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2020年新高考英语重难点07 阅读理解7选5(教师版)

2020年新高考英语重难点07 阅读理解7选5(教师版)
2020年新高考英语重难点07 阅读理解7选5(教师版)

重难点07 7选5






















英语表达中代词出现的频率极高,代词的作用无非是指代前面提及的名词或形容词概念,巧妙利用这样的指代关系和根据代词的单复数差异可以准确而快速地解题。例如it可指代单数名词或整个句子;they 或them指代复数名词;one指代单数可数名词;that指代不可数名词或句子;this指代单数名词或句子;these 或those指代前句的复数名词。



A, 并列关系:First(ly), Second(ly),...;First, then/next,...;In the first place,in the second place...;for one thing, for another thing ,...;then /next ,finally/last 等。

B, 递进关系:too, also, besides, further, furthermore, moreover, what’s more, in addition, as well, to make matters worse, not ...but..., not only ...but also等。

C, 解释例证关系:for example, for instance, in fact/as a matter of fact, actually ,in other words /that is to say 等

D, 因果关系:so /therefore ,thus ,consequently(结果),as a result (of), so/ such ...that ..., so that ...等E, 转折对比关系:but, however , yet ,while /though ,or /otherwise ,on the contrary ,instead, nevertheless(然而), still ,yet, on the contrary ,in contrast / comparison 等

F, 概况归纳关系:in short , in brief , in summary ,generally speaking ,in general , to conclude ,in conclusion, in a word ,on the whole , to sum up 等。







通常是结论、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。


















这些技巧多练练就能孰能生巧。同学们学会了吗? 最后祝大家都能在今年的高考中取得好成绩!






Every year,people want to live a healthier life and enjoy regular exercise. Over time,however,many find it hard to find the same enthusiasm for their workouts that they experienced at the beginning. There are a number of ways you can make exercise fun. 1

Set a goal that is reachable and manageable. Setting goals that are unrealistic will only set you up for disappointment in the long run. Set a goal that you know is within your reach, and set a reasonable timetable.

Create a reward for yourself 2 You could allow yourself a day when you don’t track calories,if you make it to the gym all seven days in one week. Reward yourself with a new pair of jeans,when your old ones no longer fit. Rewards increase the satisfaction,and are a reminder that you are making progress.

Find a workout companion. If you have another friend that wants to hit the gym as much as you do,be each other’s motivation. 3 Also,repot your failures and successes to him.

Together,you can help support each other.

4 Don’t do the same thing every day,or you may experience workout boredom.

Pick certain days to do certain exercises-for example,try swimming on Sundays,running or stair-climbing machines three days a week. Every month,change it up and start focusing on a different-or new-fitness routine.

Hire a coach or trainer to get you started. 5 Even if you only use the trainer for a month or two, it is

well invested to keep you focused and informed.

A. He can help you learn the proper ways to work out to avoid injury,and get the best results.

B. Take part in an organized sport.

C. Thus,you can stick with your workout routine.

D. Investing in new workout clothes can develop your self-esteem and confidence.

E. Mix up your routine.

F. Whether it is weekly or monthly,treat yourself to something when you reach a goal.

G. Take part in workout classes together,or even plan a weekly jog together.


1. C【解析】上文提示“有很多方法可以让锻炼变得有趣”。承接上文,C项Thus,you can stick with your workout


2. F【解析】段落首句提示“为自己创造一个奖励”。承接段落首句,F项Whether it is weekly or monthly,treat

yourself to something when you reach a goal.(无论是每周还是每月,当你达到一个目标时用一个东西来奖励自己。)切题。故选F。

3. G【解析】上句提示“如果你有另一个朋友想去健身房与你一起锻炼,那么就互相鼓励。”空格下句提示“同

时,把你的失败和成功传递给他。”承接上下文,G项Take part in workout classes together,or even plan

a weekly jog together.(一起参加训练课程,甚至计划每周一起慢跑。)切题。故选G。

4. E【解析】此空位于段落首句,应该是一个短小精悍的祈使句。空格下文提示“不要每天都做同样的事情,

否则你可能会体验到锻炼无聊。”由此可知,E项Mix up your routine.(打乱你的常规。)切题。故选E。

5. A【解析】段落首句提示“雇一个教练或培训师来让你开始。”承接段落首句,A项He can help you learn the

proper ways to work out to avoid injury,and get the best results.(他可以帮助你学习适当的方法以避免受伤,并得到最好的结果。)切题。该项中的He指的是上句中的a coach or trainer。故选A。



Teachers love to put students into teams. 6 Why? Because they know the responsible team members will come through for a good grade.

If you are teamed up with a student who is lazy, the worst thing you can do is let it get you down. 7

and it might create a positive change in your partner!

Try these tips for working with a slacker(懒虫).

●Be excited and provide a good example. Your slacker may be a good pe rson who has developed bad work habits. You may be able to teach your partner some valuable skills for a successful future.

●Think rewards!8 For instance, you could promise to make cupcakes for the next work meeting and encourage your partner to bring a good snack.

