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2016-2017学年初三上英语期末试卷及答案 牛津译林版

2016-2017学年第一学期期末考试试卷 初三英语 (本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟) 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题纸相对应的位置上,认真填写自己的准考号并用2B铅笔把准考号对应的数字涂黑。 2.答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题纸指定的位置上,不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题。 第Ⅰ卷(四大题,共69分) 一、听力选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A) 听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目:听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 1.What would the boy like to have? 2. How will Mike go to Los Angeles? 3. What does Miss Jones teach? 4. What's Mr. Black's telephone number? 5. Why was the woman late? A. Because she got up late. B. Because she missed the bus. C. Because she lost her bike. 6. What time is it now? A. 8:05. B. 8:20 C. 8:35

7. How much will the man pay for the shirts? A. $40. B. $70. C. $80. 8. Where did Sam work before he got the new job? A. In a company. B. In a school. C. In a library. 9. How does the man like the drama? A. Boring. B. Exciting. C. Interesting. 10. How long does it take to get to the airport if the traffic is busy? A. Less than an hour. B. About an hour. C. More than an hour. B)听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11. Why is Kelly feeling streesed ? A. Because she she has no time for her hobbies. B. Because she is not feeling well and can't go to school. C. Because she is not good at one of her subjects. 12. What advice does Kelly get? A. To ask her classmates how to learn it well. B. To talk to her teacher. C. To ask her parents for help. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 13. A. two B. three C. five 14. A. modest B. patient C. powerful 15. A. phone B. go to C. e-mail 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。 16. Why is TV important in our lives? A. Because TV is very expensive. B. Because we can spend our free time watching TV C. Because TV can bring us food and clothes. 17. What does the speaker's grandmother think of shopping online? A. It is difficult. B. It is easy. C. It is useless. 18. What is teleshopping? A. It means going to a shop and buying a telephone. B. It means watching TV and going to the shops. C. It means watching TV and using a telephone to buy things.


形容词和副词用法总结及练习 一、形容词: (一)概念:形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征,通常分成两类: 1. 直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词。 2. 叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词,大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。 例如:afraid, asleep, awake, alone, alive, awake, ashamed, alike。 其他常见表语形容词:worth, ready, sorry, well (二)形容词在句中的位置:有的形容词放在被修饰的名词之前,称为前置形容词;少数形容词放在被修饰的名词之后,称为后置形容词。 1)当名词被多个前置形容词修饰时,形容词之间有一个先后顺序问题。一般规则为: (限定词)→一般描绘性形容词→表示大小、长短、高低的形容词→表示年龄、新旧的形容词→表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词→表示物质、材料的形容词→(名词)。如: There is a famous fine old stone bridge near the village. 2)【重点】当形容词词组相当于一个定语从句时,或形容词用来修饰somebody, something, anything, nothing 等的时候,便会出现后置形容词。如: The boy interested in music is my brother. Do you have anything interesting to tell us? 二、副词: (一)概念:用以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词的词叫做副词。例如:not(不),here(这里),now(现在)。 不少副词同时也可用作介词或其它词类。如: Have you read this book before? (副词,作时间状语) He will arrive before ten o’clock. (介词,before ten o’clock 是介词短语,作时间状语) (二)副词的种类 1、时间副词: 1)表示发生时间的副词:It’s beginning to rain now! 现在开始下雨了! 2)表示频繁程度的副词,也称频度副词:always, often, usually, sometimes, never, ever, hardly等一般位于系动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实义动词之前: She often changes her mind. 3)还有一些其他表示时间的副词:He has just had an operation. 他刚动过手术。 2、地点副词: 1)表示地点的副词:She is studying abroad. 她在国外留学。 2)以where 构成的副词也是地点副词:It’s the same everywhere. 到处都一样。 3、【重点】方式副词 1)英语中有大量方式副词,说明行为方式(回答how的问题):How beautifully your wife dances. 2)表示情绪的副词:She smiled gratefully. 3)还有一些以-ly结尾的副词,表示动作发生的状况:He left the town secretly. 4、【重点】程度副词和强调副词 1)程度副词可修饰动词,表示“到某种程度”:Is she badly hurt? 她伤得重吗? [说明] 这类副词除修饰动词外,还可修饰形容词(a)或另一副词(b): a. fairly simple 相当简单quite correct 完全正确 干得很快 2 b. 修饰比较级:You sing much better than me. Their house is much nicer than ours. 5. 【重点】疑问副词和连接副词 1)疑问副词:疑问副词用来引导特殊问句: 2)连接副词:连接副词意思和词形都和疑问副词一样,但都引导从句或与不定式连用: how: Do you know how to start this machine? 你知道这台机器怎样启动吗? where: I don’t know where he lives. 我不知道他住在哪儿。(引导宾语从句) 6. 一些其它类型的副词,如表示方向的副词:Let’s go ins ide. Take two steps forward. (三)副词的位置 1. 副词修饰动词时,通常可以放在句首、句中或句末。如: Usually I do my homework in the evening. (句首) I often get up at six. (句中) Please speak slowly. 2. 副词修饰形容词或副词时,通常放在形容词或副词的前面如: These flowers are quite beautiful. (在形容词前)这些花相当漂亮。


