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prefer (doing) to (doing) 宁愿…也不…
give sb a good impression给某人一个好印象
rest one’s head on 把头放在……
hold up 抬起
that’s why 这就是……的原因
go to sb for help 找某人帮忙
without hesitating 没有犹豫
at once 立刻
look sb in the eye 直视某人
look down 查字典,看不起,俯视
throughout the history of mankind 在人类历史中
the key to ……的关键
be confused about sth 被……迷惑
as a matter of fact 事实
a lack of 缺少
stare at 盯着
be of … height and build 有……的身高和体型
dance on points 用脚尖跳舞
for a start 开始
encourage sb to 鼓励某人做某事
from side to side 从一边倒另一边
think of 考虑
the way of doing 做……的方式
it’s one’s turn ……的机会
start with 以……开始
end with 以……结束
is to be held(表将来时)准备举办
can tell 看出,辨出
push out one’s chins 抬起下巴
beg for 乞讨
teach sb about 教某人
make a first impression 留下第一印象
sit up straight 坐直
in the direction of ……的方向
run out of 用完
make eye contact 与某人眼神交流
be careful about 小心
remind sb about sth 提醒某人某事
be anxious about 担心……
be ashamed about 对……愧疚
be similar to 与……相似
1、 当只有一个Ving时,谓语动词用单数,当有两个或两个以上时,谓语动词用复数
It’s adj for sb to do(表示某人做某事怎么样)
It’s adj of sb to do(表示某人做某事,这个人怎么样)
on top of the world 心满意足
get from 从……得到……
depend on 以……为依据
first of all 首先
at a low temperature 在很低的温度
last for 持续一段时间
care for 关心
suggest doing 建议
suggest sb should do 建议
bald on top of one’s head 秃头
be happy with sth 对……满意
a head of hair 一头头发
rob of 抢劫
lack of 缺少
reduce the pressure 减少压力
treat sb as 把某人当做……
do harmful to 对……有害
last but not least 最后但同样重要的是
keep an appointment/promise 赴约
break an appointment 失约
make an appointment with 与……约会
claim to 宣称……
cover with 覆盖
be confirmed as 被证实为
recommend to 推荐
do a survey about 做调查
would you mind 你介意……
see a specialist 看专科医生
judge by 依靠……判断
on purpose 目的是
for the purpose of 目的是
overlook the importance of 忽视……的重要性
go bald 变得秃头
cure for 治疗
make money 赚钱
be based on 基于
be thought of 被看作
be seen as 被看作
in a mess 凌乱
prevent sb from doing 阻止某人做
how often 多久做一次
on average 平均
do one’s hair 理发
①句型:it’s adj for/of sb to do sth
2、of 用来修饰人,表示人本身


②句型:it’s adj enough to do
what’s more 除此之外
in addition 除此之外
be influenced by 被……影响
influence sb 影响某人
have a strong influence on sb 对某人有很大的影响
lose one’s appetite for 对……失去胃口
have an appetite for doing 喜欢做某事
ge ill/sick 生病
a sick people 病人
hear about 听说
be used for doing 用来做某事
use to do 过去常常做
get used to doing 习惯做
in short = in brief 简单来说
feel sorry for 对……感到遗憾
many forms of 许多形式
be bad for 对……有害
a balanced diet 均衡的饮食
on the other hand 另一方面
be likely to 可能做
the risk of ……的风险
decide on 决定
balance the diets 平衡饮食
mean doing 意味着
mean to do 打算做
put on weight 增重
be described as 被描述成
far + adj比较级
follow the advice above 跟随以上的意见
step by step 一步一步
rub with 用……擦
cut up 切碎
mix with 把……与……混合在一起
add to 把……加入……
various kinds of 多种多样
refer to doing 指的是
hold up 固定
make the best use of 尽最大的用处
make profits 盈利
as you can see 正如你所见
数字+time(s)+as adi原型 as 比什么大多少倍
bring benefits 带来收益
one’s attitude(s) towards/to 对……的态度
scoop out 用勺子挖
① that ②if/whether
③ wh特殊疑问词
4、当从句带有or not 时,只能用whether
by accident 偶然
by mistake 不小心
miss doing 错过做某事
question sb about 向某人询问
what to do = how to do it 怎么做
get off the train/bus 上火车/公共汽车
get out of the train/bus 下火车/公共汽车
get into the taxi 上的士
be busy doing 忙于做某事
be busy with sth 忙于……
have a gift for sth 有……的天赋
be gifted with sth 有……的天赋
be upset about 伤心
get bullied 被欺负
under the guidance 在……的指导下
express one’s feeling 表达某人的感受
fight with 与……作斗争
walk away 走开
get rid of 摆脱
out of habit 出于习惯
be in the habit of doing 有……的习惯
get into the bad habits 染上坏习惯
focus on 着眼于
aim(s) to ……的目的
prevent sb from doing 组织某人做某事
deal with 处理
apply for 申请
point out 指出
in this way 通过这样
make an effort to 尽力做
solve the problems 考虑问题
make any effort to 尽一切努力
through one’s effort 通过某人的努力
advise sb to do 建议某人做某事
advice on ……的建议
give advice to sb 给某人建议
be to blame for 为……负责
put/lay the blame on 把责任推卸给
a written request for 一个