●Make some time to sit with your partner and establish a set of work rules and deadlines. Don’t quarrel, though. Make it clear that you would like to establish rules to keep you both on track. 9 Keep a record of your rules, your init ial meetings, and your work. When it becomes obvious in the records that you’re doing all the work, talk with the slacker. 10

A. Don’t let the anger and pain defeat you.

B. Come up with a great reward for meeting some goal.

C. Instead, take some steps to encourage your partner to work.

D. Unavoidably one or more members will try to do nothing.

E. Start out by giving your partner a clear task with a deadline.

F. Show him/her the evidence and suggest he or she pick up the pace.

G. Think about the future and the fact that you are going to be rewarded.


6. D【解析】Why? Because they know the responsible team members will come through for a good grade.这里提


7. C【解析】下文and it might create a positive change in your partner提到了它可能会对你的伙伴造成积极的


8. B【解析】本段标题Think rewards!提到了奖励问题,故选B。(当达到一些目标,就要提出一些奖励。)

9. E【解析】在本段标题Make some time to sit with your partner and establish a set of work rules and deadlines.


10. F【解析】上句When it becomes obvious in the records that you’re doing all the work, talk with the slacker.提




Everyone is aware that taking good care of our bodies can prevent many medical problems from occurring later. However, we often have less awareness of preventative actions we should take to help with mental health problems. While our mental health may be fine right now, many of us will struggle at some point. 11 It’s impossible to get through life without challenges, but our mental health prevention habits can help us get through difficult times. 12

Keep active. The more active you physically, mentally and socially are, the higher the level of your mental wellness is likely to be. So go for walks and learn something new. There are many other ways to be active. 13 Be connected. Regular involvement in social activities with supportive friends and family improves your ability to handle disappointments, and everything else life throws at you. 14 But you can be involved in any manner; even volunteering for an organization can help you be more social.

15 The nature of these activities varies widely from person to person. The key is to identify what gives your life meaning. V olunteering, coaching, teaching, etc. all can contribute to increasing your sense of confidence and satisfaction with life. Many activities can address more than one. The key is to make a plan and stick with it. If you are already struggling, begin to practice these ways to help your recovery.

A. Here are three practical steps.

B. However, good mental health is important.

C. Stresses, disappointments and disasters happen.

D. Overcome life’s challenges before they happen.

E. Be committed to activities that give life meaning.

F. The key is to find what keeps you motivated and interested.

G. This can be difficult when you move to a new town or as you get older.


11. C【解析】上文提示“虽然我们的心理健康现在可能很好,但我们中的许多人都会在某种情况下挣扎。”

再根据下文提示“生活中不可能没有挑战,但是我们的心理健康预防习惯可以帮助我们度过困难时期。”承接上下文,C项Stresses, disappointments and disasters happen.(压力、失望和灾难总会发生。)承上启下。故选C。

12. A【解析】上文提示“生活中不可能没有挑战,但是我们的心理健康预防习惯可以帮助我们度过困难时期。”

再根据下面三段内容,A项Here are three practical steps.(这里有三个实用的步骤。)承上启下。故选A。

13. F【解析】上文提示“有很多其他的活跃方式。”承接上文,F项The key is to find what keeps you motivated

and interested.(关键是找到让你保持动力和兴趣的东西。)切题。故选F。

14. G【解析】上文提示“经常和支持你的朋友和家人一起参加社交活动,可以提高你处理失望和生活中其他

事情的能力。”再根据下文提示“但你可以以任何方式参与其中;即使是为一个组织做志愿者也能帮助你更加社会化。”承接上下文,G项This can be difficult when you move to a new town or as you get older.


15. E【解析】下文提示“这些活动的性质因人而异。”承接下文,E项Be committed to activities that give life




Many cosplay activities are being organized in China, making the subculture popular among some youths. Cosplay means costume play, in which participants wear costumes and fashion accessories(配饰) to represent a specific character. What’s the reason why youths are interested in cosplay?16 Cosplay participants often interact with each other to dress up as characters from animes(动漫), cartoons, comic books, films, TV programs and video games. Youths who love cosplay have their own sets of jokes, which “outsiders” rarely understand.


Cosplayers are almost always young, most of them under 25, and as they grow older, they tend to give up the practice. 18 Instead, they should treat such youngsters as normal youths, but at the same time warn them never to cross the social and moral boundaries.

The cosplay subculture is a kind of performing arts. Cosplayers usually get the costumes in these ways. First, through some companies that make and sell packaged suits for cosplay. Second, through some individuals that make costumes and accessories. 19

With capital flowing into the ACG industry, more specific and mature business models help the industry develop further. 20 Since then the domestic animation and game industry has been developing healthily with a stronger sense of using legal products. China’s ACG industry is likely to see higher growth in 2019.

A. And besides, by making them themselves.

B. It’s a way for youths to express virtual(虚拟的) love.

C. Perhaps that’s why people are prejudiced against them.

D. Based on a research, 2015 proved to be a turning point.

E. The cosplay industry is expected to witness more success.

F. Therefore, there is no need for parents to overreact to cosplay.

G. So regulators should strictly monitor such events to prevent improper behaviors.


16. B【解析】考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句问题是年轻人对动漫真人秀感兴趣的原因是什么?B


17. C【解析】考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句讲喜欢cosplay的年轻人有自己的笑话集,“局外

人”很少能理解。C项:也许这就是人们对他们怀有偏见的原因,是对上句的补充说明,故选C。18. F【解析】考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句讲Cosplayers几乎都是年轻人,随着年龄的增长,


19. A【解析】考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。A项中besides与本段中的First, Second并列,说明cosplay


20. D【解析】考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段主要讲中国动画和游戏产业的发展过程,下句句




You’ve done the right things right. Your materials and certificates made a good impression. You passed the interview phone screening and you’ve been invited to the company for that important interview. How do you continue to build the relationship with the potential employer that will lead to an eventual job offer?