语法复习专题四——形容词和副词 备考建议: 1.从几年来收集到的题目中可以看出高考对形容词和副词的考查主要集中在以下两点: (1)形容词的比较级和最高级; (2)在具体语境中辨析形容词和副词语义。 另外,考查形容词作定语时的语序问题的试题也不少。 2.对于比较级的考查,淡化结构,注重深层语义。“比较”的意思并不是直接能从“结构”中看出来的,而是从语句的深层意义中挖掘出来的。 3.在加强考查词义辨析的题目中,高考不但加强了对语义的考查(而不仅仅是语法),随着新教材词汇量的增大,而且注重对词汇扩展能力的考查。 要做好各类有关形容词和副词的试题应从这几方面去努力: 1.对单音节形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成、双音节和多音节的形容词及副词的比较级和最高级的构成,要加强记忆、找出其中规律;灵活掌握修饰比较级和最高级的副词和一些短语。 2.对某些副词的词义还需进一步认识,多数形容词在加-ly后,词义基本不变,而有些则不同,如:hard—hardly. 3.加强形容词、副词比较级考点的学习与应用,尤其是比较级在某些特定结构中的特殊含义,比较级及其修饰语的搭配和用法。巧记名词前多个形容词的排列顺序,形容词、副词等在不同语境下的辨析,要不断地提高分析试题的能力,克服思维定势,灵活运用所学的知识。 (1)加强对比较级和最高级表达法的学习,尤其是一些常见的句型,要做到张口能诵的程度。在理解上,不能留任何疑点。 (2)加强对形容词和副词的词义和用法的学习,要做到“词不离句,句不离义”。做题时,要结合语境,注意惯用法和固定搭配认真辨析从而做出最佳选择。 (3)判断句子成分,如果是作定语、表语等,一般是用形容词;如果是作状语、修饰谓语动词或形容词和副词,一般应用副词。但注意也有特殊情况,如形容词(短语)可作伴随或结果状语。 (4)分清句子结构,看看该句应该用原级、比较级还是最高级。 (5)注意特殊的含有形容词比较级的句型。 考点聚焦 1、形容词、副词的作用与位置 形容词是用来修饰名词的,常被放在名词前作定语,或放在系动词后面作表语。而副词则用来修饰形容词、动词,其他副词或者句子,一般位于形容词之前,动词之后或句子之首。以下属几种特殊情况,须牢记; (1)形容词短语作定语,定语后置。如:a language difficult to master (2)表语形容词(afraid、alike、alone、asleep、awake、alive等)作定语,定语后置。如a man alive。有些表身体健康状况的形容词如well、faint、ill只作表语。sick 既可作表语又可作定语,ill如作定语意为“bad”。 (3)用作定语,修饰由不定代词one、no、any、some和every构成的复合词如anything、something等时,通常后置。如:I have something important to tell you.


