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An Unforgettable Lesson 范文

An Unforgettable Lesson 范文
An Unforgettable Lesson 范文

An Unforgettable Lesson

The story happened when I was quite young. One day after school on the way home I saw a few yards away a young man talking to an elderly lady very loudly and kind of rudely. As I approached them I found out that the young man is asking how he could go to a local store. The lady was offended and told him just the opposite direction with reluctance and contempt. I thought I would have told the man again the right direction hut I didn't for I was angered by his poor manners too.

This example has unmistakably indicated how important it is for one to be polite and respectful for both himself and others. Good manners are an essential quality one must have in order to be successful in not merely such a small thing as asking for directions but also promoting his career. Being respectful and well-mannered you can be popular with people around and easily win their support and favor. And in this case you can improve your chance of success and your good fortune.

The lesson taught by the young man’s case is typically suggestive and impressive. Admittedly I cannot ensure that I can stay polite and respectful to anyone at any place at any time. I will try my best to treat people with respect and thoughtfulness for only this can make me feel good and happy.
























①背景事件will come soon, which事件的重要性或意义.②There is no more appropriate time than this for相关人员to采取的态度或行动.③So on this special occasion taking this good chance,I 表明“我”的愿望或打算.


④Now I will remember clearly主题事件.⑤It Was happened事件开始时间,when 当时的情形.⑥事件的发展一.⑦事件的发展二.⑧As a result/However

Surprisingly/Indeed,事件的突出表现或结果,which left me a deep impression/which gave me significant lesson in my life/which made me feel deep love/great concern或其他感受(from事件主要人物).


⑨Every time I remind this and其他相关事物,‘我’的感受或得到的启示.⑩Above all,感受一/ 行动一.11)Besides,/Furthermore,感受二/行动二.12)I believe 提出期望,总结全文.

To writ a short essay in honor of teachers on the occasion of Teacher's Day Outlines:






1)The once per year's Teacher’s Day will come soon,which is a quite important day and deserves attention from the whole society.

2) There is no more appropriate time than this for us students to express our special recognition and respect to all our teachers. 3) So on this special occasion, I want to show my esteem and thanks to my dearest teacher, Mr.

Wang, for all the work he has done for me. (描述背景段)

4)Now I still remember clearly the lesson on cheating he gave me. 5)It happened at the end of one term, when we were having an exam. 6)I was copying answers from one of my classmates. 7)Just at the moment, Mr. Wang came in and found my cheating behavior.

8)As a result, he didn't criticize me but talked about the importance of honesty and told me that dishonest behavior is very harmful even if it was not in an exam, which gave me a significant lesson in my life. (叙述经过段)

9) Every time I remind this and what he has done for me, I feel that I should return his great love with my achievements. 10) Above all, I will study harder to become a real talent. 11) Furthermore, I will, as he does, devote myself to the development of our country. 12)I believe that is what he expects me most. (阐述观点段)



①简要介绍“我”的情况(可有可无).事件发生的时间,I witnessed 总述目击事件./ I (and 相关人物)总述所经历的事件.②事件给人印象深刻之处,which is still vivid in my mind. 该事件was so 事件的突出特点that I was left a deep impression.


③It was/happened 事件开始时间,when 当时的情形.④Suddenly, 事件的发展一.⑤事件的发展二.⑥事件的发展三.⑦As a result, 事件的最终结果/影响。



⑧Many factors/reasons contributed to 该事件.

⑨事件的表面原因.⑩But in my opinion, (it was more because) 深层次原因一. 11) Besides/In addition, 深层次原因二/进一步说明深层次原因一.12) Therefore,提出期望/建议.


⑧该类事件brings/ bring great influence/effects on 影响的对象.⑨For one thing, 影响一.⑩进一步说明影响一. 11) For another, 影响二. 12)Therefore, 提出期望/建议。


⑧该事件brings/bring great influence/effects on 影响的对象.⑨Therefore, it is high time/quite urgent to take effective measures to 解决该类事件带来的问题.⑩On the one hand, 措施一.⑾On the other hand, 措施二.⑿Only in this way/through these measures问题才能解决(倒装句).



