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Performance Evaluation

of Stereo and Motion Analysis

on Recti?ed Image Sequences

Zhifeng Liu and Reinhard Klette

Computer Science Department,CITR,The University of Auckland

Private Bag92019,Auckland1142,New Zealand

Abstract.This paper introduces into seven real-world road driving

stereo sequences(provided by Daimler AG,Germany;now freely avail-

able for academic research);it also informs about their use for perfor-

mance evaluation in some experiments using common stereo and motion

analysis algorithms.Often,such algorithms are tested on a few frames

only,or on synthetic sequences,but not on long real-world sequences.

The provided sequences have250to300stereo pairs each;they have

been used at Daimler AG for testing6D vision,which fuses disparity

and motion data(by using a Kalman?lter).In this paper we introduce

into those seven sequences(and inform about the download web site);

we discuss a few approaches how to use those sequences for testing ei-

ther stereo or motion algorithms,or both combined together.Certainly,

those sequences do have many more potentials for future performance

evaluations for stereo and motion analysis algorithms.


Stereo and motion analysis play a central role in computer vision.Many algo-rithms in this?eld have been proposed and carefully studied;see,for example,[2, 3,16]and the website https://www.sodocs.net/doc/034440269.html,.However,performance evaluation of these algorithms is typically done on either short real-world,or slightly longer but synthetic image sequences,instead of sequences modeling real-world applica-tions by showing diverse situations at some representative length.Performance evaluation is an important subject in computer vision[12].

After years of research on ego-motion estimation[1],the automobile industry has all the tools for producing recti?ed stereo image sequences.In Section2,we will introduce seven night-vision,gray-level image sequences,provided recently by Daimler AG Germany.We brie?y highlight main features for each of those sequences,which de?ne goals when analyzing those sequences.For downloads, see https://www.sodocs.net/doc/034440269.html,/6D.

This short article only allows a few comments on the intended or already performed use of those sequences for testing stereo and motion algorithms.(See also[7].)Others may?nd those sequences also of interest.

The paper is structured as follows.Section2speci?es the seven sequences. Section3discusses challenges in general terms,and informs about a few experi-ments,showing stereo and motion analysis results,and results for combined(i.e., 6D)analysis for these sequences.We also inform about methods how to visualize results in some e?cient ways.Section4informs on evaluation strategies de?ned on contents in these sequences.

In this paper,the vehicle which is used to host the stereo camera platform for capture image sequences is called the host car.

2Real-world sequences

Daimler AG Germany[6]provided recently to the authors seven stereo sequences for research purposes.They are captured with a calibrated pair of night-vision cameras near Stuttgart.Each sequence contains250or300frames,and fea-tures di?erent driving environments,including highway,urban road and rural area.The ego-motion of the stereo platform has been correctly estimated and compensated[1],so that the view angle is always(about)parallel to the hori-zon.Furthermore,camera calibration is used for geometric recti?cation,such that image pairs are characterized by“standard epipolar geometry”[11].A few “black strips”around borders of images are caused by this compensation or recti?cation.Figure1shows an example of one stereo pair in such a sequence.

Fig.1.Sequence2007-03-06121807,called Sequence1or Construction-Site Sequence.

The resolution of images in these sequences is640×481.They are saved in PGM1grayscale format,and available in both big endian and little endian,for convenient usage in di?erent software.

The stereo night vision camera parameters are provided in?le camera.dat.For each sequence,calibration parameters for left and right camera are also provided 1Portable graymap?le format.

in calib k0.bog and calib k1.bog under systemData directory.The vertical and horizontal size of each pixel of the camera sensor,focal length,and coordinates of principle point(i.e.,intersection of optic axis with image plane)are all given in pixel.The horizontal size of a sensor cell de?nes this unit.

The vehicle’s movement status is given for each frame.The information can be extracted from the comment in the corresponding PGM?le header as shown below:



#[Units are rads,metres and seconds]

#[Inertial Sensor]




#[Other Image Data]




#[Wheel Data]








The TimeStamp might be wrong(e.g.,identical time stamps in several sub-sequent frames).The CycleTime in the header is always correct(which denotes the interval between two consecutive pairs of frames).However,it may be either 0.04,or0.08(as in the example above;in this case there was a frame skip).For more detailed explanations,see download website https://www.sodocs.net/doc/034440269.html,/6D.

Here is a brief introduction for each sequence,including driving environment, main objects,or special features.

1.Sequence2007-03-06121807(Figure1)features normal tra?c density on an

Autobahn,with a standard safety fence between opposite tra?c directions.

However,normal lanes have been cut in width and shifted to the right,with several slow large trucks in the right lane.