初三英语上期末练习题一 一、单词拼写。根据英文提示写出单词(第一个字母已经给出)。 1. p________ a child who is taught in school or privately 2. s ________ only one 3. d ________ make sth beautiful 4. l ________ fasten a door 5. s _______ collect or save sth for future use. 6. a ________ come into view, become visible 7. f ________ build sth.; establish 8. f ________ the land for farming 9. p _______ machine for printing 10. s _______ vehicle for traveling in space 二、选择填空。 1. The boy is too hungry, he has already eaten an apple, but he asks for_____ one. A. the other B. other C. another D. others 2. It’s going to rain. You’d better ____ there. A. don’t go B. to not go C. not to go D. not go 3. He spent much time ___ the work. A. at B. in C. on D. for 4. Mr Green would like to meet the headmaster ___ 8:00 ___ 9:00 tomorrow morning. A. from; to B. at; at C. between; and D. from; and


常见英语反义词 above 在......上-- below 在......下after 在......后-- before 在......前all 全部-- none 全无 answer 回答-- ask 询问 answer 答案-- question 问题 back 后面-- front 前面 bad 坏的-- good 好的 best 最好的-- worst 最坏的 better 更好的-- worse 更坏的 black 黑的-- white 白的 both 两者都-- neither 两者都不 busy 忙碌的-- free 空闲的 buy 买(入)-- sell 卖(出) cheap 便宜的-- expensive, dear 昂贵的 clean 干净的-- dirty 肮脏的 clever 聪明的-- foolish 愚蠢的 cold 寒冷的-- hot 炎热的 come 来-- go 去 cool 凉爽的-- warm 温暖的 danger 危险-- safety 安全 dark 黑暗的-- bright, light 明亮的 day 白天-- night 夜晚

die 死去-- live 活着 down 向下-- up 向上 dry 干燥的-- wet 潮湿的 early 早的-- late 迟的 easy 容易的-- difficult, hard 困难的;艰巨的empty 空的-- full 满的 entrance 入口-- exit 出口 fall 落下-- rise 升起 far 远的-- near 近的 finish 结束-- begin, start 开始 first 最初的-- last 最后的 foreign 外国的-- home 本国的 forget 忘记-- remember 记得 glad 愉快的-- sad, sorry 悲伤的;难过的happy 高兴的-- unhappy, sad 难过的 hard 硬的-- soft 软的 hate 憎恨-- love, like 热爱;喜欢 here 在这里-- there 在那里 high 高的-- low 低的 ill 生病的-- healthy, well 健康的 into 到......里面-- out of 从......到外,在......之外inside 在里面-- outside 在外面 light 轻的-- heavy 重的 lose 丢失-- find 找到