①背景时间,背景事件.②进一步描述背景事件.③It/The news事件带来的影响/受关注的程度/重要性。


④At first, 开始时的情况.⑤Then/However, 接下来的情况.⑥事件的进展.⑦And it

impressed me most 事件的突出表现.⑧As a result/Thanks to.., 事件的结果.


⑨Such an incident teaches us an important moral, that is, “我”的感受/得到的启示.⑩感受一/行动一.⑾Furthermore, 感受二/行动二.⑿In conclusion, I do believe that 总结全文.

Writing Task Two

Mother’s Day




Writing Task 3

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Thanks and Congratulations to My Friend. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition to express your feelings after seeing a disabled young girl overcome all the difficulties to practise swimming. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:




A Disabled Young Girl with Strong Will


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 学校学生请假条格式【通用】 学生请假的理由有很多种,下面是小编精心整理的学校学生请假条格式,希望能给大家带来帮助! 学校学生请假条格式一 尊敬的______老师: 您好! 您的学生________因______________________需请假__________学时,望老师批准。 (请假日期:__________年_____月_____日至__________年_____月_____日) 请假人:______________ _____________________学院 _______________________(班级) 联系电话__________________________________ __________年_____月_____日 班主任:(签字)________________________________ 学办:(签字、盖章)________________________________ 学院签字:签字________________________________ 备注:请用整张信纸,按照以上格式黑笔书写,一式二份,三天以上学院领导签字。 学校学生请假条格式二 1 / 15

张老师: 今天,我因感冒发烧,不能到校上课,请假一天,请予批准! 请假人: 日期 学校学生请假条格式三 尊敬的老师: 您好! 我系XX年级XX几班的XX同学。我一直学习拉丁舞x年了。我报名了在X天xx地方举行的拉丁舞比赛。因为明天晚上要进行最后的彩排,后天上午9点比赛。因此会印象上课。在此深感抱歉,需要向老师(学校)请假,时间是明天下午到后天中午。 望老师(学校)予以支持和谅解,给予批准,在此为谢! XXX XX年XX月XX日 学校学生请假条格式四 由于运动会,我系院有以下运动员要参与训练,故不能参与XX月XX号至XX月XX号晚自习,请谅解! 参与训练名单如下: XX级XXX班:姓名学号 姓名学号 姓名学号 姓名学号


精选作文:我总也忘不了那句话(600字)作文从小到大,我听过许许多多的话语:有父母喋喋不休的唠叨,有老师语重心长的教诲,但姐姐的一句话最是让我无法忘记。那是一个寒冷的下午,我正做着钢琴练习题。姐姐走了过来,拍了拍我的肩膀说:做完了吗?该练琴了。我点了点头。姐姐翻开钢琴盖,我走上前去,把手轻轻地放在琴键上,弹了起来。手指宛如是一个个舞者,迈着轻盈的步伐,在琴键上,快乐地跳着舞。忽然,哥哥在外面大叫:太好了,迪奥一百了!我心里不由得佩服起来:哥哥真是太牛了。迪奥可是我和哥哥经常玩的一个游戏的主人公名字,这个游戏可不好打呀!想着想着,一股寒风吹了进来,我不禁打了个冷颤。回头一看,原来是姐姐打开了窗户。姐姐关上窗户后,走了过来,严厉地说:不要分心,继续弹。语气中没有一丝商量的余地。我只好乖乖地弹了起来。时间悄悄地踱步过去了,我的肚子早已经咕咕叫了,我的手在这大冷天里,也早已冻得发紫了,姐姐却没有要让我停下来的意思。姐姐可真狠心。我心里暗暗地想。我抬头看了看姐姐,说:姐姐,我&&姐姐瞪着我,语重心长地说:不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。嗯!我坚定地点了点头,又继续弹奏了起来。虽然,肚子空空,手指冻冻,但姐姐的这句话,像一股连绵不绝的力量注入我的手指,我的手指在琴键上继续舞动,一首首动听的乐曲从我的指尖飞了出来!不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹,姐姐的这句话时时刻刻鼓励着我,让我知道,风雨过后,总有一道美丽的彩虹等着你,有付出,就会有收获!五年级:林柏菲 篇一:小学作文:我总也忘不了那句话 我总也忘不了那句话 在我成长的道路上,有句话,一直萦绕在我的心中,它们常常随着风飘进我的耳朵里。 记得那是在一次写字比赛中,我十分紧张,手心直冒汗,心跳得比兔子还快。走进比赛现场,我的手更是抖得厉害,不知道应该从哪里开始。这时妈妈走近我身边慈和地对我说:“加油,努力就是胜利。”我抬起头,望见他*的眼神满是鼓励。 “加油,努力就是胜利。”重复着这句平凡而又有着魔力的话,我深吸了一口气,启动了我的双手,一笔一划认认真真地写起来。不时抬头望着窗外对我充满信心的妈妈,我的心就像一团火,释放出了我对写字的热爱和自信,我更加努力了。“加油,努力就是胜利。”每每遇到难写的字,我总是不放弃地努力把它写好。 比赛结束后,我仔细听着主持人的宣布。“三等奖……二等奖……”我的心几乎就要跳出来了。就在这个时候,主持人说:“一等奖,邱紫鑫。”我高兴得跳了起来,投进他*的怀抱里。我拉着他*的手,走向奖台。那一刻,我深深知道我胜利了。 “加油,努力就是胜利。”如甘露般滋润了我的心田。也是这句话,照亮了我成长的道路,伴随着我迈上一个又一个台阶。 篇二:我总也忘不了那句话 我总也忘不了那句话 在我的记忆中,有许多难忘的话。但我印象最深的,是爱因斯坦的一句“天才是百分之一的天分,加百分之九十九的努力”这句话。它始终伴随着我,鼓励着我,使我难以忘怀。 那一天,我在家里做