●21 Don’t expect the potential employer to extend their day by several hours to accommodate your schedule. If you’re currently working and looking for a new position,hopefully, you’ve chosen the most ethical

path that your employer knows. A recruiting employer is often willing to interview a good candidate late in the afternoon, but rarely will the interview extend past 6 p.m.

● Make the right, positive impression. Ar rive early, dress up for the position for which you are applying and bring an additional resume with references. Remember to treat every person you encounter with dignity and respect. The receptionist is reporting his impressions of you to the HR Director. Be polite as much as possible throughout every interaction you have with the company. Each person is assessing your potential fit within their organization.

22 .

● Bring your resume and other needed information, for you will be asked to fill out an a pplication. 23 . It also allows the company to obtain your written permission to check your references, employment history, and do criminal background checks, etc. if you are hired.

● Follow up after the interview with a thank you letter, and perhaps a phone call. I received three thank you letters and a couple of phone calls from the 23 people who participated in a first interview with us. 24 .

Doing the right things right will result in more interviews, better job offers, and a more successful career.

25 , and your application will rise above the pack. I promise.

A. Good manners always count

B. Take time off work for the interview

C. Take a little more time at each step

D. The filled out application makes the data entry easier

E. Count on it, especially in small- to mid-sized organizations

F. The purpose of the interview is to determine if you and the organization are a good fit

G. Don’t blow your chances by behaving rudely to people you believe unimportant


21. B【解析】根据后一句Don’t expect the potential employer to extend their day by several hours to accommodate

your schedule.可知,不要指望潜在老板会延长数个小时来适应你的日程安排,可知,要花点时间来准备面试,B选项,切题,故选B。

22. G【解析】根据前一句Be polite as much as possible throughout every interaction you have with the company.

Each person is assessing your potential fit within their organization.可知,在整个面试过程中,与公司的所有人接触都尽可能礼貌,每个人都在评估你是否适合他们的公司,G选项,不要因为你认为不重要的人就可以对其粗鲁,因此导致工作机会飞走了,切题,都是讲述要礼貌待人,故选G。

23. D【解析】根据前一句Bring your resume and other needed information, for you will be asked to fill out an


24. A【解析】根据本段第一句● Follow up after the interview with a thank you letter, and perhaps a phone call.可


25. C【解析】根据后一句and your application will rise above the pack.可知,你的申请会脱颖而出,C选项,注意每一个步骤,这么做对自己的申请有帮助,切题,故选C。


开学伊始,对于所有的同学来说,都是新的开始,新学期到底该如何学好英语? 这是很多同学高中三年都一直追问的问题。看了那么多英语学渣变身学霸的逆袭故事,为什么还是学不好英语?我只能说:愿望是好的,行动是关键!今天,一位高考英语137分的学姐和大家分享高中三年英语到底该怎么学,希望你不只是看一看,唯有行动才能结出硕果!



1. 买一本课本同步参考资料。


2. 准备一个单词笔记本。


3. 买一本3500词。


4. 保存做过的每一篇完形和阅读。


5. 看名著简写本。


6. 背新概念2和新概念3。



1. 高一、高二时,课本单元语法必须掌握。


2. 高三的同学,复习语法时一定要按专题复习。


3. 语法是小白的同学,先学会初中语法再学高中的。




1. 答题步骤


2. 解题方法





1. 答题步骤:先浏览一遍文章大意,再做题,最后检查。

2. 解题方法:其实就是一句话,根据上下文解题。





高考英语复习七选五专练6篇 Passage 1(2017课标全国Ⅱ) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Interruptions are one of the worst things to deal with while you’re trying to get work done. 1 , there are several ways to handle things. Let’s take a look at them now. 2 . Tell the person you’re sorry and explain that you have a million things to do and then ask if the two of you can talk at a different time. When people try to interrupt you, have set hours planned and let them know to come back during that time or that you’ll find them then. 3 . It can help to eliminate(消除)future interruptions. When you need to talk to someone, don’t do it in your own office. 4 , it’s much easier to excuse yourself to get back to your work than if you try to get someone out of your space even after explaining how busy you are. If you have a door to your office, make good use of it. 5 . If someone knocks and it’s not an important matter, excuse yourself and let the person know you’re busy so they can get the hint(暗示)that when the door is closed, you’re not to be disturbed. A.If you’re busy, don’t feel bad about saying no B.When you want to avoid interruptions at work