2.Sequence2007-03-07144703(Figure2)features medium tra?c in an urban

area.The host car goes straight and turns then to the left.There are a few pedestrians walking on the footpath,some cars in parking lots,or waiting to join the tra?c.

3.Sequence2007-03-15182043(Figure3)features a rural road with only in-

coming tra?c.Starting from the156th frame,a squirrel appears in the scene and runs across the road,in front of the host car.The scene appears dark

Fig.2.Sequence2007-03-07144703,called Sequence2or Save-Turn Sequence.

Fig.3.Sequence2007-03-15182043,called Sequence3or Squirrel Sequence.

Fig.4.Sequence2007-04-20083101,called Sequence4or Dancing-Light Sequence.

and wet.Vehicles in a distance can only be distinguished by head lights, with re?ection on vehicles and road surface.

4.Sequence2007-04-20083101(Figure4)shows a one-way road(two-lane high-

way)in mountainous area.The host car follows a small car and passes a few larger trucks.There are many shadows of trees on road and vehicles.Illu-

Fig.5.Sequence2007-04-27145842,called Sequence5or Intern-on-Bike Sequence.

Fig.6.Sequence2007-04-27155554,called Sequence6or Tra?c-Light Sequence.

Fig.7.Sequence2007-05-08132636,called Sequence7or Crazy-Turn Sequence.

mination changes signi?cantly several times.The lighting between left and right images also varies.

5.Sequence2007-04-27145842(Figure5)features a straight country road with

both incoming and outgoing vehicle tra?c.A cyclist drives toward the main

road from a perpendicular direction and turns left at the intersection.This simulates a dangerous situation between the cyclist and the vehicle.

6.The host car stops during the?rst half of Sequence2007-04-27155554(Fig-

ure6)in front of a tra?c light.It then goes into the opposite lane because of a construction site which blocks the other lane.At the end of the road construction area,another vehicle and a cyclist appear in the scene.The sequence features a road in a forest,with?ne texture caused by trees.

7.In the?rst30frames of Sequence2007-05-08132636(Figure7),the host

car is waiting on the https://www.sodocs.net/doc/034440269.html,ter,it goes into the central lane and turns left at the intersection while an oncoming vehicle is driving towards it.The sequence features a very dangerous situation where both vehicles almost collided.

These sequences,selected by Daimler AG,Germany,provide a multi-facetted challenge for stereo and motion analysis algorithms.

3Approaches and Examples

Filtering or edge detection are important processes,to be considered for these sequences.However,here we only sketch brie?y the three“core approaches”. 3.1Stereo Analysis

Typically,we are interested in dense(approximate)depth maps rather than in sparse depth data.Di?culties in?nding corresponding points in pairs of stereo

Fig.8.Two dense depth maps calculated by applying dynamic programming on the Dancing-Light Sequence,using a double-propagation strategy.Courtesy by Darren Troy,Auckland.

Fig.9.Edge detection followed by belief-propagation allows to calculate this dense depth map for the Construction Site Sequence;see[7].

images do have many reasons(see,for example,[11],also for some of the earlier algorithms which have been designed for stereo analysis;for recent techniques, see[16]and the website https://www.sodocs.net/doc/034440269.html,).

We illustrate two examples of stereo analysis approaches.[5]proposed a spe-cial dynamic programming approach,basically for a pair of stereo images,in which the disparity matrix of a line is used as additional input for the calculation of the disparity map of the subsequent image line.This can now be generalized when having sequences of stereo pairs:additionally,the disparity matrix of the same line,but for the previous stereo pair,is also used.See Figure8for a result using this approach of propagating results within the same pair of images,and also along the time scale.This allowed for a substantial improvement.

Figure9illustrates another extension of a well-known approach due to the speci?c properties of the given image sequences.Here,belief-propagation was not performed on the given image pairs but on Sobel edge images of those.See [7]for details.

Instead of using gray-level representations of depth maps(as in these two examples),it also proved very informative(e.g.,at Daimler AG,Germany)to use a color scheme,such as green for further away,and red for very close.This color scheme also re?ects common color interpretation where red means danger and green stands for peace.

3.2Motion Analysis

Motion estimation for these sequences should provide information about move-ments of objects(speed,trajectory)as relevant for each sequence,often for identifying possible courses of con?ict.Motion analysis starts in computer vi-sion typically with optic?ow calculation[2,9,13],assuming that this leads to approximate calculations of the local displacement(of corresponding points be-tween two continuous image frames).However,a few experiments with those sequences will reveal immediately the di?culty in applying optic?ow algorithms successfully to those sequences,which are often blurry or?ne textured(e.g.,in trees).