My Unforgettable Experience

Everybody has some experience he can’t forget. I was no exception. This summer holiday, I as a member of the English language, and my roommateto join the summer tutoring classes in a small town under the jurisdiction of Sanmenxia,and as a teacher of this role, to experience a different kind oflife.This is my unforgettable experience. For me, this experience is hard but it's very meaningful.In June 27, 2016, after we finished the test step on the road to Sanmenxia. After a 5 hour journey, the car slowly to the Yang Ping town, a town rich in minerals. We first entered the stage of enrollment. The weather was very hot at that time, up to 32 degrees of temperature to fry. There was few people around town, so we endure hot, well tanned to each district, village and school nearby to give publicity to. Although it was very tired every day, but we still insisted on a period of six days of enrollment. In the process of propaganda, met all kinds of people, but also learned a lot of knowledge, improved the personal ability of social communication. What impressed me most was an uncle. He told me about his entrepreneurial history, emotional


中学请假条范文3篇_请假条 阁巷中学学生出校门请假条(表一) 班级 姓名 事由及去向: 离校(班) 时间月日时分 大约所需 时间 家长 联系电话 申请人签名_______________ 年月日 (此表由请假学生本人填写,准假人员留下存档) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

阁巷中学学生出校门证明(表二) 班级 姓名 事由及去向: 离校时间 月日时分 回校时间 (门卫填) 月日时分 门卫签名__________ 准假人员签名_______________ 年月日 (此表只能由准假人员填写,学生凭此条出校,回校时由门卫填好回校时间后留存) 阁巷中学学生出校门请假条 中学生请假条主要结构范文 中学生请假条主要结构范文 1.居中写标题请假条“请假条”,这是所有应用文的通用

要求,用来表明此文是用来请假的条子! 2.请假对象的称呼,要请假必须得到批准,这个地方往往是老师、领导等,这个地方要尊称喔! 3.请假原由,这个地方要实事求是,否则后果自负! 4.请假起止时间,这个非常重要,必须重点提出,明确。 5.祝颂语。祝福对方,这个是所有公文里表示对对方的友好。 6.请假人签名。你自己的签名,一般不用按手印,只需要签即可。 7.请假时间。当前你写请假条的时间。 高中学生请假条格式模板 请假条 尊敬的老师: 本人因需向您请假天(节) ,请假时间为:20 年月日午第节至20 年月日午第节。特此请假,恳请老师批准! 此致 敬礼! 请假人: 请假申请时间:20 年月日

