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大学英语综合教程第二版 第四册 Unit1 Text B 课文原文及翻译

大学英语综合教程第二版 第四册 Unit1 Text B 课文原文及翻译
大学英语综合教程第二版 第四册 Unit1 Text B 课文原文及翻译

The Normandy Landings

The largest and most ambitious mili-tary expedition in history was the inva-sion of Normandy in northern France by British, American and Canadian forces that took place in the summer of 1944. Even nature played a role.

lt took more than a year for military planners to orchestrate every movement of troops, artillery, ships and aircraft and to set everything in place for the move that was to open up a second front in Europe. This would liberate France and open the way for the final assault on Ger-many itself.

Everything was controlled; right down to the placement of military decoys across the English Channel to fool the Germans into thinking the attack would come from Britain's closest point to France at Pas de Calais3 rather than in Normandy as planned.

Everything was controlled, that is, except the weather.

D-Day, the code name given to the day of invasion, was originally scheduled for 5 June 1944. This date had been ar-rived at by considering two factors -moonlight and tide. The hour of the in-vasion would need to be near sunrise, when the seaborne troops would have a rising tide. This would enable them to land close to the obstacles that had been placed to hinder their landing without coming ashore on top of them. The paratroopers needed a full moon for visibility. The days with the proper

tide-moonlight formula closest to the target date were 5, 6 and 7 June. (1) The fifth was chosen for D-Day to allow a safety margin in case the attack needed to be postponed

In addition to moonlight and favorable tides, calm seas were needed for the crossing. (2) But an unusually stormy transition from spring toward summer that year held out little hope that there would be a suitable break in the weather It also meant the possibility that Operation Overlord, as the invasion was called, might have to be postponed until later in the year or even the following year. Z With the arrival of 5 June, the weather was so bad that General Eisenhower4, supreme commander of the invasion forces, was forced to postpone the invasion by one day. When he met with his staff to review their options, they were faced with the grim reality that 6 June did not look much better than the original D-Day. The meteorological re-port gave a thin ray of hope that a lull in the storm would allow enough time to. launch the invasion. Consultations went on late into the night on whether to press ahead. Opinions were divided. Finally, Eisenhower made his decision. "I am quite positive we must give the order," he said. "I don't like it, but there it is. I don't see how we can do anything else." Within hours, an armada of 3,000 landing craft, 2,500 other ships, and 500 naval vessels began to leave English ports.

8. Meanwhile, critical errors by the Ger-man side allowed them to be taken com-pletely by surprise. Due to the bad weather, the German navy

cancelled its usual patrol of the English Channel. Also, a practice drill scheduled for June 6 was called off. The German meteorological services were unaware of the break in the weather. On the eve of the attack, many of the top German leaders were absent from their commands. Rommel 5, the gen-eral in charge of the coastal defenses, was in Germany visiting his wife on her birthday, and several officers were some distance away in Rennes6 or on their way there for a war-game exercise.

The assault on Normandy began at 12:15 a.m., when the pathfinders for the American airborne units left their planes and parachuted to earth. Five minutes later, on the other side of the invasion area, the British pathfinders made their jump. The pathfinders were specially trained to find and mark the drop zones. The main airborne assault was to commence within the hour.

The airborne attack became confused because of stiff winds and the evasive fly-ing of the transport planes when they en-countered anti-aircraft fire. As a result, the paratroopers were scattered over a wide area and most missed their drop zones, some by as much as 20 miles. Other com-plications were caused by the terrain, and the worst terrain was on the Cotentin Peninsula. The Germans had laced the open fields with anti-personnel and glider stakes and flooded the low areas. The flooding caused the most trouble for the Americans of the 101st and 82nd Airborne divisions, with many of the troops drowned, laden down by their heavy


11. The airborne units were to secure the flanks of the amphibious assault. That meant capturing bridges, crossroads and coastal batteries. After accomplishing those tasks, the paratroopers had to with-stand any German counterattacks.