Passage 1 My room This is my room. It’s small, but it’s nice. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers, a ruler and a pen on the desk. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of Liu Xiang. I usually put my football under my bed. Of course there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I cansee the trees and roads outside. 译文: 我的房间 这是我的房间。它很小,但是很漂亮。在窗户附近有一张桌子。我经常在上面做作业。在桌子上,你能看到一些书,一些花,一把尺子和一支钢笔。在桌子附近的墙上有一幅刘翔的图画。我经常把足球放在桌子下面。在桌子前面当然有一把椅子。我坐在那儿可以看到外面的树和公路。 ①near〔ni?〕prep.在……附近②of course 当然③road [ro?d] n.路,公路④in front of在……前面⑤outside [a?t?sa?d] adv.在外面 一、根据阅读材料,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。 ( ) 1. My room is big and nice. ( ) 2. You can see some books, some flowers, a ruler and a pen on the desk. ( ) 3. There is a picture of Yao Ming on the wall. ( ) 4. There is a football on the bed. ( ) 5. I can see some trees and roads outside. 二、根据阅读材料,选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. I can on the desk. A. see the trees B. do my homework C. put my football ( ) 2. There is near the window. A. a desk B. a chair C. a pen ( ) 3. There is a picture of on the wall. A. Yao Ming B. Li Na C. Liu Xiang ( ) 4. I usually put the football .


高三英语教师年度工作总结个人 在这一年的工作中,我出满勤、干满点,早出晚归,以校为家。积极参加学校的各种活动,认真完成学校交给我的各项任务,认真履行自己的职责,圆满地完成本学年的各项工作安排。以下是由聘才网小编为大家整理的相关内容,欢迎阅读参考。 这是我从事教学工作以来第二次担任高三英语教学的重任。虽然之前也有了一定的基础与经验,但是我依然不敢懈怠,认真研究学生,关注学生,研究课标,梳理知识结构,有计划地落实复习计划,努力做到顺利完成教育教学任务。现将本学期教学工作总结如下: 一、了解学生 这学期我担任的是高三两个平行班(一个文科一理科)的英语教学工作。他们的学习基础相对比较薄弱,我在讲课时除了要有适当的提高外,还要求他们过关基本的词汇,多读课文中的精彩句子,同时,坚持进行晚自习的听力练习。比外,我还加大阅读量和批改量,并适当做高考题,了解高考题,做好解题技巧的指导。 二、研究课标、高考,认真制定教学计划 1、认真学习课标及课程教学指导意见,因为课程标准是落实教学目标、培养学生能力及高考命卷的依据。 2、认真研究高考。高考命卷的原则是“稳中求新”,因

此有必要认真研究xx年的考纲和考试说明,了解xx年的高考要求。同时还认真分析近几年的高考英语试卷,把握高考英语命题方向,特别是高考新题型,做到心中有数。另外,我还对XX年高考提出了备考建议。 3、与高三备课组的老师一起认真研究并制定教学复习计划,统一教学进度、教学要求,资源共享,切实提高复习效率。共同精选试题,以高考经典题为重心,尽量避免“题海战术”。 三、有效地开展高三复习工作 依据学情,我们的学生迫切需要的是进行基础知识的复习、巩固和加深对基础知识的理解和掌握,提升其分析问题和解决问题的能力,因此本学期的教学重点是“依纲靠本”,注重基础知识的复习。认真抓好如下工作: 1、对语法进行系统复习,为学生阅读中分析长难句子打下良好的基础。 新课结束后,对高中阶段的语法进行了系统复习,在复习中精选了练习,为学生在阅读中分析长难句子结构、写作中高级句型的表达打下了夯实的基础。 2、教材的词汇、词组的复习促进了学生对基础知识的巩固和能力的提高。 课本复习是学生能力提高的关键。在复习语法的同时,复习课本知识,回归基础,双管齐下,收到了一定的效果。


新版五年级上册英语阅读理解及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。B I am Tom. This is my good friend, Peter. We are in the same class. He is fat, but I am thin. I have big eyes, but he has small eyes. We both have short hair. We both like sport. I like playing football and he likes playing table tennis. I can run fast but he cannot. We like different subjects. I like English and he likes Chinese. He is good at reading and writing. We both want to be teachers in the future. We like different food. He likes meat and chicken. But I like fish and vegetables. We like different seasons. He likes winter, but I like spring. We are different, but we are good friends. (1)Tom and Peter are good friends. They are in the class. A. different B. same C. both (2)Tom and Peter have short hair. A. all B. and C. both (3)Tom and Peter both want to be in the future. A. doctors B. cooks C. teachers (4)Do Tom and Peter like the same season? A. No, they don't. B. Yes, they do. C. Yes, they are. 【答案】(1)B (2)C (3)C (4)A 【解析】【分析】这是一篇介绍作者和朋友相同点和不同点的短文. (1)这是细节理解。根据短文叙述We are in the same class. (我们在同一个班级.) 可知应该填上same. 故答案为: B. (2)这是细节理解。根据短文叙述We both have short hair. (我们两个都是短发.)可知应填both. 故答案为: C. (3)这是细节理解。根据短文叙述We both want to be teachers in the future.(我们两个都想在将来成为一名教师.) 可知填上teachers. 故答案为: C. (4)这是细节理解。根据短文叙述We like different seasons. (我们喜欢不同的季节.)可知用否定回答. 故答案为: A. 【点评】这是考查阅读能力的题目. 仔细阅读短文, 根据细节叙述来选择合适的答案. 2.阅读理解阅读短文选择最恰当答案。 Today is August 17 th. The sun is shining. The wind blows gently. It is very hot. The Lis are at the beach on holiday. Look, Peter is swimming in the sea.