本人联系电话: 家长电话: 班级:请假类别:□ 病假□ 事假(已请示班主任同意)班长证明签:班主任(科任教师)意见及签: 备注:学生办完事应及时回校,不得在外逗留,否则,将做严肃处理,学生离校期间一切安全事故自行负责。 中学生请假条的样本 请假条 尊敬的______老师: 我是_____________初\高______级_____班学生__________,因_____________________,特向您请假___________(多久),请假时间为_______年____月_____日_________至__________。离校期间一切安全责任由我(学生本人)自负,请您准假! 教师意见: 请假人:___________ _______年____月_____日

An unforgettable moment

An unforgettable moment 1.What’s your unforgettable moment? 2.Why is it unforgettable? 注意点: 1. 关键词:1)unforgettable 2) moment 2. 时态:叙述过去时发生的事,一般过去时。感想根据情境可以一般现在时,也可以一般过去时。 3. 注意点题:类似的文章写过很多,学生容易写成“难忘的经历”,“难忘的一件事”。在套用文章的时候注意点题,这是这篇文章的关键。 An unforgettable moment When it comes to the most unforgettable moment, I will definitely choose the group singing at the school Art Festival, which adds a brilliant touch to my memory. As the School Art Festival approached, we, four girls decided to sing a song, but trouble came one after another. Mistakes, arguments and conflicts almost separated us. However, strong minds brought us together and made us more determined to reach the peak of the success. Finally, when we stood in the spotlight and sang the song we had practiced for hundreds of times, cheers rose from every corner of the theatre. At that moment, I was so delighted that our hard work was praised by the audience. It left the deepest impression in my mind. That’s my most unforgettable moment. An unforgettable moment The most unforgettable moment in my mind is so beautiful that it encourages me a lot. During the first four months when I studied in Shanghai, I was poor at English and failed in all the tests. I was very worried, but I didn’t give up. In order to catch up with others, I worked very hard. Several weeks later, with the help of my teachers, classmates and my hard work, I did a very good job in an English exam. I was praised by my teacher. At that moment, I saw my classmates looking at me with smile. I felt very delighted because I had made great progress by working hard. As a saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” So the moment I was praised by my teacher is the most unforgettable moment in my life.


我总也忘不了那句话(作文20篇) 我可是班上的飞毛腿难道还怕你们不成。话音刚落。我火速般向山顶跑去。可是没过多久,就觉的四肢无力,心速加快,豆大的汗珠流了下来。于是我坐在了一块石头上头。过了一会儿,爸爸妈妈追了上来,爸爸说;你怎样停了下来我说:我,我累了,休息一下吧。爸爸语重心长地对我说:困难像弹簧你强它就弱,你弱它就强。爸爸再送你一句话坚持就是胜利。这句话使我充满了力量,我又一鼓作气地爬上了山顶。 站在山顶上,放眼望去,锦江美景尽收眼底:信江河绕镇而过,206国道上车水马龙。工业园区粼次栉比。 每当我做作业烦了时,每当我跑步不想继续时,每当我遇到困难想放弃时。想起这句话,我又充满了力量。 我总也忘不了那句话作文(十五): 在我的记忆里,我听到的话多得如同天上的星星一般数也数可是来,但有一句话我记住了,我永远不会忘记,在生活中我无时无刻不想起这句话:天才是百分之一的灵感,加百分之九十九的汗水。 别人写一遍都能记住的字,而我去要写三遍不才能记住。别人读三遍都能会背的东西,而我去要读六遍才能会背。我总认为我付出的努力和汗水要比别人的多,却没有他们考的那么优秀,我的心里难免失落,但我相信付出努力总会有收获。 于是,到了星期天,我打算给自我制定一个计划。我先到文具店

