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I have read many books, which I learned a lot of knowledge,let me know alot of truth in life, including a book, let me experience a deep, it is a famouswriter Ernest Hemingway wrote,Hits。


Hits This book talked about such a story, old fisherman Santiago de Cubaconsecutive 84 days did not catch the fish,was another loser as a fisherman,but he was persistent, and finally caught a big marlin large Marlins his boatdragged on for three days at sea, exhausted, was tied to the boat he was killedon one side, and then Return Journey repeatedly been shark attacks, he hasexhausted all means to counterattack。Back to Hong Kong only the head and a fishtail spine。 Although the fish have bitten gone, but what can not destroy thewill of his bravery。 This book reveals to us a truth: people are not born tofail, and a person can be destroyed, but can not be defeated。



Before I do anything as long as there is one point does not work well, theywill retreat, and sometimes even say a few words dejected to say。 In learning, Ihave a few tests as long as there is not very good there will be no confidencethat their getting good grades。 Hits, the hero fighting with the shark,sharkharpoon was taken away, he put the knife blade tied to tie chaos。 Knife broke,he used truncheons。 Batons have lost,and he used the rudder to e to play。 Thisbook reveals the truth,not to explain a man no matter what my greatest fear isthe lack of confidence。 Confidence is like a motor car, is a human motivation。If you do one thing with the confidence, you mean half the battle。 The hero inthis book are full of confidence and perseverance, not exactly what Iindispensable?



Since reading this book, I know that his lack of learning is no longer dueto a loss of confidence in the two do not go well, but more poorly in an exam,the more to be a good test。In the final exam the day, the morning two homeworkresults,I do not have a certain class of students is good, but I admit defeat,but confidence that the determination to fight a turnaround。 Languageexaminations in the afternoon, I have done every Road topics are especiallycareful。 Sure enough,I was class of the first language examinations, totalscore,I am also a first。


In the future,I do not care what difficulties we encountered, we must facewith confidence, persist in the end,and never retreat。 I want to thank thebook, for which I have learned so much, thank it for me to understand so manyreasons,for it let me know his own shortings and correct their shortings intime, so I became a socially useful people。


Hits, the lonely old fisherman Santiago has been not only be tough guy,his spiritual values embodied in the body is entirely the spirit of the ancientGreek tragedy, a modern echo。In the Hits, the Hemingway finally for hisbeloved tough guy to find the soul, this soul is everlasting eternal values ofmankind。 Thus, in the Hits, the tough-guy character of Santiago's fortitudehas bee the novel's surface。 By Santiago tough-guy character to praise theeternal values of mankind,became the real theme of the novel。Hits anddemonstrated what eternal value?

The book report of The old man and the sea1《老人与海》英文读书报告

The book report of The old man and the sea By Ernest Hemingway Ernest Miller Hemingway was an American novelist, short-story writer, and journalist. Hemingway received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. During his later life, Hemingway suffered from increasing physical and mental problems. In July 1961, he committed suicide by shooting, himself. Hemingway's distinctive writing style is characterized by economy and understatement and had a significant influence on the development of twentieth-century fiction writing. The Old Man and the Sea is based on the novel written true story. After World War II, Hemingway moved to Cuba, met old fisherman Gregorio Fuentes. In 1930, Hemingway by a ship in the storm victims, Fuentes and Hemingway rescued. Since then, Hemingway and Fuentes developed a profound friendship. In 1936, Fuentes was far out to sea to catch a big fish. Fishing is one of the most dangerous work in the word. They must face up to the dangerous environment. Also they must face the loneliness. The story is one year near sixty years of age senior fisherman. At first 84 days, he did not fish one fish. He did not have enough food, and many locals doubt his fishing technique. So, he decided to go to the sea to fish food and proved that he is a skilled fishermen. Finally, he found there is a big fish but he


