家同属于拉丁语系,仅有个别字母有差别的,例如德语字母β,可以借用。但希腊文、俄文字母与英语字母差别较大,故未列入。下面就各种英文大写小写从ABc直到z 的字体,列于下面。 华文新魏体的英文大写:AB CD EFGH IJ KLNM OPQ RSTUV WXYZ;华文新魏体的英文小写: a b c d e f g h I j k l n m o p q r s t u v w x y z; 方正小篆体英文大写:AB CD EFGH IJ KLNM OPQ RSTUV WXYZ;方正小篆体英文小写: a b c d e f g h I j k l n m o p q r s t u v w x y z;

Commercialscrial BT 就是一种手写花体字。Commercialscrial BT大写:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ);Commercialscrial BT小写:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz); Monotype corsive 就是一种印刷体花体字。下面 Monotype corsive体大写:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ;Monotype corsive体小写:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz; Scriptc 就是另一种印刷体花体字。下面 Scriptc体大写:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ; Scriptc体小写:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz; 其他几种英文花体分列如下: GothicE体大写: ABCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTUVWXYZ;GothicE体小写:abcdefghIjklnmopqrstuvwxyz; GothicG体大写:BCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTUVWXYZ; GothicG体小写:abcdefghIjklnmopqrstuvwxyz; GothicI体大写:BCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTUVWXYZ; GothicI体小写:abcdefghIjklnmopqrstuvwxyz; ItaliC体大写:ABCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTUVWXYZ; ItaliC体小写:abcdefghIjklnmopqrstuvwxyz; 以上供参考。


毕业设计英文资料翻译Translation of the English Documents for Graduation Design 课题名称 院(系) 专业 姓名 学号 起讫日期 指导教师 2011 年 02 月 20 日

译文: 室内设计 室内设计不仅包括装修及家具的空间,而且还考虑到空间规划,灯光,与用户行为有关的程序化问题,包括从具体问题的可及性到在空间中的活动的性质。在商业和公共空间显著的变化后,室内设计如今的标志是一个新的弹性类型学。 室内设计不仅包括方案规划也包括室内空间的物理治疗:预测其使用的性质以及它的家具和表面,包括墙,地面,天花板。在职权范围上,室内设计有别于室内装修工程。装修关心的是家具的选择,然而设计者要把离散的装饰元素整合成方案关注的空间和使用。室内设计师在从底层向上的内部的空间时间方面与与建筑师合作,但是他们仍然独立的工作,尤其在翻修的情况下。历史上,植根于总体艺术作品的概念,曾经都是建筑师设计的。总体艺术作品的概念源于十九世纪末和二十世纪初的工艺美术运动。其支持者(从弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特到凡德罗)在室内设计专业的起源期间延长其做法以包括内饰领域行为并不是偶然的。事实上,这是一个建筑师采取的防御措施,建筑师们把室内装修或设计师的形式上的干预看作是对他们完整的艺术性的一种威胁。 如今,除了像理查德·迈耶那样的非常重视均匀性的现代主义者,扮演室内设计师角色的建筑师(数量在增长)更有倾向于理论与实践的折衷,并联21世纪的定价多元化。尽管如此,对室内设计师以及室内设计领域的偏见持续存在。由于室内被视为一个集装箱的蜉蝣,从而阻碍了对室内的批评性的讨论。此外,对室内的传统观点充满了偏见:阶级偏见与百年历史的协会商人有关,性别偏见与把装饰行业描述成主要是妇女和男性同性恋的领域。因此,室内设计作为文化价值的表达的信誉已被严重损坏。 然而,对文化大系统的理解在全球化的影响下一直在变化。在一个更宽容的环境中,鼓励不同文化间的融合,高文化和低文化的区别被消除。同样,有更频繁的生产性借贷的事例发生在建筑,设计,装修等曾经被看作是专有领地的领域。并且建筑,室内设计,室内装修领域仍然有不同的教育协议以及不同的关注重点,他们表现出更大的互相的兴趣。 另一种考虑这种新兴的合成的方法是用现代,技术和历史替代建筑,室内设计和装修的三合一。后现代时代的特征之一是提高了对过去影响现在的角色的认识。在室内,这表现在一个新的兴趣饰品,工艺和重要性以及空间复杂性,所有平行于正在运行的现代化的项目。