买了一个小笔记本,打算教师讲课的时候,把重要的东西记下来。晚上一回到家就先写作业,作业写不完就坚决不吃饭,吃完饭在睡觉之前先看三十分钟的课外书,这样下来,我写作业和背书的速度都有所提高。一年一度的期末考试又到了,我不仅仅把教师让背的东西又重新复习几遍,还把笔记本上的知识点又看了几遍。我为这次考试准备得很充分,果然,功夫不负有心人,卷子发下来了,我竟然考了九十九分的好成绩。 之后在一次偶然的时候,我在一本书上看到爱迪生说的这句:天才是百分之一的灵感,加百分之九十九的汗水。不正和我心中向往的一样吗?我相信我永远都忘不了这句话。 我总也忘不了那句话作文(十六): 用妈妈的话说是我有一种很种很深的依靠感,这是一种毛病,可是我一向都没改掉。或许是因为这句话没有对我产生什么影响。 那一次教师让我们做书签,习惯了依靠妈妈的我很习惯的想到了妈妈,但却没有想过自我独立完成。我原以为妈妈会像以前我找她帮忙一样,毫无悬念的帮我完成。因为之前我让妈妈帮忙我都是直接帮我,可没想到这一次却不一样,听到我说让她帮我做书签以后,妈妈竟然生气了。 妈妈生气地说:教师布置的作业,不是家长做,是你们做。我叹着气只能自我去做,不一会儿,我最终画好了,但看上去不顺眼,我就把它给扔掉了,我做了一张又一张,可是每一张我都是很马虎,垃圾桶里全是卡纸。


常用学生请假条格式范文_请假条 (二)学生请假条 尊敬的______老师: 我因____________(请假缘由),无法在准时到校上课。特此向您请假____________(请假时间),望您批准,谢谢您的理解和帮助。 此致敬礼! 学生: 年月日 (三)学生请假条 尊敬的______老师: 我是_____________初\高______级_____班学生__________,因_____________________,特向您请假___________(多久),请假时间为_______年____月_____日_________至__________。离校期间一切安全责任由我(学生本人)自负,请您准假! 教师意见:______________ 请假人:___________ _______年____月_____日 (四)学生请假条 我是_______级本科生_______(姓名),学号_______,因_______(事由)需请假,离校时间_______年_____月_____日_____点_____分,预计返校时间_____ 年_____ 月_____日_____ 点,离校期间联系方式_______________ 。本人已接受辅导员的安全和纪律教育,保证按时返校,请假外出期间个人一切安全责任由自己负责。 __________ 请假人: 时间: 请假条存根 我是_______级本科生_______________ (姓名),学号__________ ,因_________________________ (事由)需请假,离校时间__________年_____月_____日_____点_____分,预计返校时间_____ 年_____ 月_____日_____ 点,离校期间联系方式_______________ 。本人已接受辅导员的安全和纪律教育,保证按时返校,请假外出期间个人一切安全责任由自己负责。 __________ 请假人: 时间: 附:学校学生请假制度 一、请假条由政教处统一发放到班主任处,请假均需要先到班主任处领取请假条,填写完毕,经班主任批准,方可请假。 二、因故不能自己来请假或来不及请假的,回校第一天马上到班主任处签字补假。 三、学生事假应持有家长证明书,病假应持医疗单位证明。一天以内由班主任审批,叁天内由政教处审批,叁天以上由校长室审批。 四、各班考勤员必须记录每天上课、自修和其他集体活动的出勤情况。周五下午将考勤表送交政教处,周一早上领取。

The most unforgettable moment in my memory

The most unforgettable moment in my memory C1, G9 Maurice tong As we all know, the “May 12th” earthquake made every one sad, but it also left behind lots of unforgettable memories. During that period, I read newspapers every day. One day a report caught my eye. It said thousands of poor people took out their own money and gave it to the people who needed it most. That report shook my heart. Although the number of the money was not large, it expressed everyone’s best wish. At that time, I felt warm and excited. I think it is the most unforgettable moment in my memory. C1, G9 Joe Zhong The most unforgettable moment in my memory is the time when I got a special gift on the night of my 14th birthday. It was an ordinary night, the same moon and stars up high. But when Dad came into my room with the gift, nothing was ordinary any more. The gift was an album of my favorite singer. The album was not new and there was a little dust on the cover. But I didn’t mind at all. I knew Dad had tried hard to get it because it was really difficult to find the album of an American singer who was not famous in China. I shall forever remember the album, and the love of a father contained in it. C1, G9 Jacky wang It was raining cats and dogs. The road outside the school gate was crowded with cars and bicycles picking up students. I waited in the classroom and looked outside through the window. I thought my mum should be at home because of her illness and I had to walk back by myself on such a terrible day. Suddenly I found a familiar figure standing in the pouring rain with an umbrella in her hand. That was my mum! I was touched. Mother’s love is a reliable umbrella, protecting me from the “storms” in my life, the same today and forever. That became the most unforgettable moment in my memory. C1, G9 Jeremy Yu In the latest summer holiday, I worked as a traffic police assistant to keep the traffic safe on Wuning Road. It took me only two hours, but it became the most unforgettable moment in my memory. Before I went there, I thought it would be a hard job because I would always have to prevent people from jaywalking. But it was totally beyond my expectation. The truth is that most people could follow the traffic rules. There is a saying, “Handsome is he who does handsomely.”As a citizen of Shanghai, we need to follow the rules to keep Shanghai tidy and safe. “Better city, better life.” Let’s do our best to make Shanghai more beautiful and civilized. C1, G9 Sean Zhang I like going hiking with my friends. One day, we went to climb a mountain. The trip was nice at the beginning but something unexpected happened halfway. I had a terrible pain in my stomach and couldn’t move any farther. My friends all worried about me. Some of them gave me water. Others made a phone call to look for help, but there was no signal. Luckily, after a rest, I felt much better. I think friendship is important to us. I will never forget the moment when my friends laid their warm hands on my shoulder.