《《老人与海》读后感感想400字五篇 《老人与海》给予我们的启示是,人生本来就是一种无止境的追求,无论成功与否,都不能停下进取的脚步,努力或许得不到成功,但是不努力就一定不能收获成功。下面就是小编给大家带来的五篇400字《《老人与海》读后感感想,希望大家喜欢! 篇一:读《老人与海》有感 闲来无事,拿出身旁的《老人与海》细细品读,翻开书卷,我能聆听到一颗鲜活跳动的心。 老人远赴大海,仅为了捕鱼吗?我想绝不是如此的。海明威笔下的老人被赋予了一种不可征服的顽强精神。当老人在出海的84天后却一无所获时,面对多次失败,老人并未绝望,那份淡然是我们值得学习的;当他用粗陋的武器一次次刺进鲨鱼头颅时,我们看到了老人身上那份顽强的勇气和一颗永不屈服的心;当老人回家时后看到马林鱼只剩下一副的鱼骨架时,老人只淡然地说道“人尽可以被毁灭,却不能被打败”。虽然这句话听上去显得简简单单,但在我看来却蕴含着大道理。 肉体,可以被折磨,但精神是绝对不能被侵犯的,这是我对老人的话的理解。英雄,可以不需要有强壮的体魄,但绝对不能没有巨大的精神力量,而老人就是这样的英雄。他没有强壮的体魄却有着战胜自己对缺陷、挑战了自己的极限的巨大精神。挑战极限永远是值得我们尊敬的,因为他向我们展示了最高贵的自信。 我们的人生总是在无止境地追求中,或许我们的路上满是坎坷和荆棘,但只要我们用一颗充满自信的心去面对,我们总会成为胜利者。 篇二:老人与海读后感 在现在快节奏的生活脚步和匆匆忙忙的生活让大家过得越来越紧张和拘束,似乎没有了昔日的欢愉和心灵上的栖息地供大家歇息,而现实的压力最让我们这一新生的朝阳越来越困顿、越来越迷茫,遭遇了一点点失败就怨天尤人、自甘堕落。书籍,本是人们的精神寄托,通过阅读,我们可以在书中将生活中的戾气沉淀,净化心灵。


( 一个人可以被毁灭,但不可以被打败 《老人与海》读书笔记 海明威的《老人与海》讲述了一个极为简单的故事,是一片能让人感动其中,感悟其中的故事,一个名为圣地亚哥的老渔夫,独自一人出海打渔,在一无所获的84天后钓到了一条奇大无比的马林鱼,只是老人从未看到的一条大鱼,这条顽强的大鱼拖着老人的船漂了两天两夜,老人在这两天两夜中艰难地生存着,最后看似有一丝希望,却被鲨鱼给毁灭了,老人与鲨鱼进行了殊死搏斗,结果大马林鱼还是被鲨鱼吃光了,老人最后在半夜拖着只剩一副光秃秃的鱼骨架回家了。 厄纳斯特*海明威是20世纪美国小说家,他所创作的独具风格的作品具有世界影响,他参加过战争,受过伤,一生中坎坷很多,可以说他双全吧,打过仗,在战争中写新闻稿,后来开始写小说。 《老人与海》看似简单的故事情节,却蕴含了许多生后的哲理和寓意。 老人与社会斗争,与天与地斗,是一个勇敢者的形象,“大马林鱼开始快速的围着小渔船游动,将缆绳缠绕到了桅杆上,老人右手高举着钢叉,在它跃出水面的一瞬间,竭尽全力的向它的心脏掷去,一声哀鸣结束了大鱼的生命,它静静的浮在水面上……”,这是老人在和命运抗争,连续84天一条鱼都没有钓到,就快要放弃时,老人一直在不停地鼓励自己,再走远一点,再走远一点,“鱼啊,他轻轻的说出声来,我和你奉陪到死,依我看,它也要和我奉陪到死的,老人想,于是他等待着明天,眼下正当破晓前的时分,天气很泠,他把身子紧贴着木船舷来取暖,它能熬多久我就能熬多久。”老人是勇敢的是无畏的,是作者心目中的勇士,也是我们社会中的勇士,作者是想通过老人来塑造一位与命运与社会抗争的“悲剧英雄人物”,社会永远不会同情如同一粒尘埃的民众,然而民众却一次次的改写社会,有了这样那样的人,才使得我们对社会对自己所处的环境有了更清醒更全面的认识,个人抗争不了命运,但是老人却不气馁,“一个人可以被毁灭,但不可以被打败”,这是这位老人的写照,也是海明威心中的形象,是他心中理想的,向往的形象,也是最能打动我的一句话,人生是充满挫折和曲折的过程,失败就像是家常便饭,时时都有,有大有小,但是,人的承受力也有大有小,这就注定有人勇敢,屡败屡战,有人胆怯,一蹶不振,因此海明威希望塑造一个永远也打不败的“人”,尽管没有别人的信任,但还是坚持着,我佩服老人的精神,老人梦中多次出现“狮子”嬉戏打闹的场景,是象征着力量和希望,不论结局怎样,老人心中永远打不倒。老人也是一位非常热爱自然的人,不惧孤独的人,“它们(指海豚)都是好样的”他说“它们是我们的兄弟,就想飞鱼一样”,“跟着他怜悯起这条被他钓住的大鱼来了……”,“你现在觉得痛了吧,鱼”他说“老实说,我也是如此啊”,“鱼闭着嘴,尾巴直上直下的竖着,我们像亲兄弟一样航行着……所以老人想,只要它高兴,让他把我带回去得了,我不过靠诡计才比它强,可他对我并无一点恶意”,从以上摘抄的句子可以看出,老人是多么喜欢自然,将自然的一切当成自己的朋友,每每都站在他们的立场来思考,老人还遇到了一只飞疲惫的停留在船上的小鸟,老人就与小鸟聊起天了,在空旷静寂的海面上,孤独席卷而来,自言自语成为老人排遣寂寞的方式,顽强乐观成了老人必备的心态,就算独自一人也无所谓吧!对今天这个社会来说,这样的奋斗方式多么的讽刺啊!现实社会中这样独自面对孤独的情形也不多见了吧,更何况大多数人已从内心惧怕孤独呢!阅读就像照镜子一样,人是无法看到自己的面目,也无法洞悉自己的灵魂,而阅读则让我发现自己的份量,如何让我面对孤独我该怎么办如果那样的话,我想我不久就会疯掉,我没有老人那样坚不可摧的精神力量,就像他和男孩每天扯谎,“有什么吃的东西吗”男孩问,“有锅鱼煮黄米饭,你想吃吗”“不,我回家吃,要我给你生火吗”,“不用,等会我自己来,也许就吃冷饭算了”,“我把撒网拿去好吗”“当然好”。是世上并没有什么“鱼煮黄米饭”,还得要饭店老板接济,一切都