12 As the airborne units struggled to achieve their goals, the great fleet made its way across the channel to its appoint-ment with destiny. Leading that grand ar-mada were the minesweepers. Behind them followed a vast array of naval ves-sels of every conceivable type. Never be-fore had such a fleet been assembled. Including the landing craft carried on board, the combined Allied invasion armada num-bered up to 6,000 ships. Approximately 150,000 men were to cross the English Channel and land at assault beaches code-named "Utah" ' "Omaha" ' "Gold" ' "Juno" and "Sword."

The first areas of French soil wrested from German control were a group of small islands located three miles off Utah Beach. Allied commanders were con-cerned that these islands could be used as sites for heavy guns. The men of the U.S. 4th and 24th Cavalry squadrons were des-ignated to take the islands prior to the main invasion. The assault teams found only land mines. The Germans had left the islands unoccupied.

For the majority of the assault troops, however, the war had not begun yet. Af-ter spending as long as 48 hours aboard the various transport ships

as a result of the delay, many of the men were miser-ably seasick and in poor shape for the chal-lenge ahead.

The naval bombardment began around 5:45 a.m. The air attack followed. The naval and air bombardments were designed to destroy the beach guns and obstacles, pin down the enemy and pro-vide shelter for the ground troops on the open beaches by making craters. Both, however, largely failed in their objectives. Weather conditions had improved, but they were not perfect. Because of poor visibility caused by low cloud cover, it was decided that the bombers would delay the release of bombs 30 seconds to avoid hit-ting the assaulting troops. As a result, the bombs fell inland and missed their targets. Although the naval bombardment was more accurate, it was not much more ef-fective against the hardened German gun emplacements.

The weather also was partially re-sponsible for causing some of the assault craft to miss their assigned landing areas. Additionally, many of the landing craft and amphibious tanks foundered in the rough sea. In the Omaha area, most of the craft carrying artillery and tanks intended to support the incoming troops sank in the high waves.

At Utah Beach, however, a strange stroke of good fortune occurred when the assault craft encountered a southerly cur-rent that caused them to land in the wrong sector. (3) The German shore batteries that would have contested a landing in the original area would undoubtedly have taken a

heavy toll. The landing at the new sector was virtually unopposed.

(4) Despite difficulties, Eisenhower's gamble with the elements was to pay off The invasion forces succeeded in estab-lishing a toehold on French soil. Rein-forcements began to pour in, thrusting on deep into France. Within a year Hitler's empire, which he had boasted would last a thousand years, lay in ruins.





Everything was controlled, that is, except the weather.


? 除了月光和有利的潮汐外,横渡还需要平静的海洋。(2)但从当年春季到夏季的异常风暴过渡,几乎没有希望天气会有适当的休息。这也意味着,作为入侵的"霸主行动"可能不得不推迟到今年晚些时候,甚至第二年。随着6月5日的到来,天气非常恶劣,入侵部队最高指挥官艾森豪威尔将军被迫将入侵推迟一天。当他与工作人员会面审查他们的选择时,他们面临着一个严峻的现实,即6月6日看起来没有比最初的D日好得多。气象报告给一线希望,风暴的平静将留出足够的时间。发动入侵。关于是否继续推进的磋商一直进行到深夜。意见分歧。最后,艾森豪威尔做出了他的决定。"我很肯定我们必须下达命令,"他说。"我不喜欢它,但有它。我不明白我们怎么能做别的。几小时内,一支3000艘登陆艇、2500艘其他舰艇和500艘海军舰艇开始离开英国港口。

8. 同时,Ger-man方面的关键错误使他们完全措手不及。由于天气恶劣,德国海军取消了对英吉利海峡的例行巡逻。此外,原定于6月6日举行的演习也被取消。德国气象部门不知道天气会中断。在袭击前夕,许多德国最高领导人没有离开他们的命令。负责海岸防御的




11. 空降部队要确保两栖攻击的侧翼。这意味着要捕捉桥梁、十字路口和海岸电池。在完成这些任务后,伞兵必须经受住德国的任何反击。

12 当空降部队努力实现他们的目标时,伟大的舰队在海峡上穿越了命运。领导那支大舰队是扫雷者。在他们身后,有一大批各种可以想象到的海军舰艇。从来没有这样一个舰队被组装。包括登g陆艇在船上,联合盟军入侵舰队多达6000艘舰艇。大约15万人穿越英吉利海峡,在代号为"Utah"的"奥马哈""黄金""朱诺"和"剑"的袭击海滩登陆。










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Lesson1 We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas--legends handed down from one generation of story-tellers to another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago. But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from.