学校请假条范文 请假条 敬爱的老师: 您好!由于我晚上要在公司上班,晚上不能去上课了,请您批准! 请假人:某某某 时间 请假条 敬爱的**老师: 我是**学院**级学生,学号:******,因**************将于****年**月**日至****年**月**日外出,****年**月**日**点返回学校,目的地*******,外出期间联系方式********,在外出期间自身人身财产安全由本人负责,我将注意安全,按时返校. 学生:*** ****年**月**日 尊敬的老师您好: 我是xx班的学生,平时也是按时的遵守学校的各项规定,从不敢逾越。然而,现在我却不得不向您请假。因为我哥要结婚。结婚是人生的一件大事。我不想让哥哥和我留夏什么遗憾。而且,父母,亲人,和哥哥都希望我能出席婚礼。于情于理,身为兄弟的我要出席哥哥的婚礼。在此,我诚恳的期望老师您能批准我的请假要求。向您保证,我会在规定的时间内赶回学校的。 尊敬的学校领导(或x校长): 您好 我将于近日结婚,婚期定在*月*号.是老人家定的.我也借此机会向您报告.因为最近比较忙,结婚的很多事情都没有怎么准备,双方父母催得特别紧,几次打电话要我赶紧请假去办.要我*月*日--*日务必去做必要的准备工作. 现在正置期末,学校和班里的工作又比较繁忙,真是不好意思向您说请假的事.万望您海涵准假. 谢谢

请假人 xxx 请假条 尊敬的老师: 您好!我是06级电子商务专业直属班的学生,因为,需要请假(时间)从到,去往地点,请假期间有效联系方式:。 本人保证往返途中的个人人身和财产安全,在不耽误学习课程和任何集体活动的前提下,恳请您批准,谢谢! 班长(副班长)意见: 班主任意见: 本人签名: 日期: dear mr. liu, i’m li jun’s mother. i’m writing to ask for permission for li jun’s absence. the fact is that he has to stay at home to take care of my mother who had a serious fall from upstairs and got her right leg broken last week. i’m sure he will be back in three days when my husband returns from a meeting in beijing. thank you. sincerely, li yihua 请假条 敬爱的老师: 您好!由于我晚上要在公司上班,晚上不能去上课了,请您批准! 请假人:某某某 时间 请假条 敬爱的**老师:

Unforgettable person 难忘的人

Unforgettable person 难忘的人 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The most unforgettable Person I ever Know. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below: 1、我生活中最难忘的人是谁; 2、为什么他(或她)令我难以忘怀; 3、结论。 作文范文 In my life I have met a great many people who are really worth recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever know is my English teacher. What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First and foremost, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer---an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Furthermore, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were