《老人与海》英语读书报告《The old man and the sea》

The Old Man and the Sea Nowadays I have read a book called The Old Man and the Sea. This novel written by Hemingway told us a story about an old man whose name is Santiago. It was one of Hemingway’s most famous novels and helped Hemingway made great achievement in his literature career. What’s more, this book was published by YILIN PRESS in April 1, 2007. The hero of The Old Man and the Sea was a senior fisherman who called Santiago. He was ordinary but brave and great. Whatever the weather, he had to fish to make a living. His life was very hard, but he never gave up. Santiago faced his life positively and lived well by himself. Fortunately, he was not lonely because of the company of a little boy. The cute boy’s name was Manolin. In Manolin’s heart, this old fisherman was not only a hero, but also his idol. He treated Santiago very well and often helped him. Though Manolin’s parents prevented him staying with Santiago, this little boy didn’t do this. He still chose to accompany and learn from the senior fisherman, who was a hero in his eyes. He believed that Santiago was a good fisherman and he could obtain some knowledge from him. I think that we should also learn from Santiago due to his great spirit. Although he was very poor, he was still confident enough to overcome all the difficulties in his life. His body was weak, but his mind was strong. For about 84 days, Santiago hadn’t got any fishes. However, he didn’t stop trying. He just made good preparation and set out in the 85th day. Through the 3-day fight, the old fisherman got the first fish in those 88 days. It was a big marlin fish. Seeing it, Santiago was quite tired out but also excited. Unexpectedly, after he made the big marlin fish surrender, he met across some big and fierce sharks. Those sharks wanted to eat the big marlin fish too. Certainly, Santiago wouldn’t allow it happen. Facing those terrible sharks, Santiago wasn’t afraid. He fought against them bravely. Finally, those sharks ate the meat of the big marlin fish, just leaving the bone of the big marlin fish to the old man. Maybe someone would regard Santiago as a loser, but from my point of view, Santiago didn’t lose. He was a hero and his spirit would exit in people’s heart forever.


老人与海读书心得体会范文 篇【1】 书中的主角桑提亚哥是个可怜的老头——看上去似乎是的。海明威以自己精炼的语言 塑造了这个形象,可以说,海明威并没有给予老人成功,却赋予老人在压力下优雅而坚韧 的形象。 《老人与海》写的是古巴老渔夫桑提亚哥在连续八十四天没捕到鱼的情况下,终于独 自钓上了一条大马林鱼,但这鱼实在大,把他的小船在海上拖了三天才筋疲力尽,他杀死 那条大鱼并把它绑在小船的一边,但在归程中却一再遭到鲨鱼的袭击,最后回港时大鱼只 剩鱼头鱼尾和一条脊骨。 我很喜欢这本书,喜欢它的语言,内容,甚至每一个句子。看了很多次每看一次我都 会有不少的收获,“人不是为失败而生的,一个人可以被毁灭,但不可能被打败,”这是 我最喜欢着的一句话。每每看到它,我总觉得它给了我无穷的力量。然后,越来越坚强。 骨骼是精神的支柱,海明威看似没有让老人桑提亚哥成功,却以光秃秃的骨骼奏出了 老人生命的硬度。 “我和你奉陪到死”——这个硬汉面对挑战如是说。暗喻他自身的英雄主义所在,还 有他趋向坚韧的力量。故事的头尾,都出现了名叫明诺林的男孩——他希望继承老人的事业。何止捕鱼的事业要被传承,这副铮铮铁骨又何尝不为我们所崇敬、所供奉、所学习呢。在老人的故事里为什么有这个孩子的出现?年轻,象征着力量和希望,即便是老人,他的 内心同样是年轻的。文中多次描写到狮子,阿非利加海滩上,狮子在笑闹嬉戏,它们浮现 在老人的梦中,一直在老人的心中,同样揭示了老人永远不会老的意志。 人活着,唯一能确定的必然,就是走向死亡。除此之外,没有任何必然的东西可以依靠。既然人是靠偶然活着的,那么支撑人生存勇气的,就只有自信了。如果丧失了自信, 在持续那么多天的背运之后,桑提亚哥还有勇气和毅力出海捕鱼吗?因此人活着就必须自信,不自信是人消费不起的奢侈品。正因为桑提亚哥有着绝对自信,他对小孩被叫走,表 示了完全的宽容和理解。在这里,海明威展现了自信与宽容之间的联系。《老人与海》的 主要篇幅,是描写孤独的老渔夫桑提亚哥,在茫茫大海上和大马林鱼和各种鲨鱼纠缠、搏 斗了三天三夜的经历。通过海明威淋漓尽致的描写,我们充分感受到了桑提亚哥与命运作 殊死抗争的悲壮与崇高。老人最后拖回家的只是一副十八英尺长的鱼的骨架,骨架上唯一 完整的是鱼头和漂亮的鱼尾巴。 海明威的这部小说荣获了诺贝尔文学奖和普利策奖。这个骨头里留有几百块弹片的硬 汉作家,恰当地写出了生命的强度,告诉我们怎么去面对生、老、病、死,告诉我们心该 有多宽,如海一般。老人是孤独的,他是在理想的道路上前行的旅人,但他又是不孤独的,因为他的意志是那样的坚强。