One way of summarizing the American position is to state that we value originality and independence more than the Chinese do. The contrast between our two cultures can also be seen in terms of the fears we both harbor. Chinese teachers are fearful that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired; there is, on the other hand, no comparable hurry to promote creativity. American educators fear that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge; on the other hand, skills can be picked up later. However, I do not want to overstate my case. There is enormous creativity to be found in Chinese scientific, technological and artistic innovations past and present. And there is a danger of exaggerating creative breakthroughs in the West. When any innovation is examined closely, its reliance on previous achievements is all too apparent (the "standing on the shoulders of giants" phenomenon). But assuming that the contrast I have developed is valid, and that the fostering of skills and creativity are both worthwhile goals, the important question becomes this: Can we gather, from the Chinese and American extremes, a superior way to approach education, perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills?


NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH (IV) (new version) 2 Lesson 1 Finding Fossil man We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write. The only w ay that they can preserve their history is torecount it as sagas--legends handed down from one generation of story-tellersto another. These legends are useful because they can tell us somethin g aboutmigrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesianpeoples now living in th e Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these peopleexplain that some of them came from Indo nesia about 2,000 years ago.But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that ev en theirsagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from.Fortunately, however, ancient me n made tools of stone, especially flint, becausethis is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used woodand skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tool s oflong ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace. 3 Lesson 2 Spare that spider Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends ? Because they destroy somany insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the humanrace. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they woulddevour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protectionwe get from insect-eating animals. We owe a lot to the birds and beasts wh o eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders. Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never dothe least harm to us or our bel ongings.Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them.One can t ell the difference almost at a glance for a spider always has eight legsand an insect never more th an six.How many spiders are engaged in this work on our behalf ? One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England, andhe estimated that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre, that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a f ootball pitch. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is impossible to make more than the wildest guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creatures, not content wi th only three meals a day. It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spi ders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the c ountry.T. H. GILLESPIE Spare that Spider from The Listene Lesson 3 Matterhorn man Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them goodsport, and the more