英文原文 Description The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K bytes of Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory (PEROM) and 128 bytes RAM. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high density nonvolatile memory t echnology and is compatible with the industry standard MCS-51? instruction set and pin-out. The chip combines a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C51 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications. Features: ? Compatible with MCS-51? Products ? 4K Bytes of In-System Reprogrammable Flash Memory ? Endurance: 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles ? Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 24 MHz ? Three-Level Program Memory Lock ? 128 x 8-Bit Internal RAM ? 32 Programmable I/O Lines ? Two 16-Bit Timer/Counters ? Six Interrupt Sources ? Programmable Serial Channel ? Low Power Idle and Power Down Modes The AT89C51 provides the following standard features: 4K bytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16-bit timer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C51 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power Down Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset. Block Diagram


Unit 1 What’s he like? Main scene 1.Miss White: This is Amy. She’s quiet. She’s very hard-working. That is Wu Yifan. He’s very clever. He’s polite, too. Oliver: Hello. My name is Oliver.

Amy: Hi. Zip: We have a new PE teacher. He’s a good football player. Chen Jie:Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. John: What’s she like? Chen Jie: She’s very kind.

John: Is she strict? Chen Jie: Yes, sometimes. 2. A Let’s talk Wu Yifan: Do you know Mr Yong? Oliver: No, I don’t. Who is he? Wu Yifan: He’s our music teacher. Oliver: Is he young?

Wu Yifan: No, he isn’t. He’s old. Oliver: Is he funny? Wu Yifan: Yes, he is. Oliver: Great! I like funny teachers. 3. B Let’s talk Chen Jie: Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.


外文原文出处: C: , 2009, , 147-149 动力性能对建筑物的破坏 引言:建筑物在地震的作用下,和一些薄弱的建筑结构中,动力学性能扮演了一个很重要的角色。特别是要满足最基本的震动周期,无论是在设计的新建筑,或者是评估已经有的建筑,使他们可以了解地震的影响。 许多标准(例如:欧标,2003;欧标,2006),建议用简单的表达式来表达一个建筑物的高度和他的基本周期。这样的表达式被牢记在心,得出标定设计(高尔和乔谱拉人,1997),从而人为的低估了标准周期。因为这个原因,他们通常提供比较低的设计标准当与那些把设计基础标准牢记在心的人(例:乔普拉本和高尔,2000)。当后者从已进行仔细建立的数字模型中得到数值(例:克劳利普和皮诺,2004;普里斯特利权威,2007)。当数字估计与周围震动测量的实验结果相比较,有大的差异,提供非常低的周期标准(例:纳瓦洛苏达权威,2004)。一个概述不同的方式比较确切的结果刊登在马西和马里奥(2008);另外,一个高级的表达式来指定更有说服力的坚固建筑类型,提出了更加准确的结构参数表(建筑高度,开裂,空隙填实,等等)。 联系基础和上层建筑的震动周期可能发生共振的效果。这个原因对于他们的振动,可能建筑物和土地在非线性运动下受到到破坏,这个必须被重视。通常,结构工程师和岩土工程师有不同的观点在共振作用和一些变化的地震活动。结构工程师们认为尽管建筑物和土壤的自振周期和地震周期都非常的接近。但对于建筑物周期而言,到底是因为结构还是非结构造成的破坏提出了疑问。如果加大振动,建筑物减轻自身的重量对共振产生的破坏有很大的减轻效果。岩土工程的工程师们还没有完全同意这个观点,因为土壤可以提高自身的振动周期,与建筑物有相同的振动周期,从而建立了产生共振的条件。这个问题的处理在于这个增加量到底是多少?一般来说这种答案是不可能的,因为它取决于建筑类型和土壤类型。例如,一些普通的混凝土建筑物,对这建筑物增加一个非常大的震动周期,可以知道在平常的振动下就会迅速的遭到破坏,尤其是那些砌体建筑,比如,马雪凯利建筑(2004)和克劳福建筑(2006)。