老人与海 翻译

加几张图片 The Old Man and the Sea 他是一位独自在湾流中划船捕鱼的老人,虽然外出已有八十四天了却一无所获。在起初那四十天里,有个男孩一直陪伴他。可是四十天后,老人依旧没有捕到鱼儿,孩子的父母不得不跟男孩说道:“那个老头儿已经倒霉透顶(salao)了,根本没有什么运气可言。”在父母的安排下,男孩上了一只运气尚好的船,第一周就捉到了三条大鱼。每次老人出海回来时,船舱里总是“空无一物”,看到这场景的男孩难受极了;每逢此时,男孩总会像往常一样帮老人搬运杂乱无章的鱼线、手钩(注释:将大鱼托出水面的钩子)、鱼叉以及裹在桅杆上的船帆。布满褶皱的、船帆是用面粉袋缝制而成,收拢的船帆就像一面彰显“永远失败”的旗帜。 老人身体单薄、憔悴不堪,脖颈上爬满了深深的皱纹。热带洋面极易反射太阳光线,这引起了老人的良性皮肤癌变,因此他的脸颊上布满了褐色斑纹。它们从他脸的两侧蔓延下去。由于常年用绳索拖拽大鱼,手上的疤痕像沟壑一样纵横密布。这些疤痕都有些年代了,就像是无鱼沙漠的风华侵蚀现象一样富有历史。 老人看起来那么的老态龙钟,除了他那双海蓝色眼睛,它们是那么的愉悦欢乐,释放着不可战胜的光芒。 “圣地亚哥,”当他们从小船停泊地儿上岸时,男孩跟老人说道:“我们又能一起出海捕鱼了,我们家挣了一些钱。”

老人教授男孩捕鱼技术,男孩也因此爱惜他。 “不行”,老人说:“你现在的那条船运气十足,你就跟他们出海捕鱼吧。” “可是请你别忘了有一次我们出海捕鱼,一连八十七天都一无所获,后来的三周内我们每天都能捕到几条大鱼啊!” “我没忘记呢,”老人说,“我知道你对我还是有信心的,这是你没有离开我的原因吧!” “是爸爸让我离开你的,作为他的孩子我必须言听计从。” “我晓得,”老人说,“这挺正常的。” “我爸爸对你没有信心啊。” “是啊,”老人说,“可是我们信心十足啊。对不对啊?” “嗯,”男孩说道,“我请你到特勒斯酒吧喝杯啤酒吧,完了我们再把东西搬回去。” “何乐而不为呢?”老人说,“这是渔民间的传统。” 老人和男孩坐在特勒斯酒吧时,旁边的不少渔民嘲弄老人,老人却泰然自若、不为所动。其他的一些渔民伤心地看着老人,他们并没有表现出来,只是彬彬有礼地谈论洋流、描绘他们鱼线的深度、赞美稳定的好天气以及捕鱼时的见闻。那天捕到大鱼的渔民早就坐在酒吧了 “圣地亚哥,”男孩喊道。 “怎么了?”老人回答说。此时他手里端着酒杯,正在追忆许多年前的琐事呢。


