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(课标版)高三英语一轮复习辅导与测试 第1部分 unit 3 under the sea课时训练 新人教版选修7

(课标版)高三英语一轮复习辅导与测试 第1部分 unit 3 under the sea课时训练 新人教版选修7
(课标版)高三英语一轮复习辅导与测试 第1部分 unit 3 under the sea课时训练 新人教版选修7

Under the sea


(2014·石家庄高三质检)Most people don't realize it,but cell phones are becoming a huge contribution to pollution on our planet right now.The average American gets a new mobile phone at least every 18 to 24 months.Thus you may buy 34 phones in all during your lifetime if you get your first phone starting at the age of 18,and there are many kids who have them even younger.

As part of our “throwaway”society,along with our endless desire for new cell phones,it is estimated(估计)that over 125 million cell phones are thrown away every year.Knowing that the landfill doesn't have to be the end point of your cell phone can greatly reduce the amount of unnecessary waste produced each year.

The reason why cell phone recycling is important is that they contain some pretty toxic (有毒的) stuff.But they also contain some nontoxic materials that can be recycled and used again.Yet in reality,we pollute the earth even more by trying to produce these components over again from our limited natural resources.

Unfortunately,no landfill is 100% safe.It is the toxins that come from these toxic materials into the ground which pollute our drinkable water supply and affect our health.Currently,less than 1% of the entire earth's water is drinkable,so we must take steps to protect it.

So,before you decide to throw away your old cell phone in exchange for a new one,think for a moment if you really need it or is it because you want the coolest new style?If your older model is still working fine,do you really need to buy a new one?

Think about where your cell phone will end up.That it disappears from your sight as it heads for the landfill doesn't mean its influences stop there.

1.The underli ned word“landfill”in the second paragraph probably means a place________.

A.to repair cell phones

B.to grow crops

C.to recycle electrical equipment

D.to bury waste

2.We can infer from the text that the author________.

A.disagrees with young kids having cell phones

B.doesn't support frequently buying new phones

C.thinks that we must take steps to stop filling landfills

D.believes that the influence of old cell phones is small

3.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of recycling old cell phones?

A.It changes the toxic materials in the cell phones.

B.It avoids wasting our limited natural resources.

C.It protects our health against polluted water.

D.It reduces the amount of unnecessary waste.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A.The average American buys a new cell phone every year.

B.Over 34 million cell phones are thrown away every year.

C.People usually throw away old and used things nowadays.

D.It is unlikely to pollute the environment if you bury rubbish.


Even though my parents were married for well over fifty years,I still felt that they stayed together “for the sake of the children”.At eightyfive years old,Dad__1__a stroke.While he was recovering in the hospital,I saw my parents'__2__shine through like never before.I watched Dad reach his hand out for Mom to__3__.I noticed he firmly pulled her toward him for a kiss on the forehead.In my lifetime I had never__4__these outward signs of love by my parents.

Gradually,Dad's health__5__and soon after his eightyeighth birthday he was hospitalized.__6__the next four months,he spent only a few days at home,in between__7__to the hospital and nursing homes.The__8__never found out exactly what the problem was,but we knew his time here with us was__9__.

Mom would visit Dad faithfully every day,and sometimes __10__twice a day.Of course,she__11__made sure he had the cleanest laundry and the tastiest treats.While I was at work,Mom took the bus to the__12__to see him in the afternoon.She made certain the doctors,nurses and staff __13__him the finest care.Each day he would reach out to hold Mom's hand.

The next day,Mom and I brought anniversary cards and flowers to__14__with Dad.That evening Mom and I went out for a(n)__15__,but special anniversary dinner with my wife.The__16__of us sat at a table for four-the fourth place__17__Dad's loving presence.

__18__Mom and I arrived at the hospital the following afternoon,Dad's nurse stopped us in the hallway.He stood __19__in front of the door and reached out his hand,placing it on my shoulder.There was no need for words.We knew Dad was__20__.Mom held Dad's hand and gave him one last kiss,as their love shined through.

1.A.treated B.encountered

C.discovered D.suffered

2.A.love B.friendship

C.thought D.confidence

3.A.clean B.adapt

C.hold D.check

4.A.understood B.witnessed

C.accompanied D.recognized

5.A.remained B.changed

C.recovered D.failed

6.A.Beyond B.Among

C.During D.Through

7.A.visits B.moments

C.chances D.directions

8.A.parents B.brothers

C.villagers D.doctors

9.A.turning up B.running out

C.building up D.passing on

10.A.still B.also

C.even D.yet

11.A.always B.never

C.occasionally D.sometimes

12.A.church B.kindergarten

C.theatre D.hospital

13.A.promised B.offered

C.requested D.presented

14.A.live B.work

C.share D.play

15.A.simple B.expensive

C.slight D.noble

16.A.two B.four

C.five D.three

17.A.symbolizing B.declaring

C.announcing D.confirming

18.A.Before B.Although

C.When D.Until

19.A.nervously B.quietly

C.loudly D.curiously

20.A.angry B.happy

C.lucky D.gone



A:What kind of music do you like listening to?