初中英语语法形容词、副词的复习教案 Brainstorm: 你能分清形容词和副词的用法和写法吗?你知道怎么使用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级吗?你知道在英语中有很多形容词词缀吗? 一.形容词和副词的辨析 1.形容词和副词的区别 形容词:用来修饰名词 副词:用来修饰动词、形容词和副词 所以区别形容词和副词的关键在于看它所修饰的内容。 例如:Candy is a lovely girl. Candy smiles lovely. 在这两句话中,都有lovely这个单词,但是词性却完全不同。在第一句中lovely用 来修饰girl所以是形容词,而第二句中,lovely用来修饰动词smiles,所以是副词。 2.形容词变副词的规律 a.一般的形容词在结尾加ly变为副词。例如:careful-carefully b.以元音加e结尾的单词要去e在加ly。例如:true-truly c.辅音加y结尾的单词去y变i在加ly。例如:angry-angrily d.单音节y结尾直接加ly。例如:shy-shyly e.以le结尾的单词直接将e变为y。例如:terrible-terribly f.形容词、副词同形:hard, fast, friendly, late, early, lovely, long。这部分请同学们 注意,其中很多单词加ly之后就变成其他意思的单词了。例如:hardly就变成 “几乎不”的意思,是小学阶段五大隐形否定词(few,little, never, seldom, hardly) 之一。 二.形容词和副词的比较级 1.比较级的范围:一般为两者或两个部分进行比较。例如:I’m taller than you. Group One did better than Group Two. 2.比较级的结构:结构上比较级有三个明显的标志。 ①than:一般用than连接两个比较的部分。例如:Tom runs faster than Mike.其中Tom 和Mike是比较的两部分,用than连接他们进行比较。在than的句式中有一个需要 同学们特别注意:I’m taller than any other students in my class.这句话中用than连接 的是I和any other students in my class两个部分,其实表示的是最高级的概念,译 为我比我们班其他同学都要高,其中any other ……是固定搭配,译为任何其他的。 ②a little, much, a lot, even, still:可用来专门修饰比较级。例如:Lisa was sick yesterday, while today she is much better. ③as+形容词或副词原形+as……:译为像……一样。例如:Mary is as clever as Susan.Mary像Susan一样聪明。 另外,两个比较级连用表示“越来越”的意思。例如:Days get longer and longer in Spring.白天在春天越来越长了。 3.比较级的写法: ①单音节单词后+er。例如:tall-taller, short-shorter ②重读闭音节双写最后一个字母再加er:hot-hotter, big-bigger, thin-thinner, fat-fatter ③双音节辅音+y结尾去y变i再加er:ugly-uglier, busy-busier, easy-easier, early-earlier,


专题形容词和副词 考点一形容词、副语的句法功能 形容词和副词都是起修饰作用的词。它们各自的功能如下: 不少学生对如何排列形容词的词序颇感困惑。在此,我们向同学们介绍一个简易的记忆方法。请你记住“限观形龄色国材”,如果这几个字不好记,你就记“县官行令谢国财”。

名词)。American 财(材)代表中心名词构成材料的形容词。wooden,stone,plastic 村子附近有一座漂亮的古代石桥。 I bought a cheap blue plastic pencil box yesterday. 昨天我买了一个便宜的蓝色塑料铅笔盒。 They have got such a round brown wooden table. 他们有一张褐色的木制圆桌。 考点三形容词变副词的方法 1.大多数形容词在词尾加-ly。 careful—carefully,quick—quickly,bright—brightly 2.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,把y变成i,再加-ly。 easy—easily,happy—happily,lucky—luckily 3.以“元音字母+e”结尾的形容词,去e再加-ly。 true—truly 4.以le结尾的形容词,去e再加-y。 terrible—terribly,simple—simply,possible—possibly 考点四形容词、副词的比较等级 1.形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的概念和构成: 英语中的形容词和副词常用三种形式来表达事物的等级差别,分别是原级、比较级和最高级。大部分形容词和副词的比较级和最高级是在词尾加-er/-est或在词前加more/most,属于规则变化,但也有少数是不规则的变化。 (1)规则变化 情况构成方式原级比较级最高级 一般情况 加-er或 -est old旧的 fast快的 older faster oldest fastest 以e结尾的词加-r或-st late晚的later latest 以“辅音+ y”结尾的双 音节词 变y为i,再加 -er或-est early早的 happy高兴的 earlier happier earliest happiest