U1人在自然界 人类生活在大自然的王国里。他们时刻被大自然所包围并与之相互影响。人类呼吸的空气、喝下的水和摄入的食物,无一不令人类时刻感知到大自然的影响。我们与大自然血肉相连,离开大自然,我们将无法生存。 人类不仅生活在大自然之中,同时也在改变着大自然。人类把自然资源转变为各种文化,社会历史的财富。人类降服并控制了电,迫使它为人类社会的利益服务。人类不仅把各种各样的动植物转移到不同的气候环境,也改变了他生活环境的地貌和气候并使动植物因之而发生转变。 随着社会的发展,人类对大自然的直接依赖越来越少,而间接的依赖却越来越多。我们远古的祖先生活在大自然的威胁及破坏力的恐惧之中,他们常常连基本的生活物资都无法获取。然而,尽管工具不甚完备,他们却能同心协力,顽强工作,并总是有所收获。在与人类的相互作用中,大自然也发生了改变。森林被破坏了,耕地面积增加了。大自然及其威力被看成是和人类敌对的东西。 譬如,森林被认为是野性的和令人恐惧的,因此人类便想方设法使其面积缩小。这一切都是打着“文明”的旗号进行的,所谓“文明”,就是人类在哪里建立家园,耕耘土地,哪里的森林就被砍伐。 然而,随着岁月的流逝,人类越来越关注的是在何处得到和如何得到生产所需的不可替代的自然资源的问题。科学与人类改变大自然的实践活动已经使人类意识到了工业在改变地球的进程中对地质产生的重大影响。 目前,人与自然以及自然与社会整体之间过去存在的动态平衡,已呈现崩溃的迹象。生物圈中所谓可替代资源的问题变得极为尖锐。人类和社会的需求,即便是简单得像淡水一样的物质,也变得越来越难以满足。清除工业废物的问题也变得日益复杂。 现代技术的特征是生产和使用日益丰富的人工合成产品。人们生产成千上万的人工合成材料。人们越来越多地用尼龙和其他人造纤维把自己从头到脚地包裹起来,这些绚丽的织物显然对他们无益。年轻人或许很少注意到这一点,他们更关注的是外表,而不是健康。但是上了年岁之后,他们就会感受到这种有害的影响。 久而久之,这些合成物质转变成废弃物,那些原本毒性不大的物质在自然循环中变为极其有害的物质。自然科学家和哲学家如今都在问自己这样一个问题:人类对生物圈的破坏难道是无法避免的吗? 人与大自然的关系——生态环境的危机——已经成为一个全球性问题。这一问题的解决之道在于理性而明智地协调生产和对大自然的关爱之间的关系,这不仅要依靠个人、企业或者某些国家的力量,而且要依靠全人类的力量。解决人与大自然关系危机的方法之一,就是使用太阳能、风能、海洋能等资源,以及其他尚不为人所知的宇宙中的自然能。 但是,回到我们原先的主题上,令人难以接受的事实是那些违背了自然规律、破坏了生物圈和谐的人类行为将会带来灾难,而这种灾难也许是全球性的。古代东方智者的话讲得真是恰如其分:朋友们,你要是亲近大自然,大自然就会用那永恒不变的规律永远呵护你! U2技术与幸福 20世纪的美国人、欧洲人和东亚人都享受到了过去历代人都无法想象的物质和技术进步带来的乐趣。譬如,在美国,从1950年到2000年国民生产总值翻了3倍。人们的寿命大幅度提高。二战后生产力的迅速发展使商品变得价廉物美。诸如乘飞机旅游和打长途电话等曾经是奢侈的事情成了生活不可或缺的一部分。 那么,根据大多数标准衡量,你会说,现在的美国人比上个世纪中叶富裕多了。不过,奇怪的是,如果你问美国人有多幸福,你会发现,他们并不比1946年时幸福(1946年正式开始对幸福状况进行调查)。事实上,那些说自己“非常幸福”的人所占的比例自20世纪70年代以来一直稳中有降——尽管20世纪40年代出生的人的收入在他们的工作生涯中平均增长了116%。你可以在大多数发达国家找到相似的数据。 自工业革命开始以来,幸福与技术之间的关系一直是社会批评家和哲学家们长期研究的课题,然而,基本上还没有受到经济学家和社会学家们的关注。经济学家理查德·伊斯特林在经济繁荣和幸福的关系方面进行了具有开拓性的研究,并于1974年发表了一篇题为“经济增长改变人类命运吗?”的著名论文。伊斯特林表明,就发达国家而言,一个国家的收入和国民的幸福之间没有真正的相互关系。伊斯特林认为,金钱买不到幸福,至少在(金钱)达到了一定程度以后是如此。伊斯特林认为,尽管贫穷与苦难密不可分,但是,一个国家一旦达到稳定的中产阶级水平,富有似乎并没有让其国民感到更多的幸福。 这好像几乎是一种普遍现象。实际上,研究幸福的学者们最重要的观点之一是:人们对好消息很快便习以为常。拿彩票中奖者为例。一项重要的研究表明,尽管买彩票中奖的人中奖时会感到非常非常幸福,可这种兴奋很快就消逝了。一段时间之后,他们的心情和幸福感与中奖之前没有什么两样。


Unit 1 The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville, but it wasn't until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold. Until then I'd been bored by everything associated with English courses. I found English grammar dull and difficult. I hated the assignments to turn out long, lifeless paragraphs that were agony for teachers to read and for me to write. When our class was assigned to Mr. Fleagle for third-year English I anticipated another cheerless year in that most tedious of subjects. Mr. Fleagle had a reputation among students for dullness and inability to inspire. He was said to be very formal, rigid and hopelessly out of date. To me he looked to be sixty or seventy and excessively prim. He wore primly severe eyeglasses, his wavy hair was primly cut and primly combed. He wore prim suits with neckties set primly against the collar buttons of his white shirts. He had a primly pointed jaw, a primly straight nose, and a prim manner of speaking that was so correct, so gentlemanly,