B:I like music that has__1__fast beat and is lively,like dance music.You prefer classical music,don’t you?

A:Yes,I do.I find it very__2__(relax).I often listen to Mozart or Bach in the evening after a hard day of work.

B:I__3__admit that I like several pieces of classical music.

A:Researchers suggest that classical music__4__(make)your brain__5__(active).Students who listen to classical music while__6__(study)perform better.

B:Really?Perhaps I should listen to classical music often.I hear that listening to classical music is helpful in reducing stress.

A:Yes.That’s__7__I listen to it in the evening.I usually play it__8__background music while I’m cooking or doing other housework.

B:I’ve got a few classical music CDs.I should follow your lead and increase my brain power.It’s believ ed that classical music makes people clever,__9__dance makes them livelier and happier.

A:That’s tr ue.There is clear__10__to support that people who listen to lively music are lively people.Music can influence a person’s feeling and character.

B:I agree.





1.选D 猜测词义题。A项指“维修手机的地方”;B项指“长庄稼的地方”;C项指“回收电子设备的地方”;D项指“埋垃圾的地方”。画线词所在句表示知道“填埋场”并不一定是手机的最终归宿可以每年大量减少不必要的浪费,再结合上下文可知D项意思和画线词意思最接近。

2.选B 推理判断题。文章倒数第二段说,当你准备换新手机时,要先考虑是不是不得不买新的,如果旧的尚能使用,你是否真的需要买新的?另外,结合全文有关旧手机回收处理过程中产生的问题可推知,作者是不赞成频繁换手机的。故B项正确。

3.选A 正误判断题。通读文章中有关手机回收的问题可知,回收手机并不能改变手机中的有害物质。因此选A。

4.选C 细节理解题。从第二段第一句话中的“throwaway”society可知,现在是一个喜欢“乱扔”的社会,因此C项正确。



1.选D 根据下文中的While he was recovering in the hospital可知,他患了中风。

2.选A 根据下文中的In my lifetime I had never...outward signs of love by my parents.可知,此处指父母之间的爱。

3.选C 文章最后的Mom held Dad's hand and gave him one last kiss,说明爸爸伸出手让妈妈握着。

4.选B 根据上文中的I noticed he firmly pulled her toward him for a kiss on the forehead可知,在作者的生命中从没有见过这样一些外在的爱的表示。

5.选D 根据下文中的after his eightyeighth birthday he was hospitalized可知,作者的爸爸的身体垮了。

6.选C 根据下文中的he spent only a few days at home,in between__7__to the hospital and nursing homes.可知,此处指在后来的四个月里。

7.选A 根据该段描述的语境,爸爸在家里的时间很少,总是隔三差五地去医院看病。

8.选D 根据上文中的in between visits to the hospital and nursing homes可


9.选B 联系下文中爸爸去世的细节,此处指爸爸的时间就要用光了,也就是时间不多了。

10.选C 根据句中的Mom would visit Dad faithfully every day可知,此处指有时候一天甚至会去两次。

11.选A 根据上文中的faithfully等语境可知,她总是确保衣服是干净的,食物是美味的。

12.选D 爸爸住院,妈妈当然是去医院看望他。

13.选B 联系上文中的she always made sure he had the cleanest laundry and the tastiest treats可知,她要确保医生、护士和工作人员能给他提供最好的服务。

14.选C 爸爸住院,妈妈和作者带着鲜花和卡片当然是为了和爸爸一起分享。

15.选A 爸爸生病住院,作者和家人出去是吃一顿简单的饭。当然不会是“昂贵的”之意。

16.选D 根据文中提到的妈妈、作者和妻子共是三个人。

17.选A 之所以定了四人桌,是为爸爸留着一个位子,象征着爸爸也在场。

18.选C 护士挡住作者等人,是在到达医院的时候。

19.选B 根据下文中的There was no need for words可知,他安静地站在门前。

20.选D 根据文中最后一句话Mom held Dad's hand and gave him one last kiss,as their love shined through可知,爸爸走了,也就是去世了。


1.a 2.relaxing 3.must 4. makes 5.more active

6.studying 7.why 8.as 9.while 10.evidence