七选五做题技巧 通读全文,了解文章大意。通读答案,找出和文章相对应的关键词。根据文章整体结构、具体内容,结合关键词,将选项填入文中。将所选答案代入文中,再次通读全文,重点考查逻辑关系和关联结构。研究多余选项,确定排除理由,最终确定答案。 1. 如果问题设在段首 (1)通常是段落的主题句 认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找相关的词,推断出主题句 (2)与后文是并列,转折,因果关系等。 着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关特征词,通常正确答案的最后一句与空白后的第一句在意思上是紧密衔接的,因此这两句之间会有某种的衔接手段。 (3)段落间的过渡句。 这时要瞻前顾后找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。 2. 如果问题设在段尾 (1).空白前的一句或两句是重点语句,重点阅读以锁定关键词。 (2.)通常是结论,概括性语句 注意在选项中查找表示结果结论,总结等的信号词。Therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。 (3.)与前文是转折或对比关系 此时要注意在选项中查找表示转折对比的关联词,同时注意选项中所讲内容是否与前文在同一主题上形成对立,对比关系。 (4.)与前文是并列或排比关系 在这种情况下,通常是该段落要求补全说明本段主题的其他细节,因此,根据段落一致性原则,在原文和选项中找到相关的特征词,通常选项中会出现表示并列或递进关系的关联词或与前文类似的句式结构,或出现同义词等其他线索。 (5.)所选答案是引出下一段的内容 如果在选项中找不出与前文之间的关联,此时可考虑与下一段开头是否有一定的衔接。认真阅读下一段开头几句,看是否与选项的最后一句紧密连接起来 (6.)如果第一段的段尾是空白,要认真阅读,看此处是细节还是主题 通常文章第一段要提出文章的主题,如果在段尾提出主题,会用一些信号词如转折词引出来,正确答案应有这样的特征词。 一、基本技巧 一)做题步骤 1.阅读各个空的前后句,标记关键词 在阅读文章的开始部分、明确文章的基本话题以后,要阅读五个空各自的前后句,并将前后句中的解题线索,即关键词标记下来。关键词包括句中的核心名词或名词词组(如带有形容词的名词词组)、专有名词、时间数字、代词、连词等。 2.阅读各个选项,尤其是选项的首句,标记关键词 3.比较上述两类关键词,确定答案 4.将确定的答案代入原文,看读起来是否通顺。 二)判断方法 在标记了原文与选项的关键词以后,可以按照下列原则判断原文的空与选项是否匹配: 1.词汇衔接 正确选项中的关键词一般重复前一句的关键词,也与下一句的关键词相呼应。


高中英语教师个人工作总结 篇一: 做为一名高中英语教师,我在今年主要任教于高一年级的英语课,我所带的两个班级的学生,经过一学期的认真学习,英语成绩有了显 著的提高,学生们在英语课上态度认真,学习的劲头也很足,我个人 认为,英语是学生的一门主要功课,无论是学校、家长还是学生都很 重视它,但是不少学生觉得这门功课单调枯燥,学起来吃力,甚至有 不少学生放弃了它。究其原因,是学生对英语学习的接触面小,说练 机会少,以及他与中文的部分反差的诸多因素,使得学生对英语学习 常常存在“厌、怕、弃”的不健康的心理。这使我不得不改进以往的 教学方法。经过一个学期的英语教学工作,在我个人的积极努力与广 大同学的配合下,教学任务圆满完成,现将个人工作总结如下。 一、注意高一与初中的衔接过渡 高一新学期伊始,可以通过摸底了解学生大致水平,及时给学生 弥补初中的缺漏知识。可利用上半学期的时间从语言、词汇、语法、 句型等方面系统复习。要尽快使学生适应高中英语教学,具体做法是:培养学生课前预习、课后复习的良好学习习惯;坚持用英语授课,要求 并鼓励学生用英语思考问题、回答问题;根据高考要求,从高一年开始 就需要培养学生的阅读能力,教会学生一些阅读技巧,养成良好的阅 读习惯;另外,课后要多与学生接触,尽快和学生熟悉。 二、确立与新课程相适应的教育观念 学生是学习的主体,老师不能代替学生读书,代替学生感知,代 替学生观察、分析、思考,代替学生明白任何一个道理和掌握任何一 条规律。老师只能让学生自己读书,自己感受事物,自己观察、分析、思考,从而明白任何一个道理和掌握任何一条规律。于是我改变“一