BOOK2课文译文 UNIT1 TextA 中国式的学习风格 1987年春,我和妻子埃伦带着我们18个月的儿子本杰明在繁忙的中国东部城市南京住了一个月,同时考察中国幼儿园和小学的艺术教育情况。然而,我和埃伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在南京期间寓居的金陵饭店堂。 我们的房门钥匙系在一块标有房间号的大塑料板上。酒店鼓励客人外出时留下钥匙,可以交给服务员,也可以从一个槽口塞入钥匙箱。由于口子狭小,你得留神将钥匙放准位置才塞得进去。 本杰明爱拿着钥匙走来走去,边走边用力摇晃着。他还喜欢试着把钥匙往槽口里塞。由于他还年幼,不太明白得把钥匙放准位置才成,因此总塞不进去。本杰明一点也不在意。他从钥匙声响中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把钥匙成功地塞进槽口而获得的乐趣一样多。 我和埃伦都满不在乎,任由本杰明拿着钥匙在钥匙箱槽口鼓捣。他的探索行为似乎并无任何害处。但我很快就观察到一个有趣的现象。饭店里任何一个中国工作人员若在近旁,都会走过来看着本杰明,见他初试失败,便都会试图帮忙。他们会轻轻握牢本杰明的手,直接将它引向钥匙槽口,进行必要的重新定位,并帮他把钥匙插入槽口。然后那位“老师”会有所期待地对着我和埃伦微笑,似乎等着我们说声谢谢——偶尔他会微微皱眉,似乎觉得我俩没有尽到当父母的责任。 我很快意识到,这件小事与我们在中国要做的工作直接相关:考察儿童早期教育(尤其是艺术教育)的方式,揭示中国人对创造性活动的态度。因此,不久我就在与中国教育工作者讨论时谈起了钥匙槽口一事。 两种不同的学习方式

我的中国同行,除了少数几个人外,对此事的态度与金陵饭店工作人员一样。既然大人知道怎么把钥匙塞进槽口——这是走近槽口的最终目的,既然孩子还很年幼,还没有灵巧到可以独自完成要做的动作,让他自己瞎折腾会有什么好处呢?他很有可能会灰心丧气发脾气——这当然不是所希望的结果。为什么不教他怎么做呢?他会高兴,他还能早些学会做这件事,进而去学做更复杂的事,如开门,或索要钥匙——这两件事到时候同样可以(也应该)示范给他看。 我俩颇为同情地听着这一番道理,解释道,首先,我们并不在意本杰明能不能把钥匙塞进钥匙的槽口。他玩得开心,而且在探索,这两点才是我们真正看重的。但关键在于,在这个过程中,我们试图让本杰明懂得,一个人是能够很好地自行解决问题的。这种自力更生的精神是美国中产阶级最重要的一条育儿观。如果我们向孩子演示该如何做某件事——把钥匙塞进钥匙槽口也好,画只鸡或是弥补某种错误行为也好——那他就不太可能自行想方设法去完成这件事。从更广泛的意义上说,他就不太可能——如美国人那样——将人生视为一系列 的情境,在这些情境中,一个人必须学会独立思考,学会独立解决问题,进而学会发现需要创造性地加以解决的新问题。 把着手教 回想起来,当时我就清楚地意识到,这件事正是体现了问题的关键之所在——而且不仅仅是一种意义上的关键之所在。这件事表明了我们两国在教育和艺术实践上的重要差异。 那些善意的中国旁观者前来帮助本杰明时,他们不是简单地像我可能会做的那样笨拙地或是犹犹豫豫地把他的手往下推。相反,他们极其熟练地、轻轻地把他引向所要到达的确切方向。 我逐渐认识到,这些中国人不是简单地以一种陈旧的方式塑造、引导本杰明的行为:他们是在恪守中国传统,把着手教,教得本杰明自己会愉快地要求再来一次。


新概念第四册课文[新概念第四册课文翻译及学习笔记 【Lesson43、44、45】] 【导语】新概念英语作为一套世界闻名的英语教程,以其全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容和全面的技能训练,深受广大英语学习者的欢迎和喜爱。为了方便同学们的学习,大为大家了最全面的新概念第四册课文翻译及学习笔记,希望为大家的新概念英语学习提供帮 助! First listen and then answer the following question. What does the "uniquely rational way" for us to municate with other intelligent beings in space depend on? We must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life, that given a pla only approximately like our own, life is almost certain to start. Of all the plas in our solar system, we ware now pretty certain the Earth is the only one on which life can survive. Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen, Venus far too hot, and so is Mercury, and the outer plas have temperatures near absolute zero and hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. But other suns, start as the astronomers call them, are bound to have plas like our own, and