英语词汇 形容词反义词练习

Choose the correct ending for each verb and fill in the gaps. 1.It’s very _ _ _ _ _ _ to know that the contract has been signed. 2.It rained all Saturday so we couldn’t go out and we were _ _ _ _ _ _ . 3.It’s useless making her study more. It’s so _ _ _ _ _ _ . 4. A new Miss Universe is a _ _ _ _ _ _ beauty. 5.Have you heard the _ _ _ _ _ _ news about the prison riots in Atlanta? 6.Joan and Kevin are very _ _ _ _ _ _ about their wedding ceremony. 7.The students didn’t seem _ _ _ _ _ _ in their teacher’s explanation. 8.Touring round Europe in two weeks must be very _ _ _ _ _ _ . 9.Betty was _ _ _ _ _ _ at the look on my face. 10. The Prime Minister’s outfit was very _ _ _ _ _ _ to the eye. 11. Don’t look so _ _ _ _ _ _ ! Your project won because it was the best. 12. John has a really _ _ _ _ _ _ habit of staring at people. 13. We were too _ _ _ _ _ _ to ask them for a loan. 14. Dave’s parents are really _ _ _ _ _ _ by his persistent misbehaviour. satisfy bore frustrate stun alarm excite interest tire amuse please surprise annoy embarrass alarm 15. George is so _ _ _ _ _ _, his chemistry project isn’t going very well. 16. We were all _ _ _ _ _ _ by his sudden death. 17. I don’t find his jokes very _ _ _ _ _ _ . I think they are rather crude. 18. I’m reading an _ _ _ _ _ _ adventure story at the moment. 19. My mum finds fishing _ _ _ _ _ _ and she never accompanies dad. 20 Your idea sound really _ _ _ _ _ _ . 21. My parents were _ _ _ _ _ _ because I hadn’t told them the truth. 22. They are never _ _ _ _ _ _ . They always grumble about everything. 23. children often ask _ _ _ _ _ _ questions in the presence of other people. 24. It would be _ _ _ _ _ _ if Will didn’t come on time. 25. Last night I was so _ _ _ _ _ _ that I went to bed without supper. 26. I’m very _ _ _ _ _ _ with the effort that you’ve made. frustrate stun amuse excite bore interest annoy satisfy embarrass surprise tire please


初三上英语期末作文 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

初三上期末英语作文范文 (一) 人的一生应以自信、自强、自立为重,请以“Believe myself, and I will win! ”为题,写一篇自己在学习或生活中遇到困难并战胜困难的文章。 要求:1.切合题意,内容完整; 2.表达清楚,书写规范; 3.词数不少于80个。 提示:1.你遇到了什么困难 2.你是如何克服困难的 3.你从中体会到什么 Believe myself, and I will win As an old saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way. There always are difficulties in our life and we have to face them. In fact, when I was a child, I always feel sad or nervous about the difficulties in my life .Then my parents told me that where there is a will, there is a way, they also told me that I should be confident. Now, I'm no longer a child and I begin to know t he real meaning of my parents’ words. To be confident means I should believe myself. If I do that, I will become a happy and brave person. Believe myself, there are hopes in my life. In the future, I won't be afraid of the difficulties in my life and I'm sure that nothing can beat me and I will win! Believe myself, and a beautiful future is waiting for me. (二) 假设你校即将开展“读好书,促成长”的活动,请你根据这次活动的主题,向全校同学发出倡议。请根据表格中所给信息,用英语写一篇倡议书。 读书的意义: 获取知识,增长见识,使人聪明,使人快乐,有助于学习,有助于成长 目前的状况: 听音乐,看电视,上网等占去了学生大部分的读书时间 发出倡议: 多读书,读好书 注意: 1. 词数80-100;倡议的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 2. 倡议书须包括所有内容要点,但可适当发挥。行文连贯,表达流畅,书写美观。 参考词汇:gain knowledge, open one’s mind, take up (占去) My dear friends, Reading is very important in our life. We can gain knowledge by reading a lot of good books. It can not only open our minds but also make us cleverer and happier.