言堂”,把课堂还给学生,形成师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的教 学过程。 三、高中英语教学要始终贯彻交际性原则,强化学生主体意识 “让游泳者到水中去。”这是交际语言教学理论的思想核心。贯 彻交际性原则亦就是要把教学活化为实际: 1.建立“课前五分钟会话”,培养课堂交际氛围。如一进课堂老 师说:“it’s nice to see you again./it’s fine to day, isn’t?/how are you to day?”星期一上课问:“did you have a good time in the weekend?”学生会作出不同的回答,引出更多的对话,从而达到交际的目的。 2.适当让学生表演对话或课文内容。针对近期所学内容,布置学 生课后进行讨论排练,然后在课堂表演。 3.多鼓励,少批评。为了使学生更爱开口,在练习中,要重视运 用鼓励性语言,不断强化学生参加交际的信心。 四、激发学生学习英语的兴趣 五、努力建立融洽的师生关系 相对来说,初中生比小学生独立性强,自尊心也逐渐增强,渴望 得到尊重。师生之间只有互相尊重,互相信任,才能建立起友好关系,从而促进学生学习的兴趣。所以我必须树立正确的学生观,正确认识 学生的主体地位。我用自己满腔的爱去关心、尊重学生,耐心细致地 指导学生,沟通和学生的思想感情,使自己成为学生欢迎和爱戴的人。上课时我是学生的老师,循循善诱和激发学生学习的积极性,大胆求 异创新;课后我却成为他们的好朋友,无话不谈,亮起心灵之光;生活上,我是他们的父母,关怀备至。 六、严谨治学,保持良好的教态


新版小学五年级下册英语阅读理解及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读理解 I am happy. I have my own room. Look! This is my room. It's small but clean. There is a desk and a bed. There are some dolls on my bed. There are two chairs. There is a bookshelf, too. My bookshelf(书架) has two layers. I pat the story-books on the first layer(层). I put other kinds of books on the second layer. I often clean it. There are two big windows. On the windows, you can see some nice flowers. I like to watch them grow. And there is a balcony outside the room. I love my room very much. 阅读短文判断正误 (1)There are two big windows in my room. (2)I don't have my own room. (3)There are some books on my bed. (4)I put the story-books on the first layer. (5)I like to watch my flower grow. 【答案】(1)1 (2)0 (3)0 (4)1 (5)1 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了我的房间的样子。 (1)句意:我的房间有两扇大窗户。根据 There are two big windows. 可知我的房间有两扇大窗户,故答案为正确。 (2)句意:我没有自己的房间。根据I have my own room. 可知我有自己的房间,故答案为错误。 (3)句意:我的床上有些书。根据 There are some dolls on my bed. 可知我的床上有一些洋娃娃,故答案为错误。 (4)句意:我把故事书放在第一层。根据 I put the story-books on the first layer. 可知我把故事书放在第一层,故答案为正确。 (5)句意:我喜欢看着我的花长大。根据 I like to watch them grow. 可知我喜欢看着我的花长大,故答案为正确。 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。 2.阅读理解阅读理解 My birthday is on Sunday. My parents are going to have a birthday party at home. I invite my friends to come to the party. At the party. They give me many small presents. Such as cards, picture books, pens. They sing Happy Birthday to me. My mother makes a big cake for me. I cut the cake into small pieces and give them out. We sing and dance. We have a good time at the party.


中考英语七选五试题 1. Ali is from a Middle Eastern country. He now stays in the USA. He smokes a lot of cigarettes every day. He has smoked for nine years. Ali says, “ I tried to quit (放弃) smoking in my hometown, but it was impossible. My parents smoke. My brothers smoke. All my friends smoke. At parties and at meetings, almost all the men smoke. Here in the United States, not as many people smoke. ____1____ ” Many smokers are like Ali: they want to stop smoking. ____2____ They know it can cause cancer and heart disease. But it is difficult for them to give up smoking because cigarettes have a drug in them. The drug is nicotine. People who smoke a lot need nicotine. ____3____ The nicotine makes him sick. In a few days, the smoker’s body is used to the nicotine, and he feels fine. Later, the smoker needs nicotine to keep feeling fine. Without nicotine, he feels bad. ____4____ Many people who quit will soon smoke again. At a party or at work they will decide to smoke “just one” cigarette. Then they will smoke a nother cigarette, and another. Soon they become smokers again. ____5____ (240) A. It is very hard to quit smoking. B. It will be easier to change the smoking habit here. C. Thus nicotine makes smokers addicted to cigarettes. D. The smokers know that smoking is bad for their health. E. When a person first begins to smoke, he usually feels terrible. F. Maybe there is only one easy way to quit smoking: never start. G. But it is said that medicine is needed to stop them from smoking. 2.辽宁I was ten when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier(收银台)in her general store. 1 I quickly learned the importance of treating customers politely and saying “thank you.” At first I was paid in candy. 2 I worked every day after school, and during the summer and on weekends and holidays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. My father helped me set up a bank account. 3 By the time I was 12, my grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics(化妆品). I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye. Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as “ What color do you think I should wear?” I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup(化妆)ideas. 4 The job taught me a valuable lesson: to be a successful salesperson, you didn’t need to be a Rocket scientist—you needed to be a great listener. __5___ Except they are no longer women purchasing cosmetics from me; instead, they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see designed and developed.