基础英语Book 4 第一单元学习资料 Ⅰ.Exercise 9. Take a close look at the following picture. Think about it for one minute. Then give a two-minute oral presentation to explain to the class what you think it means. Questions: 1.What does the man fill his mind with, knowledge or money? 2.What dose the man fill his pocket, knowledge or money? 3.What should we do first ?To fill our mind with knowledge or to fill our pocket with money? Preparation: 1. We have been taught the importance of independence. Actually, we are learning to be independent while we are living on campus as college students. Upon graduation, we will look for a jo b and earn a living in the world of competition on our own. 2. First thin gs first. We are supposed to fill our…………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………… 3. We are living in the age of knowledge economy ………………………………………………. ……………………………………………….. 4. Today, we are college students with empty pockets. ………………………………………….. .............................................................................. Ⅱ.Language points for Paragraph 11-14 of Text B 1. e.g.新的经济发展正推动着变革。 The change is being propelled by the new economic development. 2. e.g. His speech is more of a public-relations gimmick than a genuine commitment. 他的讲话只是一种公关手腕,而不是真正的承诺。 3. If pride in a good name keeps families and neighborhoods straight, a sense of self-respect is the reverse side of that coin. 如果说,对好名声的自豪感能使家庭及邻里保持正直,那么,自尊感也能从相反的方向起到同样的作用。 4. attribute : vt. consider as being the result of, as coming from 把…归因于;把…归咎于attribute…to…: believe (sth.) to be the result of 把…归因于;把…归咎于 be attributed to…归因于;…归咎于 be attributable to ……可能归因于…… e.g. David attributed his company’s success to the hard work of all the staf f. 大卫把他公司的成功归因于全体员工的努力工作。 e.g. The price is attributable to a sharp reductionin demand. 价格下跌可能归因于需求量的大幅度减少。 Note: attribute to (含有较多的客观性)把…归因于;把…归咎于 ascribe to (主观臆断成分较重)把……归功于 accredit to (一般只用于好事,不用于坏事)把……归因于 impute to(则多用于坏事)把……归因于/归咎于/转嫁于 e.g. The commentator attributed the rising production to the new policy. 评论家认为是一项新政策促使生产上升 The Romans ascribed their victories to the blessing of the goods.