Two typical basic assumptions behind optic?ow algorithms are as follows: the brightness of the scene should be about constant,and local displacements must be small.However,both are not satis?ed in those sequences.For example, the illumination changes often in one sequences,due to shading patterns of trees, or there is even di?erent lighting for left and right camera.Object segments also move often very fast within images.

Again,sequences allow stabilization of results along the time scale(see,for example,[10]),and larger motion vectors can also be analyzed by using hier-archical approaches(see,for example,[14]).It is also recommended to apply relatively“advanced”edge detection?rst(such as a Canny edge detector,and not just the Sobel operator),and then analyze motion vectors only along those edges.See Figure10for an illustration.

Fig.10.Left:Canny edge image(inverted)for the Intern-on-Bike Sequence.Right: Only those edge pixels where the optic?ow magnitude exceeds a threshold.Direction of optic?ow is shown by hue,and length of vector by intensity(image also inverted). Courtesy by Xuan Guo,Zhongxia Ma,and Hao Xue,Auckland.

3.36D Analysis

Fusing stereo and motion analysis results together(i.e.,3D plus3D,called6D vision in[6]),into one consistent interpretation of the scene,may allow to extract objects and their movement.

An intersection approach for fusion is to take all those pixels where motion information is evaluated as being reliable,and use the depth values at those pixels for combining motion and depth(or,vice-versa).However,this only allows to label very sparse pixel.Another idea is to segment depth maps,and to assign uniform motion vectors to those segments.

The use of Kalman?ltering(see the book[8]or the online-tutorial[17])is recommended to“smooth”and stabilize the movement of extracted features, and to generate more precise estimates.For example,[4]proposed this for the tracking of detected feature points,and[6]generalized this for an intersection approach.

Figure11illustrates a simple background removal strategy which uses camera calibration data which are provided for the seven test sequences(with respect to the camera’s coordinate system,which is registered with respect to the car’s coordinate system):


F=820.428#[pixel]focal length

SX=1.0#[pixel]pixel size in X direction

SY=1.000283#[pixel]pixel size in Y direction

X0=305.278#[pixel]X-coordinate principle point

Y0=239.826#[pixel]Y-coordinate principle point


B=0.308084#[m]width of baseline of camera rig

LATPOS=-0.07#[m]lateral position of camera

HEIGHT=1.26#[m]height of cameras

DISTANCE=2.0#[m]distance of camera to rear axe

TILT=0.06#[rad]tilt angle

YAW=-0.01#[rad]yaw angle

ROLL=0.0#[rad]roll angle

The camera’s coordinate system is left handed:looking into driving direction along the z-axis,the x-axis points to the right,and the y-axis to the sky.The car coordinate system to camera coordinate system transform is the translation de?ned by“latpos”,height,distance,followed by a rotation de?ned by tilt,yaw, and roll.A positive tilt means looking downward,a positive yaw means looking to the right,and a positive roll means clockwise.

Static background is anything what moves just(about)opposite to the move-ment of the host car.For calculated motion vectors,only those remain where the frame-to frame motion and the related depth information does not indicate a background situation.These are shown as dark dots in Figure11.

Fig.11.6D vision result,showing only moving object points which are not classi?ed as being static background.Clustering of the shown dots allows identi?cation of those three cars and of the bicyclist.Courtesy by Xuan Guo,Zhongxia Ma,and Hao Xue, Auckland.

4Proposed Evaluations

For evaluating stereo or motion algorithms,or combined6D vision results on these real-world sequences,we divide meaningful features or objects(visible in these image sequences)below into examples of categories.Each group has its own characteristic properties and level of di?culty to be analyzed.By testing the ability to detect objects of di?erent groups correctly in those sequences,an algorithm’s performance can be demonstrated.(Such an algorithm is not de?ned by one task such as edge detection or optic?ow calculation,but by a complex task of understanding a group of objects,or particular features in this group.) For evaluation,each algorithm has to run on all seven sequences.

Vehicles.The ability to detect any vehicles in any situation within the space of relevance is the key feature for algorithms to be used to assist in road driving.

(A car parking along the roadside may start any moment.)In general,moving vehicles at close or medium distance(as in Figure12)can be detected applying either stereo or motion analysis.The numbers of false-positive or false-negative counts de?nes the?rst evaluation criteria.The sequences contain various situations of vehicles where detection appears to be di?cult:

1.Vehicles that are far away from the host car.Their contours are not very

visible in dark environments such as in the Squirrel Sequence(see Figure13), especially if also partially occluded.This group of events is certainly di?cult to be detected by either stereo or motion analysis alone.Disparity and local displacement values are very small.Individually,analysis results may be confused with noise,but combined(6D)they form possibly a detectable cluster.