忘不了您的那句话 时间:2017-03-10 21:06:35 | 作者:曾煜婷 我的世界里有一句神奇的话,那句话给了我自信,给我创造了一个美好的开头,圆满的结尾。这句话值得我尊重,值得我用它来实现我的梦想! 今天我要打开一个十分精致的盒子?D?D记忆盒。它藏着我许多珍贵的记忆,盒子里有一个个小瓶子,瓶子装满了一颗颗耀眼的星星。有一颗星星代表了一句话,而这颗星星就是“众星之后”: 中午,太阳热辣辣地照射着大地,万物都发出一声声的抱怨。我也觉得今天的天气真热,可心里却不这么想。心里住的那一只心情不定的兔子,还在尽情地歌唱呢!为什么,今天心情这么好呢!因为我拿到了一张,“先锋少年”推荐表,虽然不值得炫耀,但是又离我的梦想进了一大步呢! 不知不觉到家门口了,看似漫长的路,竟然用了不到十分钟的时间。我刚到房间里,就把表情给收了起来,面无表情的我对妈妈说:“今天有个好消息和一个坏消息,要听哪一个消息?” “我猜你一定有好消息,不然怎么会问呢?”妈妈一脸坏笑地说。 我得意洋洋地说:“那我的消息一定是特大的惊喜。” “有什么好消息?” 我急忙把那张富有魔力的表拿了出来,兴奋的样子立马看得一清二楚。 “嗯,真棒!妈妈相信你永远是最棒的,希望你不能骄傲。”妈妈语重心长的说,“骄傲使人退步,虚心使人进步,你要保持平衡心态去面对生活与学习。” 在生活中,我正有遇到这样的困难呢!让我和你们分享一下吧,再次打开我的记忆盒: 有一次数学考试,给了我巨大的打击,让我惊呆了!我简直不敢相信,这么简单的试卷,自己竟然考了七十多。 你们觉得我会就此放弃吗?你们错了,因为想起了妈妈对我说的话,虚心使人进步,骄傲使人退步。因此我更加勤奋地学习,努力向上。终于,这次的成绩,让我满足了! 我忘不了您的那句话,你的那句话给了我巨大的勇气与力量。是它,让我学会坦然地面对生活的种种困难;是它,让我离梦想越走越近!

英语作文:The most unforgettable person in my life

The most unforgettable person in my life our life is a short journey.We will meet many people in this journey.We can't remember everyone,but the memory about a person who exerted a great influence never fade away in your mind. When I went to high school,I didn't want to study and often played truant.Once I left school for cinema,when I went back,my teacher,Miss Li,catched me.I had thought she would punish me.But it was strange that she said nothing and let me go back.I thought it a only reason that she had given me up.But it was more strange that she let me go to her office after two days. I didn't know what will happen but I still went to her office.She saw me and said:"Do you like movies?",I said:"Yes".She said:"I have many free movie tickets which my friend gave me.If you want to get them,you can take them.".These words astonished me and I didn't know what to say.Next she said:"Now these will let you feel happy.However,do you think about your future?Life is very simple and I think you can understand meanings of your every choices.".She was so quiet that she Seldom said with me.But the talking changed me a lot. I am very grateful for her because he made simple words changed my life.She is my the most unforgettable person in my life.


学校学生请假条范文3篇 学校学生请假条范文一: 尊敬的______老师: 我是_____________小\初\高______级_____班学生__________,因 _____________________,特向您请假___________多久,请假时间为_______年____月 _____日_________至__________。离校期间一切安全责任由我学生本人自负,请您准假! 此致 敬礼! 请假人:xuexila 2021年X月X日 学校学生请假条范文二: 本人系 ____________级____________ 专业 ____________班学生,因____________ 原因请假 ____________天,前往,请予批准。 本人住在 ____________号____________ 宿舍,手机:____________ 宿舍电话:____________ 本人家庭所在地为____________家庭电话:____________ ,家长手机: ____________ 目的地详细地址:____________ 目的地电话:____________ , 负责人手机:____________ 离校时间:年月日:交通工具及车次:返校时间:年月日:交通工具及车次: 是否批准辅导员签字是否批准学院负责人签字是否批准学校签字 注:1、外出期间一切事宜,责任自负。 2、此表一式二联,由班长、学院保留。 3、回校后本人去学院销假。逾期销假按学校学院相关规定处理。 此致

敬礼! 请假人:xuexila 2021年X月X日 学校学生请假条范文三: 尊敬的老师: 我因____________ ,不能按时上课,特向您请假。请假时间为年月日——年月日,望您批准! 学生:家长姓名:班级:家长电话: 学号:注:学生请假3天以上或者需暂时离学生联系电话:开学校的必须填写家长联系方式 此致 敬礼! 请假人:xuexila 2021年X月X日 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