it’s was none of one’s business 不管某人的事
in the case of 在……事件中
regret to 后悔做某事
bear sth/sb doing 忍受做某事
put sth right 改正
look out for 小心
E:It’s raining ,isn’t it ?
E:she eats an apple,doesn’t she?
E:we can go now, can't we?
4、祈使句,will I?
E:pass me a book,will you?
5、Let’s ……,shall we?
E:Let’s go home,shall we?
6、Let us ……,will you?
E:Let us go home,will you?
7、I don’t think sb be ……,be+人称代词?
E:I don’t think you are right,are you?
fouce sth on sb 把某物强加于某人
at birth 出生时
force sb to 强迫某人做某事
wander around 到处流浪
fall in love with 一见钟情
marry sb 与某人结婚
get married 与某人结婚
break one’s heart 是某人伤心
be shocked at 惊讶
pull off 拉下
stay out of sight 在视线外
in one’s time 在某人的时代
in today’s world 在当今时代
some time 一些时间
some times 几次
sometime 某时
sometimes 有时
so that 以便
cheer the victory 为胜利欢呼
cheer up 振作起来
keep sth in mind记住
make up one’s mind 作出决定
catch one’s eyes 吸引某人
manage to do 设法做
reach a decision 作出决定
E:On that island, one hundred years ago, lived the phantom
2、I wish that……
3、It’s adj that + 从句
receive some invitations 收到邀请
make an attempt 尝试
have curiosity about 对……好奇
present the lecture 出席演讲
present a play 上演剧目
know by heart 记住
at the wheel 开车
offer to do 参加
join+团体 参加
join in+活动 参加
take part in+活动 参加
pay no attention to 没有留意
side by side 肩并肩
be direct with 对……直白
tell sb the truth 告诉某人真相
from that day on 从那天起
such a + n 一个……
in return 作为回报
instruct sb in sth 传授某人某事
instruct to do 教某人做
get on with sb 与某人相处得好
get on with sth 某事进展如何
take pride in 对……自豪
be kidding with 开玩笑
jump all over sb 围着某人跳
be absorbed in 专心做某事
absorb one’s attention 吸引某人注意
catch one’s attention 吸引某人注意
look into 调

tears roll down one’s face 眼泪流过脸颊
long time no see 好久不见
be delighted for sb 对某人满意
be pleased at sth 对某物满意
what a shame 遗憾
ring up 打电话
jump up and down 跳上跳下
make an arrangement for sb 为某人做安排
have trouble doing 做某事有麻烦
have trouble with sb 给别人麻烦
waste time doing 浪费时间做某事
left behind 把……留下
in one’s will 在某人的遗嘱里
follow the instructions 跟随指令
give lecture 演讲
receive one’s awards 得到奖赏
guest(s) of honour 贵宾
in a minute 一会儿
make up one’s mind 下决心Language
句型:…… n + to do
△to do 表目的,补充说明
escape from 从……逃跑
some others 一些……另一些
during brief periods of rain 在短暂的雨季
up to 达到
give reward to 给奖励
defend sb from 抵抗某人
be filled with 充满
imagine doing 想象
put in prison 关进监狱
in nature 在大自然
in reality 现实中
come ture 成真
bring sb back to reality 带某人回现实
sth be in the air 可以感觉到
so some gardening 做园艺
be covered with 覆盖
be suitable for sb 适合某人
fit in with 与某人相处得好
demand to do 要求做
meet the demand 满足要求
settle down 安定下来
be married to sb 与某人结婚
have a great desire for sth/to do
cry with joy 喜极而泣
set foot on 步入
date back 追溯到(加时间段)
date back to 追溯到(加时间点)
take a trip to 去旅游
to one’s surprise 惊讶
be surprised at sth 惊讶
at the top 在顶部
develop into 发展为
up to now 到目前为止
①不定代词(the one,everything,anything等)
②all,much,little,few,any,only,no,one of,
the same
2、介词后面只能跟which 和 whom