2.Vehicles with similar speed and direction as the host car.A constant relative

position to the host car causes that local displacement vectors are close to zero.Of course,this identi?es“similar motion”.If the vehicle is not too far away from the host car,stereo analysis may be used to identify a constant distance.Object2in Figure14is a typical example in this group.

Fig.12.Construction-Site Sequence,pair185of frames.

Fig.13.Squirrel-Sequence,frame178,left camera.

3.Vehicle causing large local displacements.A vehicle which is close to the

host car,and which moves into a signi?cantly di?erent direction,will?t in general into this group.Such as Object1in Figure14;the faded vehicle is Object1’s new position in the next frame.The local displacement between both green“T”marks is35pixel,and many motion-analysis algorithms will fail to detect that.Fusing stereo disparity and motion data in one Kalman ?lter is a recommended solution.Note that the perpendicularly approaching bicycle was about at the same position in the image for some time(constant viewing angle,but increasing in size),and at the moment of its turn it also falls into the category of a vehicle with large local displacements.

4.Stopping or parking vehicles.Vehicles which are not moving could be treated

as background,but they still need to be detected and interpreted by a driver assistant system!For example,the car on the right-hand side of the road in Figure15is waiting to join the tra?c.Stereo disparity can provide its

Fig.14.Intern-on-Bike Sequence,frame132,left camera.

Fig.15.Save-turn sequence,frame86,left camera.

geometry and position,but other statistical systems are needed to infer that this object is likely to join the tra?c.

The identi?cation of the trajectory(speed and direction)of the identi?ed vehicle in world coordinates is the second evaluation criteria.

Humans and animals.Pedestrians and animals of relevant size belong to this group.(The cyclist counts as a vehicle.)Generally,members in this group have a much lower average speed than vehicles,but their motion pattern tends to be more stochastic.The bicyclist goes toward the main road,slows down when near the intersection,then turns the direction to avoid danger.The squirrel’s behavior is opposite:it takes only0.8s(20frames)from it?rst appearance in the scene to be on the road surface,and another0.32s(8frames)to the center of the lane.Within this short period of time,an analysis system should?nd out the object’s size,trajectory,and decide whether it is safe to continue going,or not.However,there are not many cases of humans or animals in those seven sequences,and,for this reason,we do not propose an evaluation criteria for this category.

Road edges,road surface,and safety fences.Road edges are de?ned by the road shoulder,lane marks,or other obstacles limiting the free space[15]. Lane detection is a standard task for highway driving.

For an ideal stereo algorithm and a perfectly?at road,surface depth is lin-early distributed.Such a distribution de?nes a base plane for all moving objects, and object movement would be constrained to2D.This may help when analyzing trajectories.

In real-world sequences,the surface of a road may not to be easily detectable by its depth distribution properties,because surface texture can a?ect the stereo algorithm,and some objects may obstruct the camera’s sight.Road edges can be used to extrapolate the surface in between.Safety fences are shown some of the sequences(see Figures12and16).

Fig.16.Tra?c-Light Sequence,frame204,left camera.

The third evaluation criteria will be further speci?ed on the download page for exact localization of road edges,safety fences,and road surface.

Real-world interference.There are a few events in those seven sequences which interfere with stereo and motion analysis.It is a challenge to?nd solutions to overcome them,and to deduct correct results.

Shadows on the road(see Figure4)may signi?cantly change the surface texture pattern and cause false window matching.Shadow on moving vehicles has an even worse e?ect,especially in motion analysis,because it may generate some highly incorrect optic?ow patterns.

Changes in illumination is another problem in these sequences.Shadow,light-ing angle,and many other factors may cause illumination di?erences between two subsequent frames,or between left and right images.Constant illumination is a basic assumption in many stereo or motion detection algorithms.The elimina-tion of changes in illuminations,and the reduction of impacts of shadows de?nes the proposed fourth evaluation criteria.The processed image sequences can be used as input for algorithms for criteria one to three,and should lead to improved results.


This paper describes main features of seven real-world stereo image sequences. We brie?y discussed a few stereo and motion estimation approaches and ways towards combined(i.e.,6D)analysis in the context of those sequences.A few examples of results were given for illustrating the potential of those sequences for use in performance analysis.

The paper suggests evaluation criteria to be used for testing the performance of algorithms on these seven real-world sequences.

Acknowledgements:The sequences were provided by Uwe Franke(and his colleagues at Daimler AG,Germany)at?rst only for teaching activities of the authors,and are now released into public domain.They can be freely used in academic research;see download site at https://www.sodocs.net/doc/034440269.html,/6D.Special thanks also go to Tobi Vaudrey(Auckland)who compiled those seven sequences while being in a research internship at Daimler AG in Germany.


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