A Book Report of The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway, an American novelist.The story is set in the 20th century after World War II, which is based on the novel written true story Hemingway himself has experienced. Exactly, it’s a story of an epic struggle between an old, seasoned fisherman and the greatest catch of his life. Leading character Santiago, an aged Cuban fisherman, has set out to sea and returned empty-handed. At first 84 days, he did not even fish one fish. He did not have enough food, and many locals to doubt his fishing technique. Some even laugh at him. So, He decided to go to the sea to fish food and proved that he is a skilled fisherman. On the eight-fifth day of his unlucky streak, Santiago does as promised, sailing his skiff far beyond the island’s shallow coastal waters and venturing into the Gulf Stream. At noon, a big fish, marlin, take the bait that Santiago has placed before. Although the old man expertly hooks the fish, but he cannot pull it in. Instead, the fish begins to pull the boat. He knows perfectly well very difficult to win, but still did not give up. Since then, they began their three-day fighting. The entire time, Santiago, endures constant pain from the fishing line. Eventually, the third day, the fish tires, and Santiago manages to pull the marlin in close enough to kill it with a harpoon thrust. However, things do not go smoothly as he expected. On his way home, he is attacked buy several crowds of shark. Although he kills the sharks in the end, they have devoured the marlin’s precious meat, leaving only skeleton. The old man arrives home before daybreak, and sleeps very deeply. Later on, the old man wakes up and finds the little boy Mandolin staying with him, and decides to go to sea to fish again. In fact, the story contains many different symbols and themes .By reading this book, I was deeply impressed by the old man and what he said “a man can be destroyed but not defeated.” Santiago, though destroyed at the end of the novella, is never defeated. Instead, he emerges as a hero. Santiago’s struggle does not enable him to change man’s place in the world. But the struggle somehow enables him to meet his most dignified destiny. The old man sets a good example for us. He teachers us that we


关于老人与海读书心得体会 2018-01-14 篇一:老人与海读书心得体会 《老人与海》作者海明威,美国作家。海明威一生的创作在现代文学史上留下了光辉的一页。他的作品洋溢着对劳动人民的爱,通过描写农民、村民、渔夫、斗牛士和记者,塑造和赞美了“硬汉性格”,拓宽了文学创作中孤独、暴力、死亡的主题,探索了暴力的多义性。《老人与海》是海明威代表作之一。故事本身具有明显的象征和寓意意味;大海和鲨鱼是外部世界邪恶与暴力的表现形式,老人桑提亚哥是现代社会人类的抽象体现。作品正是在外部的暴力世界强大的凶残、荒诞莫测,人的命运注定要失败的条件下,通过老人与大海、鲨鱼的搏斗,形象地展示了人类要勇敢地面对失败,永远保持精神不败的主题。 美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》,我十分佩服小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人,一定要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。小说中的主人公是一个年近六旬的老渔夫,在一次单身出海打鱼时,钓到了一条大鱼,但怎么也拉不上来。老渔夫同鱼周旋了几天后,才发现这是一条超过自己渔船数倍的的大马林鱼,虽知很难取胜,但仍不放弃。后来因大马林鱼伤口上的鱼腥味引来了几群鲨鱼抢食,但老人仍不愿就这样放弃,最终突出重围,将大鱼带回了渔港,让所有渔夫都对他佩服不已。 当我读到主人公自言自语地说:“你呀,你是永远不会垮的。”时,我十分佩服这位老渔夫,再想想自己,平时遇到一点小困难,就叫苦连天,我们真应该像这位老人学习,像他一样胸怀大志,学习他那种不怕失败的精神。当我再读到“一个人并不是生来要给打败的”时,我非常钦佩老人那种毫不畏惧、坚持不懈的精神,虽然知道对手很强,但老人没有丝毫退缩,还是迎难而上。正因为有了这种精神,老渔夫才获得了这场生死较量的胜利。 我们在生活中也要学习老渔夫的这种精神,做事情不怕困难,勇往直前,才能取得成功。在读到“大马林鱼的血腥味被一群鲨鱼嗅到了,争相游来抢食,老人的左手正好在抽筋,他只能使用右手,用木棒等一切可以用来攻击的武器自卫,并最终赶走了所有的鲨鱼。但大马林鱼的肉已经被吃了一大半,而老人还风趣地批评自己的左手‘该工作的时候却在休息’”的时候,我完全被老人乐观的精神所折服。在生活中,有些损失是不可避免的,我们应该以乐观的态度来对待,不要凡事都斤斤计较。小说歌颂了老渔夫不畏艰险、努力奋斗的精神,我们也应该像他那样,不能满足于现状,应该积极进取,做任何事都要坚持不懈,遇到困难一定要迎难而上,决不能半途而废。只有这样,我们才能获得成功。主人公桑提亚哥是一个古巴的老渔夫,有一段时间,有个叫诺曼林的孩子随他一起出海,他们接连打了八十四天,但一条鱼也没有捕到。诺曼林的父母认为老渔夫悖运,吩咐孩子和别的渔夫一起出海,结果第一个星期就捕到三条大鱼。孩子每次见到老渔夫总是空船而归,心里非常难受,总想帮他拿拿东西,请他喝杯啤酒。那些年老的渔夫们望着他空船而归,心里也替他感到难