初三英语阅读理解(10篇) (一) Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of them. Zip's first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn't know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. "What do you think it is?" "It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry." "Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!" I said."We should take it back." "We can't ".said my sistter. "Maybe little Tom is right," Mary said. "Maybe Zip is a keep dog!" 1.The writer and Mary didn't know______. A.what Zip's first present was B.how Zip carried its first present home C.who owned Zip's first present D.what Zip's first present was made of


教师个人总结 一年来,我爱岗敬业,以重实际,抓实事,求实效为教学工作的基本原则,以培养学生创新精神和实践能力为重点,以新课程改革为契机,深化课堂教学改革,大力推进素养教育,使所任班级教学质量有了一定的提高,现就将一年以来工作情况总结如下: (一)发挥教师为主导的作用 1、备课深入细致。平时认真研究教材,多方参阅各种资料,力求深入理解教材,准确把握难重点。在制定教学目的时,非常注意学生的实际情况。教案编写认真,并不断归纳总结经验教训。 2、注重课堂教学效果。针对学生特点,以愉快式教学为主,不搞满堂灌,坚持学生为主体,教师为主导、教学为主线,注重讲练结合。在教学中注意抓住重点,突破难点。 3、坚持参加校内外教学研讨活动,不断汲取他人的宝贵经验,提高自己的教学水平。经常向经验丰富的教师请教并经常在一起讨论教学问题。听公开课多次,尤其本学期。 4、在作业批改上,认真及时,力求做到全批全改,重在订正,及时了解学生的学习情况,以便在辅导中做到有的放矢。 (二)做好后进生转化工作 作为教师,应该明白任何学生都会同时存在优点和缺点两方面,对优生的优点是显而易见的,对后进生则易于发现其缺点,尤其是在学习上后进的学生,往往得不到老师的肯定,而后进生转化成功与否,直接影响着全班学生的整体成绩。所以,一年来,我一直注重从以下

几方面抓好后进生转化工作: 1、用进展的观点看学生。应当纵向地看到:后进生的今天比他的昨天好,即使不然,也应相信他的明天会比今天好。 2、因势利导,化消极因素为积极因素。首先帮助后进生找到优、缺点,以发扬优点,克服缺点。其次以平常的心态对待:后进生也是学生,厌恶、责骂只能适得其反,他们应该享有同其它学生同样的平等和民主,也应该在稍有一点进步时得到老师的肯定。 3、真正做到晓之以理,动之以情。首先做到"真诚"二字,即教师不应有丝毫虚伪与欺哄,一旦学生发现"有假",那么教师所做的一切都会被看作是在"演戏"。其次做到"接受",即能感受后进生在学习过程中的各种心理表现和看法,如对学习的畏惧、犹豫、满足、冷漠,错误的想法和指责等,信任他们,鼓舞他们自由讨论。最后做到"理解"二字,即通过学生的眼睛看事物。因为做到了以上几点,所以我在后进生转化工作上,效果还是明显的。 教育工作,是一项常做常新,永无止境的工作。一份春华,一份秋实,在教书育人的道路上我付出的是辛勤的汗水和真挚的泪水,然 而我收获的却是那一份份充实,那沉甸甸的情感。我用我的心去教诲我的学生,我用我的情去培育我的学生,我无愧于我心,我无悔于我的事业。让我把一生矢志教育的心愿化为热爱学生的一团火,将自己最珍贵的爱奉献给孩子们,相信今日含苞欲放的花蕾,明日一定能盛开 绚丽的花朵。


小学五年级下册英语阅读理解练习题大全及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解根据表格内容,选择正确答案。 Sam is a student. He has only four lessons every day, but he goes to school six days a week. The following is his school timetable (时间表). —___________________. A. Nine B. Six C. Seven (2)—On what day doesn't Sam go to school? —___________________. A. Thursday B. Sunday C. Saturday (3)—How many lessons does Sam have a week? —___________________. A. Twenty B. Sixteen C. Twenty-four (4)—Which subject doesn't Sam have at school? —___________________. A. Spanish B. Chinese C. English 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)C (4)B 【解析】【分析】短文讲述了山姆每天只有四节课,但他每周上学六天,和他的时间表。(1)句意:萨姆在学校有多少门课?根据表格可知萨姆在学校有七门课,故答案为C.(2)句意:山姆什么时候不上学?根据He has only four lessons every day, but he goes to school six days a week. 可知山姆星期天不上学,故答案为B. (3)句意:山姆一周有几节课?根据He has only four lessons every day, but he goes to school six days a week.可知山姆一周有24节课,故答案为C. (4)句意:萨姆在学校没有哪门课?根据表格可知萨姆在学校没有语文课,故答案为B.【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息找出相关句进行选择。 2.阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误 A young mother and her little girl got on a bus and sat down. The bus conductor(售票员) came


高一英语阅读七选五专项训练 Thanks to the development of the Internet, you can now work from home, and make more money. If you are trying to find out how you can make money using social media(社会媒体),hopefully this article will help you, get a clear idea of how you can manage your business more successfully. Sell your products on Instagram Instagram is an online social platform where people share their pictures and post words about them. 1 You could actually use Instagram to create your online store. Take photos of the products that you are selling and post them on Instagram. 2 Use social media to communicate 3 Face-to-face communication is probably the best. However, when you are trying to keep in touch with someone on the other side of the world, it can be very difficult. You could use LinkedIn to communicate through social media, as this site is probably the best place to find business opportunities online, and know of people who may be interested in working with you. Sponsor(发起) products and services This may be the most common way to make money using social media. 4 Now, if the post on your website is popular, companies could be interested in buying the rights to make their products be known through your website. Manage social media