英语常用反义词汇总 1.here(反义词)there 2.ask(反义词)answer 3.dry(反义词)wet 4.cold (反义词)hot 5.near (反义词)far https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ff9815839.html,te(反义词)early 7.right (反义词)wrong 8.quick (反义词)slow 9.light(反义词)heavy 10.above(反义词)below 11.take off (反义词)put on 12.above 在......上-- below 在......下 13.after 在......后-- before 在......前 14.all 全部-- none 全无 15.answer 回答-- ask 询问 16.answer 答案-- question 问题 17.back 后面-- front 前面 18.bad 坏的-- good 好的 19.best 最好的-- worst 最坏的 20.better 更好的-- worse 更坏的

21.black 黑的-- white 白的 22.both 两者都-- neither 两者都不 23.busy 忙碌的-- free 空闲的 24.buy 买(入)-- sell 卖(出) 25.cheap 便宜的-- expensive, dear 昂贵的 26.clean 干净的-- dirty 肮脏的 27.clever 聪明的-- foolish 愚蠢的 28.cold 寒冷的-- hot 炎热的 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ff9815839.html,e 来-- go 去 30.cool 凉爽的-- warm 温暖的 31.danger 危险-- safety 安全 32.dark 黑暗的-- bright, light 明亮的 33.day 白天-- night 夜晚 34.die 死去-- live 活着 35.down 向下-- up 向上 36.dry 干燥的-- wet 潮湿的 37.early 早的-- late 迟的 38.easy 容易的-- difficult, hard 困难的;艰巨的 39.empty 空的-- full 满的 40.entrance 入口-- exit 出口 41.fall 落下-- rise 升起 42.far 远的-- near 近的


形容词(Adjectives) I.定义及分类 形容词是用来说明或描述人或事物的性质、状态等的词。就其构成形式而言,形容词可以分为单词形容词和复合形容词。 单词形容词:由一个词构成,可以带前缀或者后缀。 big diligent pale square dishonest impatient 复合形容词:由两个或更多的词构成。 名词+形容词:sea-sick 晕船的air-sick 晕飞机的ice-cold 冰冷的duty-free 免税的snow-white 雪白的blood-thirsty 残忍的world-wide 世界性的shake-proof 防震的water-tight 不漏水的knee-deep 及膝的toll-free 免利息的top-heavy 头重脚轻的 名词+名词-ed:iron-willed 意志坚强的ox-eyed 大眼睛的honey-mouthed 甜言蜜语的apple-shaped 苹果形状的lion-hearted 勇敢的silver-haired 银发的hook-nosed 勾鼻子的 名词+现在分词:law-abiding 守法的time-consuming 耗费时间的self-sacrificing 自我牺牲的peace-loving 爱好和平的face-saving 顾面子的English-speaking 讲英语的pleasure-seeking 寻欢作乐的heart-rending 令人心碎的soul-stirring 感人肺腑的epoch-making 划时代的man-eating 吃人的fault-finding 喜欢挑剔的labor-saving 节省劳力的mouth-watering 令人垂涎的 名词+过去分词:weather-beaten 饱经风霜的heart-felt 衷心的heart-broken 伤心的hand-made 手工的home-made 本国造的state-owned 国有的sugar-coated 糖衣的tongue-tied 结结巴巴的 形容词(数词)+名词:long-distance 长途的fine-manner 举止优雅的present-day 当前的five-year 五年的bare-foot 赤脚的first-rate 一流的second-rate 二流的first-class 头等的deep-sea 深海的half-price 半价的one-way 单向(通行)的part-time 兼职的 形容词(数词)+名词-ed:white-haired 白发的round-faced 圆脸的double-faced 两面派的teen-aged 十几岁的good-mannered 有礼貌的bad-tempered 坏脾气的narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的noble-minded 品格高尚的kind-hearted 心地善良的absent-minded 心不在焉的smooth-tongued 花言巧语的short-sighted目光短浅的 near-sighted 近视的simple-minded 头脑简单的tight-fisted 吝啬的far-sighted 眼光远大的warm-hearted 热心的 形容词+现在分词:good-looking 好看的sweet-smelling 好闻的easy-going 随和的thorough-going 彻底的fine-sounding 好听的 形容词+过去分词:high-born 出身高贵的ready-made 现成的ready-cooked 烧好的native-born 本地生的new-built 重建的 副词+形容词:ever-green 常青的all-round 全能的,全面的over-busy 太忙的over-credulous 过于轻信的over-critical 过于挑剔的(=hypercritical) 副词+名词:off-hour 休息时间的off-guard 失去警惕的off-campus 校园外的off-key 不协调的off-budget 预算外的on-line 在线的 副词+现在分词:ever-lasting 持久的on-coming 迎面而来的 up-coming 即将来临的well-meaning 善意的far-reaching 深远的ever-increasing 不断增加的never-ending 不断的high-ranking 高级的 副词+过去分词:well-known 著名的ill-mannered 举止粗鲁的well-behaved 表现好的well-informed 消息灵通的well-balanced 平衡的well-dressed 穿着时髦的