《老人与海》读书笔记 2019-11-25 《老人与海》是海明威最著名的作品之一,它围绕一位老年古巴渔夫,与一条巨大的马林鱼在离岸很远的湾流中搏斗。下面是小编整理收集的《老人与海》,欢迎阅读参考! 《老人与海》读书笔记一 利用寒假的时间,我读了四本书,其中一本《老人与海》,让我有了很多的感受,也给了我许多启发。 本书的作者是海明威。本书介绍了一个与大海搏斗,在艰难的环境下,奋力生活的老渔夫。老人的渔船上那破旧的帆布,仿佛是一面失败的旗帜,就像宣告着老人永远都捕不到鱼的倒霉运气。但是,他没有放弃,不屈不挠,仍然出海捕鱼。在捕鱼的过程中,老人说了一句话:“我必须坚持,必须再试一次!” 是啊,他是那么的顽强,他坚持不懈、坚忍不拔,有恒心,有毅力,还有着一种不言败的精神,我们难道不该向他、这位年迈的老人学习吗? 如果没有不屈不挠的抗争精神和不懈努力的坚强意志,李时珍怎么可能写成了《本草纲目》,爱迪生怎么可能会发明了那么多东西,齐白石又怎么能画出那么多栩栩如生的画呢?夏洛蒂三姐妹、霍金、桑兰、海伦凯勒……不都是靠着这种精神与毅力而成功的吗?是的,只有坚持不懈才能成功,即使失败了,可是要知道自己也曾经付出过了呀!而我却…… 记得在圣诞节的时候,爸爸妈妈送给了我一个游龙板,我喜出望外,嚷嚷着要学,我迫不及待的踏上了滑板,可还没等我开始滑,就已经失去平衡摔了一跤,爸爸妈妈赶紧跑过来扶起我,并鼓励道:“没有失败,那会有成功?毕竟失败乃成功之母,我相信,只要你不懈的努力,就一定会成功的!”我又再一次踏上了滑板,这一次站稳了,我便尝试着向前“扭”去,可没滑多远,又摔了个“狗啃泥”,这回我可再也没心情、没信心滑了!因为失去了坚强意志,而半途而废了。 所以,只有坚持不懈,才会成功。拥有这种意志和毅力的人,就终将会克服一切困难,开启成功的大门! 《老人与海》读书笔记二


Plot Summary In a small fishing village in Cuba, Santiago, an old, weathered fisherman has just gone 84 days without catching a fish. On the 85th day, he is determined to catch a big, impressive fish. For years, Santiago has been fishing with a young boy named Manolin. Manolin started fishing with the old man when he was only 5 years old. Santiago is like Manolin's second father, and has taught the young boy everything about fishing. Manolin is extremely loyal to Santiago and makes sure that the old man is always safe, fed and healthy. Manolin's parents, however, force the boy to leave Santiago and fish on a more lucrative fishing boat. Manolin does not want to leave Santiago, but must honor his duty to his parents. On the new boat, Manolin catches several fish within the first few days. Santiago, meanwhile, decides to head out on the Gulf Stream alone. He feels the 85th day will be lucky for him. He sets out on his old, rickety skiff. Alone on the water, Santiago sets up his fishing lines with the utmost precision, a skill that other fisherman lack. Finally, he feels something heavy tugging at one of his lines. A huge Marlin has found Santiago's bait and this sets off a very long struggle between the two. The Marlin is so huge that it drags Santiago beyond all other boats and people - he can no longer see land from where the fish drags him. The struggle takes its toll on Santiago. His hands become badly cramped and he is cut and bruised from the force of the fish. Santiago and the Marlin become united out at sea. They are attached to each other physically, and in Santiago's case, emotionally. He respects and loves the Marlin and admires its beauty and greatness. He sees the fish as his brother. Despite this, Santiago has to kill it. He feels guilty killing a brother, but after an intense struggle in which the fish drags the skiff around in circles, Santiago harpoons the very large fish and hangs it on the side of his boat. He feels brave, like his hero Joe DiMaggio, who accomplished great feats despite obstacles, injuries or adversities. After enjoying a few moments of pride, a pack of sharks detects the blood in the water and follow the trail to Santiago's skiff. Santiago has to fend off each shark that goes after his prized catch. Each shark takes a huge bite out of the Marlin, but the old man fends them off, himself now bruised, but alive. He sails back to shore with the carcass of his Marlin. He is barely able to walk and slowly staggers back to his hut, where he falls into bed.