【英语作文An,unforgettable,Party】unforgettable The first time I realized it was Nurses"s Day. The first time I had the most unforgettable party in my life. The arrangement of my American teachers is so imaginative, the creative games we had brought so much fun that I never experienced before. In fact, I felt I had already been exhusted when we were playing the first game.Cause Iris and I. both of us laughed so much and so deep and so long. The posture of everyone to throw out the ball was such funny that we can"t help laughing at htem were partners.Perhaps its God"s guiding provide Summer with the precious opportunity.Because she once told me that Abraham just looks like her first boy friend.She will feel sad if she sees Abraham"s face. Fingding out the clue is my favorite game.Gusse what? The first person our team need to meet was Mr Elijah. Standing at the gate of Shanghai Memory in rainsilencely, he still looked so attractive for his quiet. ON our way to KFC, I recognized


那句话作文八篇 我从小到大,有一句话让我至今难忘,因为那句话代表着我和她之间的友谊。下面是橙子收集整理的忘不了那句话作文,希望对您有所帮助! 篇1:那句话作文每当星期一,我戴上鲜艳的红领巾,站在国旗下,看着国旗冉冉升起,我就会五指并拢,向国旗敬一个标准的队礼,这时我就会想起入队时说的那句话。 记得那时一年级的时候,有一天,老师说:“大家站好排,我们要到消防大队去举行入队仪式啦!”我高兴极了,心想:“我也能像大哥哥大姐姐们一样戴上红领巾了。”再看看同学们,个个脸上像乐开了花一样。我们来到了消防大队,举行了隆重的升旗仪式,大哥哥大姐姐们给我们戴上了红领巾。接着辅导员领着我们宣誓了,我把拳头握得紧紧的,胸脯挺得直直的,开始宣誓:“我是中国少年先锋队员,我在队旗下宣誓,我要热爱祖国,热爱人民,好好学习,勤奋锻炼。准备着,为共产主义事业而奋斗!”从此,这句话就深深地深深地印在我的心里。 从此,这句话就一直指导我的行动。在公园里,我看见了一块香蕉皮在地上,这时,那句话就响起在我的耳边,我把它捡起来,扔到了垃圾桶里;有一次,我见到了一个书包,看出来是我们班同学的,可是这个同学总欺负人,这时,那句话又浮现在我的脑海里,我跑到

他家,把书包还给了他;2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生了大地震,我响起了那句话,毫不犹豫地捐出了我的零花钱…… 我上五年级了,这句话一直伴随着我。五年来,我总也忘不了那句话。今后,这句话仍然是我的座右铭。我要时刻想着我是一名少先队员,我要热爱祖国,热爱人民,好好学习,做一个对人民有用的人。 篇2:那句话作文“依靠别人是暂时的,依靠自己是永恒的。”这句话,在我的心里烙下了深刻的印记,我永远忘不了这句话。 这句话是爸爸对我说的。有一次,爸爸带我到公园去玩,我嚷着要爬山,爸爸答应了。爬山时,我一不小心从山上摔了下来,手蹭破了皮,脚也扭伤了,疼痛难忍,我放声哭了起来。爸爸走到我跟前,并没有扶我,而是丢给我一句话:“小漪,自己爬起来,娇气的孩子没出息,依靠别人是暂时的,依靠自己才是永恒的。你要牢记这句话。”我听了爸爸的话,自己艰难地爬了起来,从那时候起,我就记住了爸爸的话。 一天,数学老师出了一道难题,下课后我们班同学都围着“小数学家”张帆,等待着他算出的结果。而我却坐在自己的座位上,自己思考这道题。“小数学家”张帆把这道题做出来了,是用方程做的,其他同学连忙把答案抄了下来。可我仍然用我的数学方法做。一个同学走过来,用讽刺的口吻说:“你呀,瞧人家,一会儿就做出来了,而你……真笨!” 我没有理他,还是继续想,因为我想起了爸爸对我说的那句话:“依靠别人是暂时的,依靠自己才是永恒的。”我不要去依靠别人,