形容词和副词 考纲解读 内容解读 1.了解形容词、副词的基本功能及在句子中的位置; 2.掌握形容词、副词比较等级的常用句型及其修饰成分在句中的位置;同根副词的辨析;enough, convenient等的用法。 能力解读 1.具备在特定语境中选择恰当的形容词、副词的能力; 2.掌握英语中形容词、副词的语法特点及它们之间的语义差异。 五年高考 07年高考题组 ( )1. (07湖南, 26) It’s hard for him playing against me. I’ve got nothing to play for, but for him, he needs to win so . A. far B. well C. little D. badly ( )2. (07湖南, 35) There is an old proverb, ―Love me, love my dog.‖But there is wisdom in this: ―Love me, love my book.‖ A. some B. much C. more D. most ( )3. (07全国II, 9) After two years’ research, we now have a better understanding of the disease. A. very B. far C. fairly D. quite ( )4. (07全国II, 10) Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his one. A. better-known B. well-known C. best-known D. most-known ( )5. (07北京, 30) The new group of students is better-behaved than the other group who stayed here . A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest ( )6. (07天津, 9) A new bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago. A. normal B. usual C. regular D. common ( )7. (07天津, 14) The final score of the basketball match was 93-94. We were only beaten. A. nearly B. slightly C. narrowly D. lightly ( )8. (07上海, 27) Alan is a careful driver, but he drives of my friends. A. more carefully B. the most carefully C. less carefully D. the least carefully ( )9. (007上海, 42) Since Tom downloaded a virus into his computer, he cannot open the file now. A. readily B. horribly C. accidentally D. irregularly ( )10. (07上海, 44) John was dismissed last week because of his attitude towards his job.


初三上英语期末试题 初三上册英语期末试题 听力理解(共30分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 6. Where re the speakers goingduring this winter holiday? A.The Wonderland. B.The Great Wall. C.The Story House. 7. Who ll take the speakers there? A.Tony s father. B.Tony s mother. C.Tony ssister. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。 8. Where re they? A.In a garden. B.In a classroom. C.In a museum. 9. When are they leaving? A.At 10:40. B.At 10:30. C.At 10:00. 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。 10. What re they talking about? A.Some famous places. B.A photo competition. C.Their good

friends. 11. Who ll help to decide? A.Peter. B.Lily. C.Miss Wu. 请听一段独白,完成第12至第13小题。 12. What s Love and Care? A.An old people s home. B A friend s home. C.A student s home. 13. What happened at Love and Care? A.Some old people did performances. B.Some good friends held a party there. C.Some students visited with their songs. 请听一段对话,完成第14至第15小题。 14. What re they talking about? A.School homework. B.Future inventions. C. Shopping cars. 15. What might happen accordin g to the talk? A. School homework will be more. B. Shopping could be done by phone. C. Travelling will be fun and easier. 三、听独白,记录关键信息,独白你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分) 请根据所听到的内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。 知识运用(共25分)