《老人与海》塑造了一个经典的硬汉形象。古巴的一个名叫桑地亚哥的老渔夫,独自一个人出海打鱼,在一无所获的84天之后钓到了一条无比巨大的马林鱼。这是老人从来没见过也没听说过的比他的船还长两英尺的一条大鱼。鱼大劲也大,拖着小船漂流了整整两天两夜,老人在这两天两夜中经历了从未经受的艰难考验,终于把大鱼刺死,拴在船头。然而这时却遇上了鲨鱼,老人与鲨鱼进行了殊死搏斗,结果大马林鱼还是被鲨鱼吃光了,老人最后拖回家的只剩下一副光秃秃的鱼骨架。 当我读到老渔夫与鲨鱼进行激烈的搏斗时,我真为他担心,可是,他总是保持着乐观的精神去面对一些极大的困难,看到这里,我不由得想起自己。每当我遇到了一些困难时,总是觉得很不顺心,觉得很烦,很想逃避现实。再看看渔夫爷爷,不管遇到任何困难也毫不退缩,而是勇敢地去面对! 做人也应该这样,不要一幅贪生怕死的样子,要对自己有信心。即使我们遇到重重困难,也绝不应该让它给打倒,应该勇敢地去消灭它。 我们是祖国的未来,应该渔夫爷爷一样胸怀大志,去追求更好,更大的目标。我相信,在我的努力下,我一定会变得像渔夫爷爷那样勇敢,那样勇于拼搏。人生本来就是一种无止境的追求。它的道路漫长、艰难,而且充满坎坷,但只要自己勇敢顽强地以一颗自信的心去迎接挑战,他将永远是一个真正的胜利者! 我将要记住:一个人不是生来要给打败的,你尽可以消灭它,可就是打不败他。 当一个人承认了这个缺陷并努力去战胜它而不是屈服它的时候,无论最后捕到的是不是完整的一条鱼,这都已经无所谓了,因为一个人的生命价值已在追捕那条马林哈鱼的过程中充分的体现出来了。 《老人与海》成功塑造了一个经典的硬汉形象。写这篇的作者也因此获得了诺贝尔文学奖。小说的主人公是一名叫圣地亚哥的古巴老渔夫,他独自一人出海打渔,经过八十四天仍然一无所获,及至八十五天,他终于钓上一条大马林哈鱼,然而这条鱼的力量过于强大,老人历经艰辛在茫茫大海上经过三天较量,才终于至服了大鱼,因为大鱼庞大无比,根本无法拖上船,他把大鱼捆在渔船的一侧,在归程中一再遇到鲨鱼的袭击,老人奋力对抗鲨鱼,但最后留给他的只有鱼头、鱼尾和一条脊骨。 海明威在这里塑造的老人是一个悲剧的英雄,虽然他最终只得到了一副鱼骨架,但他是一个精神胜利者,他说:‘人不是为失败而生的……一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败。’人性是强悍的,人类本身有自己的限度,但正是因为老渔夫这样的人一次又一次的向限度扩大,一次次把更大的挑战摆在人类面前。在这个意义上,老渔夫圣地亚哥这样的英雄,不管他们挑战限度失败还是成功,都值得我们学习。 海明威通过对老人与大马林哈鱼、鲨鱼和大海的搏斗以及大量的内心表白,表达了他对人与自然关系的思考:自然法则是人类力量不可抗拒的,我们崇高的人对大自然不屈不饶的斗争,也要崇高的人与自认和谐相处。 《老人与海》是海明威的一部代表作品。在整个小说当中,我们看到的是一个坚强而有


大学生《老人与海》读书报告 这本书的故事非常的简单,写古巴老渔夫圣地亚哥在连续八十四天没捕到鱼的情况下,终于独自钓上了一条大马林鱼,但这鱼实在太大了,把他的小船在海上拖了三天才筋疲力尽,被他杀死了绑在小船的一边,在过程中一再遭到鲨鱼的袭击,最后回港时只剩鱼头鱼尾和一条脊骨。这篇文章是根据真人真事来写的。 老人与海是一本让你理解什么才是真正的坚强与执着的书。老人桑蒂亚戈在与一条大鱼的斗争中表现出了无畏的勇气与毅力,他是一位渔夫,独自一个人出海打鱼,在一无所获的八十四天之后钓到了一条巨大无比的马林鱼。鱼非常的大,拖着小船漂流了整整两天两夜,在海上老人与前来抢食的鲨鱼进行了殊死搏斗,但他还是没能保住鱼。老人最好拖回家的只剩一副光秃秃的鱼骨和一身的伤,但他却受到了人们的赞赏。他最后被打败了,却没有失败,因为他在抗争时的坚韧已经得到了胜利,他与自己的极限抗争中已经得到了胜利。 生活也是这样,一个人可以被毁灭,却不能放弃。海明威告诉我们一个人遇到挫折时要永远的抗争,永远的拼搏,在不屈的抗争中得到永远的、无形的胜利。 老人的身上有一种永不言败的精神,它让他与大海和命运发出了挑战。他的船是旧的,船帆是破烂的,一切都昭示着他以前打鱼并不顺利。但他顽强的精神支撑着他向所有的挫折发出不屈的音符,