五年级阅读理解训练 Passage1 My name is Mary. I am eleven. Ted is my brother. He is thirteen. We are in the same school. My mother is a teacher. She is a teacher in our school. My father is a teacher, too. He is a Chinese teacher in a college. I have a cat. Its name is Miaomiao. It is white. It is a nice cat. We are good friends. ( )1. I am twelve. ( )2. Ted is Mary’s brother. ( )3. Ted and I are in the same class. ( )4. My parents are teachers. ( )5. I have a cat Passage2 My name is Jim Green. I am twelve. That is my mother. She is a teacher. That is my father. His name is Jeff Green. He is a teacher, too. He is an English teacher. ? That is my sister, Kate. She is eight. This is Polly. It is a bird. It is a parrot. ( )1. Jim Green is eleven. ( )2. His mother is teacher. ( )3. His father is a Chinese teacher. ( )4. His sister is twelve. ( )5. He has a bird


高三英语教师工作总结2020 随着考试改革的发展,高考英语试题的要求越来越高,不仅强化了对基础知识的 考查,更突出和能力的运用。为了提高高三英语的教学质量,在教学过程中我们本着“培养主体意识,强化课堂训练”的原则,积极做好学生的思想工作,提高学习的自 觉性、积极性和主动性;帮学生树立信心。同时我认真研究考试说明与教学大纲,按照“突出语篇、强调应用,注重交际”这一主旋律进行教学和复习,提高实战能力。我 主要朝以下几方面努力:合理制定、完善教学、复习计划;合理处理教材、安排教学进度;注重精读和泛读相结合,加强限时阅读的训练,帮助和督促学生积累一定的词汇量。加强听力与写作的力度与难度。下面是我的教学计划和一些具体做法:一、合理制定、完善教学、复习计划要想搞好三年级英语教学,没有合理的教学和复习计划是不行的。在开学初,我就制定了全年的教学和复习计划,并在教学的过程中不断改进和完善计划。立足教材,夯实基础知识才是我们途径。教学和复习都因该注重实效,实实在在 地为学生服务。二、语篇为基础,扩大学生词汇量光靠第三册教材的阅读量是远远不 够的,所以我们还要精选精泛读材料来弥补教材的不足。在教学过程中遵循精泛结合、精少泛多、精泛有序的原则。选择的精读材料要能够在教学中发挥最大效益,启发学 生的思维,促进学生知识的掌握和能力的形成。在教材的基础上,精选泛读材料,以 巩固和拓宽语言知识,培养独立阅读能力。可以《英语周报》为基础,用好《英语周报》,因为报上的文章比较新,时代气息浓,篇幅多。每期精选一两篇为精读材料, 两三篇为泛读材料。在平时教学新词汇的过程中,不失时机地由新翻旧,以旧带新, 通过形近、义近、同义、反义、固定搭配等手段串联起大量有用的词汇,让学生从纵向,横向及各个方面将词汇的雪球滚大。对于所有精泛读材料中碰到的生词,要求学 生摘录下来,老师要采取必要的手段,如听写或再现认读的方式进行检查,以扩大学 生的词汇量。三、加强写作训练,合理安排综合训练加强写作指导和训练,是我们高 考取得成绩的重要保证。只有多练才可能有好的成绩。但只是写作还不能取得好成绩,一定要加强对学生的集中训练和指导。对于写作,在写作过程中,给予学生合理的指导,对学生有明确的要求:1)繁简适度2)有闪光点,要有较高级词汇和较复杂语言结 构3)层次分明,承上启下4)细读提示,写全要点。5)书面干净、整齐、规范。教师也要遵循“粗批,快改,及时发”的原则。否则,失去了时间意义,效果就不大了。同 时让学生背诵范文,模仿,运用,做好语言积累。提高高考的书面表达成绩。四、培


【英语】五年级上册英语阅读理解含答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。B Venice (威尼斯)is a famous city in Italy (意大利).It is in the northeast (东北)of Italy. There are many canals (运河)and bridges (桥梁)in Venice. The canals look like streets. There is much water in those canals. There are no cars in this city, but they have boats. People in this city do not drive cars. They go here and there in boats. We go to school on foot, by bus, by car, by bike or by underground. But the students in this city go to school by boat. (1)Venice is a famous city in . A. China B. Australia C. Italy (2)The canals in Venice look like . A. park B. school C. streets (3)There are no in Venice. A. cars B. boats C. schools (4)Students in Venice go to school by . A. car B. boat C. underground 【答案】(1)C (2)C (3)A (4)B 【解析】【分析】这是介绍威尼斯的一篇短文. (1)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述Venice (威尼斯)is a famous city in Italy (意大利).(威尼斯是意大利一座著名的城市. )可知是Italy的城市. 故答案为: C. (2)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述The canals look like streets.(运河看起来像街道.)可知像街道"street". 故答案为: C. (3)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述There are no cars in this city, (这座城市没有汽车.)可知没有汽车"car". 故答案为: A. (4)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述But the students in this city go to school by boat.(可是这座城市的学生们乘船去学校.)可知是乘船"by boat". 故答案为: B. 【点评】这是考查阅读能力的短文. 首先阅读短文, 注意叙述的细节, 然后根据问题和短文内