Globalization is sweeping aside national borders and changing relations between nations. What impact does this have on national identities and loyalties? Are they strengthened or weakened? The author investigates. 全球化正在扫除国界、改变国与国之间的关系。这对国家的认同和对国家的忠诚会带来什么影响呢?它们会得到加强还是削弱?作者对这些问题进行了探讨。 In Search of Davos ManPeter Gumbel 1. William Browder was born in Princeton, New Jersey, grew up in Chicago, and studied at Stanford University in California. But don't call him an American. For the past 16 of his 40 years he has lived outside the ., first in London and then, from 1996, in Moscow, where he runs his own investment firm. Browder now manages $ billion in assets. In 1998 he gave up his American passport to become a British citizen, since his life is now centered in Europe. "National identity makes no difference for me," he says. "I feel completely international. If you have four good friends and you like what you are doing, it doesn't matter where you are. That's globalization." 寻找达沃斯人 彼得·甘贝尔 威廉·布劳德出生于新泽西州的普林斯顿,在芝加哥长大,就读于加利福尼亚州的斯坦福大学。但别叫他美国人。他今年40岁,过去16年来一直生活在美国以外的地方,先是在伦敦,1996年后在莫斯科经营他自己的投资公司。布劳德如今掌管着价值16亿美元的资产。1998年,他放弃美国护照,成为英国公民,因为他现在的生活中心在欧洲。“国家认同对我来说不重要,”他说,“我觉得自己完全是个国际人。如果你有四个朋友,又喜欢你所做的事情,那么你在哪儿无关紧要。这就是全球化。” 2. Alex Mandl is also a fervent believer in globalization, but he views himself very differently. A former president of AT&T, Mandl, 61, was born in Austria and now runs a French technology company, which is doing more and more business in China. He reckons he spends about 90% of his time traveling on business. But despite all that globetrotting, Mandl who has been a . citizen for 45 years still identifies himself as an American. "I see myself as American without any hesitation. The fact that I spend a lot of time in other places doesn't change that," he says. 亚历克斯·曼德尔也是全球化的狂热信徒,但他对自己的看法与布劳德不同。61岁的曼德尔曾任美国电报电话公司总裁。他出生于奥地利,现在经营着一家法国技术公司,该公司在中国的业务与日俱增。他估计自己几乎90%的时间都花在出差上。然而,尽管曼德尔全球到处跑,已经做了45年美国公民的他还是认为自己是个美国人。“我毫不迟疑地把自己当作美国人。我在其他地方度过很多时间,但是这一事实不能改变我是美国人,”他说。 3. Although Browder and Mandl define their nationality differently, both see their identity as a matter of personal choice, not an accident of birth. And not incidentally, both are Davos Men, members of the international business élite who trek each year to the Swiss Alpine town for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, founded in 1971. This week, Browder and Mandl will join more than 2,200 executives, politicians, academics, journalists, writers and a handful of Hollywood stars for five days of networking, parties and endless earnest discussions about everything from post-election Iraq and HIV in Africa to the global supply of oil and the implications of nanotechnology. Yet this year, perhaps more than ever, a hot topic at Davos is Davos itself. Whatever their considerable differences, most Davos Men and


Teaching Planning College English Integrated Course Book Three Unit Two The Freedom Givers Zhong wen 1.Background Information Teacher: zhong wen Students: 56 sophomores Content of the textbook: unit-2 text A the Freedom Givers Textbook: foreign language teaching and research press Time duration:10 minutes 2.Textbook Analysis The author tells three stories about the Underground Railroad and early Black civil rights movement. The three stories are chosen because they are representative of all participants in this movement: John Parke r is a freed slave who later turned into a courageous “conductor”; Levi Coffin is a brave white “conductor”; Josiah Henson is a slave who struggled his way to freedom with the help of the Underground Railroad. We learn about the name of Josiah Henson at the beginning of the text, yet his full story is not told until the last part. In this way the author achieves coherence of text. 3.Students Analysis The class is made up of 56 students, with 30 girls and 26 boys ,who have a good knowledge of Basic English, but know very little about the American culture behind the language. So in this introduction part, It is necessary to introduce some background information to the students before reading 4.Teaching Objectives Students will be able to: 1.understand the main idea(early civil-rights struggles in the US, esp. the underground Railroad) 2.grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text, 3.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit 4.Appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer (comparison and contrast, topic sentence followed by detail sentences, use of transitional devices,etc.); 5.Teaching Procedures: Greetings Step 1 Lead-in T: Today we are going to talk about the ethic heroes in American history, before the class, I’d like to introduce the slavery to all of you. T: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States, during his term of office; he led the civil war and abolished the slavery. T: In the battle against slavery, not only did the president try his best to abolish this system, but also the people, especially the black people living in the South America try hard to fight for their own feat. Today, we will introduce some freedom givers in the American history. Before


新概念英语第四册第二十单元课文原文 Lesson 20 Snake poison 蛇毒How it came about that snakes manufactured poison is a mystery. Over the periods their saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own, was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today. It was not forced upon them by the survival competition; they could have caught and lived on prey without using poison just as the thousands of non-poisonous snakes still do. Poison to a snake is merely a luxury; it enables it to get its food with very little effort, no more effort than one bite. And why only snakes ? Cats, for instance, would be greatly helped; no running rights with large, fierce rats or tussles with grown rabbits just a bite and no more effort needed. In fact it would be an assistance to all the carnivorae--though it would be a two-edged weapon -When they fought each other. But, of the vertebrates, unpredictable Nature selected only snakes (and one lizard). One wonders also why Nature, with some snakes concocted poison of such extreme potency. In the conversion of saliva into poison one might suppose that a fixed process took place. It did not; some