为他的人生谱写一曲优美壮阔的乐章。他依然坚持着,他不懈地与大海抗争,与命运抗争,与所有的挫折与不如意抗争。人生的意义就在于这种不懈的抗争,跨越时间与生命的抗争! 每个人都有无限的潜力,而你能不能成功就在于你能否把它发挥出来,在与磨难 [此资料转贴于学习网 ]www..com 的抗争中 发泄出来。文章中好几次都提到了狮子。那不是狮子,是一种象征,是一种永不言败的精神,它昭示着老人无晃之王的光辉。有人说老人哪里胜利了?他明明没有带回那条大鱼。但是胜利并不在于是否带回了鱼,而是在他有没有挑战自己的极限。老人成功了,他们到了那条让所有人惊讶的大鱼,至于到底有没有带回来已经不重要了,能打能到这条鱼本事已经是个奇迹了。 当我面对着困难时,我会想着成功就在眼前,于是就对克服困难产生了希望,会一步一步,一点一点的走下去,直到成功。生活就是一个一个的困难组成的。老人那永不言败的精神,将引领着我走向成功,走向希望。海明威写这个小说中的种种不如意去抗争,与所有的磨难和不可能抗争。困难对我们来说是不存在的,存在的只有我们心中的畏惧,而老人战胜了心中的畏惧,于是他被万人瞩目,他被赞美,被人们所推崇。海明威希望我们每个人都不要因为生活中的种种打击是生活失去热情。要想老人举起鱼叉那样的勇敢的面对生活中的所有阻碍,与风暴抗击。而你也在不断挣扎中成长,变得成熟。我们所受的不如意难道会比老人多吗?老人抗击了,为什么我们不能抗击呢?为什么我们不能越过心中的那道障碍,勇敢


[读后感]老人与海英文读后感 老人与海英文读后感 老人与海英文读后感: It’slonglongago,’,’s prettybrisk,,IlikedElizabeth,theheroine,thoughIdidn’tthinkshe’’,Ididn’’,Ihaven’treadthewholestoryinEnglishoritschineseversion, Infact,Ididn’’,butIdidn’tfindwhere’’snormal, 老人与海英文读后感: 老人与海读后感英文版 whenIwasamiddleschoolstudent,I’,Ireally,formypart,thatistrue. Firstly,,majorcharactersandthetopicofit. TheoldmanandtheSeaisastorybyErnestHemingway,,itcentersuponSantiago,anagingcubanfishermanwhostruggleswithagiantmarlinfaroutintheGulfStream. TheoldmanandtheSeaservedtoreinvigorateHemingway’sl;itrestoredmanyreaders’confidenceinHem ingway’,Scribner’s,onanearlydustjacket,calledthenovellaa”newclassic,”andmanycriticsfavorablypareditwithsuchworksaswilliamFaulkner ’s”TheBear”andHermanmelville’smoby-Dick. Thisbookgivesmeadeepimpressionespeciallythedescriptionabouttheman’sbravenessandpersistence. Inthisbook,inordertosuggesttheprofundityoftheoldman’ssacrificeandtheglorythatderivesfromit,HemingwaypurposefullylikensSantiagotochrist,who,accordingtochristiantheology,’spalmsarefirstcutbyhisfishingline,,whenthesharksarrive,Hemingwayportraystheoldmanasacrucifiedmartyr,sayingthath,theimageoftheoldmanstrugglingupthehillwithhismastacrosshisshouldersrecallschrist’—facedownwithhisarmsoutstraightandthepalmsofhishandsup— oystheseimagesinthefinalpagesofthenovellainordertolinkSantiagotochrist,whoexemplifiedtranscendencebyturninglossintogain,defeatintotriumph,andevendeathintorenewedlife. Themajorcharactersinthisbookarealsovividandlively. Santiago?,theoldmanofthenovella’stitle,,,,andofhiscraft,isunparalleledandhelpshimpreserveasenseofhoperegardlessofcircumstance. Themarlin?,Santiagohooksthemarlin,whichwelearnattheendofthenovellameasureseighteenfeet,?,aboypresumablyinhisadolescence,manolinisSantiago’’srecentbadluck,manolin’,however,stillcaresdeeplyfortheoldman,towhomhecontinuestolookasamentor. joeDimaggio,althoughDimaggioneverappearsinthenovel,,andhisthoughtstur?,Perico,thereaderassumes,ownsthebodegainSantiago’,butheservesanimportantroleinthefisherman’martin,likePerico,martin,acaféownerinSantiago’svillage,,whooftengoestomartinforSantiago’,martinisamanoffrequentkindnesswhodeservestoberepaid. Fromtheveryfirstparagraph,—’sstruggle,thesailofhisskiffresembles“theflagofpermanentdefeat.”Buttheoldman refusesdefeatateveryturn:here solvest,tyinghisrecordofeighty-sevendaysafterabrutalthree-dayfight,andhecontinuestowardoffsharksfromstealinghisprey,eventhoughheknowsthebattleisuseless.
